#avm minecraft server au
Ok, I got REALLY interested to know what if Purple lost his memories
I wonder how the others will react to that
Awake - part 1
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laranomyprisma · 2 years
Green x Purple fic – "I'm fine..."
Green was walking through the forest near the base, They needed materials to continue the construction After everything that happened, with the king and purple, they decided to create a base in the world of Minecraft. Well, that was more of the green idea to begin with. They take a deep breath, a smile on their face and looking around. They don't usually stay on a real server for long, there's always something crazy going on and it's quite relaxing. Green takes Ther ax in Ther hands, twirling it around in Ther fingertips before tossing it into a tree They chooses to start chopping. They hums one more of Ther songs as They collects wood from the tree with each ax. Thanks to Minecraft logic this is fast, and They manages to collect a block of wood and proceeds to cut the rest of the tree. They then stops, swearing they heard something between the silence (They had an ear for his surroundings, that's how They managed to make music so perfectly.) They stop what they were doing to hear better, it was a low sound, one They recognized for a while...
"Is someone crying..?" they ask in a low tone. They start walking around the place, looking around looking for something, they see something in the background, something... Purple? It was purple! They were sitting under a tree with their heads and arms on their knees, they looked like they were crying, And if there's something green doesn't like, it's seeing purple cry.
"Hey Purple!" They greet their partner who notices their presence and quickly get up, cleaning the dust from their bodies. "G-green! How are you buddy?" Purple disguises it by quickly wiping away tears with her forearm, green raises an eyebrow but goes with the flow. "I'm gathering wood for the base, want to help? I can give you one of my extra axes!" They open the inventory with a kind smile and take an ax offering it to purple. The former enemy looks a little nervous and for a shelf hesitates to take the ax from the hand of green, but takes it anyway. "What kind of wood do you want?" They ask for green at which he laughs low and goes back to collecting the tree, "oak, at the moment I need oak wood!" they answer calmly taking another block of wood from the tree.
Half an hour after that, they had five wooden pecks each, Green also took the opportunity to plant new trees in place of the old ones to ensure more of them grow. "Isn't that Blue's job?" Purple asks pointing to the branches of trees, to which green laughing answers them by getting up and dusting off their knees, "Yes and no." Purple raises an eyebrow, Yes, They are the plant guy, the naturalist and kind of the farmer, but to say that only they care about planting trees is an exaggeration." Purple still doesn't seem to understand, Green sighs trying to explain better, “It's not just Their obligation, each of us is an expert in something, but we don't just stick to that." Purple seems to understand a little better, "sorry, I still don't quite understand how this all works..." They respond by looking down.
Green stops walking, forcing Their foot on the ground, "ok, now tell me what's going on?" They accuses, they knows something is wrong. "W-what!? What are you talking about green??" Purple gets defensive when being taken by surprise, "I know you ware crying when we saw each other back there!" Purple freezes and looks away trying to pretend nothing happened. “You can't pretend I didn't see anything! I'm not dumb!" Green puts his foot down, "Purple, I just want you to be honest..." They put a hand on their friend's shoulder, In which, when they feel their touch, they take a step back. "I-I... I don't know what you're talking about...” Purple looks at Green's serious expression which was a little scary, it's very rare for Purple to see them being serious. "purple, don't lie to me!" Purple bites Their lip in a cold sweat and feeling an ache in Their chest, he clenches his fists and finally looks to Green for an answer, "lying is all I do!" Green is taken a back, They didn't expect that kind of response."isn't it?” They pass, their hands shaking in what Green noticed, their brows lowered in sympathy, "Purple I—"
“Green, where are you??"
Before they could say anything they hear Yellow's voice calling tthem. Green looks in the direction of Yellow's voice and looks back to where Purple was, but he was gone.
Green finally arrives at the base, yellow and red were waiting for everyone to come back, green waves to the two smiling when he sees a tall, nasty guy leaning against the wall behind Them. King, or as the green preferred to call it, "asshole" they just couldn't bear to look at him. After everything that happened, he not only manipulated purple but tried to do the same with blue and yellow, hurt his friends and threatened the world of Minecraft with his ambitions for power. And even then, do they still give him a chance? They should have disagreed but... Purple wouldn't let them, Purple wanted him to have a second chance. And if they wanted them to have a chance to change, they'd have to give the giant Orange pole one too. Verde sighs in disgust when they see MT, just the need for him made them angry.
"Finally you're late!" For a second green thought the walking pole was talking about them, but... "Yes king, I'm sorry for the delay..." Green freezes for a moment in shock, they look back to see purple walking towards MT . "Purple? W-where did you go??" Green asks seeing Purple pass them, "nothing that interests you..." They pause and drop the wooden blocks on the floor in front of Green, "Here, more wood for you..."Green collects the wood, they realize they have more than the amount they took before. "Don't run off like that next time I talk to you!" MT said frowning with her arms crossed. "I-I'm sorry king... This won't happen again..." He grabs them by the purple arm very hhard Verde saw and starts to get even more pissed off at MT. Purple feel his hand aggressively grab them and be pushed into the base. "Good..." He enters, bumping his elbow on the purple arm that still hurts. "That wasn't classy..." Said red, "Wasn't that classy?? That was aggression!! How do you expect me to just accept that this asshole is part of the group now??" Green questions enraged, Red doesn't know how to respond and starts stuttering, they've never seen green so angry, "green what got into you?" Yellow asks calmly , green grunts in anger clenching Their fists and moves on to the aria of the makeshift rooms that have been made. "I don't feel like talking..." They opens a chest nearby to put the wood inside, "I'm tired, here's the wood to continue..." They leave and go to their room. Yellow and Red stare at each other confused, with Red a little worried and Yellow shaking ther head, "What an illogical reaction..." Red didn't know what to say so they just nodded in agreement.
In ther room, green lie on ther bed frustrated, they looks at his frames with some disks hanging and thinks they can try to calm Themselves with music as usual. Half a minute of quiet music and no getting quiet...
"What the hell!!" they think, "how can they not understand that giant idiot is only making purple worse?? Am I the only one who really cares about them??" They asked themselves hugging the pillow in their arms tightly. They bring their legs together close to their belly trying not to think about the way the MT grabbed Purple's arm in a very violent way, and that clearly Purple felt pain. They feel guilty for implying they called purple a liar in the woods, they should have just kept quiet...
*Knock, knock*
Someone knocked on the door, green then gets up and walks towards it, opening it. To his shock it was purple, they had one hand on the other arm and looked very guilty. "Green I..." Purple looks away, "Can I come in?" They asks calmly, it was very rare for green to hear a calmer shade of purple, usually they is sarcastic or unsympathetic. Green nods and lets them in, closing the door behind them.
"are those your's?" Purple first notices the disks on the walls, "ah yes! I made them!" Green smiles nervously with one hand behind the back of his head, he walks over to one of the disks, pulling it out of the wall frame. “Want to hear it?" They ask the friend in which he waves his hands at shoulder height in denial with an awkward smile. “Come on, it's great!" Green walks over to the music pad taking out the record they had placed before and putting what was in their hands even with purple's denials. The music was calm and peaceful, green had done with the help of yellow after trying to calm Red's animals that were agitated after a violent storm. They were new and different from the others, they liked it and so they started to experiment even more with calmer and quieter songs.
Verde sits on the bed just admiring ther masterpiece with a peaceful smile, they look at Purple who was standing in front of him and caresses a spot on the bed beside him with his hands. A rosy tinge appears on the purple cheeks, they hesitate for a few seconds but then sit next to the green a little awkwardly. “Your music are amazing..." Purple complements them with a nervous smile, they chuckle. Verde also laughs a little embarrassed, "thanks!" They stretch their arms up and lie on the bed, legs up one at a time and come back down. they yawn, placing the arms under the head in the greatest tranquility.
purple puts his hands on their knees nervously, “Don't... don’t be angry at the king for what happened earlier...” Purple breaks the calming silence, the green eyebrows shift downwards forcing an expression of disgust. "He didn't... He didn't do anything ok?" Purple looks at green, the musician stands up sitting with one foot on the bed, "he pulled his arm in a very aggressive way! I saw it here, don't pretend I didn't!" Purple itself pulls away a little, Green's tone of voice was a little aggressive. Green notices this and quickly feels bad, "sorry, sorry!" They walk away from purple feeling bad for talking to them like that, "I just... I just get pissed off at his attitude..." They replied looking away. Purple looks at him and sighs, "he was annoyed that I tried to correct him in a little mistake... He said I shouldn't correct him the way I did and... I just ran away..." And They tighten the bed covers really tight when they say that, "but purple, he manipulated you! He hurt you and hurt you!" They hold the purple hands that when they feel green's their face start's getting warm. "you don't deserve to be treated like that by someone like him!" Green notes that Purple didn't feel comfortable talking about it, they also remember what happened in the forest.
"and..." They pause, purple looks at them listening to what they have to say. "I'm sorry for implying that you're a liar..." Purple is surprised, he thought Green had forgotten about it and didn't even want to talk about it. "It was not my intention." They gently caress purple hands, the former enemy felt their hands tremble, their hearts beat faster and words seemed to shuffle in their mouth. Green raise their eyes to look into purple’s. They swallow hard with their eyes locked on green’s, Green lets go of their hands, averting the guilty gaze they carried. "G-green, it's not your fault...” Purple holds one of green’s hands tightly, ther eyes find themselves again and purple is lost in words again. Purple could hear her heart beating even faster and her face burning. “You're a great friend... You gave me a chance to change and that makes me really, really happy..." Green blushes a little as I hear this, "I shouldn't have reacted that way..." They close their eyes thinking about how to get through to them. "I... I like being your friend... But sometimes I feel like I don't belong in the group..." It breaks green's heart, which They put ther hand over purple's gently. Purple blushes even more and ends up letting go of Green's hand quickly and pulls away a little breathing really fast for almost holding ther breath for too long.
"s-sorry! Affection is something that...”Purple pause holding the confused feelings in their head “that I'm still learning..." Verde laughs awkwardly scratching a cheek with a finger. "I understand." Green smiles, purple smiles. They both stared at each other for a few seconds before Purple forced a small cough. "So... I'll be off, sorry I came out of nowhere, I just..." He walks to the door and stops, "I wanted to talk." green goes to the post leaning their arm against the wall next to them, "okay, just know my door is always open if you want to talk." Purple thanks you with an awkward smile. And please... Give the king a chance..." Green takes a long breath muttering, "ok, I'll try..." He rolls his eyes crossing his arms, and smiles.
"but only because you asked nicely." They say smiling affectionately, Purple feels her cheeks turning red again. What was it about that smile that made him so awkward??
The two say goodbye to each other and each goes to his side. Green closes the door behind him sighing with a smile. He thinks about the feeling of holding hands in green, he felt like hugging him but thought it would be inappropriate at the moment. Purple, on the other hand, loved the feel of green's hands holding theirs. They had never felt more appreciated than they did that way, not even by—
"why did it take you again?" MT was waiting for him with his arms crossed, Purple swallows and goes towards him with his shoulders raised and hands on his arms in a nervous way. "if you're still upset about before, sorry for squeezing your arm too much!" He rolls his eyes, "Can we forget this ever happened?" He looks away from Purple and heads towards ther bedroom. "ok..." Purple responds very quietly and a little depressingly. They pass through MT without saying another word. MT sighs, I arranged your wings on your side of the bed, put them in a frame on the wall above your bed." Purple looks at him in surprise, "I hope you liked it, as that's all you'll get from me for now!" The taller one turns his nose, looking away from his roommate. Purple smiles a little and enters their room, seeing that he was exactly as MT described him. "Thank you King..." He enters and lies down on ther bed. "Are you tired already? You didn't do much today!" MT questions himself leaning on the entrance of the room (because it's too high they had to make a high opening without doors.)"I just... feel really tired right now..." MT sighs, "okay then." MT turns off the lanterns hanging on the walls to darken the room, “Anyway, we have a lot of boring work to do tomorrow, so better wake up early ok?? I won't wait for you!" MT says leaving the room while Purple just nods in agreement.
MT may even look bad, but deep down he just doesn't know how to be social at all. He leaves the room leaving Purple alone... like he always was... Purple sighs, realizing how alone they were...
“I'm fine..." Purple says softly. "I am fine..."....
"I'm... Fine...”
Purple covers their face, tears run down their cheeks. They weren't fine...
Definitely not...Fine
[The end]
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photofi · 1 year
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The voids promise
Under the WATCHERS care
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sammy8d257 · 2 years
NPC!Purple (aka Sammy8D’s headcanon Purple backstory)
You know, with the release of AvM ep. 29 on the horizon,
I realized I don’t think I’ve ever publicly shared one of my most precious and long running au/headcanons
I mean, I’ve definitely share it on the AvA Enthusiasts server but never here on Tumblr, and let me tell you, I have a LOT of created for this
Including a 9 chapter long origin fanfic (3 chapters already written out!), a whole character arc for Purple, and even a future arc for them that expands out their world
Unfortunately, I never felt like this idea was ready to be made public but with the fabled Purple and Green episode so close, you know what? Why not just get it out there!
Now is the best time before this episode absolutely destroys any sense of “canon” to my story asldkgjls
Without further ado, here is a rough summary of 
Sammy8D’s NPC!Purple AU/Headcanon Backstory!
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So to preface this, the premise of Purple’s backstory was created back in 2020 after I officially got into the AvA fandom, so at that point, we didn’t know about King and what his involvement with Purple could entail
So just keep that in mind when I start talking about things
Alright to start off, 
This is my interpretation of Purple’s potential backstory that quickly grew into AU territory the more I started developing it. (Listen, Alan gave us a stick figure with little to no backstory and then didn’t mention them at all for the next 2 years. You expect me, guy known to love lore, to just let that stand? /lh alskdlgjs)
The premise is this. 
Purple was originally from a Medieval themed RPG game on the StickPage website. They lived in the main village and worked as a Shopkeeper, buying and selling item from the Hero (aka the playable character). Aside from being a shopkeep, they were also friends with the town’s blacksmith (Pink) and the members of the Hero’s Party, Gray (the tank) and White (the mage/healer). They also had a friendly rivalry with a travelling merchant known as Navy.
All of this is to say, they were living a happy life.
Until the Dark Lord and the Chosen One arrived and destroyed their game. 
(Alan jokingly said Purple had a rough childhood once, and I took that seriously)
In the panic, Purple was accidently ejected from their game and crash landed on the MAC desktop we find them on in AvM ep. 9. Unfortunately for them, due to Dark and Chosen’s attacks, the StickPage website went down for maintenance and Purple couldn’t return back to their game.
So they wait, and when the website finally returns?
Their game is no longer there. As it turns out after the attack, the game files were partly corrupted and the game’s creator decided to not risk further corruption and removed the game from the site.
Now Purple is stranded and homeless, having lost everything they’ve ever known in a matter of minutes.
Of course, things don’t stay bad. Eventually Minecraft is introduced to them and the rest is history, but this is pretty much the jist of how I imagined Purple coming to live on the MAC.
The main problem I’m facing rn is that I don’t know how King would fit into this picture. I currently have 2 working ideas to add King in but it all kinda depends on if Purple meets King before or after the events of AvM ep 10. 
The first idea is if Purple and King meet AFTER the events of AvM ep 10. In this route, Purple would have fled from their desktop into the Nether and met King. Purple decides to join and follow him under the promise that King can help Purple regain everything they’ve lost.
Alternatively, the second idea is that Purple and King meet BEFORE the events of AvM ep 10. In this scenario, King is actually the one who introduces Purple to Minecraft. This would be shortly (like a few months) after Purple loses their game so when King comes along, they kinda latch on to him.
Either way, I think I have enough ideas for both scenarios to work. I just need to figure out with one I want to do more.
Also, I heard through the grapevine that we might be getting ACTUAL purple backstory soon so you know what? I’ve been working and thinking about this particular headcanon backstory since Showdown, so whatever happens happens. I’m happy to say this is an AU when the time comes. It won’t make a difference to me! ^^
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stickkitty · 8 months
AvA/AvM Characters
The Characters Belong to Alan Becker. Under here is a mix of Canon, Headcanon, AU, and Fanon. This will be edited from time to time, so beware of changes! Some characters are technically my OCs: Amaryllis, Maroon, Ivory, Cali, and Coco. I give anyone permission to use these four characters as their own if they want to.
UPDATE on how this will work from now on: ALL charcters HCs will go here. That means this place may get big.
(All of the Color Gang uses Becker as a last name) CG = Color Gang and does NOT include Purple. SG = Stick Gang, which includes Purple. The fighting stickfigures have the same creator, and the four are (somewhat) adopted by Alan. All five see Alan as their guardian or creator, and sometimes "Papa." They love to fight as a sport and hobby.
"Orange" The Second Coming: (They) Would rather be called Orange to fit in with the CG. They are seen as the older sibling despite being the youngest.
They have Type 2 Narcolepsy. TSC's voice is like a monotone text to speech generator. They can not change the tone of their voice no matter how hard they try. That is why they can't sing. TSC suffers glitching (the painful kind) from not being converted into a symbol properly and takes medication for it so they do not glitch all the time. It does not stop "glitch attacks" from occurring, where they glitch heavily. [see Stickfigure Species Info for more information] However, TSC also can not get sick since they are an antivirus. Nobody can delete or kill TSC permanently. TSC is immortal and will live until the internet stops existing.
[Real Creationday: Oct 2]
Green: (He/She) Can sometimes have a big ego and would also try to act cool. He can be aggressive sometimes. He is a weeb (as in Anime Fan). He is the oldest of the CG. [Fake Creationday: January 12]
Red: (He) He is a silly goofy goober. Red is energetic, extroverted, reckless, kindhearted, and can get carried away easily. He is small but strong. He goes to the Willcraft Monster School and is still friends with what used to be Yellow Team. Hates being called a baby or cute. He's the second youngest. His fangs come from the first Herobrine possession and the white eye came from the second (both characteristics are not my ideas). [Fake Creationday: July 16]
Yellow: (They) They are nicknamed "Yelly" by Blue. They are calm most of the time. They are very curious to the point where it is extremely dangerous. They are "twins" with Blue (created on the same day). [Real (?) Creationday: March 30]
Blue: (He/They/She) They are nicknamed "Bluey" by Yellow (No, not like the Australian dog). They're pretty chill most of the time. They are peaceful most of the time, hesitates to fight, and usually surrenders if fighting can be avoided. Unless they are fighting for fun. [Fake Creationday: March 30]
Other Characters (NOT Color Gang):
Purple King: (She) Purple is named a common name, because her dad, Cobalt, wanted her to be a stickfighter. Stickfighters are created with simple color names. She owns a kitty named Petal (my sticksona). She's adopted by Mango. [Fake Birthday: March 19]
Mango Tango King: (He) MT/MTK is the acronym for Mango Tango (or +King at the end). Is called "King" by RG + Alan, but "Mango" by others. Used to be called "King Orange" or "Orange King," but now avoids confusion with Orange/Second. [Fake Birthday: August 19]
"Gold" Marigold King: (He/She) He prefers being called "Gold" over "Marigold." His soul is attached to Minecraft ever since the incident. In fact, he was the one who drew the chalk animations when his dad (MT) got sucked into the white void. When the chalk drawing showed KIng hitting Gold, it is because destroying MInecraft was destroying Gold, since they are now the same thing. Gold is unable to see outside of Minecraft, so he can't visit MT when he is not in MInecraft. His ability to know when and which players join the game and in which server is useful, because then he always knows when MT or CG is in the game.[Fake Birthday: April 5]
Fluorescent Yellow King: (She) She died when her daughter, Gold, was born. She was ghost friends with Sakura (Purple's Mom) and sometimes watches over MT. She is trying to find Gold, but she doesn’t know where he went ever since the “incident” happened. [Fake Birthday: June 8]
Cobalt: (He) He came from sticksfight.com (which is why he has no last name... Well, his last name used to be Orchid before the divorce). He was not an abuser, but rather wanted to train Purple and went too far. [Fake Creationday: May 1]
Sakura Pink Orchid: (She) Sakura watches over her daughter. [Fake Birthday: February 22] Sister = Amaryllis Stripes Orchid. Mom = Ivory White Orchid. Dad = Maroon Red Orchid.
The Chosen One: (He) He is extremely introverted. He is not always serious and has a silly side to him (as seen in the episode "Wanted"). Doesn't know how to behave in society and is not exactly what you would think of a stick called "The Chosen One." [Real Creationday: November 4]
The Dark Lord: (She) She is extremely destructive and violent, but she has a heart. She is very extroverted. I cannot decide if I want to keep her dead or not. [Real Creationday: October 4]
Victim Victor: (They/Xe) Hates being called "Victim" because of trauma. Is nicknamed “Vicky/Vic.” [Real Creationday: June 3 - Same with the clones]
Mercenaries: Striker Smith (He), Ballista (He/They), Sign (He/They), Paleo (She/They/He/It)
Brandy Fry (Corn dog Guy): (He/They) He works at a corndog stand. He has a wife named Cali Gold and a child named Coconut (nicknamed Coco).
Reuben: It is the PIG! It gets a separate info thing because it deserves it and you can't change my mind. Reuben is Red's Pig. It is married with another pig and has a piglet. The other two pigs' names are unknown until I decide someday. For now, they are just pigs. (Random Fun Fact: All Minecraft animal mobs are females! Or at least the same gender.)
Chosen, Victor, and Dark extra info: They do not use Becker as a last name and do not consider Alan as their dad of any type or sort of way.
Birthdays in Order (Mostly So I can Keep Track Easily):
Green, Sakura, Purple, Yellow + Blue, Gold, Cobalt, Victor, Fluorescence, Red, MT, Jade (my OC), Second, Dark, Chosen,
Oh and I'm last (Petal)
More Extra info:
RYGB are supposed to be the starter/tutorial stick figures when you start playing sticks fight.com as a game. However, TSC breaking into their room made it separate and now RYGB are missing from the game. Someone else probably replaced their jobs tho (lol TSC made them lose their jobs).
Freedom and TSC are Victim clones. There is a ghost Vic, but idk if they would be the original Victim or a clone (if they are a clone, then the canon Victim would be the original).
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na44gger · 1 year
Comic inspired by @lara-prisma-avm-ask-blog 's avm minecraft server au
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codifehajit · 2 years
Avm 3272 bedienungsanleitung philips
        philips tv mit fritzbox verbinden wps pin fritzbox samsung tv mit fritzbox 7590 verbinden fritzbox loginfernseher mit fritzbox 7590 verbinden samsung tv mit fritzbox verbinden fritz!box fritz!box 7530 mit tv verbinden
  vierstelligen Code für Ihre. Marke in der Markenliste am. Ende dieser Bedienungs- anleitung nach. Für jede Marke ist ein vierstelliger Code angegeben. Geben Sie Sie erhalten bei uns immer die von Ihnen gesuchte AVM Anleitung. Bei Problemen können Sie das Handbuch per E-Mail anfordern. Unser Support-Team hilft Ihnen FRITZ!Box 3272 voll Funktionsfähig in Originalverpackung, mit Rechnung und Garantie bis 10/2015! Rec. Beispiele aus dem Internet (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft) ; Co. ), Philips, Alcatel as well as some no name devices were successfully installed. ForFRITZ!Box 3272 voll Funktionsfähig in Originalverpackung, mit Rechnung und Garantie bis 10/2015! Rechnung, Netzkabel, Anleitung, Einrichtungs-CD und LAN Kabel 2 Lieferumfang / Contents / Contenu / Contenido / Confezione Z!Box 3272 Kurzanleitung Quick Guide Guide rapide Guía rápida Guida rapida. vierstelligen Code für Ihre. Marke in der Markenliste am. Ende dieser Bedienungs- anleitung nach. Für jede Marke ist ein vierstelliger Code angegeben. Geben Sie
https://codifehajit.tumblr.com/post/694459748190453760/minecraft-server-manual-save, https://codifehajit.tumblr.com/post/694459897609371648/cgs-20-160-wolf-bedienungsanleitung-polar, https://nawubufax.tumblr.com/post/694459761713987584/bordcomputer-mercedes-c-klasse-bedienungsanleitung, https://codifehajit.tumblr.com/post/694459690616274944/comos-pt-handbuch-zur, https://duviherikun.tumblr.com/post/694459705562677248/melitta-caffeo-bistro-bedienungsanleitung-7490.
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Too Late - Part 3(Final)
[Blood warning]
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193 notes · View notes
What if Purple lost their memories
[What happened??]
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[This is just the beginning...]
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[Second gets nervous in difficult situations...]
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Well... If Purple and Green didn't hugged MT... So why don't they hug themselves? And KISS-?
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MT strikes me as the kinda person who would just vanish for days at a time to go do things that he never tells anyone about. Would I be correct in assuming this?
[Swearing Warning!]
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Okay okay... Is Second okay after "Too Late"? Red's back home safe right? And Second is reunited with him?
[Sequel to "Too Late"
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[they are ok...]
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Yellow, blue... How long have you been dating-?
[my OTP!!!!TwT]
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For everyone. If you had to pick a favorite color/person who is it and why?
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sizes and outfits:3
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