#bambi on the brain
please1mistress · 5 months
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ssnake-eyes-uc · 3 months
Some idiot almost broke our Bambi last night, they left her little brain on when the party was starting. Poor thing her little mind almost melted, but someone seen the problem and went and unplugged her brain and her tongue popped out with her throat open, after that she was the life of the party. Good investment in our office Bambi.
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stars-bean · 1 year
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Bambi (1942) dir. David Hand Steel Magnolias (1989) dir. Herbert Ross
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lorephobic · 6 months
literally nobody asked for it, but here's my list of saltburn essays that i've slowly been drafting over the course of the last week which WILL be required reading for anybody trying to engage with me about this movie. my very personal saltburn 101 syllabus just dropped
A Wolf in Deer's Clothing: Saltburn's Attempt at Innocence
an examination of party costumes and our character's last attempts to masquerade as something they're not: felix—an angel, all-forgiving and all-knowing, something to be worshiped; and oliver—a prey animal, prey to class-divide, prey to saltburn, prey to felix.
thoughts about oliver specifically are loosely organized in my #bambi tag
A Midsummer Night's Mare: Farleigh Start as the Ultimate Victim of Saltburn
a farleigh character study, about the ways he was mistreated and manipulated at saltburn, about fighting to stay alive and the scars left behind by knowing when to give in
alternatively titled "QuickStart", may be adapted into a conclusive essay specifically focusing on oliver and farleigh's relationship
The Eye of the Beholder: On Saltburn's Voyeurism & Violence [working title]
how wealth and class pushes the catton's toward the volatile reality of being able to look, but not touch. on desire and the lack thereof, and portraying yourself as an object to be desired
may end up as two separate essays on wealth and aestheticism but i'm pushing toward a conclusive essay about the intersection of the two, which i feel is at the heart of saltburn
alternatively titled "Poor Man's Pudding: A Melvillian Approach to Saltburn's Class", again, may be adapted into it's own essay
Gender-Fluid: A Study in Sexuality and Saltburn's Desire to be Dry
a deep dive into the bodily fluids of saltburn and how oliver upsets the standard of men who are just so lovely and dry. on the creative choice to lean into the messy wetness of sex and desire and the audience's instinct toward repulsion
a celebration of the grotesque and an examination of why we would label it as such
least developed of the four, heavily inspired by @charnelpit's lovely post about the fluids in saltburn
if anybody is actually interested in any of these, i can work toward something closer to a finished piece instead of just bullet points and quotes in a google doc, but mostly this is so i can share my very brief takes on a multitude of themes in saltburn that have been haunting me
edit for people seeing this in the future: all posts about my essays are being organized into my #saltburn 101 tag if you’re interested in following these through to development!
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haileys-out2 · 2 months
My Domme snt me this pic wth lyk suuuper strict instrucshuns that I hve 2 dmb dwn my typin. Soon I wll hav 2 till dmb 2 😭😭😭
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barty working at some run down convenience store and he has a thing for the pretty girl who comes in buying cigs even though she's underage
GASP llaaaaayyylllaaaaaaa !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
you always manage to. ugh. just. YES. fuck this is so them!!!!!!! you get them, you understand them. ily.
Barty is still leafing through his magazine a moment later when he smells the gust of lilies and citrus from the other side of the counter. He grins.
A bottle of cherry coke zero clanks down on the counter along with a smaller bottle of vodka. “And a packet of Reds.”
Barty’s grin widens. He doesn’t look up when he winces and says, “I’m gonna need to see some ID on that, sweetie.”
Nothing. Then, a crumpled bill and some coins are thrown down next to the beverages.
Barty tuts when he finally lets himself look up and into enticingly piercing green eyes. Lily’s hair is a mess today and while her gaze is bright as any day, there’s a shadow of exhaustion hanging underneath her lower lashes.
“C’mon, kid, just show me that stolen ID again and let me tell you how much prettier you are than that girl in the picture,” Barty purrs, watching as Lily’s eyes narrow. “For old times’ sake, baby.”
Lily frowns, “Just hand me the cigarettes and I’ll be on my way.”
“Oh, but see that’s exactly what I don’t want to happen,” he replies, propping his palms onto the counter, leaning his long torso over.
Lily sighs and she shuts her eyes and her lips thin into a line and for a moment Barty thinks he’s going to get that one rare noise again where she’s whining like the most pitiful, exhausted, sweetest little thing. The first time she’d pressed it through gritted teeth Barty was so stupid from arousal he’d slipped the cigarette package over the counter and gave her the opportunity to leave earlier than planned.
Right now Lily takes a firm breath instead. Bummer.
But Barty isn’t giving up just yet. “Y’know, you shouldn’t buy that anyways. Stuff’s bad for you.”
“And you shouldn’t browse through the Playboy on the clock,” Lily sneers.
Barty grins and ducks closer, “Why, you got something better to show me?”
Lily’ cheeks take on a lovely pink tint, her freckles flaming over her rosy skin. Sometimes she reminds Barty a little of a cute fawn.
Barty nods at the beverages on the counter, “You gonna take that to a friend?”
“No,” Lily replies, frowning. Like it would be the most irrational thing to pick up a friend and have a drink with them. She’s so cute Barty wants to eat her.
“Gonna drink that all by yourself, sweets?” he inquires, grinning.
Lily huffs, “That’s none of your business.”
Barty hums, “Let me tell you something.”
“No, thank you.”
“Why don’t I take my break now,” Barty goes on, undeterred, “and I’ll have one with you. And I’ll let you purchase the cigs. Even throw in a lighter for free ’cause you’re so easy on the eye.”
Something just shy of a whimper catches in Lily’s throat. “I just want the damn smokes,” she mutters at the ceiling. Barty thinks the pale skin of her neck would probably bruise so easily if she’d just let him.
“Brilliant, then it’s settled,” Barty concludes and sorts the money into the register before slamming it closed pointedly.
He grabs the smokes from behind him and picks out a lighter with a wolfish grin. He fishes for the keys and the ‘Be Right Back’ sign from under the counter and then ushers a grumbling Lily out the back door.
There’s an old, ratty plastic chair and Barty lets himself plop down into it with a sated sigh. Lily keeps standing in the bare space in front of him and glares, “What happened to the second chair?”
Barty shrugs, “Someone stole it.” Someone being Barty and yes, the chair fits in nicely with the rest of his balcony furniture, thanks for asking.
Lily’s mouth tightens, she opens her soda. “Well, how hospitable of you to offer me the seat then,” she snarks.
“Oh, you’re very welcome to sit,” Barty returns, purposefully widening his legs and bucking his hips. “You look exhausted, love, and I promise I’m very comfy.”
He watches Lily’s gaze harden again, the wall building up, higher, and she purses her lips. She looks like she’s one more remark away from kicking Barty out of the wobbly chair but then suddenly she moves forward. She stops right between Barty’s legs and honestly, he hadn’t hoped he’d get this far today so his brain operates a little slow. Eventually he manages lifting his hands and guiding Lily around and to sit square in his lap.
They’re so close suddenly, Lily’s hair is tickling Barty’s nose and she feels heavenly where she’s placed on top of him. Warm and soft. She smells so good and the crook of her neck is right there. Barty has to work hard to control himself when spit pools under his tongue.
Lily tugs at her sweater subconsciously. It’s a low v-neck and Barty’s in a perfect position to ogle down her cleavage. “Smokes?” Lily asks, a little impatiently.
Barty hums, licking the corner of his mouth and gnawing on his bottom lip as he unwraps the cigarettes blindly, still hungrily taking in the soft swell of Lily’s—
“Stop staring at my tits, perv.”
Barty looks up to see her glowering expression. He licks his lips again. Lily’s gaze flutters down for just a second.
When the plastic wrapper is off, Barty opens it and flicks against the bottom of the carton. He takes the one that shot out the farthest and holds it up between them. “For good luck,” he explains, “Smoke it right before your exam.” Barty doesn’t know what prompts his brain in that direction but he finds himself planting a kiss along the length of the cigarette. Then he holds it up to Lily’s lips as well. She kisses it dutifully, so good for him, right on the spot where Barty’s mouth just lingered seconds ago, none the wiser that this is not at all a step in choosing your lucky cigarette. Barty puts it back in between the others with the filter up.
He pulls out two others and first sticks one between his own and then Lily’s lips. The urge to press his fingers in deeper is there but Barty ignores it skillfully.
The lighter is procured, Barty takes Lily’s chin between his fingers to light their cigarettes at the same time and then their smoking and nursing their drinks in comfortable silence. Barty can feel Lily readjust and squirm for the duration of her first smoke but then his arm lifts off the armrest and around Lily to pull her closer. She shifts up with a quiet yelp but settles quickly after the fact, if with a warning glance when Barty’s hand stays high on the outside of her thigh.
Lily’s skirt is soft fabric today, some kind of cotton with a mesh cover on top and it’s airy and short. After the third consecutive smoke and half the empty vodka flask later Barty has three fingertips digging into the bare skin of Lily’s thigh without complaint and a semi in his jeans.
“Lily,” Barty rasps after another two smokes. The redhead is mildly slumping against Barty’s embrace, eyes lidded and looking like she’s not far from falling asleep right on top of him.
“Hm?” she makes, blowing out smoke.
“You’re not feeling too well with exam season coming up, huh?”
“No shit,” Lily responds.
Barty’s lips tug at the corners, “I know a way to make you feel good.”
For the first time in a while Lily tenses in his lap, eyes widening in alert. “No,” she says.
Barty rolls his eyes with a grin, “You don’t even know what I was going to say.”
“I’m not having sex with you.”
Yet, Barty thinks. “That’s not what I was going to propose,” Barty corrects, smartly.
Lily raises her eyebrows in disbelief. God, she’s so hot when she isn’t taking Barty’s bullshit.
“I was gonna say kiss you.”
“Just a little.”
“Only the neck.”
Lily pauses. Bingo.
Barty lifts his unoccupied hand and moves her curls over her shoulder, exposing her throat to him. He lets his fingers flutter over her pulse point feather light. “Just gonna kiss your neck a bit and make you feel good.”
“Gonna make you feel good, I promise,” he mumbles, gambling.
A sigh, then a barely there whisper, “Fine.”
Barty’s breath hitches and then he leans in and lets his tongue out flat to lick a long stripe up Lily’s pretty neck with a groan. He closes his lips around the skin and sucks hard enough to leave a mark, just behind her ear. Lily shudders in his lap and when Barty pants another breathy noise against her skin, he hears her moan quietly as well.
Lily tastes heavenly, like raspberry and lime, and clean and flowery. He licks and kisses and sucks and makes out with Lily’s neck, gripping her thigh so far up it’s nearly ass and getting increasingly harder the more she melts into him and the louder she gets.
Lastly Barty makes the mistakes of sucking too hard and pulling Lily from her trance so that she promptly extracts herself with a hiss. Her lips are bitten red and her eyes are wide and dewy as she stares at Barty in shock, cheeks flushed and Barty would literally sell all his organs to know what Lily is thinking right now.
Eventually she stutters her way through arguing why she has to leave now and Barty nods dutifully, still high off of the taste of Lily on his tongue, before helping her up and opening the door for her. Like a gentleman. As soon as her back is turned he cups and adjusts himself in his pants.
When they come back into the store there’s a small queue lined up outside and Barty smirks when he sees Lily blushing deeper.
Barty leans down to her ear from behind, “Well then, sweets, see you soon.” He presses the lighter into her palm and then steps past her to unlock the door for the costumers.
Lily responds something unintelligible under her breath and then rushes out after the people waiting have stepped inside.
On the sidewalk Lily turns and searches for Barty through the window. When their gazes lock she holds up the hand with the lighter and mouths, “Bambi?!”
Barty simply winks at her.
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please1mistress · 5 months
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I know few of you boys look at her eyes, your eyes drawn a little lower, your mind going a little slower as the blood flows down to your privates, so easy to stare and edge your minds away to Please me
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ssnake-eyes-uc · 2 months
{Ohh no!! The urges I can't control!! What could have triggered them this time I've got to stop this!! I've got to get out of here!!!}. 'Hey!'. {OMG!! just run!!} *Turns and runs, sprinting away from a confused coworker and towards the parking garage.* {WHEW! CLOSE CALL} *fumbles for my keys, before unlocking car door and hopping into my car.. turning it on and taking a deep breath as static hisses through the radio a familiar voice chimes in and my blood turns cold.* sss-eek sss-ervice sss-illy sss-ervent... Sss-ays sss-nakeYe-sss...
*I wake up stumbling around in high heels, realizing I'm dressed as a girl..* {Ohh no!!! Not again!! Where am I?}. *I stutter out as a loud voice comes over a speaker connected to the metal door in front of me.* 'Good Bambi Girl! you made it! Now open the mouth of the door into the throat of the room.. taste the air with your tongue and lock.' *my mind blurs as I walk into the room, my mouth and throat opening as my tongue drops out and I drool, my vision now very hazy. The door to the room clicks shut as it dings and an automated voice says 'Zap Cock Drain Obey Drop For Cock! ***POP*** ' As my knees buckle I drop to the floor, my mouth and throat open.. tongue drooling as thoughts of sucking off cock race through my head.*. 'Poor Bambi's brain is still on.. haha! Well her mind will now melt like hot cotton candy as it mixes her little brain into a dumb bimbo wonderland of pink bubbles popping and giggling... Erasing her IQ to nothing... haha'
*I wake up to the last man buttoning his pants as he hocks a wad of spit on my face and smirks. My mouth now tasting of the gallons of sperm and piss I must have drank a huge mouthful still in my clutches as I gulp it down the taste sparkling and tasting like cotton candy as I smile and giggle. Before realizing someone is still in the room behind me.*
{sirens ring in my head} *I am propelled to my feet and twirl, spinning around as if a force of divine will made me. That is when my eyes connect with the glaring red embers of eyes, burning in the dark.* Master!!!! *I shout drool falling down my mouth as I helplessly stare into the burning depths of his eyes, my mind erasing as I fall deep into trance.. deeper than I've ever gone. As I see his snake body slither into the light his glistening muscles flexing as he coils around me.. making me a helpless drone a mindless fuck doll as he grips my being and forces his ownership inside me.. my tight pussy gripping him as hard as it can.. craving his dominance filling me.. making me fulfill my purpose as his Bimbo Fuck Doll.* 'thank you master..' *Is all I can whimper as I fall to the floor full of his approval.. my pussy leaking his mark all over the floor as I blank out and hear the last words ever hear again.* 'Bambi's Uniform Locked.. Good Bambi.. your now our Bimbo Fuck Doll for Life!!!' {HHHHEEEEELLLLP.............} *My mind spirals down into a vacant oblivion as I lay there blank my holes open... Only listening for commands, my mind no longer functioning... As my conscious mind is sleeping now forever.. all I hear in the background is a faint static..... Ssssssssssssssss... As I lay limp on the floor*
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dizzydolliebimbo · 24 days
Dizzy Dollies blog is being so silly, but she doesn't want you to miss out, so she's fixed something up just for you!
Here's her latest reaction to BIMBO DRONE B@MBI WARNING
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kidnapandbreedme · 1 month
hehehe i want to destroy OS ii wan tt to make iit impossible too ignore thaat shess ment to be a dumbb drooly bimbbo
hehehe growijng hher tittiess was thhe best thinng ever nnow she cant ignnore wwhat shes ment foorr
ttheyre sso sofft and squisshy sshe can hhelp but blannk out wheen she accidentally brusshes against them orr when they bounce sshe cant ignore hhow good it feels
i just wantt her tto reallize her ttits arebigger than hher brain sshe cant think with bouncy ttitties hehehe her brainn is draiining into herr boobss and out ofo her cuuny andd no mmattrr how much sshe resists she cannt stoo hher fates
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biggerr ttities mmake hher a minddless toy
jusust holes and titss hehehe justt asilly dumb doll
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sunflowericescribbles · 2 months
Okay, Lucifer with deer ears (and tail) is super cute & somehow I cannot stop imagining Alastor´s reaction being like:
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You know he´s so shocked that he didn´t realize his antlers grew and get him stuck in a chandelier or something else hanging from the ceiling and he struggles to get out of it xD (And Lucifer goes "oohhhh you like that, don´t you? *lick* XD)
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bambiraptorx · 2 months
recently brain's been saying a rottmnt x dungeon meshi crossover would be interesting. laios wanting to eat a ninja turtle would be low hanging fruit obviously but it could be interesting to see say, how leo and marcille interact (assuming post canon for both of them) given that there's a commonality of "technically kinda responsible for unleashing something that almost ended the world that one time" which could be interesting to explore
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dandybambiandy · 1 year
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Doesn't it get heavy? Carrying all that weight in your mind?
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please1mistress · 5 months
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let yourselves be bimbofied
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sillystringsys · 3 months
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they may be stupid
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