mariacpsa100 · 4 years
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On Wednesday, February 26, 2020 I went to an event in the Bel Air Lounge. Lauren, Maitri and I made silver linings jars with Haley. I made a braid out of strings and wrapped it around the top of my jar and made a little tag which i taped onto the jar which said “Silver Linings 2020″. I will put little happy thoughts, fun memories and other trinkets into the jar throughout the year. I had a good time hanging out, eating snacks and drawing with friends.
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aobergarts · 4 years
Panel with Jenny Cavallero and Elizabeth Norman
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I attended a virtual Q&A panel with female comedians Jenny Cavallero and Elizabeth Norman on Friday, October 9, 2020. It was very inspirational to listen to women talk so openly about the hardships faced by minorities in comedy and stand up spheres. I was reminded of Arts Scholars when Cavallero discussed how she uses hard and interesting moments in her life (her father’s death, her alcoholism, having a disability) as inspiration in her comedy. It inspired me to rethink about many events in my life in a comedic light. I felt very lucky to be able to talk to such insightful women in such a casual manner. 
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maddiebcpsarts-blog · 4 years
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Yesterday, March 6th, I attended the admitted students open house. I had been to a couple of these open houses last year and really enjoyed talking to prospective Arts students. Last year someone I talked to at an open house ended up being my mentee which was really awesome because you can see the impact you are making before they even attend the school! I had a lot of fun yesterday at the open house as well. Everyone there seemed very excited about the Arts and most seemed like they already decided to come to UMD.
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kkcolloqium · 4 years
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For my second colloquium event, I attended Scholars’ “Moving at the Speed of Democracy: Jamie Raskin’s Leadership Journey” panel event, This event featured Congressman Jamie Raskin, of MD’s 8th district, and commentary about his path to political success, as well as his insight into the state of our democracy moving foward. While this event (which took place Monday, 2/24) was not arts based, I still found it interesting and informative. My favorite part of the dialogue was hearing Rep. Raskin remark about his belief in the moral high ground, rather than what maybe deemed as politically beneficial. As this translates to art, one could loosely equate this to one’s adherence to what feels right to them, rather than catering to an audience or style that is popular strictly with the hope for success.
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lindaucpsarts · 4 years
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Coffe and Crafts: Origami
March 2, 2020
Bel Air Study Lounge
So on Monday night, I attended a Coffe house, where we followed different patterns for some type of animal or figure. In the image above, I made a crane and a flapping bird. I tried to make a ballon with wings but that didn't work out too well. It was calming to fold perfectly square pieces of paper into little figurines, and I'm glad I came to the event.
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erinhcpsarts-blog · 4 years
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Yesterday, I attended Josh’s coffee & crafts where we did origami. I successfully made a crane (pictured) and unsuccessfully made a bunch of other stuff. They had several papers going around that helped make the origami animals. It was a relaxing and fun time after a long day of school.
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abbyccpsarts · 4 years
Pentathlon Event #2 (Spring 2020)
The other night (Monday, March 2) I attended a “Coffee & Crafts” at Bel Air hall titled Origami night. We learned how to make all different kinds of origami figures, which included the very popular paper crane, and other less-popular/known figures like a turtle, elephant, iris (kind of flower), and balloon. I only had the time to make a crane, turtle, and elephant, but I consider the elephant to count for at least three given how difficult it was to make (when I say difficult I mean it took us 20+ minutes to get through a 2 minute constructional video). What I really love about origami is how we managed to make something so beautiful and intricate out of such an overlooked and under appreciated material—paper. It really goes to show that almost anything, especially the mundane, can produce something so meaningful and expressive.
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ecarrera12 · 4 years
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This past Wednesday I attended the Coffee and Crafts event where we made silver lining jars. The idea of the jar is to collect mementos and small things through the year or semester that remind you of a good/happy time in your life. You can write notes to yourself or store tickets to events that you went to, or write down things you are grateful for so that when you look back at the end, you can remember the amazing memories you made and enjoy the little things that made your year just a bit happier. I enjoyed this craft so much because I was able to go home and look for small items that reminded me of things that made me happy, and it brightened my night to look back at the memories I’ve had with the people I love. Sometimes I get so overwhelmed and caught up in the work I have to do and the things that are adding stress to my life that I tend to forget all the small thing that make life worth living every day. 
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emilylcpsarts-blog · 4 years
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Tonight, March 2nd, I took some much needed time to decompress doing origami with Josh and other peers at coffee and crafts. I have been having a very hard past couple of weeks and it was nice to create something with my hands. I find creating things very relaxing and a peaceful activity (even though origami can be quite frustrating). It’s also really neat to think about how such activities can be used in my future career. I hope to get into graduate school for occupational therapy post-undergrad, and activities like these are great to work on building strength, flexibility, and coordination in the hands and fingers of children, especially those who have an interest in art. 
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sarahfcpsarts · 4 years
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Today, I went to the Coffee and Crafts origami making workshop! I made a couple paper cranes using the patterned/textured paper. It reminded me of the time me and a coworker had to teach a ton of little kids how to make paper cranes for a summer camp event. This workshop was a much more relaxing experience. It is really cool that you can make balloons, birds, turtles, flowers and more just by folding a small square of paper. 
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Music Trivia with Justyn Alexander @ Bel Air Lounge (2-19-20)
I had a lot of fun at this event! I didn’t originally intend to go to this because I had homework, however I’m glad I did because it gave me a chance to relax and have fun. I really loved the jeopardy style game and it was interesting to see how many of the songs I knew. My team and I did really well as well. Even though it has no relation to my major and the songs didn’t necessarily bring me any inspiration, it was a really enjoyable event that allowed me to chill out with my friends and other Arts Scholars.
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picaresquevoleur · 4 years
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This was the Silver Linings Jar Coffee & Crafts with Haley, an Arts Scholars TA. It took place in the Bel Air Lounge in 2/26. I made a jar with a paper that I colored with soothing greens and blues, so that I can feel calm when I look at my jar for motivation. This relates to my major because I included an inspirational message for myself: “Good luck future Dr.” in regards to the PhD in literature I’d like to pursue one day. 
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lwelch31 · 4 years
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Coffee & Crafts: Silver Linings Jars
When:  Wednesday, Feb 26, 6:30-8pm Where: Bel Air Lounge
Host: Haley Zawitowsk
The idea of the activity was mostly a simple craft, where you decorate a jar and fill it with small messages to yourself. You also write on little strips of paper, which were meant to reflect on positive things that have occurred in the year so far. It is similar to a positivity journal, and at the end of the year, or really if you feel stressed, you open and read things you have considered to be “silver linings” of your year. I thought it would be a healthy exercise in practicing gratitude, positivity, and thoughtfulness. I think the craft part of the activity was good for my mental health as well as the written portion. I got to take a break and focus on coloring and being creative, which was relaxing. I feel like writing the silver linings is a really good idea too. Being so early in the year, I only had a few to write right now. But the tangible, visual aspect of the cumulation of positive things is very powerful to me, because I think it serves as a reminder when times are challenging that I can maintain good mental health through it all. I think the practice of reflecting on things that happen to you, whether good or bad, is a healthy mental process that has value.
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asadcpsarts · 4 years
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19th February, Coffee & Crafts: Music Trivia, Bel Air Lounge
I attended the music trivia Coffee & Crafts session and it was more fun than I thought it would be. I thought that since I was leading a music workshop, this coffee and crafts would be a fun thing to do to end the day. I really enjoyed playing the jeopardy-like music trivia game and eating fruit snacks throughout the session. I didn’t realize that I knew so many songs from 2010-now.
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maddiebcpsarts-blog · 4 years
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Tonight, February 19th, I went to the Coffee and Crafts: Music Trivia with Jenna. It was a lot of fun even though we came in last place because Jenna and I didn’t know any of the new music that Justyn covered. There was a good amount of people there and I had a lot of fun getting to talk to everyone in Arts Scholars, both freshman and sophomores. Overall, Justyn’s idea for music trivia was a great idea and I would go to another Coffee and Crafts event in the future!
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adrisartscholars · 4 years
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I went to the Concert in Close Quarters with Leyla McCalla. Leyla is a musician who lives in New Orleans but has Haitian, Cajun, and Creole descent. She is very skilled in banjo, guitar, cello, and voice and her main genre is folk music. She uses her music to pay homage to her roots and to draw attention to social and racial inequalities she has witnessed. I though she had a lovely voice and was amazed at all the different styles she played her various intrustments. It was interesting to hear how she got into music and how she uses her surroundings in New Orleans, a hub of American music and Cajun culture, to inspire her.
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