#and yes it was a whole powerpoint shh
Some art analysis on why I think the new VR46 bike livery looks "off"
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diorleclerc · 2 years
For college au.. I'm thinking student council president George. Because come on he's George PowerPoint Russell.
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okay i know it’s not tuesday anymore but i didn’t want to wait until next week to post this
you and george never got along in the first place
so when his votes beat your best friend’s in the election for student council president, it only made you dislike him more
you claimed that he only won because he was more popular and that he didn’t even really care about being on the council
your best friend tried to tell you that she was fine with the results and she’s sure he’ll do an amazing job as president
but nothing anyone could say would change your opinion on george russell
ever since you met him, you thought he was arrogant and cocky
and the reason that led you to think that was probably stupid and petty but it was too late for you to change your opinion of him now
oh but he was going to try to get you to
the only reason why he even ran for student council in the first place was to impress you
he thought that his plan was amazing and it would surely get you to like him
until he found out that his opponent was your best friend
by the time he found out, it was too late for him to back out
but now that he’s on the council, he’s gonna try and find a new way to get you to like him
george starts planning events and fundraisers for things that he knows you care about to try and catch your attention
and it actually works because you end up volunteering to help out for these events
you don’t want to admit it but after spending some time with him, he’s not that bad
and after some time, when george knows that you don’t completely hate him anymore, he comes up with another plan: one to ask you out
he plans a fake fundraising event to get you to show up
but when you show up to the room where the event was supposed to be held, it’s empty
except for george, who had a whole slideshow presentation ready for you
“what’s going on?” you ask, glancing over at the presentation on the screen which just had the words “ten reasons why you should…”
“just sit down and hear me out. please,” he says and well, you can’t say no to his puppy dog eyes
“are you trying to sell me something?”
“shh, just wait,” he says and clicks for the slideshow to begin
after the first click, the remaining words of the title pop up
“ten reasons why you should go out with me” appears on the screen and you raise an eyebrow at him
“well this should be good.”
his reasons are are ridiculous as hell but he’s so good at presenting that you don’t even think they’re stupid
“so? have i convinced you yet? or do you need another ten reasons?”
“i’ll go out with you on one condition,” you say, watching his smile widen
“i never have to sit through one of these presentations ever again,” you say and his smile drops
“no promises on that darling. but i do promise that it’ll be the best date you’ve ever been on.”
“the best hm? well then now i have to say yes to see if you’ll keep that promise.”
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imagines4thefandoms · 3 years
Eternity Pt 2 (Kol Mikaelson X reader)
Requested: yes from Wattpad
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This will no be accurate according to the show so bare with me.
Y/n’s POV
“Kol” you whispered.
You quickly looked over your shoulder but the only person there was your best friend (bff/n). She gave you small smile and then went back to taking notes. You could have sworn that you felt something. The entire class you just stared blankly at the powerpoint. You didn’t even notice the class was over til (bff/n) shoved you a little as she was leaving the classroom.
“Y/n are you ok” Bf/n asked.
“What,” you asked coming back to reality.  “Yeah” you answered grabbing you bag and running out of the room.
“Your crazy y/n. Just go for a walk to clear your head,” you told yourself.
The plan was to walk around campus until your next class. The scenery was going to calm you down, just link it did after your turned. But you didn’t really focus on the scenery.
You woke up and everything hurt. Your head. Your teeth. Your eyes. But weirdly enough not your stomach or legs or face. Not where that man hurt you. You opened your eye but the light was way too bright.
“Its ok,” a strange voice said.
The light became less annoying and you took in your surroundings. But it wasn’t a hospital. You quickly sat up of tried to make yourself small. There were two men in the room with you.
“Please im sorry. I won’t run,” you pleaded with those men.
“Hey your safe. I promise that man will never hurt you again,” the man in a suit said.
“Technically no one will now,” the other one said.
There was this pain in your stomach. It was like hunger but much worse. There was a bag on the table next to the bed you woke up on and it smelled amazing. The younger of the two men grabbed the bag and sat on the bed.
“Drink this and you will feel better,” he said holding out the bag.
The urge to take it was strong but you were weary of the men. You turned your head away and just hoped the hunger would go away like it has before. The other placed his hand on the younger and they both left the room.
“She needs to feed,” you heard the younger say.
“That young girl just went through something horrific Kol. Give her time,” the older man say.
“Elijah, and if she doesn’t are we supposed to let her die,” the younger man now known as Kol asked.
“She might not want to become one of use. It's her choice. One that neither of us will make for her,” Elijah responded as he walked away.
Everything hurt. But this pain was worse than you ever felt. This pain couldn’t be pushed down and ignored. Something in you knew that whatever was in that bag would make the pain go away. You went to grab it off the nightstand but it wasn’t there. Kol must have taken it. Maybe that was best. right. If I drank that I would become one of them according to Elijah but what were they? British?
You curled into a ball and just cried. This pain has to go away right. Kol said I could die. Would that be a good thing. Or should I drink whatever is in that bag. What's so bad about becoming British? There was this loud tapping on wood. You shot up and looked around the room but saw nothing. The tapping continued. You got out of bed and saw nothing but a lone ant in the far corner. Yep you were going crazy. You were walking back to the bed when there was a thunderous knock on the door. Your tried to cover your ears to lessen the sound but it didn’t work. Kol walked in.
“What's wrong with me. What did you do,” you asked backing into the corner and curling into a ball.
“Shh you are okay,” Kol said stepping towards you.
“No stay away. You said I'm going to die.”
“Only if you don’t drink this,” Kol replied hold out the bag.
“What if I don’t want to be British. Huh. You ever think of that,” yelled.
“What,” Kol laughed.
“I heard what the other man said. If I drink that i'll become like you.”
“A vampire darling. You will become a vampire. Not British and were are not British. Technically we are Norwegian,” kol replied with a small smile.
“There is no such thing as vampires.”
“You teeth hurt,  and your eyes and head. Everything it too bright and too loud. You’re hungry. Hungrier than you have ever been,” kol stated.
“You are transitioning between vampire and human. You don’t have to turn if you don’t want to. But you died back on the farm. That man shot you. If you don’t drink this you will die,”
“Im dead?”
“Undead technically.”
You looked at Kol like he was crazy. A Vampire is one thing but you’re not dead. You would remember dying right. Kol took another step forward and you noticed his face change. His eyes got all veiny and his teeth got pointy.
“Holy shit,” you exclaimed standing up. “How.”
“My mother turned us after my younger brother died,”
“And how am I…,”
“My brother and I found you. You were seriously hurt so my brother fed you his blood to heal you. I killed the man who hurt you but he shot you. You died with vampire blood in your system so now you’re becoming a vampire,” Kol explained.
“Will it hurt,”
“No. Your pain will stop and you will be strong and faster and no one will hurt you again,” he explained stepping closer. “Drink this and you will be a vampire.
“Kol enough,” Elijah said walking into the room. “This is her choice.”
“If it will take my pain away i’ll drink blood. So what’s in that bag,” you asked stepping towards the brother.
“Human blood,” Elijah responded.
“Ew what,” you exclaimed taking a small step back.
“Drinking human blood with complete the transformation,” kol explained.
“But it smells so good,” you said with a gross expression.
Kol laughed a little and looked over at Elijah. “Are you sure you want this,” Elijah asked.
“I think so. Nothing can hurt me besides, wooden stake, holy water, a cross, the sun and garlic. No garlic bread will suck. Wait I don’t want to hurt people.”
“Holy water, a cross and garlic are all myth. The sun won’t be a problem with a daylight ring and you don’t have to hurt people if you don’t want to,” Elijah explained.
“Ok, I think I want this,” you said stepping forward and taking the blood from Kol.
You ripped the bag open and took a small sip. You expected it to taste awful but it was the most delicious thing you ever consumed. After drinking the whole bag you returned the bag to Kol and wiped and blood that was on your face away. Kol was right. The pain was gone. You felt strong. You felt free. You felt safe.
You were so entranced by the memory of your transformation that you walked longer and further than you planned. A text message from your lab partner brought you back to reality and you realized that you were late to class and that you walked 5 miles.
Shit I lost track of time. -y/n
Don’t worry ill tell the teach that you are sick. I'll send you the notes after class- (random name)
Thanks sorry- y/n
End flashback
You started to walk back to your room when you saw a couple chasing each other in the park across the street. They looked happy. The guy grabbed his boyfriend and they both fell down. They laid there together and watched the clouds pass.
You hated how happy they were. You hated how they had each other when your person was gone.
“Y/n come here,” Kol called from down stairs.
You kinda stayed with the Mikaelson’s after you turned. And they were right. You didn’t have to hurt anyone. But you kind of became a thief. Once a week Kol helps you steal from a blood bank so you don’t have to hurt a person, but only if there is lots of blood.
“What Kol,” you asked walking towards him.
Kol grabbed your hand and pulled you out of the house. You tried to plant yourself but he was older and therefore a lot stronger.
“Kol I don’t want to,” you whined trying to break free of his grasp.
“You have been inside all week, and its (fave weather) outside,” Kol explained turning to you.
“Fine,” you respond.
You go back upstairs to dress accordingly and then go out with Kol. The two of you walk around town til you guys reach the park and sit in the gazebo located in the center. Kol has become your best friend, your person. Without kol you wouldn’t be alive today and you loved him.
“Are you alright darling,” he asked sitting next to you.
“I’m perfect,” you responding watching the weather.
“Yes you are,” Kol mumbled watching you.
You got up and exited the gazebo to fully enjoy the weather. Kol sat protected watching you close your eyes, look up and spin around enjoying this beautiful day. You didn’t know kol walked over to you til his hands where on your hips causing you to stop spinning. You laughed as you fixed your hair and looking into his brown eyes. You stopped laughing when he grabbed your face. Before you could question what he was doing Kol pressed his lips against yours.
He broke the kiss and looked at you. “God you’re gorgeous.”
“I know.”
Kol laughed and then pressed his lips against yours again, but this time you wrapped your arms around him and deepened it. Something happened and the two of you fell to the ground. Laughter erupted from the both of you. Kol was on top of you and he just rested his forehead.
You pushed him off of you and the two of you just laid in the middle of the park holding hands. It was the best day ever.
End flashback
Kol’s POV
How. I’ve been dead for two months and now I was able to feel her. More importantly she could feel me. My sweet Y/n. I wanted to go follow her but there was something calling me. I don’t know what it was but I just needed to follow it. The thing calling me lead me back to my brothers. I walked into a house and saw Elijah sitting in the library reading. I explored the house and saw Klaus in his drawing room. Rebekah was with Marcel and there was a strange pregnant woman in the kitchen. I was going to try to call out to Klaus but there was something calling me upstairs. There was a door at the end of the hallway that glowed. I walked towards the door but before I could open it, someone else opening it.
“There you are. I have been looking for you,” a young brunette said.
Y/n’s POV
I reached my dorm room and I was going to take a nap. Naps solve all problems. But I needed answers. Did I really feel my Kol or am I going crazy. Maybe cursed or hexed. The only person who would know was Elijah. So I grabbed my keys and decided it was time to head to New Orleans.
“Where are we going,” you asked Kol messing with the blind fold he placed over your eyes.
“You really don’t like surprised do you,” he asked slapping your hand.
“Well the last time I was blindfolded and taken to a surprise I died in a barn,” you responded with a deadpan tone.
You could tell by the air how much Kol did not appreciate your joke. He was never really a fan of your dark humor. You placed a hand on his knee to let him know you were ok. He grabbed your hand and placed a kiss on it.
“Your humor needs work,” he said.
“No you just need time to get it,” you responded.
“Well either way we have all of eternity.”
The car stopped and Kol quickly got out and opened your door. He removed your blindfold and a beautiful cabin stood before you. The cabin sat on a lake and was surrounded by woods. Kol grabbed your hand and brought you inside.
“Kol what is this place,” you asked running your hand over the beautiful furniture.
“I bought this place years ago as a safe haven from my family. I come here when ever Niklaus is in a shabby mood,” he said wrapping his arms around you. “I thought that my beautiful girlfriend could use a vacation.”
“So you brought me to your don’t dagger me cabin,” you asked turning your head to look at the love of your life.
“Yes I brought you to my don’t dagger me cabin,” he laughed. “And now it’s our don’t dagger me cabin.”
“How romantic,” you joked turning completely around to hold him.
The entire trip was perfect. Just you and Kol doing everything you love. But the best night there was the third night. Kol had driven into town to grab stuff to make dinner. Kol promised to make your favorite meal. While Kol was out you decided to relax by the lake and soak up the sun. You stayed there til Kol came back. He placed a kiss on your temple to let you know he was back. You got up and returned the favor. He started to walk back to the cabin so you ran and jumped on his back.
“To lazy to walk darling,” he asked holding your legs so you don’t fall.
“Yes I am babe,” you responded placing a kiss on his cheek.
He shook is head in laughter and carried you inside. Once be brought you into the kitchen he sat you down on the counter. Kol turned and stood in between your legs. Your arms were around his neck and the two of you just stayed like this staring into each others eyes.
“So what’s the plan old man,” you asked after a couple minutes.
“Dinner, desert, then sex,” he replied.
“Sounds delicious.”
You sat on the kitchen counter and just watched Kol cook (favorite meal). While he was cooking you grabbed the phone that was on the counter next to you, which so happened to be his, and turned on music. Every so often Kol would bring you a spoon to taste the food.
“Delicious,” you judged.
After twenty more minutes, Kol was done cooking. He set up the table with candles and rose petals and went to the bedroom and put on a suit. He pulled out the chair for you and you just stared at him. You looked at Kol in his suit and you in a tank top and shorts.
“Seriously babe,” you exclaimed point to the romantic scene then to your outfit.
“You look gorgeous,” he said walking over to you.
“I know i’m just underdressed,” you ran upstairs and changed into a simple (f/c) dress.
You return downstairs and give Kol a little twirl. “Better.”
He looked at your dress and then laughed at your fuzzy polka dot socks. “Stunning,” he replied grabbing your hand and bringing you to the table.
The (favorite meal) was perfect. Kol was perfect. Everything was perfect. Kol took a sip of wine then grabbed your hand. He looked a littler nervous which confused you so you gave him a little smile in hopes to calm him down.
“Y/n you are the most beautiful person I have ever laid eyes on and I have been alive for over a century. These moments with you have made me feel more alive than when I was actually alive,” he stated to say. “And I meant is when I said that we will be together for all eternity. But there is one thing we need to fix for our eternity to begin.”
“Fix what needs to be fixed,” you asked looking at your dress.
“Not the way you look darling. Just your name,” he said getting down on one knee.
Kol grabbed a little black box from his pocket and opened it to reveal a beautiful diamond ring. You jumped out of your chair and fell on top of Kol.
“Is that a no,” he asked jokingly.
“Shut up. Yes. Fix my name it’s awful.”
“Nothing about you is awful, besides your humor. But y/n Mikaelson has a nice ring to it,” he said moving the hair from your face.
The two of you sat up and he slid the ring on your finger. Marrying the man in front of you is a dream come true.
You were playing with your ring which was hanging around your neck the whole ride home. Two months without your soulmate really felt like two centuries. And you knew going back home was going to bring up memories and pain but you needed answers. Why now?
As soon as you entered city limits, you saw Kol at every corner. You saw where you and kol first kissed. Where you had your first date, first fight, first make up. You passed your first apartment together.
You finally pulled up to the Mikaelson house and you just stood at the front door at the house where you met Kol. Maybe you didn’t want the answers; you went to go back to your car but stopped. Kol would tell you to be brave. So you opened the front door and walked inside.
There was some chatter coming from the library so you guessed Klaus and Elijah were fighting again. You decided to wait in the kitchen til Klaus was less “stabby” as Kol would put it. After grabbing some blood from the fridge you went to the library and lightly knocked on the door.
“Elijah I need some help,” you said slightly opening the door. “Im pretty sure I’m losing my mind or that i’m cursed.”
You walked in and saw Rebekah, Klaus, and Elijah looking at the fire place.  You could kind of see that they were staring a Devina. Elijah turned to face you and you saw him.
“Hello Darling,” Kol said walking towards you.
“Kol,” you asked taking a step forwards.
“God, you are even more gorgeous than before.”
“I know,” you cried as you ran into his arms.
He picked you up and spun you around. Kol put you down and firmly pressed his lips against yours. After taking a break for air, you turned to everyone and just smiled.
“How,” you simply asked.
“I found a spell,” Davina replied.
“Thank you D,” you thanked hugging Kol.
She gave you a small smile and you turned back to the love of your life. He was back. You were in his arms again. He looked at you with the biggest smile and then to the ring around your neck.
“I believe this is in the wrong place,” he said taking the necklace off of you.
He placed the ring back on your finger and placed a kiss on your hand.
“I also believe that there was something we needed to fix,” you replied with a smile.
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ask-rushun · 4 years
We've seen America be annoying about how Elizabeta used to have the "hots" for him, but has Austria ever been annoying about having once been Elizabeta's husband?
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// Austria minds his own business- He’s quite preoccupied w/ things*. He’s always been kinda supportive towards Ivan and Eliza, (bc he has a soft spot for Rus shh) so he’s never really been ‘annoying’ about being Eliza’s ex-husband
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// Every month he has a lecture about why Eliza and Roderich will forever be the best couple (yes he has a whole PowerPoint to go with the lecture). Sometimes he’ll say how Eliza and he would be a good couple. 
// Add Alfred to the mix and it becomes a shitshow 
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