#at the same time I think Alhaitham will have one glance at the Cat and be like. no thank you
thormanick · 1 year
…having some thoughts of mixing RWBY x Genshin a bit, primarily because I keep projecting recent arc of Ruby on Kaveh for so many no reason at all
Might do a couple of doodles if I find the energy
#genshin impact#rwby#afinna explores teyvat#genshin impact thoughts#rwby ruby rose#genshin impact kaveh#I just keep thinking ‘oh what if Alhaitham and Kaveh get stuck in the EverAfter’#who will be the one fooled by the Cat and why it will probably be Kaveh-#at the same time I think Alhaitham will have one glance at the Cat and be like. no thank you#idk Ruby and Kaveh having some similar vibes and parent-related issues was the LAST thing I expected to stumble across but here we are#‘and no matter what I do nothing ever takes the place of you’ can suit Kaveh’s themes a lot#*sigh* all these kids need therapy#btw I was thinking that if I were to make a crossover I’d put Kaveh and Alhaitham in Atlas? purely due to the tech they use#as for semblances I have some options#Alhaitham’s would be quite similar to the in-game - I think of him making mirrors through which he can ‘teleport’ on a battlefield#as for Kaveh I am. so tempted to make his semblance about light or empathy#it’s either him somehow absorbing negative emotions of ppl around him and converting that into energy through his aura#bc he wants to keep ppl happy bc happy ppl don’t attract grim#OR I am so tempted to give him silver eyes. I know it’s not a semblance but HEAR ME OUT-#silver eyes that allow him destroy grim with a kind of semblance that makes him a human version of Apathy-grim#like somehow he drains the energy out of grim and pacifies them and turns that against them#in general it’s all about the duality of light and shadow or empathy/apathy with him for me#idk I’ll think more on this later maybe
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xianyoon · 3 months
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PRESENTING . . . the teahouse's secret menu !
here are some of the visitors of the teahouse that sneak in after closing time . . . these are miss ying's most esteemed visitors ! make sure to greet them nicely , because these three will act like her personal bodyguards should anything nasty come their way.
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WRIOYING | wriothesley + ying !
sunshine x stormcloud trope !!!
ying and wrio met when he had finally gone up to the surface to get an errand done himself – until his sunshine spitfire (whom he had no idea who!) rammed into him at full speed. needless to say, there was a lot of apologising, and lots of promises to buy drinks as an apology gift! it didn't take much for him to take up the offer from the girl who caught his eye ( and got caught on his leg. and hence, tripped. )
it was history from then on ;–) he didn't realise that she was a social worker who would be working alongside some fortress inmates who actually wanted to leave after their time ended !!! she was to help them with reentering society :3c
stolen glances at his office, the curtains ever so slightly drawn back to let them take peeks at each other . . . asking for more one on one meetings and insisting that it was "vital to the progress of the inmates" and sneaky kisses before leaving his office hehee.
so maybe this was coworkers au after all
sea goddess au .. . . . official post coming out soon !
song : dawn in the adan / ichiko aoba
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HAIYING | al haitham + ying !
calm black cat bf x excitable orange cat gf trope !!
hmm, where did ying and alhaitham meet? i'd love to think of it as a library meetcute – or best student x worst student. the library meetcute happened when both of them reached for the same book . . . cheesy but cute ! alhaitham got so woahed for a bit that he let go of the heavy book so suddenly, and because she was holding it ( and did not expect him to let go! ) she fell forward. onto him. and he caught her so effortlessly that she couldn't help but think that she quite literally fell for him.
and she started going to the library more often to sneak a glimpse of him ! she's not very good at being sneaky, so he caught her and asked if she wanted to join him ( of course she did. ) – she fumbled a little and said "only if you'd like me to." andddd to her surprise? it was responded to with a "of course i would."
girl who's in love with the world x boy who needs to see more of it
library dates !!!!! always ! tutor!bf x needs tutoring!gf !
song : good in me / bones & the boy
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ISOYING | iso + ying !
sunshine x grumpycloud trope !
ying and iso met in valorant hq – ying had been recruited right before iso . . . she knew there was something special to him, but didn't know quite what! it was nice to see another agent of the same descent – maybe she, iso and sage could have dinner together.
honestly, she didn't quite like him at the start. he was too quiet, too stony, too aloof for her liking ; ying couldn't ever imagine being able to hang out with him one on one in fear of having to be the only one to fill the silence or sit through it.
until one day! she wanted to train with sage . . . but iso got there first. "oh! sorry... i'll come back later then." she apologised hastily, grabbing her things and preparing to head out.
"...it's fine. 如果你想留下来,就继续吧." [it's fine. if you want to stay, just continue.]
she sat right down and watched him finish his session before starting her own. it was just a regular session – him standing behind, ying making use of her radiant powers ... until:
“赶快做完。跟我去买珍珠奶茶,好吗?” [finish your training quickly. come with me to get boba, alright?] .. she'd never finished a training session so quickly in her life.
boba & hotpot dates !!!! night market dates once they went back to china !!!
song : 慢慢喜欢你 / karen mok
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teaberrii · 1 year
Chapter Eight: A Step Back?
Alhaitham has the looks and the smarts. He will also be the stand-in CEO for his grandfather's company for a year.
But, he's been mysteriously cursed to turn into a cat every night since his eighteenth birthday… until he meets you, an employee at his grandfather's company, who rescues him as a cat and changes him back with one kiss.
Cross-posted on AO3
Female reader
Chapter index at the end of chapter one
“Daaamn. So, he held her hand in front of you and mom and everything?”
You and Lumine are visiting Aether at the hospital. Lumine has just finished telling Aether everything that happened during that evening. You’ve been casually listening, ensuring Lumine doesn’t exaggerate the truth. By the end, Aether smiles at you.
“It’s like one of the stories you write, Sis.” Then, he lowers his voice and says dramatically, “What did they talk about after the mother and sister left? Stay tuned…”
Lumine laughs. “It definitely sounds like a cliffhanger.”
“Well, if things really go well, I’m happy for ‘ya, Sis.” Aether tears open a chocolate bar. “It’s about time that ginger gets some competition.”
A soft knock comes at Aether’s door.
You and Lumine are surprised to see a girl about the same age as the twins. Her eyes are slightly darker than the colour of her hair that's tied into a high ponytail. She's wearing a dark hospital gown that makes her skin look even paler than it already is.
You and your sister glance at each other. Ayaka? Since when did Aether make a friend?
She walks in, and you see she’s holding one of Aether’s video games. “Hello. I hope I wasn’t interrupting anything.” She gives you and Lumine a slight bow.
“No! Not at all!”
“I came to return the video game you lent me the other day," Ayaka says, putting the video game on the nightstand beside Aether's bed.
“You lent her one of your video games?” Lumine gasps.
Aether shoots her a warning look, but his twin remains unfazed.
“Yes.” Ayaka smiles. “He was kind enough to lend me one when I was recovering.”
“Well, well, looks like Aether’s all grown up!”
Ayaka looks at Aether. “Are these two…”
“They’re my sisters.”
“It’s nice to meet you, Ayaka,” you say. “I should thank you for giving my brother company.”
Lumine nods. “That’s why we brought him his games in the first place. He wouldn’t stop complaining about how bored he was.”
Ayaka doesn’t see Aether’s deadpan look toward his twin. “I quite enjoy Aether’s company. He’s a fun person to talk to.”
“Oh, is he now?” Lumine asks with a smile. “That’s good to hear!”
Then, Ayaka bows once. “I should return to my room. My brother will be coming soon.”
“You have a brother?” Lumine asks.
“Yes.” Ayaka looks at you. “He should be around the same age as you or maybe a little older. His name is Ayato.”
“Ooh, perhaps we can all get lunch together sometime!” Lumine says excitedly.
“I think that would be a lovely idea.”
“I second that,” you say.
“I, uh, anytime’s good for me!”
“As long as you get to see Ayaka, right?” Lumine says quietly. Aether glares at her, and she returns it with a smile.
Ayaka chuckles. “I guess Aether and I can arrange something.”
You and Lumine give Ayaka a small wave just before she leaves.
Once Ayaka is out of sight, Lumine turns to her brother and asks, “Pickin’ up girls at the hospital, are we now?”
You laugh. “She seems like a nice girl.”
“Maybe the only girl who will give Aether a chance.”
Aether sticks his tongue out at his twin. “Ha-ha. Hilarious, Lumine.”
As your siblings continue to bicker, you look at your watch. It's almost time to meet your friends. You grab your bag off the armchair, which gets Aether's attention.
“Leaving already, Sis?”
“I’m meeting Candace and Dehya to get my dress today.”
Lumine gasps. “Oh! For the Awards night, right?”
“That’s the one.”
Once you leave the room, you see a woman walk out of the room next door. Isn’t that the room Alhaitham’s grandfather is staying in? Her long, blue locks make her stand out. Coupled with her fair skin, she would turn heads down the street. Could this woman be a friend of Alhaitham’s? Or…
You walk in the other direction, trying and failing to kill your curiosity.
As soon as you enter the high-end boutique, Candace waves at you while Dehya goes in for a hug.
“There she is!"
You walk up and hug Dehya, a friend from school who you introduced to Candace a few years ago. 
"I should get your autograph now before you become too famous!"
"And what?" you ask. "Sell it?"
Dehya laughs. "You got me."
“Did you have lunch yet?” Candace asks.
“Yeah, I already ate. I came from the hospital, actually,” you say. “I was visiting my brother.”
“Aether?” Dehya asks. “What did he get himself into this time?”
“He broke his leg while snowboarding.”
“Ouch… but the kid’s learning to snowboard now?”
"Well, he isn't sure he wants to go again after that incident."
Soon, you and Dehya get caught up with what's happening in your lives. Unlike you and Candace, who are creatives, Dehya works in law enforcement. You aren't surprised. She was incredibly athletic in school, having more physical strength than some of the boys. Her grades were also good. Her intelligence and athletics made her intimidating to most of the students, but it was also the reason why the two of you became friends.
Dehya looks around the high-end boutique. “So, Candace, care to give some recs?”
Candace looks at you. “Do you already have something in mind?”
“Not really… but I guess I’d like to try something different.”
She smiles. “A bolder look, maybe?”
“Something that’ll truly knock people off their feet!” Dehya adds.
“Let’s start with the overall design,” Candace suggests. “Once you like the dress, we can start looking at colours.”
After a while of you and your friends going through racks and racks of dresses, Dehya brings up the school reunion, something you’ve been thinking about.
“I haven’t replied to Collei yet,” you say. “Are you going?”
Dehya nods. Then, she quietly says, "He won't be there, you know. Collei wouldn't invite him."
You know that Collei wouldn't invite your ex if she's inviting you. She's not that type of person. 
“...I know she wouldn’t.”
Is it bad to say that you don't want to see any of your old classmates? It's not like you're close to them. They're acquaintances at best. Some knew your ex and probably still kept in touch. However, you didn't want to deal with any questions about him. He used to haunt your dreams; his influence left harmful traces in almost every aspect of your life. 
"I don't want to see them." You sigh. "Don't get me wrong. I don't have anything against them. It's just…."
“Hey. You don’t have to explain yourself to me,” Dehya says kindly. “If you don’t want to go, don’t go.”
You give her a small smile, and she returns it with one of her own.
"...I haven't decided, though, so I haven't replied."
“Something wrong?”
You and Dehya look at Candace, who’s holding a black satin off-sleeve dress that’s round and low-cut at the front with a slit on the side.
“I didn’t know dress shopping would be such a downer,” she jokes.
“Oh, it’s not that,” you say.
Dehya quickly gets Candace up to speed about Collei's invitation to a school reunion. Candace quickly catches on; she knows, after all, that your ex went to school with you.
“The reason you haven't replied... Is it because you might want to go?” Candace asks.
She's right. A part of you wants to show off this incredible person you've become. But would there be a point to that? The more you think about it, it seems like you'd be going for all the wrong reasons. Maybe it's best to leave it all behind.
The bell at the entrance sounds, signalling a customer. You, Dehya, and Candace turn around, and your eyes widen when you see Alhaitham… with a woman. The same woman you saw at the hospital earlier today.
“Haitham?” Candace asks, obviously surprised.
Alhaitham is just as surprised to see you.
“Layla!” Dehya exclaims.
“Dehya?” the woman smiles. “I never thought I’d see you at a boutique.”
“That’s cuz I’m here with friends!”
“Well, it looks like we all know each other,” Candace says. “Care to introduce us, Dehya?”
You learn that the woman with Alhaitham is Layla, a Sumeru native living out of the city until recently. She and Alhaitham are old friends, while she and Dehya met at a city event a few years ago. 
“I’m not surprised Haitham knows so many great people,” she says. “It’s wonderful meeting you.”
“So… are you two on a date?” Dehya asks.
“That was quick.”
“You must excuse his bluntness,” Candace says.
Layla chuckles. “But it’s true. We aren’t on a date. He’s just accompanying me for the day.”
“What brings the two of you here?” you ask.
"I want to get a new suit," Layla says. "Haitham says that he has a friend who works in the fashion business and thought she could help out." She looks at Candace. "I guess he was referring to you."
“At least he knows a good designer when he sees one,” Candace jokes.
“What about you?” Alhaitham asks, looking at you.
“I’m looking for a dress for the Awards Night."
Candace holds up the black dress. “What do you think about this one, Haitham?”
“Have you tried it on?”
“Not yet.”
Alhaitham smiles at you. “Go try it on.”
“What? So you can judge me?” you ask jokingly.
He leans close enough to whisper in your ear, "No, silly. So, you can see how beautiful you'd look in it."
Your eyes go wide.
“Something wrong?”
Looks like no one else heard what he said. You aren't surprised. With how he lowered his voice like that, it's only loud enough for you to hear but also sends a surprising shiver down your spine. You feel someone's hands on your shoulders. When you turn, you see Candace.
“I bet he told you to try it on, right?”
Candace smiles and hands you the dress. “Then, hurry and try it on, girl!”
Once you leave for the dressing room, Dehya points her finger at him. "Who are you to her? How come I haven't heard about you?"
“I’m her neighbour,” Alhaitham answers calmly.
“And her C—”
“She lives across from me,” Alhaitham quickly interrupts. He gives Candace a look, and she catches on and subtly nods.
“You two seem too... close to just be neighbours,” Dehya says.
“She’s also a friend.”
It’s obvious Dehya doesn’t buy it.
Layla chuckles. “Let’s stop grilling them, Dehya. Perhaps they’re a work in progress.”
Dehya jabs Alhaitham in the chest. "I don't know who you are, but you'd better not try anything funny."
“Don’t worry,” Candace says. “I’ll keep an eye on them.”
Dehya still looks suspiciously at Alhaitham as she says, "Well, if you're friends with Candace, I guess you should be okay."
“I appreciate you’re looking out for her,” Alhaitham says.
Dehya blinks once. Twice. Then, she turns to Candace. “Is he always like this?”
“Like what?”
Dehya looks back. “Like… I don’t know. Polite?”
“If it’s any reassurance, Candace already gave me a similar warning,” Alhaitham says. “I do not plan on trying anything’ funny’ with her. If anything”—his gaze turns stern—“I’d like to look out for her.”
You come out of the dressing room with the dress on. Candace is the first to walk up to you.
“It looks good!”
"You think?" you ask, looking down at yourself and then at the large mirror on the opposite wall.
Alhaitham approaches you, and you see his subtle smile in the mirror.
“Are you going to wear heels?” You see Layla just behind Alhaitham. “I think it would look nicer if you wore heels.”
You turn around. “I appreciate the suggestion, but aren’t you two here for something else?”
Layla chuckles softly. “Well, it seems like you completely grabbed Haitham’s attention.”
“Oh, I wonder why.”
You give Candace a look, and she smiles back.
“Well, I also think the dress looks nice on you,” Dehya chimes in. “The guy has a good eye.”
You and Alhaitham look at each other, but you’re the first to look away.
Sometime later, in a twisted series of events, you and your friends end up having lunch with Layla and Alhaitham at a nearby restaurant. After telling Layla about what you do, she looks visibly impressed.
“Wow, so you’re the scriptwriter for Love in the Spotlight? I binged it in one day,” she laughs. “It was so well done!” She takes a bite of her food. “How did you come up with the idea? Or… is that a secret?”
“Actually, it was inspired by something I read in the news.”
“I guess when inspiration strikes, it strikes hard.” Layla looks at Alhaitham. “Didn’t you watch it too, Haitham?”
“I did.” He looks at you. “And I enjoyed it.”
You aren’t sure why you find it difficult to meet his eyes. You’ve always taken compliments nicely. So, why do you feel… unexpectedly nervous?
“What did you particularly like about it?” Dehya asks. You gently nudge your friend underneath the table. “Whaaat? I’m just curious! Maybe he didn’t actually watch it and is just saying it.”
Candace cuts into her steak. “So… you’re testing him, is that it?”
"It was the characters who made it enjoyable," Alhaitham answers. "Perhaps it's a personal preference, but I especially enjoyed watching the female lead. From a rookie, unconfident actress to winning awards and giving advice to her juniors... her growth is quite inspiring."
You're pleasantly surprised at his response. You expected to hear "an interesting plot," "the high production value," or something similar. It never really crossed your mind that he'd comment on the characters.
"I'm sure many people would find strength in watching her as well," he continues. He looks at you. "It was a story with substance."
Curious, you ask, “I suppose you like character-driven stories then.”
"Truth be told, I've never thought about it," he says, slightly smiling. "But if my experience with Love in the Spotlight is anything to go by, it depends on whether I think the show delivers meaningful value."
Dehya whistles softly. “What a compliment.”
You can’t hide your smile, and you don’t want to. You feel a new sense of accomplishment as creating something purposeful and inspiring has always been at the top of your creative goals.
“That’s very motivating,” you say honestly. “I appreciate your thoughts, Catman.”
You slowly look around at the confused faces. Alhaitham, on the other hand, has a slightly amused smile at your blunder.
“That’s… an interesting nickname for Haitham,” Layla says. “Never heard that one before.”
Candace chuckles. “It’s definitely a more creative one than Nerd or Bookworm.”
“Is it because he likes cats?” Deya asks.
Layla laughs. "Or… maybe he's like a cat. I can definitely see that."
You and Alhaitham glance at each other, and he enjoys seeing your little smile as you continue eating.
You’ve just finished your shower that evening when you hear a knock at the door. You open it to find Alhaitham dressed in a black tank and pants.
“You’re… early,” you say.
"I was wondering if you'd wanted to come over instead."
You raise a brow. “You aren’t going to kidnap me, are you?” Alhaitham gives you a slightly deadpan look, and you shrug with a small smile. “Just making sure.” You lean against the doorframe. “Why, though?”
“I don’t think it’s fair if we keep using your place. If you’re comfortable”—he nods at his unit—“you could come over.”
You look past him and see the closed door. Alhaitham’s place… what would it look like? You’d imagine it would be minimalistic with a black, white, and gray colour scheme.
You immediately turn to him when you hear his low voice near your ear. Your lips almost brush against his cheek.
Then, he chuckles. “You can take a look at my book collection.”
“...Your book collection?”
“You have a bookshelf in your room. I assume you like reading.”
The bookshelf in your room isn't big and can be easily missed. So, you’re a little surprised that he remembers the detail.
“It sounds like your book collection is something private.” Then, jokingly, “Don’t tell me you have some R-rated stuff in there.”
To your surprise, Alhaitham looks at you mischievously. “...If you mean sensual literature, I assure you’ll find a little bit of everything.”
You laugh. “Is that what the academics are calling it nowadays?”
"So... is that a yes?"
And that's how you end up at Alhaitham's place.
It's just as you'd imagined, but it's also very clean. You're still standing at the entrance, looking around, when he comes out with tea.
“Take a seat.”
“Your place is nice,” you say, sitting on the black couch. “No cat fur.”
Alhaitham sits on the couch adjacent to you. “You should know I don’t shed.”
You almost choke on your tea. “Right. Of course, you don’t.”
"...There's something I'd like to talk to you about."
You put down your cup.
“The Best Hit Awards…” You already have a feeling you know what he’s getting at. “I’ll need you that night.”
You remember he’ll be the one giving the awards to the recipients. The event also takes place at night… but he would be a cat by then.
“You want me to change you back at the event?” you ask.
"Unfortunately, I don't see any other way."
“I guess not attending the event would leave a bad impression.”
Alhaitham nods.
"...That's a huge risk. But, if we plan carefully…."
“There’s nothing Catman and Batwoman can’t solve together.”
You cross one leg over the other. “What should I take that smile as, hm? Do you have something in mind?”
“Well, I’m all ears.”
You're thinking over Alhaitham's plan later that night when he walks out of his bathroom in all his fluffy, four-legged glory. He jumps onto the sofa, and you turn to him.
“If I wasn’t here, I wonder what your plan would be.”
Alhaitham walks onto your lap and sits facing you. It almost looks like he’s smiling, but you can’t be sure.
“Don’t tell me you expect me to turn you back like this,” you deadpan. “It’s not going to happen.”
He steps toward you, and you stare at each other in silence. Finally, you scratch him behind the ears, and he nuzzles against your hand. Is this his cat instincts, or…?
“I thought you were going to show me your book collection.”
Alhaitham meows and jumps onto the floor. You eventually follow him to his room, where it's just as clean as the rest of his place. Your eyes almost widen at the wall completely filled with books. What surprises you more is that many books look old and have sticky tabs on the pages. Alhaitham jumps onto one of his bookshelves just as you walk over.
A book titled A Drunkard’s Tale gets your attention. “Did you read all of these?”
Alhaitham meows again. He walks along the edge and puts his paw on the spine of a green book. You put the one in your hand back on the shelf and grab the one Alhaitham is pointing to.
“...Heart’s Desire?” You look at him. “Is this the sensual literature you were talking about?”
You flip to a random page and start reading the first paragraph. But, Alhaitham suddenly puts his head on the page you're reading. His eyes are wide and innocent. He slowly inches closer, making reading anything on the page impossible.
You almost chuckle. “I thought I said you should behave if you want to change back.”
Behave? Pssh. He wants to drive you crazy. In a good way, of course. Alhaitham jumps onto the bed, patting the space beside him using his paw.
You assume he’s giving you permission to sit on his bed. So, you close the book and sit on the edge of his bed. You turn away from him, but that ends up being a mistake. Alhaitham jumps on your back, and his paws are on either one of your shoulders. You yelp in surprise. Then, you reach behind you and grab him off your shoulders.
You’re holding him in front of you, his belly exposed. “What was that all about, hm?”
His paws start moving up and down as if reaching for something. You slowly bring him closer until he’s close enough to bonk his head against yours and hug you. His head is against your neck, and you hear him meow softly.
“Is this your way of convincing me to turn you back?”
If that’s how you see it.
Once you put him down on the bed, you stand to face him as he looks up at you expectantly. Finally, he walks to the edge of the bed, his tail straight up. You lean down, not expecting Alhaitham to give you a light lick on your nose. Then, you and he stare at each other for a short moment before your lips curve into a small smile.
As soon as you kiss the top of his head, you almost gasp when you feel Alhaitham grab your wrist.
Then, you hear him whisper in your ear, “You’re getting harder to resist.”
You pull back. Alhaitham has a blanket over his lower half. The two of you stare at each other; his words are still sinking in until…
“I… I should go.”
You don’t wait for a response and hurry out the door.
Chapter Nine
Tag list: @suoshiii @lordbugs @lxry-chxn @seirenspinel @sakiimeo @ashtree-and-the-cats @ceylestia @forsh4dow @deathkat657 @kalpie @elernity @sentieence @chichibleeps @sunsethw4 @hjjks @tanspostsblog @nqctre @just-simping-over-genshin @uchihaeirin @vynbin @ayanokomu @dksfl920 @alatus2716 @itztaki
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teaberrii · 1 year
Chapter Twenty: The Ex
Alhaitham has the looks and the smarts. He will also be the stand-in CEO for his grandfather's company for a year.
But, he's been mysteriously cursed to turn into a cat every night since his eighteenth birthday… until he meets you, an employee at his grandfather's company, who rescues him as a cat and changes him back with one kiss.
Cross-posted on AO3
Female reader
Chapter index at the end of chapter one
Thoma is driving Ayato home from the hospital that night when Ayato's phone goes off. When Thoma glances at his friend in the rearview mirror, Ayato is already talking to the person on the other end. The call is brief, but from the look on Ayato's face, it isn't good news.
When Ayato slips his phone back inside his pocket, Thoma asks, “Is everything okay?”
"...The lead role they offered me went to someone else."
The car slowly rolls to a stop at a red light. “Is that… bad news? I thought you wouldn’t take it.”
Ayato sighs. “I was seriously considering it.” He looks at Thoma in the rearview mirror. “You were right. I am using acting as a lifeline… but even so, I’m not doing a good job.”
“And this call just proved my point. I know who took the role.” When Ayato tells Thoma the actor’s name, Thoma also knows who he’s talking about. A rising, young actor whose career took off when he had a supporting role in a major drama production that became extremely popular.
“Answer me honestly, Ayato,” Thoma says as the car rolls forward. “Do you really want this role? This is your last chance. If you really want it, you need to say something. There's a chance they'll reconsider."
Ayato doesn’t know what comes over him, but it’s as if Thoma’s words are the final push that leads him to make the call.
“...Yes,” Ayato says after a moment. “I’m willing to audition if that’s how they’ll make the final decision.” As soon as Ayato gets off the phone, he glances at Thoma, who has a small smile. Ayato looks out the window. “You asked me if I want to continue acting, and I do. I don’t hate it. I don’t love it. Regardless, I want to do better.”
And, he might find a more meaningful purpose behind it.
You’re on a small coffee break with your coworkers the next morning when they bring up Alhaitham dropping out of the panel to determine the company’s next big production. One of your coworkers nudges you.
“Do you think you got lucky? You don’t have to make a big presentation in front of the CEO.”
If only they know you’re dating him. Alhaitham never told you he dropped out, but you can already guess why. And, if you're right, it’s a smart move.
“Are you nervous?” your coworker continues to ask. “It’s coming up in a few days!”
“Well, I’ll put my best foot forward. That’s all I can say.” Then, you pick up your coffee mug and walk out of the lounge, leaving your coworkers wondering what kind of interesting idea you’ll present this time.
You’re about to reach your desk when your phone buzzes. Once you take it out of your pocket, you see that it’s a message from your manager.
It’s urgent. Come to my office now.
What is this about?
When you reach his office and close the door behind you, he doesn’t even gesture for you to sit down.
“Is something going on between you and the CEO?”
You’re so caught off guard by the question that you say the first thing that comes to mind. “What?”
Then, he turns his laptop around and plays a short video that shows Alhaitham coming out of a room. Shortly afterward, you come out of the same room. “This was at the Awards Night, was it not?”
There is only one reason you can think of why that video exists. You remember the crazy reporter and his malicious intent of giving people keychains or charms with a small hidden camera. But… even if someone caught you and Alhaitham… who would blackmail you? And why?
Regardless, nothing could’ve prepared you for this, and you’re at a complete loss for what to say until you finally gather your nerves.
“Nothing happened that night,” you say. “Who sent this?"
"It was sent anonymously."
You almost roll your eyes. Right. Of course. 
"Isn't this illegal?" you ask. "Filming someone without their permission?"
As you listen to your manager talk, you start wondering if he’s worried about you or the company’s reputation. You agree that a CEO dating an employee doesn’t sound professional and can lead to a whirlwind of gossip. But that shouldn’t be any reason for you and Alhaitham to break up. 
“Do you know if anyone else has this video?” you ask. "Because I didn't know about this until you told me."
“I don’t, and I hope no one else does."
You want to ask if this is such a big deal. There's nothing scandalous in the video, but perhaps it's about the speculations. The rumours. Even though you're not a public figure, Alhaitham is. At least with his tenure as CEO. If it comes down to it, you or Alhaitham might have to clarify what you two were doing together.
Once you leave your manager’s office, your phone buzzes. It’s a text from Alhaitham, and you quickly enter an empty meeting room to take his call.
“...I saw the video,” he says after listening to you recall what happened with your manager. “It was also sent to me.”
Well, that's just great. Does that mean the rest of the company has seen it, too?
“Did that person want anything from you?” you ask.
“...No, surprisingly.”
That's strange. You’d thought that this person would demand money, at least.
"Let me get this straight," you say. "They just sent you a video and... that's it?"
"I have my speculation. We obviously have more questions than answers, and perhaps this is what they want."
"Playing mind games, huh? That's dirty."
“Regardless, whatever the reason, I won’t let them get away with it.” Alhaitham looks out the window. “I won’t let anything happen to you. I promise."
As you're heading back to your desk, you go through all of your emails on your phone. Apparently, this person is too cowardly to contact you directly. You're so busy on your phone that you don't notice Ayato and Childe walking toward you.
"Busy, busy, I see."
You look up upon hearing the familiar voice. “Ayato!”
Childe frowns. “Aren't you forgetting someone?"
“And Childe.”
“That’s better.”
You look at Ayato. “What are you doing here? Another shoot?”
"Some last-minute touches," Ayato says. "But… you might see me less often from now on."
You’re about to ask why when Childe spills the beans. “Just between us… he’s going to be busy rehearsing for a lead role.”
“A lead role… that’s huge!”
Ayato smiles. “I guess you can say I’m finally taking a step forward.”
“We’re going to be losing one of The Strays pretty soon,” Childe says. When you smile, he does too. “Well, you finally smiled.”
“You looked a little down,” Ayato says. “Is everything okay?”
“...Ah. Well, sort of, I guess,” you say quietly. You lower your voice, and after telling them what happened, both of them look baffled. Then, Childe’s expression turns stern and Ayato frowns.
"That's ridiculous," Childe says. 
“As… crazy as that sounds,” Ayato begins, “You’re in good hands if Alhaitham is dealing with it.”
You sigh. “I know. But still… I’m just… a little rattled.”
“Well, it’s not just Alhaitham who has your back,” Childe says. He and Ayato look at each other. “If anything happens, we’ll be there for you. And if it’s any reassurance, I didn’t get that video… which means I doubt anyone else has gotten it, too.”
“...I hope so.”
“My, what a crowd.”
You recognize the voice almost immediately. When you turn around, your guess is right. "Kaeya!" Tighnari is beside him, holding a laptop. “And Nari!”
Kaeya’s eyes don’t stay on you for long. He glances at Childe, who’s looking at him with a small frown.
“Today is just full of surprises,” Childe mutters.
Kaeya chuckles. “You’re right. Good surprises, though.” He looks at Ayato. "You must be Kamisato Ayato."
The two men shake hands as Ayato says, "Yes. And you are...?"
"Kaeya. Kaeya Alberich."
“What brings you here?” you ask.
“We had a meeting for Sumeru Geographic,” Tighnari says.
“It couldn’t have been online?” Everyone turns to Childe.
Then, you and Tighnari glance at each other. In an attempt to break the semi-awkward silence, Tighnari says, “In-person meetings are usually better, don't you think? You get to see everyone's faces.” When Childe frowns at him, Tighnari wonders if he said something wrong.
“Lumine told me you aren’t coming to the party,” Kaeya says. “It’s a shame.”
You look at Childe as he says, “Oh, don’t worry. I’ll still be there. Maybe just not in the way you expect.”
“...That doesn’t sound slightly threatening,” you say quietly.
Kaeya smiles. “Well, you’re always welcome.”
“We should get going,” Tighnari says. “We have another meeting.”
As Tighnari and Kaeya walk off, Ayato says, "He's quite charming."
“A fake pretty boy,” Childe mutters.
You and Ayato glance at each other, and Ayato swings an arm around Childe. You pat his back.
“So... about what you said earlier..." Then, you lower your voice. "Does this mean you're infiltrating a party as a cat? What an exciting life.”
“Truly living the dream,” Ayato adds. "It would make a great series. Childe's Catventures. A catchy title if I do say so myself."
Childe frowns. "Oh, I'm sure it'll be a hit until I claw someone's eyes out."
"Hopefully not Kaeya's," you say quietly, and Childe gives you a deadpan look.
As you and Ayato smile at each other, Childe’s phone goes off. You watch him answer it, and his face quickly turns serious.
“What do you mean we lost some of the footage?”
A pause.
“...Uh huh. Yeah.” Childe looks at Ayato. “Yeah, I’m with him right now. Sure. We’ll be right there.” As soon as Childe gets off the phone, he says, “One of the interns accidentally corrupted the audio file for the scene we just shot, and now there’s no sound. They’ve already tried fixing it, but nothing’s working.”
“I suppose this means we have to reshoot,” Ayato says.
Childe sighs. “Yes, but the problem is that the actress has already left. They can’t get in touch with her.” Then, he looks at you and smiles. “Do you happen to have time right now, Mademoiselle?”
“...You aren’t asking me to act, are you?”
“It's just a small scene. You'd be the closest person we have who can pass as the original actress." Childe gives you an innocent, desperate look. “Please?”
Can you really say no?
It's the first time Signora has been to the CEO's office, but she has mixed emotions. Alhaitham had reached out to her directly, saying that there was a matter he wanted to discuss with her. The only problem is that he never specified what it was.
She knocks on the door. As soon as she hears “come in”, she opens it and sees Alhaitham sitting at his desk with a stern expression.
“...You wanted to see me?” she asks.
“Take a seat.”
When she does, Alhaitham turns his laptop to her and plays the video. “...This video was sent from your laptop.”
Not even five seconds in, Signora looks puzzled. “What is this?”
Alhaitham turns his laptop back. “You tell me. This was in my inbox this morning.”
Signora holds up a hand to stop him. “Hang on. You’re saying that someone sent that video using my computer?”
“...Are you saying you didn’t send it?”
Signora was walking along an empty corridor, looking for her way back to the main hall for the Award ceremony when she heard faint voices. When she looked around the corner, she saw Alhaitham coming out of a room. As soon as he disappeared down a set of stairs, Signora saw you walking out of the same room. S he raised a brow. Well, that wasn’t suspicious at all.
“I saw the news about that reporter hiding cameras in keychains he gave to people that night.”
“You took one from him?” Alhaitham asks.
“I had no idea there was a camera in there. So, when I saw the news, I had a friend look into it. He took the keychain apart and got whatever footage that stupid camera recorded.”
“...A friend?”
"I know he didn't watch any of it. I was with him."
“So, you never saw this video.”
“No," Signora says. "I admit I saw you and her that night. I never knew it was caught on camera.” She looks him in the eyes. “It wasn’t me who sent that video to you.”
“What about your friend?”
When Signora stays quiet, Alhaitham says, “You look a little conflicted.”
“I don’t see why he would do this.”
Her guess is as good as his. Alhaitham hasn't the slightest clue about who this person is, but you must know him… right?
You sigh out of relief as soon as the shoot is over. It's a small scene, but the mental fatigue is kicking in.
“Was this your first time in front of a camera?"
You turn to Ayato who’s still in costume. “Does posing for normal photos count?” you joke.
Ayato smiles. “You’re a natural.”
“Ah, you’re too kind, Ayato. But thank you. I did my best.”
“Well, I’d say you two are a hit.” Childe walks up to you and Ayato. “The director likes this better than the one that was originally filmed.”
“You also worked hard, Childe,” you say.
“It’s the first time I saw someone do a complete rewrite on the spot,” Ayato adds.
Childe waves his hand dissmisvely. 
Then, your phone starts going off. At first, you think it’s something for work. Well, you aren’t completely wrong.
Oooh, they’re cute!
I’d buy the snack they’re advertising hahah
They look good together
When you finally find the source of the comments from your colleagues, you're getting an influx of messages from people joking about whether you're changing careers or making your "much anticipated" acting debut. Someone had taken a short clip of you and Ayato together on set and shared it internally, getting tons of reactions.
Well, you guess it’s better than the other video going viral.
When you get an incoming call from Alhaitham, you quickly step aside to take it.
“...Do you know someone named Dottore?”
You stiffen at the name. “Why do you ask?”
After he tells you what he learned from Signora, your jaw almost drops. It sounds like something that only happens in fiction. You should know. After writing so much of it, after all.
Alhaitham says your name which makes you say, “I… yeah, I do know someone named Dottore.” You sigh. “...He’s my ex.”
Alhaitham unconsciously grips his phone tighter.
You're heading to your school reunion after work, but your mind is on other things. Perhaps Dottore heard about you from Signora. You were also on TV. There was also the photo incident with Ayato. In other words, it feels like you're a public figure now with everything that's happened.
The thought of Dottore possibly stalking you is enough to give you goosebumps. Thinking back to when you first got together... he might've already shown some questionable behaviour.
It was like a scene out of a movie. Dottore had you caged against a locker in an empty hallway. Both of you had arrived earlier than usual for school. You were here to study at the library for your first-period test. Dottore was here to work out.
“I couldn’t hear you,” he said, leaning closer to you. “Could you say it again?”
You were a blushing, nervous mess. It only took about half a year for the guy you’ve been crushing on to notice you.
“...I… I like you.”
Dottore smiled, though it didn’t reach his eyes.  “I like you, too, kitten.”
Once the bus doors open, you quickly get off and head toward Lambad’s Tavern. You bump into Dehya on your way there, and you let her rant a little about what's been going on at work before she picks up that you seem a little off. After telling her what happened, Dehya is at a loss for words.
“Good God. That's like... borderline threatening."
"It definitely messes with your mind," you mutter.
“I agree he could've easily heard about you, but how would he know who your manager is? That's stalker behaviour."
You push open the doors to Lambad’s Tavern when you hear, “Oh, c’mon, Collei. Don’t be like that. We’re all old friends, aren’t we? Besides, he’s in town just this week!”
You face forward and you freeze upon seeing the red eyes that once made your heart race.
“Long time no see, kitten.”
Back at the office, Alhaitham has just finished a meeting. He closes his laptop and rubs his tired eyes. Is there a possibility Dottore will show up at your reunion tonight? Just as Alhaitham mulls this over, he gets a notification that the semi-viral video of you and Ayato got taken down. 
You’d told him about it, including the story behind it. While Alhaitham is proud of you for stepping out of your comfort zone, he's bothered by the comments. You and Ayato look good together? Alhaitham takes that as you and Ayato are professionals. Still, Alhaitham sighs. Maybe it won't bother him as much if people know about your relationship.
How long will this secret relationship continue?
Bzzt. Bzzt.
Kaveh: Hey junior. Up for a drink tonight?
A drink, huh? That doesn’t sound like a bad idea.
Kaveh: Lambad’s Tavern 😀
Chapter Twenty-One
Tag list: @suoshiii @lordbugs @seirenspinel @lxry-chxn @sakiimeo @ash-in-lavender @ceylestia @deathkat657 @forsh4dow @kalpie @elernity @sentieence @chichibleeps @sunsethw4 @hjjks @nqctre @just-simping-over-genshin @tanspostsblog @uchihaeirin @vynbin @ayanokomu @dksfl920 @alatus1808 @itztaki @thetwinkims @imkaaayy @angeilix @starlighttotheleft @letthewindlead @thelonelyarchon @certaindreampost @winterpein @theprinceofkhaos @vvyeislazzy
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