#asaka mutsuba
nightfurylover31 · 4 months
Of all the waysi thought of we'd get the characters turning back, a magic show was not one of them.
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cervidaecorpse · 6 days
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Merfolk AU
Notes because the tags got too long:
Brains Gang: First Meeting
I accidentally drew Dinois as a lefty and now headcanon her as ambidextrous. I'm so used to drawing my own characters with a dominant left hand I didn't even question it. She is a pirate and was separated from her crew, now trying to make a living on her own, while searching for her people.
Fisher is still an amalgamation, but this time of flying fish, which also have lungs. Don't worry, the sword is more dangerous than their environment right now.
Tremolo is a dragonfish (Pegasus papilio), but it's barely noticeable because I couldn't get the markings right and just went with my own version... sigh. Also don't ask how he got up there. He just wanted to save Fisher and determination does things, I suppose. Dinois didn't expect him to get up there either. :D
Abysskite Girls: Reverse Beauty Day
The girls have their own tail design because I didn't just want to put the cards in there. It's often shown how Tremolo styles the girls, for obvious reasons. I decided to put it in reverse. How all of this works underwater? Merfolk science. Aside from that I made extra sure all of them use their right hand. (Unless it turns out one of them isn't in the show. Oops.)
Ange is a clownfish, Karen is a mahi mahi and Liem is a redtoothed triggerfish. Mostly because of their colour schemes and because I had nothing else for them. ;^;
Leaders of Mutsuba Town: Lucky Streak
Asaka is a former Marine who had enough of the crown. Yuna is a former princess who had enough of her parents. Both became rouge and are now leading their own pirate crew. They bicker a lot but they're very attached to one another, because of their shared past.
Phaser is a dragonfish (Pegasus papilio) and a black dragonfish (Idiacanthus atlanticus) (the female version because bigger and prettier (in my opinion)... ftm trans Phaser?). Also, screw the markings once again. He was looking for Tremolo (who is out to save Fisher) and accidentally got himself into a situation.
Icy Furniture Duo (dragon on dragon violence lmao): Downside of Fashion
Luge and Zaion are former captain and first mate. I'm not sure whether to go with "their ship sank and all their crew drowned (sad)", or "got kicked out because Luge wouldn't stop telling his terrible tales every night, ruining the party mood (somewhat funny)". Going with the latter version, Zaion got kicked, because the crew thought him and his furniture blue prints to be annoying, too.
During their travels on their lonely boat, Zaion somehow caused Tremolo harm and Phaser could not let that slide. I doubt Phaser would actually resolve to violence like this, but card games do not exist here and neither does the MIK. ^^'
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overobsessedfanboy23 · 5 months
Rating Go Rush's cat designs (Because I felt like it)
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Cat Yuga is a 10/10 because he is my son and I love him. He resembles my old Warrior Cats OC and gets an automatic pass because he's my son. My post my rules. Shut.
Cat Yuhi is a 7/10, kinda weird they chose brown of all things as the main colour but I can tell at a glance it's him and he looks good. I'd pet them both.
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Cat Yuamu is an 8/10. She looks like a real cat, just with her usual accessories. I like that. I'd pet this kitty.
Cat Chupataro is cursed but definitely resembles him. 6/10. Wouldn't pet but gets points for looking like how I'd picture an alien cat.
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Cat Manya is horrible. I couldn't even tell it was her (prolly cuz I just don't like her) and she's also just really fucking ugly to me. 2/10
Cat Bochi is hilarious though. I love that so little has changed, it's pretty much just the ears and whiskers. That's peak. 9/10
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Cat Yuna is a 0/10. Kuaidul, what the actual fuck did your weird ass relic thing do to our daughter? She looks like the kind of thing my furry sibling would tell me is furry bait. UNDERAGED furry bait. HATE IT.
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Cat London is good. 7/10. Looks like him but also looks... subtle in a way. Like apart from the stylized colour and hair, this could be a real cat. Would pet.
And Cat Mitsuko was uh...
One of the only parts of this episode that I remember laughing at when I first watched it. Not very cat-like but decently funny. 6/10
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Cat Asaka is a 5/10. I could barely tell this was her but she doesn't look... overly cursed. A bit too femme but it could definitely worse.
And the MIK cats are actually perfect. Look at them. Those real cats with sunglasses and they're wonderful. 10/10
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And these fucked up Bridge creations who I refuse to give any of my braincells to are 1/10s. Not as bad as Yuna's cat design, I guess, but please never show me these three again.
Oh and Nyandestar counts for this I guess?
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Yeah, she's great. 10/10.
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randomfan4ever · 1 year
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So big...
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gedascrown5768 · 5 months
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Another fun video of Phaser
Good thing Manabu found this hidden video and showed it to everyone
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bestygogirl · 8 months
BEST YGO GIRL: Round 1, Group A
Match 15
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Neither were submitted with propaganda, so 🔪I better see some in the notes!
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jose92gt · 3 months
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Imágenes del capítulo 101 de Yu-Gi-Oh Go Rush
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gem-knight-lady-opal · 10 months
a reminder: those three goofs are in charge of literally everything in this town
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They are aware of this and yet they spend almost all of the preliminaries arguing about what to name the tournament and what will be the first-place prize.
at least it was funny to watch.
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violetganache42 · 1 year
No amount of screenshotting would be able to capture just how grim this ending was, especially when it comes to Damamu's commentary. It honestly adds to the bleakness.
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This brings me so much joy it's crazy.
Like it's a bit of a joke but Asaka literally saved Tell(after he got earthdamar) and he dedicated himself to help her omg.
They also bicker so much, love it. Now I hope they actually end the duel.
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nightfurylover31 · 2 months
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Okay, it's hitting me just now that out side of the main trio, all the characters that helped Yuga return home are the ancestors/variants of his friends and rivals. The ones who went up with him into space!
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cervidaecorpse · 30 days
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Sorry, command "character_coming_out_of_the_monitor_with_suggestive_implications" was not recognised.
Innitiate defence: "invasion_of_the_smol".
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overobsessedfanboy23 · 4 months
So... episode 95... happened...
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Spoilers below as always
I... wasn't expecting it to... be like this.... goddamn...
Third Go Rush and Bridge episode to ever make me physically cry. The first was Nyandestar sacrificing herself for Manabu, the second was Kuaidul's death, and the third was... I guess the ending of this episode. It was... sort building the entire episode. This episode does a really good job at making you feel the loss of so many lives in such quick succession even if it obviously can't show all 8 million of them. This felt as though I was witnessing a widescale tragedy of the swift extinction of this species, which is exactly what it set out to do. Even though we didn't know any of these characters personally (apart from Nishaw who I'll get to), just seeing them work themselves to death was enough to leave an impression and paint a picture of who they were... it's... brilliantly agonising.
I still have some problems with the setup. From the summary, I had a problem with Valvelgear wanting to keep their deaths secret at all and Tazaki of all people helping to keep it secret but I think the episode did manage to explain those things in a way that made enough sense for me to be okay with them. Honestly Valvelgear insisting their deaths would burden Yudias too much and Tazaki getting involved and having to bear the weight of this knowledge he has to keep secret due to sheer coincidence upped the tragedy even more and is a point in this episode's favour.
My only remaining problem personally is the way Asaka ends up involved. I think Tazaki asking her to replace the people in Valvelgear with some of her employees is a pretty big leap in logic that the episode didn't explain very well for me. It still felt just like Asaka was the one involved because of the Sevens parallel.
That being said, it's basically my only problem with this otherwise masterpiece of an episode. And the ultimate payoff of Asaka keeping a similar secret about Dudi Nishaw and his fleet was genius and well worth a bit of contrivance to get us to that point. This episode is so thematically and emotionally on point that I can forgive its story flaws.
Like I said in its own designated post, this parallel is genius:
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It's a good message on its own and I love the way this theme ties in with the earlier statement about Dudi's character: that while he struggles to make decisions, he always ultimately makes the right one. With these words, he proved that further, even though he may not even know exactly why these words were so meaningful. It's brilliant. This episode got me so much more attached to Tazaki, Asaka, and Nishaw than I ever was before.
Asaka and Tazaki know that their decision to keep all these deaths a secret is the wrong choice but they're making it anyways to respect the last wishes of Valvelgear and keep Yudias from losing hope. They are making a wrong decision for the right reasons and I genuinely love that. I don't think it's a flaw in the storytelling whatsoever. I think it's great that they're allowing these characters to be flawed and make poor decisions because it adds depth to their characters and complexity to the narrative.
Overall, this is the kind of episode I was waiting for from this arc: something that fully explores this narrative and captures the weight of it that the previous episodes were missing. This story needed an episode like this and it delivered.
...but yes I also pray these deaths aren't permanent holy fuck-
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taxguy314 · 2 months
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the most tragic part for goha yuna for this is that the people she got mad at this arc Manabu and Asaka got to see yuga but not her . That line she claim to Manabu she will speak to yuga did not happen. yuga did not trust yuna enough to tell her what was going on and went to zwijo instead. Her friendship with asaka is heavily damaged if not destroyed
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gedascrown5768 · 3 months
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The sailor guardians of MIK
(They hate their jobs
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bestygogirl · 27 days
Round 3, Match 4
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See previous rounds for propaganda!
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