#anti zomax
biblicalhorror · 3 years
Sometimes I'm just sitting there minding my own business and then suddenly I'm reminded of the zep finale and how genuinely upsetting it was
The whole thing gave me himym vibes with all the retconning and misogyny and like, I know a lot of people hated s2 altogether but I honestly think it had some shining moments, primarily for storylines outside of the main love triangle
I loved the overarching arc for Zoey about learning to heal and be emotionally available with herself while also remembering to be there for the people she loves in the same way
But the finale sidelining Simon in the same way that some (frankly racist) fans have in order to justify Zoey x Max was honestly disgusting. You just spent half a season showing us that Zoey and Simon are different people that ultimately encourage each other to grow and be better versions of themselves. They didn't "just bond over having dead dads" and you showed us that. Before the last 3 episodes or so, we saw Simon being an honestly better friend to Zoey than Max ever did. Maybe the finale would've been more believable if that flashback episode came earlier in the series. The way it was written in at the end just to quickly try to redeem all of Max's shitty behavior was so forced
NOT TO MENTIONNNNN the fucking therapist literally telling Zoey that her sudden "feelings" for Max were more about her fear of losing another important person in her life while she's still grieving her father and making me think they could actually be going somewhere interesting and new with the series, only for them to turn around like, an episode later and the therapist to be like "you're in a great love story :)" few finales have ever made me this genuinely upset
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mulderscully · 3 years
i really like zoey's extraordinary playlist but i cannot wrap my mind around how zoey and max are supposed to be a cute/good ship. and i don't mean this in a purity way bc i have toxic ships etc but i have literally been in this situation. my mom was terminally ill and then died in a v similar way to zoey's dad. and max has not supportive of her in the ways he should have been, he sprung his feelings on her and then got angry with her for not responding or responding how he wanted her to. like my guy, her father is dying. and now she's obviously still grieving and shouldn't even be in a romantic relationship anyway and it all feels so forced to me with them.
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bixisarusher · 3 years
thoughts on Zimon / Zomax:
(pre S2-finale)
Allthough part of the narrative seems to be really pro Zomax (her dad liking him and all), just character-wise Zimon and her are so much better? and that's why I hold out hope that they're endgame?
To me it boils down to:
Max generally having 0.1 amount of empathy towards her vs.
Simon being open, honest and willing to understand her
and in both relationships through S2, Zoey was and is a poor communicator and needs to get better at that, so I could see Simon's patience running out (or maybe she does decide to tell him and he snaps then), but like... Zoey and Max are fine as buddies and I do want them to make up but romantically... Zimon all the way for me.
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natlover4ever · 4 years
My opinion on the (Best) Friends to Lovers Trope:
When done right, I love this trope. However, I do not automatically ship friends to lovers. It depends on the situation:
If it’s mutual pining, I ship it (Fiona & Imogen from Degrassi, Katara and Aang from Avatar the Last Airbender). Or, if one person has a crush but accepts rejection, or is supportive of their friend dating someone else (MJ & Peter in the first SpiderMan, Betty/Archie from Riverdale. Both ships became mutual pining too - also Fiona when Imogen dated Eli), then I’ll ship it, or enjoy it as a friendship.
But if the person with a crush responds to rejection with anger, or is pissed off when they see their friend with someone else, I get whiny/entitled/possessive “friend zone” vibes and won’t ship it. (Incel/ Nice Guy^tm vibes. Even if I like the character as a person)
-In Teen Wolf, Stiles was a good example of how to handle rejection, but I enjoyed their friendship and loved Stalia a lot so it was hard for me to appreciate stydia. So I don’t ship them, but I don’t have as strong negative feelings about it as these ships:
-Zig/Maya on Degrassi - especially in season 13 when he was pissed at her for dating Miles, although they are cute in the last season of Next Class
-Jane/Rafael from Jane the Virgin (later seasons) - I wanted to like them, but Raf trying to guilt Jane into divorcing Michael <<< Michael saying “I just want you to be happy”
-Brandon/Callie on the fosters: when he angrily says “I don’t want you dating anyone” when she’s dating Wyatt
-Zoey/Max on Zoey’s extraordinary playlist: Max getting pissed that Zoey set him up with someone else even though she didn’t have feelings for him, and wanted to be with Simon
So overall, (best) friends to lovers are adorable, but for me to ship it, it has to be mutual or have one character accept rejection and still be a supportive friend, before it leads to anything romantic between them.
Also, I appreciate close friendships equally to romantic ships, so I will usually still want them to stay friends, whether I ship them or not. I loved Zig & Maya as friends/roommates, Jane & Raf as friends/co-parents, Brandon & Callie as siblings lol, even if I don’t ship them.
I’d love to hear if anyone has more examples of friends to lovers ships and if you ship them and why/why not. 😊
TLDR: I either love or hate “friends to lovers” ships, and it all depends on how the person with a crush reacts to rejection. If they’re pissed at their friend for dating someone else, it turns me off from shipping them forever, but if they are supportive then I will root for them.
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femininemenon · 3 years
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their 4 second, strictly platonic (bc *gasp* how dare you even insinuate that a white woman could be together with a black man) scenes will be a win for interracial couples everywhere
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hawkate · 3 years
I'll admit that I haven't seen s2 save for like, 3 Zimon scenes bc I've seen this exact plot yrs ago and I'm not interested lol I'm guessing they want to save face by having them interact ("oh no we did not completely disregard their Friendship see!")? make it make sense. I'm guessing Zoey decided she wanted to be with the manchild (despite expressing 0 desire for him the majority of s1) right around the time the writers realized how annoyingly loud their fandom was lol
I honestly was so surprised that Zoey and Max had so many fans? Like I was here, in my lil corner on tumblr, reblogging gifsets and being happy shipping Zimon bc I, honestly, kinda can’t stand Max lmao and now with S2 I’ve found out that tons of people love Zoey and Max and I don’t get it??? Like I don’t see the chemistry, it was so fkn sudden on Zo’s part, Max just feels so entitled and whiny and... ugh I’m actually thinking on giving maybe a couple of episodes more and then, if it doesn’t get better, I’ll quit watching because it’s not even entertaining outside of the ships. 
If you don’t mind asking, in what show did you see this happening? I feel like it’s something that happens a lot, it pisses me off. 
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ok honestly I’m starting to ship Zimon more than Zomax (I was truly eh could go either way for awhile but these last two episodes have me rooting for Simon right with Emily.)
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ohifonlyx33 · 3 years
honestly present-day ZEP storylines were kinda frustrating me, so I've skipped a few episodes and just kept my eye on the story from a distance. but i did decide to watch the flashback episode which I quite enjoyed. The only issue is that some of this backstory seems like it was slightly shoehorned in or else it should have been mentioned before. But the shoe fits, so I'll allow it.
I'm interested in the show for Zomax. And I'm curious about what they might do with Max and Zoey now. Because I was/am ticked about how they put them together to break them up over grief only to then have Zoey and Max pursue Simon and Rose respectively... IDK it just feels so wishy-washy and disrespectful to all the characters. Like, maybe in highschool, sure... but they're adults? And Max and Simon both going after Zoey was getting old especially when Zoey keeps pretending she doesn't know how she feels and keeps changing her mind... But now with Max possibly leaving they have the potential to possibly flip the dynamics.
Because Max has been in a certain position of wanting and chasing Zoey for most of the series.
In the 2nd episode of season 1, Max and Zoey have a tiff about her new position of authority (and unbeknownst to him, his songs to her). When he leaves for the day, he tells her he's "just doing his best to try to please her." And that is Max in a sentence.
Max downplays himself to please others because his upbringing taught him to seek approval (earning his father's good opinion)--to prove himself. But really he craves acceptance (being loved and supported as he is).
Ultimately he does these things for Zoey because he genuinely cares about her. He willingly makes these sacrifices for her, even ones she is unaware of. But inside he still craves simple validation.
So Max has been the one doing almost all of the giving in their relationship. And that is just... not sustainable. In a friendship OR a relationship of ANY sort. He needs to care for himself--without being called selfish or whiny or entitled by antis who won't allow Max to have his own emotional needs. And he deserved to be cared for by someone who does appreciate him.
Maybe that person wasn't Zoey. Maybe at the time it couldn't be Zoey. Maybe for now it's Rose.
But that distance might allow perspective. Does Zoey continue to want to be with Simon beyond their grief bonding? Does Simon really like Zoey? What would he think of her powers? I don't think she should jump back and forth between the boys. Neither of them deserve that. So if she gets together with Max again eventually, there needs to be some kind of distance first. But how much does Max really mean to her? Did she take him for granted? And if Zoey is the one pining after him for once, the relationship would feel more balanced.
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thedoctordonnas · 4 years
zep for the fandom ask?
my favorite female character: i gotta say zoey, she’s the titular character and i would honestly jump in front of a train for her my favorite male character: we all know it’s leif, but simon and tobin are literally right behind him like theres a margin of error of .2% my favorite book/season/etc: n/a bc theres only one season so far my favorite episode: okay this one changes everyday bc all of the eps are so good in their own way but right now its a tie between 5 (zoey’s relationship w/ failure is very similar to mine and also everybody hurts and should i stay or should i go both slap so hard) and 8 (just,,, everything abt 8) my favorite cast member: either jane or michael, i remember watching suburgatory when i was younger and having the BIGGEST crush on jane but also i’ve spent literally hours watching mtg’s concerts and consuming literally any content available for him it’s bad my favorite ship: this is probably not a surprise coming from tumblr user coderbfs but tobin/leif a character I’d die defending: episode 10 zoey (also zoey in general but,,,,, i remember watching the episode live and being so excited to discuss it and then half the fandom was treating her like she was irredeemable for being kind of mean to max and simon lmao that was the POINT grief and strong emotions make you do stuff you otherwise wouldn’t and its abt taking responsibility while still taking care of yourself i could write a manifesto about episode 10 zoey but im gonna stop now) a character I just can’t sympathize with: honestly not a lot of characters on the show are unsympathetic?? probably charlie i guess he’s dillweed central but he’s only in the one episode lmao  a character I grew to love: i honestly really didnt like max at first, then i grew to love him, then i really didnt vibe with him for a bit, and now i love him again but catgun emoji austin dont fuck up in s2 because he’s on thin ice  my anti otp: honestly probably z*max? i could say like joan/leif and joan/charlie but we all know those dont count and i just honestly dont vibe w zomax despite liking them both as characters, i dont think they have,,,, chemistry like at all and i think i’d like them more if we’d seen more of their friendship (this is why e2 max and e6 max are my favorite max’s tbh bc it’s when we saw him be the most Actual Friend to zoey)
send me a fandom and i’ll answer these questions!
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bellamysgriffin · 3 years
okay but how galaxy brained would it have been if max had become the villain of the show!! if, after zoey friendzones him, he slowly becomes more entitled and hostile (a path he was already walking down in the second half of s1) until he was effectively the villain of the show instead of retconning all the unpleasantness away so he can be shoehorned into the role of love interest again?
that take would, i think, be refreshing, innovative (not usually seen on TV in my experience)! for a character to be set up as caring, sweet, the ideal love interest, only to discover those qualities are entirely conditional, and have them revoked upon not getting what he wants. how realistic would that be? how many guys seem great, seem not to have any red flags, seem to genuinely care and want to be a good friend, only to become a monster once they’re friendzoned?
how interesting would that have been instead of sidelining their black love interest in favor of a stale storyline for an inconsistent character!
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biblicalhorror · 3 years
I haven't really decided if I wanna watch the zep movie bc it seems very m** heavy but apparently Leif is now canonically bisexual which makes me just curious enough to watch ...
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mulderscully · 3 years
zoey: *grieving the death of her father*
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femininemenon · 3 years
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