kerinna · 2 months
Vishaka sun, uttara bhadrapada moon , and rohini rising? ✨
Likes milk
Thirsty pretty often.
Could have a pet in your home, that you're not that close to. Like it's your mom's dog or something
Could have a speaking career. ex: writes speeches, you have a gift at being able to pull other people's thoughts out, and writing it for them.
Aesthetics: Girl next door vibes, soft skin, freckles, Mom of the group, winter color palette, or muted red autumn colors
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kerinna · 3 months
What do you think about: Anuradha sun, Bharani moon and Uttara Ashadha Ascendant?
Whiney, you need a lot of attention.
Trust issues
A genius
Low bun with small shades. Yacht club clothing or silky spaghetti strap dress.
Effortless air about you, like you're meant to be served.
You have a Clark Kent/Superman vibe about you, like you don't want people to know the good you do in the world.
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kerinna · 7 months
HI I'm new on your page and I saw that you are studying the vedic DK (Navamsa) and you tell people about their spouses can you also tell me about mine please?
In my D9 chart i have my DK in Libra (4th house)
My DK planet in the D9 chart is the Sun in Libra in the 4th house
I was a bit worried since I have Mars in the same house and that could cause conflicts between my and my fs. 😭🩷
I also have my Venus in the 9th house and Jupiter in the 5th house if you could tell me a bit about my spouse I would be so happy for eternity!!🩷😭🫶🏼🫶🏼🫶🏼 (Both of them in the D9 chart aswell)
Thank you so much!!!😭🩷🩷🫶🏼🫶🏼
Howdy Harmoonix, my Mars is with my DK Sun as well in 4th D9 lol
You guys won't fight as much as you think you may. The main issue with this placement is that they may always be in your space while you are trying to create or do something, and you're sensitive to that, and a conflict could arise because you're annoyed. Learn to let it be a bonding moment or be honest and tell them to leave you alone in a kind way. Even though your Mars is in Libra, it has Cancer influence, so don't bottle up your emotions if you want to be in your safe space alone sometimes, only sometimes though cuz of Libra wants to bond. Have to find the balance.
I don't want to explain Venus and Jupiter separately because the D9 chart is your life after maturing or late 30s or your life after marriage, so it's a lot to write lol. So I'll explain the spouse part.
Your spouse likes to be clingy. They care for you very deeply. The purpose of your marriage is to grow as individuals, and trusting the love you have for each other. Be the inspiration for your spouse by creating, With have a Cancer Rising D9, you'll need to push your spouse, in a way that works, to do more for the home outside of the house because they'll have the instinct to stay home and do home stuff which isn't bad but that's not their area to grow. They need to grow otherwise you'll find them more annoying, and resent them, which can cause conflict.
So wait to have kids otherwise they will fall effortlessly into a housewife/husband role, which again isn't bad, but they gotta get out the house some way.
You could end up being the breadwinner.
Hopes this helps.
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kerinna · 7 months
Hello! I would love to learn more about what you can see in my D1 and D9 charts. I've attached both, but I understand that a complete report requires a lot of effort and should be compensated. Nevertheless, my curiosity led me to reach out in hopes of gaining some insight into my future spouse, personality traits, or what the future may hold. I truly appreciate your time and expertise. Thank you in advance!
D1 chart
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D9 chart
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Hello Starlightzzz,
You're right, something like this should be compensated, and I love accepting donations on my ko-fi.
I don't write about what you're future holds because that's a bit of vague question, I would need a more specific question but I can do the spouse information.
DK Venus, Magha, 1st(D1): Your spouse may have a childish personality. With this position they won't be very marriage minded, so either you may propose or you'll have to make marriage sound like a fun time because they may view marriage as more work than a beautiful commitment. You will have to bring the fun out of them, that will be your role in the relationship.
DK Venus conj Asc: You guys will enjoy silence together, you guys may not have a lot of sex.
7th lord in 9th, Saturn in Ashwini Nakshatra: You could meet them post-career. Like they dedicated themselves so long to a career from a young age, and now they feel empty, so that's when you come in.
DK Venus, Aries 1st D9: You will be the head of the family after marriage. You have to keep the fun bucket of your marriage more full than the nagging/disappointed part. People aren't mind readers. You won't have to worry about money though, your partner will be pretty set financially, but it may be better if you're in charge of how the money is spent. You're partner could have a spending problem.
Take care.
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kerinna · 2 months
HII! ☀️💐💐💐
So… I have my dk planet as my moon and it’s in taurus in the 2nd and my mars being in the exact same house and sign but my moon is at 0° and my mars is at 13° how would you interpret that in correlation to my spouse? 😭 will he have anger issues i’ve had anger issues it’s not pretty.
Thank you in advance ! 💐💛
Your partner could be thick(body wise), and a little naive because they just don't think too hard about anything. They are not go with the flow, but they're pretty close.
It's just that they do have a trigger, (which could be the anger you're talking about) and it's you. and I don't mean you as a person, it's them picking up on your anger. They won't be the type to calm you down, they'll join in.
KO-FI donations
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kerinna · 7 months
Hi! So I've been told I have a Saturn dominant placements. Since I was born in the Anuradha nakshtra and have it as my moon nakshatra as well. And i also have a Saturn DK. So..... I was just hoping to know does this also have anything to do with my future spouse and his qualities? Oh and my Saturn and Jupiter nakshatra as Krittika (which I'm being told is an absolute no no 🥺) Was hoping you could share some of your insight. Any which way thanks for the amazing posts and have a great day. 💖
Howdy! First off, there are no "no no" in astrology, it's just that you'll have to use the planet in a different way than it's used to because Aries is a very young sign, and Saturn and Jupiter is all about wisdom and maturity.
For example, my Mars is in Cancer, I am not hardcore motivated like my other friends with Mars in cohesive signs, and I used to feel like such an odd man out, but I learn my just more motivated in Cancer related things that aren't always "appreciated" in society.
Saturn in this nakshatra wants you to glow up. Also it means you may not feel motivated for living your life until you're older.
Jupiter in this nakshatra wants means you find luck through mending things like relationships, or clothing or items. Like being some sort of repairer in any type of way, no matter how big or small it is, it justs wants you to be very careful of breaking things unless you're sent very big warning signs that shock you to the core.
With Saturn as your DK: you're spouse will be more mature than you or be older. You will learn a lot from them. Depending on where your Saturn is they can be overbearing, this can happen if their Saturn is in your first house. You guys may not spend a lot of time together because you've become more active after marriage but they appreciate that about you and support what you care about and find other things to keep themselves occupied until you've got time for them again.
Your Anuradha moon and it's relationship with your Saturn DK, is very minor, what's more important is the placement/house of your Saturn in relations to your moon rather than it being your DK.
Idk what's gender you are, but here's a video on Saturn dominant men and women that may help you.
Hope this helps Anon! 🌑🌒🌓
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kerinna · 2 months
Hi girl! Hope you're doing well. Had 2 small queries I was wondering you could solve. So firstly I heard 10th house indicates career/profession. So suppose someone has Mars in 10th house ruled by Libra. What would the possible careers be? And since Libra rules Venus (this person is a Capricorn asc with Venus in 1st house)
Also what are possible placements in someone's chart that could signify spouse being a sportsperson, having a hotel business. Thanks and I'm sorry for such a long post❤
To me the tenth house is more how you want people to view you, how you'd like your reputation to be, so yes, it can indicate career as well.
Mars 10th, ruled by Libra with House ruler in 1st:
Sports, but you'd have to be with people. You can't host sports or do single sport by yourself. (For example, you couldn't be a sprinter. You'd have to do relays.)
Plastic Surgery
Helping people sculpt their body, (For example, a very hands on trainer. You wouldn't give a regimen and then walk away.)
Placements for sports person: 10th house Mars for one, but for that and hotel business, I can't answer that right now. There's so many combinations that could get a person to do hotel or sports.
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kerinna · 3 months
Hi! Hope you've been doing well. If you dont mind sharing your thoughts on pushya rising (pada 1) , mula sun (pada 3) and anuradha moon (4)?
P. S. heavy saturn energy in my chart and it's also my dk....is that the reason for my dry love life 🥲
Good at Banter
Suicidal thoughts
Very expressive
Thinks a lot about their love life
Demanding but only with certain people. Demanding with the people you date. You'd stop being demanding once you're married though because you feel safe, and that you vetted the person enough to let down your guard.
Still reckless after marriage though and suicidal thoughts may increase after marriage.
Short, full face, black hair, baggy clothes, nails done, jewelry. You give me a Chicano vibe.
Get a dog, it absorbs negative energy.
Do things that are considered "corny."
Banter is how you flirt.
Suicidal thoughts decrease when you're able to express it in a creative way
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kerinna · 3 months
rohini sun, mula moon, anuradha rising woman?
people see you as wise but you're a bit of an airhead. Your focus is everywhere. You're not meant to be a focused person.
you don't sleep much, and people may be telling you to sleep more but again, you're mind runs a mile a minute, so maybe a night time job could be your thing.
you're arrogant
you have a model physique
Aesthetic: black, gold, heels, a daring stare, blonde hair, fur coats, sitting on your balcony staring at the moon, casino,
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kerinna · 7 months
Hi buddy
I am new lerner of vedic astrology as i born in purnavasu nakshatra my Dk venus is in 9 house in Dhanshita nakshatra snd sun ( uttarashada)and mercury (mula)in 7 house in D1 chart and in D9 chart sun again in 7 house but venus and jupiter is in 6 hous in D9 chart
As sun is in 7 house in both chart its means i dont have good marriage and a egoistic husband 🥲 please explain me about my future spouse matter
Thanks and love u ❤️
Howdy Riyus-things!
All of this information doesn't necessarily mean you'll have a bad husband/marriage. This person may just have traits that aren't always appreciated by a person that doesn't understand a man's mind and motivation, and there are books out there for that. (Be selective though)
Venus DK in 9th: How to get what you want from this type of spouse is to not be clingy.
Sun in 7th D1 and D9: How to get what you want with this in your spouse, is too have confidence before the marriage. This is not one of those relationships where you can develop your confidence during your marriage. Your spouse is drawn to your radiance and they want you to maintain that throughout the marriage.
I didn't explain each placement because it seem like you wanted advice for it instead.
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kerinna · 7 months
Hello I would really like to know if my Sun in Gemini is placed well in my chart or not it's in the 8th. Can I Dm you my chart? Thank you.
Hey Jeff,
I'd rather you not DM me your chart, I like answering questions with some background info of the placements, rather than looking at a whole chart.
But a Sun in Gemini in the 8th, is not a bad/nor good placement, like any placement it can just takes more time to learn how to work with the energy or the people around you may reflect a negative view on that specific placement, so moving or going to specific places where this placement is appreciated is what is the answer.
But for this placement my advice is to Never share what you are doing, literally keep it to yourself because you shine when eyes are not on you. If you need help read a book, watch a video, etc but keep people you know personally out of your career or goal business. If you get married or are married/ living with someone who you share finances with, you'll have to explain to them "hey just trust me on this, I'll give you details if it's successful."
Be a lone ranger, you can do it.
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kerinna · 2 years
Hey !
I'd like you to post for shatabhisha women as I loved your post about shatabhisha men.
Thanks for your time and effort
Thank you so much for loving my post. I love getting feedback. The shatabhisha women post is still a work in progress, but I will post it when it is done. <3
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kerinna · 3 years
If I block you, its because your profile looks like a bot's.
Good Golly Miss Molly
My name is Kerinna.
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D9 Sun Darakaraka
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Vishaka sun, uttara bhadrapada moon , and rohini rising
Mars 10th house Libra, house ruler in 1st
pushya rising (pada 1) , mula sun (pada 3) and anuradha moon (4
Anuradha sun, Bharani moon and Uttara Ashadha Ascendant?
rohini sun, mula moon, anuradha rising woman
D9 Chart Observation
Aries Ascendant (D9)
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