#anyway fuck fanon lmao stop babying a literal killer
exghul · 1 year
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i hate the fanon interpretation that the gotham public adores damian. they don't.
bruce wayne, who's best known through the public eye, has many children ( most are nicer to cameras than his youngest ) & therefore damian isn't the focal point of many tabloids, especially given how young he is. moreso, entertainment/gossip journalists are interested in who dick grayson is dating.
damian also does not treat the reporters kindly. any time a camera is shoved in face or a microphone is offered for comment, he's anything but pleasant. he's sour, a foul boy. he's no prince of gotham, not in the sense that any of his older siblings may have ever been considered. damian will break cameras & rip cords out of hardware if he's solicited for entertainment value.
the public in general had a lot of interest in this scandalous new child when he appeared in gotham at age eight --- that interest quickly turns to empty headlines along the lines of bruce wayne's newest child needs therapy? shortly after damian was first approached. he doubles down on this behavior when it sinks in that when he acts out of violence, people leave him be.
this sentiment stays regardless of anything bruce tries to teach him: damian has learned from how the public treats him that his short temper will make people leave him alone.
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