#bamf jess dolan
heatherofthenight · 5 years
Hi I would love that u do my deran/adrian fic idea and that when they‘re young and adrian meets the cody brothers for the first time and they tease deran about adrian being his first friend and the first one come to the house and he get embarrassed or something,they will play together and be rough like always,deran freaks out that adrian will leave him and get scared but he stick around and laugh with them idk but i like your fic so it will make my day if u write it and sorry for my bad English
Hi Nonie,
I’m not sure this is what you had in mind but I hope it hits your spot. 
I don’t encourage 7 year olds cursing but I figure Deran grew up hearing the language so he uses it. 
Fucking families.
 Deran was practically bouncing on his toes and the teacher kept telling him to quit fidgeting.  It was embarrassing because if it was one thing Deran could do it was be quiet but today he couldn’t contain his excitement:  Today was the day Adrian was coming over to his house after school.  
 He was excited and worried; he’d never had anyone over before and his brothers would be there.  Craig was okay but Baz and Pope might screw things up.
 “Deran, if I have to ask you one more time to sit still, I’m going to send you to the principal’s office.” Mrs. Funk’s high voice made her sound like she should be a student in the second-grade class she taught but the look on her face told Deran she meant business. Smurf had a similar look with lips pressed into a line and Deran knew that was his sign to quit fucking around.
 His face heated up as the other kids in his class turned and stared at him but he kept his head down. When he finally glanced up, he couldn’t help but look to his right where Adrian was sitting.  He made eye contact and was surprised to find Adrian smiling at him.
 Adrian was the coolest kid in their class.  He could already surf and he was a strong swimmer and he was really smart and funny and Deran even liked the freckles on Adrian’s face.
 He had to be careful at home because Pope and Baz liked to tease him about his ‘boy crush.’  Craig was nicer about it, telling Deran it was okay to have a best friend at school, but he still got a goofy grin on his face if Deran talked too much about his friend, Adrian.  
 Brothers really sucked sometimes; Deran wished Julia was still at home so he could talk to her about having a best friend but Deran knew better than to even mention his sister’s name around the house right now.  
 The bell finally–finally!–rang and Deran waited at the door for Adrian.  His friend was kind of being poky as he got his stuff from the cubby and Deran wanted to tell him to hurry the fuck up but he wanted to play it cool.  Adrian wasn’t allowed over at other people’s houses but Craig had somehow talked Adrian’s sister into letting come over today.
 Maybe brothers didn’t suck after all.
 Adrian finally made it to the door and Deran grabbed his shirt, towing him along.  His friend went along with him, laughing as he stumbled along. Adrian was strangely good natured and usually let Deran have his way at school without argument.
 They went outside to find the usual procession of soccer moms picking up kids.  The sea of minivans was broken up by the God-awful yellow Volkswagen Cabriolet convertible Baz had parked front and center.  Craig sat on top of where the convertible folded up and waved as though they wouldn’t spot them.  Deran just towed Adrian along.
 Baz and Pope completely ignored them as they talked in the front seat but Craig yanked Adrian into the back seat and started talking about surfing.  Deran pouted on the way home because Craig was monopolizing his best friend but when they pulled into the driveway, he coaxed Adrian out of the car and dragged him to the pool.
 Deran was not happy when not only Craig, but Pope and Baz, followed them to the pool.  He showed Adrian inside to the bathroom where he could change into his swim trunks before he grabbed his own from his bedroom and slid into them. He stepped back outside only to be met with his oldest brothers.
 “So, it’s a pretty big day for you,” Baz smiled at Deran; he didn’t trust it one little bit.  
 He grabbed towels, carrying them over to some lounge chairs and dropping them.  Maybe if he ignored Baz, he’d go away.
 “Hey, he’s talking to you,” Pope chimed in.  “Is this little pipsqueak like, more important than your brothers?”  
 Privately Deran thought that was true but he was smart enough not to voice it.  If Pope or Baz sensed any weakness in him, they wouldn’t let up until they got to him.  At least that’s what Smurf said.  Deran was grateful Smurf was away; there’s no way he’d expose Adrian to her.
 Baz grabbed his arm and whirled him around.  His arm was going to bruise from the force of his brother’s grip but he pressed his mouth into a straight line and stared back at Baz.
 Adrian emerged from the house with Craig close behind him.  “Hey, thanks for letting me come over.  This looks like a great pool.”  His words were aimed at all of the Codys but his smile was just for Deran.
 Pope rolled his eyes but Baz got that look in his eyes.  “Oh yeah, the pool is great.”  As soon as Adrian walked up, Baz grabbed him around him the middle, carried him over to the edge, and dropped him into the water.
 His friend emerged from the water, bobbing on the surface, shock on his pale face.
 Craig shoved Baz.  “What the fuck, man?”
 Baz just smiled.  “He’s got to be tough if he’s going to hang out here.”
 Deran turned his attention back to Adrian who treaded water.  His friend bit his lip and looked like he might cry but then he tipped his head back and laughed.  It was a sound of pure enjoyment, a laugh similar to Julia’s when she wasn’t being moody.
 Pope whipped his head around scowling at Adrian.  He stepped to the edge of the pool and he looked like he was going to jump in and give his friend a dunking or something.  Deran clenched his fists so hard he could feel his nails digging into his palms.  
 What if Adrian hated it here and decided he didn’t want to spend time with Deran anymore because of his stupid brothers?
 What if his brothers hurt his friend?
 Adrian slid beneath the surface, only to launch himself upward into the air before diving headfirst beneath the water.  He disappeared from view again although Deran could see bubbles on the surface moving across the pool.
 “Did he just do a fucking dolphin dive?”  Pope didn’t sound angry; more like shocked.  
 Deran stepped up next Pope. “I told you he likes to swim.”
 Craig got between Baz and the pool, screening his view from Adrian.  Even though Craig was only 12, he was already taller than his brothers who were four years older.
 Adrian’s head poked above the surface on the other side of the pool and he laughed.  That seemed to break up the scary atmosphere.
 Pope turned away, heading back toward the house, bumping his shoulder into Baz’s.  Both guys went into the house leaving Craig, Deran and Adrian outside.
 Craig looked at Deran and then at Adrian who hung onto the far side of the pool, smiling. “Whoa, that was intense.”
 Deran fidgeted in place.  “Do you think it’s safe?”  He kept his voice low because he didn’t want Adrian to hear him.
 “Oh, yeah, I think Pope likes Adrian.”  Craig took a running start and did a cannon ball, splashing water all over the place, including onto Deran.
 His heart still pumped hard in his chest but Deran wanted to hang out with his friend.  This could be the last time Adrian came over.
 Or talked to Deran.
 His fucking family.
 Except Craig.  Although Craig was dunking his friend beneath the water. Fortunately, Adrian found it funny and laughed in his face before slipping away like an eel.
 Deran shrugged before diving into the pool.  He just wanted to have some fun.
 Later that evening, after Adrian had gone home saying he’d had a blast and wanted to do it again, someone dropped by the house.  The intercom on the gate buzzed and Craig stepped outside to get a quick look.
 “Who the fuck drives a station wagon?”  Craig scratched the back of his neck.
 “Why don’t you go outside and find out, fart-knocker?” Baz rolled his eyes as he went into the kitchen.
 Deran squared his shoulders. “I’ll go with you.”
 Craig didn’t look thrilled but he nodded.
 They stepped outside and Craig was right; it was one of those wood panel station wagons.  Holy shit, it was Adrian!
 “Holy shit, that’s Jess Dolan.” Craig sounded worried.
 This was Adrian’s sister?  She got out of the wagon and glided over, Adrian at her back.  She had long blond hair and freckles and looked a lot like her brother.  She had to be 9 years older than Adrian since she could drive but she only had a few inches on him.  
 “Craig Cody, I thought you said you’d watch over Adrian if I let him come over.  What the hell happened to my little brother?”  She might be tiny but she was feisty as she glared at Craig.
 “Jess, I’m fine.”  Adrian grabbed her arm.
  She shook him off, folding her arms, huffing.  “You’re bruised around your waist!  That’s not fine.”
 Shit. That’s where Baz had grabbed Adrian when he’d dumped him into the pool.
 “Jesus, Jess, would you chill? We were just rough housing.” Adrian got between Craig and his sister. Deran wasn’t sure but he thought Adrian rolled his eyes at her.
 These Dolans were badasses. Jess wasn’t backing down from the much bigger Craig and Adrian was staring her down.  
 “Come on, Jess, let’s go home.” Adrian grabbed her hand and tugged her toward the car.
 She relented although she turned around and pointed a finger at Craig.  “If something happens to my brother, you’ll have to deal with me.” She turned her attention to Deran. “You, too, short stuff.”
 Adrian tugged her along although he turned around and mouthed I’m sorry before he shoved his sister into the driver’s seat.
 The wagon rocketed off in a plume of smoke.
 Deran looked at Craig; Craig looked back, his face blank.  
 His brother finally cleared his throat.  “I guess Adrian can handle himself.”
 Biting his lip, Deran stifled the urge to laugh.  He supposed if Adrian was used to dealing with that then he could hold his own with Deran’s brothers.
 Although Deran would be on his guard the next time he invited Adrian over.  
 Both because of his older brothers and Adrian’s sister.
Fucking families.
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