#ashborn lmao
i-bring-crack · 1 year
This is very random, but on a scale of 1 to 10 how would you rate the Solo Leveling characters in terms of hotness
Hi sorry for the long wait and long analysis post this is going to be!
Also you don't need to read all of it! It's fine! I put the pics there for a reason!
Well after this whole thing I can say that even I disagree with myself as to how I put them up on the scale, but its the best i could do. So there definetly might be disagreements bc I have to come clear about this:
I am in fact not attracted to fictional characters.
Okay it's kind of sketchy, I'm attracted to their personalities more than the whole characteristic itself because *waves hands* well I'm just not into superficial physiques. I say they are hot, sexy and stuff like it's a normal thing for me to say, and because genuinely thats what they were drawn to do but honestly it's hard for me to be attracted to some that way, much less fictional characters. And if someone else says they are hot I be like "yup yes absolutely look at them hips! Face! Princess type!" While like, not caring at all. It's why my change of hotness is also never clear. I can say I like himbos just as I can say I like petite little girls to monster fukery. And it will all be true in the end because 1)fiction and 2)the more I write about them and inmerse myself in their story the more I feel like I have a certain connection to those characters which makes me ACTUALLY like them.
So biased opinion wise: they all a 10 fr (And Antares is a hella 11 he can fuck Ashborn ra—)
Anyways !
SL Scale by Sexyness!
First though, some general rules:
I don't think I might be able to put anyone 6/10 or lower, that kinda has to do with the fact that they were all meant to look good by the artists bc, well, they wanted everyone to be engaged in the characters.
I will try to base the Sexyness meter as a heriarchy of one another: like just because I put a character on 8 doesn't mean it's an 8/10 or but rather he is less sexy than the one at 9.
10s are at the very top of character design for me while 9s are somewhat less than 10s and 8s are less than 9s, like so.
Also I can only do like 10 people sadly bc photos don't let me get past 10, so I will do like 2 people on the tens, 2 on the 9s, 2 on 8s... and so forth until the 6.
Si like:
10— Perfect gender envy
9— God they are hot
8—sexy smexy
7— more cool than sexy
6— the vanilla kind of sexy
Really sexyness is pretty hard to describe for me bc everyone fits in their own way to something as long as they are like, clean. But at the same time sexyness does vary a lot by perspective alone and attractiveness in it of itself. I'm going crazy and I probably sound too off putting with this sorry! So imma start—
First off: The Tens
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They may sound like honest default but honestly they also had the best jobs done characterization-wise because of how basic yet elegant they can be. In part, something that isn't too over the top but at the same time isn't too toned down which is what makes for that personal goal of being able to look like them or project on to them. The gender envy on them is real, especially because Solo Leveling took a lot of the elements of Isekai and with it came the "bland protagonist" trope. But when it transitioned to manwha the bland protagonist suddenly turned into someone you wanted to be: someone muscular and flexible, someone that shares the same looks as normal people but makes them attractive...
Also he looks like a K pop idol, and it's already wide known just how much they love those kinds of men.
So 10 out of 10.
And then there is Cha Hae In which is more towards the attractive "waifu" love part rather than a projection to one's self— like it can be, but it does take a lot of tastes with what the target audience for SL wants, i.e blonde and somewhat curvy but still skinny. Looks tall but still not too tall, long legs, at the last chapter she has a long hair which is also pretty sought out.
Also they can both pull off a masc and fem energy which is a bonus too bc they can reach more diversed looks! Androginy for real is really awesome in characters due to all the kinds of vibes than give off without being put of by their physique or thinking that it doesn't work well. Now I do think many aren't necessarily unattractive due to not wearing clothing asking by fashion standards. I mean, anyone thirsts over characters in a maid outfit, even the butchiest of muscular men, yet the change in fashion between men and women is still quite spaced out outside of Fandom circles or just cosplay circles as a whole, which is why an androgony kind of look that can go for both kinds of gender envy is quite seen as more sexy, at least in this chart.
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Forgive me for adding a minor character but honestly I think Kanae Tawata's character seems to be one of the best for me! She tends to cover a lot of differences that CHI has the opposite off [black hair-Blonde, muscular- Thin, vibrant eyes- dull calm eyes, long hair- short] and at the same time it happens to look great on her, but what brings it down a point is probably the fact that she gives off more elegance than pure sexyness. I think the most elegance that is brought over is for the hime haircut that she has, but still she could pull of a 9.5 in other kinds of hairstyles too, like her and CHI really are close in terms of sexyness. (Also she excludes more dom vibes, where as Hae In is more sub and dom vibes what a versatile bitch i swear—)
I think the same could be said for Woo Jin Chul, the same terms for sexyness do apply despite also having various differences with Jin Woo in terms of appearance, but still manages to pull off his own kind of hotness in the same way, but once again his character also falls a lot more with the elegant type, this time I think it was more intentional since for the most part the clothes he wears are suits, longer sleeved shirts, and other more covered up clothes (what a slut) than like the rest of the characters.(what are you covering up for huh? So other men can take that off you? Hoe)
The Eights
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Okay so why did I put resident sexiest characters of the seires at an eight? Am I blind? (yes, sexually) am I dumb?
But in all seriousness, I put down Zhigang up a notch not because I think he's unsexy, but rather, it's because of his hair *gets shot* wait hold on! I don't mean the length of his hair at all, that actually would put him on a firm 10 if I were to pick at random, but rather because of the whole messyness of it. In different aspects it does work, like the picture above, it's not much, it works well to describe his character and it genuinely does make him look like a diva, but it's also really hard to pull it off completely good, even for the artist. There are some panels where his hair is too long that it starts to look wrong on him or makes him look like a wild anime character (which I'm sorry it's a hard no 💀) so I'm fine with him having his beautiful long hair, I'm not fine with the way it tends to just poof out a lot that it tends to give it a worse look than before. He is still sexy, but there needs to be like a defined volume withing those strands please D": It can probably work even more if he let's his hair down too, that way the strands aren't too much to bare but the effect of it is still shown. The same goes for his built, that genuinely I don't know how it changes per season from stacked to thin. It does definelty have so.ething to do with black suits as said in this post, but when paired to Jin woo in other panels they also seem to have almost the same structure, which — I thought he would be around Thomas physique rather than Jin woo's, lmao he looks like a mix of both. Still men with long hair and those kinds of eyebrows are a big bonus which is why he isn't lowered. Although irl I don't know if that kind of look would attract normal people that aren't fans of cosplays or elves so :v.
As for Esil, I don't think she could pass for a lot of the sexyness tests, she might look the type of oh sexy demon vampire! But for me she had more characteristics that make her ought to be a more cute/naive type of character than a sexy one like in the rest of media. At first I think she does have a more kind of "sexy" considering all the sharp likes in her design, like the armor and the eye marks, but legit as she changes sides and puts on the black suit, suddenly the shape gets more rounder as she wears less padding that's sharp and also the huge offers a contrast that makes her look smaller and thus more innocent in the eyes of the viewer. I think that's funny but a great key design honestly considering her personality, because her appearance WAS the major factor of why she lived, the reason that Jin woo decided to spare her life despite being very tricky and a backstabber to both him and her race. Good on her fr. But yeah she was a good design overall as someone who is "cute" because if it was made sexy it will likely look more like a female-fatale as thus probably not pass as a good figure that keeps it word to Jin Woo. Sexyness after all is often times used in media as a way to stray others rather than repent since you don't see a lot of sexy characters who tend to be insecure or ashamed of themselves and instead use that beauty to its advantage. Esil wasn't that kind of character, she never tried to seduce him, she wanted to apologize for her actions, she fought him head on, she dragged him back to her home despite being unaware of his army in his shadows. All those things were why I focused on her being more cute than sexy. Also her big round eyes are more leaning towards cute and small than the cat like eyes of say Hae In and Kanae. The purple hair is a good factor on her though, and so are the fang teeth, red marks and eyes, and the long ears often associated with vamps. Still I think I prefer Esil more than the typical sexy vampire because– well the trope reversal! She gets to be someone that doesn't use her looks to lure but to show that she is a different species likewise.
Genuine attractiveness to these two because they are quite rare designs that i like the pop of it! Lou Zhigang does give me more danmei vibes but I love Esils kind of cuteness that takes away the sexy vamp trope.
The Sevenths
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Let's start with Laura and her ability to just be cool right of the bat! And I think it catches that essence more than it does for Hae In. She does still have the same characteristics as her and can pull it off, but as the rest go downwards it's hard to describe if she's that much of a sexy idol. I think they just pull off more of a cool vibe than anything. Can she wear different kinds of outfits and pull it off? Yeah, but it would also take away her whole character of who she is which is more of a professional rather than a character that one could be interested in. Her appearance is also quite common within the US so it's not quite rare or unique as it is in the case of, well say, Hae In, so withing her location it's not quite as much of a stand out as it is in other places.
I do think the sense of elegance and normalcity also applies to Goto Ryuji. For different enjoyers it's definelty a 10 but in terms of sexyness by itself it's kind hard to pintpoint for me if it will be good top 10. Like the qualities are fine, he is sexy in his own right but when it goes to pull off a casual sexy (say a pair of short sleeves, normal wear) it doesn't fit his looks well. It's just... eh? Like my favorites parts of him was when he was with the armor and the suit on rather than the loose baggy t shirt and jacket he had when he fought jin woo.
Like for these two I don't immediently think "Oh god they are sexy" but more of a "Oh they are quite good looking, yet it seems they mostly are here to act professional." It works for Laura because that her whole main characteristic, it's not being attracted to anyone (Out of the few girls that appear in Solo Leveling too she also isn't one to thrist after Jin Woo, which thank you queen, I needed that. For that you and Kanae have my respect.) And mainly looking a things through a business perspective (while also having a sentimental side with Thomas, which is nice, it's not the "assistant having a crush on boss" trope it's rather the whole female-male platonic friendship that despite being business partners still feels somewhat real when the The "get along or worry about each other, again not for any kind of unspoken feelings but because they have been together for a long time as friends and coworkers")
It also works for Ryuji because their traits where to make people be fooled by their appearance. He seemed like someone who would be level headed and professional, but in fact was really resistant to thinking of others as better than himself and was very egotistical.
The Sixths
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They both feel more like they would be the kind of love interests in Doramas especially in the way the get to dress themselves. I can see that some aspects would be sexy for Lennart if his hair was more of a wavy kind of look rather than a pure straight cut. The same I would probably say about Ju Hee, her aspects make her look more like cute-special kind of girl, especially with such bright colors like the orange hair and the blue eyes. There really isn't much for me to say about them as sexy but I think a lot of their characteristics could fit the the shy cute or pastel-sweetheart esthetic fro. Romcoms. For Juhee it's a given, she is bearly in her 20s, she is somewhat of a first friend trope, naturally scared and also a healer with soft features to represent her kind nature. For Lennart it's a small comparison of a cat like eyes due to his sharp sense of sight, but blonde look to represent its European, and since he is made out to be a small force compared to Thomas Andre (when facing against the Beast Monarch) the height and blue faint one-color palettes can make a good contrast to how colorful and big Thomas can be.
Um anyways than you for reading all of that, if you did... I really did like a lot of these character designs so it got me to be like this... :"v
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hanakihan · 10 months
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『Absolute Being』
This painting was found in studio after painter Sung Jin-Woo disappeared. No date of creation was found, but due to rough and unclear style similar to that of ‘Ashborn’ piece, it’s considered a part of early Sung Jin-Woo. No title was found either, but due to words written on back of canvas, this piece got its name:
‘You, an Absolute Being, who is lovingly admiring. I wonder if you’ll reach the one you love?’
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starzgaze · 1 month
ARCHIVED: annoyance [unfinished]
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pairing: sjw/archivist!reader
unreliable synopsis: [y.name] tries to discreetly follow jinwoo but they fail so badly that jinwoo played them lmao
a/n: [y.name] whole job is from an oc so if you need a bit of context on how they work you can check my oc ophion because this is a self indulgent piece huhuhu.. also shit english and its unfinished so yeah erm
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[y.name] stared down the intricately detailed paper in front of them. It honestly looked like something straight out of some fairytale but [y.name] knew better. It was a personal announcement stating where there's a bit of information that's incorrect or not processed correctly in their archives.
They sighed in irritation.
The archivist crumpled the piece of paper and then threw it aggressively to some wall, letting out an annoyed groan.
"AGH! This rarely happened before even in past timelines?? It only happened when he—" [y.name] ranted before shoving their face into their hands and let out an irritated groan again. They genuinely started to hate this job that was forcibly imposed on them.
And that job was being an archivist to archive everything that happened in this world for the purpose that their now dead boss, the absolute being, could look through the records [y.name] made if they got bored of the monarchs and rulers fighting and went off somewhere else. [y.name]'s job was supposed to made easier because information from the future and past would be forcibly injected into their head like some sort of epiphany because the movements of everything that the absolute being made was predictable. Which means they don't have to manually archive it.
That is until Sung Jin-woo came in.
That... man... almost drove [y.name] into insanity. Right after the dungeon incident, [y.name] ordinarily archived whatever happened to Sung Jin-woo in the dungeon and assumed he would have an average 'Second Awakening' and nothing more.
But when [y.name] archived it they were immediately greeted with an announcement that the information they archived was incorrect. [y.name] rose a brow at this.
They were rarely wrong so how can this be? The last time they archived something wrong was the time where Antares did something so out of character or Ashborn constantly doing decisions that even the existing predictions couldn't match his choices. [y.name] was definitely confused at this but they didn't pay that much mind to it.
They simply adjusted it and tweaked around until it approved the information [y.name] archived then after this [y.name] thought they'll never encounter this ever again for a while.
Until it repeated.
and repeated
....aaanndd repeated......
"oh my god I think I'm gonna bald from stress" [y.name] whined as they gripped the folder in their hands and narrowed their eyes at the profile in the folder. The archivist gritted their teeth at the sight of the hunter.
S-rank hunter, Sung Jin-woo.
"Just how the hell did you become this strong?!!?"
The folder flew into the air as [y.name] threw it as they covered their face exasperatedly. The only thing that was haunting [y.name]'s days was Sung Jin-woo, the very reason of why they stay up at night and grovel at the thought of.
Ever since his sudden rise in the rankings in Korea, [y.name]'s work as an archivist doubled. They had to manually archive every little decision Jin-woo made in his life that'll affect the world or even the universe with how powerful he's getting. It was difficult for sure, especially when they're trying to not seem like a creep discreetly following the hunter around trying to jot down whatever Jin-woo is doing because now this magical force that helped them archive doesn't work on him.
"Eugghhh. How many days left before this guy is gonna figure out I've been following him for the past few months" [y.name] sighed as they turned their head over to where the folder fell. Their eyes hardened at thr sight of the folder, annoyance bubbling inside of them. Sung Jinwoo is seriously making their job harder than it should be.
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Jin-woo can't miss how a figure would tail him whenever he was in public and most definitely whenever he's in a high ranking dungeon for some reason.
He would occasionally catch them at his peripheral vision but when he actually turn his head and try to see who it was they would magically disappear. Jin-woo could easily of course appear in their shadow but this figure hasn't posed a threat to him or to anyone he loved.
"My leige, they're tailing your trail again. Do you wish for me to dispose them?" Beru reported as he materialized behind Jin-woo. He raised his hand and waved it dismissively. "No need. Let them be"
In truth, Jin-woo recognized the figure. He was sure that the elusive stalker he has doesn't recognize them anymore but Jin-woo does.
[y.name], one of the few who didn't laughed behind Jin-woo's back but instead encouraged him and served as someone of inspiration for Jin-woo.
To be fair, Jin-woo used to have a small crush on [y.name] before but he forgotten about it when he was going through his grueling training of the system. This mostly became the reason why his feelings for [y.name] dwindled but it quickly resurfaced when they started trailing him around.
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Hey, by the way, if I seem more invested in Henry than usual, it’s because my Victorian Modern Reimagining story chooses to continue TPODG, but follows Victoria as she establishes the University which the main trio attend (Lucy, Henry (the son, not the doctor nor the lord), and Victor). For the first part of her arc, it focuses on her and her lover, but Henry returns to the story once she establishes the University of Ashborne and she asks him to ship over some of Basil’s paintings so they can exhibit them (Basil becomes a huge name in the art world because of this and true crime, lmao). Instead of doing that, Henry takes the paintings to her himself, immediately regretting it the moment he steps foot into America.
Point is, his and Victoria's relationship is super important to the plot and I want to give them both a fair portrayal, even if that means having to dig through Henry's half thought word vomit for an hour.
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edensqx · 8 months
Alright Folks, I've been dead ahh wanting to read more solo leveling fanfics or au ideas. What I have in mind are the Monarchs, aside of Jinwoo/Ashborn, I want the Monarchs to have some au/fanfics of themselves too :')
Ofc, there are some fanfics of the other Monarchs here and in Ao3 but I had enough of the r18 fics where its the 'female reader/mc × [insert character]' typa stuff, like can we have something as wholesome/slice of life ish/drama as the 'Cha-Hae In as the adopted Daughter of Antares' ? Altho I am waiting forda series to update unlike the other desperate reader who wanted to know whats happening next, lmao.
If anything else, can someone send link to what good solo leveling fic/comic that is wholesome and stuff? I wanna read :3
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rarepears · 3 years
Sung Jinwoo the housewife reawakens as a S ranked
Basically Sung Jinwoo finds out he's an E rank, the weakest rank possible. Dungeons are too dangerous to risk, he concludes, as the chances of him dying and leaving his sister alone are much too high.
So he shift gears.
And ends up marrying rich.
He's got the cute looks; there's some rich, rather young (maybe a decade order than Sung Jinwoo) guy who wants a cute male housewife. It's a farfetched idea, but somehow it works.
Sung Jinwoo doesn't know much about gay relationships since he doesn't particularly think he swings in any direction - no crush or anything of that sort since he's been too busy figuring out how to lessen his mom's burden and then managing his mom's hospital bills.
But he presumes (presumes incorrectly) that the attraction is that he's stronger than the average person (great for bed lmao) but not stronger than the rich husband, so he clearly falls into the "female" role of the relationship.
He doesn't marry rich rich, but the husband is comfortably rich. New wealth, first generation wealth - probably some tech company. Jinah goes to a good international school; his mom's hospital bed is in the VIP section.
Jinwoo's job now is just to live a good life and good marriage. He doesn't love his husband, but he appreciate his husband's company. His husband is caring, encouraging him to spend more money to spoil himself and whatnot.
So one day, Jinwoo decides to buy a ticket to tour a dungeon.
Some D and C ranked Hunters have started a business venture of bringing a small group of tourists - regular humans, E ranked hunters usually - into E ranked dungeons where these tourists can briefly get a front row seat to watching how dungeons are cleared in person. It's expensive AF however. It's also illegal, but the hunters do it under the radar since it's good money.
It's just Jinwoo's luck that his ticket is the E ranked dungeon that is actually a red gate. And he reawakens as a S ranked hunter.
Just watch the media be all confused at how Korea's newest S ranked hunter is a male housewife who declines to clear S ranked dungeons to cook his husband a good meal instead. And apparently this S rank prefers to communicate with the outer world through his CEO husband instead - are you sure the S rank isn't getting domestically abused? Nah, he's an S rank, but what if...
Jinwoo and his husband are good partners - just shit at communicating until everything piles up and they have to have a proper talk for once to figure out how to handle Jinwoo's reawakening status.
And now, because of his husband being a business owner and CEO, Jinwoo can't avoid the media completely like in canon. But he still finds ways around it.
Insert a scene where Jinwoo panics over how he's growing taller and more conventionally handsome. He believes his husband married him for his cute looks; his new look is most certainly not cute anymore. He's about to be taller than his husband!
Meanwhile on the other side, the hubby is inwardly panicking over how he's worried that Jinwoo is going to want to marry a higher ranked hunter. Hubby is either a regular human or a weak D or C rank Hunter.
I also want to see the CEO do K drama CEO things in the relationship because that would be funny AF. Like Jinwoo, he also doesn't know what the fuck to do in a marriage, so he watches Korean dramas with Jinah - that's how he builds a relationship with his sister in law - and gets some ideas on how to behave.
Then when Beru comes around, Beru and husband only encourage and fuel each other's mannerisms... Jinwoo is very exasperated and very amused XD
Ashborn is most certainly getting the wrong impression of how human relationships work now.
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laryna6 · 3 years
Genuinely considering writing that fic where Jinwoo has to explain what the fuck is going on to the hunter's conferance thing with one key difference; the whole fighting the monarchs and dying and resurrecting thing happened just before the conference.
It would be so funny.
Cos here is Jinwoo, who essentially knows almost all the answers and he's like "yeah I should probably tell them but lmao I dont know how to communicate without creating like 1000 more questions so imma just do it and if they dont understand thats their problem" and it would just be the funniest thing.
Rando gov person "how do you know this?"
Jinwoo "well technically one of the former rulers turned monarch was grooming me for posession but decided that life is shit so I ended up possessing him"
The whole room 0.o "excuse me what"
Jinwoo, not knowing what was wrong with that completely factual statement "well yeah, see there was this system designed to mold me into a body that he could possess. But then I killed the creator and the system stayed there. So I just kept abusing it until I died and met the monarch/ruler ashborne and he decided that he didnt want to go along with it anymore. So I just yeeted myself back to life in the body that he would have used that was also my body. So technically I am possessing him who wanted to possess me. Any questions?"
Whole room "...so many..."
Please. Please write this. We really need people reacting to the unbelievable stuff that is Jin-Woo's life as filtered through someone who developed a policy of never telling anyone anything after becoming Man Of The House 9ish years ago at fifteen. Who is also aware that like, he doesn't have the social skills to explain that 'yeah, there's a huge undead army, don't worry about it'
But yeah as you point out in your fic he's like 'eff it, not my fault if they wind up more confused than when they started and what are they going to do if they wind up even more convinced I'm really a monster leader? Pick a fight with me?'
OH and he'd even have a reason to bother with changing his policy if instead of his dad dying after the monarch fight, the situation is that he's around and hunters are going to do a hunt for him as per when the conference happened.
So it would make sense for Jin-Woo to go 'this is how little you want to fuck with me and exactly how screwed you are if that is my dad and you lay a finger on him.'
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i-bring-crack · 10 months
Baby girl what if you where one of the haters but really loved Solo Leveling and then one day you get reincarnated as the architect after dying so stupidly and now you gotta save the protagonist Jin-Woo from turning dark and trying to kill you but dear God canon events have to go down either way so you are left in this position between being good or bad while trying to still maintain the 'character'of the architect so that Ashborn your boss doesn't find out and then all the sudden the protagonist is gravitating towards you and wtf this isn't how it's supposed to happen!?!
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hanakihan · 9 months
you know reverse AU is hilarious because jinchul is definitely the type to ignore the system (or literally doing bare minimum until proceeding seriously) and just using his summons for office work or monitoring (and people are actually terrified how well informed and quick on his legs Chief is)
will he be sending at least one of his summons to monitor each gate KHA owns? maybe will make them do reports on what happened to wheeze, as well as keeping track of S ranks
man literally recruited Kamish to be his therapy pet (and adviser)
plz other summons welcoming new ones with completely zero enthusiasm and death in their voice being like ‘welcome to the club, buddy, you’ll get used to it’
Igris and Beru are probably the rare ones who are more than happy to assists with boring office politics lmao
ALSO PLZ ASHBORN WANTING TO HAVE A LONG BORING LORE DUMP TALK AND JINCHUL IS LIKE ‘Sorry to interrupt you Sir, but I’m already running late. Can’t it wait or can you be quick about it?’
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i-bring-crack · 8 months
Ashborn having shape-shifting capabilites and messes around with it or maybe its like a nimona situation where he feels the most free when he is no one and anyone in most times. He will appear as one person the next and then as another in like a brief second. Maybe if he has a gloomy mood he will appear with all his armor of that day when he died and got resurrected, his 'real body'and maybe other times he will just be happy by minor things and his appearance will be like that of E rank jinwoo or when he was a Ruler.
Lmao he also likes angering Antares sometimes by changing into his form or by changing into the form of the Absolute Being.
Omg Ashborn changing to look like a dragon in his human form with purple wavy hair and dark horns and Antares almost chokes.
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i-bring-crack · 11 months
What are your headcannons about solo leveling characters?
Damn I have too many! Will probably condense it or just make it a series at one point, maybe after the anime and the game drops so I have ALL the info MUAHAHAHAHAHAHA—
And sorry for the late post.
Sung Jin-Woo
He always like to play games, referenced by the fact that he would often go to game cafes with his sister and even in the next timeline he would do those kinds of things too.
Pretty sure he also like to speed run things rather than focus on the lore of the game, so maybe he like first person shooter games or arcade like games.
He loves to cook because it takes his mind off the hunting job.
Cooking was probably one of the only hobbies he had after his mother fell to the eternal slumber.
He tended to work 3 kinds of jobs before he reawakened (in the game's dossiers he said he worked for a moving company of sorts, and also other kinds of part time jobs, so this is like half head half canon)
In the dossiers he also seemed to have a vision of his dad. I like to think that the moment his father met the Rulers, he asked them to give them some of their powers to let his son be awakened and be strong enough to pull himself through what ever crisis they be going through.
That or maybe Il Hwan actually had the power of a ruler to the point where he could grant an awakening to others.
I like to think he always cuddled with his sister after he finished each raid, like just to make him feel safe and happy to have come back alive.
He likely also had a huge fight with Jin-Ah before going to his first raid, it was so bad that he couldn't even focus as much on the raid at all and it's the main reason why he got lost in the first gate he entered.
He can't love other people past the ones he already knew in the other timeline and had gotten close to him.
I think that time when they really destroyed his human heart, they also might have literally destroyed his human side as well.
He does still love people, but I don't think he might be capable of finding more love than the one he already has.
Which is why Jin-Woo decided to keep Hae-In as his wife since it was the only romantic love of his past life.
And his closest friend like Yoo Jin-Ho is the one he decided to bring into the family since he couldn't really feel capable of letting other people inside his circle of love.
Others like Woo Jin-Chul and Lee Ju-Hee were probably still on his mind but he didn't try to get them close, which probably meant the Ashborn inside of him didn't know whenever Jin-Woo really loved them enough to integrate them into his family or just let them go.
Which is why he also didn't push Woo Jin-Chul out when he recalled all of his memories.
Like I really love to think about the implication that Human Jin-Woo no longer exists, just Ashborn with the memories of Jin-Woo and vice-versa.
Yet due to the constant battle in the dimensions I think the human side has faded almost completely and now Jin-Woo is empty of what he once used to feel.
(Also, did you know that the whole 'Jin-Woo slowly looses emotions' was actually a manwha only adaptation? Yeah I didn't expect that shit to come at me while I was looking back at the light novel)
E rank Jin-Woo was likely also jacked. I mean we see it in the side stories with Antares, but I didn't think it was THAT kind of jacked, rather more of a has a good physique but it doesn't show as much.
He taught Suho how to draw
He is probably a horrible artist (meanwhile his son is getting an art degree lmao)
(Another fun fact: Chu-gong creator of the Solo Leveling light novel actually has the same degree as Suho)
He likes scifi shows and movies, especially horror scifi.
Cha Hae-In
She likes to jump a lot, when she is happy she tends to jump her feet up a little.
She doesnt like to stay in one place and tends to move around.
She probably has like one extroverted friend in her track and field club that lets her feel at home in the club.
She is horrible at baking and not a picky person at all
There was at one point were i did think she was probably an orphan, which i do have a lot of headcanons about that idea too. I mean it probably came from the fact that we know nothing about her family, like not even the tiniest bits of her taste too, what she likes what she doesnt. And she is like one of the most important characters 😭🤌. I mean she doesnt have to be an entire wikipedia but like, at least something girl.
So I tended to think she was an orphan or homeless for a lot of the time. And this will get even more farstreched as i got a bit more into ~fanon~ headcanon. I wont put itnall but you know, just some bits
She did have parents at one point but her mother left, meanwhile her father almost never appeared in her life, she couldnt even their faces at times.
When there was a loud crash at her home she would often hide and wish she could run away from things, or at least fight back. (Got that headcanon due to the CJI dossiers saying that their powers come from their greatest fears)
She one day looked for a way to escape and just, ran.
It made her feel alive and as though she finally got a fresh breath of air. Now everytime after school she ran as far as she could and came back late in the night so that she wouldnt have to deal with anything at the orphanage or with her new, again, foster parents.
Then there was a time she got caught running on video, and it eventually went viral. Since the orphanage didnt want to deal with her escapes anymore, they put her on a new school to compete with the other athletes.
The training was horrible but she managed and eventually she wanted to be better than everyone else. The fact that for once she felt free from everything as she ran made her more emotions and adrenaline ghan everything in the world. So she kept running and running until one day she was unable.
At school it was hard for her to have friends since either they wanted fame or she never actually felt any connections with any of them, she couldnt even understand most of their problems at face value, it made her field so lonely for years that she rather decided to focus on her studies.
I wouldnt guess she would be bullied, but more of just ignored, completely.
Once she started to recuperate she wanted to go back to running but she couldnt win from before.
This is pre rewind so most of her life felt lonely, post rewind she definetly had her first friend and a better life (cough JinWoo) but pre rewind it felt like she had nothing and stuck herself to almost never talking. Maybe she would have a friend or two but she also moved schools due to the foster parents not liking a kid that ran away, literally, everytime she had problem or a fight.
Um sadness aside
She likes candy and ice cream
She hates bad smells due to her good sense of smell.
She also doesnt like strong perfume scents.
Hae-In grew up to me more matured mentally due to all the things in her life, but she still kept her moral compass as much as she could, mostly because she didnt want to deal with more problems in her life.
She likes bigger clothing, big sweaters, kimono pants, especially those who have big pockets.
Her ringtone is a cute pop song (like Omae Wa Mou(deadman), Dandelions(Ruth B) or Crush(tessa violet) lmao idk why i have this headcanon
She accidentaly cut her hair too short one time and decided to just go with short hair so that no one would notice.
Imma stop or she is gonna go through an angst arc bc of me
Woo Jin-Chul
He doesnt like coffee at all lmao, not even energy drinks, but he deals with the taste bc there isnt a lot of good drinks out there that can getvhis energy up in the mornings.
He has a sweet tooth too. And a spicy (tooth?) Taste bc his mother always did kimchi since he was young.
He likes thriller movies ever since he was young, he also liked to dig himself in data about crimes and murders.
His mother was a huge part of his life, the father somewhat too but his mother often took a big role in his moral compass and the way he looked back at things.
His father was a police officer.
He had a good life, the best from all of them, all things considered.
His innocence though... well he had been exposed to a lot of crime and violence since he liked to watch the news (his Tv didnt have a lot for him to watch and he didnt have any devices growing up bc his mother thought it was a bad idea to get him one so young)
(She was right, this man is now twice as workaholic)
He likes coffee shops due to the aroma and the sense of relaxation.
The people at the nearest cafe to the asossiation know his name.
He tends to be really strict with others but at the same time do other people's work.
Post rewind he had a diary of all the Evans that happened in the story, and I mean ALL the events from the start of the monarchs to Jin-Woo's eventually saving the earth.
He likely was always making theories and trying to find out more about this vague world due to all the information Jin-Woo gave him.
I think he would also like to invent some materials in the mean time. Those that use magic crystals or other kinds of magic to enhance people's lives or amplify their power
Lee Ju-Hee
Girl has a good memory of literally everyone she comes across
Ju-Hee would often confuse Jin-Woo because of her Busan dialect
Ju-Hee wasn't scared of the blood itself, she was actually quite fine seeing those kinds of thing.
What she was scared about was dying In a brutal way.
She would often step back and let the others handle on raids
Her fears kindo of passed away every time she was with E rank Jin-Woo, since if he could survive so many harsh things so could her
She didn't like him at first too but I think she then became his first and only friend throughout those four years of his life.
She liked to exchange things about her family but the other didn't say anything.
Yoo Jin-Ho
He hated being called a chaebol, kinda like a silver spoon child in our lingo, nepo baby, stuff like that so he often tried to hide his wealth
But at the same time it was very obvious.
And he suffered a bit of lack of friendship because of that.
He tried to get friends and they would all try to get him for his money or his fame
It was hard, he really just wanted simple things in life.
He even got his driver's license, some part time jobs and went to public schools because he wanted to experience a more casual life.
Since I think he would have felt really lonely inside his home where his father praised his two oldest sons but not him as much.
Sung Jin-Ah
Jin Ah is very greedy when it comes to everything honestly.
If she wants it, she would likely get it, but not out of someone's help rather her own accord.
For example she would have an interest focus on video games because she wanted to beat her brother all the time in the cafes.
And she would have an intense focus on medicine because she wanted to give her mother a chance to come back again
I think she even studied a lot of magic apart from medicine due to the new gates coming out of nowhere
Once her mother woke up she didn't stop though but she did go back to playing video games
And she noticed a few patterns withing those things that kinda looked the same as the monsters that invaded this world.
But she couldn't tell anything about that because all the sudden she lost all of her memories.
Although post rewind it would have been fun to see Jin Ah studying up on the lore of the monsters and making new medicine from the medical and magic knowledge beforehand.
Oh she is absolutely a fan of Kpop bands.
She has a poster of them. That's canon.
Choi Jong-In
He was once saved from a burning building by Yoon Ho, thus exposing him to his first gay panic when Yoon Ho introduced himself.
He likes spicy foods and warm meals
Yes even in summer
He has a very bad distance vision which is why he always tries to wear glasses even when he is fighting.
He doesn't like eating too much (part of childhood I will not explain now)
He likes to eat some lolipops to deal with his smoking addiction.
He had a white tiguer plush animal that he was fond of during his childhood, it was destroyed in a fire when he turned 15.
He wanted to make Hae-In fit in with the rest of the hunters so he gave her a modified handkerchief that covered the smell of mana.
He often learned how to sew because Hae-In was really reckless with her suit at first.
He and Hae-In have a lot of disputes of the money spent on the guild because Hae-In thinks the way he pays S ranks is too much whereas he thinks it's only acceptable to get this much due to their work.
He won't admit it but He sees Hae-In as a little sister. He will even look out for her image and stop a lot of rumors going around. Although Hae-In is too embarrassed and says he wants him to stop.
He still goes on to validate her efforts in the guild and everyone that he works under.
He absolutely has a side shift on inventing gigs to help enhance the powers of a person
You see those headgear Hae-In has? He invented it to attract more beasts to her surroundings.
He made some modified rings for him to enhance his fire resistance too.
Baek Yoon-Ho
He bought one ring from the White Tiguer guild, and never let go of it. No one noticed that since he always had a lot of handy rings on him.
Bro is allergic to dogs.
The first person to have laughed in his face in his tiguer form was Jong-In.
He often had a lot of help from Jong-In to establish his own guild, he always thought it was because at that time Hunter's and Reapers were in a battle of whose more powerful.
Thomas Andre
He had a lot of panics over trying to appear like a normal person that he tried to hide most of his emotions in case one of them would turn him into a monster
Pre rewind, IL Hwang had stood out in his life, he alway kept his words of encouragement with him.
He started to get a better public light after he helped rescue all of the inhabitants into Jeju before the ants tried to kill them all.
He and Eunsuk, the S rank that died in the third jeju raid, were the best of friends. He was a happy go lucky guy that also gave Yoon Ho a lot of encouragement in being a cool white tiguer who saves people!
He also had a really strong sense of Justice which is why he didn't retreat in the third raid and began to save the rest until at the end he was eaten in front of Byung-Gyu and Yoon Ho
It solidified Yoon Ho that he must never get attached to a lot of the hunters, even the S ranks. He was fine with being friends with Byung-Gyu bc he was willing to retire, but not the rest.
He started to also create a huge distance with Jong-In because of that. Jong-In didn't know why he suddenly started to act out that way which is what led to their constant fighting and bickering.
He is soft to a lot of things.
He likes puppies and kitties and gives the strays a lot of food. You can find the guildmaster just feeding kittens and dogs outside of the guild's building.
Jong-In has some blackmail material of him.
Liu Zhigang
He was born somewhere in the western region of Europe, but his family immigrated to Florida which is why he doesn't have a lot of those European traits on him.
His parents were very religious but his mother was lax about it, like she didn't care when he turned atheist.
He met Laura when they were teens.
Laura was his first friend when she brided him that she will help him with his school work and in turn she will be safe from bullying all toguether.
Thomas had a love for wrestling and sports.
Thomas liked to go fishing and often dragged Laura to those trips, as well as camping, hiking and skiing in Colorado one time.
Thomas has a collection of racing cars
Thomas goes every weekend to Norma's house to eat her cookies.
He sent a small gift (expensive and huge by everyone else's standards) to Lennart after finding out he had saved him.
Has a little sister that escaped from North Korea, she too became an S rank and is the viceguildmaster of Zhigang's guild
He tries everything to maintain his hair as long as possible.
And as pretty as possible
He was an wuxia actor before he got his awakening
He likes historical dramas
He likes to fight with a double pair of blades
He has a gigantification skill.
Beru has a Netflix account and watches dramas with Jin Ah and post rewind with Hae In
Igris tends to haunt the libraries just to read the books in them
Igris likes math and science
Beru likes to play with the sand and make burrows for himself when he was still young and alive.
Igris was very hardworking kid when he was alive
Igris liked angels a lot and had a lot of fascination with Bellion when he got to meet him.
Kaisel cuddles Tank when it gets too warm
Kaisel is female you can't take this from me.
Kaisel acts like a huge puppy.
Bellion has sensible wings
Bellion likes to eat cookies, why? Idk.
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i-bring-crack · 11 months
Ngl it would have been fun to see the Rulers and Monarchs vessels to have a system of their own, maybe made differently— like one has a book that tells them of future (past) events and other catalogue about the vessel. Another gets visions of their past lives the stronger they become. One gets an animal sidekick that is actually an eldrich being—
But like no one knows the truth until its too late and now they have to either fight each other or be consumed by the System and let the original monarch/ruler take a hold of them.
Which yes first thought was Destruction Monarch Hae in vs canon Jinwoo.
But I'd like to add more:
Liu Zhigang has a strong loyal connection to Woo Jin-Chul due to both of their rulers' (was thinking that Brightest Fragment, aka Jin-Chul's ruler after gunhee dies, has been the first to make the plan in overthrowing the Absolute Being, whereas Zhigang's Ruler had been the first to join AND the one to also kill Ashborn when he rejected in aiding Brightest Fragment's plan. ) (Zhigang's meeting is double spicy with Jinwoo)
Laura being a messenger of the Rulers, her true form being a biblically accurate angel lmao. Her mission in this world is to create the strongest hunter.
Sung ill Hwang falling in love even more after seeing all the many times park Kyung-Hye tried to save her children during the apocalypse in the past timelines.
Christopher Reed having a dramatic break up when their lover refuses to become a Monarch and their body is taken over.
Choi Jong In gets the powers of the Ruler after Christopher dies, and at the same time, Baek Yoon Ho is told he is to be the Beast Monarch.
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i-bring-crack · 9 months
That one scene with E rank Jinwoo as an illusion being headcanoned as ashborn talking with him is such a lovely thing but also the most hilarious thing ever.
Cuz its just ashborn going "Imma help this kid" and then proceeds to call him weakass bitch in 27 lenguages.
Alien dad moment lmao.
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hanakihan · 10 months
in lieu of me replaying Kuon it’s funny to think that jinwoo performs said ritual in a way
Slight spoilers for game plot below tho (even tho game is an obscure PS2 horror classic lmao)
Just like already dead but reanimated through ritual Kureha needs to literally merge with more powerful beings each time to keep her decaying body going
Imagine Jinwoo actually is dead and his body is literally moving around on power of eldrich (he has no idea he’s been dead this whole time starting from double dungeon fiasco) and he constantly feels the hunger and desire to consume
Kuon involves merging with stronger beings 9 times to achieve eternity (a literal rebirth) through red silk chests
So for Jinwoo it can work either as merging through shadow consumption like it’s a silk cocoon or it can go straight Kuon aesthetic with creepy massive silk chest where Jinwoo needs to nap with being’s corpse for hours to literally absorb it. Or he can straight up eat being’s corpses as a form of merging.
Funny thing is that in Kuon ritual it goes from relatively small and weak things (birds, mice, etc) to one above you in strength (human)
Imagine Jinwoo straight up doing this with Ashborn (to add to fucked up eldrich vibe) and since he completed the ritual he achieved the eternity and his body and mind stopped decaying.
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rarepears · 2 years
Replacing jiwoo "arise" with "bitch" when he turned monsters to his summons. At the end of the job choosing arc he need a command phrase but he accidentally say bitch so now he have to deal with it
Lmao imagine if Jinwoo accidentally said something to the system like, "Just wait until I tell my mother about this!" in a Draco Malfoy tone. So of course, to be a bitch, the system decides to set that as the command phrase.
(Insert confusion from the Rulers and Monarchs. Ashborn managed to procreate with a human and produced a baby Shadow Monarch named Jinwoo? This may or may not spark a trend about the other Rulers and Monarchs to get their own children. This becomes the US vs. USSR arms race except it's babies. Babies and getting the most powerful hunters as the other parent. But humans generally don't sleep with people enough times for pregnancy to occur unless it's with a spouse...)
Hold on. Jinwoo is immortal. He could had alternatively chosee a phrase that Does Not Age Well. Or the meaning changed over time. At least "bitch" is a pretty classic curse word. Not like "fiddlesticks" or "shut your cakehole". (Jinwoo once had a Supernatural phase, what about it?)
Part II | Part III
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rarepears · 2 years
Monarchs can show up to Jiwoo house to help him 'turn out right' they all except Antares have a vessel, they just need to make themselves look more human to fit in. Rulers communicating through the system sending messages saying Jiwoo to stay away from the bad influences
Original Post | Part II | Part III | Part IV
This sounds like we are running full speed into a divorced parent trope. Well, the divorces parents being Monarch and Rulers.
Meanwhile Ashborn is too busy sleeping to fix this mess for Jinwoo.
But imagine if this because known to the public. A Monarch opened their mouth in public about this, someone recorded and uploaded it to the internet, and the social media starts buzzing away.
The public doesn't know much, but what they figure out is that Jinwoo's mom might have had an affair with a Monarch, so... is Jinwoo royalty?
LMAO this becomes another Prince Jinwoo AU? But the KHA's motivation is to prevent the country that Jinwoo's unknown father is royalty of from claiming Jinwoo away.
Meanwhile Jinwoo is confused AF because he feels like his mother wouldn’t cheat on his dad, but all the Rulers and Monarchs are saying that she did and his mother could be lying or had some mana trick done on her so she would t know…
But that would indeed explain why he’s the only human to reawaken and why he got such a powerful system and mana reserves. It seems to explain all the oddities.
Jinwoo gets inadvertently gaslighted to think Ashborn is indeed his biological dad.
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