#any ancient grecian au is just lovely
just-an-ari · 2 years
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IM BACK! and I bring a little wip
Hades/persephone au my beloved😌
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kingsofjersey · 2 years
did find the old start drabble i wrote for this fiddlestan idea and thought “hey, why not?” so cleaned it up a bit! Do intend on continuing though and when i finished the full draft, that’s when i’d post it on ao3 
but for the handful of other shippers out there i offer the metaphorical first chapter draft to mystery trio fiddlestan fake date au 
word count:  1316
“Stanford. Now, listen, I don’t mean to question your judgment or anything, but are you absolutely certain about this?”
A thin, strained smile was plastered on Fiddleford’s face as he mustered the most amicable tone he could, begging for his boss to reconsider for the upteempth time. He wasn’t a fool enough to call Stanford Pines anything less than a genius, the man had an intelligence unlike any other. And yet, somehow, for all that intellect, Stanford could be frustratingly short sighted when it came to other situations. Like that moment, for example.
“Of course I am!” Stanford replied with an inappropriate cheerfulness, not even bothering to look in the direction of his assistant as his attention was solely focused on a crudely drawn map on the table; something the man acquired through bribery if Fiddleford were to recall correctly.
“I’m not sure what you’ve been having so much difficulty with in comprehending, professor. Really! It’s quite simple, not to mention potentially one of the more pleasant excursions you could go on. You and Stanley shall infiltrate the love festival, collect as much data as you can, and then return home without further difficulty.”
Which was exactly what he found so difficult to comprehend. Pleasant his rear. It would’ve already been bad enough to be forced to attend a party dedicated to love (he’d been divorced not even two months ago for crying out loud!) but the prospect of going with Stanford’s… less than amicable brother? 
If he hadn’t had personal prior experience with just how thick Stanford could be, he might’ve wondered if this was some kind of cruel punishment.
“I don’t see why we can’t just send your brother by himself,” he muttered, unable to stop the distaste from slipping through.
Fiddleford knew he wasn’t a man to judge a book by its cover, but ever since his first meeting with the mysterious twin (which had been an uncomfortable disaster in its own right) they’d gotten off of a bigfoot. He’d found Stanley to be… grating. Self centered, greedy and a general thorn to the side, seeming to take a perverse pleasure in making fun of Fiddleford at any given opportunity. Whether it was through roughhousing, disrespect to his passions or with those obnoxious nicknames of his— not even mentioning how the man had a worryingly incriminating past! If Stanley had any sense of morals or good intentions, he was yet to show a shred of it. How Stanford learned to stand for it was beyond him, and to believe he was the one who insisted on inviting the other Pines to the house. 
“As explained before, Fiddleford,” Ford continued obliviously, “it’s a couple-only event. An ancient festival that happens only once every decade, and it’s said to be blessed by Aphrodite herself! Fascinating, isn’t it? I have some theories that it’s some kind of variation of the grecian Aphrodisia that had been adjusted for the Americas. The gnomes we interrogated haven’t been overly forthcoming, which, once again, is why I’m imploring for you to collect the data in person.”
“With all due respect, Stanford, your brother and I hardly get along as it is and yet you expect us to pose as- to pose as a couple? Surely, you must see why this ain’t going to work out,” he tried again, knowing that his words would fall upon deaf ears. 
A loud, exaggerated sigh interrupted them, soon followed by a gravelly voice. 
Speak of the devil and he shall appear.
“Trust me, Fiddlenerd. You’re not going to get anywhere with him. Wasted most of yesterday trying to talk him out of it, but nope! No dice.”
He tensed, barely holding back a sigh of his own before stiffly turning around. Surely enough, leaning against the doorframe with his arms crossed and a bored expression, stood Stanley Pines. His eyes flickered over towards Fiddleford and his mouth twisting into a sardonic smirk. He couldn’t help but bristle at the sight of it, Stanley seemed to enjoy doing that as well, trying to get a rise out of him.
In his defense, it wasn’t too hard to feel threatened by Stanley when he wanted to be threatening. It seemed as though he could carry a sort of weight that told people he meant business, his whole body language screaming not to mess with him when he felt like it. Other times, it was hard to take a single word he said seriously. Mask, after mask, after mask. That seemed to sum up the other Pines twin quite neatly. 
(Often, Fiddleford wondered if the husk of a man that’d been there when he’d first seen Stan was merely another con built to attract sympathy. It would’ve made things far easier if he could believe that was the case.)
“Seriously! I’m just saying that if anyone should go, it’s you two. You’d spend the whole night just talking nerd to each other to the point that anybody in their right mind would steer clear! Hell, they might just tell you everything there is to know just to get you guys to leave, you’d be back within an hour.”
For heaven's sake, could he take nothing seriously? 
Stanford wasn’t perturbed, had Stanley always been this kind of a nuisance during their childhood? How could Stanford deal with it? 
“I’ve told you both already, between the three of us, it’s only the two of you who’ve had past experiences with romance, or have at least displayed an ounce of interest in the subject. From what I’ve gathered, they’re capable of sensing people like me and would likely perceive it as an insult. In addition to my own judgment in my abilities. I’m not too sure how well I’d be able to hold back my own distaste if I were to go.“
“And they’re playing that nerdy show you like in theaters tomorrow.” Stanley said drily, though the corners of his mouth twitched as if amused.
“Maybe so,” Stanford conceded without an ounce of shame, Fiddleford couldn’t believe him, “Even so, my other points still remain. You two will do a good job, although… I do believe we ought to do something about your clothes. I’ve heard that they’re very high class.”
“What? You mean they’re not going to be waltzing around in skimpy clothing?” Stanley paused and then grimaced, “Unless that’s what you meant, because trust me, you do not want to see this guy in speedos.” 
Correction, Fiddleford couldn’t believe either of them. How they’ve managed to stay alive for this long was as good of a mystery as any.
“Stanley,” Stanford reprimanded with an exaggerated look of disgust (an expression he found himself wholeheartedly agreeing with) before it melted away in a laugh, shaking his head as he stood up to clap his hand on his brother's shoulder, “No, I meant formal formal wear. I should have some suits lying around that I’ve never touched, at least one ought to fit you,” he turned towards his assistant, “Do you think you have anything, Fiddleford? If not, there should be enough time to procure one.”
Sweet sarsaparilla. There really was no getting out of this, was there?
His despair must’ve openly shown on his face, because Stanley snickered and smirked again, wiggling his fingers in mock intimidation, “Might as well accept your fate, Fiddlesticks. The day Sixer changes his mind on something he set it on is the day that pigs fly.”
“It’s a figure of speech, Poindexter! Figure of speech!”
The two left the room, bickering with each other without real heat behind their words, and Fiddleford finally let out a sigh of defeat, slumping down into a nearby chair and burying his face in his hands, already dreading for when the weekend would arrive.
Lord above, either he was going to kill Stanley or Stanford and he wasn’t picky on which he’d go for first. 
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strongheartmaid · 5 years
oh look, my monster of a fic. Let us lead off with this being an entire AU or Canon doesn’t live here anymore (get back here you, Sea Dragon)
Behind a cut because this is huge
Venus made her way to the scrying chamber, the room within Mount Olympus that the Pantheon could go to gaze upon the waters and view the lives of the mortals below. It had been some time since this room had been used - as the doors to the room groaned in protest as she pushed them open and strode inside. She made her way over to the pool and settled besides it, waving her hand over the waters and watched it ripple until an image came through. A frown marred her elegant features and only seemed to deepen as she watched the images flitting across the watery screen. With a wearied sigh, she waved her hand over the water again, dismissing the images. She could feel the start of a headache form as she tried to process what she had just seen. She paused a moment and turned her head, her eyes locking on to see who joined her in the chamber. "You seem... displeased," came a soft melodic voice from the doorway before the voice's owner slipped inside the room. She made her way over to where Venus sat and settled near her. She waved her hand over the waters, intent on searching, watching something, someone. "Displeased seems a tad too diplomatic," Venus muttered darkly. Her gaze drifted back to the waters to see what her companion was viewing, before dismissing it as unimportant and raised her head to look at her companion. "Checking in on that little mortal of yours, Thetis?" she asked, a teasing tone to her voice. "He's hardly a little nor a simple mortal, Venus," Thetis returned, a slight bite to her words as she spoke. She turned her gaze away from the waters and then at Venus. "He's the mortal incarnation of my lord." A silent 'my husband' hung in the air between them. Venus visibly startled and stared at Thetis before her gaze returned to the waters. Her eyes gleamed silver as she read the Cosmos of the youth in question. She raised her head, her expression stunned as she looked at Thetis. "How long?" Thetis was silent for a long moment, a look of pain and sadness crossing her features. "I only just learned from our kin two months past that my lord was reborn," she said, a broken note in her voice. "Then why so sad?" Venus asked. "Rejoice for he lives, little queen of the oceans." "Aye, he lives," she began, tears streaming down her cheeks, "but he remembers naught of who he truly is." Venus sighed softly, reaching over to place a hand on Thetis's arm. Privately, she cursed the Fates for separating the pair. "That may be, little fish," she said, an affectionate nickname for the other woman. "But nothing says you can not go to his side and coax his memories back to him." "Do you think it's possible?" Thetis asked, looking hopeful. "I do," Venus said, smiling at the younger goddess. "Now, go. Be with him." Thetis nodded before taking her leave of the elder goddess. Hopefully, she'd be able to help him regain his memories - it would be nice to be by her lord and husband's side once more. "Causing mischief, wife?" Hephaestus asked as he approached his wife from behind. She slanted her gaze towards her husband, a small tight smile on her features. True, she was married to him but, she let out a soft mental sigh, it wasn't by her choice. It was one of Zeus's many attempts at trying to control her, to control Hephaestus (why he needed to be controlled, she didn't know, but then she wasn't in a position of power like Zeus was). "No," she said finally, turning to look at him. Her expression softened a moment and she rose to make her way over to him. "No mischief, just trying to reunite a pair of lovers." Hephaestus nodded briefly, raising one soot-stained hand to brush a lock of golden hair off her face, accidentally smearing the soot on her face as he did so. "I see," he said softly. Venus raised her hand to touch his, uncaring of the soot for a moment. "Hard at work?" she asked. Hephaestus let out a wearied sigh and leaned against his wife for a moment. "Yes, I am," he said. "Well, not at the moment, obviously. I needed some fresh air - it was starting to get claustrophobic down in the smithery." Venus nodded, before moving his arm so it was draped around her shoulders. "I'll help you walk back to our chambers," she said quietly. "You'll need your rest before you return to that lair of yours." "Is that concern in your voice I hear, Urania?" he asked, curiosity clear in his voice. She rolled her eyes at the name chosen. "Of all my titles, you have to pick that one," she drawled. "And.. maybe." He gave a low chuckle at her snark before his expression warmed at her brief confession. "I promise, I'll rest," he said quietly. "Of course, there was one thing you didn't tell my dear aunt." "Oh, and what's that?" Venus asked. Why was she just now getting an unsettled feeling? "I don't suppose you noticed that the mortal that houses my uncle has a twin brother," he said lightly. "No riddles, Klytotékhnēs," she hissed. "Direct or not at all." "Oh, you take all the fun out of life, my dear," he sighed. "The mortal known as Julian Solo, and yes I did go look that up in Father's statuary, my dear, has a twin brother, Sean Solo. Sean Solo just happens to be my other uncle." Venus froze midstride, turning her gaze on her husband. "WHAT?!" she exploded, a stunned expression on her features. "What do you mean he's your.. Oh no," she groaned. He nodded slowly. "Oh yes, my lady wife. You just sent Thetis to awaken Poseidon, which may trigger Hades to awaken as well." Venus closed her eyes and silently started to count to ten in Greek. 'éna dýo tría...' she began before she opened her eyes and looked at him. "Please tell me Athena's not awake." He let out a soft relieved sigh. "No, no sign of my sister being awake yet." "Thank the Fates for small miracles," she said, looking relieved as well. "I'm not sure the mortal realm could handle a Holy War of those proportions if all three were awake at the same time." "Wife," Hephaestus began, giving her a mildly stern look. "Why in the name of my father's lightning bolts did you have to go and say that? Do you like tempting the Fates?" "As the mortals would say, my dear husband, oh crap," Venus groaned.
Thetis stood on the shoreline below the Grecian summer home of the Solo family, her eyes staring out into the distance, listening to the waves as they crashed upon the shore. Somewhere, deep below those waves was Atlantis, was her home - one she hadn't seen since the time of myth or was it later than that, she mused but decided she truly didn't care, either way - it had been far too long since she had seen the glistening white marble buildings, heard the laughter of her people. She let out a wearied sigh, praying that whatever time had done to her (their) home, that it would be easy to repair. That would be the one drawback to being awake in this time - very few mortals would know the ancient crafts needed to repair any damage (for that matter, she wasn't sure *if* there were any stone masons still practicing their art in this modern age). She quietly walked along the shoreline, trying to figure things out. So much to do, so very little time to do it in - especially if this was to be done before Athena awoke and made a mess of things, again. A part of her did truly love her niece - but there was another part that grew vexed by how quick she was to assume the worst of people, especially her male relations (particularly her two uncles). She paused, her head turning to look behind her as she heard the rapid approach of hoofbeats and the raucous sound of male voices and laughter. She let out another sigh - terrific, just what she didn't need as she tried to come up with some sort of plan on what to do.
 "Ikki, no fair," cried a young male voice as they struggled to keep up with their older cousin. It wasn't quite fair that their cousin was doing so much better at riding horses than they were.
 A delicate frown crossed her lips as she tried to recall where she had heard that name before. No matter - wasn't truly important, she thought as she quickly ducked behind a rocky outcropping, not wanting to be seen just yet. The first youth - the one possibly named Ikki - rode by, his deep indigo hair wild. She could feel his Cosmos from where she was, and that left her unsettled - it was far stronger than she had ever imagined a mortal's to be. She shuddered, trying to quell the feel of terror rising in her before she spied the two youths coming behind. The first was fair of face (almost too pretty for a man), with deep jade green eyes and rich green hair. She startled a moment, getting a feel of his Cosmos as he rode past where she was hidden - why hadn't Venus told her about this? How was this even possible? Both..? But then the one she was waiting for appeared in view and a soft sigh escaped her. He hadn't changed much in their time apart - well, maybe his hair was a little lighter and his eyes a little bluer but it was still him, she would know her beloved no matter what form he took. If they just said their names, she'd be able to confirm that she was where she was supposed to be - and then came the fun of trying to come up with a good story to explain who she was and why she was there, she thought a small bubble of despair welling up for a moment.
 "Not my fault that you're slow, Sean," Ikki called over his shoulder before slowing his horse down so his twin cousins could catch up to him. He smiled warmly at Sean, reaching over to ruffle the windswept green locks. He chuckled, a rich warm sound as Sean tried to bat his hand away. "How you holding up back there, Julian?" he asked.
 Julian just gave a thumbs up and a smile. "Although, I'm not sure Aegaeus could handle another run like that," he said, rubbing his horse's neck and whispering soothing nonsense in his ear.
"So, why did you name your horse that anyway?" Ikki asked as the trio quietly rode together, allowing the horses to recover from the race across the beach that they had done.
 Julian gave an absent one-shoulder shrug in response to his cousin's question. "Just felt right," he said, still unsure why he named the horse that other than the feeling of it being *right*, familiar even.
Thetis tilted her head as she tried to remember why Aegaeus sounded familiar - oh, right, his epithet from the town of Aegae since he had that gorgeous temple there. She'd have to go there later, check on the status of the temple (hopefully, still in one piece, if not, she was going to have severe words with that darling niece of hers) and leave an offering to her beloved there.
"Couldn't you have named it something easier to pronounce?" Ikki asked, quirking a brow.
 "We can't all have something as easy to pronounce such as Phoenix," Julian snarked back. "Besides, I don't hear you complaining over the name Sean gave his horse. Moiragetes is more of a mouthful than Aegaeus." He paused when he heard a feminine giggle coming from behind a rock. He quirked a brow before quietly riding his horse over to where he heard the sound coming from, intent on finding out the source of the noise. "By all that's holy..." he breathed to himself as he stared down into ocean blue eyes. He dismounted from his horse and slowly approached the maiden. "I know you.. but how.." he murmured.
 Thetis just stared up into his blue eyes, silent, unsure of how to answer. "It's.. a long story, fantastical even," she offered up after a long moment of silence.
 "Perhaps, then, you could tell it over a cup of coffee?" he asked, offering her his hand.  Ikki watched the scene play out from his spot on the back of his horse. Wonderful, there was his cousin picking up strange girls. "Don't get any ideas, Sean," he muttered to the younger twin.
 Sean just fixed his cousin with a Look. "And what ideas are those, Cousin?" he asked, a faint bite to his words. "Picking up strange women on the beach," he said before guiding the pair over to Julian and his mystery lady. "Perhaps introductions are in order?" he suggested. "Ah, yes," Julian said before gesturing to himself. "Julian Solo. This is my younger," Sean's voice cut in with an annoyed "I'm your twin, you blithering idiot", "brother, Sean. And this bruiser of a teddy bear," which earned a warning growl from the youth in question, "is our cousin Richard Patton, but he prefers the nickname of Ikki for whatever reason." "Thetis," she said, bowing her head slightly, a soft smile on her lips. "As in the goddess?" Sean asked, curiosity welling up. Strange how familiar this woman was - but he could have sworn that he had never met her before.. Thetis just smiled, a soft chuckle escaping her. "Well, that's a rather interesting story. I believe your brother already offered me a drink in exchange for telling it..?" - "So," she said, holding a warm cup of coffee in her hands, as they sat outside on the balcony of the estate. "Where do you want me to begin my tale?" she asked. "I find a tale told from the beginning is oft the best course of things," Julian said. He took a sip of coffee before setting it back down on the table. "Well, in answer to your question before, Sean," she said. "Yes, as in the goddess," she continued. "Or rather, as fantastic as it may sound, I am she of who you speak." Ikki stared at the blond before rising and heading inside. He returned after a moment, setting a bottle of rum on the table with a decided thunk. "I have a feeling we're going to need something stronger than mere coffee if what you're saying is true, Thetis." Thetis smiled as if she had been prepared for this and closed her eyes. A shimmer of light surrounded her before it vanished, revealing her in her Holy Cloth - the Crimson Scales of the Mermaid.  Julian stared, stunned. "Right," he said, before grabbing the bottle of rum and pouring a healthy dose into his cup. He drank it slowly. "So, the Greek gods and goddesses do exist still." She nodded, reaching up to remove the helm and set it on the ground next to her. "A few of my kin do incarnate as mortals and remain unaware of their true nature. However, there comes a time when there's a need for them to awaken, to remember who they truly are." She took a sip of her coffee, a curious expression crossing her features after she swallowed. "Is this drink always this bitter?" "Not always," Sean said as he reached over to drop some sugar into Thetis's cup. "That should help a little." "Thank you," she said, taking a sip and nodding. "Better but I'm afraid I'll never quite like the taste of coffee." She set her cup down and looked at the trio, trying to figure out how to explain the next bit of information she was about to tell them. "So, these mortals that are gods or goddesses unawares, how do you awaken them, if as you say, the need arises? How do you know they are who they are?" Julian asked. Thetis let out a wearied sigh. "That, as you mortals would say, is above my paygrade in understanding. It has something to do with one's Cosmos," she said. "It's basically a recreation of the Big Bang within your soul, at least that's how Zeus explained it once. It mostly went over my head once Apollo started to add on to the explanation." "So, okay, let's go with the Cosmos can tell who's who," Ikki said slowly. "Does that mean you're able to read our Cosmos, if we have any?" "All mortals have it - just not all mortals are aware of it," she said diplomatically. "But to answer your unspoken question, yes, I can sense it in all three of you." "Well, that's a good thing, right?" Sean asked, sipping his coffee. "Well, that depends if you think two god tier cosmos and one that I have no clue where it came from because I've never felt anything like it before is a good thing," she responded.
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matrixaffiliate · 5 years
A Twist of Fate
NEW BLACKINNON AU STORY!!!!  From the dynamic duo who brought you Glimpsing Happiness and Like the Storybooks, PJ and I are excited to bring you A Twist of Fate! Enjoy our third Blackinnon AU!
Co-written with @hufflepuffmarlenemckinnon
In Ancient Greece, Fate and Gods walk with mortals and beasts alike. Some gods are flighty, sometimes Fate has a sense of humor, and at one point Sirius and Marlene just hope they'll make it out alive.
FFN and AO3
Chapter 1
Over the course of his life, Sirius had grown rather accustomed to the sound of his mother’s screaming. It wasn’t even always directed at him. He learned to tune it out regardless.
The weather was just lovely outside and as per usual, the vines in his yard behind the family shop grew more prosperous than any of the neighbors. Those vines were a little thing he prided himself on. For all the disappointment and shame he brought his mother, she could never say that he was disappointing in the realm of growing grapes.
He stood in his family's shop beneath their living quarters, the Grecian sun seemed much cheerier than his day was going, but he seemed to have an innate ability to bounce back. Sirius was, by nature, jovial. It surprised even him considering the woman before him was his mother.
“Are you even listening to me!” His mother stomped her foot. “You can’t just give away our food! We have a shop to run! We aren’t meant to let filth rob us! Especially not on purpose.”
His grandfather—his mother’s father, as he knew nothing of his father nor any paternal relatives—had been a merchant. The family, for generations, had managed a little spot at the Agora where they sold wheat and barley, as well as freshly baked bread. They’d started selling fruit and wine as well during Sirius’s lifetime.
“The man was hungry, mother.” Sirius sighed, this was an old fight. “Besides, it wasn’t as if the food was flying off the shelf today. It might have gone bad before anyone came round to purchase it.”
“He was just a slave.” She huffed. “It’s not your place to go feeding other people’s slaves.”
“He’s a person,” Sirius flinched knowing this would not go over well, but nothing really did with his mother, so he let himself continue “And was hungry. I fed him. We’re fine. You’re not going hungry, are you, Mother?”
“You horrible little ingrate! I wish…” She hesitated, “I wish I’d never met the damned god of wine! You have no respect. For me or for humanity in general!”
Sirius froze, “I’m going to put aside how that is objectively false, and ask you… what does this have to do with the god of wine? Dionysus?”
“Yes, I guess that it’s out in the open then. He was the one who left me with you.” She threw a rag at him.
Sirius’ whole world spun around upon itself in an effort to rearrange everything he knew and thought was true up to this point with the last sentence that rang out in his mother’s acid-filled voice.
She had been young when he was born. She was still young, really. Not yet 40. Her dark olive complexion showed no hint of age. Not a single grey had appeared in her thick black hair, which she kept in a braid these days. She would have been a stunning young woman, Sirius was sure, if she hadn’t been so awfully unpleasant. Perhaps she had been better at hiding it 20 some years ago, especially when the god of wine was involved.
Bizarrely, he found himself wondering what Dionysus looked like, and wondering if he resembled him at all. That was an idiotic thought because no god could even be seen in their true form. He probably looked like some sort of great and terrible blinding light. Sirius looked like… a person. Not unlike his mother even, excepting their eyes. The way they saw the world was entirely different. Her amber eyes were hateful while his steel grey ones at least tried to see the good in people.
“...So… My father… is the god Dionysus?”
“Yes. Unfortunately. Clearly, he didn’t have any use for you either.” She spat.
“Does he know?” Sirius turned to stare at his mother.
“Well, I assume that he must. He’s a god and all.” She shook her head in disgust.
“Perhaps he was busy! Forgot to check in!” Sirius looked out at the little town he called home, as if Dionysus would suddenly pop out of one of the shops. “Gods tend to get around you know.” He smirked, “Well I guess you really do know… but…”
“Bite your tongue young man!” She spun to slap him but Sirius was already at the door.
“Mother, you’re going to have to find someone else to mind your shop and take your insults. Turns out I’m not a young man, I’m a young demi-god and I think I’m off to find my father. Thanks for… Yeah, not a lot…”
“You can’t just… leave!” She moved from behind the counter towards him.
“Funny, it seems like I’m doing just that! Farewell!” His voice was entirely casual as he walked out of their front door and down the stone steps in front of the home to which he hoped he’d never have instance to return.
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1ooo-w0rds · 6 years
any fanfic recs?
I’m going through memory lane just looking through these fics!! Let me gush and tell you how amazing these fics are!!
01:14 by @teampraetor​ One of the rare fluff pieces in the pairing. I love their writing and wants so much more. She also wrote an angst fic that rips my soul out and you should read it as well!! One Death Day Only
Speechless by colour-pencills-kity. Not sure if they have a tumblr but this fic is wonderful and amazing. I love Jason in this because he’s such a soft boy. They also wrote other Jeyna fics with interesting settings. I always return to this one.
break me like a promise by @praetorsreyna​ THIS FIC IS AMAZING LIKE OH MY GOD MY HEART!!! Huge props to this gal!
they keep calling you unholy by @chocmarss​. I love this fic because there’s so much damn tension between Reyna and Jason and it’s such a different take and I’m so down to see what the hell happens next. She’s also the genius who wrote the Marvel AU where Reyna is Winter Solider and Jason is Captain America called Here’s to Us. And an Ancient Roman AU that I’m going to reread and cry because I want to know what’s gonna happen next. Rumours. Just go through her all her fics because they’re amazing.
I Swear You’re the Reason by chalantness. You can thank this writer for getting me into fanfic. I read this fic not knowing anything about Jeyna and immediately fell in love with them. I feel like I model my writing like theirs. It’s just so simple and powerful. All their fics are incredible and I’m gonna reread them tonight and not get any sleep. I just love them so much.
Coping with Forever by @hecatea​. They have written so many PJO fics which is just amazing. The sheer amount of fics of various pairings. It’s wonderful and impressive. This fic made me cry. The flow is so good. French, Grecian and Dutch and Photographic Evidence are my favorites. There are other gems as well.
There are so many more but that’s what I can think of right now.
Lily’s @midtownhigh gonna hate me for this but my all time favorite Liper fic has to be Ignite. It just so good and hits you in the gut with all the feels. She has other wonderful Liper fics like love to the tune of moonlight and music to my ears. AND I’M STILL WAITING FOR THE maybe.
Sadly I can’t think of any other Liper writers and now I’m just sad!!!!!
random shoutout.
If you follow the Food Wars fandom and look past all the fan service, I love the two main characters. This is probably one of the greatest fics I’ve read in a long time. Akai Ito Even if you don’t follow them, just read this rollercoaster of a fic because you go through a lot of emotions.
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plots i’m way too down for
( they may be vague but i make up for it with a lot of enthusiasm.
ariadne: so long story short, she’s the bride of dionysus (whom he makes immortal so they can be together forever insert all of my childhood ship feelings here kay), but is best known for her important role in the myth of theseus and the minotaur. sure, there’s a few different interpretations, but i’ve generally been partial to the whole she’s abandoned on naxos and dionysus falls in love with her at first sight hence the wedding bells version.
i’d just love any opportunity to write their relationship, whether it’s a myth verse, modern au, reincarnation, i’m down for just about any interpretation of it, muse doesn’t even have to be mythological, we could always do an alternate verse. any excuse to explore such an important relationship in dio’s life would make all my dreams come true. i will admit, for a plot like ariadne i’ll be selective in terms of writing chemistry because of the huge part she plays, and it’s something i’d like to really bite into.
maenads: give me raving women or give me death to be perfectly frank. in short, they were known as Dionysus’ followers and generally whipped into a frenzied state by the god himself. Think intoxication and dance, with a touch of cannibalistic tendencies on the side. I’m open to exploring this relationship as it manifested in the time of ancient greece and modern interpretations as well. if you haven’t noticed already, i’m just down. the only point that i’ll be picky with is keeping it closed to muses who distinguish themselves as the female gender just because of the importance that plays into the mythology.
greek goddesses/gods/mythological figures: so the whole nine yards. this is probably self explanatory but it’s been way too long since i’ve had the chance to do so with Dio, so any and all grecians come at me. any verse is a-okay with me! just think of all the fun that could be had.
more fellow party animals: because idiocy loves company
on that note more friends from around the globe/folks he’s met during his endless travels: i’ve always imagined he’s got himself quite the array of acquaintances and the like scattered around the world, people he manages to maintain a friendship with despite the distance that reignites the second they’re in the same country again.
tl;dr: more peeps to write with )
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