#anima lokison-saari // soul guider
shatteredminds · 2 years
For this
First spin- Andromeda Atalanta Zaishvaerala Bishop
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While she is the second female soul of Ottawa, her hair represents the aurora borealis. That's why it has streaks of hair that change color.
Second spin- Nora Synnove Säde Väyrynen Friis
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She's the spitting image of her mother, Säde. She's also only one of Ulfric's two half-human children alive.
Third spin- Exiled Lion goddess Łišní
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Her and Høwłešh would make bets on who would win when their brothers Ürøx and Wøfhüz got into fights.
Forth spin- Sora Yeva Zaishvaerala Medved
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Despite her being the eldest of Azura's litter of seven, her and Kira are full sisters.
Fifth spin- Jericho Stearn Rhaghverii Lokison
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He's one of the Lokisons who despises wearing shirts. If he's wearing a jacket or sweater you can bet he doesn't have a shirt on under it.
Sixth spin- Trinity Svetla Dimitrescu
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While her cousin Sparrow is a vampire like Vaermina, Trinity's a werewolf like her uncle Hircine.
Seventh spin- Loki Hammill Zaishvaerii Seaver
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He's a sadist, he's also one of the Vittagarðrian children who are highly possessive of ther partners.
Eighth spin- Polyxena Zella Rosenqvist-Lokison
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She's a softy for her children, grand children, and great grandchildren.
Ninth spin- Claudius Frean Hidashaii Lokison
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His chamber in the palace was garnished with poisonous plants and flowers.
Tenth Spin- Anima Anamosa Rhaghverala Lokison-Saari
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She was the one who taught Azura how to use her soul magic.
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