#aro daryl <33333333
justablah56 ยท 6 months
starting off by saying @cagey-gaymer here it is .
OKAY so . idk if I've made an actual post abt this so I'm making one . if I've made one before congrats , you all get TWO aro Daryl rants <3
yes folks , you read that right ! an aro Daryl rant !! now . I know I've vaguely mentioned my arospec Daryl hc a few times , but today I'm going to actually talk abt it :3
SO to get into the specifics, i think Daryl is romance positive greyromantic, I think he doesn't feel it super often but hes not at all against the idea of being with someone who he doesnt "actually love" . I don't think he realizes this for . a while . like . *a while* . if at all . i think his marriage with Carol is an *excellent* example of this . I think yeah Daryl cares about her a lot , whenever he talks about her he talks about her as his best friend, which is a great relationship to have with your spouse , but I don't think Daryl realizes that there's supposed to be more . also the fact that they got together so early in their lives and Daryl never like . wanted anything more than that . he was totally fine and ok just staying in a relationship with his highschool sweetheart and never wanted to experience really dating people or any of that stuff , bcs he ๐Ÿ‘ is ๐Ÿ‘ arospec ๐Ÿ‘
he doesn't realize that his strong platonic feelings aren't the same as romantic feelings . he doesn't have a lot of other adults that he's close with , he doesn't have a lot of *friends* for him to realize that *that's* what Carol is to him . he knows what love is "supposed" to look like and as far as he's aware he's checking all the boxes , he is going to get a good grade in Husbanding , something that is both normal to want and possible to achieve. he's trying so hard to fit the mold of what he thinks men are supposed to be and doesn't try to really question if that's really what he wants .
I think maybe him and Henry talk about this at some point , that being the start of Daryls identity crisis . maybe he's talking about how he feels about Carol to Henry and Henry's like hmm . Daryl do you know what the term aromantic means ? and they have a loooong discussion about it . anyways my brain is running with this now but that's not what I'm going to chase rn .
the point is . that Daryl didn't realize there were any issues in him and Carol's relationship bcs from the outside , they look fine . they look like a normal couple in a normal family , and if they're *normal* then it must mean they're doing it right . his relationship with his wife *appears* as Daryl believes romantic relationships should , so obviously there aren't any pressing issues . why could Carol possibly be upset ? he was doing it all right ? and he doesn't realize that he's just . not the same as she is . he loves her , she's his best friend , and to him that's a romantic relationship right ? so he never tried to look for anything else and never looked for the *problems* that existed in their relationship bcs hey he still loves her as his best friend , so we're still good , right ?
anyways . aro Daryl . I feel like I kinda talked in circles here a bit , but oh well . just . consider for me . aro Daryl . he is so important to me .
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