#anyway this isnt a heavily researched sources cited post its just.
spitblaze · 3 months
very easy for ppl to believe that as a transmasc they arent capable of being transphobic/transmisogynistic. thats just straight up not true. being a transmisogynist isn't just saying 'i hate trans women' as we've seen recently from Shithead Matt.
its perceiving transfems as inherently more intimidating or threatening. its flying off the handle for them at any perceived errors. its insisting they could not possibly have faced transmisogyny at the hands of your community bc you guys are trans and you wouldnt do that. its a lot of things. a lot of individual actions. not just misgendering and rowling-level rhetoric
a transfem talking about the unique kinds of transmisogyny transmascs can level at them is not an attack on the community, nor should it be. that shit hurts REAL HARD when it comes from people who for all intents and purposes should be your ally and understand you. we're not immune to toxic masculinity, we're not immune to misogyny, we're not immune to transmisogyny.
if someone is saying transmascs dont face meaningfully unique oppression or any at all just dont listen to them. they're full of it. if someone is saying that they have faced hate and hardships and the hands of other transmascs, that is not an attack on you. nobody worth listening to is saying we are all transmisogynists. we just need to be aware we're capable of perpetuating it and examine our actions and biases. thats it. thats all
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