#ayyy skellymom
thecoffeelorian · 7 months
CW: I will be discussing a very ugly side of history in this post, so if you would rather not go into comparisons between Hemlock and another known "doctor" that was pure evil, please avoid this topic entirely. You were warned.
...now, for the adults that can discuss this without devolving into heated arguments about "graphic content"... let me first say this.
I came into this world on February 7, 1983.
Mengele left it on this same day 4 years earlier, meaning that I, a woman with autism and therefore a disability, got to enter a world where he no longer existed. Even as I'm typing this, the thought gives me chills several months after I learned of this fact.
That being said...I won't make a single comparison between this very real threat that could now re-emerge at any time, in any country, and the character Royce Hemlock, without giving it a great deal of thought as to whether or not such a discussion could, or would, downplay the horrors of the Holocaust.
Tags go solely to @skellymom until further notice, at least as far as replies go.
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