#anyway ive been using paint in piping bags with piping tips to make flowers its been neat
asexualbookbird · 2 months
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I'm tired! So no gif! Slim month for reading, but I did some neat crafts and made great progress on Secret Knitting Project I. Kicked some ass at Project Sekai, started rewatching Leverage, life goes on.
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The Foxglove King by Hannah Whitten ⭐⭐ - A strong start, but it quickly went downhill once we got to the court. It was boring, everyone sucks, and the magic is not as cool as it originally seemed to be.
Among Thieves by MJ Kuhn ⭐½ - I was SO hyped for this when it was released. It's been sitting on my shelf since because of who I am as a person, like an IMPOSTER. Took more than half the book just to get to the heist, and the heist wasn't even GOOD. Too many POVs, no one felt fleshed out enough, and the Secrets were just handed to the reader in the first third. It will no longer live on my shelf.
Mislaid in Parts Half Know by Seanan McGuire ⭐⭐⭐⭐ - not my favorite Wayward book, but still enjoyable. I thought it rehashed the ending of Antsy's last book a little too much, but it was nice to see more of her and go back to the Store. Also loved seeing Kade's Door and Cora's ending.
I have one (1) concrete book plan for April, and that's Midnight Riot by Ben Aaronovitch. Consider me successfully bullied (friendly). I very much want to finish Secret Knitting Project I so I can move on to Secret Sewing Projects and Momther's Blanket I'm still waiting on a few audio holds too, so that will be fun for crafting purposes. Haven't been in the mood to do much art, but I have some fun ideas for paint! Let's go!
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