#and this is EVERYWHERE i go i have to get yhe same thing Every Time
maddestmewmew · 2 years
i think the most autistic thing abt me is that i genuinely and literally always get the exact same thing if i go to a restaurant more than once. ihop is one of my favorite restaurants. never since i was like 7 have i ordered ANYTHING other than a new york cheesecake pancake combo with scrambled eggs fruit on the side and a strawberry splasher. they took strawberry splashers off the menu and i started asking for sprite and bringing my own strawberry syrup to mix in. im dead serious
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chrvstenpress · 5 years
dirty af1s
the preath break up au no one asked for. based on Dirty AF1s by Alexander 23.
a/n: I really like this song and Christen always wears her AF1s. I kinda wrote a thing. It’s hella sad but if you stick around for the end hopefully it’ll make up for it.
you took your smile back to New York
but you left your toothbrush
and I hope you bought a new one but I’d love you toothless
Tobin was hurt. She was broken. She was in love. 
She and Christen lived together in Portland. That was, up until two weeks ago when Christen left. 
“Chris, I don't know what you want me to do!”
“Care, Tobin! I want you to fucking care!” 
“I do care! You think I don't care about you? You think that I don't spend every fucking minute - fuck that, every second of my life caring about you?! That’s all I fucking do.”
“Then show me!” “Chris. I love you. I am in love with you. I’m sorry if you think I don't care. I don't know what to fucking do anymore.” The tears had spilled over by now. Both of them were red in the face, wet on the cheeks, and so damn exhausted.
“I think I need time.” Christen spoke into the tense air. 
“Baby, no. No. What? Let’s figure this out. Right here, right now. Please.” Tobin stepped forward toward her girlfriend, trying to grab her hand, but Christen moved away before she could.
“I need time, Tobin. I’m tired. I’m so fucking tired. If you love me like you say you do, let me take my time.”
They stared at each other, hurt evident in their eyes. Tobin didn't want to let her go. She worried that if she let her go, she wouldn’t come back. She would fall out of love with her and stay in New York. But she couldn’t stop her. She couldn't make Christen’s decisions for her. So she nodded. Her tears were burning her cheeks but the pain in her chest was worse. 
“Okay.” She whispered. “I don’t want to let you go, Chris.” She tried for Christen’s hand once more, the girl trying to pull away again but the pleading look on Tobin’s face convinced her to let her have this moment. She took Christen’s hand in both of hers, pulling it up to her lips and placing a watery kiss on the knuckles there. Christen broke even harder. “I don't want to let you go, but if it’s what you need, I don't want to hurt you more than I already have. So I'll let you go.” 
Tobin cried what seemed like everyday. Her heart was nearly empty without the green-eyed girl. Her green-eyed girl.
When she would get ready for the day and get ready to sleep at night, she would see Christen’s pink toothbrush right next to her orange one. She didn’t have the heart to throw it out, secretly hoping that the girl would come back and need it again. 
She laughed (and then cried some more) the first time she saw it, remembering how Christen always demanded that she brush her teeth before bed or her teeth would fall out. 
“Babe, go brush your teeth!” Christen laughed as Tobin kissed her a million times.
“Why does my breath smell?” Tobin pulled back with a worried look on her face.” 
“No, but it’s just good hygiene, Tobs. If not, your teeth will fall out for not taking care of them.”
“But baby, I just wanna kiss you. Won’t you love me even if my teeth fall out?” She whined with a pout.
“Of course I would. I’d love you forever, no matter what. Now, go.” She shoved Tobin off the bed and toward the restroom.
“I hope you got a new toothbrush, Chris. But I’d love you forever, no matter what, anyway. Even toothless.” She whispered to no one.
I used to sing while in the shower, now I don't
cause you're not there to sing along
while you put your makeup on
Tobin’s playlist came on the speaker as she showered. She was used to being goofy and singing with her girlfriend as she showered and Christen did her makeup, but not this time.
Again, she was pained with the memories of Christen everywhere in her life.
“Tobin, we’re going to be late! We promised Alex we’d be there by 6.” Christen said loudly over the sound of running water and loud music in the restroom as she did her makeup in front of the vanity.
“Chris, it’s fine. Lex is always late anyway. Now sing with me.”
“Every time I look into your eyes I see it. You’re all I neeeeed. Every time I get a bit inside, I feel it. C’mon, baby, right here!”
“Whooooo, who would've thought I’d get yooou” They sang together loudly, laughing at how ridiculous they sounded compared to the angelic voice of Daniel Caesar. 
Tobin shut her music off, not being able to enjoy it anymore.
and I love you just the same
but I'm worried words lose weight
does it hit you just as hard from 3000 miles away?
from 3000 miles away, from three-
I used to like to go out before I met you
now I just go out to forget you
put my nice shoes on so strangers 
can't tell that I miss your dirty Air Force 1′s
I used to like to go out before I met you
now I just go out to forget you
put my favorite shirt on so strangers
don't know that it looks way better on you
Tobin was a player before she met Christen. She enjoyed hanging out at random bars every weekend, picking up girls to take home and then never talk to again. 
And then she met the love of her life. Christen made her lose every interest in any other girl in the world, any chance to have meaningless sex, any chance to fool around.
Now, she’s finding herself getting ready to go back to her old ways. She put on her white Givenchy shirt with ripped holes in it along with her cleanest pair of Nike’s she could find. Christen used to steal that shirt all the time even though she knew it was Tobin’s favorite. 
“I just wanna be as cool as you, babe,” she would say. Tobin would always reply, “Well, mission accomplished because you look way cooler than me,” with a smile and a kiss.
“Tobs, are you sure you want to go out tonight?” Alex questioned hesitantly.
“Yeah, why? I’m fine. Let’s go out and have fun, like the old times.” 
Alex knew the old times were bad. She knew tonight was going to be bad. But she didn’t have the heart to tell her broken best friend no. 
Come 11 p.m., Tobin was a wreck. She had girls hitting on her left and right but she wanted none of them. She laid her head on Alex’s shoulder, the two girls tucked into a booth in the far back corner of the bar. 
“I miss her, Lex.” Tobin whispered out drunkenly as she cried on Alex’s blouse.
“I know, Tobs. Give it time.”
At 1 a.m., Alex dropped Tobin off at home, giving her a glass of water and setting some Advil on her bedside table for the morning. She put Tobin in bed, leaving her with a kiss on the forehead and a promise to check in on her the next day.
Tobin didn't go to sleep, though. Instead, she grabbed her phone and opened up Christen’s contact. 
“I lovw yoi and I muss yoy so mucj.” The first text read.
“Do tou mis mw at al? do u caer?” Was the second.
“ur al tje way on rhe orher sife of yhe countri ans I wisj u wer w me.” Was the last before she cried herself to sleep. 
She woke up in the morning due to the loud vibrating sound against the wood next to her bed. She grabbed her phone, squinting her eyes and groaning at the brightness of the screen before reading the text from Alex asking how she was doing. She replied that she felt “like shit” and “just woke up” before exiting the conversation and seeing Christen’s contact right below Alex’s.
“Shit.” She cursed to herself, seeing the messy words she sent the girl. 
She let out a loud groan before stopping, realizing she was only making her headache worse.
She knew she had to send another message. She fucked up, big time. She didn’t want Christen being left with no explanation.
“Hey. I’m sorry about those messages. I fucked up. I guess I tend to keep doing that. Anyway, I’m sorry again. I hope you’re well.” She sent, her heart aching at the dullness of her message. She didn’t even think about her next action, though. She just did it.
“I do miss you, though. I love you, too. So much. I’m sorry, I know this isn’t fair to you. I just really needed to tell you that. I’ll leave you alone now.” The second message read.
It was the truth. She hated waking up every morning and not seeing the wild, dark, curly hair on both her pillow and Christen’s (because there was that much of it). She missed getting ready together in the mornings, making coffee together, dancing in the kitchen to their favorite songs with no pants on. She missed seeing Christen’s dirty Air Force 1s next to the door. Christen refused to put them anywhere else, hating a mess and insisting that everything had its place.
She sighed, locking her phone and moving to get out of bed. Then her phone vibrated again.
chris<3: please make sure you’re taking care of yourself. 
Her eyes watered and she bit down on her bottom lip hard I'm attempts to stop the tears from spilling. She wanted her girl back. She had to be better. 
took my heart to california
now it doesn’t work right
yeah, it beats and, yeah, it beats
but, damn, it hurts every night
you’re not lonely just because you are alone
but ever since we said goodbye
well, I just happen to be both
I took my heart to california and now it’s broken
Kelley called Tobin after Alex told her what was going on.
“Tobs, come stay with me for a bit. Get away from that house. It’s not doing you any good.” The freckled woman said gently. 
“Kelley, you live in California. It’s too far.” 
“No it’s not. Look, I’ll road trip and come pick you up and we can road trip back, too. Tobin, I think it’s best. We’ll even go surfing.”
“Kel, I’m not going to ask you to-”
“Tobin, I offered.”
Tobin let out a sigh. “Yeah, alright.”
Kelley was right. Being in that house wasn’t doing Tobin any good, but being away from it was worse. To Tobin, it was leaving behind everything she loved. 
She laid in Kelley’s spare bedroom every night wishing she was sleeping in her own bed. The bed she shared with Christen. She missed the permanent dip in in it where Christen laid. She missed their corresponding coffee mugs, even if only one of them had been put to use lately. She missed the houseplants that Christen insisted on buying, and then making Tobin take care of.
California had none of that. California had Kelley. California had surfing. California didn't have Christen.
She took her heart to California and it kept trying to tug her back to Portland. Back to Christen, even though Christen wasn’t there. Her heart worked better in Portland. California just broke it even more.
“You’re sure you want to go back, dude?” Kelley’s face was concerned.
“I have to, Kelley.”
“I don't want you to be lonely-”
Tobin let out a laugh. It wasn’t a good one, either. It was laced with hurt and anger and resentment. “Christen left me. She left me alone. I think it’s a little late for that.”
“Hey, you have me and you have Alex. You’re not alone.”
“Yeah,” Tobin nodded, “Sorry I snapped.”
It was a lie. She was lonely. She was alone. She was lonely because she was alone. She wanted her girl back.
It had been three months since Christen left her. Three months since the girl of her dreams left her. Broke her. 
She needed to find herself outside of Christen. She couldn't keep living like Christen would come back any moment now and everything would fall right back into place. Everything was out of place before she left, anyway.
So she started going out, and not like she did before. She went out to museums and art fairs and dog parks; anything but bars. She declined Alex’s company politely, insisting that she needed to be alone with herself.
She even started seeing a therapist. She knew she was fucked up. She knew Christen fucked her up even more. She knew she made a mistake trying to give Christen what she deserved when she wasn’t ready to give that to her. 
So she saw a therapist to help her figure things out because another thing she knew for certain was that she loved Christen and she wanted to be better. If not just for herself, for Christen. Even if she couldn’t have her. 
Three and a half weeks later, Tobin’s phone rang while she was doing dishes after dinner. She quickly dried her hands and was anxious when she looked at the screen that read ‘chris<3′ and displayed a goofy picture of the girl in a pink beanie, a gray hoodie (that was Tobin’s), black skinny jeans with holes in the knees, and a foot kicked up in the air, toe pointed, showing off her dirty Air Force 1s that she never left the house without. 
She fumbled her phone a bit, hands not completely dry, and answered nervously. “Um, hello?” She felt like this was a prank. Maybe Christen accidentally butt dialed her. Maybe someone found her phone and-
“Hi.” Christen’s voice was soft and easy. When Tobin didn’t say anything, she spoke up again, “It’s me, uh, Christen.”
“Hi.” Tobin didn't know what else to say. Her heart twinged a little at the sound of Christen’s voice, but it warmed more than it hurt. 
“Uh, so...” Christen took a long pause before she said, “You know what? Never mind. I’m sorry I called,” in a voice that worried Tobin.
“Hey, hey, no, Chris. What's up? Talk to me.” She couldn't stop herself from showing Christen that she still cared. She always would.
Christen let out a shaky breath. “Um, I don't know. I’m kind of in Portland right now. And I kind of really miss you. And I kind of really want to see you. But I also kind of know that I hurt you. A lot. And you hurt me. A lot. And I’m not sure what to do now.” 
Her voice sounded scared but genuine. Tobin let out a short breath that she had been holding since Christen said she was in Portland.
“Can I come get you?”
“Tobin, I-”
“No, Chris. Please. Let me come get you. I promise, I’ll just take you to get coffee and we can talk and nothing more has to happen.”
Christen paused again and let out a small sigh. “Yeah. Okay. I’m actually kind of still at the airport.” Her voice was sheepish, knowing Tobin would catch on to the fact that she flew to Portland and called Tobin before anything else. 
Tobin smiled but didn't mention anything about it. “Okay, Chris. I’ll be there in 20. Send me you're flight info so I know where I’m picking you up.”
“Okay. Hey, Tobs?”
“Yeah, Chris?” Tobin’s voice was hopeful after hearing Christen call her by her nickname again.
“Thank you. I kind of can’t wait to see you.”
Tobin was already grabbing her keys and putting on the first pair of shoes she could find as she smiled. “Can you wait 20 minutes, maybe?” 
Christen laughed, “Yeah. Yeah I think I can do that. Thank you, again.”
“Always, Chris. Always.” Tobin smiled to herself before saying, “Hey?”
“I kind of can't wait to see you either.”
Christen couldn’t stop the smile that made her eyes squint. “20 minutes, Tobs.”
“20 minutes.” Tobin repeated. “I’ll see you then.” 
“Okay, see you then. Bye.” Christen hung up just after Tobin said bye back. 
“Holy shit.” Tobin said to herself as she backed out of her driveway.
“Departures, no. Uuuuuh, arrivals. Arrivals.” Tobin read the signs aloud as she drove into the airport, a nervous reaction she hadn't realized took over her.
When she caught sight of Christen exactly where the girl said she was, she smiled and pulled her car up to the curb, turning the engine off and getting out quickly.
By the time she was rounding the car, Christen was too. When they reached the trunk, they bumped into each other due to the fact that both their heads were down because they were too nervous to look at each other. They both groaned at the contact, holding different parts of their bodies before looking up at each other and laughing. 
“Hi.” Tobin breathed out with a shy grin on her face.
“Hi.” Christen mimicked.
“Can I - Can I hug yo-”
Christen didn’t wait for her to finish her question before dropping her hand from holding her suitcase up and wrapping her arms around Tobin’s neck tightly. Tobin fumbled back a step before she returned the hug with equally as much force, wrapping her arms around Christen’s waist and burying her head in the girl’s shoulder. 
“I missed you.” They said at the same time, laughing once again at the silliness of the situation. 
“You want some coffee?” Tobin questioned after a few moments, voice muffled by Christen’s shoulder.
Christen only nodded into Tobin’s shoulder before pulling back. They separated slowly, shy smiles on both of their faces. Tobin popped the trunk open and lifted Christen’s very large suitcase (which had fallen over after Christen’s hands abandoned it to replace it with Tobin’s body) with ease. She was hopeful seeing that Christen seemed to have come back with as much as she left with, plus some. She shut the trunk closed, turning to the other girl again and grabbing one of her hands, giving it a squeeze along with a sweet smile before moving to get in the car. 
Tobin held the door to the familiar coffee shop open for Christen and walked in behind her. She looked around for a second, thankful that it was mostly empty (with the exception of a few college kids studying with their headphones on).  “Go get us our seats,” she nodded her head over to the small loveseat in the corner that they always sat in, “I’ll order. You want your usual?”
“Yeah, thank you.” Christen smiled before walking over to settle herself on the couch. She sat with one leg tucked under her and her hands in her lap. She played with her own fingers, nervous about the conversation that was about to happen, but so incredibly happy to see Tobin again. 
Before she knew it, Tobin was walking back with two paper cups of coffee, steam coming out of the lids. The lighter-haired girl sat down in her spot, exactly the way Christen was seated with one leg under her, and facing the green-eyed girl. Her green-eyed girl (or so she hoped).
She handed Christen her cup, the girl muttering her thanks and immediately bringing the lid to her lips and taking a swig. Before Tobin could warn her that it was hot, the girl yelped out-
“Woah, you okay?” Tobin pulled the cup from Christen’s face and looked at her worriedly.
“Yeah, I just forgot to blow on it.”
“You always do.” Tobin teased with a gentle smile. 
Christen didn’t say anything, only taking her cup back from Tobin’s warm hands and nodding sadly at the memories of Tobin warning her to wait til the drink cooled down (and her never listening). Christen always pouted afterwards from the pain of the heat on her lips. “Babe, I told you to wait,” Tobin would always say. “Kiss it better for me?” Christen would ask with puppy eyes. And Tobin would. She would kiss her so softly, taking all the pain away, and say “Always,” before kissing her another time and pulling away.
“You forgot to warn me.” Christen’s voice was quiet and sad. 
Tobin looked at her like she could break any moment now. “Yeah, I did. I’m sorry,” she choked out. 
Christen didn't dare ask her to kiss it better like she normally would. They weren't there yet. No matter how much they both wanted to be. 
Tobin cleared her throat, trying her hardest not to cry, but Christen saw the tears building in her eyes anyway. She let Tobin take a moment to pull herself together. 
“I’m sorry.” Tobin choked out again. 
“I know. I’m sorry, too.” 
“No, you have nothing to be sorry for. You were right. I didn't show you I cared enough. You deserve so much more than what I gave you.” She was crying now. She didn't feel like trying to hold it back at this point. Her therapist told her not to.
Christen was surprised. Tobin hardly ever cried. The day she left was one of the few times she had seen the girl’s tears. 
Her heart broke for the girl, seeing her so vulnerable in such an open setting.  She sighed, grabbing one of Tobin’s hands, letting them rest on the girl’s lap. “We weren’t ready.” 
Tobin only shook her head and kept crying. 
“Tobin.” Christen said sadly.
She shook her head again, tears still falling down her cheeks and finally looking up to meet green eyes. “I’m so sorry, Chris. I’m so fucking sorry for what I put you through, I begged you to stay too many times and I wasn’t making you happy. I was hurting you every time I asked you to stay. When you left, I realized how shitty it was for me to do that. I didn't deserve you. You deserve better than me.”
“Tobin, stop. Stop saying I deserve better than you, in the present tense.”
“You do.”
“Are you telling me that Alex was lying to me when she called and said you changed for the better? Have you not? Should I go back to New York, because Tobin, I really can’t put myself through that pain again.”
Tobin stopped breathing so heavily for a second and furrowed her eyebrows. “Alex called you?” 
Christen realized she accidentally let the secret slip, but she didn’t really care. “Yeah. She called me last week and said you’d changed and I should come home. I was hesitant. I didn't know what to think. But she told me you’re going places alone to better yourself. And she told me you’re seeing a therapist. I hope that’s okay.”
“Yeah. Yeah, it’s fine,” Tobin sniffled, “I’m sorry she called you. She had no right.”
Christen shook her head with a gentle smile. “I’m kind of glad she did.” She squeezed Tobin’s hand again, enjoying the warmth she found in it.
There were a lot of kind of’s happening. Tobin didn’t know what to make of it. So she just squeezed back. 
“Would you have come back if she hadn't called?” Tobin’s eyes dropped again, staring at their conjoined hands on her lap. 
Christen let out a deep breath through her nose and rested her head sideways against the back of the loveseat sofa. “I don't know. I think maybe eventually. I needed to know you were okay. After that night that you texted me at four in the morning-”
Tobin winced, “Sorry about that.”
“It’s okay. It’s in the past. After that night, I would occasionally text Alex to check on you. I didn't want to text you and give you false hope that I was coming back. I didn't know what I wanted at that point. But I think coming back was always in the back of my mind. I just needed time.” The last sentence sounded all too familiar to Tobin, but she was glad this time it was in the past tense. “It hurt me hearing how hurt you were,” Christen continued, “I hated knowing I did that to you-”
“I hurt you first. I deserv-”
“Tobin, don't you dare say you deserved me hurting you back. You know you didn't.”
Tobin nodded but didn’t say anything. Christen took that as her chance to continue.
“I hated knowing that I did that to you. But, I needed to. I couldn't stay when it was hurting me like that. I’m sorry I hurt you, but I needed to take care of myself.” 
“I’m sorry for hurting you, too. I'm glad you left to take care of yourself. Don't get me wrong. I was hurt. Am hurt? I don't know. Am hurt, I guess. But I’m glad you did it for yourself. I’m glad you gave yourself what I couldn't give you.”
They stayed silent for a few moments, taking in each other’s apologies. 
“Tobin. I’m back. I’m back because I have faith in you. You hurt me but I still have faith that you're better than that. I know you can be better than that. I just don't want to get hurt again. I missed you. I missed you so fucking much that I couldn't sleep at night without you holding me and scratching my back like you used to. My coffee didn't taste the same because you weren’t the one making it. My heart hurt without you with me. I thought it would go away,  but it didn’t. I still miss you. I still love you,” Tobin’s breath caught in the back of her throat at that. Those were the words she longed to hear for nearly four months. The words that made her heart flutter and break at the same time, “just please don’t hurt me like that again.” Christen pleaded with tears of her own on her cheeks now.
Tobin shook her head furiously. “Never. God, I couldn't live without you, Chris. I don't deserve a second chance-”
“God, Tobin, stop. Stop saying shit like that. You do. You might have hurt me but you loved me too. You loved me a whole lot and I felt it. I’m sorry for saying the shitty things I did. Let me come back to you. Let me give you a second chance.” 
They were both sobbing at this point. They abandoned their drinks on the small table in front of them to be able to hold each other with both hands. 
“Are you sure?” Tobin asked hesitantly, looking between both of the green eyes.
“If you’ve changed the way Alex says you have and you’re willing to keep working on us, yes. I’m sure.” 
Tobin grabbed the girl’s shoulders and pulled her into a bone-crushing hug. Christen accepted it and reciprocated. They stayed like that for a moment, basking in each other’s love. 
“Thank you. Thank you, thank you, thank you. I love you so much. I’m going to do everything I can to give you what you deserve this time around. I don’t want to ever let you go again.”
“Please don’t.” Christen cried out.
Tobin pulled her head back, resting her forehead against Christen’s and holding her face in both of her hands. “Never. Never again. I’m never letting you go again.”
“Kiss me, you fool.” 
That was all it took for Tobin to crash her lips onto Christen’s. It was salty and wet and kind of gross. It was also full of love and hurt and ‘I kind of really missed you.’ But all too soon, Christen let out another “ow” in pain. 
Tobin pulled back quickly. “What? What happened baby?”
Christen swooned at the affectionate name. “Sorry. Just, my lip still hurts from the burn.” They laughed, cheeks still wet and eyes still red.
“Can I kiss it better?” Tobin asked, taking Christen’s usual line. 
“Always.” Christen whispered before letting Tobin kiss her pain away again. 
a/n: so it was actually a breakup/make up fic I guess. Hope you enjoyed it. Leave me asks and let me know how I did:) thanks for reading!
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One caveat towards the knowledge that Priceonomics found is the fact that their value is held by less expensive Android telephones offered by operators that are prepaid superior to their pricier Yahoo- run brethren, likely because those telephones are highly sponsored from the providers. Why is you believe that mobile and there wills quit will not be unable to produce explodes to catch-up and change this bit of hardware. Properly, GS3 using its android is one of many OS that is mobile that is revolutionary. It's several capabilities that ios does not have. However, the article points out that even if 99-percent of mobile activities are crap, the percent of Anot crap' games on mobile is still considerably more than that which was about the Xbox during its life time period (sourcing out of this report). Next we had Battleground FOUR that was more of a Beta, executives simply because they understood the sport would under-deliver cashing-out corporation inventory, and promised content late since they must commit weeks having the sport operating effectively. I desired to additionally add in that even although you include $40 activities, many gamers trade-in or sell these, they are able to get lets say to get a newer recreation around 25-35 dollars that could imply you can usually buy a brandnew sport for $5-15 more every time. Whatif the 50-dollar acquire esa crossplatform, once I bought website TWO for ps3 it came to get a code regarding vapor (if you linked reports) that has been definitely nice, we hope different marketers did this but this seemed such as a superior chance, purchase ps4 recreation get an application to perform it cellular everywhere. Description: items identified or taken inside the span of a casino game, Electronic awards, returns. Additionally, it doesn't definitely include experience to you personally, thus you get money, you free your supply of items, plus you don't get to levelup speedier, which technically won't include area demands (fireplace, police, wellbeing) in the early game. The review identified 50% of U.S. shoppers used their cell examine an assessment when away purchasing, together with 43% of U.K. purchasers or to examine an amount. Listed here is is just a simplicity clue for Android telephone producers: the identical electronic sizing is given by Having a 4” display a number of ins nearer to anyone like a 5” display. Worsen and appearance better next gta have a great time playing with that aged as gta game. Nevertheless, if you should be not bad at racing games, this smash will be reasonably small as the sport does a superb career of gratifying participants who reach road targets while still making first-place. But when you're looking for range in your devices you then must always go for used cellular in Chennai. Persons react nearly the same as betting fans with one of these activities and there are zero door costs at casinos since you wish to attract folks in and strain their money. The Bing-backed OS that was mobile is taking the Smartphone marketplace by thunderstorm. The overall game has become a national trend, and undoubtedly a money-maker regarding The Organization, Niantic Laboratories, and Nintendo. But if you understand your path around RPGs well and therefore are currently buying obstacle, you won't find mouthful that is considerably below till quite delayed while in the recreation. Moreover, each game has been made for a global crowd, meaning there is no wording. What I played of the demo of Beat Policeman was simply the most tiny tiny PC game not targeted till later this slide for discharge. Niantic has additionally uncovered it's currently considering introducing a sponsorship scheme much like one it's having its different AR- centered Ingress, which assigns vendorsI retailers and selling machines as spots within the game. We have shown a few of well known MFi - games that were agreeable initially. Unfortunately, the games are not sorted effectively and I would advise anyone disease check anything you download. Lastly, the coders resolved they'd only reveal it because it was allowed to be a viral marketing technique for another recreation Superman: Arkham Area, in the series. Many of these, capabilities that profit 100% of the devices that function it, and enhance the android knowledge miles ahead of exactly what a shitty multiwindow like Samsung's setup would have gained (and it would likely have runon mid-highend gadgets). I see the new console could URL to the cell planet which seriously isn't a poor idea but let us wait and find out when they declare the unit. Gazing to Rim these big brands all are currently arriving with range of top end mobile phone models available in the market often. In regards to community properties, wherever they are placed by you to your housing buildings in relation becomes a significant area of the sport. Among the wonderful points About Little Titans, though, is the fact that provides something for you. The future concept Stranded 2 it is now being brought to iPhone and truly was born on traditional mobile phones. The C1-02 cell provides searching, Mailing, messaging option that is Instant, Ovi App service, lengthy battery backup, rigid body at inexpensive. Perhaps more to the point, however, you is now able to merely resize different display sizes to be tested by the emulator window. We used to love mobile games but beyond afew excellent creators (like Rayark) they lost the piece a little while again.
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0212: Contractors Messy Bookkeeping Issues Solved
This Podcast Is Episode Number 0211 And It Will Be About Contractors Messy Bookkeeping Issues Solved
Messy Bookkeeping Happens Just A Little At A Time
When Contractors are doing their own bookkeeping, it becomes a problem that grows and grows
There is not any limits to the number of transactions that can be entered into QuickBooks improperly.
Messy files build transaction by transaction or more simply put invoice by invoice, receipt by receipt all can be entered into QuickBooks improperly. There is no popup that says “This Is WRONG” – Do It Over.
Unlike loading the dishwasher or washing socks which have an end. You run out of dishes or can’t find clean socks. Filling up the dishwasher will magically produce clean dishes.
After loading, adding soap, and pushing start the rest happens automatically.  Quality of clean dishes depends on soap, how you load the dishwasher and finally, pre-rinsing is optional depending on the dishwasher Same with the washing machine, fill up the machine, add soap, and turn on the machine. Better results happen with a little bit of sorting by clothing type or color.
The washing machine will wash either way. Yhe clothes will come out clean. The unanswered question until the load is done is: Will the T-shirt still be white? Are the colored clothes the same exact color as when they went into the washing machine?  
Many Contractors Practice The Keep It Simple Method For Bookkeeping  
Put all of the receipts in the drawer. Out of sight and out of mind. The drawer is next to the computer with the QuickBooks for Contractors or other Bookkeeping Software on it.   Using the power of Wishful Thinking; the hope is that the transactions will “Magically Appear” into the Bookkeeping software without any additional assistance from them.   Unfortunately, with all of the technology available; it still requires the help of a “Real Person” with skills to know where to put the transaction into the system. Does Income Exceed Outgo? – Short Answer Yes, there is still money in the bank, and ALL of the bills are paid. Do Problems Come From Not Knowing What To Do?
  The bank only knows what has been deposited, what has cleared and the balance left in the account. Without an accounting system that tracks all of the income and expenses, How Do You Know?  It is easy to put everything on Auto Pay and forget it. Unfortunately, your clients have higher expectations and may not be willing to pay you based on when your auto-pays will be coming out of the checking account. Throw enough money in the checkbook, and everything will be ok – Right?   In the short term, all is great. It is called “Robbing Peter To Pay Paul.” In other words, you are paying yesterday’s bills with tomorrow’s money. This works perfectly when the economy is booming, and work is plentiful. You can take that job deposit and go to the nearest Truck Dealership and buy a New Truck. Money is coming in fast like a spring thaw; no end in sight. No big deal with supplier bills or subcontractor being paid twice. There is enough money for everyone. Unfortunately, that was not the way it works forever. Outside forces can cause the world of Construction to go from a Boom to a Bust in minutes, and recovery usually takes longer than a few days.   For Example Weather related Floods, Hurricanes, Earthquakes, Avalanches, Mud Slides, No Snow, Too Much Snow. Bridges crash for a variety of reason. All of these things can cause Major Interstates to be closed. Other economic factors can cause businesses to lay off workers or close. High fuel prices and everyone stays home. I remember waiting in Long Lines to be able to “get gas.” Your day depended on the last digit of your license plate. About that same time, it seemed like Houston, Texas would be a “ghost town” forever. In 1971 there was a billboard in Seattle and had “Would the last person leaving SEATTLE - Turn out the lights” and look at it now. Downtown is dense, full of skyscrapers, building projects everywhere and lots of traffic. Construction Contractors Face Challenges of Feast and Famine Depending On Your Local Area
The last few years in many areas of the country has been extremely tough on Construction Contractors. Some areas became the New Boom Towns while other areas declined or stayed the same (no growth and limited decline)       
Contractors adapted what they did, and whom they worked for and survived.
Contractors were financially able to close shop and weather the storm.  
Contractors went back to work as employees of other contractors
Contractors changed professions
Contractors changed lifestyles
Contractors retired
The economy is picking up in many areas of the country the need for contractor bookkeeping increases.  
Contractors are going back to work. Able to charge reasonable prices (versus cutting bids just to keep working) For a long time; it was very depressing for Contractors to look at numbers when they know there is limited money for personal.   All income going back into the business in the form of tools, trucks, equipment and material for the job:
Hoping the get by without any major truck breakdowns.  
Hoping that the weather would be good and the jobs would keep coming in.  
Hoping to get back to the part of Construction the Contractor likes to do and not just what it takes to keep going.
Many contractors took on additional businesses or business types just to be able to keep going
Many of these 2nd and 3rd businesses were not directly related to their primary business.
They found a “Need” and “Filled It” and made a little extra money along the way.
Most New Construction Builders do not want to do a Custom Home Project
Most Custom Home Builders do not want to do Large Additional Projects
Most General Contractors do not want to do Small Remodel Projects
Most Remodel Contractors do not want to do Handyman Projects
Most Trade Contractors do not want to do more then (1) trades unless it is related.
The Common trait for all these contractors is that “Contractor Did What Was Needed To Provide For Their Family.” Contractors did their own bookkeeping. Spouses helped with Bookkeeping, Paying Bills, and Answering Phone. Many spouses are “self-taught” because it didn’t matter if the training was available; there was No Money. 
Now both Contractors and their Spouses want to know:
Are We Making Money Or Losing Money?
Is that “5 Cents” in the checkbook Our Money to spend as we please?
Is that “5 Cents” in the checkbook already spent and the check has not been entered?
Is that “5 Cents” due to a supplier or for some other bill coming I don’t know about yet?
Does the “5 Cents” belong to The Government (Local, State, Federal) in taxes I don’t know about?
We Are Here To Help – We Know What To Do – You Do Not Need To Train Us To Do Our Job
We have a Customized Setup for the QuickBooks Desktop Version and process that make it simple for you to come on-board. We know what works. Our System Is A We Process - As the Client, you still do the parts that only you can (and should do) Meet Your Customers, Create Bids, Create Invoices, Collect The Money, Pay The Bills. Our Part - Putting all those Transactions in QuickBooks in a way that produces useful reports for You and Your Tax Accountant. Your Tax Accountant looks at your numbers (1) day per year.   You Part - Is you have to live The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly and all their consequences the other 364 days of the year.  As a Contractor, you have to make decisions every day.   We Are Here To Help - We Know What You Need and Why You Need It.
Starting Where You Are Now
We can clean up your QuickBooks file (Desktop Version) and get it current.
Starting With Yesterday
We can clean up your QuickBooks file going back as many years as you want.
Looking At Tomorrow
We can provide Ongoing Bookkeeping Services.  
Part of that service is reconciling the checkbook, entering invoices, receiving payment.
All of these things (and more) lead to having good Financial Reports.
With better QuickBooks Reports, you can make better decisions. Have More Time to do the things you want to do with your Life, Family, and Friends. Looking Forward To Getting Started Enjoy Your Day.     
About The Author:
Sharie DeHart, QPA is the co-founder of Business Consulting And Accounting in Lynnwood Washington. She is the leading expert in managing outsourced construction bookkeeping and accounting services companies and cash management accounting for small construction companies across the USA. She encourages Contractors and Construction Company Owners to stay current on their tax obligations and offers insights on how to manage the remaining cash flow to operate and grow their construction company sales and profits so they can put more money in the bank. http://www.fasteasyaccounting.com/sharie-dehart/ 206-361-3950 or [email protected]
We Remove Contractor's Unique Paperwork Frustrations
We understand the good, bad and the ugly about owning and operating construction companies because we have had several of them and we sincerely care about you and your construction company!
That is all I have for now, and if you have listened to this far please do me the honor of commenting and rating podcast www.FastEasyAccounting.com/podcast Tell me what you liked, did not like, tell it as you see it because your feedback is crucial and I thank you in advance.
You Deserve To Be Wealthy Because You Bring Value To Other People's Lives!
I trust this will be of value to you and your feedback is always welcome at www.FastEasyAccounting.com/podcast
One more example of how Fast Easy Accounting is helping construction company owners across the USA including Alaska and Hawaii put more money in the bank to operate and grow your construction company. Construction accounting is not rocket science; it is a lot harder than that, and a lot more valuable to construction contractors like you so stop missing out and call Sharie 206-361-3950 or email [email protected]
Contractor Bookkeeping Done For You!
Thinking About Outsourcing Your Contractors Bookkeeping Services?
Click On The Link Below:
This guide will help you learn what to look for in outsourced construction accounting.
Need Help Now?
Call Sharie 206-361-3950
Thank you very much, and I hope you understand we do care about you and all contractors regardless of whether or not you ever hire our services.
Bye for now until our next episode here on the Contractors Success MAP Podcast.
Warm Regards,
Randal DeHart | The Contractors Accountant
Our Workflow Removes Your Paperwork Frustrations
For Contractors Who Prefer
To Do Your Bookkeeping
Fast Easy Accounting Do-It-Yourself Construction Accounting Store Is Open
Most Contractors Setup QuickBooks Desktop Version In One Of Three Ways:
#1 EZ Step Interview inside QuickBooks Setup #2 Asked Their Tax Accountant To Setup QuickBooks #3 They Attended A How To Setup QuickBooks Class Or Seminar
And QuickBooks Does Not Work The Way They Want It Too!
The Answer:
#1 Click Here To Buy An Entire QuickBooks Setup For Your Specific Contracting Company
#2 Click Here To Buy Just The Chart Of Accounts For Your Specific Contracting Company
                                                Contractors_Success_MAP, Contractors_Success_Marketing_Accounting_Production, Contractor_Bookkeeping_Services, QuickBooks_For_Contractors, QuickBooks_For_Contractors,Contractors Messy Bookkeeping Issues Solved
Check out this episode about Contractors Marketing - Accounting - Production (M.A.P.)!
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