#animal coding an idol with a fox will mean they become my favorite
ggggghost · 1 year
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robbyrobinson · 4 years
A Rant on Yandere Simulator
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Yandere Simulator; a game that sounds good on paper, but has a crappy game developer that is still in development after 6 years. So, you play as a lovesick girl named Ayano Aishi who wants her “Senpai” all to herself regardless of the cost. I admit that I was fascinated with the concept of the game and is one that I wanted to see succeed and possibly be one of my favorite games alongside the likes of the FNAF series; Undertale; Doki Doki Literature Club! and the like. But...there were several bumps along the way. Well more like a road of bumps and broken glass and nails. 
The game has no identity for one. It was something that gets continually pointed out by others more knowledgeable of gaming aesthetics, but the characters all look the same...which makes sense because Yandere Dev bought the bases for the characters. He claims that he would be changing the style at some point...but he is already knee-deep into his shit that the characters had become too iconic in their current forms so suddenly trying to change them now would only turn some of his fans away. But yes; aside from hair and accessories, each character is indistinguishable. 
Yandere Dev also had stolen the grassy background and did not credit the original artist...something that he is all too comfortable with doing because the accusations keep coming up. This is a problem that had not been resolved in over 6 years and likely will not. 
Ayano herself. For starters, she is not a yandere. A yandere’s character trait is that they start off as loving and character towards their love interest or idol of devotion until they break down mentally and become overprotective of their center of affection, or more likely to commit violent acts. Ayano herself is outright told in the backstory that she was unable to feel any emotion. She would fit more squarely under kuudere where many girls of that trope tend to have little emotion. Aside from that, she comes off as bland. 
Another gripe I have with the game is that aside from its coding issues, Yandere Dev puts in pointless Easter eggs. I mean when Undertale was a big thing, he decides to make a “Sans” suit for Ayano and explains it away as being “essential” to the game. Or there was that time he wanted to dress her up as Saitama, and then in the name of his great wisdom, he put the Titans from Attack on Titan in the game as another Easter egg. This also falls under the blanket term of the game having no identity. Really, Yandere Dev; stop adding in these pointless additions because that is  overloading your game with shit you don’t need. 
Yandere Dev himself is a prick. Like I said, he steals assets and does not credit them. He is a manchild who can’t take constructive criticism like how he held a grudge on the creator of Skullgirls for years because he was upset that his “idol” did not stroke his ego and instead pointed out that he needed to work on his spaghetti code. He treats his fans like crap such as that one time where he made a character to represent the community where he would either bludgeon, abuse, mutilate, or kill her. Instead of creating a different email to serve as “fan mail,” he instead gets pissy whenever someone emails him on how the development of the game’s going. I mean, don’t get me wrong, making a game on your own is time-consuming and difficult...but then you have people like Toby Fox, Scott Cawthon, and Dan Salvato, they finished their games no less of 2-3 years. Yandere Dev spends most of his time streaming or doing anything that does not amount to working on the game. If he does actually, then I would take that back, but I doubt it because he was also known to throw people who tried to help him under the bus.
Then there are the debaucheries: one of the rivals for Senpai’s affection is a teacher who is an ephebophile who openly seduces her male students...you know, something that is illegal? Sure Yandere Dev tried to work around that unethical dilemma by claiming that the characters are all 18, but still, teacher x student relationships are taboo. Need I say that one of Ayano’s rivals is even Senpai’s younger sister? While you can claim that it falls squarely under non-platonic overprotective affection, the game uses several anime tropes and considering how many series center around siscon material, I feel like throwing up.
I...don’t see this game ever getting finished or let alone released. There have since been many factors that have worked against the game’s favor from: bad coding; a lack of identity; morally wrong subject matter; the sheer laziness of the game developer and his inflated ego. If anyone still supports him despite all the morally bankrupt content, I won’t stop you. I do hope that you at least get the game you want, even if it is a sandbox. 
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