dhmis-autism · 6 months
Okaaay I’ll talk about them! I’ll knock out about three or so things about their relationship that I've noticed that I like about it. Because they are my faves also as well. I mean, look at them!
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First, and I’ve seen a post on this before (where I have NO IDEA I’ve BEEN LOOKING) so it’s not my original idea but I love pointing it out; how Duck takes care of YG physically.
First one to rush to get the first aid kit in Jobs, careful enough with Warren extraction in Friendship to not hurt YG, and some could argue that swapping his old rusty  batteries out the first time in Electricity is a form of first aid. There’s also smaller stuff like how based off the flashback in Death, YG clearly trusts Duck enough with things like this to ask for his help.
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Second would be the fact that I think their relationship is fairer than a lot of people think. Lots of people seem to have this idea that Duck is sort of a weird parental/authority figure over YG or that their relationship is just Duck constantly berating this guy who thinks the world of him. I’m going to break down why I think both of those points are untrue, and why I think their relationship is closer to equal.
YG clearly feels comfortable enough around Duck to draw boundaries with him. Example that immediately comes to mind, for me, is when Duck is trying to get the other two to leave with him in Family and Yellow straight up just turns him down. Like, if he doesn’t want to do something or go somewhere with him, he won’t.
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Also, weirdly enough, the fight in Friendship solidifies more of them being on a equal playing field to me. Like Duck starts it verbally, but YG both makes it physical and immediately tells Duck not to insult him. Which, IMO, you wouldn’t do to someone you totally idolized/a parental figure. YG barely reacts when his own dad pushes him in Family, so I think if he saw Duck as a parental figure he definitely wouldn’t fight back the way he we see him do in Friendship.
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Third I’m going to end with cute things about them that I’ve noticed. Starting with of course! Little moments in Death that are sweet like…
YG holding all of Ducks ties during Big Day
Duck ironing white socks in Big Day when we NEVER see him wear socks. YOU KNOW WHO DOES WEAR WHITE SOCKS THOUGH
YG sitting on Ducks bed while he mourns him
The flashback during Memories where Duck yells at him to GET OFF implying that Yellow makes himself comfy in Ducks bed often enough to make Duck annoyed
Their shared interest in music :]
The way they both bob their heads agreeingly in Transport when Red Guy is cycling through driving instruction tapes, implying they both understand the lessons LOL
Of course I have to bring up the (you have diabetes/ maybe your blood sugar is low, let me get you a snack thing) which makes me cry a lil bit. Both because of what it implies about them offscreen AND because as I’ve established in a previous post, when his batteries are Charged, YG’s memory is NOTABLY horrible. And despite that … somehow the diabetes thing was important enough for him to remember <:3
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Anyways fav fav fav duo I LOVE them with all my heart. ❤❤❤❤❤
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Have you been to (other)Milo’s school yet?
(oh boy, we’re in for a long one folks)
Milo was cheerfully skipping along with his new backpack, he had placed his bunny plusheis in there, in case he happened to need reassurance at some point. He was doing rather well, he always loved walking outside, but now he was on his way to see this other world’s school with the other Milo and his friends. He was staying relatively quiet, but he was listening in on the current conversation.
“Wait, so now there’s just an open communication with beings from another reality? And we don’t even know what that reality is?” Zack question, not really sure if he could quite believe this of all things. “Yep, apparently! We’re not quite sure how it happened or why it happened, but we know the “beings” are linked to the other Milo somehow. They sorta just.. follow him. I don’t think they can access any other part of this world.  Might be because he went through the portal?” the other Milo shrugged a bit, not entirely sure of it himself.
Milo’s mind was turned from the conversation as he saw two small wings fluttering above him. It was butterfly and simply put, he was awestruck by it. It wasn’t long until he was chasing after the direction it flew, giggling to himself. “Wait, Milo don’t just-” Melissa was cut off near immediately by the more optimistic doppelganger, “Aw, don’t worry, he should be fine! As long as he doesn’t get to far, he’ll be okay. And if we need to catch up we can!” he beamed.
“No, Milo you don’t understand-” She was cut off once more, “Besides, the butterfly is heading towards school anyway!” He smiled, assured his alternate self would be fine. “No, Milo, that’s what I’m trying to tell you!” “What do you mean?-” They were both cut off when Zack broke in to the dispute, “It’s heading towards the crosswalk!” He shouted. Milo at first paused, not fully seeing the issue, before it dawned on him exactly what his other other self being near the crosswalk without his double actually meant. “Oh.. oh no... We gotta go catch up!”
Meanwhile, Milo was cheerfully chasing after the butterfly, wanting to get a good look at the beautiful pattern on it’s wings. He was stopped right in his track however at the sound of a painfully familiar voice and the sight of a stop sign being shoved in front of him. “Stop!” He instantly froze, he didn’t even make out the comment after. He was trying to hold onto reality but everything in the situation came crashing down on him at a speed he couldn’t cope with.
The voice, the command, what he had actually been doing right before- he was being disruptive, he was being bad. He felt trembling from days earlier return, panic was creeping back into him. Don’t panic, don’t panic, just respond, just respond and you’ll be okay. He opened his mouth to respond, be what was supposed to be a simple “yes, sir” came out as a choked sob. No, no, he was supposed to respond- He felt himself trembling even more as he continued his attempts to get a proper response out.
Don’t move, don’t move, can’t move- stop trembling, don’t move- He was barely even able to hold his balance, he couldn’t see through all the tears, and he couldn’t hear a word over the memories echoing through his mind. He eventually heard voices from.. behind him, he thought? Someone gently placed their hand on his arm and tried to pull him back. He panicked near instantly, trying to resist. Don’t move, can’t move- He heard voices, but he couldn’t make out what any of them were saying. Just that there were multiple and that they were loud- louder then he was comfortable with. He felt another tug on his arm, this one making him lose his balance, until he finally let himself be pulled away. Didn’t respond.. needed to respond...
It wasn’t long after that he found himself wrapped in a blanket on the Murphy couch, clutching onto his lime green bunny (the one he had come to associate with fear), surrounded by his counterpart and his friends as he sobbed out apologies, barely acknowledging the reassurance of the others. “I-I’m sorry- I’m so, so sorry-” “It’s okay, you didn’t do anything wrong!” “Yes, yes I did- I-I’m delaying you guys and you’re going to be late and you’re going to get in trouble and it’s my fault- I was being Disruptive and bad and-and Broken and!-” he was cut off by his own sobs.
“No, no it’s not like that! Don’t worry, being late is normal for us! They’ll understand! All you did was react to something that reminded you of a bad memory, there’s nothing wrong with that!” The other Milo reassured, pulling his alternate into a hug. “Exactly. And with everything you’ve gone through, you had the right to freak out at that. There’s nothing wrong with that. I still freak out over roller coasters, and I only had one terrible experience with those things. You have a lifetime of moments like that.” Melissa placed her hand on Milo’s shoulder, try to calm him.
“I still freak out over a lot of things and I don’t even have a reason for most of that.” Zack awkwardly placed his hand on Milo’s other shoulder, kind of having to reach around the other Milo. Milo stayed silent in that huddle for a few moments.. he had never been reassured like this when he had panicked. The moments of Secret he spent with his dad were probably the closest he got, but most of those were after he needed it. Eventually, he was able to calm down, “I.. We can go soon.. I just.. I just want a few more minutes..” the nods from the others was all he needed, as he let himself simply.. be for just a bit longer.
(Don’t worry, I will actually get to the time he spent at school- already have a couple asks on it actually- buuuut I felt this was a very important thing to have first. Hope you guys enjoyed this much longer.. much less direct response. Don’t worry, this sort of thing won’t be super common, but I consider things directly related to Milo’s trauma (plus his PTSD) and his recovery to be special occasions, so I wanted to do this moment well.)
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