#angela mooneater
yourlocaldragondealer · 7 months
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ashleybenlove · 1 year
Angela has a title the Urgals gave her that means Mooneater.
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yourlocaldragondealer · 11 months
TIC signatures
I was bored
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he learned how to write when he was fifteen. You cant convince me he wouldnt take the easy route and write in capital letters. Also i think hed really care about legibility.
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She also wants to make it legible and Ajihad always made her write in cursive so she still does that a little. Nothing too fancy tho bc she has to write it multiple times a day and doesnt want to bother
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Shes a lefty and ill die on that hill. She also doesnt rly care too much about it but likes the swing she can do with the A bc she cant do it in elvish. (This got a little ugly, i had to write it like seven times before it looked good)
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Totally the person to practice his signature. Writes really straight and with tall letters. Cares more about the Look than legibility but its legible enough. Really doesnt like signing contracts anymore tho, for… obvious reasons.
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Illegible except for the first letter. No fucks left, not after a century of this. The tired parent signing their kids test without even taking a look at the grade (eragon failed grammar again).
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Knows how to write in human/dwarfen letters but is unused to it. Tries his best anyways and it actually looks really good. Very round letters, smears his i dots
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Used to be very fancy about it but is getting a little lazy. Still dramatic enough for the big lines in the t and the x tho.
Bonus: Angela
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Doesnt like giving signatures (it wastes her time bc no one knows her real name and she definitely wont reveal it for something this boring so the signature will be worthless anyways) but if someone makes her she’s going to waste her their time like theyre wasting hers and take an eternity drawing flourishes around it. Probably even more than i did. Normally only gives strange warnings or hexes the parchment or something tho bc she just doesnt like it.
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yourlocaldragondealer · 11 months
What instruments the inheritance characters play
Im aware most of these didnt exist in the middle ages but idc
Saphira: The drums and i dont mean shes a drummer in a band i mean like a giant, round drum that needs a whole branch to be played
Eragon: I have a headcanon that both him and Murtagh can sing rly well bc Selena could so he sings
Roran: country boy, hes playing the guitar (or also the drums, cant decide)
Arya: We KNOW she can sing (its in Brisingr i think?) but shes also royalty and an elf so she had musical education. I think shed play something like eguitar tho just to spite her mother
Murtagh: he can sing and since he grew up at court he can also play lute and Piano
nasuada: also kind of piano vibes but i feel like shed be good at drumming too (the band kind not saphiras)
The twins: dont have musical talent except for the kazoo
galby: he doesnt need to play. He listens to other people do it
Angela: probably a lot more than she lets on. Right now she really likes marimba tho
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