#at least one of my early 2010s era zombie apocalypse daughters is doing ok
spacedlexi ยท 1 year
tlou CRIT/NEG this is abt the new ep and how theyve been treating ellie since pt2 and i cant take it anymore. ellie get behind me
"you have a violent heart" "the only person who can save ellie is ellie. how? Violence." BARF BARF BARF BLEGH AUGH UGH SHUT UP SHUT UP DIES i hate what theyve done to my girl ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ
i dont like that they took joel out of That scene.....joel pulling her out of that moment and holding her...them Finally connecting completely...that silence as everything fades away...compared to her having to get up and walk out on her own and basically bump into him... thats so mean to ellie honestly for what ๐Ÿ˜ญ to double down on her "violence" apparently im eating glass (guys is it "violent" to kill someone in self defense?)
plus idk joel being the one to physically pull her away from over-killing david and bringing her back to the moment and reassuring her shes ok...like idk maybe that couldve been Something when in pt2 she goes on a rampage without him. but idk i guess that would go against the whole thing theyve been doing since pt2 where they try to make joel out like a complete corrupting force on ellie (i learned it from YOU, DAD) ๐Ÿ™„ but now in the show theyre doubling down and making ellie more "violent" than she was in the game I HATE IT I HATE IT STOP IT STOP IT SHES ALREADY DEAD
i hate saying anything negative about this franchise at this point because people do not take it well but im just so sad about how theyve decided to treat her. like SORRRYY but ellie was SO important to teenage me..she deserves better. and if i have to hear them say "violence" one more time ๐Ÿ˜........
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