#anyway unrelated but my best marcys are the fucked up ones
syrasenturi · 1 year
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scribbly amphibbies
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bonus christmas garfapillar
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the-scooby-gang · 4 years
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The King and Queen were dead.
The Red Heathers were no more . Velma could hardly believe it, and she was there to see it happen. Now she found herself looming over their open coffins, Marcie standing by the doors, reclined against the wall, like she didn't have a care in the world. Meanwhile, Velma was felling the weight of guilt try its damnedest to flatten her like a pancake on the marble floor.
Shaggy’s heartbreaking sobs and Scooby Doo’s sad whines coming from the front benches pounded on her ears. Accusing her.
Shaggy was a mess. His already shaggy hair was in disarray, probably from how tightly he held it, trying to anchor himself in reality. The copy of the suicide note gave to him by Sheriff Bronson, not without terrifying the man within an inch of his life, was firmly on his hand.
The suicide note she wrote. She knew how it all looked to him. Fred and Daphne had convinced Shaggy that they were the ones suffering constant harassment from unrelenting bullies. That everything they did was self-defense against cruel perpetrators that acted out of jealousy. To Shaggy this all meant that his friends, his best friends.... just couldn’t take it any more.
When writing the forgery, Velma made sure to add a passionate declaration to the lanky boy. Saying how they loved him and how he should not blame himself for their choices. She hoped that it would make things more bearable for him.
Said lanky boy was hugged now to his dog, sobbing even harder, refusing still to look at the coffins, like he either expected to all be a bad dream, or if it wasn't, for him to never have the image in his mind in the first place.
So much for making it bearable.
“I prayed for the death of Fred Jones many times. And I felt bad every time I did it, but I kept doing it anyway. Now I know you understood everything” came a whisper from her right.
Velma turned to see another figure standing by the coffins. Carmine Heather Herring. The fourth Heather.
As if he was in a trance, Carmine removed the ascot from Fred’s neck. Removing his own ascot and putting it aside, he put the red ascot. It fitted perfectly. 
“Praise Jesus. Hallelujah” he finished his macabre confess. He clearly didn't notice her standing there. She counted that as a mercy. 
“Like, Carmine, what are you doing?”
Once again her focus went back to Shaggy that, without her noticing, had moved himself to the steps of the altar, but gave not step further. Carmine contorted his face like he was constipated. Shaggy probably read Grief in that face. Velma read Trying To Think Really Hard For An Excuse Here That Doesn't Resume To “Stealing From His, Supposed, Best Friend Corpse”
“I was... Uh... I wold like... to have, you know, something of his? Oh and, give him my ascot! Yeah! So he also has a, you know, small piece of me?” that said, Carmine hurried to grab his own forgotten ascot and tie it around Fred’s neck. Velma could only look dumbfound at the most obvious lie she had ever seen. No wonder why the green Heather was relegated to brute force tasks. It seemed that brains of the operation were going to be six feet under by the end of the day.
Shaggy’s face melted in a small found smile, clearly too trusting of Carmine or to deep in his mourning to see through the lie “That’s really sweet of you, Carmine”
“Red” Herring said.
“What” Velma finally said, making the boys jump in surprise. Their grief had truly blinded them. Well, at least she was sure Shaggy’s did. Carmine may have being blinded by other things. Or just have a really poor side vision.
“Call me Red. Ah... you know... Daphne used to call me Carmine...”
“Yeah, because is your fucking name” Velma interjected 
“And I would like a nick name. It is less painful that way... Oh, and also kind makes an homage to them since they liked it so much... you, know... Red” Aaaand she was completely ignored. 
Shaggy either didn't hear her, or thought that the idea of a homage was really cute on Carmine’s, now Red’s, part. “Yeah, Dude. Go ahead. Your name already means it any way.” here he paused. After a deep sigh he continued, barely a whisper “Fred would have loved the word play”. He walked back to the front bench, crumpling once again the note back to its readable state and lost himself in what he thought were the last words that his friends left to him.
But Velma saw it as what it really was: Red Herring was looking for what he never had, not with the shadow of Fred Jones large shoulders over him.
Complete Power. 
After all, the Red Heathers were gone. It was up to someone to replace them.
And Red Herring had just stole the crown from the kings dead hands.
The King and Queen were dead.
Long live the King.
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Post 5 ships from 5 different fandoms and pass it along to five different people!! 😊
shocking exactly no one, I’ve gotta start this list with Lisa Snart/Caitlin Snow from The Flash; it’s been ages since I watched the show, but they’re still the ship I’ve written the most fic for (both fic number wise and word count wise), and they’re one of the few ships I started shipping independent of reading someone else’s fic/headcanons first. I just adore the dynamic between them. The bi-play between their moralities, the snark, Cait’s scientific sort of intelligence against Lisa’s technical/physical knowledge... I’d go back to The Flash for any return of Lisa, honestly, since she’s one of my favorite characters in all of comics, but if these two got to be on screen together as Golden Glider and Killer Frost? I would probably break my laptop trying to get to a streaming site as fast as possible
Stephanie Brown/Cassandra Cain from the batfamily corner of the DCU; my girls... they were the first femslash ship I wrote fic for (actually I can’t remember, my Karen/Marci Daredevil fic might have come first, but it was character study first and ship fic second anyway). Steph is loud and brash and brave, and Cass is quiet and compassionate and strong, and they both have had such hard lives and deserve so much more than canon has ever bothered to give them. They’re best friends, and they were living together in Convergence’s alternate future so I mean... canon
Peter Parker/Johnny Storm from 616 Marvel; my single longest fic to date (other than the hella long Bond fic I like to forget I ever actually published) is a Top Chef AU starring these two written for last year’s Spideytorch Big Bang. (You should read all the fics that came out of it! They’re all fantastic! It’s happening again this year, and although I’m not participating, I’m here to cheerlead for everyone who is and devour the fics as they roll out :D ) Anyway, these two are, again, best friends (with a long history of annoying the fuck out of each other), and they’re also giant idiots. I love every foolhardy ridiculous thing they’ve done for each other, and also Johnny’s showed up naked in Pete’s bed and asked him to watch his alleged sex tape with him (separate, unrelated incidents), so like....................... yeah
I can’t believe I have to pick one Star Trek ship. I’m semi-cheating and at least cutting it up into TOS and TNG; for The Original Series I gotta- and let me say, it took some internal debate, because literally all of the Uhura femslash ships are good fucking shit- go with mcspirk. I’m pretty sure everyone in the fandom, regardless of what and how they ship within the triumvirate, is aware of the deep respect/affection/support/etc existing between the three of them, so I’m not going to get into that here--I’m just going to say that Bones is the light of my life, and any ship that includes to possibility of his two best friends desperately trying to convince him that he should date them is. It’s my kinda shit, forever and ever amen. Flustered!Bones, Appreciated!Bones, Smiley!Bones... the best types of Bones’s, except for “gravely hurt while Spock and Jim freak out in the background and then cuddle the fuck out of him when he’s okay”!Bones. Go read klmeri’s Council of Three; it’s the pinnacle of mcspirk content in my ever so humble opinion
For The Next Generation, I... um, I actually can’t pick between Geordi La Forge/Data and Tasha Yar/Deanna Troi. Whoops!
Tasha is the only person in the franchise (or, at least, the three seasons of TOS and three seasons of TNG I’ve made it through so far) that can contend with Bones for the top spot in my heart (hmm, two prickly but warm hearted starfleet officers...? I might have a type), and if she’d been around for over a season she’d probably have won out. I had a hard time picking one Tasha ship, to be perfectly real with you, but ultimately I picked Tasha/Deanna because even though TNG’s ladies are criminally underused in general and there’s less content in canon than I might have wished... God, there’s just so much to explore in their differences in background and skillsets (they’d complement each other so well), not to mention the potential for Star Trek Shenanigans(tm) that could ultimately bring Tasha back to life. Also, I’m eternally affected by Tasha going to Data for sex because she wanted someone kind and trustworthy, even under the influence of mind altering drugs the way they were, and can’t you just see Deanna becoming that person for her.
Sidenote, I also feel that Data and Tasha’s friendship was criminally underdeveloped. Where is the “Tasha with her toes stuck under his thighs, eating ice cream and grinning to herself as she listens to him talk for three hours about whatever nebula they’re going to see the next day” content I DESERVE
Geordi and Data have holodeck dates! They sit way too close together at meetings! Geordi refused to believe Data was dead when his shuttle blew up! Data looked incredibly confused and insulted when Geordi walked away from their conversation to go hit on a girl! It’s basically canon, and it’s also incredibly cute. A blind man teaching an android to paint date, ba dum ch
bonus opinion nobody asked for: I’m pretty sure Will Riker is the only cis straight person in the entire franchise
this got... a bit away from me
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