#auncle is a gender nuetral term for aunt/uncle
ringaroundtheroses · 2 years
hi yes I've finally written something woo! now its not for cr so boo ik, its under the cut for ppl who don't want to read a long post for a fandom they r not in, its a bit under 500 words lol
"Hey, Xing!" 
Xing dropped their half eaten plum with a shriek. Macaque snickered from the branches above. They were leaning against the bottom of the tree eating some plumes before they were interrupted. They glared up at him while picking up the fallen plum. The betrayed expression only made Macaque burst into laughter.
"Did I scare you?"
"Liu Er! You know not everyone can hear like you!! Don't sneak up on me!!!"
Macaque dropped down with only his tail clinging to the branch while snickering. He opened his mouth but quickly had to pull himself back up to avoid an incoming plum. He looked down at them warily. They picked up another plum and chucked it up at him. This one he was able to dodge and catch with his tail. Xing stuck their tongue out at him. They plopped back on the ground still visibly annoyed. Macaque jumped down next to them. He offered the caught plum to Xing. They snatched it with a huff. Macaque leaned against the tree. 
"What kind of warrior can't handle a little scare?" 
"I have a weak heart! You know that."
"You've had a weak heart for centuries. Haven't you grown tired of jumping every time someone catches you off guard?"
"Don't you think I've tried to improve? Nothing works!"
"Haven't tried with me."
"With you? No way! If I wanted to be tortured I'd ask the king for help."
Macaque rolled his eyes, "Don't be dramatic." 
Xing snapped, "Yu still flinches every time she sees her own shadow!"
"So? At least she's decent at dodging now."
Xing flicked a still sticky plum stone at Macaque. He ducked past the soaring stone then melted into the tree's shadow. After a moment, Xing picked up another plum and started eating. Macaque crawled out of their shadow. They flicked Macaque's nose with their tail but made no move to attack. Macaque flopped down next to them on his back.
Xing spoke up after they finished the plum, "What do you even want?"
Macaque hummed, "Can't I visit my favorite auncle?"
Xing scoffed, "Please, Ming Ming is your favorite auncle. Don't flatter me, Liu Er." 
"Alright, you got me. I need information."
"What could I possibly know that you don't? You traveled the world with the king. I've never even left the mountain."
"That's the thing, you see I need to know more about something that only a few of the elder monkeys like you would remember. Something before my time."
"...Why? That was more than a millennia ago."
"Does it matter?"
Xing scratched their head, "I suppose it doesn't, what specifically are you interested in?"
Macaque pulled out a pouch from his pocket. He opened it to reveal a small stone with an intricate swirling pattern etched into it. Xing gasped as Macaque gently presented it to them. It was no bigger than his palm. 
"...How does one take care of a stone egg?"
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