#and ur like 'really? we never talk LOL'
theloveinc · 7 months
LMAO caught up in being art student!Bakugo's nude model... you've probably never exchanged anything more than pleasantries your entire relationship (and it's been MONTHS of him sketching you)...
...But you're the person he's answering with when Kiri hounds him about having a crush. And instead of fessing up abt how shallow the relationship is when Kiri doesn't believe it, Bakugo is all: "i've literally seen them naked, dumbass."
91 notes · View notes
padfootastic · 1 year
Ahaha thank you for the nice comments in tags <3 i love Remus but he seems bit like a spineless people pleaser and after dating somebody who would rather lie about their feelings than have people be mildly upset with them..... I chose violence 🗡
no but ur so right because!!! i’ve been sleeping on this for a while but let’s talk about remus’ personality traits and how they have the potential to make him a bad/absent partner, at best, and an abusive one, at worst. everyone wants to turn him into this image of perfection just bc he’s such an ‘uwu victim’ figure in fanon but that’s SO far from the truth omg
(i am…just gonna put this remus character analysis under a cut bc it got unnecessarily long and i wouldn’t want u to read it if u didn’t want to lol)
so, for one, he’s manipulative. he has no combinations in twisting the truth or dodging it entirely for his own benefit. like, the man could stand in front of his dead best friend’s orphaned son & not even allude to the fact that he knew his dad. he had no problem bringing james & lily up in the most twisted ways possible to guilt/emotionally influence harry. so remus in a relationship would have the capacity to either knowingly or unknowingly manipulate his partner. the definition of gaslight, gatekeep, girlboss except more sinister.
next, his spinelessness. either as a defensive measure to deal w anti-werewolf hostility or as an innate personality trait, remus has the habit of just—not standing up for things. he looks away when his friends act like assholes, even when he’s in a position of authority (which yes, u can argue that he’s afraid of losing them but atp they’ve literally risked life & magic & azkaban for him so either way, he comes off badly—either he doesn’t mind himself, or he doesn’t fully trust their friendship, or it’s just easier to look away). in a relationship, this can manifest as bottling everything inside u until it makes u bitter or u violently unload on the other person in an entirely disproportionate manner. the dynamic would also be a bit skewed. the people pleasing u mentioned is also such a big thing that people usually overlook. when ur constantly trying to make the other person happy and don’t want to rock the boat, that is a cocktail for miscommunication and breakdown of relationships. ur also constantly putting the emotional burden of constructively dealing w issues on ur partner instead of doing it urself.
connected to his cowardice is his habit of running away when things get tough. remus is conflict avoidant; he does not like to put himself in a position where he has to take a decisive stance, especially if it’s against what others around him believe in. he runs away when things get tough, and tbh, for me, this comes from a constant spiral of self hatred & self victimisation, both of which stem from his experience as a werewolf. in every difficult situation, he centres himself & his discomfort and instead of dealing with it and moving forward for a constructive solution, he decides that stepping back from it altogether is better. which, yeah, works well for him bc he can temporarily put a pin in it but it’s kinda terrible for everyone’s who’s left behind. so i also think that remus is a profoundly selfish character who doesn’t look beyond the end of his own nose. u can imagine how those traits might manifest themselves in a relationship.
and his people pleasing!! so this might be verging on fanon but his gratitude and/or devotion to dumbledore sets an…interesting tone. it’s also another example of how he cannot conceive himself in any other term except as a victimised werewolf. the marauders did a lot for him, arguably even more than dumbledore’s token representation formula, but he never felt indebted to them the way he did for D. dumbledore also kind of makes him feel needed? validates his feelings? and that just speaks to a very twisted sense of self for me. which, again, won’t bode well for his other interpersonal relations.
also, on a very hc note, i also feel like remus just…does not have any significant capacity to love. he takes and takes and takes but doesn’t give much in return. this doesn’t even have to be an actively malicious decision, tbh, just a very self-centred one. he doesn’t realise how much he’s taking bc he’s only thinking about his own circumstances.
all of these are also just why i can’t see r/s working out in any healthy manner. remus is exactly antithetical to everything sirius is/believes in, and not even in the fun ‘opposites attract’ way. but that’s another rant no one asked for lmao
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thegreatestheaver · 2 days
Can't wait for the Electric Dreams reaction today :]] (I'll probably put it on and watch at the same time) (I'll also look into Murder Drones at some point)
SQUEE SQUEE SQUEE WE CAN HAVE A MOVIE NIGHT YAAYYYYYYYYY!!!!!!!! IM HAL… AND IM HOLLOW… THE MOVIE NIGHT BROTHERS🔥🔥🔥SQUEEEEEEEEEEEE I JUST WOKE UP PLEASE IGNORE THE FACT THATITS LIKE 4PM BUT. IM GONMA TRY TO GET MYSELF TO GO TO THE STORE SOON FOR MOVIE TIME SNACKS :))))))))) pins yoy agsisnt a wall and puts my hand on your chin before putting my hands on your throat and choking you and FUCKING KILLING YOU PLEEEEEKKKK CHECK OUT MURDER DRONES ITS SO GOOD I SWEAR I SWEAR I SWEAR I SWEAR I SWEAR INSWEAR ISWEAR I SWEARRR PELAPLPASPLLPELPALEPKRJPOHJIPOEAGRHIHOPIGRE[PGRBRGJPOFPOJSPOWQPWLAPLPLPWWPLPAPLSPL PLAPLSLPEPAPLE PLEEEEEEEEEEEEEKKK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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tweltchy · 2 years
As funny as the posts and memes are, the guidelines still haven’t changed. It’s just a weird, sloppy, and super vague update that seems kinda redundant, yet important. There seems to be more plans for it, but I dunno when or what it is. Yet, I still do not want the Twitter folks who made the site unbearable in the first place in 2016 to come back. What can we do to repel the mad annoying Twitter Users from squirming their way back into our hellhole?? pls?????
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joshuamj · 1 year
At dinner she hesitantly broughy up that she had somehow stumbled across my art, like bro howwwww 😭
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landofgay · 2 years
🎶there's something wrong with meeee🎶
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mobgoblin · 24 days
sorry i’m about to vague over something silly but
in terms of how my neuroses translate to my online experience—i never block or even unfollow people really. i’ve been on this site for over a decade and have only unfollowed one account after an odd exchange. so when i first saw this person appear in the dungeon meshi tag sharing their…opinions presented as Character Analysis Law i was like “oh geez”
but sure let’s reduce Marcille to Horny Super Criminal who only cares about her big titty gf and her PhD in dark magic and explosions, why not.
0 notes
mothslimes · 2 months
sometimes i think girls who wear a full face of makeup every day and get lip fillers and other surgeries n shit. just forgot what an actual woman looks like. actually post cancelled I think so much of the world has forgotten what an actual woman looks like. genuinely can't imagine waking up every day looking in the mirror and feeling like i have to paint my face to be presentable. fucking terrifying man.
if you look at what women are trending it's so weird how many of them look exactly the same. same hair style, same makeup style, same outfits. and it's not just celebrities, i sit in class and the girls are all carbon copies. even have the same style of taking notes. pretty much all appear to be thinking the same way, even. what the fuck. those 2010 cheesy illustrations of a bunch of identical looking blond Barbies were right maybe
#mik talks#and I guess it's not even on the girls themselves since they're fed fuckin garbage by the algorithm#tho I won't take too much pity on them.because many of them are giant bullies who love feeling superior to me#I'm just like. god I'm so glad I'm too autistic so I never even got the chance to try and fit in#so now I feel no pressure to do so#I said this exact thing before but I feel like the world kinda needs to stop throwing huge pity parties for conventionally attractive#white women who happen to feel pressure to keep up certain things about their appearance#yeah that must suck but you get to fit in you get to hide in the masses lol. wow that must be so hard to have to make#certain choices in order not to be bullied. some of us don't even have the choice#blablabla These women are excellent in upholding the patriarchy and white supremacy btw even if they themselves#have progressive views. anyway#No more politics I'm tired also I'm too stupid to make good conclusions about this#I'm really just complaining about the type.of.girls who bullied me#I'll forever and ever support nlogs#idc. you ARENT like other girls and that's a fucking challenge and you're allowed to feel proud of who you are#and going against societal norms#ur allowed to find joy in that#maybe just tone it down a little and focus more on what's good about you vs what's bad about them#but its not bad as a vent??? like??? you're allowed to be pissed abt it man#no one should expect a flawless deconstruction of misogyny in a 2 panel comic istg#sometimes u just wanna express something god it's so misogynistic when all these men on YouTube make videos ridiculing#'pickmes' and 'nlogs' hey maybe stay in your lane you never experienced growing up a girl ostracized by the female populus at school#it IS just like in mean girls#anyway I love women being feral and human and we need more of that instead of expecting women to keep a perfect face and perfect body#women SWEAT and PISS and thats okay :))) they're animals#this is the most 2014 ass post I've made sorry#also the least 'cisgender bisexual man' post I've made#the stealth transness leaving my body when its time to critique hierarchical structures within female spaces from the lense of a girl that#was left out of them
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yongseungkim · 2 months
#talked to her a little bit more about her confusing behavior#esp her relationship w this one person and how it confuses me when its a more group setting#and lo and behold this solved nothing lol#she was like we are close i dont know how to make u feel that#and i was like i do feel it when we are one on one but when we are in group settings i dont feel close to you at all#wasnt very clear at all with my feelings though but more or less listed off things that she had done that unintentionally had hurt me#or just made things feel kind of confusing#like if we are close then why xyz thing#i feel like i never see her if xyz person doesnt come to me first cuz she'll follow her around right#i did straight up ask her if they were just friends or smth more and if she had feelings for her#and she was like yeah just friends (which idk for me just cuz i asked doesnt mean she has to respond to me honestly)#(so taking it with a grain of salt)#and i was like yeah man ur relationship w this one person cuz u give her so much attention like i never know how to itneract#sometimes if eel guilty for taking her away from u when i talk to her cuz u kinda just shut down#and dotn talk to anyone and she was jokingly like yeah go sit in a corner and i was liek DUDE LITERALLY YEAH?#and then also times when her attention on xyz person has left me feeling left out#and i think its so funny this girl was like i literally didnt know i interact with xyz person in that way cuz i dont think abt it#cuz if i start thinking then i start overthinking and thats nto fun#which is T RUE BUT LIKE ALSO#idk how can one person be that dense like her and xyz person literally won a dynamic duo award thing#ppl were like 'dont separate those two they cant live without each other' LIKE BRUH ARE U SERIOUSLY TAHT DENSE?#and then also the whole shes not a great texter but how shes literally always on the phone texting someone it feels like so for me its hard#to really accept that sometimes like but then she had said earlier like her friends from undergrad just straight up call her so yeah maybe#i guess but also idk man#also times when she had promised to do smth and then didnt follow through on that hurting bc i take ppl by their word
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urbanfiltered · 1 year
#one thing abt vacation is that u get used to constantly being around people and then being alone becomes very sad#i traveled with a squad of like 5 people and literally was NEVER by myself (except to use the bathroom) from thursday night to sunday night#and the trip was REALLY FUN and i fucking LOVE MY FRIENDS and had basically the perfectest most beautiful dream vacation ever but like#god DAMN am i bored as hell now#also sleeping next to somebody for like 4 nights in a row can kinda mess u up when u have to go back to ur own place#the friend that i roomed with & i do sleepovers most weekends and that’s good and fine#but obviously we’ve never spent that much time together and idk it was really nice to constantly have someone to talk to#and kinda helped get the day rolling since my brain always feels like toxic sludge when i wake up no matter how much sleep i get#i miss being stimulated too#we were constantly Doing An Activity or in reprieve as we planned our next Activity and now it is just#back to waking up for a job i don't love at ungodly stupid hours and biding the time till my next nap#boring!!!!!!!!!!#also i wish money wasn’t real 💔#my fav band is playing a show in chicago and is incindentally opening for HER favorite band and that is like#insane coincidence that they would play the same show (for only 25 dollars no less!!!!!)#i am trying to get her to agree to go with me but#between the DC trip we just took last week#and the seattle one we are taking in sept#it would be so stupid to go to chicago for no reason to catch a one (1) day show in august#which like. i hate to say this but i wish she wasn’t so fisically responsible LOL#she makes Way more money than i do and has been working for at least 1.5 years longer than i have so that’s#quite a bit of savings that she probably has#i know she can Afford it because even i can afford it if i move money around correctly#she just SAYS she can’t because she is being responsible and saving for the future and not wanting to go over her budget to which i say BOO#jkjk insert the obligatory ''that is very responsible and smart of her'' here#im also in a unique situation where all my flights are practically free bc i do be running up these numbers as hell on my AA credit card#(that i do pay off!!!!!)#i know most people actually have to track flights and stuff#STILL THOUGH!!!!! ugh i’m just fiending for my next brain burst i suppose
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orcelito · 1 year
OK tales of arise spoilers ahead if anyone cares about it
I'm up on Lenegis now and I am having the TIME of my life with how relevant Dohalim is to all this. Like EVERYONE recognizes him. I'm realizing I have fallen for one of the best characters to fall for. I am Feasting.
0 notes
maplesyrupsainz · 4 months
˖⁺。˚⋆˙bows before bros | LN4 ˖⁺。˚⋆˙
pairing: lando norris x actress!reader y/n (she/her)
genre: social media au
warnings: sooo super fluffy!!
summary: in which a trail of bows leads to everyone's new fav grid couple
a/n: feel like i havent written for lando in ages so here we are!!
request!!!: I’d like to request an au for lando where y/n’s an actress who’s getting recognized more and more, she’s really humble and sweet but pretty similar to lando as a goofy and funny girly(idk why but I picture Sabrina carpenter vibes) 🎀 if u could add a little scene of some of the f1 drivers and wags reacting to their relationship/talking to the media how they’ve never seen lando so happy. Just a sappy and goofy couple living life (manifesting✨🕯️)
fc: sabrina carpenter
my masterlist
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instagram ->
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liked by reneerapp, sydney_sweeney, and 301,283 others
yourusername sooo where else can i put bows? 🎀
view all 6,918 comments
user1 omg the bunny is so cute im going to do that
user2 i dont wear bows in a coquette way i wear bows in an y/n y/l/n way
liked by yourusername
user3 i love seeing y/n in her movies so srs then going on her ig & it's jus this
reneerapp put them on your hand soap 🥺
yourusername you make jokes but i really will do that
user4 LOL as u should y/n!!!
user5 oh i love her
sydney_sweeney this is so real of you!!
yourusername i knew you'd get it
sydney_sweeney bows before bros ‼️
yourusername louder 🗣️
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liked by sydney_sweeney, danielricciardo, and 819,055 others
landonorris you got my heart loud.
view all 11,193 comments
user6 okay simp lando?
user7 HUH????
user8 looking a LOT like a soft launch i cant lie to u
user9 thts what i was thinking.....
user10 the bows...... anyone one else thinking what im thinking?
user12 VERY y/n y/l/n coded
user13 y/n was here vibes
oscarpiastri simp simp simp
landonorris shutup pastry boy
yourusername posted a story
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liked by sydney_sweeney, daisyedgarjones, and 89,541 others
user14 so cute ily y/n
user15 my spidey senses are tingling
user16 is this a hint that ur dating lando norris.
user17 feels very very targeted miss y/n
user18 our bow queen 🙇‍♀️
twitter ->
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instagram ->
landonorris posted a story
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liked by yourusername, oscarpiastri, and 159,701 others
user22 omg y/n y/l/n is ur gf fr
user23 never thought i'd see the day lando norris pulled
user25 the most y/n thing i've ever seen
danielricciardo she's made you soft
landonorris she definitely hasnt i'll tell you that much
danielricciardo right. not what i meant but great to know thank you so much
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liked by landonorris, oscarpiastri, and 661,328 others
yourusername feeling orange 🍊
view all 16,754 comments
user26 oh my god
user27 is this the hard launch
mclaren your best look yet, y/n!
yourusername 🤭 feel very honoured
user28 next we want orange bows
liked by yourusername
sydney_sweeney sports 🤢 but make it girly 🎀
yourusername me with everything
landonorris it's papaya y/n we've been over this
yourusername there isnt a papaya emoji ✨🎀💕🫶🍊
user29 omg they're first public interaction...?
user30 they're in love i called it.
interviews ->
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twitter ->
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instagram ->
landonorris posted a story
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liked by lilymhe, carlossainz55, and 157,814 others
user36 omg lol
user37 THAT'S Y/N'S CAT
user38 lol at ur response to ur friends saying ur obsessed with a girl is to post her cat on ur story with bows on
sydney_sweeney one of us now
landonorris this feels like a cult
user39 the coquettification of lando norris
user40 the y/nification of lando norris
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liked by yourusername, oscarpiastri, and 1,091,727 others
landonorris my response to everyone talking about me recently is you would be the same if you bagged a girl like mine
tagged: yourusername
view all 22,183 comments
user42 how did he do it
lilymhe congratulations 🥂
carlossainz55 yippee!!
oscarpiastri we are all beyond proud of you lando
danielricciardo good for you bro
charles_leclerc happy for you
mclaren our fav girl!!
yourusername 🤭🧡
user43 all the celebrations in the comments 💀
user44 they had no faith in him fr
yourusername blushing and giggling at this!!! i love my lil lando!!!!!
landonorris you what?
yourusername i wont be taking questions at this time
landonorris you love me so bad
landonorris i love you so bad
2K notes · View notes
landitolover · 5 months
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𝒈𝒆𝒕𝒂𝒘𝒂𝒚 𝒄𝒂𝒓, in which, if charles didn’t care for you, maybe a specific red bull driver he doesn’t really like, will.. part one here! ౨ৎ max verstappen x famous!reader
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maxverstappen1 replied to your story
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hey, i’m sorry about the break up
charles never deserved you though
haha it’s okay
he didn’t do anything wrong though 😊
it was a mutual break up
ohhh, alright
that’s nice to know 😃
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IMESSAGE , MAX & LANDO January 4th, 2024
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Max 🤔
Rare text, what do you need mate?
by any chance do you have yns number
oh my god do you
finally have the balls to (attempt) to pull her
i’ve always had the balls :/
charles just beat me to it
he was quite charming
he’s a cheater, he isn’t very charming
thats why i said ‘was’
ok but do u have her number
duh? we’re like this🤞🏼
it’s xxx-xxx-xxx
okk thank you very much
of course mate
goodluck you’ll need it
also u will be talked (possibly made fun of)
about in the gc. so be careful..
uhm ok mate
bye….. 😃
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Liked by alex_albon, lilymhe, landonorris, and 122 others
yourprivate new year, new me 💆‍♀️
fuck🖕🏼men 🤮
January 14th, 2024
View all 14 comments
alex_albon yk damn well ur the biggest lover girl
→ yourprivate uhmm wdym? i’m not
landonorris i know something u dont 🤫
lilymhe its okay baby 😔
→ yourprivate 😔😔💖💖 ily
georgerussell63 wake up
→ yourprivate get out my private bitch 🤮
→ georgerussell63 cunt
→ yourprivate something u never serve..
danielricciardo wow this post ate 🎀
danielricciardo it would eat even more if u reactivated the main
→ yourprivate i’ll be back in like 9 months
→ yourprivate NO??? WHAT??? WHY WOULD U THINK THAT???
→ landonorris coz u said 9 months and thats like how long it takes to give birth Idk
→ yourprivate u are so slow gn
IMESSAGE , MAX & YOU January 14th, 2024
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are you a rose?
cause i think you’re a catch 😉
oh my god 😂 that was such a sucky
pick up line.. who is this? 😭
your future boyfriend, hopefully
how’d u get my number though
i rlly hope you aren’t a stalker 😭
or i’m gonna contact the police
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it’s max
i’m sorry lol
oh my god 😭
i didn’t see u as the corny pick up line type
you changed this contact to ‘max’
what can i say?
also sorry for freaking you out
i asked lando for your number, i hope you don’t mind
nah its fine 😭
are you okay though?
you deactivated, saw it all over twitter
yeah no, i’m ok
well not rlly but I don’t wanna like .. talk about it
that’s totally fine
but if you ever need someone to talk to
i’m always free
and i have cats so.. free therapy
thats how u get the girl !
charlie should have taken some notes
unsent message
haha i guess i know how to get you now ?
you’re a flirt aren’t you
only for you
i’ll be back in a minute someone messaged me
IMESSAGE , CHARLES & YOU January 14th, 2024
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don’t respond
hi angel, can i come over?
i miss your kisses, cherie
can’t we get back together
no we can’t
charles stop it. i don’t want you
you’re the one who cheated on me
if you were going to miss my kisses so bad, why’d you cheat?
don’t respond
it’s a new year though, new us.
no charles
you need to get over it
i mean, i did
don’t respond
get over it? you deactivated on everything
that isn’t getting over it. you’re avoiding your problems
yeah I’m avoiding you, you’re my biggest one
get a new girlfriend
it obviously isn’t that hard for you..
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Liked by landonorris, alex_albon, lilymhe, and 102 others
yourprivate men suck….. (i think he’s cute)
January 17th, 2024
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lilymhe u better not be talking about ch*rles
→ yourprivate no
landonorris is it ***
→ yourprivate 🤔🤔🤔???
alex_albon i thought u weren’t a lover girl
→ yourprivate i’m not
→ alex_albon caption says otherwise
georgerussell63 yw for the cake
→ yourprivate thanks georgie 😊
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Liked by carlossainz55, pierrepasly, arthur_leclerc, and 1,309,192 others
charles_leclerc overrated
January 23rd, 2024
View all 1,099 comments
user ohh ik yn is laughing at his silly ass
user he’s going dark 🖤⛓️
user he wanna be aesthetic so fuckin bad
user this is not it ‼️ archive this post ‼️
user yeah, ur overrated
→ user we luv a self aware king
user not everyone dragging him in the comments 😭
→ user cause we all love yn 💆‍♀️
lewishamilton be so fr you have no sense of fashion, m8 😂
carlossainz55 🖤
landonorris yeah this post is not ittttt
alex_albon alright mate….
danielricciardo who did not cheer! 😂😭
pierregasly 🔥
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IMESSAGE, MAX & YOU February 14th, 2024
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max <3
hey :)
happy valentines 🤍
hii maxie
happy valentines! 💌
max <3
i bought you a little something
since you love snoopy
and me 😉
you got one thing right
max <3
nevermind then
kidding 🙄🙄
max <3
i’m picking you up
is an hour enough time
see you sooon 😊🤍
max <3
IMESSAGE, “YN FANCLUB 😊” February 15th, 2024
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how much r we betting that he did it
£100 he didn’t
lil 🎀
£100 he did
i’m team he did it
he aint do shit 😂🔥
i’m team he didn’t do it
lil 🎀
is alex holding u gunpoint ???
max isn’t a pussy he def said something at least
hi guyyyyssss
what are you guys talking about
we’re betting on ur little bf
did he ask you out
lil 🎀
ok wow 😭 straight to the point
he did 😊😊😊
lil 🎀
🔥🔥 my ass is not paying
u better pay them
also £100 is crazy???
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look at what he got me 🥹 and he’s such a cutie
lil 🎀
so down bad
🥹🥹 the cutest
i cried 😔 he’s adorable
u guys are so cute
i hope it lasts!!
daniel asked if u bringing back the main
cause like ur happy now
2025 my year
plus u guys are in my priv why does it matter
right lmfao 😭
congrats on the bf though 🥳
hopefully he doesn’t turn out like our
good ol’ friend charlie!!!!
mate sthu
wow that makes it a whole lot better, thanks m8
lil 🎀
how about u both sthu
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Liked by landonorris, charles_leclerc, redbullracing, and 1,220,218 others
maxverstappen1 and here’s to my baby :)
June 3rd, 2024
View all 1,101 comments
user didn’t expect a soft launch from max fuckin verstappen 😨
user HELLO???
user this girl has style.. dressing him up? 😍😍
→ user I noticed the style change, didn’t expect all this tho
user i just know shes hot
user stop soft launching i need to know who it is
danielricciardo lucky man
→ maxverstappen1 i am very lucky
landonorris cutie
→ maxverstappen1 😘
→ alex_albon it’s official: lando is the one getting soft launched
→ landonorris shhh people aren’t supposed to know
lilymhe she’s the loml
georgerussell63 🤮🤮🤮
→ maxverstappen1 get out - the girl
→ georgerussell63 🤓🤓☝️☝️
IMESSAGE, MAX & YOU June 13th, 2024
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max <3
the sunset is in two hours
i’m picking you up
and we’re going to the beach to watch it
😭😭 okay max
see you soon :))
yeah, i love you 🤍
max <3
say that again in person
not over text 🙄
okay max 😭😭
max <3
i love you though
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Liked by lilymhe, landonorris, redbullracing, charles_leclerc, and 103,021 others
maxverstappen1 starry eyes sparking up my darkest nights.
June 13th, 2024
View all 1,001 comments
user why are the captions so romantic… secret artist ? 😨
→ user lol she’s probably writing them for him
user charles gtfo 😭😭
user i love them (idk who she is)
landonorris 4 months tmr cutie 😍
→ maxverstappen1 i love you baby 🥰
→ user 4???? WHAATTT
alex_albon tell her to stop talkin abt u bro 🤦
→ maxverstappen1 no can do buckaroo
redbullracing our driver sure has some pretty good captions
lilymhe my gf 💖💖
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IMESSAGE, CHARLES & YOU August 5th, 2024
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don’t respond
you aren’t smart
don’t respond
you’re dating max?
is this just some petty thing ? cause i don’t like him?
uhm no lmfao 😭
yeah i’m dating him though
don’t respond
is he better than me?
yeah lol
don’t respond
you know, he isn’t really the type to commit
noted ? pretty sure he would’ve left by now
if that were the case lol
don’t respond
You have blocked this person
🎶 let the light in : lana del rey (feat. father john misty)
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Liked by landonorris, redbullracing, alex_albon, and 2,871,292 others
yourusername 🎀
October 1st, 2024
View all 3,202 comments
user OH MY GOD
user the man..
user i fell to my knees
user who is that
user my girl came back better than ever
user FINALLY ????
user she came back and started to soft launch a man gn
lilymhe wowwww 😍😍 i missed ur main acc posts
danielricciardo SERVED CUNT 💋
→ yourusername mwa 😚
danielricciardo i prayed for times like these
maxverstappen1 last slide kinda kinky
→ yourusername u wish, never horny on the main
→ user LMFAOO
landonorris ooooo let the light innnn
georgerussell63 odd post for ur first one back
→ yourusername sthu
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Liked by redbullracing, maxverstappen1, charles_leclerc, and 1,200 others
yourusername redbull is my fav btw
October 8th, 2024
View all 2,292 comments
user her smile ☹️🤍
user my aesthetic queen 🐳
user mystery man u are lucky
user she’s so captivating
user UGHHH 😔😔☹️☹️
charles_leclerc drink company’s don’t suit u
→ maxverstappen1 lol
→ user LMFAOO
→ user embarrassing urself...
redbullracing 💙💙💙
→ yourusername 🩵
landonorris papaya better actually ☝️🤓
→ yourusername errmm 🤓
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Liked by maxverstappen1, redbullracing, landonorris, lilymhe, and 3,110,210 others
yourusername i want to wear his initial on a chain ‘round my neck.
October 10th, 2024
View all 1,209 comments
user m.. suspicious
user is that not max’s new cat
user shes so cutesy
user white men always win her over
landonorris mmmmmmmmmm 3️⃣🏆
→ yourusername sthu😭😭😭
→ user bro tryna give us easter eggs
lilymhe that bagel looks rlly fucking good
→ yourusername IT WAASSS
danielricciardo my bf guys
→ yourusername 😍 -m
redbullracing 🐐🐐🐐
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Liked by maxverstappen1, lilymhe, landonorris, redbullracing and 3,101,119 others
yourusername new ep soon. 6 songs. ‘solo, tiwwchnt, ciwyw, dbm, sdg, and getaway car.” i hope u enjoy it.. out the 12th ! <3
November, 4th 2024
View all 5,110 comments
user i’m in a getaway car too queen
user “and here’s to my real friends” 2019 rookies & lily 🥲
→ yourusername my babies 4eva
user who cried and screamed listening to this album
user i brought a 🔪 to a 🔫 fight
user thank u for yn’s not so mystery man but thank u for this ep ☝️☝️
landonorris used to being the GOAT
→ yourusername 🐐
danielricciardo getaway car on LOOP 🔂
maxverstappen1 but would u run away with me ?
→ yourusername yes!
→ user WHAATT
→ user this confirms everything basically
lilymhe so proud of u wifey 🤍🤍
→ yourusername mwaaa 💋
georgerussell63 i support this
→ yourusername thanks pretty princess
→ georgerussell63 nevermind
alex_albon lily and i will be listening on repeat
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Liked by yourusername, landonorris, lilymhe, and 3,440,292 others
maxverstappen1 you said you love me, i say something back.
November 14th
View all 3,101 comments
user oh my hod. i adore them.
user ugh they’re the most bf gf couple ever
user charles could never LOOL
user these pictures im on the floor
user they’re my endgame
lilymhe she’s so cute in these pics
→ maxverstappen1 she’s always cute
danielricciardo FAVS
landonorris when they solo >
→ maxverstappen1 you’re the reason why i’m with her, thank you 😄
→ landonorris of course mate
christianhorner congratulations! happy for the both of you 🍾
georgerussell63 this is so goat coded
→ maxverstappen1 wow thanks
yourusername happy 9 months baby 💋
→ maxverstappen1 ik houd van je 🤍
→ user NINE. MONTHS.
→ user STOP NINEE…😭😭😭
yourusername wow we’re so adorable
arthur_leclerc thank you for making yn happier than my brother ever did 🙏🏼
→ maxverstappen ofc m8
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౨ৎ finally… i posted… so SO so sorry for not posting in awhile, this took so long to post but 😭😭 here u gooo…. also thank u guys so much for 400 !!! i love u all <333 💋
taglist: @landovilla @moneygramhaas @ch3rryknots @amoosarte @1655clean @dark-night-sky-99 @kortneej81 @he6rtshaker ౨ৎ
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sharkorok · 5 months
ooo u want me so bad
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or…grumpy!enha being in luv w u
requested: nope
cw/genre: cursing, grumpy enhypen, fluff, humor, crack-ish, fem!reader, non-idol au, I wrote this during a zoom class, not proofread fuck it we ball, one joke about reader getting jumped?? anyways lmk if anything else should be tagged hehe
a/n: this was inspired by @macahoons grumpy enhypen texts that I just adored!!! Such a cute trope <3
-he’s the basketball team captain, always idly boasting about his talents and loves being first place
-the only exception is you.
-he will never admit it but he absolutely lets you win every time you find him at the basketball court and u challenge him to some dumb scoring game where u see how many baskets u each can get
-“OMG HI HEESEUNG!! :3” when u find him at the basketball court and he sighs but he’s trying not to scream at how cute u r lowkey
-ur all giggly when u keep beating him “hee r u even trying?” “I’m just having a bad day don’t even” like he isn’t completely distracted by the way you look when ur grinning at him
-“I think I can take ur place as basketball team captain!” “In ur dreams??” but he’d gladly give it up if you would keep smiling like that
-insists on walking you home from the court because “I’m not gonna be held responsible for you getting jumped”
-and the next time you catch him on the basketball court it happens all over again! <3
-you can’t even finish saying “I’m cold” before his jacket is over your shoulders and he’s scolding you for not being prepared
-sitting down and your skirt is riding up? his uniform blazer is over your lap and he’s shaking his head
-“what would you do without me??” “do you want your jacket back then , jay?” “…no”
-while it’s also because he cares about ur wellbeing, he also just really likes the sight of you wearing his clothes and you smelling like his cologne
-you literally walk into the room and he’s immediately “y/n you need to buy a thicker jacket you’re gonna get sick” not even a good morning or anything…
-“don’t tell people ur wearing my jacket I don’t want them to get the wrong idea 🙄” but lowkey he wouldn’t mind at all
-gets so (internally) giggly when u sink into his jacket because it’s chilly
-finds excuses u give u his clothes at this point …the tiniest piece of lint on ur shirt and he’s handing you his blazer
-“u can keep it ig”
-gets you tiny gifts and acts like he just randomly found them
-he totally went out of his way to find you two matching keychains but he doesn’t wanna admit that
-“y/n I just randomly found your favorite seasonal pastry. no big deal. don’t thank me.”
-BUT HE ALSO KEEPS EVERY GIFT U GET HIM OMGEEE, he has a whole area on his desk dedicated to notes, trinkets, stickers, if you drew on his paper he’ll tear the section off so he can keep it LOL
-will never admit that. to anyone. but gets pressed if you give gifts to anyone else because that’s his y/nnie!! giving HIS gifts to some rando!! D: the cruelty!!
-gets sooo dramatic if he doesn’t get at least a little doodle he’s texting you like you killed a man
-one time his friend asked if he could borrow a pencil and he was like yea man sure and then realizing it was a pencil YOU!! gave him he snatched it back so fast trust
-he’s so cutie patootie but internally…4 now…
-wishes he could get over himself and kiss you all over when you shyly present a little plush toy you won at a claw game he’s RAHHHHH !!!
-for now he’ll stick to “thanks 😒”
-he’s really protective over you me thinks
-but he’ll be really quiet about it, maybe a girl makes you upset and he sees and he’ll “accidentally” knock over her bottled water on her notes, a guy is talking shit about you and sunghoon is squaring up in the courtyard no questions asked
-“sunghoon u dont have to protect me” “it’s not about you” even though it’s totally about you and he will die defending your honor
-one time on your walk out of school a tree branch poked you and u were all like “oh owie : o” and he was following behind before GLARING the shit out of that tree branch…
-another time this guy made a degrading comment about you and sunghoon managed to find receipts on him cheating on his gf and posted it on the school newsletter…cuz he’s silly like that <3
-honestly it’s a little scary the lengths he’ll go for you and still refusing to admit he’s doing it for you
-he’s not really good at comforting you when you cry, so he’ll make sure to protect you from anything that could make you cry
-he’ll always listen to you
-if someone said “sunoo can u go grab me a drink from the vending machine” he looks at them like they’re insane but if YOU’RE asking??? he’s sprinting down the hallways
-“it’s literally just because ur lips get all chapped when your dehydrated don’t get an ego,” while he’s handing you like…water purified in Antarctica sourced from glaciers with a little paper umbrella
-even smaller things, he prioritizes your advice
-“guys should I have hot pot or panera for lunch?” and a rando will go, “panera!” and hes dead silent but you go “oh you should totally get hot pot!!” and he’s basically booking a reservation
-probably “accidentally” books a reservation for two and forces you to come since “it’s a waste of table space” if no one else does lol
-also if you don’t like someone he doesn’t like them either
-“sunoo are u friends with Ria?” “shes okay” “she said my makeup looked bad today :(“ and sunoo will act like he dgaf
-but next time you bring her up he scoffs and is all, “why even bother crying about her? she’s not worth your time and she’s annoying anyways” even though he’s never talked to this girl
-tldr ur word > anyone else
-always speaks highly of you
-never to your face but he’ll always defend you when necessary, or speak up for you, or just praise you LOL
-“y/n actually scored higher than you, so idk why you’re bragging so loud” to some rando kid talking about test scores lmao
-or “y/n doesn’t like that snack get her another” when your friends are debating how to surprise you
-ur name is always in his mouth but positively LMAO
-brushes it off if you take note of this and says “people are just exaggerating, I barely talk about you, don’t get it twisted >:T” but everyone knows he’ll take any chance he can get to praise you
-“y/n is better tho” and everyone’s like?? who asked??
-it’s endearing but he doesn’t even notice it, he just is proud of you in every shape and form and since he can’t really express it around you he has to project it anywhere else he can hehe
-“jungwon do you think my hair looks okay?” says hee, looking for an actual answer. “y/n’s hair is nicer” responds jungwon, not missing a beat.
-“did you guys know y/n got a 100? isn’t she smart? don’t tell her I said that.”
-does things for you without you asking and then acts like it’s a habit
-it is definitely not a habit for him to run out of his seat to pull out your chair for you, but he insists he literally does it for everyone (he doesnt)
-opens your capped drinks before handing them to you, stops you suddenly to tie your shoelaces, sends you photos of notes if you missed a day..
-“y/n you’d literally be hopeless without me” but he’d be hopeless if anyone else helped you because it’s his job!!
-it makes him feel special when he gets to do so many acts of service for you, for some reason he doesn’t mind running errands or whatnot, he’d much rather he be the one who does it than anyone else
-“y/n u forgot a hair tie today?? ur lucky I brought one” knowing damn well he brought it specifically for you ☹️☹️ cutie
-if the train is full you don’t even have to ask and he’ll let you take his seat “y/n you have weak legs, you need to sit”
-he secretly loves being someone you can rely on, no matter how much he denies it <3
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angelhound · 2 years
#i ran into my old boss yesterday at Walgreens and im still thinking about how embarrassingly bad at socializing i was#i went to say hi on purpose bc i hvent seen him in like. years lol and tbh love that little fucked up cowboy grandpa#but i literally. cant make small talk what do u say. i got myself into a situation before preparing a script and i am so silly and goofy.#he asked me whst i was up to and i told him my day plans but he meant like. in general what am i doing w my life#and it was overall. not my best performance. but i DONT KNOW WHY i am Still Thinking about it it does not matter even kind of#he wasnt mean to me we hugged. chatted abt tape. i accidentally said i was there for antibiotics for my skin infection and he was like wtf.#forgot ur not supposed to like be honest with people. thats what i was doing there he was there to buy tape.#ugh anyways this is the extent my severe self embarrassment goes that was a normal interaction and its haunting my every hour that i did it#Wrong#still thinking also abt the time i went to joanns and forgot my card and i had to sit at the checkout waiting for my bank app to load in#silence for 5 minutes#its been like.. a month already it really doesnt matter#no evil hat man is going to come punish me for incorrectly navigating social situations. and yet#idk its so annoying because consciously i dont care i have consciously forgiven myself for being silly. goofy. a little stupid. but its in#my Bones the feeling is in my very bones and i cannot seem to take it out#trying to accept the feeling of shame but its my least favorite feeling of all time ever actually. i am a chronic shame avoider#but my extreme over classification of what is shameful is preventing me from living how i want to so im trying to get over it but it still#Feels the same even though i am on purpose putting myself in those situations now bc i Know its actually fine#i feel very emotionally wack this month because i have been experiencing so many situations. situations i would never have been in previous#ly#mostly i want to kill myself or move to a different state so i never have to see anyone again lol. but i will endure i Guess#how do u let go of what is ingrained in your very bones i been like this since birth#if i told a professional abt this they would give me a fat diagnosis of AvPD but i Also will be actually. hm fixing myself so it doesnt#matter if thats true. i can feel it letting go of me finger by filthy sharp nailed finger#its just really slow progress sometimes. like talking to mr cowboy and instigating a plague i am enduring for days.#i got really good at navigating it without actually fixing it for a long time. the loophole is that if i already know how to do something#correctly i dont need to avoid it. If i am already sure i will do it right. but there are many variables in life that do not allow you to be#sure about things before doing it and that has been the largest source of any stagnation in my life for the last 10 years+#no longer tho. now i do it anyways and consequently have to try not to spiral every day. livin on the edge babe#anyways i am my own evil hat man punisher. and im out of tags
0 notes
youreverydayfangirl · 17 days
so highschool
pairing: charles leclerc x australian! reader
summary: y/n yln is in love, or in which the famous singer decides to hard launch a relationship
warning: age gap relationship, hate
a/n: i aged up charles so its not pedophelia guyssss (8 years gap)
pt 2 is here!!! pt 3 is here!!!
f1 masterlist
main masterilst
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yourusename has posted
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liked by charles leclerc, francisca.cgomes and 7, 437, 982 others
yourusername life recently ft kika and gomez
tagged: francisca.cgomes, gomezzzlife
francisca.cgomes no because i missed you so much
→ yourusername just ditch pierre and come stay with me two problems solved
→ pierregasly yourusername uncalled for
→ yourusername pierregasly you exist so is it really uncalled for
→ user1😭
sabrinacarpenter ur so perf omg
liked by creator
→ oliviarodrigo no fr fr
user2 y/n really just woke up and chose violence today
→ yourusername if pierres involved always
user3 shes so fine tbh
user4 why is she hanging out with kika
→ user5 they've been friends for ages babes
user6 so no ones gonna talk about charles camping out in the likes
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yourusername has posted
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liked by charles leclerc, francisca.cgomes and 6, 569, 932 others
yourusername: insert dry ass caption here
tagged: francisca.cgomes
francisca.cgomes marry me 💍
→ yourusername bet
pierregasly the girl on the fifth slide 😍
→ yourusername back off shes my wife 🤺
→ pierregasly shes literally my girlfriend
→ yourusername and?
→ francisca.cgomes and?
→ pierregasly i give up
→ user1 LOL
user2 pierre be fighting for his life in y/ns comments
liked by creator
→ yourusername as he should tbh
user2 charles camping out in the likes AGAIN i see👀
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yourusername has posted two stories
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caption1: where am i off to???
caption2: Monza <3
liked by charlesleclerc, francisca.cgomes and 248, 732 others
charlesleclerc how far away are you?
charlesleclerc i miss you
yourusername not that far my love
yourusername i'll see you soon
yourusername love you
charlesleclerc i love you more
francisca.cgomes YAYYY
francisca.cgomes I CAN'T WAIT TO SEE YOU
yourusername ME TOOO
user1 where are you off too 👀
user2 literally back the fuck off babes
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yourusername has posted
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liked by charles leclerc, francisca.cgomes and 10, 987, 993 others
yourusername monza gp ps not the way i wanted to hard launch but very proud of my baby
tagged: francisca.cgomes, charlesleclerc
francisca.cgomes cant believe i have to share now
→ yourusername lets just runaway together
→ francisca.cgomes yourusername packing my things as we speak
→ charlesleclerc yourusername excuse me???
→ yourusername charlesleclerc hehe sorry??
→ pierregasly you get used to it after a while
→ user1 this dynamic>>
user2 hard launch of the CENTURY
user4 "not the way i wanted to hard launch" can she just be grateful omfg
user5 goldigger
user6 shes way to young for him
yourusername has posted
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liked by charles leclerc, francisca.cgomes and 7, 437, 982 others
yourusername two new singles "so highschool" and "so american" out now guysss
liked by creator
francisca.cgomes streaming nonstop
liked by creator
pierregasly even i'm admitting their good
liked by creator
landonorris charlesleclerc never playing gta with you again
→ charlesleclerc have you seen my gf mate
sabrinacarpenter MY TALENTED BESTIE
liked by creator
oliviarodrigo MARRY ME
liked by creator
user1 he says i'm pretty wearing his clothes
user2 still don't like her
→ user3 then why are you stalking
→ user4 user3 no fr
→ user3 gtfo then
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yourusername has posted two stories
charlesleclerc has posted one story
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caption 1: mr so highschool and so australian ❤️
caption 2: back in monaco for a while
caption 3: the best view
liked by charlesleclerc, landonorris and 248, 732 others
charlesleclerc ❤️❤️
yourusername 😙💋
landonorris maybe he might shut up about you now
yourusername it can't be bad
landonorris sure...
user1 wonder whos money that was
user2 eww
yourusername has posted
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liked by charles leclerc, francisca.cgomes and 9, 684, 320 others
yourusername well deserved time off
tagged: charlesleclerc
charlesleclerc still can't believe your mine ❤️
→ yourusername i could say the same mon amor
→ user1 🤺🤺
francisca.cgomes shes everything hes there
→ charlesleclerc hey!!
→ yourusername sorry baby
→ charlesleclerc yourusername its alright my love
user2 what well deserved time off you haven't done anything
→ user3 go touch grass shes obviously talking about her boyfriend
user4 y/n and her atm
user4 really does like older men huh
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yourusername has posted
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liked by charles leclerc, francisca.cgomes and 14, 970, 996 others
yourusername he was so nervous
tagged: charlesleclerc
charlesleclerc i need you more than the moon needs the sun
→ yourusername 😭😭
charlesleclerc shocked that you said yes
→ pierregasly same tbh
→ yourusername francisca.cgomes come get your man
→ francisca.cgomes yourusername yes maam 🫡
francisca.cgomes I HELPED PICK THAT RING OUT
liked by creator
francisca.cgomes IM SO HAPPY FOR YOU OMG
→ yourusername your the sweetest omg
pierregasly yeah congrats i guess
→ francisca.cgomes pierregasly be so real you sobbed like a baby
charlesleclerc has posted
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liked by yourusername, pierregasly and 11, 865, 543 others
charlesleclerc she said yes
tagged: yourusername
yourusername mon amor
yourusername how did i get so lucky
→ charlesleclerc im the lucky one
francisca.cgomes creds for helping with the ring
francisca.cgomes AND THE PHOTOS
→ charlesleclerc right yes credit to you
→ pierregasly charlesleclerc "right yes credit to you" npc frfr
→ francisca.cgomes pierregasly leave him alone he just got engaged
landonorris congrats 🍾
liked by creator
carlossainz55 congrats charlesleclerc yourusername
liked by creator
maxverstapen1 happy engagement!!!
liked by creator
lewishamilton congradulations
liked by creator
alexalbon yay!!!!
liked by creator
georgerussell so happy for you guys 🍾
liked by creator
oscarpiastri happy for you mate
liked by creator
oliverbearman so does that mean i have a mother now
→ charlesleclerc yes son
a/n: so thats part one and my first ever post guys!!!! i do have a pt2 and maybe pt3 planned so just lmk if you want them
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