#baekhyun suspence
treasure-exo · 7 years
Action! - 3
Genre: Suspense, angst.
Pairing: Baekhyun X You
Word count: 4,682
Description: You’re an actress married to Baekhyun with thousands and millions of your own fans too. So what happens when one of your fans turns into a psychopath stalker.
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Your doorbell.
You stood there dumbfounded not knowing what to do further. Your legs moved slowly at first taking one step at a time, realizing that, that someone might be Baekhyun your legs fastened. There was a faint hope in your mind, in your heart, in your senses that, that someone might be Baekhyun. There was a slight smile on your face even when you were utterly exhausted. That smile was from that hope you assumed on your own. When your first heard the doorbell, your heartbeat rose from its normal pace to a faster rhythm. Your mind was on whirlwind of thoughts which only argued with your fear that it was Baekhyun.
You were almost running before you opened your door. Your faintest of hope crumbling down and your slightest of smile fading out in a split of second. You never was disappointed with anything and so you didn’t know what disappointment was until now. You still put on a smile and welcomed the person who came. Chanyeol.
Chanyeol gave you a big, heart-warming smile before he entered. He ruffled Baekho’s hair and tickled him on his sides to make him laugh or to lighten the atmosphere you didn’t know.
He scanned your place and hummed with a nod. You were almost not paying attention to him and was rocking Baekho when Chanyeol patted your shoulder. When you looked up he was having a kind of feeling in his eyes you couldn’t make out. It was a mixture of sympathy, concern, comfort, solace, pity all in one and that’s when you realized how ruthful you might be looking then.
The pat on your shoulder was out of concern for you, for Baekhyun. Though his eyes reflected pity he smiled. You could not stand to see him showing pity towards you, he was always like Baekhyun even more playful than him and now that his eyes showing sympathy, you couldn’t take it. So you looked down avoiding his gaze and trying to show him that you actually were playing with Baekho.
He cleared his throat to catch your attention.
“What Chanyeol?” You asked.
“I know you are having a hard time right now,” He paused for a bit seeming like he was debating on whether to speak up or not. “But please you’ve to look after yourself and your children too. In times like this you’ve to prove that you’re strong and brave. Baekhyun will feel so proud of you.”
“Also trust me he’ll be safe and sound, he’ll just enter and you’ll think yourself stupid for even thinking such things.” He insisted. You knew he was saying this to calm you down and ignite a hope within but he didn’t know what he was saying might even be false and he’ll just end up giving you a fake hope.
You just held your son tight processing his words after all he might even be true and you just will find yourself overthinking. You were not moving until he snapped you out of your thoughts.
“I think you didn’t understood me and by proving yourself I mean you should clean yourself first and do your duties as a mother.” He suggested.
You looked at him, he was having his significant big smile on him again. You tried to smile but it didn’t work. You want to do nothing unless Baekhyun comes.
“But Chanyeo-”
“No, nothing. I’ll not hear any excuses of yours so please, now go and clean yourself up. I’ll take care of Baekho and Baekhye for the time being, also Baek is my friend and it's inappropriate to look at his wife who has not worn anything except of his shirt which is not even covering her full thighs…” He gave you a judging look and that’s when you felt self conscious about only wearing Baekhyun’s shirt and not anything underneath it. You tried to pull the shirt down with one hand trying to cover your thighs.
He took Baekho from your hand and started playing with him. You still didn’t want to do anything until Baekhyun comes back home so you just stood there awkwardly in front of him fidgeting the shirt's fabric with your hands. You were feeling off, feeble ad uneasy. You wanted to believe Chanyeol’s words but your instinct was telling the other way round.
Chanyeol looked up and sighed. He made you turn towards your bedroom and nudged you to move. Unwillingly your feet started walking. Slower than usual.
“Wait, where is Baekhye?” He asked.
You pointed towards her crib inside your bedroom where she was wide awake and playing by her own. Before you could walk to her and pick her up Chanyeol entered and picked her with his spare hand.
He scrutinized the whole room before frowning at you. “Look, I don’t want to know what you two did last night but this whole damn room smell like sex with clothes everywhere. Even the bed is not done yet and what about curtains? Do you always keep them shut? anyway, I’m taking both of them to kitchen to feed them something, please clean yourself and then this room.” He professed.
You nodded vaguely and turned to take a shower. You were perturbed even while taking a warm shower. It should actually calm you down but instead it was only raising your your heartbeat with each passing second and making you pathetic to the fullest. You sat down on the floor water dripping down your body and making you further weak. You didn’t realise you were crying until a sob left your throat, the water from the shower head was concealing your tears. You pulled your legs near your chest and buried your face in between the gap.
It seemed the longest shower you did ever took. Your physique was feeling numb after all the possibilities you thought will happen and being in the shower for too long. You wore the first things that came into your hands and cleaned the room as fast as you can taking extra care with the clothes but you still didn’t made your bed, didn’t wash his clothes, didn’t spray any room freshener because you didn’t want his manly smell to leave your bedroom. You didn’t want the realization to hit you that he’s not with you.
When you came out in the living room, Baekhye was sitting on Junmyeon’s lap playing with her favourite teddy. Junmyeon was smiling seeing Baekhye play, he was enjoying her company until you entered. He looked up. His smiling face turned to a face showing anguish. You couldn’t look at him, you were ashamed and feeling embarrassed that you two didn’t listen to his warning the previous day.
“Chanyeol will be back in few minutes, he went to give Baekho a bath and clean him. Now you should clean Baekhye up too before the important talk.” He suggested.
“Important talk?”
“Regarding Baekhyun.”
You nodded, understanding the need to talk about Baekhyun.
After giving a bath to Baekhye, you all gathered at the dining table. It was late afternoon and your stomach was rumbling with hunger. It was almost almost twenty hours you had eaten anything but more than that, you were worried for Baekhyun. He didn’t even had dinner yesterday so for him it was more than twenty four hours and he loves eating.
You completely ignored your growing hunger and let Junmyeon start the conversation first.
“I’m not here to scold you or anything, I warned you both yesterday and you both didn’t took it seriously but I’m not blaming you or him for his sudden disappearance. It already happened and now we have to look for him. He’s missing.” Junmyeon’s voice was significant. He was being honest and you knew but still, saying that out loud was more painful then you thought it would be. Your heart was thumping fast and you suddenly felt nervous.
Chanyeol sensed your uneasiness and started. “Junmyeon, you can’t say anything unless it’s confirmed. What if Baekhyun just comes back and says he forgot telling her.” He questioned.
“There’s no point in hiding the fact that Baekhyun is gone - not on his own will - or rather kidnapped by that stupid stalker fan. She needs to know this and understand this as soon as possible, she can’t raise her hopes high just to crush them with a true statement which is Baekhyun is lost.”
Tears started brimming at the corner of your eyes. You couldn’t hold yourself back anymore, the pain and realization of something bad had happened with your husband was hitting you all at once.
“I understand Junmyeon, please go ahead.” You sputtered, voice wavering.
He nodded once.
“Okay, so first I advice reporting this to the police. They’ll handle this more efficiently and quickly. Also, this matter should not reach in the hands of media otherwise it would create an outrage among his fans and create unnecessary jealousy and hatred towards her. Second I suppose Chanyeol informed our managers and other members regarding this so if they know anything, they can contact the police. I called some of the members to say Baekhyun is fine and not to worry.”
Chanyeol’s anger was rising at each word Junmyeon was speaking. He balled his hands into fists and closed his eyes until Junmyeon completed.
“Why are you sounding like you don’t care about anyone’s feelings! I know that we should report this and all but try to understand, Baekhyun is important, to her, to me, to his children, to every member. But you are making like you don’t care and until now you didn’t even showed your concern or any feeling towards him or her, just kept on going with all the police shit!”
“Look, Chanyeol I do care for Baekhyun. Scratch that, I’m more worried than anyone else might be. Just because I’m not showing do not mean I don’t care. After hearing what you told me on phone, I was not knowing what to do. I was devastated. I just sat for sometime and was thinking about Baekhyun and his wife, his position in our group and relation with all the members. I’m holding myself back for everyone to be strong otherwise being a leader if I become weak, all will break apart.” Junmyeon stammered.
Chanyeol nodded, anger still reflected from his acton. You were still listening to Junmyeon and decided to go with whatever opinion he had.
“Okay Junmyeon, I agree with you. We should report this to police first and after that we'll see what happens because I no longer want to be weak and I want to find Baekhyun as soon as possible.” You said holding Baekhye tight and kissing her temple.
Junmyeon called the manager to give the news and to inform about reporting it to the police so that no Exo member would be involved in legal matters. He was calling again to someone, this time you didn’t know who the person was but the way he was talking seemed like he knew the person and was talking about the sudden disappearance of his fellow member.
You and Chanyeol looked at each other in utter confusion to who he was talking to and that too about the disappearance.
As soon as Junmyeon’s call ended he looked up with a smile. Not a happy smile though yet it conveyed relief which was difficult with the current situation.
“Oh, I called my detective friend who will help us with this matter. I thought I should call him, it will be better for us and for Baekhyun too. He’ll work with his team so we will be able to find Baekhyun faster.”
You could see him holding back words he wanted to say, emotions he wanted to show, feelings he wanted to express but couldn’t as he said being a leader he couldn’t show what he wanted to. He had to be strong enough for others to be strong as well.
With the current situation - which no one knew completely what was going on - you both had given everyone unnecessary tension and stress to deal with. You were already feeling guilty for not listening to Junmyeon in first place and now with his ebb you made everyone anxious.
Afternoon converted into evening. The longest afternoon so far.
You ate after Chanyeol and Junmyeon forced you to have something nutritious and made sure you took time for yourself instead of feeling guilty about all the happenings.
Junmyeon left after he made sure you were stable again and okay. Chanyeol was still helping you in taking care of Baekhye and Baekho while you were preparing for the dinner. You were so grateful to Chanyeol for being a helping hand in a situation like this.
Your phone was ringing frequently from the other members, asking for Baekhyun and his whereabouts, some even paid a visit and assured you, even though you knew, that assurance was their sympathy.
You could not make yourself work faster. Your every exertion was leading your thoughts towards Baekhyun and you couldn’t help yourself but to think about the possibilities of where he might be.
You were lost in your thought when your doorbell rang again.
You looked up from your mixing bowl and ran towards the main door. Now, every doorbell left you thinking there might be Baekhyun behind the doors. You cleaned your hands on the apron on the way and opened the door.
A new man.
“Hello! Ms Byun? I’m Chief Detective Yoon Jaeshin, friend of Kim Junmyeon. I’ll be working on this case privately so no need to worry about any information getting leaked. This is my team - Detective Lee and Detective Nam. So, now if you will allow us, we would like to ask you few questions regarding the case and a thorough search of your mansion.”
You moved aside from threshold so they can enter. Detective Yoon, a man with strong build and towering height, clearly muscular with a fierce look in his eyes with which one can get easily scared. His nature and manner of speaking, though it was strict it showed softness. Detective Lee and Detective Nam were of same build, just not as towering height as the lead.
Chanyeol was making your twins engaged with work when the team of detectives entered. He looked towards them and then towards you. You nodded in assurance and gestured him to keep doing what he was.
They started searching for all the evidences in each of your rooms and picked some carefully with gloves and tweezers so their fingerprints would not be found later. They took his car keys, phone and the bloody letters into custody. It seemed they were searching for something specific which they were not getting.
You stood in the living room, talking with Chanyeol while they were doing their job.
“Chanyeol, you know by all this I should not but I’m scared. They should find Baekhyun as fast as possible. He loves eating and being loud and goofy, I can not imagine him in pain. please tell them to find him quickly.” You began.
“Don’t worry too much it will give you wrinkles and when Baekhyun will be back, he would not like those.” He teased.
You were going to scold Chanyeol when the Detective team came out in living room.
“Hello, I’m Detective Nam and I would like to interrogate you. Now, for that will you please take a comfortable seat so that we can start.” His voice was thick and contained superiority.
You nodded and sat on the sofa with Detective Nam on the other side of the coffee table.
“When was the last time you saw him and where?”
“This morning around 6 in our bedroom.”
“Okay, next. Did he told you about anything in the last few days like where he wanted to go or do you know why?”
“No, wherever he goes, before going he tells me by any means but today he wasn’t there beside me when I woke up and even his phone was on the nightstand.”
“Do you suspect anyone who would do something like this or does he had any bad relation with anyone?”
“No I do not suspect anyone and he was playful and mischievous that I doubt someone would even be in bad terms with him.”
“Last question, do you have anything of him from which we can get DNA, like his hair or nail or saliva? We examined his clothes, pillow and comb but we got nothing, if you have anything it would be of great help.”
You tried to remember but nothing.
“I’m sorry but will anything from the following would count of our twins?”
“Uhm.. No. It will have mixed DNA and I’m afraid it will not work. Anyway, thank you for your time, if we have any other questions we will contact you later. We’ll try to solve this case as fast as possible.” He bowed and was about to leave.
“Wait! Will sperms count?” You asked, embarrassed of what to say next and internally hoping for no further questions.
“Yes, definitely but if hair and nail is difficult to find, sperms will be even more difficult.”
“It is not but they are on a tissue.”
“That will work, we’ll manage. Just don’t touch that tissue and show us where it is.”
You didn’t get rid of the tissues he used, to clean you last night and they were still inside the garbage bin. You showed them even if you were embarrassed to share such a intimate information with a person whom you just met.
They picked it up with the help of tweezers and put it inside a transparent evidence bag.
“Detective, do whatever you can or take whatever you want but please bring him back. Safe.” You beseeched him before he nodded and left the room.
You sat on the floor and pulled your legs near your chest. Your hands hugged your knees and your head rested on them. The current situation was getting dense by each passing second and you can’t do anything. You felt useless and helpless.
A large hand was rubbing your back gently. The feeling almost like a feather contradicting the size. You could not help but sob a little. The soft touch was still there on your back, patting now.
You stood up and rubbed off your tears which could further make you weak. You wanted to be strong for your fluffballs, so whenever Baekhyun would be back, he would feel at least proud of you.
“Chanyeol, I know this is not enough but thank you very… much. It meant a lot to me today and it will to Baekhyun too. Thank you for supporting me and resisting me from becoming weak any further. I appreciated your every effort for taking care of my twins when Baek is not around.” You bowed and finally looked him in his eyes.
He was surprised by your words. His lips formed a O but no words came out.
“You are not throwing me out, right? I mean by saying all those words I felt you want me to leave.” He murmured.
He muffled his laughter, trying to hide it behind his hands but completely failing.
“Yes… You can say I am.” You joked. First time, on a day so horrible and you chuckled.
“Anyway, have dinner before you leave. You worked really hard today.” You smiled and left for the kitchen.
“So you are literally throwing me out. I see.” He said in between his laughs, following you.
Chanyeol went home after having dinner and you were left all alone again. You have to get over this until Baek comes back, you understand everyday someone can not come to make you feel better and accompany you. Everyone will have their own priorities and have to complete them before you and your problems.
The only way to get out of the feeling of loneliness is to spend time with your fluffballs. There is an advantage of them being with you - They resembled Baekhyun. You were very thankful they existed. You looked at them and could feel Baekhyun near you, a feeling you are craving for. You don’t want this feeling but you want him which seemed far, far away from where you are now.
That night you could not sleep. Your bed was feeling empty and cold without Baekhyun. You lay as if asleep until your side hurts and you must shift to other side. Long minutes dragged into even longer hours but you refuse to look at the clock. You were afraid to see if it was still midnight or it turned to two, just looking at it could make your heart race and undo the effect of being restful. The relaxing music you put on at bed-time finished long ago making you remember his voice, his beautiful voice he sings only for you sometimes. You remained silent, you suspected it would be closer to dawn but you figured out you didn’t care anymore.
You didn’t made your bed clean because you didn’t want to remove his smell from the bedsheet, your comforter and pillows. You hugged the comforter tight so at least his smell can make you fall asleep.
You didn’t put Baekhye and Baekho in their cribs instead you laid them on the bed next to you under the same comforter. The only way you would not be alone and at least get some sleep. It was quite late when you fell asleep being tired and exhausted, realizing Baekhye held your pinky with her tiny hands while sleeping.
On one such nights, staying up late - waiting for Baekhyun to show up out of nowhere was also a possibility you kept in mind - you sung lullabies to your fluffballs so they would not suffer from the bizarre occurrences and inconvenience you were facing from the last few days.
You had completely lost your tolerance and patience for seeing your husband.
You were sitting cross legged on the floor holding your son’s little hands and your thumb rubbing circles on the back of his hand. Head lying on the bedsheet, still humming the last lullaby. You felt wetness on bedsheet near your face. You were crying.
You let your tears flow down your cheeks and on the sheet.
“You both are missing your dad right?” You sniffed to stop the snot running down.
“I know you both are. I can feel that in your actions even if you can’t speak. I can not make you laugh how your dad used to, I am just a bad wife and mother.” A sob or two left your throat while speaking.
“It’s been four days since your dad went missing and I can’t do anything. I don’t even know where he is or what he is doing. I’m feeling so useless. I can’t even tell this to uncle Chanyeol, he knows already and I will look pathetic in front of him.” You rubbed your eyes hard to make your tears stop but instead you made them sore and red. You knew your cheeks and nose would have turned red until now but you couldn’t care.
“I want to help but don’t know how to. I call those detectives daily but they are also getting nowhere with this case. I want him to be safe wherever he is. Your mom is so pathetic, isn’t she?” You lamented.
You slept like that cross legged on the floor, weeping and rambling on the bedsheet and holding your son’s hand.
Time had chosen a different path, more hollow than ever it was, more quiet moments to think though the oblivion of sleep would be kinder. He was your safety, your harbor, a place to call home and come back every time you leave no matter where you were. In all those wakeful hours, he was fading and beneath it all is a shock you couldn’t quite let express, because every time your eyes get closed your nightmare solidifies, hope fades and the ill feeling returns. Falling asleep alone was troublesome especially when you knew he was in danger.
Insomnia haunted your nights and fatigue ruled your days. You needed to be lucid and clear but came with the hours of darkness in the comfort of your bed. Your mind gets lit up with all the new possibilities, new sources of danger and destruction. You want to let them go and relax, but soon your mind told you what could go wrong tomorrow because of the blunders you made today.
When you finally slept, you woke after fistful of hours as if a whole night had passed but it hadn’t. Every morning waking up, you had dark circles and eye bags which tend to grow even larger.
A week seemed much longer than how it sounds and even longer when the most beloved person is absent from it. You got to understand the meaning of it today when a whole week passed without him.
You woke up just to finish a another long, long day ahead. Doing daily chores and taking care of your fluffballs were the only things that was left for you to do. Jiyeon came daily but you gave her a leave so that she could spend some time for herself, when in reality it was for the fact that she shouldn't get to know the private information.
It was late afternoon when someone rang your doorbell. He was Chanyeol and with him was Yixing who came directly after their schedules.
You saw Yixing for the first time in awhile, everyone but Yixing visited you at least for once. Yixing was a person to care for people before he could care for himself.
Chanyeol visited you daily even if it was for five minutes to know everything is okay and if there is any progress in finding Baekhyun.
“I’m so sorry, I hadn’t even visited you once as I was not in the country but that now I’m, I would like to clear my mistake and visit you frequently. If you allow…” Yixing cooed looking for any signs on your face to disagree with him.
“If you want to, you can definitely. But I don’t want to be a hindrance in your daily routine. I told Chanyeol too but he just ignores my appeals and do as he wishes.” You smiled at Yixing.
He smiled back. “No, helping a friend is not at all a hindrance for me. I’d be pleased if I can be of any help. Oh! and this, I found it in your mailbox earlier.���
He handed you a similar white envelope with similar handwriting written on top - the receiver’s address. You extended your hand to take it. Your heart was racing and your hand was shaking just by seeing the envelope.
Chanyeol froze on his spot, eyes staring at the white envelope and gulping down his own saliva making a noise. He huffed out air and looked up.
You were taken aback by the sudden mail you just received. You made yourself steady before grabbing the envelope. You took a deep breath and calmed yourself before deciding to open up the envelope.
The sound of the paper tearing filled the room. You handed the torn piece of paper to Chanyeol. Slowly and anxiously you peeped inside the envelope.
A note.
You took that note out and opened it. It was a two sided message with numbers written on top for the order to read.
Words were clear yet you couldn’t understand. Letters felt new and words jumbled. You frowned further trying to make out the words.
“What is it? What does it says?” Chanyeol asked.
“It is a riddle we’ve to solve to get back Baekhyun.”
“Read it.” Yixing commented.
You nodded, concentration on that piece of paper you were going to read.
“(1): ‘Find an OLD man who shaves several times a day at this workplace, yet he still has a beard.’ ”
“(2): ‘Find the true old ancient hombre if you want to see you’re husband again~
   Yours truly, A fan.’ ”
A/N: So part 3 is up now. Thanks for all the love I got for this piece.
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niawritess · 3 years
The Lovestruck~Chapter 5
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(29 November)
9:34 am
Ria and you were in your class, today you both rode in her scooty to your college as usual and Daniel went to his school in your dad's car with a rented driver since he didn't wanted to die that early by your driving.
As the prof was explaining and you were taking notes, you felt Ria scooting closer to you and placing her elbow on the desk and her face in her palm. You looked at her frowning to see she was facing at your right side.
You followed her gaze and saw Rowoon sitting two seats away from you, sighing you glanced at her and smacked her forehead slightly and she yelped before glaring at you.
You gestured her to look ahead and she scowled before looking ahead then you looked at you right side and locked your eyes with Rowoon, he gave you a smile and you returned it before looking ahead.
"Why didn't you let me stare?" Ria complained as you both exited the class and you hushed her as Rowoon was behind you.
"If he had caught you staring, don't you think you would've been embarrassed?" You told her in a low voice and she groaned.
"Thank you so much, Miss y/n! You just saved me from death." She said sarcastically and you rolled your eyes.
"I did saved you, bestie." You stated and looked at her and she was about to say something but Rowoon passed by her, so she stopped.
"What? Cat got your tongue?" You raised your eyebrows at her and she shooted a glare at you.
"Y/n!" She shouted and you jogged ahead, giggling while her chasing you.
Meanwhile Chanyeol and Baekhyun were in the music room, waiting for their friends while playing instruments wrongly and laughing.
Baekhyun was standing close by the window and somehow his eyes looked outside where spotted you, then he looked more with concentration and saw you running towards the garden and your friend behind you.
While watching you, his lips stretched in a smile and Chanyeol was calling him but not getting a response he walked towards him and followed his gaze outside.
"Oh that girl!" Chanyeol exclaimed spotting Ria running as he remembered her while Baekhyun turned to him confusingly and then looked outside again to see you nowhere, just your friend walking.
"You know Y/n's friend?" Baekhyun asked him as he saw his friend's eyes on Ria.
"Oh, she's y/n's friend." Chanyeol nodded but then looked at him quizzically. "Hold on, who's Y/n?"
"I-". Baekhyun stopped and sighed. "Nevermind."
He walked back and sat on a chair with a guitar in his hand with Chanyeol who followed him behind and glanced at his friend.
"Who's y/n?" He asked and Baekhyun's head lifted up towards him. "She works with me at the cafe."
Chanyeol nodded. "Oh and the other girl? Her friend?"
Baekhyun eyed him suspiciously at his impatient questions. "Why do you ask?"
"I'm just curious, I saw her once so just asking." Chanyeol told him but Baekhyun's suspicious eyes were still on him
Chanyeol sensed it and his forehead creased. "What? Why are looking at me like that?"
Baekhyun shook his head. "Nothing and I don't know her well, just that she's Y/n's friend."
"Is she that girl?" Chanyeol raised his eyesbrows at him and Baekhyun just gave him a confused look. "What girl?"
Before Chanyeol could say something, their friends barged in the room and they got distracted by their chaos.
2:26 pm
Rose and you were casually talking about dramas as you always do at the counter, while doing so you glanced at Baekhyun and your eyes stopped at him, who was giving drinks to the customer while smiling unlike what you saw at the game yesterday.
"You're staring too much." You jumped at rose's sudden voice and looked away from Baekhyun to Rose with wide eyes, who she was grinning mischeviously at you.
You frowned. "Why are you looking at me like that?"
She leaned in closer to your face. "I know he's handsome but you don't have to stare too much."
You looked at her surprised. "I-I wasn't staring, it's called observing."
"Oh really?" Rose's forehead creased in amusement. "Then what were you observing?"
You gestured her to come closer as she did before you whispered. "Wether he's human or not."
"Huh?" She looked at you in confusion and you laughed and she pulled your right cheek."Very funny, get back to work."
You started making the drink while still smiling and then felt someone's stare, you looked at your right side to see Baekhyun's eyes on you and as soon as your eyes locked, he looked away.
You blinked quizzically and shrugged before looking down at the drink as you finished making it, Rose came and took the drink from you.
"So you study in the same College as me." Baekhyun suddenly spoke after glancing at you for 4th time and you looked at him surprised. "How do you know?"
He tilted his head facing you while his hand resting on the counter. "I saw you yesterday at the game."
"Oh." You nodded slowly as you didn't know what to say.
"Why didn't you tell me?" He questioned, slightly frowning.
"Um- I just couldn't, like how can I just come and tell you that we both study in same college, it would've been awkward you know." You scratched the side of your head.
"Right." He nodded before looking at you confusingly. "Wait, so you mean you were never going to tell me?"
"Well, I thought it wasn't really necessary since we're both working here." You bit your lip. "but now I think you eventually would've known just like yesterday and plus we both never mentioned about college."
"Yeah, I get it now but I'm glad that I got know about it now." He smiled and greeted the customer before taking the order while you were confused at first but then slowly your corner of lips turned up as you recalled him saying 'he's glad'.
"Wait." He trailed off and you looked at him. "Now that i think about it, you've never called me by my name, you just go like hey or just tap me."
You nodded as you thought about it and shrugged before chuckling. "Even I don't know about that."
He looked up pondering and then looked at you. "Then you should start calling me by my name."
"Huh? Um..like Baekhyun sunbae?" You tilted your head confusingly feeling strange as it's the first time you're taking his name infront of him and Baekhyun glanced at you as his heart skip a beat hearing his name from your mouth.
"What's wrong?" You asked, watching him zoning out and he snapped out. "Uh nothing."
"Uh by the way, congratulations on winning." You smiled and looked away scratching you head awkwardly.
Baekhyun chuckled. "You don't have to feel awkward around me, just talk to me how you usually do."
You smiled nodding before someone entered the Café and you both looked at the door, revealing a man in his 30s. He was wearing a black suit and not to mention he was good looking.
"Good afternoon." Baekhyun greeted him and he greeted back smiling.
"May I speak with the owner?" He asked politely where Baekhyun and you looked at eachother before looking at the kitchen as Rose was coming out.
As she stopped beside the counter, her eyes went to the man and they both looked at eachother in shock.
"You!" They both yelled at the same time, while you and Baekhyun got startled before looking at them confusingly.
The man cleared his throat before speaking. "Are you the owner of this Café?"
Rose nodded. "Yes I am."
He smiled and held out his hand. "Hello, I'm jack."
You suddenly coughed hearing the name and they turned to you, muttering a sorry you spun around and saw Baekhyun who was looking at you confusingly before he grinned seeing you controlling your smile then you looked back at Rose who was standing stunned there.
"Rose!" Baekhyun whisper-yelled at her and she came into her senses before shaking his hand. "Hi, I'm Rose."
Jack looked at her surprisingly and you bit your lip from smiling and glanced at Baekhyun who was already looking at you while a grin was still on his face.
"Um, this is my business card." He reached out and gave her a card, as Rose observed it her eyes enlarged in shock and she looked at you both before looking back at Jack.
"If you don't mind, can we talk for a moment?" He asked and Rose nodded while her eyes were still big. "Sure."
They went to a table and she glanced back at you both gesturing to take order from him where Baekhyun immediately nodded before going to their table behind them.
It's been ten minutes after Baekhyun gave them their drink and they were still having serious talk. You kept glancing at them as they were smiling and then you recalled their names and a warm smile crept on your face.
"He seems cool." You mumbled, smiling as you watched them.
"He's too old for you." You got startled by the male voice and looked behind to see Baekhyun standing close to you, getting a little flustered you stepped aside making a distance between you and him.
"I was taking about Rose." You stated, gesturing towards them before looking back at Baekhyun.
"What are they talking about?" You tapped your chin, while looking at them and Baekhyun shrugged. "Maybe something important but the way reacted when they saw eachother, they must've met before."
You nodded then Rose and Jack stood up before doing a handshake as he greeted you two where rose walked him out before coming inside with a wide smile.
"Rose, did something happen? Who was he?" You asked her as you walked out of the counter before standing infront of her as there weren't too many customers right now.
"Look at this!" She showed you the business card and your eyes widen as you look at the name of company.
"This!" You looked at her shockingly and she nodded grinning widely.
"Stop with the suspence." Baekhyun spoke as he also stood beside you before taking the card from your hand.
"Wow!" Baekhyun gasped as soon as he saw the card. "Isn't this one of the famous advertisment company? But who is he? Why was he here?"
"He is the head manager and was asking if they can shoot an ad here." Rose told and you both looked at her in surprise.
You frowned. "But why here? I didn't meant anything bad but just there are a lot of Cafés around here."
"He said, there are a lot of people from their company who get drink from here and they really praised a lot and they were already searching for a Café, so they want to do it here plus it's good for our cafe too." Rose elaborated and smiled.
"So what did you said?" You asked.
"I asked for some time to think about." She replied, going behind the counter and you two followed behind.
You looked at her quizzically. "What's there to think about? It's such a good opportunity."
"Yeah, but I wanted to discuss it with you two first since you both are also part of this Café with me." She smiled and you both smiled at her thought.
"We both are fine with it right y/n?" Baekhyun asked and you nodded before he spoke again. "But before saying yes, let's see if this is scam or not."
Rose and you gasped at the same time before looking at Baekhyun and nodded.
"What's with your reactions?" He gave us a question look and Rose sighed.
"This actually happened before but it was a scam." Rose told him and Baekhyun look at her in shock while you just sighed.
"How can I forget that? Thank you so much Baekhyun, now wait let me call them." With that she went in the kitchen to make a call.
"About the scam, did you know about that?" Baekhyun's eyes shifted to you from Rose and you nodded.
"It was when I recently started working and then a man came exactly wearing a suit and talked with Rose and she agreed, he asked for some money, we both thought it was strange and thankfully Rose found out that it was a scam, so she reported about him." You told him.
He nodded. "She almost got scammed."
"Yeah but thanks, you reminded her that." You glanced at Rose taking in kitchen and then him.
"Why are you thanking me? I'm also a part of this Café." He smiled and you smiled back before rose walked out of the kitchen.
"How did it go?" You impatiently asked her.
"This time it's not a scam, it's real!" She exclaimed, hugging you tightly and you smiled hugging back.
"Really!" Baekhyun grinned widely and did a high five with Rose.
"I'm so happy!" She cupped her face and you both laughed at her cuteness.
"So what did they said?" Baekhyun questioned in a serious tone.
"They need to finalize the date, then will inform us and i agreed." Rose told and you both nodded before she spoke again."Tomorrow he's going to come again to sign contract with us."
"That's so great!" You clapped in excitment before rose hugged you again before Baekhyun gestured you two ladies to calm down as the customers were staring at you two weirdly.
"Wait but do you know him before he came here?" You asked pulling away from the hug and She nodded. "Yeah, he's that blind date man."
"What!" You and Baekhyun shouted, startling rose and she hushed motioning towards the two customers staring.
"What a great coincidence." You grinned widely and she nodded. "I know right."
"But this time you both exchanged name too and your names!" You exclaimed in a hushed tone and let out a giggle.
"What's with their names?" Baekhyun asked confusingly.
"Rose and jack." You raised your eyesbrows and his confusion turned into realization.
"Right, Titanic." He laughed and you looked at Rose smiling and she got flustered.
She scoffed before rolling her eyes. "What are you kids thinking! Go get back to work!"
With that she went back into the kitchen and you two laughed before getting back to work.
7:26 pm
The day passed by quickly before you even realised, it was already closing time and you all three were getting ready to go home while you were thinking if Daniel would fetch you or not since he never told you that he would be here.
As you all three walked out of the café, a cold breeze touched your face making you shiver inside, sniffling you shoved your hands in your jacket pocket and looked at the two people who were imersed in talking.
You were about to say something but Baekhyun and Rose looked behind over your shoulder, confusingly you turned around to see your brother walking towards you.
"I thought I would get stood up." You spoke as soon as he aproached, making Rose and Baekhyun chuckle behind you and Daniel scowled.
"That's what you think of your brother." He gave a hurt facial expression and you shrugged.
"Don't think about Daniel like that y/n, I knew he would come." Baekhyun smiled and Daniel beamed in happiness. You internally scoffed, watching them and wondered what's going on between them.
"See! Baekhyun hyung knows me more than you." Daniel shook his head in disappointment while Baekhyun nodded and you looked at them in disbelief.
"Stop you two!" Rose scolded them, standing beside you. "We all know that it's not true."
You narrowed your eyes at them. "You both are making fun of me, aren't you?"
Baekhyun let out a fake gasp. "Oh you caught us."
He and Daniel laughed before high-fiving and you scoffed before looking sideways at rose. "Rose, i'll get going then, good night."
She chuckled and nodded before ruffling daniel's hair and giving both Baekhyun and him a scolding for teasing you and zoomed off in her car.
"Now you." You narrowed your eyes at Daniel, who didn't seemed to care. "No brownies for you."
You faked a smile at him and he looked at you in shock. "What? Why!?"
You ignored him and turned to Baekhyun who was smiling at you both. "We'll get going now, see you tomorrow."
He nodded and suddenly leaned close towards daniel, who was sulking now. He whispered something in his ear which made him smile. He leaned away and looked at you smiling before biding goodnight and walked away while you were still standing there clueless watching his back disappearing.
"Let's go." Daniel wrapped his arm around your neck as you both started walking and you glanced at him frowning.
"What did he say?" You asked curiously and a grin plastered on his face as he glanced at you. "Secret."
You scoffed but didn't asked anything again as you know how daniel is but you just couldn't help but wonder, how they are getting close to the extent to share a secret which you were dying to know and you would know it since being curious was the thing you couldn't let go.
@wooya1224 @buttercupbbh
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real-pcy-exo · 5 years
Kyungsoo x reader "Strangers" part 2
Genre: fluffy college au
Word count: 1k+
a/n: Helloo!! ✋✋ hope you guys like part 2!
Y/N was preoccupied telling Kyungsoo why exactly romance genre is the worst thing out there and why there should be more movies about dogs when Chanyeol came into the view. "Hey Y/N, you got a minute?" "Depends" Y/N replied with a very serious face, "If it isn't worth it, you have to listen to me why I think orangina and orange soda is not the same." "They're not? Wait no let me talk first." Chanyeol took deep breaths and started, "Y/N" he paused to build up the suspence but one look of disappointment from Y/N, he continued. "Will you go out on a date with me?" 
She chocked on her saliva for a while. "Wait you're serious or this is some kind of sick joke? Oh lord if you read some wattpad fanfics and are trying to recreate one, I swear to god my shoe and your fine ass would some very romantic time making out with each other." She said after she regained her breath. "No, no joking though you did make me curious about wattpad fanfics." "Don't bother going there searching smut and losing your sanity." She paused to look at Kyungsoo before looking back at Chanyeol, "If you're serious then...." With a very shy almost inaudible voice she said, "yes..."
Kyungsoo's train of thought broke and he looked confusingly at Chanyeol and Y/N. "What did she agree to? What did you agree to?" "Ask her man, I got a date to prepare for." Kyungsoo looked happy for Chanyeol, "With who? Where are you taking her? Should I cook for you guys?" "No need to cook but if you insist, that's something else. And I'm taking our dear Y/N to a dinner date to a 70's themed restaurant." Chanyeol didn't wait to see Kyungsoo's expression and just left. On the there hand, the only thing going through Kyungsoo's head was, "Holy shit, did I just become the second lead of that exo next house or door drama??" 
"Hey Kyungsoo, I hope it isn't a bother to you if I go on a date with Chanyeol." Kyungsoo just looked at her for a while, "Okay. It's......okay" "Great! So I've never been asked out before. Since my gay bestfriend lives in London, you're gonna be my straight bestfriend and help me get ready!" "Wait do I have to be your best friend for this?" Y/N looked tired, "If you're not my bestie and don't tell me what makes look good or not. Prepare me because this is THE first date in my life, EVER!" 
So the next day, Kyungsoo was waiting in front of a bus stand for her but she was late. So he decided to call her since she was usually punctual. They recently exchanged numbers and he remembered how it happened. 
"Woman! You better give me your phone number!" Kyungsoo confusingly looked at Y/N before asking, "Why?" Y/N with a betrayed look continued, "Okay, look at me. No LOOK at me. I'm way to fabulous. What if I get kidnapped? How will my straight bestie call me about a hundred times before complaining a police file and dramatically save me huh?" "I asked why were you shouting not why were you asking for my number." "Oh because I don't know how to be not loud."
After 3 rings Y/N answerd her phone, "Yello! How may I bless you today?" "Y/N, this is Kyungsoo." "I know, the id said bitch face." "Umm should I be offended by that?" "Nah it means you mah side chick." "Side what? Anyway, where are you? You're late." "Well technically I'm not. Why are you standing there like an idiot?" The last sentence didn't some from the phone, it was from behind him. He looked back to find Y/N cheekily smiling at him. "Well you're standing too, aren't you?" "Correction, I'm sitting on my toes." If Kyungsoo never had second thoughts about being friends with her, he was having now. "Hey I kinda invited someone, hope that's alright." Y/N instantly became excited, "No no the more the merrier!" That's when she noticed a girl standing behind Kyungsoo. Y/N had seen her before, her name was Sojin. She was pretty and beautiful and everything would want in a girl. "Hi! I'm Sojin. Nice to meet you Y/N." 
They went for shopping, they ate. They honestly had fun. But Y/N seemed out of place. She kept fidgeting and moving around the whole time. When asked she would only say, "Tomorrow is a big day you know!!" 
After they were done eating, Kyungsoo excused himself to go to the washroom. As soon as he was out of sight, Sojin looked at Y/N, "You like him don't you?" "Is it that obvious?" 
"I mean anyone with a brain would get it. Why are you going with Chanyeol out a date?"
"Oh because I have to make sure his plan to make his love of life jealous work!" 
Sojin just looked at her for a while before continuing, "You'll lose Kyungsoo like this. He's a nice guy and I won't hesitate to steal him from you." 
"Woah woah woah hold up, we in a bitch fight? Holy shit I thought we were friends. You just wanted to warn me?" 
"Yes. I like him. A lot."
"Well then I sincerely hope you guys get together!"
With that statement, Sojin thought Y/N lost it, "You're not gonna fight for him?"
"Honey, I'm not some 5 year old and he is not a box of crayon I want. If he likes me, he'll ask me out. Or maybe I'll ask him out. But if he doesn't, oh well it was nice having a crush on him."
"You're different."
"Yeah I accidentally was born with brain unlike most others"
Before Sojin could reply, Kyungsoo came back. They decided to go home as Y/N needed her beauty sleep for the big day. Kyungsoo decided to walk her home as he parted their way from Sojin.
"She was.......nice" Kyungsoo looked at her briefly before replying, "Did she say something?"
"Nothing worth mentioning. Now tell me, how long has Chanyeol and Baekhyun know each other for?"
"Since 3rd grade when Baekhyun decided he needed to be friends with someone who looks a bit like yoda."
"Hmm anyways, talk to you tomorrow. I know tomorrow is Friday but I might skip our regular meet ups. Sorry." Y/N looked apologetic, "But if Chanyeol ditches me, I'll have extra fries to share." When Kyungsoo was starting at Y/N's back retreating wondered if they will start to drift apart if she starts to date Chanyeol.
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treasure-exo · 7 years
Action! - 1
Genre: Suspense, angst, romance
Pairing: Baekhyun X You
Word count: 3.5k
Description: You’re an actress married to Baekhyun with thousands and millions of your own fans too. So what happens when one of your fans turns into a psychopath stalker. 
Trigger WARNINGS: Abusive and explicit use of language, Mention of a panic attack, mention of crime and threats. So read at your own risk if you’re sensitive towards any of these.
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On a bright summer afternoon, with the outside atmosphere pleasing with you lying down on the couch of your living room reading some fashion magazine when suddenly Baekhyun entered the room with a large thump of his foot, trying to still your attention from reading and making you jump a bit while lying.
You put your magazine down on the coffee table in front of you and sat upright crossing your legs looking at him. You snorted at your husband who clearly stood at the far end of the room a little disinterested with whatsoever he might be going to do. From his expressions, you knew he was vexed from something or someone you didn’t know. A slight frown on his beautiful face, gaze moving here and there from object to object but not lingering on anything for too long.
“What happened?” You asked, seeing his now pacing back and forth form to catch his attention.
“You know I've to go to SM, today is our practice session and I’ve to attend that!” He pouted, jutting out his lower lip. He was already approaching towards you with his arms stretched wide wanting to pull you into a hug.
You nodded once, understanding the need he has to go and smiled brightly in his direction. “Then you should probably leave.”
He hugged your side snuggling his face into your shoulder. “Come with me then, you know you’re allowed in.” He said that like a sentence. Inhaling and exhaling, his breath tickled your skin where he did put his face.
“No buts, you’re coming that's it.” He cut you off mid-sentence. “Also don’t change, you look incredible in my shirt, let all know you belong to me.”
You scanned yourself. You were wearing his over-sized white and black striped shirt with your jeans shorts which were hidden behind his shirt. Hair pulled up in a messy bun and a casual look on your face.
“Okay.” You nodded, smiling before standing up and pulling away from his hug.
He took his car keys and headed out of the main double door, you followed him and closed the door behind you. You sat beside him on passenger’s seat of his sleek black car. He put your seat belt smiling before he took the car out of the parking lot of your mansion.
You noticed a mail in your mailbox while looking outside your window, usually, there are no mails because no fan either of your’s or Baekhyun’s know where you live and others who know don’t send mails like that, they would personally come and give you or when you visit them, also you didn’t order anything from anywhere then what was it? It looked like a white envelope or rather a letter.
“Wait!” You exclaimed, voice just getting a pinch higher than usual.
Baekhyun suddenly applied brakes to the car making both of you jerk a little.
“Oh god, what happened! You scared the hell out of me,” He looked at you wide eyed and held his hand against his heart to calm himself down taking deep breaths. “what? Will you now tell me why you suddenly made me stop?”
You laughed at his dramatic actions, “Well I'll come in just a second. Wait for me.” you answered getting out of the car and heading towards your mailbox and took the envelope which almost looked suspicious and stunk a bit but you ignored the fact and went back towards your car.
You showed the envelope in the direction of Baekhyun and chuckled before shoving it down in your handbag, “This was it.”
“Now you can continue your driving, please.” He almost looked confused at the envelope that you’d put in your handbag but ignored it eventually and ignited the engine back and pulling the out on the roads.
The drive was almost quiet except once when you asked him why was he driving today instead of the appointed driver and he simply winked at you answering he’ll tell you afterwards.
SM building was rarely crowded and was peaceful with all the people working and minding their own accord except the occasional rhythm of the song heard when someone opens any practice room which is all sound proof and honestly you liked that peace whenever you come to see Baekhyun.
Right now you were sitting in the back of EXO’s practice room on a black colored plush sofa seeing the boys practice with all dedication and strength. At that time you felt proud of yourself for choosing a hard working man as your partner, a pinkish blush forming on your face while remembering all those moments with him when you first started dating him and now here he is - Baekhyun - your husband to whom you are married for three years yet he was still that Baekhyun who would like to take you out on dates and give you surprise gifts and even gave a love letter. Letter.
Feeling all nostalgic with the happy memories of both of you coming back, you promptly recalled about that letter, that envelope from your mailbox earlier today, you totally forgot about that. You started looking for it in your handbag. It still had that acrid smell which made you scrunch up your nose trying to block out the smell and frown formed due to that suspicious looking envelope.
You opened the envelope and in it were letters, not one or two but at least three from what it looked like and when you finally pulled out the letters and opened them, you noted that they were directed towards you with big bold handwriting stating your name on top of page 1.
While reading that letters you were completely shocked, horrified, scared, disgusted to the point where your hands were shaking while holding them and it was not even the end of page 2. You didn’t notice but your breath was caught in your throat and you were unable to breathe anymore. Beads of sweat already dripping from your forehead while you somehow ended that damn letters.
You sat there frozen, motionless. Not able process anything, any words, any sound even if the volume was high in the practice room, it didn’t reach to your ears, dropping the letters in the process but you were so caught up in your thoughts you didn’t notice.
Your eyes were frozen wide open in an expression of bewilderment and tears already forming at the corner of your eyes. Your thoughts were consuming you, you didn’t know but you could feel it break, feel your guts break. 
At this moment you were completely shaking from fear. Your chest muscles were tightening as if they didn’t want you to let any oxygen in, lungs unable to move against your heavy ribs.Your mind becoming static and replayed the horrible words written in that letters. You tried letting in some fresh air which you desperately needed but no matter what you were unable to move or breathe properly. Nausea on the verge of taking over you completely.
You’re drifting apart from your panic attack when suddenly someone grabbed your arm and you tried to flinch away but the grip was too strong for you to get free from. You saw, though your vision blurred from the tears running down, you saw two pairs of worried eyes shaking you even though you didn't know if you were shaking from your fear or was being shaken up them.
Kyungsoo. And,
As you tried to snap back to reality and desperately trying to breathe you saw the concerned look of Kyungsoo and Minseok trying to calm you down but failing. Then you heard, faint screaming of Minseok over the hall something like ‘go bring Baekhyun’ while Kyungsoo rubbed your back with his palm to even out your sobbing and you.
Music was turned off long ago and now there was a crowd gathered around you, everyone, except Baekhyun. You wanted him right now, where in this whole fucking building did he went? Why did he even leave this room? and out of all the time why he left now when you were sitting motionless and having a panic attack.
“Sehun went to bring Baekhyun back, don’t worry he was called by our manager, he’ll be back anytime but just, please don’t cry” Minseok’s reassuring voice rang into your ears while Kyungsoo was still rubbing your back up and down trying to calm you down which was helping a bit but you wanted Baekhyun, you needed Baekhyun to reassure you and tell you not to worry about anything.
A faint thumping sound of feet against the flooring was heard first like someone is running way too fast, the distant sound becoming more clear and audible, the sound nearing followed by a slam of the door as it hit the wall with a bang. 
Baekhyun stood there, immediately rushing over to you and picked you up so that he would let you sit on his lap. So now you rested on his lap, your hands wrapped around his broad shoulders and face buried in the crook of his neck.
He held you still, hugging you in a tight embrace for the first few seconds.
“Calm down honey, I’m with you now,” His voice calm and soothing as he caressed your hair, You still sobbing and hugging him tightly. “look at me honey, see I’m here with you also I'm not going anywhere now, look at me, please.” He at this point was begging you to take a look at him.
You could feel his eyes on you, a little bit scared but trying to put a facade of valiance on them. Now his one hand is caressing your hair and other rubbing your back.
He cupped your cheek which was uncovered, thumb grazing over your skin making you a warm.
His body was radiating heat which eventually made your body warm. You could do this, You have to do this, you have to get out of your trance. 
There was a murmuring sound and it felt like everyone wanted to give their opinions and suggestions. You heard someone asking Baekhyun what makes her happy and he replied singing.
That’s when you heard him, singing.
Singing to you a soft ballad, his voice angelic but now it felt more softer, rich and silky in your condition. his voice managed to lessen the broken feeling, a feeling that you never wanted in first place. Your limbs felt numb still you managed them to move somewhat, Your body felt heavy and you struggled to sit upright but finally making it. You looked at him, you looked at Baekhyun and tried to smile.
“Baekhyun,” That was the only thing that left from your lips. You could now feel some strength getting back at you as he looked at you, eyes concerned but happy and he smiled.
“That’s good, you’re doing incredibly good,” You placed your arms on his shoulders and held them for some support as you felt weak. Your breathing still uneven and ragged yet you could now feel some strength gathering. You focused on his face looking into his pretty eyes and tried to fix your vision.
“You could breathe properly, right?” He asked, “then take a deep breath in and out, do it for me will you?” You forced a deep breath in. That was not much of a success and it was hard doing it. Your throat burned from the continuous sobbing and hiccuping by the sudden intake of a load of oxygen, then you breathe out. You tried this process again easier than the last time. Your vision now becoming a bit clear but was still a bit blur by your dried tears.
 “Now, can you stand? try standing come on I'll definitely help you.” He moved from beneath you, your arms still on his shoulders and his held tight against your waist making you stand on your legs, You stumbled a bit but his grip on your waist prevented you from falling and you finally managed to stand properly. 
He sighed of relief and nudged Sehun on his arm to go bring some water which he did anyway with a frown on his face. You drank that, your throat still burning but water helped push it away.
You thanked Sehun with a genuine smile and he bowed and left while other boys were still standing there with genuine perturb and you were more than happy they all helped you overcome your panic attack.
After a good minute where everyone was settled and sat on the floor in a circle with you beside Baekhyun, he finally asked, “What happened? Why were you facing a panic attack all of a sudden?”
The question was simple but the answer lied in that letters which you read, they caused you feeling horrible and disgusting. “That envelope which arrived today that was the reason for all of it.”
He looked confused to why an envelope would cause you so much pain that it even caused a panic attack.
“What is that envelope and why it caused you pain?” he asked, his tone confused.
You sighed and picked up the letters which you unknowingly dropped during your episode of a panic attack and you showed it holding it straight for him to read.
“It’s a letter or probably letters with your name written on top and the message or whatsoever written in red ink, so what is it?” he asked.
“They’re not just letters Baekhyun, they’re hell,” You gulped down your saliva before continuing, “also it’s not red ink, They’re written with blood and that was the reason why they stunk in the first place.”
His face changed from casual to shocked. His eyes grew wide and mouth opened just a bit like he could not process the word blood. “Wait so you’re trying to say that the letters are written with blood?”
You nodded rapidly and his mind seemed not to comprehend any of the things which you just told him while others all just became a little shocked and worried.
“Read it.” He said too quickly, you almost missed it.
“What?” You seemed at a loss for words not wanting to read but also not wanting him to read that awful letters.
“You heard it right honey, please read those I want to know what they say. I know I'm making tough for you but please read those out loud, I'll not be able to read those.” He pleaded and you gave in after all you cannot have another episode and didn't want him to have too.
“Okay fine but I want to warn you all about the letters, they contain explicit and abusive language, acts of crime and threats.” They all nodded in agreement while you started with a frown.
To me,
Your one and only dedicated fan who loves you with all my heart, you cannot think how I love you and think about you all day all night while you sitting in some corner of the country don’t even know me. My name is... no wait I'm not going to reveal it, you’ll get to know me later, but first I’ve watched all of your movies, each one for at least fifteen times even if I had to get into an accident which also once happened to me when I was going to see your movie but the thing is I was saved, the other driver was dead but I was saved. So now you can see the pull of me towards you, even the god wanted me to see you in that movie. 
You frowned further already disinterested in the letter and a bubble of horror forming in your heart. You took a break for a second, took a breath but started reading it again.
You always look so pretty that I sometimes think if you are real or just a plastic model who works inside of the screen. The way you smile, the way you do anything makes my heart swell with pride because I'm yours and will be yours forever so much so that to prove I'm writing this with my own blood.
At this point, you felt disgusted with the bubble growing a bit larger 
I’ve your picture filled whole wall, each and every magazine for which you’ve worked and will work. You know yesterday someone was dissing you so I went and killed her because of she doesn't want you to be successful, I did it right, right? 
You shook your head, for the reason of becoming someone’s death. You felt like a horrible person who had given the order to kill which you definitely didn’t. Tears started to fill your eyes slowly because you wanted to throw the letter and never look at it again and completely forget about it that it even existed.
You just have to give me any order and I'll do it instantly. I’m crazy for you. So now you have to be also crazy for me. I love you. So now you’ve to love me back, will you? ...(1)
You stopped taking a deep breath in and thinking anything but the content of the letter. You looked towards Baekhyun who now was looking at you with horrified eyes. You sighed, your eyes threating to spill the tears which you had held until now. He gave you a reassuring look and you looked away after that swallowing the lump that formed in your throat.
“This was the end of page one” You declared, Your voice thicker than usual when everyone looked up.
“Baekhyun, I can’t read the second one. Please don’t let me read the most terrible stuff written about you. Yes, the second one is about you.” You whispered and looked down in your lap avoiding his eyes for a thing you hadn’t done but yet was feeling guilty about it.
“Don’t worry about that, whatever it is I can take it,”He lifted your chin with his hand, “also don’t look like you had done all this, please.” You nodded looking into his brown eyes.
“Then I’ll continue the second page now.” You stated.
So now you’ve to love me back, and I know you will, you have to. But you love that guy-Baekhyun-Your husband. What you love about him that I don't have. I’m more m-manly than him, you don’t have to love some g-gay looking pretty boy who clearly u-uses you so that him being gay will not be out.
You stuttered while speaking not able to even lift your face up from the letter. You were embarrassed for even saying that out loud, the tears which you once swallowed hard were retreating the surface. You felt a hand on your shoulder and dared to look up. He was Baekhyun with a breath-taking smile on his face. He muttered something like ‘continue’.
You love his hair? Then what will you do if there will be not a single of his hair remaining on his head? Haha, I’m totally not kidding. You love his eyes? Also, he wears glasses or lens right. If you’re smart enough you’ll know what I’m talking about. You love his lips? His smile? His teeth? His laughter? Which lips will you kiss and which smile will you see when you’ll not even be able to see him. You love his skin? But will you be able to love that even after it is cut and scratched? I guess not, I’ll make you not. You love his neck? His voice? I’m sorry but you I guess will not be able to hear that, he doesn't even have an Adam's apple, how manly!. You love his long fucking fingers? I didn’t want to think how would it had felt when they were deep inside of you curled up but no worries I'll try to make it up for you. You love his abs, I don’t even have to ask this, I already know but I have more defined than his. You also might love his small sized dick which may give you no pleasure then what’s the use of it? It should not exist. I also know you love your six months old twins but I had seen them and they completely resemble him, so I don’t like them or else I would have offered to keep them with us. And last you love his short legs? Which can’t even be tangled with your long ones. You don’t have to worry about anything I’ll give you more than that, I’ll make you love me even if I have to do anything, I repeat anything. You have to be mine. ...(2)
Once you started reading, you didn’t stop to take breaths or look upward at any one you just kept reading and reading until page two was completed. You took a pause after you finished page two, anger boiling up inside you. Your hand balled into fists making the letters crumple a bit, Your fists clenched hard turning your knuckles white, you gritted your teeth turning your face bright red with rage.
On the outside though, your eyes started tearing up not wanting to hold anymore you let them be. You looked up at anyone but Baekhyun. Everyone looked dazed and shocked and even furious. You didn’t know how to face Baekhyun after this so you didn’t dare turn you face sideward.
Suddenly two arms wrapped around you and face buried in the crook of your neck. You felt hot breaths dancing on your skin and that is when you looked down, looked at Baekhyun. He lifted his head, his soft hair tickling your neck. His expression mild and calm.
“Don’t cry sweetheart, you know me. I’ll not become shitty like that if someone randomly says something shitty about me. So do not cry for someone, anyone, any fucking person like him. You know I’m with you and I love you.” His words were calming and soothing which helped you lessen your fear somewhat yet it would still haunt you. Your anger dissipating and you found yourself smiling at him.
“What about the third page?” He asked.
“The third page has nothing except him saying he wants me and he’ll have me any means and the game will start soon like Lights, Camera, Action!.” Hugging him back and smiling shyly.
“Don’t you both think you should report this to the cops?” Junmyeon asked, his voice wavering a bit and he cleared his throat.
“I think no, this is just some crazy psychopath fan of her who would have no guts to do any of those things,” Baekhyun said.
You kept the letters back into the envelope and put it inside your handbag. You still felt uneasy from the threats Baekhyun clearly got today. Baekhyun saw that and shook you gently.
“I’m with you, forever.” Baekhyun mused.
A/N: I’m sorry I haven’t proofread it so please forgive me for any mistakes or notify me I’ll edit it surely. Enjoy!!
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treasure-exo · 7 years
Action! - 2
Genre: Suspense, smut.
Pairing: Baekhyun X You
Word count: 5.5k
Description: You’re an actress married to Baekhyun with thousands and millions of your own fans too. So what happens when one of your fans turns into a psychopath stalker.
Trigger WARNINGS: Mention of a panic attack, smut. So read at your own risk if you’re sensitive towards any of these.
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The most scariest thing being a celebrity is that you cannot have your own privacy, you cannot have feelings for the one you absolutely adore, you cannot have your own opinions, thoughts, and views and on top of that a very little voice to confront your thoughts. If you do, If you voice your thoughts and say them out a little louder, you are considered rude and that’s it. That’s it for your career, from that point onwards everything goes downhill for you. All the hard work for all those years means nothing anymore and the fall gradually starts affecting all your fame and popularity.
Both of your fans have supported your relationship with Baekhyun though with some setbacks, you getting married to him, you getting pregnant with his child even if some thought it was too early, your each and every decision which you both took together and last but not the least you being happy with him. You were more than blessed and lucky that you got to live with a man who the fans appreciated and loved. You were absolutely grateful to your fans for accepting almost everything and also your marriage.
Well, not all fans accepted your relationship and marriage and the clear result was seen in the letters you got. There were some fans who never supported you both but the kind detest you got was never acceptable. The letters of pure hate for the man you love and have given your entire life to. Kind of letters you wish no one ever gets in their lifetime. The words still had the impact and the hurt still fresh. The letters you wanted to dispose off and never retrieve back.
You were feeling absolutely guilty for the words written down in the letters. You felt anxiety from reading those horrible shit. Your heart felt a sudden jolt of emotions which were so dark, gloomy and devastating, the kind of emotions you could not express. Heartbeats rising rapidly and acquiring abnormal rhythms. That’s when you felt the panic, terror, distress and anguish, that was making breathing difficult for you, taking away all the oxygen and let you feeling claustrophobic. That was your condition, unexplainable during your incident of a panic attack.
You still felt the anxiety which you hid from Baekhyun down below so he would not notice it. You were having an uneasy feeling about the letters and all which happened to you today, even if Baekhyun told you not to worry about him. Seeing him beside you, enveloping you in his strong arms was making you feel strong. Some of your anxiety disappeared seeing Baekhyun. He was bubbly, cheerful, radiant and you didn’t want to take away him blissful smile and make him worry or panic. He still sat holding you in his arms.
You tried to forget the worry which was creeping down your veins but all your thoughts were drifting back to the letters and its content. You wanted to forget but your brain was saying otherwise. Your brain was drifting to the threats which Baekhyun got, which you got if you supported him and which your twins got. Twins.
You patted Baekhyun’s arm to draw his attention, looking right into his eyes, “Baekhyun, I think we need to go, please.” Looking with pleading eyes and hope, which you thought he may accept. Either Way, you were now okay and he needed to complete his practise, so you thought he might say no.
He lifted his face, nodding. “Uhm… ok, but wait I just need to complete my dance practise. It’ll just take a half hour. Honey, it’ll be fine, trust me.” He rubbed your back up and down before smiling and standing up, seeing his bandmates who were still settled down.
“No Baek, you don’t understand, he clearly threatened our twins, our children, our Baekhye and Baekho. So, please we need to go. Baekhye and Baekho are not with us, they are alone at home and we can’t guarantee anything. Okay, they may be with their nanny but I partially don’t trust her, I don’t trust her in all the things. I need to go see my fluffballs and that’s it.” You insisted, making a puppy face.
He sighed, he knew he can’t leave just like that before the practise ends but he also knew you were right to some extent. He can’t neglect his own twins’ safety, for once he can neglect his own safety but he never would want his little ones to go through anything. He definitely wants his family safe and can’t ignore your worries.
He looked at Junmyeon, entreaty in his eyes silently asking for the permission to leave. Junmyeon was silently witnessing the whole scenario between you and your husband. Finally, he nodded after taking a minute or so, understanding the need of your’s and Baekhyun’s to be with each other, to be with your children. The other boys were still sitting, now with the addition of Sehun too. They all understood both of your needs and worries and finally assured Baekhyun to go.
You stood up, smiled at the boys, bowed and left the practise room holding Baekhyun's hand tight, muttering a quiet thank you to your husband.
Most of the ride to your home was very quiet, silence filling each corner of his car. The silence which was not awkward but still awkward, the kind of silence that follows a huge disaster. It was like a gaping void, needing to be filled with words, sounds, anything. This kind of silence was poisonous. Usually, car rides with Baekhyun are filled with him cracking dumb jokes and you cackling up to them, talking, him being loud, absolutely anything. They are anything but silence, but right at the moment the silence was awkward and Baekhyun kind of noticed that.
“Hey, answer me this question, if you answer correctly, I’ll obey you for a week. I promise.” He suggested, looking at you for a brief moment before continuing his driving.
“Okay, fine. It should better be a good one though.” You answered, knowing completely he would definitely be asking some stupid shit.
“Umm… why does little mermaid wear seashells?” He asked, suppressing his laughter within.
Thinking a bit before answering, “Because she is a mermaid? Or, I don’t know?” You mused.
“No, wrong. Because A and B shells were too small.” He laughed. You raised your eyebrows at him, biting your lower inner lip to not laugh at his vapid joke. You smacked his arm and chuckled.
“Oh god, Baek stop making dirty jokes.” You were laughing on a full gear now, the atmosphere inside the car becoming a bit relieved.
Once you arrived at your home, most of your anxiousness was drowned deep inside the water of delight in the other half ride with Baekhyun. You got out of the car as fast as possible and rushed inside, shouting Jiyeon’s name who is in the charge of taking care of your fluffballs.
Jiyeon came out of the kitchen with their milk feeding bottles in her hands. You stood in the living room rushing over to Jiyeon once she came out.
“Where are Baekhye and Baekho? Are they ok? Did something happen while I was out? How are they and what are they doing right now?” Holding Jiyeon’s arms, asking the number of questions you had never asked someone in your lifetime at once.
Your eyes were looking right into hers and searching for any bad signs, hoping to find none.
“See I need to know how are they and if something happened or not? Right now I’ve some shit happening around me so you need to speak.” You clarified, waiting for her to speak.
Jiyeon smiled and shook her head, “No miss, nothing happened while you were out. They both are completely fine, sleeping right now in their room and before you came they were a bit hungry so I came down to heat the milk for them.”
You closed your eyes, your heart which once was beating too fast and loud felt a relief and your anxiety now fully and entirely gone. Two arms hugged your waist from behind and a chin rested on your left shoulder.
Baekhyun was hugging you from the back with his chin resting on your shoulder. His hands felt too soft on your skin even though there was a barrier of his shirt between. He nodded to what Jiyeon said and signaled her to wait there.
He pulled you upstairs, to where your twins room is with him still hugging you from the back.
You opened the door slowly, not wanting to make any noise and wake them up. The most beautiful feeling creeping up your veins to your heart when you saw your two fluffballs in their cribs having their siesta. You realized you were standing in the doorway so you pulled Baekhyun inside and closed the door.
Baekhye was opening her eyes, probably by the noise which you however made while closing the door. Baekhye your elder daughter who was six minutes older than your son was the most beautiful girl you had ever seen. You recalled the time she was born, when you first saw her and how you felt seeing her.
Her cries filled the room as she was born. Her father bursts into tears of joy holding her as he turns his glossy eyes towards you and tells you in a voice which was broken, that they are having the most beautiful daughter. Through your exhaustion, you smile and let your eyes leave his to take in the baby which was brought up near you. A tear or two leaving your eyes, all the pain from earlier melting away in that very moment.
Your daughter started crying once she was wide awake. You went to pick her up into your arms and started patting her back to make her stop crying anymore.
Listening to her, your son Baekho started to wail. Baekho your younger son was the cutest of all the other baby boys you ever had seen and thought them the cutest.
The second delivery for him was even painful and exhausting than the first one. You were already exhausted and your each muscle was paining unbearably that you could faint anytime while giving life to your twin child. Your eyes were filled with tears and you could just not open your eyes fully, you heard your husband’s voice saying a prince is born and that’s when you saw black, you heard silence.
They both resembled Baekhyun, to each and every aspect. They looked almost similar like you are looking to a younger version of Baekhyun. The way their voice sound, angelic and completely soothing to your ears just like how Baekhyun’s voice is. The softness of their hair, their rectangular smile and even their lips. Even their names have Baek in them. The only thing they may have of you is their eyes but even they were a mixture of your big eyes and his droopy ones.
And just like him, they both are loud which they were both showing you by crying out loud. You gestured Baekhyun to go pick Baekho to shut his wailing. You were trying to calm down your daughter, you know they want to eat after taking a nap for nearly three hours. You handed her to Baekhyun and went downstairs for their milk bottles.
Jiyeon was still there, sitting on one of the dining table chairs holding two milk bottles. You took the bottles from her looking at her petite form. She was a little shorter than you and a skinny body type. Her dark hair was mid-length, falling just below her shoulders.
“Jiyeon you may now take your leave, for today. After this, I’ll manage, thanks for the help.” You informed. She bowed, took off her apron, put it on the dining table and left taking her bag.
You went to your little ones’ room. You suppressed your laughter seeing Baekhyun barely managing to handle both the babies at once and literally don’t know how to make them stop crying.
You chortled and that left him jutting his lower lip at you.
“They just are hungry, give them these milk bottles and they’ll stop,” You handed the bottles to him and stood beside him, watching him feed your fluffballs. Watching him playing with them is the most enchanting moments you would ever see. You could see these moments for days without doing anything and just be watching them laugh, play, do absolutely anything. You savored the feels which were so important and want to keep them with yourself for a lifetime. You didn’t realize but you were smiling just by viewing their interactions.
“Also, Baek they will be with us in our room tonight, so will you help me with the crib shiftings?” You asked, tilting your head.
He nodded and sighed, at this point, your conversations were not long with even longer explanations and clarifications. Now, your conversations are short and simple. Both of you understand each other in a way there is no need of details but just simple gestures that mean a whole hour conversation.
That was now your relationship with Byun Baekhyun, the man of your life and for you he meant everything.
The evening turned into night. A night with pleasant yet a bit tensed atmosphere around you.
That day you went to bed early. Feeling a bit dizzy but not tiring. All you wanted was a nice sleep and forget about your day. But that couldn’t make you fall asleep. You wanted sleep desperately, but all you could do is change positions for a suitable one so that you would feel comfortable and lull to sleep.
It was quite late when Baekhyun entered the room. The bed dipped on his side as he climbed in. A good minute passes before you felt a touch on your arm. A touch so soft it sends shiver down your spine.
You rolled onto the other side now facing him. For some reason, he scooted closer. Your hands automatically finding their way to his face, your fingers lingers over before brushing his hair off of his face. He reached for your waist to pull you closer.
When his lips touched yours, his hands went slowly trailed their way up and his legs tangling with yours. His touch made you writhe underneath him. His thumb rubbing circles on your back. It feels as though he wants to devour you to the fullest. To assure you everything will be fine and distract you a little.
His every kiss is desperate, consuming you in a way you never had before. When his lips sucked a little hard, your lips let out a soft moan from your throat, “Baek.” You tilted your head sidewards for him to have a better access to your neck.
He rolled on top of you, his hips lying into yours. Not with much pressure, to avoid squeezing you. He wants you to feel his every touch, his every kiss which showed how much he loved you.
You pulled back, kissing his neck above his collarbone. His sweet spot, which he always loved if you kiss him there. Earning a low groan from him, when you nibbled that spot. His knees nudged yours to settle in between.
You let your hand wrap around his neck tightly. His bottom lip between his teeth, his eyes flutter shut trying not to be too loud. Your hands move down from his neck to his broad back, strolling on their way. He pulls back to reattach his lips to yours. He smiled on your lips as his hands trailed their way down to your hips.
His shirt was only half buttoned so you yanked his shirt off of him, dropping it to a far end of your bedroom. His body heat was making you feel with warmth. His hand was tugging the hem of your tank top. You arched as he pulled your tank top overhead.
His lips find their way back to your neck, nipping. His hands going back to unclasp your bra. As he did, the garment discarded over somewhere you didn’t bother seeing. He pulls back, “damn.” That was the only thing that left his lips, eyes wide and dark hovering over your chest.
His lips find your breasts, his hands paving the path slowly to your hips. Once he reaches, he cups them lifting them up. Seeing the opportunity you wrap your legs around him. He continues working his lips over your breasts, nipples. Teasing them gently as his tongue lick circles, making you moan and arch your back.
His hands gripping your hips firmly, his thumb rubbing up and down there. Finally, he pulls back, sitting up, staring down your upper naked body with dark eyes. Wetness pooling down at your panties just by the look in his eyes and you try to push your legs together.
Baekhyun sees this and smirks. His firm grip on your hips keep them from pressing together and you whine in the process.
“Already, love?” He chuckles, as his eyes take you in.
His lips at last touching between your breasts, bending to kiss a slow path down your stomach from your chest. His each touch, each kiss is soft and utterly charming. His touch so light, easing moans and whimpers from you, not stopping until your voices intensify.
He pulled your panties in one, single blow. When he reaches down, he spreads your legs further apart. Kissing slowly from your thighs to your center. The way he touched you there, it felt completely different from before, completely new. As his breath reached your core, you shudder, squirming your body below him. His tongue warm and hot, licking your slit.
You gasp, “Baekhyun.” As he slides his one finger inside you. A knot forming inside your abdomen as he continues to stroke you down and watches you wriggle.
You were near, you could feel it. He’s driving you towards your climax steadily. He continues to stroke once, twice before you clenched, your knot breaking around his finger. You pant with your eyes tightly shut, left undone just by his finger.
When you came back down from your orgasm, Baekhyun was watching you, gaze fixed. His finger shining from your juices which lay over your thigh.
“B-baekhyun,” You stutter while panting. “please.”
Meanwhile, his boxers were gone. He came closer, positioning himself to align at your entrance. He hovers over you, now on his elbows that rested on either side of you.
“Would you mind telling me what you want?” He pushes his hips forward so that only his tip enters you, teasing you. Staying in that position for a good moment before slowly pushing inside you. “Yes, babe?”
“Baekhyun,” You whimpered underneath him. “Please, I-I want you.”
He pushed inside you slowly, gently. Too slowly that it made you whine. He bends to kiss you while pushing his length further, stretching you. Filling you. You wrap your legs around him tighter, allowing him deeper. When he’s entered inside completely, he stays there to let you adjust to the stretch and then pulls back just so his tip is inside you.
You puffed out a breath, making you squall. He starts to move, pushing in and out of you at a slow pace. He was especially slow now, you could feel him. You could feel his skin creating friction inside you. You could feel his veins. You could feel his hardness. You just want to enthral each moment spent with him.
The way his hips move, the way he smells, the way his skin tastes when you suck, the way his eyes stays focussed on you telling you, you’re his everything. He was making love to you slowly, steadily and gently.
“Fast.” You moaned. You want friction, chafing, anything but not the slow pace of his. So you bucked your hips up wanting him more.
“No baby, not today,” He was panting, a thin sheen of sweat forming on both of your bodies. “Today I want you to feel everything, I want you to feel my love for you. Please, be patient.”
His thrusts just becoming a bit harder at your plea, he moves his fingers between your legs. Rubbing slow and gentle circles over your clit, earning some incoherent voices out of you. You moaned his name louder, as you came even harder this time. You threw your head back, eyes shut and hands clutching his shoulders tight.
Baekhyun continues to thrust through your orgasm, faster and harder than before to bring him to his climax. That’s when you felt, a shot of warm, thick liquid filling you.
He slows down his speed eventually stopping while still inside you. He rests his head in between your breasts. Breathing in and out to even his rhythm of respiration, making your skin tickle.
He rolled off of you. Pulling out his length from you, making you whine for the emptiness. He reaches for the tissues on the nightstand to clean himself and you up before throwing it into the far corner of your room.
He pulled you into him, kissing the top of your head so that now he’s spooning you. You wanted to see him, to memorize how he feels, to smell his manly scent and importantly you didn’t want to lose him which you feared after those letters. You wanted to keep him to yourself so you rolled to face him and snuggle your head in the crook of his neck.
He wrapped his hand around you after pulling up the blankets.
“I’ll protect our family, don’t worry,” He whispered in your ear. “Nothing will going to happen to us, that psycho fan isn’t capable for this.”
You nodded, your eyes becoming heavy and the scent of Baekhyun making you dizzy and lulling you to sleep. You sleep just like that, in his arms feeling safe.
As you woke up, you found Baekhyun sitting on the edge of the bed, watching you carefully.
“Good morning, love.” He smiled at you. Brushing your hair off of your face to get a clear view of your face.
“Good morning, Baek.” You smiled back, trying to sit upright. Pulling the blanket up to cover your bare chest. You saw the clock on your nightstand, it was six in the morning. It’s still early in the morning, the sun just got up the horizon and a mixture of light and dark outside the windows.
The soft sunlight falling on his face, making his skin shine golden. It almost looked heavenly to look at him. You blinked at him before processing what was happening.
You frowned. “Didn’t you had a workout session?” You asked, “It’s already six, you should probably be reaching there by this time.”
“It’s so early in the morning and I didn’t want to leave such a beautiful wife alone,” He pouted. “And as for workout session, I can do that at home too staying inside.”
“What kind of workout session you can do inside?” You tried to roll your eyes at his excuse for skipping his sessions.
“Well, I said it’s quite early and I didn’t want to leave you,” His gaze becoming darker by the second and a smirk forming on his lips. His hands now nearing your naked form below the blankets. His gaze fixed on you as he started making his way, slowing coming close, lingering before getting on top of you.
“This will also be known as my morning session.” His signature smirk still playing on his lips. Hands trailing dangerously up to your bare breasts, brushing the sensitive skin there.
You tried to look unaffected, tried to bite down your smile. Tried to smack his arm so that he would stop teasing you, but you were weak to him and the look he would give when he wanted you.
“Then let’s lose some calories,” You smiled, giving him a wink and wrapping your hands around his neck, pulling him down to kiss you.
It was a very lazy morning waking up early and finding excuses not to do work. As for Baekhyun, he loved morning sex, he would go slow. Too slow. Making the time last longer. He would be lazy especially with his hip thrusts teasing you making you whine, but you loved it too. Spending time with him and getting teased by him. You would afterward fall asleep or wake up fully with Baekhyun helping you make breakfast.
Today though, you fell asleep in his arms. Feeling secured and safe you let him wrap you up into him. Your legs tangled with his, your hands resting on his chest and your face nuzzled into his neck.
When you woke up, the bed was empty. Baekhyun wasn’t there beside you, cuddling you. The bed felt warm though as if he just left it.
Your eyes suddenly wide open not finding Baekhyun next to you. You stood up immediately wearing the first thing that came into your hand-his shirt. You didn’t even bother to put on your panties before leaving your room.
“Baekhyun.” You called out his name and waited for him to answer.
No answer.
“Baekhyun.” This time your voice raising a pitch higher. Still no answer.
You started to move, your legs automatically gaining their speed. You started searching him. Looking here and there calling out his name loud. In your bathroom, there was still some steam so he might have just bathed. In the kitchen, no clue of him but accidentally your finger touched the oven - hot, he was here definitely. In the dining room, the bowls were already there filled with food. Living room, children’s room, each and every damn room your home has. Even checking bathrooms, backyard, old attic on the top floor, underground storage space, garage, everywhere.
Still, no clue of him.
“Baekhyun,” You screamed voice cracking, tears already filling your eyes. You started to lose your mind. Hands shaking while you stand on the threshold of your main door holding the knob tightly to steady yourself. “Please. If this is some kind of your lame prank, please. Stop. I give up and you won.”
No answer, yet.
You then searched for your phone. No texts, no missed calls. You dialed his numbers anxiously, calling him.
You heard some buzzing sound coming from your nightstand drawer. You opened it. Baekhyun’s phone ringing, flashing LOVE as your assigned name. He forgot his phone. Your heart now beating in a non-rhythmical now. You’re unable to think anymore.
Where can he go at eleven in morning? He always leaves a message before leaving anywhere. Why would he leave if he had no practise today? What if he forgot to tell you? You didn’t even know for how long he was missing.
Jiyeon. Jiyeon might know, she always is on time for work.
“Jiyeon.” you yelped. No, you forgot she was having a day off today. What about your fluffballs then. You rushed to your bedroom, they were there still sleeping. But where is Baekhyun? You clearly didn’t know.
Chanyeol. Chanyeol is his best friend he always knows where Baekhyun might be. So you called. A ring or two before he picked up.
As soon as he picked up his phone, you started shrieking onto the line.
“Chanyeol? Chanyeol. Please answer me, my questions. Do you know where Baekhyun is by any chance? Do you all have or had any practise today?”
“Uhm… no, we all are having a day off so there is no practise today. And the thing about Baekhyun, I suppose he’s at home only with you. Why? What happened?” His voice seemed confused and surprised.
“No chanyeol, he’s not at home. When I woke up he was not next to me, scratch that he was not at all in this house. He didn’t tell me where he’s leaving, also he didn’t even take his phone with him. He’s missing.” tears started shading with your voice cracking and vulnerable.
“Wait, he might be there inside. Did you check if his car is parked or not? First, go see that.”
You ran to your garage, his car still parked there. “His car is still here,” You went closer, but his keys were inside, inside the engine. “But his keys are inside his car, I remember him last evening taking out his keys with him.”
Chanyeol was silent for a moment, “that’s suspicious.”
“Please Chanyeol, can you call Junmyeon? I will not be able to talk to him, yesterday he warned but we only didn’t take his advice.” You asked earnestly, sniffling onto the line.
Chanyeol hummed on the line, “yes sure I’ll call him. Please just don’t panic. Everything will be fine, we’ll find Baekhyun. Nothing will happen to him. He’ll be safe no matter what.”
You nodded, not knowing you are on the line and he actually can’t see you. “Please.” The only thing that left your lips through your sobbing.
“Also, I’ll be there in few minutes. I’ll call every person which I think Baekhyun might have gone to and inform the agency. Please, don’t cry.” He said before hanging up.
You started calling all his bandmates. Kyungsoo, Minseok, Jongdae, Yixing, Jongin, Sehun to only get an answer in a no for not knowing where Baekhyun is.
You were on a verge of having a breakdown. You felt you lost Baekhyun and will never be able to meet him. You started walking from your garage to your bedroom, steps unsteady. Tears continuously flowing down your cheeks. Eyes getting swollen and your face getting red.
You lost the strength of standing and slurped down near Baekho’s crib. You held his crib, wrapped your hands around one of its legs as if, if you let it go, your children will also be snatched away from you. Head resting against the panel and sobbing vigorously.
One moment he was making love to you, embracing you care and the next moment he was gone. Like a blow of wind, caressing you in a way and suddenly it is gone.
You were feeling uneasy from yesterday, your instinct told you something would happen. That was the main reason you were clutching your husband from yesterday so much. You didn’t want him to leave you and you were there with him almost each second after those letters. Maybe if you were awake that time you could have not let him go anywhere. You could have saved him.
You were feeling guilty for all the things happened. For the letters, for his disappearance, for any inconvenience he would or will be facing. You wanted him back. Safe and sound. If that psychopath fan of yours had been involved in his disappearance then you can’t guarantee his further safety.
You sat there for how long you didn’t know until a cry erupted from above. Baekho’s and Baekhye’s usual time to wake up. You tried to stand up, stumbling a bit like a drunk. You picked Baekho up. You were exhausted from too much crying and now you have to pick him up. You wish you would not drop him down so you made your grip around him tight.
Just then when you were about to take him to the kitchen to feed something, you heard something.
A door bell.
A/N: Finally, after so much of writing and editing, here this is. This chapter honestly made me cringe and throw up at the same time because I can’t do that to Baekhyun, but the storyline goes a bit like that. So, sorry Baekhyun and thanks for reading!!
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