#auta sahdmadhi
destinywillowleaf · 2 years
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hey @greentrickster guess who's brain has been consumed by this two/three year old AU for the last few weeks (the post that started it was made on September 3rd 2019, but the first tagged post wasn't until that October, so. 2-3 years old)
it's me
i'm the one who's lost control of my brain
there's more than this but this is the colored stuff and one passing thought (last image) that I latched onto HARD because the idea of Nahyuta and Klavier meeting by chance at like. 1 AM because the Gavinners want food and Burger Barn is open late and Nahyuta really needs to not fail his stupid final so Klavier helps is really funny to me for some reason. mostly because nahyuta has no idea who this guy is outside of "he knows calculus and his friends are sort of loud" (and it may or may not have been uploaded online with the caption of "this is the good luck gavin, reblog for good luck on your finals")
also! Apollo in color! I still don't know if I like the red or blue for the vest part more but I think keeping the sleeves pure white save for MAYBE metallic bands or something around where the bell part stars is better that faint colors...
(also-also featuring "kristoph gavin messed both of us up", "trucy can and will slip into coats for warmth", and "simon maybe you shouldn't corner the guy who regularly breaks the laws of physics by accident")
i have. so many unorganized thoughts on this AU it's ridiculous and some day they'll be more organized but for now all i have is this wonderful out of context quote that might be canon: "The crown princess of Khura'in stole Herr Sunshine's phone and is sending me pictures of her frog."
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destinywillowleaf · 2 years
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hey @greentrickster i made a basically full (rough) spriteset for this AU. literally the only things missing are his 6-5 breakdown and a version of Apollo's disheartened sprite(cause he looks more frazzled than disheartened or discouraged at the end of his surprise set(s)) and it would be done.
also featuring "Nahyuta is vaguely like a fallen angel" in color because it turns out the implications his scarf had were "another Japanese cultural shorthand that conveys Nahyuta’s holiness and suggests that he is like a god" and "not unlike a character with a pair of angel wings in the West" so that's. fun. (both links lead to the same page btw) not sure how godly Apollo get to be as a result. probably not that much tbh sorry bro.
anyway, sprites! in order, top to bottom, left to right, left page!
normal/neutral, thinking (and transition into talking and thinking, the side profile is a reference for how his hand's positioned), desk slam into determined (his left hand comes up and is a fist on the desk), objection point, confident (two versions).
right page!
shock 1, shock 2 and its progression, shock 1 resolution (because i forgot it before), nod, shake head, embarrassed.
fun facts/information about the choices made in the sprites under the cut~
Nahyuta keeps his arm around his back because he's mimicking Kristoph when he was standing as co-counsel (and also because that's just what he does in canon :P but here it's more of a mimic). He can take off a coat easily but mimic poses are harder to break.
his thinking animation has a fist to his mouth because i do that sometimes and this is my AU and he should have a unique pose. originally was considering keeping his arm behind his back and still might do that instead?? it works either way really
desk slam is mostly based on his canon slam, but without the beads. It's just a forearm and fist into the bench together, with his arm sort of parallel to the front of the bench instead of perpendicular (mostly to differentiate himself a bit from Asogi)
the determination pose changes the angle of the arm and adds his other hand to the bench. it's supposed to be able to slide into his breakdown (with a change in face, of course) with the vague plans i have for it now
also the main reason he gestures with his right is cause i thought it'd be fun since prosecutors use right arms/hands and defense attorneys use their left arms/hands. so what if Nahyuta just. didn't get with the program.
idk what i want his confident post to be but crossed arms is always an option. could be unique, could get in another mimic. (also if you can't read it the additional text is just saying the weird colors are a bleed-through from the colortest Apollos on the previous page)
why shock 1 and shock 2: you know how Apollo as of soj (and maybe dd) has two version of his shock animation where one has his mouth crack open like the og sprite. it's sorta like that. shock 2 is for more intense surprise which is why the papers float, Nahyuta pauses to see the floating pages (eyes dart from one side to the other), and then slaps them down to try and regain composure. also because green suggested it near the start of this whole AU and i love it. that was so much fun to draw.
i also have no idea what i actually want his embarrassed sprite to look like. awkward smile is probably gonna stick around though. it's funny.
important note, cosmic turnabout would be the same animations but the bits of hair in front are braided into the rest. he's not letting his emotions show as much. there might be an additional damage animation where he just flinches and grabs his prayer beads for this section.
when he's got Clay's jacket, it's sort of worn like Dhurke's because i like parallels and no one can stop me. maybe his arm is also actually broken but i haven't decided yet. what matters is that he refuses to use his right arm because he can feel a burning sensation from the Defiant Dragons tattoo due to his failure to his friend and he's just having a rough time of it all. also there's a non-zero chance his hair would be down more if he can't use his right arm 👀
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destinywillowleaf · 2 years
lifeswap nahyuta works part time at burger barn to pay off his student loan
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destinywillowleaf · 3 years
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Oh hey look @greentrickster, I actually settled on an Apollo design. With both a composite look (sans the boots because shoes are still a struggle) and the piece-by piece, it's a miracle that I've actually made some vague attempt at a reference. I still have no idea how his hair works but that's a problem for future me.
(Left was done first, then the right.)
One of the things that quickly became apparent as a result of Apollo being the "Dragon's Dog" in this AU(acting as a lookout for the Defiant Dragons when he was younger) was the amount of dog symbolism/ideas that could still appear in his prosecutor design. Like how canon!Nahyuta has his Defiant Dragon tattoo covered by Ga'ran's symbol, obviously SOMETHING similar had to happen here. A glove didn't really feel right though (anything that looks like gloves is just me trying to draw hands), so instead it became something like the tag on a dog's collar.
Some things have yet to be fully fleshed out (colors, coat pattern, what the deal with his vest buttons is gonna be, if he has the Defiant Dragon tattoo and whether or not it's on his palm) but a transcript of the image text (and general rambling from me) is gonna be below the cut.
Trigger warnings in advance: gaslighting (to a degree), manipulation, mentions of death (but no one's physically dead).
~~vague concepts~~
-> Apollo is the "Dragon's Dog", maybe symbolism of a muzzle of dog on a chain? -> hair spikes stand up for surprise animation -> not sure if he'll have prayer beads like Nahyuta -> green said lawyer monk rights ->-> looser clothing around joints? (note: second half is cut off in image) -> bracelet on LEFT wrist -> shouldn't look overly fancy. he's put together but not royalty. -> either cloth over shoulder or around waist
(next to the small sketch on the right) kinda looks like a tail...
-> could serve as a way for Ga'ran to "keep him on a leash" and pull him back into line during Revolution...? -> jacket has loose/bell sleeves, tighter uniform/shirt underneath with collar+badge like a dog collar -> i swear he's not a furry in disguise. that's Agent Lang. -> if it is waist fabric it really is gonna be a tail lol. unless outside?? -> ...you know with the way Apollo's bracelet works it COULD be the collar. god how f*cked up would that be.
(underneath Apollo)
-> no eyeshine; regains it once all is resolved and he can be himself again
-> turtleneck -> regular work pants -> "socks & sandals" like Puhray Zeh'lot b/c monk (I don't actually know what they would be called /~\ but I just didn't want to give him regular socks. This is both the "casual" look and the "first layer of outside clothing" look.)
Layer 2
-> vest thing; Ga'ran spider emblem on collar ->-> symbolic of dog collar -> like the glove covering Nahyuta's dragon tattoo -> boots??
(off to the side, top) Ga'ran's spider emblem
Prosecuting Outfit
-> bell sleeves to cover bracelet ->-> secondarily to make him seem younger/unfit for the position -> butterfly design on bottom of jacket is not final; might just be plain -> waist fabric is there to keep jacket closer to body ->-> also easy to grab & pull Apollo back. sorta like a leash & tail in one.
The reason Nahyuta's hand was covered was both to silence his role as a Dragon by covering the tattoo, but it also makes Ga'ran present in his daily life as well. Every time he would go to pray, her influence would be there, reminding him who he had to follow orders from. He couldn't separate his faith from the role he was being forced to play. He couldn't keep two elements of his life divided.
The same thing happens with Apollo here. His voice is a huge part of who he is, and sitting right on top of his throat his Ga'ran's symbol. Stifling the things he wants to say and preventing him from being the person he wants to be. She also influenced much of the rest of his clothing choices. The coat is a little big on him (which, really, is to be expected since the Khurainese royal family is on the taller side and Apollo is very much not)(no seriously Amara and Ga'ran are the shortest adults at 5'8", and Apollo is only like 5' without his hair spikes), which serves dual purpose in covering his bracelet and making him seem that much younger. If he weren't glaring so much, he wouldn't look like he was in his 20s. He'd look like a middle school or high school student trying to look more professional in clothes that don't fit right. Because that's all he is in Ga'ran's eyes. He's just a kid that tried to take her down and failed, now forced to serve her and prevent others like him from usurping her place.
It's a way for Ga'ran to continue minimizing the power Apollo has, keeping him in line and following her commands. When he starts to get agitated and acts "out of turn" in Turnabout Revolution, she's able to LITERALLY pull him back and keep him where she wants. She doesn't know exactly how his powers work, but she's aware that it does involve lies. If Apollo is refusing to listen or submit to her words, she will start to lie in order to cause him pain.
If that description makes you uncomfortable, that's the point. Ga'ran is not a good person and will do all within her power to keep things how she wants. She knows Apollo can't fight back without risking the lives of Amara and Rayfa, so she's free to more or less gaslight and manipulate him into the prosecutor she wants. Apollo is her attack dog now, not the Dragon's lookout boy. He obeys her commands, not those of his adoptive father and his insurgent group.
And it's not like most of the Dragons would recognize him anyway. As the lookout, he was always wearing a mask and barely spoke a word outside of alerts. He didn't stick with the main group, and most only saw him at the start, and only saw him at the end if it was a successful mission. But Apollo still remembers some of their faces. He remembers the people Dad recruited to fight back against Ga'ran and now he's the one condemning them to their graves on her orders.
Ga'ran holds the cards. There's not much that can be done in Khura'in to oppose her. Really, the only chance of things changing would be Nahyuta coming back, but that's less likely by the day. Coming back without a plan would be a death wish, but with no way to meet up and not have Ga'ran listening in, it's all too easy to let go of the false notions of salvation and accept that things won't change.
After all, Nahyuta Sahdmadhi is dead.
Drowned in a mountain river without a soul to save him. His body was turned to ash to prevent him from being paraded around like it was something to be proud of. His restless soul still wanders this world, because Ga'ran is the reason he is dead. Until justice is brought to her, he will be unable to move on and be channeled.
(At least, that's the story Ga'ran is told.)
(As far as Apollo's concerned, his brother is dead. Why waste time in holding onto hope when the reality of the situation is so clear.)
I know I've probably said this before, but Green I really appreciate that you sorta let me go wild with this AU! It's fun to take a crack at character designs and "what-if" scenarios on how things would change, and explore different character dynamics that result. Granted, I also have the advantage of future knowledge and not being restricted to a limited case format so it's easier to make things connect and expand on characters outside of legal drama.
(also may or may not be drafting up ideas for Nahyuta's Plumed Punisher self-insert OC cause a friend asked and I got Ideas. >:))
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destinywillowleaf · 3 years
For the Prosecutor Apollo DA Nahyuta AU, it honestly feels like I was drawing in the dirt with a stick, and you came up and watched me for a bit before saying, "Hey, can I draw, too? I brought my own stick." And I said 'sure' and then we were drawing together for awhile, and then I slowly shifted to other things, and now I'm sitting here watching you draw something that I began, but which is now yours. And that's... kind of really cool. It feels good. :)
aaaaaaaa?!?!?!? thank you!!!
honestly it's still wild to me that this happened in the first place, i'm pretty sure i stumbled across your blog when i was looking for ace attorney stuff on my 3DS's internet browser (yes, seriously) (can't remember if it was Nahyuta or Sebastian but it was probably one of the two) and then just. sorta stuck around for a while and started watching stuff unravel. I brought my stick, drew in the dirt for a while, let it sit, came back to check up on them and added new drawings. I gave your dirt drawings hats.
And it's fun!! Some of my favorite "stories"(brain candy) that I go back and toy with are just major AUs of canon to look at how things would be different and mess with characterization. I know I'm never gonna sit down and write some of them (because I've met me, and I know my track record when it comes to large projects), but just thinking about them (or doodling them) keeps the ideas alive.
Whether it's switching lives of attorneys, forcing a god to deal with the unexpected arrival of an unregistered guest, or throwing a human(?) into the desert for character growth, it's just fun to see the "what-ifs" and the interactions that spawn. And I'm really happy that I could do this here cause there's so much potential in having them change around (and roping other things in too because Ideas Happen). Between not having the awkward sibling secret looming overhead(but still able to be revealed later on), expanding on the Fey-Khura'in connection, THE ABILITY FOR DD!NAHYUTA TO PARALLEL DHURKE WITH THE JACKET(not to mention how Apollo basically did in canon but like. it WORKS), just... everything. I doubt I'll ever get to it all but that's what note documents are for. And doodles. Lots of doodles.
...and maybe an out of context quote or two. My friends in particular have been fond of "In space, no one can hear you sin." but another recent one in my mind has been "Oh, haven't you heard? I'm dead."
(also looking forward to "prosecutor blackquill is not fond of either brother because one is unscientific and the other screams on purpose to target athena". turnabout storyteller is definitely gonna be A Case.)
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destinywillowleaf · 3 years
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...@greentrickster guess who got reinvested in the AU
[also first time this things gets colors!! Haven't entirely settled on what I'm doing with Nahyuta's look cause obvs. he needs to have red but a white suit wouldn't work. Also yes that's the defiant dragons tattoo on his arm, it's gonna play into things >:)]
No idea how long my interest in this will last again but I do wanna try to get a couple scenes/ideas doodles before I inevitably get distracted again. Hopefully I'll make it to Apollo too /⌣\ no guarantees though
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destinywillowleaf · 3 years
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what no I didn't forget about this AU and was only reminded in greentrickster's AU masterpost that I worked on this over a year ago what are you talking about
(more to come... eventually?)
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destinywillowleaf · 4 years
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Apollo Justice, prosecutor of Khura'in in @greentrickster's AU is done! Split the sheet because I couldn't get it all visible in one shot.
This was probably the hardest of he sheets to fill out completely. If it wasn't obvious, I took the more Khurainese/concept-based designs from Nahyuta's pages and used them here, with the character actually living in Khura'in.
One of he hardest parts - as you could probably tell between the back and forth of it - was figuring out what to do with Apollo's hair. Would it look better in the front, like his father, or would it look better spread out? I'm still not sure which I like better. There's also one with somewhat of a rat tail ponytail but that was just for dramatics. The surprised Apollo at the top is a similar joke, because seriously what if his surprise animation were the spikes standing up like they usually do.
This got longer than expected so details under the break, as well as some AA6 spoilers if anyone still cares about those.
The first sketch was the upper left one, pulled from one of the final drawings in Nahyuta's concept art. A lot of these are just concept art on Apollo really but with a twist: the bell sleeves to cover his bracelet. When he bends his elbows too much and poses like the one to the left of the start, though, his bracelet can be seen.
Brought back the outfit from 3rd sketch page, no. 4, again with the extended sleeves. Final of that probably would have some sort of cuff on the end for extra style points.
Bby Apollo is actually like 10-11 there and look I just really like the outfit I will find a use for it and no one can stop me.
Last one in the first image is just trying posing, obviously distressed over something... But what is it?
Second image!
Starting at the top, Rebel Apollo. I have a feeling that he worked with the Defiant Dragons for a while in the field, acting as a lookout with his insane eyesight and loud voice. He's got a bandana a la Bowser Jr., with the mouth of a dragon painted onto it(though in the sketch I was pulling more inspiration from the Chinese Guardian Lions and the komainu). People knew of the "Dragon's Dog" but not of who they were. This does sometimes get used in the Plumbed Punisher when Dhurke is saved by a mysterious shadow.
Going across now to the short cloak, pulled from one of Nahyuta's earlier concepts. The Khurainese Prosecutor's badge is on either side(left and right), and he's wearing an outfit like Dhurke's underneath.
The small doodle to the right of it was my attempt at making a bit more of an action-y pose because he's a monk and more willing to fight than expected. Also, the ponytail. That's here.
Serious mode, with another concept sketch. This one was pulled from the teal outfit with the red shoulder scarf thing but obviously here t would be a different color. I have no idea how the buttons work either, I was just trying to replicate what was in the picture.
... and immediately next to it he reason I made my earlier post about overthrowing he government and getting a lousy t-shirt. He's very displeased. Nahyuta has a matching one. It was worth every penny. Give me the little things.
Apollo and Ema are most definitely salt friends. He's the Prosecutor's Office for less than a day, set up right next to Klavier, and he has to listen to guitr all day. Klavier isn't a rock star anymore why is he still doing this. He brings it up with Ema once and she is more than willing to talk and gripe about him. Often over Snackoos.
And finally, the one that's a combination of a number of different designs. The cloth from the late stage concept just as a belt, the canon Nahyuta shirt thing but way shorter(so like the one with the scarf), and something like Dhurke's jacket over it.
No, I still don't know how to draw shoes. For either of them. But I do know one thing: this Nahyuta is really, really fun to write. He's got the same tiredness of Apollo but with more internal anxiety over his appearance. I've got a few little ideas that I want to write up when I get time(something I don't really have right now, to be honest /_\")
Honestly one of the best things about this AU is exploring how events could have gone down. Nahyuta's lack of Gramarye sight means he can't detect lies and he has to take more roundabout methods to finding the truth when Trucy can't help. Apollo being in Khura'in means he's closer with his father but still knows nothing about who he is or who his parents were. Even though he didn't know Lamiroir was his mother, Phoenix could still figure out the identity of Thalassa's firstborn. Reasoning changes for why characters do certain things, and the final showdown of AA6 is even more emotionally taxing for the main character.
I really hope there aren't any typos in here...
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destinywillowleaf · 4 years
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For @greentrickster's Lifeswap AU, page 1 of 3 of sketches(because I’ve only got mobile as easy access)! This set is all initial concepts, with the only details in mild being “suit and beads”. Granted, I was also taking a crack at outfits he’s had over time and may-or-may-not have gotten attached to the one on the left-middle. The idea I was running with was he somehow made his way into Kurain Village and was aware of things like Iris vs State(Bridge) and Maya Fey vs State(any of them really) and he wanted to help in some way. It’s be a fun way to tie more things together, even it might have the side affect of “Still about the Fey Clan” even in 2026. Coming up next: more young Nahyuta and two actually maybe Canon doodles because I’m bad at separating things(whoops).
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destinywillowleaf · 4 years
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Page 2 of 3! A lot less stuff here, by stuff nonetheless. Was more experimenting with poses up top and then it sort of devolved into "Nahyuta has a lot of hair" on the side and I wanted to draw an Apollo in a "My Boyfriend is the Prosecution's Witness" t-shirt that someone had crossed out the "'s Witness" on so that's more in the main canon.
And I have I address the medium in the room, Mia Fey. Again, this was because of n original take on the situation as probably no longer applies, but the idea of Nahyuta going from being raised by a defense attorney that was his dad to being raised a different defense attorney that was more of an older sister-maybe momish figure would be in, you know?
Also, Clay! He's obviously still around and wearing a shirt I saw at JCPENNEY once of a T-Rex made of stars because reasons. Based on Clay's concept art, it seems like in canon Clay and Apollo met when they were around 13, so that still applies here. I have a few different weird soar shirts so expect to see him wearing those throughout when I actually draw him.
Also a short-haired Nahyuta because I can and was having Feelings about Things.
Part 3 coming once the sheet is finished(with doodles both before and after additional information!), and then it'll be Apollo Hour. I'm having such a good time with this and I love this a lot.
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destinywillowleaf · 4 years
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Part 3 of 3 for @greentrickster 's Lifeswap AU doodles! Featuring approximately 13 designs an explanations for most of them! This is gonna get long, so I hope this read more works.
1) Simple suit
You gotta start somewhere simple, and where better tht just a suit? I honestly don't know that much about suit design but I still tries based on a few references and some notes from vvvvvvyeah on the suit design throughout he series. Also how does one draw an attorney's badge because I have _no_ idea.
2) Closer to home
This is much closer to one of Nahyuta's concept designs (as in, it's nearly the same to he far left one on the third page of concepts on the wiki) because hey, it's easy to pull from what already exists to make something new. The main difference is the coat being longer and a lack of earrings (which I'm keeping consistent, IDK if he should have pierced ears)
3) Vest Boy
From that one weird design whee Nahyuta had an orange vest and and suit. He reminds me of Apollo. Also, hair's down! The pic between 1 and 2 is a rough reference for the length(ending like right around his hips). Also an excuse for posing because I know I need the practice.
4) Jacket and Clasp Under
Honestly my favorite design? Like I could probably change the shirt around some more to be more in line with American/Japanifornian fashion but stilllll
Maybe this is what he wears post-SoJ or something. I don't want to completely toss this design aside.
5) Casual Clothing
This is a two for one deal and the only reference was from a piece of clothing that I own that's like a hoodie sweater but extra dramatic in the back (more material). Still messing with hair styles. Let is basically just putting him u to stuff I own, right is a simple t-shirt over turtleneck. Maybe he's gonna import Plumed Punisher shirts.
6) Peak Lapel
Hey look, something I know the name of! It's very similar to design 1, with peak lapels and more braided hair. There's a few little pieces that still get out, but there's nothing deliberately in front. Probably a case of "I'm having a lot of feelings and anything loose will reveal that".
7) Concept Again
Again taken near directly from concept art. Probably gonna be used with Apollo more than Nahyuta, but I figured I could still doodle it real quick.
8) Apollo style
NOW he really looks like Apollo. Just in a vest and the undershirt with a tie o tie it all together. Probably not gonna go with it but at least now I kinda know how he'd look i his bro's clothes.
9) Causal, mk 2
Well, and some beads too. I don't know what the name of the type of shirt he's wearing(some sort of long sleeve sweater polo) but dang it he looks good in it. And the first appearance of the beads in this sheet, too. I think they might just be wrapped around his right arm under his sleeve most of the time so they're out of sight, but also it was another "pose practice" thing.
10) 6 Again?!
Yeah yeah, it's basically 6 again, but that's cause I figured that'd make sense for him to go around wearing in court. Also I made it bigger. Might just use hem as separate color testing spots to see what looks nice. Also he's not as stressed cause his hair's down.
11) Short Edition
Shortened up the coat a bit and went shoulder braid. Nothing super ridiculous here, honestly it looks pretty casual even though it's not.
12) Dhurke's Coat
Feels time.
He's got Dhurke's jacket a it feels weird to him, wearing it after all his time, but he's got it nonetheless. It's the right size for him, too, since he's the same height as his dad. Maybe this is another post-SoJ look.
13) I don't even know
He looks ten but he's not. He's completely off model but it's like a larger custom version of Dhurke's jacket. Also beads in the neck for once because that's an important part of his design.
And then off to the left we have some quality Trucy ad Nahyuta bonding time. Since Nahyuta doesn't have the perceive powers, he and Trucy and much more of an investgative tag team. She's his assistant that states as you and will sometimes speak up out of nowhere to call you out on lying to he court. They're such a cute tram though, especially because Nahyuta is like a foot taller than her, so sometimes it's easier to just carry her around.
Oh, and the badass boast pose cause I want him to have a moment where Ga'rab wants to know who this person thinks he is so she asks and he just [insert epic reveal here] at her ya feel
Uh... Last thing for now, I feel like tht even if Nahyuta can't channel spirits, he can sort of feel when they're around or (more relevantly) when someone's being channeled. It's a back if the mind sort of thing unless he's right on top of them which makes investigations... interesting, to say the least. How long it is before he picks up on the fact that Dhurke is being channeled, I dunno.
Don't expect anything new for a bit, I have lots of Apollos to make. I have no idea how they're gonna turn out.
And thank you to Greentrickster for continuing to give me information to work with for this lovely AU!
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