#anyway thanks! I genuinely didn't realize how impulsive Giliys is until I put all his fuckups in one place
offsidekineticist · 1 month
Surely Giliys can’t be problematic in any way, right? (Him for the problematic oc meme)
(Under a cut because of a lot of murder, some vivisections, betrayal, child neglect/abuse, emotional problems, relationship problems and boundary crossing, and a smidgen of sexism).
Giliys is, indeed, an unproblematic angel. Well except that he....
• Is literally a serial killer.
• Is responsible for at least 4 mass casualty incidents.
• Participated in the fatal vivisection of dozens of elderly slaves when he was 9-15 years old (coerced, but it's still worth mentioning, I think)
• Sold his soul for the power to escape slavery and immediately (albeit accidentally) killed every other slave at the manor as well as his master and most of said master's immediate family
• Worked for the Bellflower Network leading enslaved halflings to freedom, but he would also occasionally murder his charges and claim their souls for hell. (Happened every couple of years for decades)
• Has murdered children because "power corrupts," and he thinks children raised as nobility are already irredeemably corrupted by the time they can talk.
• Wiped out an entire noble family (including the kids) in a vengeful rampage over what one branch (and really one member of that branch) did to him. (Although, to be fair, he spared his target's infant son because it probably wasn't "too late" for him.)
• Left a naked, screaming baby on the ground on the edge of a rural village in the middle of the night because he didn't to be there when people got up to see what was going on.
• Dug up corpses to sell to Kaer Maga's less reputable necromancers for his first job.
• Made a lateral career move from graverobber to "cheap assassin for all your affair busting and inheritance stealing needs"
• Got good enough at assassinating that he could get away with killing rich folks and looting their corpses/manors/stagecoaches, so he didn't need jobs anymore.
• Broke into Theo's house after escaping Dottari custody because he needed a place to lie low. Giliys proceeded to attempt to kill Theo, but was already badly injured so he tripped over nothing, landed on his dagger, hit his head, and passed out.
• Acts like an asshole partly to alienate people because his pact makes him dangerous, but mostly because he tends to latch onto anyone who shows him a shred of common decency with an almost frightening intensity and devotion, which has resulted in him being severely let down when he latched onto people who didn't deserve (or want) his loyalty.
• Always thinks of his patron as being female despite his patron not having a physical voice, never revealing its physical appearance to him, never specifying pronouns, and never indicating that it has any gender at all (it doesn't).
• Categorically does not trust tallfolk.
* (Recent retcon of the story of how Theo and Giliys became parents together) adopted Mayhew and Harper without consulting Theo. He convinced himself Theo wouldn't mind because he would be so happy to be a dad again and so proud of Giliys for being ready to take this step.
• Accidentally forced Theo to take over parenting duties after they broke up (AGAIN) because Theo was adamant that he could not be a dad again. Turns out Giliys wasn't actually ready to be a single dad, and it escalated into an emergency.
• Yes, they do end up in couple's therapy, how did you know?
• Goes to hell to rescue the souls he damned for his patron. Which sounds unproblematic until you realize that he did this on impulse without consulting Theo (AGAIN), and Qweck followed him to Hell to make sure he made it back. Meaning Theo was left, without warning, to take care of four kids by himself, without Qweck's help, without the family's primary breadwinner (alchemists make way more than stablehands who moonlight as storytellers), living in an apartment they only had because it was attached to the alchemy shop Giliys was no longer there to run.
• Yes, they do end up in family therapy, how did you know?
But, yeah, other than those very minor hiccups, Giliys is tediously unproblematic.
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