#apparently we're calling them that now bc it's easier
aithusarosekiller · 9 months
There's probably a very clever way of articulating this but this is all I will say
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These playlists are my proof:
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rachymarie · 1 year
Cyclone Update:
Day 7 with no power. Wishing and waiting. Hoping that we get power soon before they start introducing rolling blackouts, as has been rumoured. We need time to catch up power-wise to those that got power two nights ago. Constantly exhausted, and think mum is starting to understand a bit what it's like to be exhausted all the time (as per my mental illness), we've been saying "I just don't have the spoons for that".
People have been really nice offering help and quite a few local businesses have been giving away free food/hot food (meanwhile the supermarkets have been taking advantage and hiking up their prices then labelling them as !low price deals! 🙄
Pre-cyclone we had been wondering where the so-called bread shortage was that was forecast for this year - well now we're seeing it. Bread has become a bit of a commodity. Just wish my friends with power back would offer to drop some ice packs off in our letterbox so we can at least make a vain attempt to eek out the use of our refrigerated food. But only in the letterbox cos we don't have the spoons to be chatty/social right now.
Police Eagle helicopters are having to patrol the streets from the sky at night, thermal imaging and everything apparently. This is to stop the looters. Am hearing that people are stabbing people for food in supermarket car parks/atms and there's been a gunman that MAY or may not have taken a baby hostage the other night.
Of course the mainstream news is being notoriously useless at reporting on the devastation/what's going on here because a they care about is Auckland and Coromandel. Which, yeah it sucks for them but we still need news coverage too as half the country/world don't seem to realize what's going on here. It's kinda chaotic
Also, my telco Spark finally gave me my free 5gb as per their Connection Promise, but it didn't come until I messaged them in the Spark app. I did that early this morning and they replied within about 2 hours and had it sorted which was good. Still a bit nervous about whether the 10.3gb I have now will last me through the rest of this powercut but I hope so. So apologies for not blogging like I usially do with pictures/reblogs but I can't really afford the data to load/browse pics and videos as usual. Also in power saving mode which only allows 4 apps of your choice on top of the basic essentials such as Settings.
It's been especially hard for me as no access to my usual coping mechanisms that require wifi.
Of course that's nothing compared to people who have lost family/friends/homes but it's just been a really hard time on my mental health, with me accidentally overdosing on an anxiety med the other night cos I was so tired and in the dark so couldn't see much and didn't read the label.
So yeah we got advised to take me to the hospital immediately cos I'd had some red wine earlier with bbq dinner but I didn't know that at the time bc that info was kept from me so as not to stress me out further cos we couldn't actually physically get to the hospital as all the bridges into the next city, where our only hospital is, were washed away etc in the cyclone. So instead i was to be monitored every few hours for 6 hours.
Mum got really stressed which was what I was trying to avoid by taking that pill so yeah major fail on my part :/
So now I'm just trying to avoid that particular med and keep ontop of my regular ones and get lots of sleep where I can (usually my afternoon nap as I often have terrible sleep at night). Just tryin to babysit my mental illness as best I can out here.
So power asap would be great. We've been through enough already. We've half lost hope and half hopeful that it will be soon.
In the meantime I might try get back to sorting/organizing my room out especially since it's been hard to deal with that dang drawer unit in the middle of the floor in front of the wardrobe, waiting to be filled and put in the other corner of the room. And with all the clutter it's easier to trip at night in the dark (as per no power)
One upside is that we've got some sweet new solar lamps. Sorry if tmi
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survivor-north-sea · 1 year
Episode Four: "I am VERY susceptible to flattery" - Chelsea
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Another successful tribal! All the girls seem to feel really bad about voting for Tyler and now I have to pretend that I also feel bad about voting for Tyler or else they'll think I'm heartless lol. But the boy does not speak to me!!!
I think Esteban really does trust AJ and I again, which is great. I almost feel bad about being against him. Almost.
AJ and I had a long call post-tribal about strategy moving forward! We're literally finishing each other's sentences while scheming. The plan is for AJ to continue her "woe is me" story and pretend she wants to flip. I suggested she tell them to target Toni or I and say that she thinks one of us has a tribal so they need to split votes. They split the votes, we stay strong, and off Arvin goes.
We're going to STRUGGLE with picking a song for this challenge, so not boding we'll for our chance of winning.
Okay Hidra with the crazy tribals ! Dang it I wasn’t expecting Azri to go cus I wanted to potentially work with him us being South East Asians and all
Bethany, Esteban and Tyler spilling hot piping tea and I’m here for it but do I believe it?
Arvin Bentonon
I really love the challenge. But it took us more than half of a day to decide which song to pick. Now, I'm worried because it's already 9pm here, and I'm so tired. I just want to record now, so that I can sleep. Tired af.
I really want Brandi and Champ to trust Hairie to make my life easier, but they obviously don't because of the idol shenanigans. I wish there was a way to mend that bridge, but it needs to come from Hairie himself not me. Right now though I need them to realize we need him until merge. It would make this pre-merge so much easier. Hopefully they see the path of least resistance is to keep Hairie.
Other than that, apparently Esteban trusts me enough to tell me that he's on the bottom, there may be a non-men alliance on Hidra, and that he wants to go against them. I told him that what makes the most sense to me is that there are only three people working together (Jinx, AJ, and someone else) who are pulling the strings. They were the onto use the idol and they were the ones to split the vote correctly in case of an idol. However, Champ told me even MORE tea (which I can only assume was from Bethany based on what was told) wherein Clefford was the messy one (I wouldn't be surprised) and spread rumors about Jinx based on Raccoon City. And Esteban was being pushy about idol hunting with AJ and Trinica which put them off. So, from presumably Bethany's account, the boys were trying to start a men's alliance or, at the very least, were the ones that painted a target on themselves first.
Now, which do I believe? Probably a little bit of both. I can definitely see both Esteban's and Bethany's accounts being true for their personal perspective. However, that won't stop me from voting any of them out. After all, my plan is to stick Tromoya strong so none of this information changes the way I'm playing rn. Though its nice that they are giving out all this tea for free.
This is an interesting situation to be in! 3 OG Hidra messaged me almost immediately after the swap. It is really hard to decide who to work with bc one of my things is that I want everyone to like me. I am not good at saying no either so I will have to tread carefully. Also, no one “has time” to edit. I am literally across the country from my home and with my kids. Let one of these young’uns with way fewer responsibilities take it!
Tyler Frazier
So I currently hate this game. I have three allies, one of which lied to me on my old tribe, two of which hate each other, and not only that! I am in the minority and I’m not even the majorities favorite so I could easily be booted bc my only other ally is telling her tribe to stick together for some reason. So it’s just all going terribly for me. Honestly if I make the merge give me a medal.
I FOUND A FREAKING IDOL!!!!!!!!!! Survivor bucket list complete!!! And no I will not be telling AJ, thank you very much. I told her instead about the golden key I found awhile back- hopefully she can help me figure out where it goes.
I feel like I'm in such a good place right now, no matter what happens with this challenge. My goals are twofold: use this successfully later on in the game, and don't go home with it in my pocket. 🙏🏾
Ex Hidra members now on new tromoya are sharing similarities in the information they share with me and others. I just hope OG tromoya don’t get thrown off
Okay Raffy is killing it in every challenge and he sure did for the lipsync challenge 🔥
I wish I weren’t traveling during the music video challenge! I did my best and used all my advantages (read: children), so hopefully people like it!!
I have not been feeling well today at all and I still have yet to film my video for this challenge. I was excited yet really nervous because I’m not good in front of a camera but it seems so fun with the ideas I had in mind for it. I just hope I can get to feeling well enough to get this done within an hour or so, so I don’t let my team down and we can win this challenge! Wish me luck! I may just puke my brains out 😅
Challenge not going well- no one cares about it and instead is worried about drama. We are gonna be at tribal if they don’t get it together
So l finally got the videos for the challenge done that was fun! Although I had to do it later at night so it was pretty chilly out to have the water hose rain on me it was so worth it! 🤭 Everyone has already made their videos I believe now we just have to leave it in Champs hands to edit it all together! I can’t wait to see the final result!!! It’ll be a video to keep forever for sure. I lii ok ve our new tribe and how dedicated everyone seems to be! 🙌🏻 Let’s just keep our fingers crossed we win this challenge especially with a 10% advantage Bethany has!
From the way Jinx is talking, Raffy is going to dominate the editing for this challenge and we're probably gonna lose...but I had fun and that's all that matters!
JK not going to tribal is what matters
i'm so annoyed literally an hour into this swapped tribe the og tromoya was saying that they should bring in esteban like please give tyler and i a chance!!! but hairie is telling me tyler is not responsive so like hopefully it would be tyler targeted and not me. idk i'm not really vibing with any of them so we will see what happens. just trying to be more active than tyler at this point and get people to like me a little by spilling some tea. hairie was like "i don't believe in an all one gender majority alliance" and i'm like ok esteban has definitely been spreading that but here is the thing literally like day 2, the guys were all targeting 3/5 non-men on our tribe. jinx was being metatargeted by cleffort, and esteban was targeting aj and trinica for trying to help him with the idol hunt??? like this was before we even formed the alliance. so not really our faults that you were trying to target all of us when azri and tyler were both pretty inactive!!! but whatever, gotta deal with that now, it will be fine.
Tyler Frazier
Okay as you know I’m not happy ab my spot on the tribe. My allies are kind of flopping and my best shot at keeping all of them is if I’m the target and we go to a tie and someone from the other side flips or we force rocks. So overall it’s just not great. So I’m really hoping we pull out a win so that Bethany and I can integrate ourselves into the tribe a bit more and they’ll be more comfortable targeting each other over us. Champ thinks we could flip votes onto Haire however I am afraid of being the one to put that plan into motion as I don’t wanna come on too strong and further mess up my spot.
Sooo Bethany told Champ and Brandi about what I told AJ about keeping Julia safe. I had to do some damage control because it wasn’t entirely true how the approach went. I only did that to make sure AJ did not pick Raffy first.
All these talks about idols is making me anxious because someone has it but everyone’s saying they don’t have it. I know I don’t have it
It’s so hard to figure out who to vote out for this tribal if we lose. I’m liking getting to know Esteban Bethany and Tyler but I’m also strongly with keeping Tromoya strong
Okay me and Brandi are finally opening up and having some game talk and we’re both just keeping up with the pace of how intensified the game is going after the swap
Alrighty I’ve been so busy with this swap and the music video that I haven’t confessed yet this round. Shame on me and all that. But I am excited this round, I won’t lie. First I got almost all of our femmes and thems alliance on this new tribe with me, which made me feel pretty great. Second I’m almost entirely convinced that Tromoya believes I’m an extra vote for them. Which if all goes well they won’t realize isn’t true until too late.
Speaking of extra votes, ya girl just bought one. Somehow I went from broke to absolutely loaded in a single day of idol hunting. Right before we left for the swap coincidentally. Now I’ve got an extra vote and hopefully I won’t have to use it. Though Tromoya hasn’t really been too eager to interact with me, with the exception of Arvin. I do feel like that’s almost entirely because of how busy everyone is and also having barely any time for the video clips for this challenge.
But it’s done and submitted and there’s nothing we can really do about it now. I’m honestly pretty happy with how it turned out all things considered. So yeah, absolutely exhausted and now just waiting for the results. Fingers crossed we get so many points that we win even with less of an advantage, though I have a sinking feeling with Raffy editing the other video (probably since he’s done these so many times) and their tribe most likely not being as busy as ours, we’ll come nowhere close to winning.
Fingers crossed is all I can do though.
I finally approach the Tromoya strong alliance about knowing who has the idol based on the secret phrase. It's so Brandi who has it. I don't know why we're lying anymore. It's just nonsense. They've been caught. Red-handed. Case closed. Will Brandi reveal this information? Probably not. Will she use it for my benefit? Maybe. So, I'm just going to sit here and fume about it until its used. Maybe I just got myself voted out, but who cares. I hate being treated like I'm stupid. Let me be your loyal ally and trust meeeeee. I just wanna be a hero who everyone can rely onnnn.
Ugh! I cringe at my video!! I had no time and I was traveling and just UGH. Trying to cover my bases in case we lose and in case others thought my video was dumb too. Talking to AJ and Jinx since they were on the outs with their tribe we can bring them to us and vote out one of the other OG Hidras
Tyler Frazier
Okay I’m not sure this’ll work but Champ said our best bet is to flip votes onto haire so if we have to go to tribal I could go to Raffy and say Haire talked ab doing an all newbies thing and that bc of Raffys reputation he’d like to see him go before the merge. This is all I could come up with to keep bethany and I safe and none of it’s true I made it all up.
This is good! Julia, Arvin and I all think that Toni should be the next to go if it comes to that, so we can pull in AJ and Jinx who were already on the outs with their original tribe, and Trinica seems really nice too. If I had my way, it would be Toni, and then Zach, and hopefully we win enough of the time that we will only need to go to two more Tribals before the merge...
I was so worried about this dang challenge but it’s fine bro
thank god we won immunity 🤩 i’m booked and busy trying to get people to stop targeting me 😭 tyler is trying to convince esteban but thankfully i can chill for a day and just try to get people to like me
Arvin Bentonon
We did our best and I had a lot of fun too. I just so sad that we didn't win. Huhu.
Tyler Frazier
So I am really happy we won. That keeps Bethany Esteban and I safe another round and the longer we are safe the better. I’m not really sure who I believe is lying to me Bethany or Esteban but I think Esteban is messier and Bethany and I have a connection to Brayden so I’d like to see her do well. Plus come merge (hopefully I make it) I’m not sure how much longer Esteban can stay due yo how messy he’s been.
Okay we slayed the lipsync competition! Shoutout to Champ for putting it all together !!
Okay Trinica slayed the most in that lipsync challenge. I mean come on she gave me outfit change, she gave me BACKGROUND. Ate it!!
howdy. i fee like it could be my time. no one has spoken to me and I didn’t really reach out because I was busy all day. this was just a really inopportune time for me to play a game i think. n e way. light a candle for me besties.
Tyler Frazier
(I can’t remember if I submitted anything after we won so sorry) So we blew the other tribe out of the water with the challenge and thank god we did bc now I don’t have to put my super messy plan that likely wouldn’t have worked into motion and I can keep my allies. I’ve said before I have a lot more trust in Bethany than Esteban now because he’s just so messy but if we go to tribal I’m not really gonna have a say in who the target is and it’s not the ally I’d prefer be targeted (Sorry Esteban) it’ll be me or Bethany 🥰
Omg that was worth the purchase and I’m so happy. I’m crossing lots of things I wanna accomplish for my very first ORG
Hairie and I split our coins between each other to buy the sweater and the sauna bucket. I got 10 coins for everyone on the tribe including myself. This means my allies have grown very rich. Hopefully, tomorrow I can try to convince someone with a lot of money to come with me to buy things from the idol hunt. However, most importantly, Hairie found a hidden immunity idol and he told me about it. This pretty just confirms to me that Brandi has the other idol since Hairie would have told me about it. Now, I do not trust Brandi. For as much as she says that she wants to work with me and be really tight with our trio with Champ, not telling us about the advantage while also knowing we should have figured it out by now? Its giving strange. Despite that, I'll still be close with her cause I got no one else to go to at this point who I would want to work with. Its looking like I am going to be Hairie's sidekick for the game which is fine by me. I need to take a secondary role for once haha.
Actually that was lowkey a good move on Brandi for sharing about the 10% advantage. If most of them do it, means we stack up on advantages and nobody went searching for the idol truly
Arvin is really complimentary and I don’t know what to do with it bc I am VERY susceptible to flattery lol and bc I know that about myself I am being hyper sensitive when ppl say something nice. Like do they mean it? Normally I would lap it up be here it so complicated!!
Theme: Short and Sweet
Hello world!
I'm not as chipper as the last time I confessed. I am exhausted. Exhausted but like if there was a word worse than exhausted I could think of I'd use that instead. I have had a busy weekend which of course meant I wasn't able to contribute much to the challenge or start building relationships with the new Hidra peeps. My name is out there tonight but I trust the relationships I've been working hard to build (instead of idol hunting) since the first challenge - AJ, Trinica, Jinx. My fire might go out tonight but we'll see.
So signing off scared.
So we won!!! I’m super happy and proud of our team for giving their all in this challenge. Definitely a video to keep forever lol. I think the other team did well as well, however it didn’t seem they put in as much effort as we did. I also think us getting wet in ours gave us the win! 😂 Nervous about they’re tribal council to see how it plays out for our ex Tromoya players. I hope they’re safe but from what I hear about ex Hidra I really doubt it. Anyways I’ll have my fingers crossed for them! I’m just relieved it’s not us having to make that elimination tonight. Thank you VL! 😁
I’m so stressed! This is so messy because Bethany and Tyler are in the miniority while I’m in the majority and I want to keep Tyler and Bethany safe so we make it to merge together. The only option for me at this point is to continue to win for our tribe
Arvin Bentonon
This is the first tribal council I felt really nervous about. I mean, at this stage we are still getting to know each other, so it's hard to make a decision.
So uhh this vote is very easy so far which scares me. I feel like I’ve connected with this new tribe enough for them to keep me around. I don’t trust anyone in this game yet really but I have to and if I go out trusting them when I’ve been nothing but honest, that’s on them! 🤠 see you on the other side 🫡
Another tribal, another opportunity for AJ and I to manipulate everybody. I think we've got Arvin and the Tromoya girls eating out of our hands. Zach is a big ol' question mark, though. Refuses to game talk.
AJ keeps trying to pass off her extra vote on me, and is acting as if it's strategy but really she just doesn't want to use it herself and have a target on her back. She wants to maintain a relationship with Tromoya so that when she gets to the merge she has options. Which is exactly what I would do in her position. But I convinced her to give it to Toni. It's not the best solution because I really want Toni to trust me the most and I think at this point she's getting closer to AJ than she is to me but I wouldn't much rather not have the target on my back. I said in the vecepia chat "the devil works hard but AJ works harder" and Toni goes "I love AJ though" which tells me she's feeling really grateful.
these jinxcasts are okay but they got thee spirit
Well obviously we lost a music video challenge to raffy. I don’t think he’s ever lost one of those and I don’t think he ever will. I’m really upset that the tribes broke down this way because our tribe is just so god awful at challenges. I’m hoping that aj and jinx both vote one of their old members here because if not idk what the heck will happen
Not me being behind every single tribal elimination so far???? It's giving ICONIC.
Dropped a truth bomb on Zach 20 mins before tribal letting them know that Arvin mentioned his name, Zach immediately freaked and added me to an alliance chat with Jinx and Toni. Then I got him to add AJ and now we're flipping on old Tromoya (and don't even NEED the extra vote AJ has)!! I am CACKLING
So…that was fun. Just panicked and swung the result of tribal tonight. It was toni all day and then 15 minutes before the original tribal time, Trinica came to me and said Arvin and couple others were planning to vote for me l and wanted me to know. So I got with jinx and we realized with Toni at the bottom, AJ wanting to be in the majority, Trinica, Me and her we have the majority. So here we are and Chelsea is going home…hopefully.
0 notes
baekhvuns · 1 year
Was The Crown good? I'm so behind I didn't realise it came out, pretty sure I haven't finished the previous season 😬
Maybe it's good I don't live in LA, because I would go bankrupt with all the gigs and prices..
I'll start calling you Baeksussy from now on, because you're always up to no good 👀
Literally, because I see people celebrating Taemin's return this month and I'm like "besties, I have some bad news..." unless they surprise us and he comes back early. You know what, I actually don't know who Taemin is???
Me going to see Seonghwa at the night club I came here to drop some money, dropping all my money
Oh yes big accounts are guilty of taking jokes too far and being annoying in general, that's why I have 50% of Atinys blocked akdhiagshahahaa can't stand their asses.
Not stalkers at it again... On a lighter note, Wooyoung paid for Atinys meal, me when. Pay my rent!
You know who should invite Key? Drag Race South Korea, it's apparently happening sooooo
Seonghwa, Ddeonghwa, Hwaseong, Mars, Hwa, Seong so many different personalities. (I set the wallpaper 😭). Truly Seonghwa is genuinely so sweet, nerdy, wholesome, sensitive, smart and sexy too?! He needs to calm down
It's good your friend is using kaddy, it should be much easier! Wish her good luck, may the force be with her. :3
Platinum CEO Hwa in theatres near me? Can he come to my house?
The lacey blouse he's wearing for Paradigm :o we're in danger!!!
Not Seonghwa trying to rename Shinestars again?! What does he have against that name it's so fucking perfect. No Ddeongwives, no Ddeongps.... S H I N E S T A R S
Yes, I'm very into Seonghwa's shoulders and arms era 🥴 and clearly I'm not the only one
Twins AU? But how do you choose :///
Hwa's shoulders are already nice and wide, he wants to commit to the Dorito shape even more 😭 I didn't mind gym lessons, because it meant I could do the bare minimum, but the only thing I do at the gym is exercise my legs (track, bike) lmao. Omfg those exercising games can be fun, but not when the whole school is watching and waiting for you to embarrass yourself 💔
I wonder what's gonna happen in PD3, hope D*sn*t doesn't fuck it up completely
I know a few people who would love to be pulled over by Wonho. Yes, he is!
Uh I think BTS showed up in my dream recently, but only for a second, I was also crying lol
That fucking nose on Hehetmon, Yunho why 😬
"See you later" just like "European dates will be announced soon" right 🤡
Aaaaand we got Sanhwa patisserie!!!
Hongjoong looks cute, but Seonghwa... between him looking like an adorable grandpa, SPREADING, big ass shoes and a tin of crisps I don't know where to look
Me at Seonghwa Kino wife material, lol
I got "full moon lighting up my lovers face"
Bestie, Seonghwa's vlog, so far I saw arms and him flexing his Black Opium perfume.... - DV 💖
hi hello!!
Was The Crown good? I'm so behind I didn't realise it came out, pretty sure I haven't finished the previous season 😬
im at the last ep, and tbh i haven’t moved on them the last season characters esp the queen! but the diana this season is just sOOO 🤌🏼🤌🏼🤌🏼 its crazy how their facial features rly match! truly the best diana ever. literally.
diana and her pakistani men <33 mr mohammed al-fayed and his friendship with diana >>> and mr dodi is very 🧍🏻‍♀️ ive been quoting this for the past few days and i cannot stop this is an addiction with the fact that i have a sudden urge to speak in their posh accent
Maybe it's good I don't live in LA, because I would go bankrupt with all the gigs and prices..
no seriously 😭😭 every god damn thing just happens there and for it to be so expensive but not even clean is 🔫🔫 its so romanticized too! i feel like one can sign bankruptcy the second they look at a door to a house, bc YOU KNOW THE DOOR BE MAD EXPENSIVE TOO
I'll start calling you Baeksussy from now on, because you're always up to no good 👀
Literally, because I see people celebrating Taemin's return this month and I'm like "besties, I have some bad news..." unless they surprise us and he comes back early. You know what, I actually don't know who Taemin is???
saw a panchoa article saying “idols who’ll return from the military next year” and it said baekhyun and on this date then taemin it said n/a and i lost it,,, i need this man to drop a date we are thirsty. hungry. not breathing.
NO BC ONE OF THOSE WHO BE CELEBRATING IS ME IN MY DELULU 😭😭😭 ur right, who’s taemin? taeyeon’s cousin? taeyong’s brother? no idea.
Me going to see Seonghwa at the night club I came here to drop some money, dropping all my money
LMFAOOOO id waste all my money on him tbh,, as long as the stripper in him continues take my money 🤲🏼
Oh yes big accounts are guilty of taking jokes too far and being annoying in general, that's why I have 50% of Atinys blocked akdhiagshahahaa can't stand their asses.
YEAAHHH its the way ppl dickride them without pointing out where they’re wrong is very 🔫🔫 ur so right on that, blocking and moving on lowkey was glad that twt was gonna seize to exist 😭😭
Not stalkers at it again... On a lighter note, Wooyoung paid for Atinys meal, me when. Pay my rent!
You know who should invite Key? Drag Race South Korea, it's apparently happening sooooo
STOP. STOP STOP HE’D BE PERFECT STOPPP ID WATCH IT JUST FOR HIM, he’d judge so hard too and without any bias 🤚🏼 if sm sends boa again 😭😭
Seonghwa, Ddeonghwa, Hwaseong, Mars, Hwa, Seong so many different personalities. (I set the wallpaper 😭). Truly Seonghwa is genuinely so sweet, nerdy, wholesome, sensitive, smart and sexy too?! He needs to calm down
he’S SO AGGRAVATINGLY HANDSOME, WHOLESOME no how can someone be a wholesome sexy? how. who tHE FUCK CAN EVEN DO THAT (im so glad u did bc it reminds is of our roots) BESIDE HIM??? WHAT WONDER DID HE DO LAST LIFE TO GET THIS IMMENSE EVERYTHING ???? god’s favourite truly, when is it my turn to BE UR FAVOURITE
It's good your friend is using kaddy, it should be much easier! Wish her good luck, may the force be with her. :3 /// Platinum CEO Hwa in theatres near me? Can he come to my house? The lacey blouse he's wearing for Paradigm :o we're in danger!!!
its really going good for her! thank you for your expertise!! she’s currently stuck trying to get good thank your cards <3 will be making a batch 😭😭 WDYM IN UR HOUSE BESTIE HES THE MAN UR ARRANGED TOO, HES IN UR HOUSE FOREVER <33 WE’RE IN DEEP DANGER. HAHA. he looks like he’s about to star in the house of dragons with that on
Not Seonghwa trying to rename Shinestars again?! What does he have against that name it's so fucking perfect. No Ddeongwives, no Ddeongps.... S H I N E S T A R S
he’s what
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Yes, I'm very into Seonghwa's shoulders and arms era 🥴 and clearly I'm not the only one /// Twins AU? But how do you choose :///
if he drops one more photo like that, im quitting kpop 🔫
hear me out, one’s the nerd. the other’s the resident fuckboy or whatever. yn likes the nerd twin (let’s name him hwaseong) and seonghwa (the fuckboy) finds that out and decides to make his mission to tease yn about it bUT they come on an agreement where yn begs seonghwa to help her in getting hwaseong and her together which obviously he’s gonna say no too, but then eventually comes around! and so then it starts,,, he’ll tell her what he likes and just watch yn fuck up dbwmdhsk all while he enjoys <33 tho it’ll def be confusing with using the names 😭😭
Hwa's shoulders are already nice and wide, he wants to commit to the Dorito shape even more 😭 I didn't mind gym lessons, because it meant I could do the bare minimum, but the only thing I do at the gym is exercise my legs (track, bike) lmao. Omfg those exercising games can be fun, but not when the whole school is watching and waiting for you to embarrass yourself 💔
he knows exactly what gets everyone triggered, the dorito bod, the looking so fine in suits, and what’s next. he drives with one hand, does the reverse with one hand? 😀 OH UR LEGS MUST BE TONED AS HELL !!!!! tripped and hurt my knee during one of those <333 felt amazing bc i got to sit out dhsmhdjs
I wonder what's gonna happen in PD3, hope D*sn*t doesn't fuck it up completely
I know a few people who would love to be pulled over by Wonho. Yes, he is! /// Uh I think BTS showed up in my dream recently, but only for a second, I was also crying lol
i didn’t when read the first part, tell me everything about the last part. ppt format.
That fucking nose on Hehetmon, Yunho why 😬 /// “See you later" just like "European dates will be announced soon" right 🤡
yumho surprises me everyday, i don’t even know how to say this but he’s a true man. a man. men.
id literally die if he gets the mc job, everyday he’s gonna look all pretty and dress up all while im eating glass
Aaaaand we got Sanhwa patisserie!!! /// Hongjoong looks cute, but Seonghwa... between him looking like an adorable grandpa, SPREADING, big ass shoes and a tin of crisps I don't know where to look
seonghwa. FJAKJDKS ADORABLE GRANDPA LMFAOOOO 😭😭😭 u think his grandkids would ask him to dance and its him doing bulnoriya while his knees crack but he’s so determined to show them his glory days and the fact that he’s still young. grandpa hwa <3
Me at Seonghwa Kino wife material, lol
male wife ☺️☺️
I got "full moon lighting up my lovers face"
😮😮 a hopeless romantic i see,,, i got sneaking downstairs to get more cake but it turned out to be a very wholesome au that I will write ONE DAY
“you're not even in your double digits, and your best friend who you have a secret crush on came over for your birthday party. it's after midnight, and you decide to sneak downstairs to eat more cake. you're both as silent as you could possibly be, careful not to wake anyone. you scoot a stool over to the counter and crawl up ungracefully, snatching two small pieces of cake and sitting on the floor to eat. you both whisper about what you'd gotten as gifts, and they tell you they have something else that they wanted to give you in private. when you get back to your room, they pull out a small box. you open it to see an action figure, one that looks like you. they tell you they were at toys r us the other day and noticed it was basically a little you, and begged their dad for it. he agreed, and they went home and wrapped it themselves, poorly but effectively.”
Bestie, Seonghwa's vlog, so far I saw arms and him flexing his Black Opium perfume.... - DV 💖
black opium. ysl. model seonghwa. just happens to be the one the yn and hwa endorse! just so happens! haha!
ok but this is so 😭😭😭 they should’ve let him go 😭😭😭 man missing a sibling’s wedding, damn, must be heartbreaking
me when.
u know if boxer seonghwa was alive, this.
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grlfriends · 3 years
The Raven Boys thoughts
ch 1: boi I thought gansey was the bald one 😔 anyway the bald bitch and the nerd who looks like a twink in every fanart are gay
ch 15: wow guys nothing has happened so far... nothing..... we're almost 200 pages in and nothing that interesting has happened, I know the plot is setting in and the pace is starting to speed up a little but wow so far this already isnt my fav book of the series I think
ch 24: ok the pace is starting to pick up and I'm really enjoying it rn, I still see gansey as this polo wearing and golf player fucker but he's getting better I guess, Ronan can fuck off sometimes he's so edgy it irks me a little
on this and on the previous chapter they saw/hallucinated some stuff at that hollow tree and then at the end gansey was like "ohh blue was the missing person/thing I feel so connected to her something something" and tbh I did not enjoy that very much it was a bit 😬😐 for me bc I just dont like when this type of connection between characters bc it feels like the author is trying to force/speed up a relationship they just dont have yet?? and we the readers must accept they feel the connection in their souls and it just feels so right for them to be around each other when in reality it feels a bit lazy to me..... I'm still halfway through the book so it's not like I can complain for real but still ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
ch 42 maybe?? : okay just something's I wanna tall about: can we pay respect to Maggie stiefvater and how organic she made Adam deciding to wake the ley line?? bc it was GREAT and I deeply loved it, i know i said that the book felt boring and very slow and how it needed to pick up the pace but i think this trilogy falls into the lotr/hobbit category where it's one big movie (in the specific case, book) divided into 3 so it would be easier to digest and I think this makes total sense, everything I've read so far (from chap 33 to here) feels so perfectly paced and planed but still it feels natural, when Adam was coming back home and he had a confrontation (well, not really) with his dad it just felt like was supposed to happen at that time with those exact words describing everything and mwah I'm loving it so much
also!! boi do Adam and blue sound so cute together, when he said he wanted to kiss her I was like
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bc holy shit do they make a cute couple EVEN THOUGH I do know she ends up with gansey and their energy is also really good but goddamn do they look cute together and to think he would have been her first kiss too I'm going insane rn brub oh my god
also maybe it's the 21 year old in me talking but god did I wish they were one or two years older, it just kinda makes me a bit :// reading to 16 year olds being this traumatized about life in general and I feel like it honestly would change much if all this happened in the meantime they're about to turn 18 bc it would still be a ya book but it would be just?? more comprehensive I guess, adam dialogue about making up enough money to leave his house and getting into a good college so he can live a good life and have a home finally baby that's a 17 year old talking and feeling the pressure of the so called adulthood and being so close to being independent but also still being so young and !!!! I just feel like it would make more sense to me personally
re: about gansey's glasses: did I miss something or have the part where he gets glasses already went by?? bc he shower up at blue's home wearing white ones and there was no tall about it?? nothing else and it makes me feel like I missed something and I'm not sure yet
ch 48 and ending thoughts: ok. I'm not really sure what to feel about it bc even I had a rocky beginning with it I did end up really liking the ending but it left such a big taste of wanting more than I got that it just kinda makes me feel like it was, in a way, a prologue for the second book, where I imagine things will be more intense and already be in motion plot-wise. I have many question but my biggest one is that wow apparently that was the big explanation for gansey wearing glasses?? bc it honestly looks like I missed something or a chapter where something happens and he got glasses, his fight with whelck did break his thumb but it somehow got him glasses too?? or what the hospital like "yeah you're blind so fuck here's some glasses bitch"?? and Adam mentioned something on his face from their fight and??? was the discussion their fight and how did it hurt gansey's face?????? HOW???
not only that but also Adam sacrificed himself and how exactly does that affects him?? or was the whole "oh I've sacrificed myself my whole life" dialogue supposed to explain something?? bc yeah it kinda did but I was left with the thought that he would be kinda like a puppet I guess? bc he said he would sacrifice himself so in a way he wouldnt be himself anymore and there would be something else controlling him and maybe that was just my imagination wanting to guess what was going to happen now
I did think there would be the classic sacrifice scene and that whelck would try to shot gansey and that Adam would step in front of him or idk bc the scenario wasn't really solid in my mind and I did have trouble trying to figure out who was in what place but it was fine I guess
how on earth did Noah pull out chainsaw from his dreams?? man what the heck I need to read the second book
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