#who was able to hide what a wreck he was from the other kids
offsidekineticist · 1 month
Surely Giliys can’t be problematic in any way, right? (Him for the problematic oc meme)
(Under a cut because of a lot of murder, some vivisections, betrayal, child neglect/abuse, emotional problems, relationship problems and boundary crossing, and a smidgen of sexism).
Giliys is, indeed, an unproblematic angel. Well except that he....
• Is literally a serial killer.
• Is responsible for at least 4 mass casualty incidents.
• Participated in the fatal vivisection of dozens of elderly slaves when he was 9-15 years old (coerced, but it's still worth mentioning, I think)
• Sold his soul for the power to escape slavery and immediately (albeit accidentally) killed every other slave at the manor as well as his master and most of said master's immediate family
• Worked for the Bellflower Network leading enslaved halflings to freedom, but he would also occasionally murder his charges and claim their souls for hell. (Happened every couple of years for decades)
• Has murdered children because "power corrupts," and he thinks children raised as nobility are already irredeemably corrupted by the time they can talk.
• Wiped out an entire noble family (including the kids) in a vengeful rampage over what one branch (and really one member of that branch) did to him. (Although, to be fair, he spared his target's infant son because it probably wasn't "too late" for him.)
• Left a naked, screaming baby on the ground on the edge of a rural village in the middle of the night because he didn't to be there when people got up to see what was going on.
• Dug up corpses to sell to Kaer Maga's less reputable necromancers for his first job.
• Made a lateral career move from graverobber to "cheap assassin for all your affair busting and inheritance stealing needs"
• Got good enough at assassinating that he could get away with killing rich folks and looting their corpses/manors/stagecoaches, so he didn't need jobs anymore.
• Broke into Theo's house after escaping Dottari custody because he needed a place to lie low. Giliys proceeded to attempt to kill Theo, but was already badly injured so he tripped over nothing, landed on his dagger, hit his head, and passed out.
• Acts like an asshole partly to alienate people because his pact makes him dangerous, but mostly because he tends to latch onto anyone who shows him a shred of common decency with an almost frightening intensity and devotion, which has resulted in him being severely let down when he latched onto people who didn't deserve (or want) his loyalty.
• Always thinks of his patron as being female despite his patron not having a physical voice, never revealing its physical appearance to him, never specifying pronouns, and never indicating that it has any gender at all (it doesn't).
• Categorically does not trust tallfolk.
* (Recent retcon of the story of how Theo and Giliys became parents together) adopted Mayhew and Harper without consulting Theo. He convinced himself Theo wouldn't mind because he would be so happy to be a dad again and so proud of Giliys for being ready to take this step.
• Accidentally forced Theo to take over parenting duties after they broke up (AGAIN) because Theo was adamant that he could not be a dad again. Turns out Giliys wasn't actually ready to be a single dad, and it escalated into an emergency.
• Yes, they do end up in couple's therapy, how did you know?
• Goes to hell to rescue the souls he damned for his patron. Which sounds unproblematic until you realize that he did this on impulse without consulting Theo (AGAIN), and Qweck followed him to Hell to make sure he made it back. Meaning Theo was left, without warning, to take care of four kids by himself, without Qweck's help, without the family's primary breadwinner (alchemists make way more than stablehands who moonlight as storytellers), living in an apartment they only had because it was attached to the alchemy shop Giliys was no longer there to run.
• Yes, they do end up in family therapy, how did you know?
But, yeah, other than those very minor hiccups, Giliys is tediously unproblematic.
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heytherecentaurs · 2 months
What a masterclass of D&D combat from the players and the DM.
Brennan did such a good job of making the combat engaging and dynamic. He juggled so many plates and kept his cards close to his chest regarding aspects no one was aware of until near the end.
The Bad Kids maximized their effectiveness and importantly, they stayed on top of their HP better than they ever have before.
Adaine did some really great spellcasting plus the exploding mephits. Her Bigby’s Hand (or whatever it’s called) dealt solid damage and using it as a bonus action after casting is great. Really helped whittle down the purple worm’s massive HP.
Gorgug took all the punishment from a CR 15 purple worm and beat it after already fighting other monsters. Zac was in crit city this episode and he needed to me to beat that fucker.
Fig got to smite and used Booming Blade and spirit guardians to fuck up enemies basically doubling (sometimes more) her damage output every round (Really effective against the swarms.) and she 1v1ed a Wyvern, which is only a CR 6 but she also had other monsters after her because was disguised as Gaven. Really the mix of hexblade, paladin and bard stuff she did was cool. (Bonus action heals were good.)
Fabian as sort of a floating fighter, getting into the mix and fighting monsters wherever needed was so helpful and his flourishes and using his spell slots for his magical sword were great. He didn’t necessarily get the biggest moments this fight but he was integral and they’d have sorely missed him because he killed a lot of creatures. Not to mention the Hangman’s breath and bite attacks.
Riz doing peak rogue shit with haste and coming in clutch sniping monsters. Saving Gavin’s life, being able to ready an action to shoot from hiding and just all the sneak attack goodness. Plus Murph was so good about the test parts. He and Riz both seem to really thrive in stressful situations.
And Kristen who took her role as the primary healer so seriously it kept everyone up and banished a monster for good. Ally has been far more diligent about using Kristen’s abilities this season and it’s been such a big help. Plus truesight wrecked Killerpally’s plot to fuck them.
And they did all of this while answering timed test questions. This is the best they’ve ever played from a technical standpoint. Bill Seacaster would be proud they took his afterschool lessons to heart.
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flamingpudding · 8 months
Fictober23 Prompt: 20 - "This better be good."
Fandom: DPxDC
Rating: T
Warnings: -
A green Vortex swirled in front of them and Constantine held his breath. This was not like any of the summonses he usually did. He looked over his shoulder at the others present, wondering if he could somehow bullshit his way out of this. But one thing was clear, whatever he had summoned was not one of his demons.
The Vortex continued to swirl before them, slowly greenish smoke started to rise out of him. Then suddenly a melody started to echo around them and Constantine felt like face palming.
"Uh… isn't this the Melody of This is Halloween?" The Flash asked aloud, exchanging glances with the others present.
"Constantine." Great Bats was getting grumpy, the JL Dark member thought, refusing to turn around to face any of the heroes. Ignoring them might make them stop questioning what was happening with this summon. It wasn't like there were any pressing situations, forcing this summon in hopes to prevent whatever interdimensional war Trigon was about to start. No, they hadn't forced him out and away from the curse he had been working on. Not like there were other members of the JL Dark, Constantine clearly knew the big bad Bat liked to work more with than him.
Humming resounded from the vortex now too, clearly depicting the chorus of the well known Halloween song, and John's eye twitched. The fuck kinda demon spirit did he summon now? Was whatever he summoned making fun of him just because that being got summoned in October? The rising smoke started to move, taking on a shape that appeared more humanoid as the humming started to become clearer though it sounded like it was filtered through static as it still sounded somewhat distorted.
"Shadow is the one hiding under your bed, teeth ground sharp and eyes glowing green! Spectra is the one hiding under your stairs, fingers like snakes and spiders in her hair."
The voice echoed sounding like a mix of static and white noise but became clearer the more or the green smoke escaped from the vortex. None of them really knew what was going on and Constantine was cursing up a storm in his mind. What the hell was happening right now, he just wanted to get the Spirit of Balance to help them out with Trigon? They were supposed to symbolize balance, surely they would have the easiest time to fix that imbalance the demon was about to wreck across dimensions.
"In this zone we call home, everyone hails to the ghost-like song! In this zone, don't we love it now? Clockworks' waiting for the next surprise!" The smoke was twirling around and moving like they were picking something up from inside the vortex, its shape still smokey but slowly Constantine was able to make out certain shapes of the head and arms as the voice continued to hum and then sing the static was more and more receding.
"Freakshow is the clown with the thermos to his face, sucked up in a flash and gone without a trace. I am the who when you call, 'Who's there?'. Dani is the wind blowing through your hair. Dan is the shadow on the moon at night, Frighty filling your dreams to the brim with fright!" The voice was now very clear, no interference, the smoke had fully formed a human-like body and appeared to be a white haired teen boy, though John noted, his summon was turned with his back to them appearing not to notice him or the heroes in the room and holding… Was that a Halloween party garland?
"This is Halloween, this is Hallo- who the fuck are you guys?" Mid lyrics the kid appeared to have turned around his arms raised like he was going to hang the garland of cut out pumpkins on a wall. White green eyes stared at them before the summoned eyes went to the garland in his hands that were then quickly hidden behind the teens back.
"Spirit of balance-"
"It's Ancient actually."
The spirit, ancient, cut in and Constantine hurried to correct his mistake. "Ancient of balance, we are the Justice League and have summoned you to seek your help…" Constantine started his usual spiel, ignoring Green Lantern's mutter of if that kid really was the spirit of balance as well as the judging looks and burning glare he felt on his back from Batman. He was not going over with them again about the fact that demon, spirits, ghost and the likes can look like whatever the fuck they wanted.
"Okay, stop!" The summoned teen held up a hand before John could continue. "I was in the middle of an important Halloween themed stabilization party preparation! To finally celebrate Dan after Dani pestered him for months! So this better be good, to get in the way of my first fight free weekend in years!"
"A war with demons is about to start." Constantine's head whipped around to glare at Batman, does he need to hold another course of how to properly communicate with interdimensional beings?
"That's Demon Realm Issues, not Ghost related. Could you humans stop mixing us up? I am not even from the same dimension as them and we have enough troubles with them breaching the Ghost Zone borders every month!" The summoned teen arched an eyebrow at them, crossing his arms and bringing that damned Halloween garland back into view again. They clearly didn't want to be here and if Constantine knew anything about unwilling summons then one wrong world could screw them all over right now.
"Trigon is the one starting it." Batman added and once more the JL Dark member sent the Dark knight a seething glare. That hypocrite put him through a lecture about hero behavior and cautions before, John would return the favor once the crisis was handled.
"Trigon?" His head whipped around to look at the suddenly very interested ancient of balance floating over to Batman.
"What did that big toddler do now?" It appeared like the Ancient was talking to themselves more than them as he crossed his arms completely forgetting about the wall decoration in his hands as they tilted their head in thoughts and started to ignore them. They were mumbling something John couldn't hear, for once he wished Superman was around so he could tell them with his super hearing.
"I have no idea who you guys are but, fine! I will help but only because Dan mentioned wanting to fight that overgrown toddler again. That's going to be his stabilizing day present! He can't complain this way that I got him something lame."
Constantine was about to sigh a breath of relief until he noticed the Ancient of Balance opening a good damn vortex and pulling out a snarling, red glowing eyed and blue flamed haired spirit by the neck. He paled then realizing that the being of balance just pulled the Spirit er Ancient of Wrath into their dimension. John then also noticed what appeared to be a little girl hanging like a koala of Wrath's back and then remembered a passage in the summoning text of the Spirit of Balance, he apparently had carelessly ignored.
Summoning Balance, Wrath and Mischief always stuck together. Sweating heavily, Constntine ignored any and all looks sent his way, because he was sure he might have just doomed their Dimension or at least plunged them into chaos for the time being.
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Not all G7 members fit this but for the ones who do
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Bringing The Overblots Home to the Seven
Great 7 AU
Uuuh Urusla and Jafar is more based on Starkid/Unfortunate Yuu is gn
To say your boyfriend was nervous was an understatement. He was an anxious wreck since learning that your parents were the seven themselves, even if he tried to play it off. How could he possibly explain when he tried to hurt you during his overblot to them. Would all seven even approve of him? To relax his nerves about meeting your family you decided to introduce them to each other one at a time, starting with the one their dorm was based on.
Riddle + The Queen of Hearts
“Rule 298, one must dress in appropriate attire when meeting with the Queen. According to the Heart’s Kingdom Fashion Guidebook of old, this is exactly the distinguished guest wear that they wore then…” Riddle takes a deep breath in as he smooths the multicolored and rather zany suit across his body. It was covered in all sorts of patches of color and card patterns, but he seemed to pull it off well.
“You don’t need to worry, Riddle, she likes you! She really does!” You soothe as Riddle gives himself a quick once over in the mirror. Pressing a kiss to his cheek, you both made your way over to Ramshackle where your mother waited excitedly.
Riddle sat at the tea table, directly across from the Queen of Hearts as you sat between them. Swallowing a lump in his throat he sat with perfect posture. “It is an honor to meet you, your highness,” Riddle speaks nervously.
The Red Queen sits, for a moment, glancing over at you. “Mother… This is my boyfriend, Riddle as I’m sure you know!” Knowing what was to come you close your eyes, ever since you first arrived in NRC, your mother has adored Riddle and his affinity for her rules. She was beyond happy when you started developing feelings for him.
“Oh, my little Rose has a lover now! I’m so happy!” She says, holding her hand to her heart. “And with such a perfect gentleman too!” Riddle smiles proudly as the Queen hands him his tea. “You know…” She starts in a tone of voice you are all too familiar with.
“My little Rose here had a crush on you for a looong time!” “Mother…” “I think it was love at first sight!,” “Mother!” “And honestly I think it was so cute the way my little Yuu would speak of you!” “Mom!” You want to hide your face in embarrassment as Riddle shoots you a smirk. “Is that so, your highness?”
“Oh, it has been so long since I heard the words your highness. Rose, you must hang on tight to this one!” As the conversation continues, Riddle starts to loosen up, and is able to bond with your mother over all sorts of things, and even impress her with reciting each of the Queen's rules by heart. That combined with his academic excellence, it's no shock that the Queen approves of him. What was shocking, however, was the conversation topic that came directly after.
“So have you discussed much about marriage?” “MOM!” You sputter as Riddle goes pink in the face. “Oh, I’m just saying you two are perfect for each other! You see—“ You hid your face in your hands, you just knew this would happen.
Leona + Scar
“My father he’s…” “Strict?” Leona finishes, “I figured.” He sighs as he stretches up from his napping spot. “He does like you though if that's worth anything?” “Hmph.” Leona didn’t allow his aloof persona to fall, but you both knew that he was nervous. His idol the King of Beasts wants to meet him? And he’s dating his child…
It was a lot for Leona to take in… Still, he held a lot of respect for the King of Beasts. Washing up and dressing his best, you both made your way to Ramshackle where the lion lazily lay in the common room on the couch, messing with a chessboard.
“Oh? The little cub and their betrothed are here?” Scar glances over to where you and Leona stood, before getting up himself and approaching. Circling Leona, his sharp tongue dances again. “You’re certainly dressed to impress…” A small roar escapes his throat, before he circles back to the chessboard. “Do you play?”
“Yes, sir” Taking the king's cue, Leona sat down at the seat across from Scar. The two stare at each other for a moment before the lion lets out a yawn. “White goes first.” He huffs and Leona carefully moves a pawn to the center, a classic opener. You go and sit next to your father, giving your boyfriend a reassuring look.
“So tell me…” Scar moves his pawn to the center as well. “What are your intentions with my cub?” Despite how boredly he said it, you could tell how serious he was. Leona remained calm as ever, tail flicking. “To be their loyal mate and give them the best I can provide. They mean a lot to me.”
“Hmph. A daring answer…” Scar snarks (Though you could tell he was surprised by how mature Leona was), and watches Leona make his move on the board. “You’re usually a confident one, show me.” Just then Scar moves one of his rooks in a seemingly random maneuver. “You won’t be able to beat me nor impress me if you play it safe, cub.” He roars. “Bare your teeth…”
The most intense chess match breaks out spanning across an hour, the whole time you watch nervously as sparks fly and gears turn. Maunvers both bold and brazen are played across the board, and in the end, Leona…. Loses. With only the queens on both sides left, it was only a matter of time before one of them lost.
Scar suddenly leans into Leona’s face, snarling. Before you could intervene Leona gets up, snarling back, body ready to fight if needed. Your father then smirks before turning away, feigning boredom once again despite the small smile on his face and the fact that he had a good opponent for once, “Hmph, I suppose you have proven yourself to be worthy of my cub today…” He stretches before letting out a yawn.
“But if you ever want their hand, you would have to fight me for it, got it?” “I look forward to it.”
Azul + Urusla and the Eels.
You and Azul sat across from the table from your mother and your eel siblings as you glared at them. “You two better not say anything…” you warn. “Why I would never!” Jetsam snickers as he eyes a very nervous Azul, sitting with perfect manners and posture.
“Be nice to each other you two…” Ursula lightly scolds. You sigh and sit back, ready for the endless amount of teasing you both would endure, judging by Azul's carefully calculated expression, you could tell Azul was holding back his urge to fanboy at the sight of his idol.
“Now…” Ursula turns around to face you both, mirror in hand and touching up her lipstick. “Let's get started,” she smirks along with the eels who eye you and give a few sinister chuckles. “Hey, Azuuul!” Flotsam chuckles. “The little guppy had the most embarrassing crush on you~” “Do not go there.” You warn. “What did you say about him again? That he was super pretty and you couldn’t—“ “Jetsam!” You cut off the other eel as they both snicker, making Azul glance over at you, holding back a smirk.
“Ignore them.” You silently pray that you will survive this. “So Azul…” “It is an honor to meet you, I greatly admire your work.” “I can tell Angelfish, and I have to say I adore the way you run things!” She waves her hands showing her nails. “You and your boys run a tight ship, and I always appreciate a good old-fashioned gentleman to take care of my little guppy here.”
“I'm glad you chose well, child. You know I will always support you no matter who you choose so long as they make you happy. Besides, I know no one would have the audacity to hurt my baby!” Ursula gives a genuine smile at the two of you as you lean into Azul. “Aw, you two are adorable!” Leaning in closer with the eels, Ursula’s grin grows again.
“Come here Azul, I’m sure we have much to talk about,” your mother says as she slides over, makeup brush in hand. “In this family, we always do our makeup together, I hope you don’t mind~” “Not at all, ma’am!” Azul boasts as Ursula starts applying some light foundation to Azul’s features. Your eel siblings slither their way over to you with makeup brushes in their mouths and an evil glint in their eyes and you know you're gonna look like a clown by the end of the night.
The rest of the night was spent well, doing makeup and talking about all sorts of things as if Azul was already a deeper part of your family. He even sasses back Jetsam on a few occasions (probably due to experiences with his own eels) and you knew he would fit in just right.
Jamil + Jafar
To say that your father wasn’t all that pleased that you got with Jamil was an understatement. He was an intelligent and strong artisan, yes, but that doesn't erase what he did during book four! At least that is his excuse, you have a faint idea however that your baba doesn't want to see you grow up however, given the fact that he seems fond of Jamil compared to most others…
You and a sharply dressed Jamil are escorted by a very talkative Iago, who is attempting his best shovel talk as he flaps his wings. “Oh hush Iago,” you roll your eyes out of embarrassment. “He’s always like this…” “I am not!” Iago squawks, landing on your shoulder. “I just can't believe you're coming home with some guy!” “He’s not just a guy, Iago. He’s my boyfriend!” “That’s even worse!”
Sighing, you hold Jamil’s hand, squeezing it as you brave the mirror into the Ramshackle dorm where your father waits. Into the dorm, you immediately see him standing there, and Iago goes to take his place on his shoulder. Tapping his staff on the ground twice, he greets you both. “Child… Jamil…” “Greetings, sir.”
Jamil was in his servant mode, years of being at Kalim’s beck and call paying off. Jafar and Iago stared down at the young man where he stood “Drop the act. I see through it.” Jamil relaxes slightly but still holds his posture as Jafar approaches him. “Hmph. So my diamond brought back the boy who tried to kill them… How do I know you won’t try to hurt them again?” Jafar leans in and glares as Iago gives a smug look.
“I regret what I have done in the past, sir. If I could go back and right my wrongs I would. I do not want to hurt Yuu.” “Hmph…” Jafar held his head high as he sifted through his pockets. “We shall see about that. Follow me.”
Guiding Jamil out of Ramshackle you followed Jafar as he held a device out; two halves of a golden scarab. You could feel Jamil tense slightly at the sight. “ Love is built on the foundation of trust. This device,” Jafar holds them up between his thumb and index finger. “Can only be conjoined when two lovers truly trust each other. When there is no trust, there cannot be love. Only if the beetles connect, will I allow this relationship” He states, face stoic.
“Baba, isn't this a bit much?” You interrupt making Iago squawk again. “You heard what Jafar said!” Jafar merely held up his hands, a signal for silence. “Habibi, you should have nothing to fear if you both truly love each other.” A small grin threatens to rise to his face before he closes his hand into a fist and opens his palm revealing the halves. “Take one.”
Jamil reaches over and grabs one half of the mechanical beetle as do you. “Hold them next to each other. You grab onto Jamil's empty hand, intertwining your fingers with his as you feel his heartbeat speed up. He was nervous, and so were you. Swallowing you both look at each other, ignoring how Iago snickers as you hold both halves of the beetle to each other.
For a brief moment, nothing happens and your heart sinks, before Jamil’s half twitches and connects with yours, activating your side. The beetle suddenly glows, shooting a beam of golden light into the air briefly before its wings flap. Jafar reaches his hand out and allows it to fly back onto his palm.
“It seems you have passed. It will be wonderful to have another talented mage in the family.” The sorcerer remains stoic as Iago’s jaw hangs on the floor. “Now, come in. I will prepare a pot of tea.”
You didn't tell Jamil that when he left Jafar asked if you see yourself getting married to him.
Vil + Queen Grimhilde
Queen Grimhilde was always… stiff. She seldom expressed her emotions, and she rarely was physically affectionate, but you knew she loved you in her own way. You remember her awkward hugs to your child self and how she always pushed you to be your best.
So when it came time to introduce her to your boyfriend Vil, you were nervous. You didn't know if she would show her more brutal side or if her strictness may come off the wrong way when she expresses her opinions on your relationship. It did bring you both comfort to know that the Queen admired his own strictness and ideals.
In his best dress, Vil entered the Pommefiore commons which was bare due to the presence of the Queen who admired herself in the hand mirror she carried, her Raven sitting on the table next to her. You remember her saying she couldn’t bear to be in the Ramshackle dorm any longer. Come sit.” She commands, gesturing to the chairs next to her at the fancy table she sat at, not taking her eyes off the mirror.
You stiffly sat down, making the Queen glance at you as Vil curtsied before sitting down gracefully. De-materializing the mirror in thin air she placed her perfectly manicured hands on top of each other, resting them on the table, Raven started to flap her wings and went to perch on your mother's shoulder. “So, you are the one dating my child, I must admit, I’m more impressed than I thought I would be.” She states giving him a once-over.
Grimhilde raises a brow, then looks at you, pouring a strange sparkly tea into a cup and bestowing it to Vil, before pouring one for you as well. “Drink up.” She commands again and you and Vil pick up your saucers your teacups sat on and took a sip with your best manners,
“Tell me, why should I entrust my child to you?” A flash of light seemed to flicker in Vil’s eyes as he spoke. “I will cherish them every day of our lives together, they mean the world to me.” “And you will not hurt them?” “I wouldn’t dream of it, your highness.”
Lifting her head up and crossing her arms she asks another question, one Raven crows at. “What do you love about them, about my Yuu?” Grimhilde ran her fingers through Raven's feathers as her gaze seemed to burn through you and Vil. “Everything. I am completely infatuated with Yuu.” Vil’s eyes widen slightly at the blunt response he gave, at which Grimhilde wears an evil glint in her eye as she continues.
“And you child. Do you love, no, do you trust this man?” A sudden force came over you, and it was like you couldn't formulate your own words. “With all my heart.” “With all your heart…” She repeats, almost impressed. “Well, that's a start... Now tell me. What do you love about Vil? What do you see in him that you want?”
As you try to formulate a sentence you sputter slightly making realize what that sweet liquid you drank was: Truth Serum Tea. “I see someone who always gives his best. A young man who always looks out for others in his own way. Someone that will love me as much as I do him.” There was so much more you wanted to say, so much more than the truth serum beckoned out of you, yet you didn’t know how.
“And you, Vil?” “I see someone I can be my true self with. Someone I can let my guard down with. Someone I can truly trust.”
'Hmm… That concludes this test, for now.” Raven crows in response as you let out a sigh of relief. “I shall brew you the antidote, now Vil.” She adds some powder to into the teapot and mixes it with a golden spoon. “We have much to talk about,”
Idia + Hades
“Nice to see you're doing charity work by dating him.” “Be nice! I love him!” You sighed, knowing well that your father would make getting a lover exceptionally difficult. “I just can’t believe you’re falling head over heels for some guy!” “He’s very kind to me!” “Oh please, he's a guy!” Hades spat. You knew introducing Idia to him would be… interesting.
Idia was practically shaking as you both walked hand in hand to Ramshackle, he was already an anxious person in general, and now he has to meet his partner’s (Who was already way out of his league beforehand) father who happens to be LORD HADES?! It was a wonder he hasn’t fainted.
“Oh hey, you're finally here.” Hades spoke standing in the doorway of Ramshackle, smirking when he sees Idia. “Please, do come in…”
Idia sat at the table, Pain and Panic sat between you and Idia per Hades orders and he “doesn’t want to see any canoodling between to two of you.” Floating over to his seat Hades stretches before leaning in. “Soooo…” Hades looks between the two of you. “Tell me again, kiddo why did you choose this one again?”
“Dad! I told you he treats me well and is very nice to me! He’s a really sweet guy!” Idia’s hair flickers with pink highlights for a second before he looks away “Right, I don't see it. I see a very cowardly Panic wannabe here, personally.” Man, he never expected Lord Hades, Thee Lord Hades, to tear into him this is so embarrassing.
“Okay so listen here kid, what do you want from my kiddo, huh? What's your deal?” “Well, um, I” Hades looks unimpressed at you. “I really love them, you know…” Idia practically whispers without realizing. Hades nearly drags his hand over his face.
“Alright then, kid. Let's try this again, what do you want with my ember?” “I um” “Come on, say it with your chest!” “I can't say it with my chest if you keep interrupting me!” Idia snapped before covering his mouth with a horrified expression. You stare at your dad and then at Pain and Panic who looked at each other in horror. A moment of silence passes before Hades smiles.
“There we go!” Hades laughs. “There's a bit of punch, a bit of bite, you lacked. I knew there was more to you. Keep it up and you just may be in my good graces yet,” Hades laughed, making Idia relax.
The two seemed to hit off very well, as they occasionally sassed each other in their conversations, even conversing with Pain and Panic as well. “Aaah srry for my awkwardness you were always a big inspiration for my growing up…” ”Oh is that so? Well don’t stop there, praise me more!” (There are lots of times where Idia talked about Tech Hades didn't understand)
It is safe to say Hades sees Idia as a good kid and is welcomed to the family.
Malleus + Maleficent
To say that Malleus was surprised that his distant ancestor watched over you was an understatement, even more so when she invited him out for a walk to get to know him, promising Lilia they will catch up later. Is the Thorn Fairy inviting him? This was a huge honor, especially since she wants to congratulate you on your relationship together.
Deep in the forest of Ramshackle stood Maleficent in all of her glory as she admires the world around her, finally free to roam. The fae looked back to you and Malleus, face carefully neutral as Dival flocked from your shoulder to hers. “You’ve arrived. We have much to talk about, it appears you are a great-grandson of mine?”
“Indeed I am, Mistress Maleficent.” “There is no need for formalities. Now tell me all about you and my Dragon-Child.” Malleus gave a smile and you leaned into him, before Diaval let out a crow, as if telling you to stop.
The four of you took your time walking the forest trail that Malleus adored, you listened as Malleus updated the Thorn Fairy on all the history that has taken place since her reign, the well-being of Briar Valley, and Lilia, her old friend. “Still can't cook after all these years?” “I am afraid not.”
“It seems you and my child have grown close. Usually, I would be against anyone dating my child, but you aren’t just anyone, are you? Tell me, what made you love them?” Malleus's eyes widened slightly as he thought for a moment. “Well, everything.” He finally answered after a while.
Maleficent smiles down at Malleus as Diaval looks between him and you. “And you will take care of them?” Diaval asks in his crow voice. “I would do anything for them,” Malleus answers strongly.
“Congratulations you two on finding each other, I am happy to see how your relationship will flourish. And finally... Yuu?” the fae asked gently “Yes?” Maleficent approaches you and bends down to hug you. “I can now truly welcome you into my family as well my child… Just do not tell the other six…” You let out a chuckle before returning the hug tenfold.
“Now tell me, when do you both plan on getting married?” You speak for Malleus, trying to get your mother to drop the subject. “Oh! Well, we haven't gotten that far yet—“ Maleficent will understand but will also now give you all sorts of courting advice on dragon fae. Diaval and you see right through her though.
The rest of the seven are secretly salty
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brucewaynehater101 · 6 days
L.O.V.E. By sushi soucy is so ghost of a bar kid haunting Bruce after he accidentally killed them after they stepped out of line, or maybe he was just mad, and then he tried to hide it but the ghost is having none of that.
All the Barbies work in this situation individually I think
A story where Bruce accidentally murders one of his own kids and tries to hide it and lie about it?
That would be such a fucked up AU, and I'm here for it.
For this song, the singer mentions that they were killed "last summer." Therefore, Bruce was able to hide this murder for over six months. Imma build this AU:
Bruce, in a fit of rage, kills one of his kids. This is most likely to be Dick or Jason (just due to him hitting them more in comics), with Tim as the third most likely option. Something something, escalation of "communication" habits. Dealer's choice on who gets murdered.
The man then "sends" the kid he killed on a "mission" where the kid is either undercover for months or ends up killed on the field.
I think Steph should be the one to start to put the clues together. Tim would choose to protect his siblings, but, at least in this AU, it's harder initially for him to move past his bias that "there's no way Bruce would do that." This is why, despite the red flags, Tim didn't piece it together himself. After Steph brings up the points, Tim can either dismiss her, help her while disagreeing, or grimly accept the likelihood.
Cass could be someone Steph turns to before Tim or who they both go to next.
Perhaps, in some weird version of protecting them, those three decide to try to shield their younger siblings (Duke and Damian) until they get solid evidence. Perhaps they find ways to keep the two of them away from Bruce (sending Damian to TT and ensuring Bruce stays out of Gotham to take care of other business). Duke and Damian notice eventually, but it buys them time.
After gathering enough evidence, the three present their case to Barbara. Of course, it absolutely wrecks her emotionally. This is when it finally sinks in for the three that their sibling is dead.
Barbara gets to work finding irrefutable proof as the three call up which ever sibling didn't die (Jason or Dick). They then make plans to protect everyone and keep Bruce away from the youngest (as well as needing to tell them what's going on).
If you want, this could all be told from the perspective of the kid who was murdered. They watch as Bruce covers it up (and wracks himself with guilt over it [which has complicated feeling for the kid cause fuck Bruce but that's their dad]). The kid watches as Steph starts to figure it out and how the interaction with Tim and Cass go. They watch as they all suddenly understand that their sibling is dead.
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close to home | chapter twenty nine
close to home | chapter twenty nine
plot: the reader and Daryl keep watch overnight
series masterlist
Pairing: Eventual Daryl Dixon x f!reader Word Count: 1,604 Warnings: violence, blood, typical twd A/N: thank you for reading!!!
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Getting out of Georgia was easy, but the trip started getting slower as you had to keep stopping to move cars out of the way or recline the seats and hide from a passing herd. It was nearing evening, and you were only a quarter of the way into the trip. 
Rick must’ve pulled over because the van did, and then so did Daryl. You were sitting up front with him now. You were driving a few hours ago before Daryl took over. 
“I’ll go see what he wants,” You said, getting out of the car. You jogged over to where Rick stood by the van, talking with Abraham. “What’s going on?”
“It’s going to be dark soon. I don’t like the idea of driving around in the dark. I think we should get off the highway, stretch our legs. But we’re not familiar with the area. I think it’s a good idea to sleep in the cars tonight.” Rick said. 
“There enough room in the van for you guys?” You asked the redhead. 
“Yeah, half of them slept the whole way anyway,” Abraham said. “I like the plan. Let’s get a move on, don’t need our asses hanging out in the breeze.”
You chuckled as you walked back to the SUV, looking for walkers on the highway before climbing into the car. “Rick wants to stop for the night off the highway. He wants us to hold up in the cars tonight. He doesn’t know the area and would rather us all be safe and tucked away. How sweet.” You joked.
Rick led the line off the highway and into an underpass, where a decent amount of wrecked cars were just sitting there. Daryl drove the SUV into one of the wrecks, so it didn’t stand out. You grabbed your belongings as everyone unloaded from the car. 
“Wait, Daryl,” You said as he started to get out of the car. Everyone else had left already. “Don’t go hunting tonight.”
You looked at where most of the group was, all talking and stretching their legs. “It’s just, we don’t know where we are, really. And if something happens, we have to leave, and you’re not here…” You trailed off. 
“We need the food,” Daryl said, looking at you in confusion. 
You closed your eyes momentarily and tried to push away your anxiety. “Please, Daryl. For me. Please.”
Slowly he nodded, and you thanked him with a nod before you both joined the group. Carl was getting reacquainted with Tora, who wanted nothing more than to be put down so she could go about her business. 
“Alright, guys,” Rick said, and everyone stopped talking. “We’re in unfamiliar territory. We can’t afford anyone getting split from the group. I know it’s gonna be uncomfortable, but I’d like to ask you all to sleep in the cars tonight. If something happens, I wanna be able to hit the road. I want each car to have a watch rotation going. We’ll park ‘em right next to each other so we can see. Work out the rotation amongst your cars. But for now, let’s stretch our legs, eat some food and enjoy the fresh air before we go to sleep.”
The group moved to the grassy area beside the underpass to set up a fire and get dinner going. You, Sasha, and Tyreese got to work while Carol and Michonne did a quick loop around the area to make sure it was decently safe. 
You kept an eye on Daryl to make sure he wasn’t going to sneak off. But he kept his word and stuck by Rick, talking in hushed voices about whatever it is they talk about. 
After eating, you and Carl played with Tora for a while to make sure she was getting her energy out. When the sun was nearly set, and Rick started nagging everyone to get in the cars, Carl begged you to let him take Tora for the night. You were hesitant, but you knew how much the kid loved the cat, and you couldn’t say no to him. So you made sure he understood that he didn’t let her out until the sun rose, to which he readily agreed. 
Once in the car for the night, you all discussed how you wanted to do watch rotations. You all decided to do it in pairs of two since you thought it was safer. Glenn and Maggie would take the first watch, then you and Daryl, and then Carol and Noah. You managed to score the back seat and got it to recline decently, so Carol and Noah could do the same. 
Too soon, Maggie was waking the two of you up for your watch. You yawned as you fixed the seat and shook your head awake. It was pitch black outside, which kind of gave you the creeps. Being under the underpass didn’t help. But this provided cover, and it would be safer in the event of something happening. 
Looking out your window, you could barely see Rick and Abraham’s cars. You knew they were there, but it still crept you out. 
You and Daryl were on watch for about four hours, and it felt like it would stretch on for eternity. The car was a bit warm but had cooled down considerably, and it was so dark you could barely make out Glenn and Maggie in the front. 
“This is really creepy,” You whispered to Daryl, pressing your face against the back window and making out a few shapes. 
“Ya fine,” He replied, his voice just as low as yours. 
You sighed through your nose and pulled your legs up. You weren’t sure how much time had passed; you were pretty confident that the clock on the dashboard wasn’t correct. It must’ve been about an hour or so of silence. You kept yourself amused by having fake arguments with Abraham, imagining everything you wished you’d said to him back when you were on the road to D.C.
Your eyes started to close just as you felt something thud against the car. You jumped slightly and scootched closer to Daryl, who was looking out the window.
“You see anything?” You whispered.
“Just a walker by itself,” Daryl whispered. “Wait, hold on…”
Your fingers twitched with anxiety, and you moved closer, so your knee bumped against his. “What is it?”
He didn’t respond, and you grew impatient, so you quietly moved so you were kneeling on the seat, and you leaned over his lap to look out the window too. It took your eyes a few seconds to adjust to the darkness outside the car, and you could spot two figures walking toward the cars. You couldn’t tell who or what they were, but when you heard a silencer go off and the sound of the walker dropping, you knew they were alive. 
You weren’t sure why you were feeling so scared. You hadn’t been scared like this since the beginning, but something about the group being split up into three cars and unable to see anything had your hands shaking. The past week had been hell, and you just wanted a break. Your anxiety was starting to get the better of you. 
“Daryl,” You whispered so low you weren’t even sure he heard you. 
“‘S okay, (Y/N),” He said just as quietly. 
You thanked God the back windows of the SUV were so tinted, and it was too dark to see anything through the front windows anyway. Still, your hands shook as you watched the two figures get closer and closer to the car. 
“Come on, we’re almost there,” One of them said. It was a man.
“I told you we should have found someplace to hold up for the night,” The other said; it was a man. 
“We’re almost at the safe house. Just another mile or so,”
“We should just hold up in one of these cars or something,”
Your breath hitched, and you tried to steady it. You felt a hand on your back, and you glanced at Daryl, who was focused on looking out the window. 
“Nah, I wanna get these meds back to Lily. The fever’s been kicking her ass. Come on, man, we’re fine.”
You watched as they started walking away, and when their figures fully disappeared you sighed with relief. You weren’t sure who from the other cars heard the two guys, but you knew they had to. You wondered if they were as worried as you. 
You sat back and let out another shaky breath. Your stomach was anxious, and you shivered a bit. But Daryl’s hand was still placed squarely on your back, and the heat from it made you warm up. 
“You okay?” He asked. 
You glanced over at him and realized how close you two were. His face was only a few inches from yours. You couldn’t distinguish his features well in the dark, but he was there. It was probably the closest you’d ever been to his face, and your heart started beating quickly. Your mouth was dry, and you felt your fingers twitch. 
“Yeah, sorry,” You finally whispered and moved back. His hand dropped from your back as you sat down. You took a deep breath and let it out slowly. Then you grabbed your water bottle and took a small sip. 
“There a lot of us,” Daryl reminded you, “You’re safe.”
You tried your best to believe his words. 
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lucyfrostblade · 8 days
Hi! Just saw your reblog and I'm so interested in your thoughts on Fig and Kipperlilly being similar, and was wondering if you'd share?
Yes! i am always down to talk about my two favorite fantasy high characters but before we get into it, some assumptions I have made about FHJY that aren't explicit in the text but I won't necessarily be justifying here:
(under the cut)
Kipperlilly was in some form or another manipulated by porter
Kipperlilly truly cared about Lucy, and to a lesser extent the rest of her party
The biggest and most obvious similarity between the two is the anger they feel. When we first see Fig she's a deeply angry kid. She hates her mom for hiding the truth of her parentage and for wrecking their family the way she did. And while she forgives Gilear much faster than Sandra Lynn, she also starts off incredibly angry at him.
Her anger is very justified, and it's centered around the ways the adults in her life mistreated her. Sandra Lynn by hiding the fundamental truth of who she is from her for so long, and Gilear by, before the start of the series, saying that she isn't a Faeth anymore.
Our introduction to Fig is her taking that anger out on both Sandra Lynn and Gilear, and she does almost immediately see the error of her treating at least Gilear the way she does.
Brennan: You see a little tear forms in his eye and you see he says, Gilear: I know that I said some hurtful things when I first found out. Fig: Yeah, you said, “You're no longer a Faeth,” and guess what, I'm not. I'm just Fig now. Gilear: Fig, I'm sitting here with beans on my shirt. Fig: I know, I saw you ate one on the ride here. Gilear: I was hungry, all right? I've put on some weight. You ever heard of a fat elf? You ever heard of it? I've never seen a fat elf in my life and I'm here with a bad comb over and beans on my shirt. Fig: Okay, fine. Gilear: And I'm reaching out to you. Fig: I'm sorry, Gilear, I'm sorry that I got angry at you. You're just some random man, I shouldn't be mean to you.
But for almost the entire season, Fig does not forgive Sandra Lynn. She's still so angry with her that she struggles to see Sandra Lynn as a complex person right up until episode 15 "Family Fires", is unsure as to whether or not Sandra Lynn is a good person worthy of saving:
Emily: Because I am undecided on my mom. Because at first, I felt like I, oh maybe she's a good person, but now I maybe feel like she's part of this ruby plot. Brennan: Go ahead and give me an insight check. Emily: (rolls) 14. (emotional acoustic guitar music) Brennan: (sighs) Your mom has never lived up to the standard you put on her of making your life good and perfect. She never was able to protect you from all harm and suffering in the world. And maybe that's not fair. And she's probably just a person, and those photos make it look like-- Emily: She's a complex person. She's allowed to be. Brennan: Yup.
So anger, and in particular the ways it can make someone lash out, is something that Fig is intimately aware of, something that she has had to fight to control herself. The difference is that the adults in her life helped her, they supported her. Gilear, Sandra Lynn, and Gorthalax all gave her the space she needed to be angry but also helped her move past that.
Kipperlilly didn't have that. To our knowledge she only had Jawbone, someone who only knew her through Aguefort and evidently did not know how to help her in the ways she needed.
There's also the matter of Porter who, in the third episode "After the Afterlife" singles Fig out when she audits barbarian class:
Porter: Let's see what everyone else in the class, [players laugh] what do other people, what do other people kind of think? Like young lady, what do you think about rage? Fig: What do I think about rage? Porter: What do you think about it? Fig: [sighs] Well, I kind of think it's inevitable, 'cause, I mean, like, people really let you down left and right. Porter: Yeah! Fig: So you're always gonna feel rage. It's just a matter of whether or not you use it productively or just whether or not you control it or it controls you. Brennan: A small tear forms in the corner of his eye. Porter: That's exactly right. That is exactly right. That is amazing.
He sees something in her. Porter sees the rage within her, and he encourages it. But more than that, Fig's perspective that "you control [rage] or it controls you" highlights another contrast between Fig and Kipperlilly. Fig learns to control her rage, while Kipperlilly literally gives control up to the shatterstar. But they still have that same rage, just on the opposite ends of expressing it.
We also know that Fig cares deeply about her friends, and that prior to the start of the series, her former friends abandoned her when she started to grow horns. She was alone when she came to Aguefort. She was isolated from her peers and from her family. She found the Bad Kids, and she is utterly devoted to her friends. She'll do anything for them.
But Kipperlilly? Brennan said in an interview with Caitlin Tyrrell that the Rat Grinders didn't know each other before forming the party. We don't know how the party formed really, but we know that she picked out the name the High 5 Heroes.
I think the High-Five Heroes part of it is sweet, but there's actually something even a little bit sinister to it to me, of being like, "We're the High-Five Heroes." And you're like, "You've pitched a name; we all just met. We don't have anything going yet." ( source )
He calls it sinister that she insisted on the name, but I can't see it as anything other than said. It speaks to me of a kid so desperate for friendship that she's willing to force inside jokes for just a hint of that. She doesn't want to be alone, and Fig might've put up a better act, but she didn't want to be alone at the start of Freshman Year either.
The difference is who they found. Fig got the Bad Kids, people who love and care about her. She had support from her friends and from her family. Kipperlilly was emotionally in a very similar state as Fig but with none of that support, and even had people who either couldn't support her (Jawbone) or wanted to encourage this isolation and rage (Porter).
Kipperlilly is Fig if the first day of school went different, if she ended up with people who didn't understand her like the Bad Kids did and if she couldn't get the support she needed from the adults in her life.
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super-paper · 1 year
MVA Appreciation Post? MVA Appreciation Post.
Rereading MVA with the benefit of some hindsight really makes me appreciate just how well-crafted it is as a story arc. Like, pretty much every aspect of it was tailor-made for the sake of exploring Tomura (like....!! even the conflicts & themes explored thru other characters are still ultimately written to service Tomura's character in ways that only a completely insane person can appreciate, lol.)
Mostly just listing some observations and things I like abt MVA that I feel lay the groundwork for Tomura's entire character + arc:
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There's a lot of significance to Tomura fighting quirk based cults back to back in the same arc that delves into his own upbringing under AFO, I feel! There's also significance to his indoctrination into villainy under AFO mirroring ReDestro's indoctrination by the Meta Liberation Army. Both Tomura and ReDestro are framed as believing that they made a personal "choice" to walk this path, when in reality they were both groomed into their respective roles by predatory adults.
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Underrated and potentially devastating detail that I (a known sicko) enjoy : Tomura and ReDestro aren't even allowed to choose their own villain names after being baptized into villainy.
This part is especially glaring when you contrast it with the earlier chapters, where Class 1A is actively encouraged to *choose* their own names and really think about what sort of hero name best represents them. Even when the kids ultimately choose names that others gave them (Izuku), and even when they resolve to take up the mantle of their family names (Iida)-- the distinction is that they are still very much naming *themselves* and not being named by other people. They are all allowed to assign their own meaning to their chosen hero names. There is a choice.
In contrast, Tomura and ReDestro's villain names are not an expression of their identity, but a suppression of it.
The idea of inheriting a "will" or "name" that completely consumes your own is already in play, and it only gets worse from here!
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Masks are also a big theme! MVA literally opens with the LOV wrecking a group of fantasy bigots who hide behind masks.
Spinner doesn't hide his own identity behind a mask, rather, he hides his lack of identity through cosplaying as someone else.
Jin and Himiko have their "masks" forcibly removed during their respective battles-- Jin is able to verify and assert his own identity, which allows him to discard his mask for the remainder of the battle. Himiko instead scrambles to put her "mask" back on in response to Curious claiming that she's secretly miserable.
Compress gets half of his mask shattered at the same time that his aloof "we're villains not a friendship club!!" façade begins crumble, and he becomes more and more vocally concerned for Tomura's safety. This bit of symbolism is repeated again during the PLW, where the whole mask comes off once he finally admits he loves the LOV and very nearly kills himself in an attempt to save them.
AFO's face is constantly obscured by shadows, but it otherwise remains completely uncovered-- indicating that the "kindly face" he shows to Tomura is, in fact, a mask in itself.
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And here's where Hori's brilliant art direction comes into play! Tomura decays Kotaro's hand-- the very symbol of his own rejection and suppression that he has worn as a mask since his debut-- but he does not embrace his identity as Tenko. The blood from Tomura’s head injury now creates the visual of a mask as he instead embraces his identity as "Shigaraki Tomura", the symbol of fear who exists to beckon acts of mourning into the world. (and the blood mask also resembles the dark shading that constantly obscures AFO’s true face in the flashback chapters! ...as does the creepy permasmile Tomura has for the rest of the arc! :D )
Visually, it also resembles the way ReDestro's (stress-powered!) quirk starts spreading across his face like a mask whenever he starts vomiting up MLA propaganda and ranting about the """glorious""" burden he inherited from the original Destro. (😬)
The mask imagery is even more explicit in the anime, where the red really makes the whole thing pop:
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lowkey it's hilarious that a good chunk of Tomura's story is told through a mix of visual story telling and symbolism, but he also happens to spend half his screen time shirtless and distracting ppl from said symbolism with his eight-pack.
Seriously tho', it's little stuff like this that really cements MHA as a story that's even more enjoyable when you reread it. Moving on!
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Curious 🤝 AFO, Being creepily affectionate with the victim whose story you plan to rewrite and exploit for your own gain
Toga’s failed/rejected martyrdom at the hands of Miss Curious foreshadowing Tomura’s successful martyrdom at the hands of the PLF and AFO-- the inherent dehumanization that comes with martyrdom and turning others into a "symbol", the lack of actual care for the martyr/symbol as an individual, and the idea that Tomura has always been a sacrificial lamb that's lurking just below the surface of every aspect in this narrative. Curious wants Toga to die to fit the MLA’s narrative, AFO wants Tenko to die to fit his own personal narrative— neither Curious or AFO care about Toga or Tomura as individuals, nor do they care about saving them from their circumstances. Because to Curious and AFO, their only value lies in fulfilling a certain narrative-- and that narrative is only fulfilled through their deaths. Both AFO and Curious WANT these stories to be tragedies, and you only beat someone like that by refusing to follow their script.
"Let's turn your death into a tragedy! You'll become a martyr whose tale serves as a parable for the ages!" "I'll shape him! Mold him! He will be a symbol of fear who lusts for destruction!" Toga and Tomura are both depicted as lacking agency in how their respective stories are told-- Toga manages to lash back against Curious' attempts to commandeer her narrative, but Tomura ultimately finds himself written into a corner by AFO.
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The manipulation of media and the '"truth" being a reoccurring theme in MVA through both Curious/Skeptic, and this being foiled with the way Tomura’s own memories/perceptions of his past are called into question multiple times throughout the arc. In the same chapter where Skeptic discusses his plan to edit the footage captured in Deika to make the LOV look like they're the aggressors and the MLA look like brave heroes, we have Tomura lamenting how his memories are like a busted movie recording. He compares his memories to film snippets at the start of the arc, too.
Tomura's perception of his past being directly influenced by his traumatic upbringing under AFO is something that goes without saying at this point, so I won't beat that dead horse any further-- but it's legit fascinating how Hori lays out the groundwork for the readers so that we naturally reach the conclusion that Tomura's recollection is something that we are meant to doubt.
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Yet another notch on the long list of Tomura wearing clothes that other people chose for him, reciting words written by others as if they were his own (.....l-literally reading from a cue card lmfaoooo it could not be any more on the nose if it tried 😭😭😭)
but seriously i could write a a ton on how Tomura's lack of agency with his own clothes is Very Much a Thing in The Story, and how him no longer bothering to self-style after MVA and just letting others dress him up however they want (or y'know... just not bothering with clothes at all!) is one of the best stealth indicators of where his mental state is actually at.
(tl;dr tomura asserting that he's "definitely his own person" and that he "controls himself" when he doesn't even have the agency or energy to dress himself the way he wants and is constantly getting treated like a life-sized dress-up doll by other villains is another one of those understated parts of the series/tomura's character design that makes me Big Depressy)
But!! When Tomura DOES actually add his own flair & individuality to his fashion, he generally accessorizes with things that tie him to the hero side and his identity as Tenko (red shoes as a connecting thread to Izuku, long flowing capes that connect him to heroism)
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What "liberation" does to a mfer
As an aside: ReDestro feeling liberated from his stress as Tomura starts laying waste to the MLA/Deika (but still failing to break free from his grooming despite this!) serves as a dark parallel to Tomura “breaking free” from vestige!AFO during the final war, but still insisting that destruction is all he wants. Both Tomura and ReDestro have been prisoners their whole lives, and thus, have no frame of reference for what true freedom is. They both come so close to having a Realization About What They Truly Want™ only to immediately fall back into what they’re familiar with (ReDestro has always been a follower of cult forced to masquerade as its leader, Tomura still thinks that he wanted his family to die and takes the catharsis he felt from destroying his abusive home as evidence that he was always secretly bad). Hori is horrifyingly realistic in his depictions of the hold that grooming has on people.
Like. It's also the way that Tomura and ReDestro’s quirks are both powered by their misery, but they're surrounded by people who fail to see this as a bad thing and instead choose to romanticize their strength as something they can use to make their "dreams" into reality (and the unspoken question: is it really a "dream" if chasing after it makes you completely miserable? We have a different word for dreams that hurt you, boys!).
I'll stop here bc this is already too long, but man, every time I revisit this arc I notice something new (and horrifying) about Tomura's character. It's literally the gift that keeps on giving.
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southparktegreity · 1 year
gen. dating headcannons! + short stories
[ SOUTH PARK x reader ]
[ stanley marsh x reader + clyde donovan x reader ]
kyle, kenny and butters part is here !
gender : neutral cws : none! requested : yes ! thank you anon & jae ! i added in clyde for fun since him and butters are my favorite characters to write :))) i hope that was okay!
NOTICE : these characters are aged up, and intended to be 19/20+!
a/n : my requests are still open as always :) ! if requested i'll do other characters as well !!!
stan :
out of everyone i’ve written, i think stanley is the least likely to ask you out on a date. ignoring the vomit aside (since i’m sure he grows out of it eventually), i’m sure his stomach would be tied in knots and he wouldn’t have the courage to really ask you out. which leads him to the idea of letting you know you have a secret admirer. he’ll leave notes in your locker or in your bag, a nice compliment or two to get you through the day. though one day if you ever get curious enough i’m sure you’ll be able to figure out he’s your secret admirer, admiring you from afar, (he probably isn’t trying too hard to hide his identity). if you confront him he’ll spill the beans and probably be a total nervous wreck doing it, but will end by asking you out <3
KARAOKE AND DINER DATES. omg i totally can see you dragging him to karaoke with you as a second or third date. he would take you to his favorite diner around, then you'd order both of you a milkshake with two straws. i can totally see you guys sharing a booth together and giggling about it. his face would be sooo red once the waiter comes back with the milkshake.
definitely does not handle jealousy in the most healthy ways, i think if he was jealous you'd have to kind of ask him what's wrong - i don't think he'd come out and tell you that he has a problem with you hanging out with the new kid / new kid flirting with you etc. once you reassured him nothing was going on there and you wouldn't leave him, he'd probably gain his confidence back and feel a bit more secure in your guys relationship. he'd ask you beforehand if he could be a bit more open with pda when it came to dudes flirting with you, and if you say yes he'll start holding your hand around more and calling you babe around the guys who are tryna hit on you.
i think he likes being the big spoon at first, then prefers to quietly move to cuddling you as the small spoon. he definitely wants to protect you but i've always seen stan as someone who also needs a lot of comfort and comforting, though i don't think he'd be open or honest about any of it. he really wouldn't want to come across as weak or lame to you especially, so he would definitely hope you and him would have a silent agreement while cuddling that he can be the little spoon :,)
i think he prefers 'babe' or 'baby' the most to call you, i get the impression he's not too big on pet names or anything like that. especially around his friends, he'd be a bit upset with you if you used any silly or especially romantic pet names around his friends. mostly because you know what his friends are like. i get the feeling he'd LOVE them in private though, like while you're cuddling him and softly playing with his hair. slide in a little, "hey sweetheart - you're so beautiful". i can totally see him melting into you in that moment.
"Hey babe." Stan walked over to you and the new kid, rubbing the back of his palm against yours, before grabbing your hand properly, but gently. He made sure that the new kid was able to see your hands, holding your hand up to his lips and kissing the back of it gently before returning back to your hands natural state together.
The new kid looked between you both, realizing there wasn't really much getting in between you two, before waving to you both goodbye.
"What was that about, Stan?" You looked at him, smiling a little to yourself and him at the new public display of affection.
Stan shook his head. "Nothing, just missed you." He said watching the new kid walk away, before looking back at you and gazing into your eyes, then giving you a kiss on the forehead.
✧─── 《☆》 ───✧
clyde :
definitey talked to tolkien and craig before trying to ask you out. he really wants to come off as genuine to you, instead of just trying to get into your pants like he may have done previously to other people. again, wants to come off as genuine instead of just flirty. tolkien would probably be super encouraging and craig would probably be like “if you don’t tell them i will” or something like that. i think in the end though clyde asking you out would go something like; “hey you should come to my football game, y/n.” “it’s winter? it’s not football season..?” cue to him wiping the sweat off his forehead, “y-yeah.. what i meant was… you can play foot with my… no wait - wait..”
clyde definitely would take you to an amusement park, he's not super into rollercoasters since they're a bit scary but if you beg him he'll totally go with you. though be warned, he'll be holding onto your hand the entire time. i also get the impression he would LOVVEEE to take you into a haunted house of some kind, totally not using the fear as an excuse for you to hold onto him, but he ends up holding onto you out of fear - maybe crying a little. he doesn't want to seem like a baby around you but you can't fault him for being scared - right?
honestly? i think clyde is similar to kyle in that he gets a bit more territorial (again as seen in that one episode with bebe and kyle). though he definitely isn't as possessive as kyle. clyde's the type of person to throw your arm around you and say something like "what's up, honey! who's this guy?", as if the other guy isn't trying to flirt with you. if you were spending too much time with tolkien or stan (or any other boy really) he'd probably get genuinely upset and would communicate this of course, throughout a very teary night. he always wants to be your #1 and is probably a little afraid of you leaving him for someone else (especially if it's his fault (cough) his mom (cough)).
i can definitely see the sun barely coming up and shining on him and yourself glistening on yours and his skins. he would definitely be hugging your waist and pressed in between your chest. his legs would wrap around yours. you playing with his hair as he whispers sweet nothings to you. he's definitely a big ol' cuddle bug, and i can see him and you during the summer deciding not to cuddle since it's too hot, and then waking up in each others very, very sweaty arms.
he’s so hit or miss with sweet names, i feel like he probably calls you “sweetheart” or “honeyy” but i could also see him saying something like “mx/mr/ms. y/n donovan” all the time. especially around his friends or anyone who might try to hit on you. i feel like he’s all lovey dovey and tries to act like a married couple to get people away from you. plus, he loves the idea of getting married to you. and if you play along (calling him “mr. clyde l/n”) he’ll lose his MIIIND practically cries tears of joy hearing that :,)
You and your lovely boyfriend Clyde were laying in his king size bed (since of course, he had to buy a bed fit for a king), as the sun began to set. It was summertime, the wind was nowhere to be found and the air was humid. Clyde's room was hot, since there was little to no ventilation. You turned to Clyde, his face slightly covered in sweat as he wiped it off with a nearby towel. His face was glistening from the sun setting, as the purple-y pink sun shined on his face.
"What's wrong honey?" You snapped out of your thoughts, shaking your head and looking back at him - your face subtly flushed. Partially from the heat, but also from him.
"You just looked really pretty... even with all that sweat on your face, hehe." You grinned at him.
Clyde looked back at you with the biggest toothy smile on his face, tackling you down onto the bed and peppering you with kisses. You both were too hot (literally and figuratively) to be holding each other like this, your arms wrapped around him as he smooched you.
✧─── 《☆》 ───✧
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starry-blue-echoes · 1 year
Is I have a bunch of other stuff to finish, but the Stone Ocean Brainrot Is Strong and I need to get this out now. 
not technically an AU, but since canon never went into detail I’m including it on the list, AU covering Post Stone Ocean and Emporio adjusting to Normal LifeTM
Not too many fully thought out bits  because I came up with it. Literally an hour ago but I do have some fragments I want to work with so oNTO THE BULLET LIST >:D
Emporio accidentally making it storm HARD with Weather Report during that car ride so they have to pull over and wait it out because driving was too dangerous. This accidentally ends up forcing some bonding between the group and leads to them all becoming friends
The group gets very mixed vibes about Emporio, particularly about how he’s both incredibly smart but also knows very little about the world and is an emotional wreck
Emporio is both incredibly shy and awkward but also desperate for positive affection and proof they’re actually alive and here. Ends up being given One(1) head pat from Wes and bursts into tears right then and there
Then when they all try to comfort him it just makes him cry worse, and eventually this leads to him spilling some of his situation. Not the Universe Resetting Stuff, but how he was born in the prison, his mom hid him, how she was killed by a priest and he's been living in the walls ever since, terrified about said priest finding him, and how he was only able to get out thanks to his older sister, her friends and dad who were.... falsely?(not sure how to describe it, most of their situations are weird) imprisoned, but the priest killed them all too before Emporio could kill him back, so now while he’s technically safe he’s now completely alone
As one can image, They Were Not Expecting All That and collectively decide “yeah we’re keeping this kid safe,” leading to them sticking together for a bit when they get to their destination in the city so they can figure out what to do from here
If I’m remembering correctly, I believe that out of the four of them only Anasui would have his Stand so some chaos there when he learns this kid has two, one of which is pretty sentient and makes itself very clear that if any harm comes to Emporio There Will Be Consequences
Also speaking of Weather Report The Stand, it just kinda. Stares at Wes for a bit when nobody's looking. Things are definitely going to be awkward if the rest of the Gang ever get their Stands again
Emporio also talks to the Stand often, and it becomes a piece of comfort for him, however unfortunately it also has a habit of messing with the weather in response to Emporio’s emotions and wants. Florida can expect a lot of flash storms in the coming days
A few days into the five of them being friends and hanging out, they decide to go on a shopping trip and Emporio has stars in his eyes. He’d never been to a store before, let alone a mall. In the end Emporio easily gets the most stuff despite his reservations at the insistence of everyone else, and it ranges from stuffed animals to a new baseball and glove to new clothes(Emporio is positively giddy at the prospect of non-Green Dolphin clothes, and it both depresses the hell out of everyone but also his joy is infections and makes them all laugh)
At some point they end up meeting Foo Fighters, but not as a plankton. Instead they meet Foo’s old User before Pucci had stolen them and made them sentient. Funnily enough, their User’s personality is almost exactly the same as the Stand when they were sentient which is both another knife in Emporio’s heart but also a comfort because Foo gets to still exist in a sense
Jotaro being a good grandpa and recognizing the signs of Emporio’s trauma and helping him work through it. When the Stand aspect of Emporio’s trauma is revealed, he ends up contacting the SWF to get him a Stand Therapist so he won't have to hide it
Let This Boy Be Happy Damnit
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lu-sn · 1 year
for random braindump, chay and macau being classmates in canon and recognizing each other post season 1 at some family function
congratulations you've revived my macau & chay besties 4evr agenda. this is not quite what you asked for but it is what fell out of my brain 😅
chay is fresh off of baby's first kidnapping, and porsche sits him down in an interrogation room and slides a picture across the steel desk and goes, "okay, this kid. this kid goes to your school. this kid is also the little brother of the guy who kidnapped you. well, kind of. well-"
"hia," chay says, pinching his nose, "i get it. what do i do?"
porsche grabs him by the shoulders. "do not go near him. don't talk to him. don't even LOOK at him. DON'T-"
chay endures this lecture very patiently and then does actually follow porsche's instructions, because the kidnapping completely scared the shit out of him and now he lives with the mafia and his life is legitimately in danger. he's gonna listen to what porsche says, no questions asked.
and then macau, who has literally never spoken to chay before ever (he has no reason to, he's one year younger and he's not studying music) starts popping up everywhere.
"hey," macau says, leaning precariously over the water fountain to stare at chay, who sprays water in his own face as he jumps six feet in the air before immediately sprinting away.
or, chay turns around in the lunch line and macau is standing right behind him, wagging his eyebrows, and chay lets out a small "eep" and then whirls back around and pretends very hard that macau isn't there.
or! chay is walking to his bus stop and macau is standing there looking at his phone, and this is ridiculous. chay has never seen macau take this bus before! so chay throws his hands up in exasperation and books it for the next bus stop, he's not putting up with this bullshit, no sir.
(macau is absolutely doing it on purpose. he's known about chay for months, but is actually on explicit orders from vegas to not bother or spy on chay in any way. he definitely wanted to help, but vegas didn't want macau to be thinking about that kind of stuff at school.
macau is flouting these orders now because vegas has been banished and porsche had something to do with it and he's hoping at first that he can fish information about all of that out of chay. but now he's in it for the trolling 😂)
macau doesn't know about the kidnapping. he doesn't know how personally chay is taking this — until he spots chay under a tree and saunters over to bother him, except. chay looks fucking wrecked. and like he's trying to hide it.
something clicks for macau. he totally gets it. sometimes you have to have a mafia-related breakdown at school, and all you can do is find a quiet place to have it.
(macau doesn't know chay is sad because of kim, but he doesn't need to.)
so when chay spots him, and tenses, and looks ready to bolt — macau halts and holds his hands up in surrender. then he waves, kind of awkwardly. and he leaves.
this very sudden generosity does surprise chay. and it continues to surprise chay when macau continues to wave at him whenever they see each other, but doesn't try to approach him. chay is still suspicious of macau, but chay is also a nice kid, and macau really isn't doing anything objectionable. so chay starts waving back.
this truce goes on for a while. and sure, chay isn't following the letter of the law anymore, but it's not like he's giving away information. he's not putting anyone in danger. and it's kind of comforting to have this shared understanding with this kid he doesn't even know. they're in the same boat. chay might not be able to talk to him, but chay feels a little less alone.
there's a million ways they could start talking after this. maybe macau just decides to take the plunge and plops down in front of chay during lunch and starts rambling about valorant. maybe macau is searching his pockets for change for the vending machine, and chay watches him do this for like five minutes and decides he needs to put macau out of his misery.
or maybe one of them finds the other having a panic attack in the bathroom, and talks them through it. (they're both better at this than they should be.)
or. maybe it's after the coup, and now macau is the one looking horribly withdrawn and jittery, and chay knows macau's brother is in a coma, and chay isn't feeling particularly happy about his own brother or anyone in the goddamn main family right now. so he says fuck it, and goes over to bump shoulders nonchalantly with macau.
maybe it's all of those. doesn't matter. they become friends. they're both lonely, and they're just too similar. too young, too tied to the mafia, too scared for their brothers, too little control over their own lives.
and it's not like they ever actually talk about being in the mafia. both of them know better than to give secrets away. they mostly just talk about gaming and homework and roast each other's tastes in music, and occasionally they allude to not being able to sleep, and sometimes they stutter to a stop to avoid saying something they shouldn't — but they both know to let it go. no need to fill in the gaps with lies, to pretend like everything is normal and okay.
it's nice. they're chill.
later, when porsche tells him they're having "family dinner" tomorrow night, chay doesn't realize that includes the former minor family, and he DEFINITELY doesn't realize macau is going to be there. which means he isn't prepared for macau to spot him at dinner and grin and start walking towards him, BECAUSE MACAU DOESN'T KNOW CHAY IS STILL BANNED FROM TALKING TO HIM.
chay is frantically gesturing at macau from behind porsche, making shh-ing motions and throat-slitting motions and shaking his head threateningly. and macau stops, puzzled, narrows his eyes — sly grin flickering across his face for a split second — points directly and dramatically at chay and goes "what are YOU doing here???"
chay facepalms.
macau puts a hand over his mouth and gasps. "have you been in the mafia this whole time?" then, louder, "i can't believe NOBODY told me."
"oh god," chay mumbles into his hand.
porsche is watching this go down, totally bemused. (vegas is also watching this go down, except vegas actually knows what's going on and is mostly amused about it.)
"chay," porsche says tentatively, "this is macau, vegas's little brother." then he nods expectantly at chay — like chay is supposed to do something now? is chay un-banned??? when the hell did that happen?
chay sighs. "hi, macau," he says, deadpan.
macau shakes his hand vigorously. "you play valorant?" he asks, like macau doesn't roast chay over vc every night.
"i'm gonna kick your ass to the curb," chay mutters, low enough that only macau can hear him.
"maybe when you get good," macau says, unrepentanly smug.
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milky-fixx · 1 year
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obito uchiha x reader // naruto
—because even your local hardened war criminal/resident traumatized uchiha/certified masked idiot deserves love. 
a collection of valentine’s day obito fics—some canon, some canon-divergent, some au. 
word count: 4.7k
—note: happy (late) bday obito! i started this last vday but couldn't post in time.
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“Happy Valentine’s Day!”
Obito blinks. He's about to head out for his shift when you present the the small box before him, wrapped with a delicate red bow. Now that he's past house arrest, the Rokudaime, after lengthy debates with his council, has allowed Obito to do community service in an attempt to make amends for his past crimes. It's grueling labor, of course, and he's strapped with all kinds of chakra inhibitors and accompanied by ANBU any time he's out and about. But this form of punishment, he tells you, is far more merciful than he deserves.
“I–” He drops his bag, cocking his head to the side. You press the box into his hands. It takes him awhile to realize it's a gift. For him. Oh. “Thank you?”
Obito's expression can be only be described as adorably confused, and you can’t help but giggle.
“It’s a holiday,” you press. “Where you give your loved ones chocolate and other gifts?”
“Ah, that's right...” He ducks his head to hide the flush rising to his cheeks, scratching the side of his face. He had forgotten about that. “Thanks.”
He’s not embarrassed, per se. (No matter what Kakashi tells you about how Obito as a kid always had this habit of looking away when he’s flustered).
It’s just…. this is the very first time he’s ever gotten any kind of gift on this day, and he's cycling through a tumult of confusing emotions. Because he’s seen firsthand the horrors of the world, he’s wrecked havoc, inspired terror and strife onto others. He’s an awful, terrible person who undoubtedly does not deserve to be alive while so many others caught up in his machinations are not.
And yet… that juvenile, hopelessly romantic side of him--which he's never been able to rid himself of, no matter how hard he's tried--is moved by your actions. In his youth, he often dreamt of things like requited confessions, kisses under the rain, the soft embrace of first love--all these pathetic, soft impulses and desires that had not yet been tarnished by war or the cruel reality of being a shinobi.
Your gift, as simple as it is, reminds him of all these things. It rushes through him, leaving an uncomfortable lump that he can’t swallow past in his throat.
And the shadowy underside of his thoughts creep forward, as they often do when he is faced with your unassuming acts of kindness: He hasn’t done anything to deserve this, to deserve you. The sins of his past will never be washed away, no matter how much he toils away. One day you will wake up and realize he’s not worth the dirty looks from villagers. That the effort to understand a man who does not even understand himself anymore, who has spent his whole life chasing after an impossible dream that has fallen to shambles, is a wasted one—
The hopeful glance from you has those thoughts abating, even for a second. With a flush of embarrassment, Obito realizes you've been waiting for him to open the gift. He undoes the bow, curious to see what you've given him.
It's a small box of chocolates. Each chocolate is decorated delicately, in various shades of pink and red. Cute, Obito thinks.
He glances up at you before popping a chocolate into his mouth. His eyes widen slightly at the decadent taste that spreads across his tongue.
“It’s--it's good. It’s really good.”
You beam up at him. “I put raspberry jam in some of them! I know you liked it last time I bought some.”
“You–” His eyes widen even more. “You made these? From scratch?”
“Yeah! It took me awhile to get the recipe right, but it was worth it.”
“Thank you,” he says again, his gaze softening. He holds his arm out, gathering you to him in a one-armed embrace, the other arm cradling the box of chocolates to his chest. He presses a kiss to your forehead, his lips lingering against your skin. You press a chaste kiss to the underside of his jaw, returning the favor. Time never seems to be in your favor though, as Obito begrudgingly lets go of you.
“I have to go.” 
“Have a great day!”
As Obito heads out, he makes amends with the fluttery feeling in his chest. He’s certainly too old to be touched by these kinds of things, but something about you has him feeling like he's back in his goofy, younger days, a side of him he thought was long gone to years of planning and trauma and–
Fuck. Was he supposed to get you something back?
He stills. 
You’re surprised when the door slams opens. “'bito? Did you forget something--” The fervent crash of his lips against yours cuts you off.
It seems that he’s had enough time to process your gift. His large hands cup your cheeks. His lips move with the desperation of a man clinging to his lifeline, pressing firmly against yours, as if the answer to all his doubts can be found in the meeting of your two bodies.
“Thank you,” he says again, breathless, once he breaks the kiss. His eyes lidded and dark with the depth of his feelings. “I owe you."
He licks his lips. "L-Later today. Is that okay? I promise I'll make it worth your time."
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Obito can think of three scenarios which come close to being as bad as this.
One. When Minato had him and Kakashi babysit an old man’s cat on a genin-level mission. Cats, despite being the Uchiha clan’s natural ally, have never liked him. It completely clawed his face up, and Rin had to tend to his scratches.
Two. When, as teenagers, he asked Rin out on a date, and during said date, she tearfully confessed her love for Kakashi. Unpleasant, certainly. Unexpected? Not really. What was unexpected was that Obito ended up being terribly allergic to something in the restaurant's udon, and his lips swelled up to twice their size.
Three, of course, is a few months back, when Kakashi left on a mission and asked him to train Team 7 for a day. No one told Obito that kids were this obnoxious to deal with. Not with his former sensei's kid screaming that he would best his cousin (Did Naruto realize the whole village could hear him? Was Obito ever this loud? Did Minato secretly invest in earplugs), his cousin acting like he was too damn smart to listen to anything Obito had to teach him (Itachi really should address his brother's superiority complex one day), and the one, normal person in their group, Sakura, clearing pining as desperately for his cousin as he did for Rin.
This scenario though? This may just make all the others pale in comparison.
The fact that Obito is supposed to propose to you today, but his months of careful planning is going up into flames, as if he'd burned them himself with his katon.
The fancy kaiseki ryori he got reservations for months back? Turns out they closed for renovations and he never got notice. Something about an intoxicated genin destroying the whole place while practicing his Drunken Fist technique.
Obito also intended to dress nicer for the occasion, to grab a shower and change maybe, but his mission ran late into the day, up until the very moment your dinner was planned. He had barely enough time to report to the Hokage before he was sprinting towards the restaurant, still wearing his jonin vest and ninja clothing.
He’s just hoping you won’t be mad at him.
He thumbs the ring in his pocket anxiously as he approaches the restaurant.
The two of you end up at the only place available on such short notice--the yakitori-ya, which is where your very first date was at. He curses his luck. It's not exactly the fancy setting he was hoping for--more like a date spot after a late night drinking or for casual dates--but he's out of options. Even flashing around the Uchiha name, which he hated doing, couldn't yield better results.
“Sorry I’m late,” he says as soon as he slides into the booth across from you. “The report took forever, and I swear the Hokage's advisors were trying to sabotage me. Why does it matter how many flower beds I saw on my way back here?" He ruffles his spiky hair in frustration.
You laugh. “It's okay, I’m used to it. You're always losing track of time, 'Bito."
He flushes slightly. "N-Not really... I've gotten better at it, haven't I?"
You hum thoughtfully. "Let's see... you do still get side-tracked by grandmas needing help carrying their groceries, by stray cats begging for food... Isn't that right?"
He flushes again, ducking his head down. Punctuality has never been his forte, but for him to be late on an important occasion like this. When he was going to--
"It's not intentional," he mutters.
"I'm just teasing," you tell him, reaching across the table for his hand, which he offers. "I already ordered us food. So tell me... how was the mission?"
Obito animatedly tells you about his past week, before lowering his voice at the top secret information that he as a jonin should not be sharing, but is anyways. The food arrives, plates of grilled meat on skewers generously filling your table.
He really should have more decorum, but he's starving. His anxiety also isn't helping. He ends up scarfing down the chicken skewers, talking in between taking giant bites of food. Thankfully, you seem to find it amusing, laughing at the way he chokes on a bite that was way too big for him to swallow. He gulps down his water, attempting vainly to act unperturbed.
You lean forward to grab another skewer, and Obito catches a glimpse of something red and lacy underneath your dress. He promptly ends up choking on his water again. Coughing, he thumps the front of his chest several times.
"Are you okay?"
He glances back at you, his face aflame. "I-I'm fine!" he says a little too loud. "I'm fine. Just... fine—“ It's then that he notices just what you're wearing that covers the red lace tease. A tight black dress that seems to accentuate every dip and crease of your figure.
His mouth suddenly seems dry, even though he just drank water. "You look nice. Uh, really nice. Really, really nice. Is that—is that new?"
"Dear, I think you're drooling a little."
He promptly snaps his mouth shut.
"And it is new! I thought I would wear it for the occasion. And you know... for later tonight," you murmur, voice laced with intentions.
"T-T-Tonight?" While he's nearly chugged down his entire drink, the admission has him jolting, his elbow knocking over his cup and spilling the small amount of liquid left. He’s aghast, rapidly dabbing the table with napkins.
You giggle, handing him your napkin as well. “You’re usually not this clumsy. You okay? Tired?”
“A little,” he admits. "I don't think I've gotten much sleep the past few days." You nod thoughtfully, looking slightly put out. "B-But that doesn't mean I can't! I'm—we can still—tonight? Yeah?"
He's flustered. How has he become so tongue-tied and nervous? It's like he's a fucking awkward teen again, for crying out loud. He fiddles with the ring in his pocket, suddenly remembering it's there.
"I-I was actually... well, I had a surprise for you, too."
“You mean other than taking us back to this place?”
He flushes.
"It was the only place that had last minute--I mean, the only place I could find a last minute spot at after my other reservations got cancelled!”
"We haven't been here since we first started dating, right?" you muse.
You sigh wistfully. “It brings back memories.”
Come to think of it, he does remember what a disaster your first date was, at this same restaurant. Burning his tongue on the skewers from eating too fast, spilling his drink all over you on in his excitement when you complimented his skills. You must have found him so annoying. You still agreed to a second date.
He cringes. History really did repeat itself.
"Hopefully I'll make new ones," he mutters under his breath.
"What was that?"
It's now or never. Before he loses his courage.
"Marry me?" he blurts out, holding out what he thinks is the ring to you. Instead, it is his half-eaten skewer.
You blink.
"I... are you proposing to me with grilled meat?"
"Shit, I—" His other hand darts into his pocket, brandishing the ring. While his hands are slightly oily from the grease of the food, thankfully his grip doesn't slip.
"You make me the happiest man alive. I can't imagine... I don't even want to think about a future without you," he says heatedly.
It's then that Obito realizes he is supposed to be down on a knee. Shit. He curses a bit, before he kneels down before you, putting the ring back in its pocket and presenting it to you once more. It's a simple ring, engraved with the Uchiha crest.
He glances up at you hopefully.
Or tries to. Obito once again gravely miscalculates in his nervousness. His head smacks the bottom of the table as he looks up—hard.
He clutches the side of his head, rubbing at it. His vision goes cross for a second.
Then it's your hands, softer and kinder that cradle his head.
"Babe, are you alright?" you say in disbelief. "You're so clumsy today."
This is supposed to be his moment to be smooth. To make things smooth.
"Sorry," he murmurs against your shirt. "You've got my head on backwards, I swear... I'm so wound up today, and everything keeps going—goddamnit. Can one thing go right?" he starts ranting. "I was hoping you'd say yes—"
"Ah--wait. Do you... do you mean it?"
"Yes. I do. I'd love to marry you, Obito Uchiha."
You reach for the ring, but then pause. "Um, maybe after you wipe that off,” you say, referring to the grease. "And we ice your head?"
You said yes. You said yes. What happens after that point, Obito does not even care about. Once he's back up, he gathers you in a tight hug.
"Thank you. Thank you so much--I--I'll be the best husband, I promise. Someone to make you proud...!"
And as the two of you walk home from the disastrous date, Obito cannot help but keep his arms around you. Unable to bite back down the giddy feeling.
Until something occurs to him.
"You didn't seem that surprised," he says.
"Oh! Yeah. The Uchiha blacksmith who made the ring kept asking if I liked it. Says you ordered it awhile ago, and he's surprised you haven't manned up and given it to me yet."
"Ah…. You—you knew this whole time I would…?”
He's such a loser.
But he's your loser.
And you like him, despite it all.
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MODERN!AU, arranged marriage, Obito as CEO of Uchiha Corps.
The smell of chocolate fills the air.
Obito pauses at the doorway. It's been... strange, having someone else in his space. In his home. Living with a stranger who you know you are soon to be wed to, despite knowing each other for such little time.
The thought still makes him a bit restless. He was initially averse to the idea. When he was younger, he dreamt of things like true love and romantic gestures. Not being forced to marry a complete stranger.
But then the incident that left half his body scarred happened, and that severely jeopardized those dreams. Then his uncle's whims. Madara, once he wanted something, rarely wavered.
"The Uchiha Corp. needs an heir, and you do not have any options at this point. Our clan's legacy will not be left to rot should you not find a suitable spouse. If that's the case—if your skills are lacking in that area—I will find one for you."
Obito hated following Madara's orders, but it seems that not much has changed from his childhood. Being forced into roles he has little interest in, being forced to uphold a certain image.
Doesn't mean he has to like it. Or accept it easily.
It's not that he dislikes you. In fact, Obito would say you're quite lovely in many ways. You actually seem to have several of the qualities he's liked in his crushes before (all unrequited). You're kind and patient, and you even have a bit of a temper, if anything is proven by how easily you slip into crass language.
It's just. It's not his choice. He didn't get to choose to meet you. It's not like the two of you met in a coffee shop or at the market, by chance, as love should be.
And that makes him resentful.
He supposes it all came to a head three nights ago, where he threw words and accusations at you like barbed wires. And you had responded in kind.
"What's in this for you again? Money, status? Want to bang the next head of Uchiha Corp. so you can live a life of lavishness?"
You blink. Quickly getting over your surprise, your mouth sets in a firm line as you respond with, "Are you always this fucking rude to people? Or am I just lucky?"
His eyes narrow. "Answer the question. What are you trying to get out of this?"
You're upset. The harsh furrow to your brow says it all.
"Uchiha... I'm not just someone you can boss around. I'm not one of your damn lackeys. And I'm not just going to sit around pretty and subservient if you're gonna be this damn rude to me."
The two of you continue to sleep in separate rooms and beds, as you have been for the past month, but this time, the distance leaves Obito with the queasy feeling of a fight unresolved. The two of you haven't spoken since, thankfully your schedules so different that you don't spend much time together.
After reflecting on it, he supposes you are just as much implicated in this as he is. You don't seem too eager to get married either. That gives Obito a small measure of relief.
Along with the realization that he's being an ass and making things more difficult for you.
Reconciliation though—he's not the best at. Which is why he's lingering in the doorway to the kitchen, working up the courage to approach you. Are you mad, he wonders? Anyone would be mad at being spoken to that way.
You seem to be cooking... sweets? Baking? And just as Obito works up the courage to say something, you lock gazes.
Before you promptly glance away, as if you haven't even seen him.
"Morning," he says deciding to break the ice.
You blink at him. "Oh. Good morning."
"You're up... early."
"Yeah. I was making chocolates." At his look of confusion, you clarify. "For you know.... Valentine's..."
"Oh. Yes."
So awkward. The tension thick enough to cut a knife through.
Are any of those for me? Obito dares to think foolishly, before you reply with,
"I was planning on eating all of these in front of you out of spite. But I suppose you could have one," you say offhandedly.
Obito flinches. "I... guess I deserve that."
"Maybe just a crumb of a chocolate. Ant-size."
He inhales deeply. Patience. "Also deserved."
You look at him curiously, as if you are not expecting his contriteness.
"...I'm just kidding. I did make some of these for you."
Obito's head snaps up. He stares at you cautiously.
"Do you... not like chocolates?"
"No, I—I do! I just... I was an ass to you."
"You were," you acknowledge.
"I wanted to... I wanted to apologize for—for being so..." While usually an eloquent speaker when the time came for him to compose himself, he's at a loss for words. How does he explain it? He's sorry for being such an ass. He's sorry for taking out his frustrations about love towards you. He's sorry he's being an absolute awful excuse for a fiance—
You approach him, and he looks up, only for you press one of the chocolates against his lips. He looks stunned.
"Try it? I... hope I used the sugar and not salt this time."
He hesitates.
"I'm kidding!"
He takes it into his mouth hesitantly, his gaze fixated on you. He chews slowly, savoring the taste.
"It's good. Even if you did use salt."
Your eyes widen. "Oh no. Did I really..." And then you catch sight of his face, alight with mirth. "You absolute liar, you had me worried for a sec."
"You started it!"
The two of you share a laugh. This is... nice. Unexpected. Obito was hardly expecting to be able to joke around like this with you.
That reminds him. He leaves the kitchen to grab something from the doorstep, returning with something hidden behind his back.
"These um, these are for you."
He holds his hands out bashfully. A colorful bouquet of flowers sits in his hand, freshly delivered to his door.
"Oh." You seem surprised, taking the gift from him with a curious look. "Thanks! I'm allergic."
His eyes widen. "You're not actually..." Shit. How awkward.
"I'm just kidding. It takes two to lie."
You crack a grin, and despite himself, Obito can't help but roll his eyes. His chest feeling oddly light, being able to joke around with you like this.
He doesn't know you yet. He doesn't know you enough to like you yet. But interactions like this give him hope that maybe... maybe things won't be that bad.
"Do you like udon?" Obito asks suddenly, remembering a local place that had good ratings. It was by reservation only, but he could pull some strings.
"Um, no."
"Oh..." He deflates slightly. There goes his plans for the udon date.
"I do like ramen though?” you offer. “And I know a good place…”
As the two of you embark on your first official date together, Obito realizes that maybe… maybe it wouldn’t be awful to get married to someone like you.
Maybe it would be fun, even.
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CANON!OBITO, obsessed with the Tsuki No Me plan
When one does not have a heart, they cannot love.
When one’s heart is empty, love is also futile.
These are two things Obito knows with certainty.
The third is this: He could never love you in this cruel, harsh reality.
You want his affection, his desire. Stability, consistency. Someone to call home at the end of the day.
But his love?
His love is a bundle of thorns, amidst which a single, wilted rose lies.
He cannot love you in the way most men should. He will not choose you over the Tsuki No Me plan. When the choice comes down to it, he will discard you if you interfere with his will.
And you’ll yell at him, call him names. Tell him he’s delusional.
But do not think that it’s because he doesn’t care. If you know anything about him, it’s that his love runs deep enough to wage wars, to raze down villages, to have the seas run red with the blood of his enemies.
Even if you do not see his perspective, he is merciful. You will be still be able to live a peaceful life in the Infinite Tsukiyomi.
You and him were not meant to be together in this world. Not in a world where children are sent to war, where villages pile bodies upon bodies to achieve a means to an end. Where his love can be nothing but a poison that seeps into you with a single prick.
But in the world of the Infinite Tsukiyomi, anything is possible.
You and him could be the most loving couple. You, his dearest spouse, waiting for him in the kitchen after a long day, the perfect scene of domesticity. He, your loving husband, would kiss you, wrap his arms around your waist. His hands rubbing over your stomach as he buries his face into your neck, murmuring words of affection.
Things would be perfect. Far unlike the cruel, twisted world the two of you lived in now.
A life of eternal bliss.
And you would be none the wiser that it’s all a dream.
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“Whaaa, what’s with all the decorations, senpai?”
The three of you were sent on a mission near Kusagakure, and once it ended, decided to check out the village. The main square in is alight with decor, red and pink streamers hanging off food stands, flowers and everywhere the eye could see. 
Deidara snorts. “It’s Valentine’s Day, Tobi.” When the masked man cocks his head to the side, he rolls his eyes. “That shitty holiday where you get chocolates from girls.”
“Ah. Did senpai get any chocolates?”
“Tch, ‘course!” The blond crosses his arms, giving his partner a smug look. “I was so popular back in Iwa, girls would line up to give me their goodies.”
Tobi tilts his head. “I doubt that.”
“Why you—“
As Deidara and Tobi bicker, you walk closer to one of the stands, admiring the intricate bouquets. The life of a shinobi, especially in the Akatsuki, is often treacherous. It’s nice at times to sit back and enjoy the world around you. Not to mention how rare to have this much down time between missions, so you take full advantage of it, admiring the sights and sounds around you. 
“Do you see something you like?”
Tobi approaches you from behind, rubbing his head pitifully. You can only assume that given Deidara’s short temper and Tobi’s wily mouth, that he must have clocked him. 
“The flowers here are pretty,” you note, staring at the designs wistfully.
“Would you like some?” 
He poses the question in the same childlike manner he does everything.
You turn to your companion, observing the mysterious orange mask hiding his face. Tobi has always been an intriguing person, if not rather juvenile. At times you have to wonder if his obliviousness an act. Or if perhaps the shinobi world has broken him in this specific way.
Either way, the leader must find some value in his presence in the Akatsuki.
You smile. “No, I’m okay. You should really only give gifts to people you like on this day.”
“I like you!” Tobi says brightly. 
“Romantically,” you add, assuming once more Tobi’s innocence. Whether forced or not. “You should ideally gift someone you like in a romantic sense.”
You observe the other flowers, not noticing the way his mask dips slightly, as he also seems to survey the offerings.
“But I—oh, Deidara-senpai, there you are!” he says. once the blonde has caught up with you two. “Can I borrow some?”
“You broke idiot, don’t tell me you haven’t gotten paid yet!” He scoffs. “What’s it for anyways?”
“To buy them a flower!” He points at you.
“Tobi, it’s fine. Having to carry a flower around with me would be impractical anyways…” You’ve greatly debated it, but it’s true. The journey back to base is a long one, and no doubt you would end up ruining the flowers before then.
Deidara scrutinizes you, and then glances back at Tobi. He glances between you two a few more times with nothing short of suspicion. “…What? You got a crush or something, yeah?“
“A crush? Is that who you should give flowers to?”
“Ha, Tobi, I think you’re out of your league here. Anyone with two eyes would realize that.”
“Funny you say that… I don’t even think you can see out of two eyes, senpai! Not with your hair covering half your face.”
“You damned brat—“
You let the matter go, deciding that with this duo, the less said is the more peaceful. Sighing softly, you walk away to look at another stall, leaving them to argue again. While you couldn’t take one, you could only dream.
When you return to the base, it’s your surprise to find a flower laid out on your bed later that night. It’s a light red carnation, looking like it was picked straight out of a field.
Next to the flower is a note. The handwriting is messy, with an undeniably childish scrawl.
“I hope you like the flower I picked! The lady agreed to give me one when I told her it’s for a special friend!”
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slowandsteddie · 10 months
Y’all voted on this.
“Hey there, big guy.” / “You aren’t Eddie.”
I was really really excited to write this, honestly.
It is VERY important that you read the CW on this one.
I might be working through some things I personally went through on this one, so it’s… darker than I’d normally go.
CW: Steve is drugged, very heavily implied sexual assault (maybe skip the pink font?), ptsd, mention of bad parents, drinking as a coping mechanism, underage drinking, bartender looks like Billy (isn’t btw), very brief mention of Billy’s death, mentions of drugs, mentions of weed
Lots of hurt and little comfort.
Parts of this feel kinda rushed to me, and there’s one part where that is on purpose. But, uh. Not a fan of the ending of this bc it’s late and I’m sleepy. But also I don’t wanna edit this or dwell on it or it won’t get posted at all. So. This is where we are.
Potential for a part two.
2536 words.
After the night that Nancy called their relationship bullshit, Steve had sworn off alcohol and any drug stronger than the weed he used to help himself sleep when he was home alone. And he had been able to stick to it, too.
Until Starcourt.
When he had nearly been killed by Russians, confessed his love to a lesbian (while he, himself was mostly gay), and saw Billy Hargrove murdered by some thing from the Upside Down.
Yeah, life was pretty fucked up. And if he found solace at the bottom of a bottle, that was his problem.
No one but Robin needed to know. That girl was his Platonic soulmate and she got to know practically everything. Hell, he had lost track of how many times they had slept in the same bed, just so they could know the other was still breathing. They clung so tight to each other that it was like they were trying to nestle into rib cages and grasp onto bones so that they couldn’t be ripped apart again.
It helped with the nightmares and the panic to have someone so close to him who understood. Someone who knew what he went through without him having to explain it. Someone who knew that the fire cover up was complete shit. Someone who wasn’t a kid that he had to protect and hide his pain from.
Don’t get him wrong, he loved those kids. He would die for them. He’d kill for them. He’d wreck the beautiful car of his dreams for them. He’d even pretend to be okay for them, no matter what. But he could never confide in them. Not about what he went through. Not the way he could with Robin.
The thing about trauma bonding with someone is that there doesn’t have to be secrets. They already knew the worst thing that you have been through, so everything else would be a cakewalk by comparison.
During the day, it was easy to be goofy and laugh and hide the fact that he had been through absolute hell. But at night, everything came back to him. Him screaming that he just worked for Scoops and not being believed. Him offering free ice cream for life, just to get out of there.
Offering his body when that didn’t work because he didn’t have anything else and he knew his parents wouldn’t pay a ransom, even if the Russians had decided to try that route. And if they took him up on that offer, no one had to know. He didn’t even have to know. He could just pretend that the drugs took those memories too and not think about it.
The night time was what had him drinking again. The sun would start setting and he’d find himself reaching for that bottle, as though he needed it as desperately as he needed air and open spaces.
Even when Robin was over, he couldn’t close the door before taking a shower. Though, that didn’t matter much, when she’d go sit on the toilet and talk to him, with nothing but a curtain between them as the water poured over him and he sobbed as silently as he could while he cleaned himself and she chatted away about some random thing that he couldn’t follow, no matter how hard he tried. On particularly bad nights, Robin would find him in the shower, and wearing his t-shirt and shorts, she would help him wash his hair, his body, while he could only lean against the wall, feeling as though he would shake himself apart.
But, he needed to get better. He couldn’t be a mess forever. He couldn’t rely on his best friend always being available to help him through the rough patches. Most people would see the therapist recommended to them after going through things like The Upside Down and days of torture at the hands of Russians in a base under the mall that they used to work in.
Not Steve.
Oh, no.
That made too much sense.
Instead of therapy, he decided that going to a gay club in Indy would be a great idea. It had been long enough that his injuries had turned to scars. Sure, his ears rang a lot and sometimes his vision went a little fuzzy if he turned his head too fast, but he was fine. Really.
He had called and told Robin where he’d be. He didn’t need her panicking because she went to his house and he wasn’t there. He also called Henderson, just to make sure one of the kids knew he wasn’t home. They all talked constantly so the message would get around.
Just because he was stupid, didn’t mean he was irresponsible.
Steve was dressed in his favorite jeans, the ones that made his ass look nice, and a yellow polo. He didn’t really have many options in terms of shirts because it was almost time to do laundry again. He hated the washer though, as he still had times when his ribs panged when he tried to lean over too far. With that stupid washer, he always had to lean too far. There was no other way to make sure he got everything out of it.
He took the time to style his hair properly, even when the effort made his arms shake and the muscles in his hands and wrists spasm. Being tortured had some lasting effects and it was annoying. He was so tired of it. Tired of being forced to remember what he went through, even while doing the most mundane things.
He flipped the collar on his shirt up to try and make sure that the scars on his neck weren’t too obvious at first glance. That was as good as it was going to get as he refused to wear makeup to cover it up.
Then, he walked out to his car after locking the front door. Here goes nothing. He slid into the car that he hadn’t actually driven in a few weeks and started her up. She purred as though it was only yesterday that she was last turned on.
Steve mouthed the directions to himself before buckling up, turning on the radio, and beginning the drive.
Time passed, though he wasn’t sure how much of it. But he did get to the club without incident. He parked his car and locked the door before putting the keys in his pocket.
His favorite thing about this place was that they didn’t ID, something that he remembered from when he had came here before Starcourt. He had just wanted to dance with fellow queers. The first few times that he was here, he had been given water when he went to the bar.
He was glad to find that this time the bartender asked him what he’d be drinking. He was glad that the blond with curly hair and a charming smile didn’t even bat an eye over his request for a shot of whiskey, and just poured the drink.
“First one’s on the house.” God, even his voice was charming.
“Thank you,” Steve replied gratefully.
He threw the drink back and didn’t even make a face over it. The familiar, warm burn of the alcohol was a welcome one.
“How much for the second?” He asked, a slight smile tugging at his lips.
“For you? A dollar a shot.”
Steve placed a 10 dollar bill down. “One shot and one mixed drink that would leave you with what you consider an acceptable tip.”
“Yessir,” the bartender replied with a smile.
It wasn’t fair that the older male had ocean eyes he could get lost in.
Steve took the shot like nothing again, running a hand through his hair. He thanked the bartender, again, before taking his mixed drink and moving to the dance floor.
He was having fun. There were a lot of people and loud music and he had some liquid courage that was also helping to keep his chronic pain under control. After a few songs, he finished his drink before going to take his glass to the bar.
He was dizzy, but he just assumed that was from turning his head too fast a few minutes ago when someone started dancing behind him. He told himself that it had just been because he wanted to know if the guy pressing against his back was cute or not. (He was.)
Steve’s thoughts were incoherent, but he had moments when his brain didn’t seem to work right, especially when he was under the influence. It was his new normal ever since his brain had been starved of oxygen. But he couldn’t think about that again. Not now.
He asked the bartender for water, noticing the name tag this time. Billy. Oh, the painful irony.
He drank it down pretty fast, fully intending to thank him for it after. But then there was an arm around his shoulder and he was moving on to help someone on the other side of the bar.
“Hey there, big guy,” the other male said while squeezing his shoulder.
“You aren’t Eddie,” he said stupidly. It was in that moment that Steve realized who he had a crush on, but that wasn’t important right now.
“I can be whoever you want me to be, handsome.”
Steve pulled away. “I’m sorry, but no. You really can’t.”
“Okay, I’m sorry. That was a bad joke. Eddie sent me to take you home.”
“He wouldn’t have sent anyone to get me.” He said defiantly. “He’d come himself,” he added to cover up whatever he had said.
The world was spinning worse and he turned to walk to the bathroom. He was being followed and he knew it, but what other choice did he have?
By the time Steve got to the bathroom, he was mostly out of it. But, he got flashes.
The door being locked behind them.
His pants being unbuttoned.
Trying to struggle but it was just so hard to lift his arms.
Being shoved against the counter.
Heavy breathing in his ear.
Sliding down.
Curling into a ball.
Clutching his own shirt.
When Steve woke up again, the first thing he noticed was that he was in the trailer. The second thing he noticed was that he felt like shit. Everything hurt more than it should for just a hangover, and he didn’t even want to think about why his hips and thighs felt the way they did.
He tried to sit up, groaning over the effort before letting himself lay back down on the couch. The toilet flushed, the water ran, and then there were footsteps coming back toward him. He didn’t know why he flinched and tried to hide in the blanket he had over him, but he did.
“Hey there, big boy,” Eddie said softly.
Steve whimpered. He wasn’t sure why he didn’t like being called that anymore. It was something that the older male had called him ever since they started getting friendly. Ever since he had started buying weed from him.
“Wanna talk about it, Steve?” He added.
He shook his head.
“Why’d the bartender call me when he found you instead of Robin? Don’t get me wrong, I’m flattered that you thought I was safe.”
“I don’t know. Was kinda falling apart. I guess I wanted drugs more than…”
“More than your girlfriend?”
Steve snorted. “She’s my Platonic soulmate. Capital P. Not my girlfriend.”
Eddie tilted his head. “Want me to call the soulmate?”
Steve shook his head quickly before groaning and holding his temples. “My car?” He croaked.
“I took Jeff with me to pick you up. He drove ‘er back. Your car is in my driveway, safe and sound.”
Steve made a sound and let his eyes close.
“Steve. I’m not going to make any choices for you. But you were assaulted. The only reason that bartender didn’t call the police was that he didn’t want to out you.”
His eyes fluttered. “That… that explains it.” His body chose that moment to let him pass out again.
When he was conscious again, he was still on Eddie’s couch. He could hear the other male talking on the phone. He did his best to pretend that he was still asleep. But he was crying and the sniffling gave him away.
“Hey man, do you want Robin to come here?”
“No,” he said too quickly. “I just… I need a bit to comprehend. Tell her an hour, yeah? Then I’ll go with her and get out of your hair.”
Eddie relayed the message and hung up.
“He drugged me. But I still knew what was up. He flirted with me, but I wasn’t interested. I said he wasn’t you as though I had some kind of right to want it to be you who was flirting, man. I’m sorry.”
“Why are you sorry?” Of course it was only the apology that Eddie picked up on.
“Because I have no right to have a crush on you after how I treated you. Because I have no right to tell you that I have a crush on you after what happened to me.”
“If that’s how you feel, then I have no right to tell you that the feeling is mutual and that I have every intention of finding the guy who did this to you and making him pay. I have no right to feel so possessive and protective. I have no right to tell you that I always run away, but right now I just want to fight for you.”
“Mm. You’re right. We have no right to be having this conversation when it’s too much for me.”
Eddie was about to get up.
“Hold me?” Steve asked so quietly.
And his request was honored so gently. He might have been whimpering and flinching, but that didn’t stop him from grabbing the older male’s shirt and clinging to it.
When Robin barged into the trailer, exactly sixty-one minutes later, Steve flinched and his hands gripped on to Eddie’s knees tightly.
Eddie was sitting sideways on the couch, his legs spread so that Steve could be seated between them. His back was against the older male’s chest and his hands had been playing with the loose threads over Eddie’s knees before he was startled. Eddie had been trying to braid Steve’s too short hair as they listened to some music that neither male was paying enough attention to in order to place.
As soon as he saw his best friend, he was struggling to his feet before stumbling over to her with all the grace of a newborn giraffe.
“I shouldn’t have gone.”
“Hey, don’t blame yourself.”
They were clinging to each other, both of them shaking.
“Promised to never leave you again.”
“It’s okay. We’ll get through this. Also, Eddie is driving us home because I refuse to let go of you.”
“I am?”
“You are.”
“And then you’re staying, too.” Steve added.
“I am.” There was a smile to Eddie’s voice at that.
Despite everything, Steve liked him and felt safe with him. Hopefully Eddie would never do anything to break that.
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piedpiperart · 1 year
Menagerie part 6
Part 5
Izuku’s eyes widened at the heated hand fisted into his uniform, no doubt scorching the fabric. He opened his mouth to protest, but Bakugo beat him to it, shoving him harder against the wall. “What the fuck Deku?” Bakugo seethed, and Izuku felt his breath freeze in his chest. “All this fucking time you had a quirk and you hid it from me?! You looking down on me hah?!” 
“I wasn’t-”Izuku stammered, only to be cut off. 
“Don’t fucking lie to me!” Bakugo roared,“You used that round faced bitch to get first place. That doesn’t make you fucking stronger than me, you hear?!”
“My quirk-” Izuku tried again, but this time when Bakugo shoved him again, his head hit the wall harshly. He winced from the pain, hoping it wasn’t bad enough to bruise. 
“You were looking down on me this whole time huh? I bet it’s ‘cause your quirk is useless without taking advantage of someone else,”Bakugo sneered. Izuku braced himself for the oncoming rant, part of him hoping Aizawa was close by. Aizawa wasn’t like his old teachers, he’d do something, right? But oh, that’d get Bakugo in trouble. Izuku couldn’t tell if he wanted that or not. “Figures you’d hide such a villainous quirk.”
Izuku sucked in a breath at Bakugo’s words. Zura wasn’t villainous. They were a bond, an experience, an embodiment of friendship and understanding. Zura would never be a bad thing, he thought. Izuku took a breath, gearing up to defend himself as the anger inside him grew when two sets of footsteps creeped up on them. 
“The fuck do you think you’re doing?” Someone asked harshly. Izuku tried to peer around Bakugo, but the blonde was so close it was stifling. 
“None of your fucking b-”Bakugo snarled, only to stop halfway. There was a moment of silence and Izuku didn’t dare move when he heard a quiet sigh from behind them. Izuku’s eyes widened at the blank look in Bakugo’s eyes and the lack of strength behind his grip on Izuku’s shirt.
“Let him go and step back,”The voice continued, and to Izuku’s surprise, Katsuki did just that. 
As Bakugo stepped away, Izuku turned his wide eyes to the voice, and saw the purple haired kid from class, and next to him was a boy with red and white hair. Both of them looked angry. “Are you okay?” Purple hair asked gently to Izuku, snapping him out of it and realizing that he was staring at them. Izuku blinked at them. 
“Um, yeah,”Izuku stammered. He put a hand over his scorched uniform, feeling the heat and seeing that the damage wasn’t too bad. He’d be able to get the marks out in the washer most likely. Seeing his reaction, the peppermint haired boy scowled. “T-thanks.”
“Don’t worry about it. The names Shinsou,”The purple haired boy added with a glare towards Bakugo, who was standing blankly, awaiting orders. 
“I-I’m Izuku Midoriya,”Izuku responded, looking to the peppermint haired kid while his mind raced about what kind of quirk Shinsou had. Was it some form of mind-control? Probably response based but Izuku wondered if there were other activation requirements. 
“Shouto,” Shouto said flatly. He was still glaring at Bakugo and the scorch mark on Izuku’s uniform. 
“N-nice to meet you, um. S-sorry about all that, Bakugo is just...”Izuku failed to find words,”He’s known me since we were kids and thought I was lying. A-about my quirk, I mean. I didn’t know I had one until a month ago, uh. It needed special activation requirements,”Izuku rambled. Shinsou and Shouto’s faces morphed into understanding and still a bit of anger as they no doubt realized that Bakugo bullied him for being quirkless. Maybe they wouldn’t care that he was quirkless? Izuku rushed to explain, his arms waving in front of himself,”I-it’s fine really, he just,”Izuku started, but stopped when his brain failed to explain it. Thankfully Shinsou interrupted that train wreck of a conversation.
“Go back to the classroom and grab your bag. Then go home,”Shinsou seethed at Bakugo, and the blonde wordlessly followed, walking down the hall to the classroom. Izuku watched him go, in awe of Shinsou’s quirk. The purple haired teen turned to him, glancing at Izuku’s ruined uniform. He opened his mouth, about to say something when Izuku’s brain rebelled against him. 
“Was that your quirk? How long does it last? Is it just response based? That would be so useful for hero work, no wonder you’re in 1-A, I bet Aizawa sensei would be able to each you a lot about combat to supplement your quirk- or if you wanted to be an underground hero even better but you’d still be great as a twilight hero if you’d wanted like-”Izuku rambled, and the two looked on in confusion and in Shinsou’s case, surprise and embarrassment. 
“Uh- yeah. My quirk’s called brainwashing,”Shinsou said, cutting Izuku off and rubbing the back of his neck. Izuku let out a breath at the conversation change. If he had to explain anything else about Bakugo and him he’d probably end up in tears. Izuku figured it was better to just not think about it. “I’d like to be an underground hero, like Aizawa-sensei.”
Izuku perked up, coming closer to the two in his excitement. Shouto on the other hand was watching the two of them with a bit of awe and confusion. “That’s awesome! I think I want to be a twilight hero, but since I’m usually quirkless it helps to have combat experience. We should spar sometime! Uraraka and I have been learning together and you could join- I mean, if you, if you want?”
Shinsou let out a light laugh. “I guess it’s kinda obvious that I don’t have much combat experience.” He said, walking down the hall back to their classroom with Izuku at his side. It took Shouto a moment but he followed too. Shinsou turned to Shouto nonchalantly. “What about you? Want to spar with us?”
Izuku saw a bit of surprise flash across Shouto’s face before returning to a blank expression. “Sure,”He responded, looking away towards the door ahead of them. Shinsou smirked. 
“Well, count me and the ice prince in,”Shinsou grinned at Izuku, and he couldn’t help but grin back. They hashed out more details on their walk, and even exchanged numbers, much to Izuku’s excitement. He now had Mic, Shouta, Uraraka, and now Shouto and Shinsou! It was five more friends than he’s had his entire life, and if he kept thinking about it he’d start to cry again, so he settled for smiling like an idiot instead. 
As they entered the classroom, Izuku was instantly bombarded by Uraraka and surprisingly, the yellow-haired boy who Izuku was pretty sure was named Denki. However, the two behind him frowned, looking at each other with determination and nodding towards the teacher. Shinsou glanced at Izuku to make sure he wasn’t paying attention before going to talk to Aizawa and asking to talk outside the classroom. Shouto followed the two out while Izuku was cheerfully chatting with his other friends. 
“-And it’s got a bunch of books, so you can just sit there with the cats for hours,”Denki was explaining. Izuku, Uraraka, and Denki were crowded around their desks, Denki leaning back in his chair so far Izuku was afraid he’d fall, Izuku perched on Denki’s desk and Uraraka on another chair. 
“But it’s not a cat cafe?” Uraraka asked, her cheek squished against her arm. Denki shook his head. 
“Nah, it’s more like a library that just happens to have cats. They have four, and I’m pretty sure they’re all from the same litter,”Denki said, waving his arm. “They’re really cute though, Mina loves them. Two are all black, and the other two are black and white.” “What are their names?” Uraraka asks. Izuku nods, leaning forward. 
“The black ones are Shadow and Spooky, and the black and white ones are Moozley and Oreo,” Denki smiled, “Because Moozley is like moo, because she has spots that look like a cow.”
“Aw,”Izuku and Uraraka cooed. 
“Actually I think I have pictures from last time Mina and I were there,”Denki said, reaching for his phone. It wouldn’t have been a problem, but Denki was also teetering his chair back, and with the sudden movement he lost his balance and started falling backwards with a yelp and wave of his arms. 
Being the closest, Izuku reached for Denki’s hand to stabilize him, only for Denki to accidentally pull Izuku down with him. They both yelped as they crashed to the floor with a startled yelp and a flashing bright light. 
Uraraka blinked away the spots in her eyes and looked down to where the two had crashed. Her eyes widened when she saw them fused together, with the same uniform but with bright yellow-green hair and wide eyes that seemed to glow. 
“Holy shit,”Izuku-Denki breathed. “Wait- no, fuck- Sorry- no it’s fine- I didn’t mean to- you’re okay?” Denki-Izuku stammered, talking over themself in a stuttered conversation. 
“You two fused!” Uraraka squealed, and the two of them turned and looked over at her surprise, obviously having forgotten she was there. “Do you feel okay? What should I call you?”
They seemed to think for a moment before nodding. “I’m okay. Yeah. I’m okay.” Turning eyes towards Uraraka they beamed. “I think I want to know what my quirk is before I decide on a name.”
“Ooh,”Uraraka leaned forward in excitement.”Do you know what your quirk is? Denki’s is lightning, and Izuku’s is touch and feeling based.”
“I… I don’t know!” They laughed, finally stumbling to get to their feet. “This is super cool though, I feel… I feel like I just ate a bunch of sugar. Energized maybe? I dunno but it’s exciting and I want to try it out.”
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Before Uraraka could add on or say something like, hey maybe we should wait for Aizawa sensei before you try a possibly dangerous quirk, they took a stumbling step forward that turned into a lightning fast dash to the front of the classroom and smack into the chalkboard. At the impact, Izuku and Denki broke apart and fell to the floor, both holding their faces in varying levels of pain and excitement. 
“We’re fast!” Denki exclaimed, and Izuku laughed lightly. “Oh my gosh this is so cool, we’re like lightning- like- like a bolt of lightning! That could be our name!”
“It describes our quirk and is like a normal nickname, or name, but also kind of a hero name?”Izuku rambled, still smiling like an idiot, “I like it.” 
“Oh my gosh oh my gosh,”Uraraka ran up to them. “Are you guys okay?”
“Yeah! Bolt is just super fast and we accidentally ran into the wall,”Denki said sagely. 
Uraraka snorted, then stood straighter. “Oh- If you’re like, lightning fast, do you think Bolt is faster than Iida?” Izuku and Denki exchanged wide eyed glances before bursting out theories and bets. Izuku hardly even noticed that he’d forgotten about Bakugo completely, only focused on the two friends in the room with him. It was a nice feeling, and he couldn’t wait to have more days like this one.
“What do you need?’ Aizawa questioned, looking from the serious yet determined look in Shinsou’s eyes to the angry discolored eyes of Todoroki standing next to him.  
“Bakugo attacked Midoriya outside the locker room,” Shinsou scowled. Aizawa’s eyes widened. He hadn’t noticed anything wrong with the two when they’d come into the classroom. “I used my quirk on Bakugo to grab his stuff and go home.”
Aizawa sighed. He’d noticed Bakugo glaring at Izuku all day, but apparently he misjudged the meaning behind it. “Thank you for telling me. I’ll take care of it.”
Shinsou’s shoulders relaxed minutely, but Shouto frowned. “What are you planning on doing?” Todoroki glared, and it occurred to Shouta that Todoroki didn’t think he’d do anything about it. That he’d sweep bullying under the rug. “Both of us saw Bakugo burn Midoriya’s uniform and pin him against a wall.”
“I believe you,”Shouta reassured, resisting the urge to punch everyone who hurt these kids and made them not trust adults. “I’ll be reviewing the footage of the event and looking into their schools. I’d been suspicious of Bakugo before since he’d gone to the same middle school as Midoriya, so reaching out to their previous school will help me determine if he should be expelled or if I need to get the police involved.” Aizawa said, and Todoroki seemed to relax at that. 
“Midoriya was quirkless before, when he went to school with Bakugo,”Shinsou blurted. “I think Bakugo was bullying him because of that.”
“It seems that is the case,”Aizawa sighed, wishing he had a cup of coffee. Before he dismissed them, the hero turned to the shorter of the two. “Thank you for bringing this to my attention. Is that all, or do you need anything else? I’ll help however I can.” He said meaningfully, observing the way Todoroki shifted in surprise. He’d have to keep an eye out for the kid. 
Todoroki glanced at Shinou, who gave him a slight encouraging look, but mostly looked confused. Right when Todoroki was about to say something, there was a loud thud from inside the classroom. All three of them turned, and Aizawa sighed when the two boys immediately went for the door. 
Shouta was worried for a few seconds until he remembered that he’d left Izuku and Ochako in there with Kaminari. No doubt they were just horsing around, but Shouta figured maybe a desk or chair had fallen over. Peering over the two tall children blocking his way, he saw Izuku and Denki on the floor in front of the whiteboard, both holding their faces but smiling excitedly as they tried to talk over the laughter of Ochako, who was clutching her stomach. 
Aizawa sighed as Izuku’s eyes caught sight of the three. “Aizawa! I used my quirk on Denki!” He beamed, only to realize how that might sound in front of Shinsou and Shouto, and hastily added,”On accident!”
Denki jumped up from the ground, pulling Izuku with him. “It was so cool! We named him Bolt, and he has super speed! Even faster than Iida!” 
“You fused together?” Shouto asked, tilting his head in thought. Denki nodded, and went on trying to explain how it felt to fuse with Izuku while Izuku looked sheepishly at Aizawa. 
While Shouta was happy that Izuku was making more friends, it seemed he might have trouble turning his quirk off when he touched people. Perhaps he could rope Denki into quirk training with them, the hero thought Denki already needed help on his own quirk anyways. “Super speed?” Aizawa raised an eyebrow. Izuku glanced over at Uraraka, who had just calmed down. 
“They ran into the wall!” Uraraka burst out, giggling again. 
“It was an accident! We just tried to take a step forward and then all of a sudden there was a wall!” Izuku groaned, covering his face in embarrassment. “I didn’t even mean to fuse, Denki was just about to fall off his chair and I just grabbed his hand and poof!” Izuku said, mimicking the poof with his hands. “I didn’t mean to.”
“I’m not worried about it,”Aizawa sighed, coming closer to rest a hand on his shoulder. “But maybe we should get you some gloves so it doesn’t happen in the classroom. You’ll have to train more so you’ll be able to only fuse when you want to.”
Izuku nodded, thinking. Uraraka bounced in excitement,”Does that mean Denki can join training?” 
“If he wants to,”Aizawa nodded. At that, the other three boys turned to look at Shouta. 
“Training?” Denki bounced with excitement, nose still a bit red. Beside him, Shinsou frowned. 
“Izuku discovered his quirk during the entrance exam, so he’s having mandatory quirk counseling that doubles as training for anyone who is there to assist him. Because his quirk is so selective, the only person Izuku’s been able to practice with is Ochako and myself,”Aizawa stated. “You three are welcome to join.”
“Yes! More test subjects!” Ochako cheered, and the boys gave her a wary look. 
“Will we have to have Izuku use his quirk on us if we come?” Shouto asked hesitantly, and Aizawa shook his head. 
“You can try fusing with Izuku if you want to, but we’ll have other combat training in addition. Both are optional,”Shouta said. Todoroki and Denki seemed to brighten at the prospect of fusing with Izuku, while Shinsou had the opposite effect. “I’ll send you all the training schedule if you’d like to come.”
“Oh! Give me your numbers!” Ochako exclaimed, and Denki rushed to bring out his phone while Shouto and Shinsou did so a bit more slowly. “I made a group chat with all of us.” She explained, texting something on her phone. Izuku looked over to see her adding funny profile pictures to everyone’s numbers. 
“Alright, now go home. You have school tomorrow and I doubt you want to be tired during your first heroics training,”Aizawa grumbled, making his way to his desk and packing up his things. 
“Right!” Denki startled and got his backpack with the other kids. “You guys want to walk to the bus stop together?” 
“Ah, Aizawa’s driving Ochako and I home,”Izuku stammered, hooking his backpack over his shoulder. The classroom went silent as the others looked at him and Uraraka. 
“Dude, are you in trouble?” Denki whispered loudly. 
“Aizawa’s Izuku’s dad, silly!” Uraraka blurted, and Aizawa resisted the urge to facepalm. Izuku hid in his arms in the meantime. 
“Uraraka! He’s not- we’re not- I mean, it’s-,”Izuku stammered to explain, until Denki patted him on the back. 
“No worries dude, we won’t tell anyone!” Denki reassured. “Heroes have to keep their families safe by hiding it, right?” 
“I knew you were related,”Todorok nodded solemnly, making Izuku’s face even redder and Uraraka started laughing. 
“If any of you need a ride home you can come with,”Aizawa called out. “If not, we’re leaving.” 
The kids all protested riding with their teacher, but Shinsou stared for an uncomfortably long time before getting dragged to the bus stop by Denki, Todoroki trailing behind like a lost puppy. When they were all out of the classroom, Aizawa gave Ochako a look. 
“What?” She shrugged mischievously. “I didn’t lie.”
Izuku’s face remained beet red as he hid behind his bangs. Shouta, meanwhile, did not dignify it with a response, only mentioning that she’d have to run extra laps the next day. 
The three of them picked up Hizashi at the teacher’s lounge and made their way to the car. The whole time Izuku and Uraraka told Hizashi everything about the quirk apprehension test as Zura, the new friends they met, and fusing with Denki. “Already? Wow kiddo, you’re making friends faster than Uraraka eats mochi!” Hizashi exclaimed, and Uraraka squawked in protest. “How did it feel? Is Denki joining us for training now?”
“It felt.. Fast. Our quirk was super speed, and it felt like we had soo much energy! Like I drank 10 cups of coffee,” Izuku explained, waving his hands in explanation. “And Denki’s really nice! I’m not really.. I’m not really sure why but it just feels a lot easier to fuse with people now, I don’t even mean to do it most of the time. I guess it’s cause no one wanted to be my friend before though, right?” Izuku asked, and the nonchalant way he said it broke everyone in the car’s hearts. 
“Sweetie no,”Hizashi comforted. “You just hadn’t met the right people before us! Which just makes these new friendships even more special, considering finding the right friend can take forever!”
“Yeah!”Ochako nodded. “Just look at Aizawa, he only has like three friends and he’s got a quirk.” She said, making Hizashi snort. Aizawa gave her a betrayed look, resolutely making plans for the next training. He wondered why he ever thought having kids was a good idea. He’d like to return that one please. 
“I guess,”Izuku laughed. “What’s with the group chat though? I’ve never been in one before.”
“Oh! I’ll show you,”Ochako perked up, leaning over with her phone. “Everyone gets fun usernames, mine is Uravity. I set up everyone else’s too, but they can be changed. Yours is Broccoli.” Izuku made a face at that and Hizashi let out a laugh from the front. “Shinsou is The BFG because he’s the tallest. Uh, Kaminari is Pikachu, and Shouto is Peppermint.” 
Izuku hummed as she explained that they could chat all together or send memes, which Kaminari was already doing. He read a few messages until they got home, both kids amusing themselves with the conspiracies Denki and Shouto were trading back and forth. Shinsou only fueled their debate by adding on more and more ridiculous theories for them to debate. 
When they got home, Shouta and Izuku made dinner while Hizashi taught Uraraka how to play a game involving dice. After dinner Ochako stayed the night, and they cajoled Hizashi into doing the same. He already had clothes at the house to stay over, and much to Izuku and Ochako’s satisfaction, the coach remained empty throughout the night. They’d gone to bed a bit early, but stayed up on their phones a bit to chat with the group chat. Apparently, Aizawa had to go to the school early in the morning, so they decided to all arrive early to train. Denki and Shouto were the most excited to get Izuku to use his quirk on them, and came up with a fusion conspiracy board. They’d fill out fusions of the whole class as the year went on, but so far the only ones on the chart was Izuku, Denki, and Ochaco. Shouto theorized that if Izuku fused with him their quirk would be some kind of weather quirk. Denki was sure it would turn them into a lava/ice monster. 
It was fun to just talk about anything with friends, and Izuku may have cried a little bit. Ochaco may or may not have heard him and cuddled him to death all night, but no one needed to know. He was just so happy to have friends. 
Meanwhile, Aizawa started looking into Bakugo’s past while the kids went to bed. He told Hizashi everything that had happened, and his suspicions. Hizashi ended up helping him gain access to Aldera’s security cameras while Aizawa requested a meeting with the Bakugo’s before school and let Nedzu know of the situation. 
An hour later and the two pros were absolutely livid. Watching Izuku get bullied and burned and suicide-baited daily by students and teachers alike through the cameras made Shoua want to pull out his hair or cry. He was already compiling the evidence for both Nedzu and Tsukauchi. 
Guaranteed, Bakugo would no longer be at UA after tomorrow, and Aizawa didn’t feel bad about it at all. That kind of quirkist behavior not only to Izuku, but to other kids with ‘weak’ quirks was unacceptable and unbecoming of a hero. Aizawa had to calm Hizashi down and prevent him from barging into Izuku’s room for hugs, considering it was late at night and the kids were asleep. Hizashi still demanded to be apart of the meeting, but conceded when Aizawa mentioned he’d need someone to watch the kids. 
Aizawa had no doubt Nedzu was coming up with a suitable punishment for the boy, and he was just glad to get a bully out of his class. No one was hurting Aizawa’s son on his watch. 
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dee-in-the-box · 5 months
alright, time for the longer version of this.
for simplicity's sake, i'll just call Dave "Dave" through this whole thing.
so. some background (aka My Headcanons):
- when Jack got a job at Fredbear's, he'd usually talk to Dave the most. this "talking" quickly escalated into them ""jokingly"" flirting and Jack venting about his problems.
- Jack was the first to notice Something Weird going on with Henry and Dave, but never directly asking about it (he would, however, ask Dave if he was alright).
- the day before her birthday, Henry would bring up the plot to kill Dee. Dave was heavily against this, for several reasons (she's Jack's sister, and they Both know how close those two are, they'd have nowhere to hide the body given the Other Two Dead Kids, Dave was feeling weird about this in general, etc). Henry just seemed to brush him off, worrying Dave.
- Dave debated warning Jack, but thought that Jack wouldn't believe him, so he didn't say anything.
- We All Know The Rest From There.
but, and here's the idea i had: What if Dave decided to try and warn Jack anyway?
- Dave, knowing that telling Jack at work that night was. a bad idea (Henry would also be there, after all), decided to go over to his house and tell him there.
- Jack is concerned (he doesn't see why Dave would just...lie about something like that, especially the night before Dee's party), but doesn't want to just. cancel the party. that might look suspicious to Henry, and Jack doesn't want Dave to get in trouble for this, so he asks Dave to keep an eye on her. Dave promises.
- Dee's party happens...and she doesn't die! Dave is practically a nervous wreck the whole day, both due to the weight of a young girl's life on his shoulders, and because this is the first time where he's really put his foot down with Henry, but he makes it through and sends her home with Jack.
- Henry Is Not Happy.
- Jack is distrusting of Henry, keeping his conversations with his boss as short as he can make them. Dave starts hanging around with Jack more, and goes over to his house (while also being surprised how Jack was managing shit so well despite having to work so many jobs at once and watch over his little sister at the same time).
- Henry tampers with the Fredbear suit in a way that Jack won't be able to easily detect, despite being a pretty decent technician, and then told him to perform in the suit instead of Henry himself. Jack doesn't trust that, but he kinda...needs this job, so he goes "Eh, sure. What's the worst that could happen?" Dave realizes that this scenario seems...suspiciously familiar to him, and just kinda goes "Oh shit oh shit oh shit oh shit oh shit-" the closest he's able to get to warning Jack about what's about to happen to him is him telling jack to be careful; those suits are dangerous, after all.
- Jack Gets Springlocked™
- stuff's kinda the same from there, with the obvious difference of Dee still being alive. Dave just kinda. moves in with jack and Dee. Peter decides "Well. At least Jack's happy. He has the weirdest taste in men though, istg-" Henry still experiments on Dave, but Dave catches on because Jack points out the stitches and scars left behind afterwards. you'd think that these dudes just chill until Henry dies, and in the meantime just try to free the souls of the kids Henry killed.
- well...not exactly. for one thing, Henry still killed Peter. and immediately got threatened by Dee, Jack, and Dave. because What The Fuck, Man.
- another young kid unfortunately ended up taking Dee's place as "#3." and yet another ended up being "#5."
- they were a pair of brothers. Michael and Andrew Brooks (characters from the Fnaf books. Michael Brooks was the Golden Freddy kid in the novel trilogy, and Andrew, who doesn't technically have a last name that i've heard of in the books, is the Vengeful Spirit in the Fazbear Frights books. i just decided to make them brothers because Why Not?)
- Michael, six years old, had been locked out during a party, and Henry had offered to show him a Back Way in. Andrew, only fourteen, had snuck in one night to find his brother.
Michael would become the Puppet, and Andrew would be a mix between Golden and Shadow Freddy.
- Henry doesn't end up dying until late 1987-early 1988. that's mostly because Mike, the rather forgiving kid he is, was simultaneously restraining both Blackjack and Andrew from murder. Michael wasn't able to do it forever, obviously.
- this means that Henry was still around at the time the first two games were happening. Dave kept his distance, Jack and Henry were nearly at each other's throats constantly, and Dee was busy trying to keep the souls of the dead kids happy.
- Jack, Dave, and Dee help the souls of the kids move on.
- due to still being...experimented on, Dave is still slightly unhinged. just not in a murder-y way. think more along the lines of Flipside Dave.
that's about it!! that's all that's coming to mind, anyway. :]
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opalimagines · 1 month
Courtney finds you after The Shade disappears. Takes place the night of Summer School: Chapter Six.
Rick Tyler/gn!reader (He's not in this one though)
Warnings: None
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You looked up from where you sat on the floor, your knees hugged to your chest. It was Courtney Whitmore who spoke, and who hesitantly came to sit next to you in the middle of the wrecked cafeteria.
Only a mere few hours ago, Eclipso had been released in that very room. He'd killed Cindy and Isaac...The Shade, too, it seemed. Courtney sure didn't want to be there after that, but for some reason, you did.
"How did you know I was here?" You asked softly, trying to hide the waver in your voice as you wiped away tears with your sleeve.
"Apparently, when you use your powers, Beth's goggles can pick up the energy. She said you ran all over town then came here, and you haven't moved since." Courtney reached out and put a hand on your shoulder. "We wanted to make sure you were okay."
"I'm waiting for my father to come back. That's all. I looked everywhere for him and didn't find anything, so I thought he might show up where he disappeared."
"Are you sure he's-?"
"Yes, I'm sure. He's immortal—over 200 years old. He can't die." He'd show up there to pick up his things, and he'd say some kind of witty retort. Because he was going to be just fine, no matter what Eclipso had done to him.
"I've done quite a bit of crime fighting with my father in Opal City, you know. The Shade doing that might sound strange, but he doesn't like any crime going on in Opal. He loves the city." You sniffled, and Courtney rubbed your shoulder. "Stopping bank robbers is nothing compared to what happened tonight. Eclipso killed those other kids. He hurt my father and your friend, Rick. It was..."
"Terrifying," Courtney finished.
"Exactly." Looking at her with your puffy eyes, you asked the question everyone else had been thinking. "Will we be able to stop him now that he's free?"
The staff wasn't working, and her friends and Pat had all been hurt. People were dead. But Courtney still had hope. Always. "Yeah, we will."
"And how can you be sure?"
"Well, me and my friends defeated the ISA a few months ago." Courtney's hand dropped to rest in her lap as she gave you a reassuring smile. "As long as the JSA is together, we can do anything. And that includes getting justice for everyone Eclipso has hurt."
Her words made your heart clench. You didn't have a team you could trust, or friends who believed in you. All you really had was your father, and he was...missing.
You remembered that he wasn't the only father figure that had gotten hurt that day. "Your dad...Is he doing alright?"
"Pat? He's awake now. The doctor said he could come home in a few days." She couldn't help feeling a bit awkward about her answer, considering you were waiting for someone who might not come home at all. Courtney stood up and held her hand out to you. "Come on, let's go. It's been a long night, and my mom and Mike are waiting outside."
"Go where?" You asked, looking at her hand in confusion.
"I'm not sure where you've been staying, but with The Shade missing, you shouldn't be alone. We have room for you."
You got to your feet, the exhaustion from crying really hitting you. After everything that had happened, it felt like you hadn't slept in days. "I appreciate the offer, but I'll be okay, Courtney. You were right, it's been a long night, so I'm going to try and get some sleep."
Courtney nodded and shoved her hands into the pockets of her jacket. "You know where to find me if you change your mind."
"And I'm staying in an abandoned mansion on the North side of town. In case you need my help, or you see my father."
If Courtney was correct, it sounded like you were staying at Henry's old house, but it wasn't the best time to bring up that ISA connection.
"Thank you, Courtney," you said with a sniff as you looked towards the hat and cane that still lay on the floor. "For checking up on me."
She gave you a soft, sympathetic smile, and it was the last thing you saw before you ran back to the King mansion and changed into your pajamas, all in a single second.
As you got in bed and let sleep take over, you hoped that Courtney was right about Eclipso.
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