#and when I saw these two dumbasses in Warcraft
helenrira · 9 months
Let me describe a pairing to you guys...
One is a dark-skinned man wearing a long coat and jewelry. He knows a lot of stuff going on and while he acts calm and collected most of the time, he has a few unhinged moments. He can also manipulate fire.
The other is a pale blue-eyed man whose fighting style involves a sword and a shiny armour. And one time, he was mentally possessed by a villain.
While this pairing has not been confirmed by the official material, people that have worked on it definitely played with hints.
And now, depending on your fandom, you may offer me different answers:
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salty-dracon · 5 years
ace hang plays another otome they found online
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^ their thumbnail
brid, who plays mmos at night: oh my god she’s so valid
lily, who is small and angry: you’re right she’s so valid
*lily is fortnite dancing in the background*
Brid: Today we’re playing Calling Cipher, a game that Lily found on some random manga creator website, that she really wanted me to mess around with for some reason? She said that the artist did all those manga creator things that her sister likes. 
*lily switches to a different fortnite dance*
Brid: Lily, get down from there and tell me how this game works. 
Brid: Taylor, please stop roasting me for playing World of Warcraft online. Fuck you. I love World of Warcraft. 
Lily: Do you? 
Brid: Yes, I do! My character’s a Tauren Retribution Paladin! His name’s Dakotah Swiftcutter! I like... smashing things to death... with my hooves... 
Lily: ... 
Brid: Does she... does she have a canon class? 
Lily: *raises eyebrows at her*
Brid: ... ?
Riley: “His name is Cipher and he is made of binary.”
Brid: So valid. 
Lily: Sooo valid. 
Brid: Hey, Taylor, I’m lesbian. 
Lily: “I thought you were American!”
(they both crack up)
Lily: Okay, what do you think of Megan? Emo, goth, scene, or punk?
Brid: What’s her major?
Lily: Well, she’s an BFA for starters.
Brid: A what?
Lily: Bachelor of fine arts.
Brid: An art major? Okay. So I’m still not sure, but... I want to say she’s emo for now, and she doesn’t seem like much of a scene kid to me? Punk, maybe, but the ankh around her neck indicates that she might be a goth. Or she might be a pagan... who just really likes wearing black...
(Brid dials a phone number)
Lily: ...... what are you doing
Brid: Hey, Val? We need an opinion.... Yeah, uh, I’m gonna send you a picture. Is this girl emo, goth, punk, or scene? ..... Of course you’d know, dumbass! You’re like “Lily’s grunge, not punk!” and- *snaps picture of screen* There, I sent it. What do you think? *long pause*
Lily: Well?
Brid: *imitating Val’s voice* That bitch could not more obviously be a prep trying to dress up in all black because it’s cool!
Lily: *leans into phone* What about the ankh?..... He hung up.
Lily: Any thoughts going in? 
Brid: I swear to god, if the first guy is our professor, I’m going to scream. 
(The guy is a professor) 
Lily: You said you’d scream. 
Brid: *throws back her head and unleashes a loud, guttural scream*
Angel, from downstairs: LILY, ARE YOU OKAY?
Lily: We’re fine, Mr. Perch. 
Angel: You sounded like you were in a lot of pain! 
Lily: We’re fine, I told her to scream. 
Angel: ... please, just be careful
Lily: He pierced the gay ear. 
Brid: That’s gay, Mr. Professor... 
Angel: It’s not gay if it’s both of your ears!
Brid: We’re not talking about you! 
Brid: I can’t believe she’s being called a weeb. Literally everyone watches anime these days, don’t they? 
Lily: It might be the fact that she’s dressed like a literal touhou character. 
Brid: That is not a-
Lily: Well, it’s what I thought when I saw her, so yeah. 
Brid: Damn, I didn’t know Megan could swear. 
Lily: No one knew I could swear before high school, actually. 
Brid: Oh my god, she mains paladin?!
Lily: *squishface*
Brid: aaaaaaaaaaaaaa im hapy
Lily: Okay, but like, if you used your MMO class as a reason to go fuck someone’s shit up, you’re pretty cringe, not gonna lie. 
Brid: You’re playing an otome on a browser.
Lily: And it was your idea to post this shit to YouTube. And now, for my favorite choice in the game. 
Brid: ...? 
Brid: ... So cringe. She is SO valid. 
(Kai walks in, and then walks out)
Brid: I’m using my Val imitation for this fucker. 
Lily: Y E S 
Brid: *riley voice* “Yeah so i got horny over my professor”
Lily: *mom voice* “ooh tell me more”
(both of them start laughing)
Brid: Wow. If I got roasted that hard by my mom I think I’d die immediately. 
Lily: Can’t relate. 
Brid: Well, like, I can’t relate either, actually... but like, still. 
Lily: Yeah. 
Brid: Why is this music so good and calming?
Lily: Yeah. *mom voice* “Anyway i’m doing a project with your father.” who i would love to cheat on with your professor. “It’s a very big project.” just like your professor’s dick.
Brid: Shut the fuck up. *riley voice* “Hey I can have the house to myself!”
Lily: “planning to get cozy with your professor?”
(both of them lose their shit)
Brid: Oh no. A white man. 
Lily: Every character. In this game. Is white. You dipshit. ... Except for Taylor. 
Brid: *squishface* Yeah, but this one’s rich and white. 
Lily: Oh, yeah, big mood. 
Brid: I’m going to roast him every chance I get. 
Lily: Well, I’m looking to get a good ending. 
Brid: This is the prologue. 
Lily: And I still think it matters. 
(cut in scene featuring the protagonist bumping into someone)
Brid: She’s so cute........
Lily: She is babey. 
Brid: Oh my god look at her smile! 
Lily: Precious child, must protect. 
Brid: I want to hug her!
Lily: “Hey Chase, I’m Lesbian.”
Brid: “I thought you were american-” not now let me be a lesbian
Lily: Awfully weird that we bumped into him outside of the lab, huh? Huh? 
Brid: Let me enjoy my protagonist!
Riley: “Who are you?”
Lily: Dear god. 
Kai: “Who are YOU?”
Brid: This can only end in disaster. 
Riley: “No one.”
Lily: Fucking cringe. 
Brid: So valid. 
(Riley tries and fails to be covert several times, with each one, the girls laughing even more)
(At the end of the cutscene, Riley leaves.)
Brid: *kai voice* “this kid’s five feet two inches”
Lily: Holy shit, she’s shorter than me!
Brid: I’d stand, like a head above her!
Lily: Anyway, who’s Velazquez? 
Brid: I’d make some Narcos jokes, but I don’t think anyone wants that. 
Lily: This’ll be important later. 
Brid: Fifty bucks is a lot. And the ID? I’m guessing he’s not a student. 
(Ethan appears) 
Brid: Who’s this Komaeda looking ass? 
Lily: Shut. Up. 
Brid: Oh my god, who’s- is that the calc professor? 
Lily: Matthew Parker, yeah. 
Brid: Oh my god, he’s wearing a little necklace! 
Lily: Yes, he is. 
Brid: “Sir I was not talking about your BALLS-” *just chokes while she’s laughing*
Lily: How old’s this guy, anyway?
Lily: *matt voice* “So Mills is my little thief.”
Brid: WHAT? 
Brid: WHAT?
Lily: ... 
Brid: ... 
Lily: ... 
Brid: ... 
Lily: The Dyphine file, you dipshit! 
Brid: Oh. Right. 
Brid: waIT WHAT
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