#argent games fanworks
flammetfonrain · 1 year
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I love this game so much so I draw 💗him 💗
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jacyevans · 6 years
jacyevan’s 2017 fic round-up
At the beginning of 2017, I made three goals:
1 - Post at least one fanwork a month. Post at least 12 works in 12 months.
I realized, rather early on in the year, that guilting myself into writing fic every month when my brain wasn’t having it/I was too busy with school wasn’t going to work. So I set a new goal - post 12 works in 12 months.
Including the 3 chapters of “You Can Stay” I posted this year, I surpassed that goal at 16 works, including the 12,000-word marathon that was Laura Hale Appreciation Week. Considering how depressed and anxious I was for the better half of the year, I am incredibly proud of myself.
2 - At least three of those fanworks will be Works In Progress.
CHECK. I completed “You Can Stay As Long As You Want,” “the merry adventures of derek the cat,” and “the crown hangs heavy,” which wasn’t a WiP when the year started, but I am counting because it sat languishing in my gmail drafts for months before I finally finished it.
3 - Make some new friends, specifically in the Teen Wolf and Supernatural fandoms.
Not gonna lie - I wasn’t as successful at this as I would have liked. While I did reach out to some new and awesome people, I ended up remaining in my little sandbox. I am strangely okay with that. 
2018 is a brand new year, and I am setting the same goals. Because if I’ve done them once, I can do them again.
So without further ado, here is my 2017 fic round-up:
Soft, Slow, and Steady - Derek/Scott/Stiles, T, 491 words. Posted 2/1/17.  Scott spends a long moment soaking in the quiet, the sight of Stiles and Derek together in one safe space.
Bewitched, Bothered, and Bewildered - Scott/Stiles, T, 1044 words. Posted 4/2/17.  I didn't mean to. That should be his mantra – I didn’t mean to drive the entire school batshit-crazy, I didn’t mean to break the vase, I didn’t mean to trip and elbow Derek in the face. I didn’t mean to get my best friend bitten by a werewolf after dragging him out into the woods to find half of a body. You know. Little things.
it’s highway robbery, and i kept my receipt - female!Neal Caffrey gen, T, 2830 words. Posted 6/26/17. When Kate says goodbye, something in Neal's chest shatters. It’s nothing like getting thrown in jail - no, that was a minor set-back. This is a stone to the gut, a slap in the face, falling head-first into a pool of ice. By the time she catches her breath, Kate is already gone, and Neal is left alone with the destruction she leaves behind.
the crown hangs heavy - Elizabeth Woodville, Elizabeth of York. Fanmix. Posted 9/16/17. Men fight battles. Women wage war. A mix for two queens.
You Can Stay As Long As You Want - Stiles/Derek, T, 25,969 words. Completed 9/23/17. Fic one of the A Better Place Since We Came Along series. When Derek arrives upstairs, Erica takes one look at him, rolls her eyes, and takes the bags of groceries from his hands. “So I see Mr. 5B has arrived,” she says, leaning against the counter, shoulders shaking with laughter. Derek hates his pack. Stiles and Scott are the new tenants in Derek's apartment building. While Derek and Stiles attempt to ignore their burgeoning interest in each other, their respective packs make sure nothing will keep the two idiots from falling in love. Except maybe the faulty elevator.
The She Stood Tall series - Laura Hale, Derek Hale, ensemble characters, T, 12,273 words total. Posted for Laura Hale Appreciation Week, 10/1-10/7/17. Slow It Down - Laura survives the fight with Peter. But at a price. Light That Match - Laura tries to protect her family. She doesn't have much of that left these days. Fickle Game - Sometimes, Laura realizes, you need to ask for help. She doesn't have to do this alone. Rise and Fall - That's the problem with getting comfortable with the Stilinskis - Laura lets her guard down. Tesselate - Laura simply wants to save her brother. But there's nothing simple about it. Soldier On - Kate breaks the Argent family code; Laura deals with the aftermath. A to B - Laura rebuilds her home and her pack. Beacon Hills is hers to protect now.
I’m Looking for a Place to Land - Stiles/Derek, M, 3,413 words. WiP posted 11/26/17. Fic two of the A Better Place Since We Came Along series. Derek has only had two real relationships since Kate and none with guys, just one night stands or short flings masquerading as relationships. “You’re doing just fine, big guy,” Stiles says, and Derek groans while he laughs into his mouth. Stiles and Derek try to figure out what being alpha and emissary mean for their pack, while also navigating a budding relationship. When Cora moves back to New York with her girlfriend, Derek's past comes back to bite him in the ass - Lydia's best friend turns out to be Allison Argent, and Stiles' father takes a job as the new sheriff of Beacon Hills.
the merry adventures of derek the cat - Stiles/Derek, T, 1645 words. Posted 11/30/17. One minute, Derek is standing behind the square, wooden table acting as the witch's altar, complete with animal bones and a bowl Scott assures Stiles is full of rabbit’s blood. The next minute, there's a pile of clothes on the ground beside the large, clear quartz Derek had been holding. Wriggling its way out of Derek's leather jacket is a large, black tomcat.
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