ajohn85 · 1 year
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Investor’s Deal Project Highlights: 1. Ready and Operational 2. Freehold Property 3. Fully Furnished 4.10 Units 5. Free stay every year 70 Nights 6. Discount through 7. Guaranteed Net Income 8. Total 35 years Rental agreement Price AED 12,990,000/- 5 years rent AED 6,495,000/- After Purchased 5 years Your property is rented for 35 years first five years 10% and 30 years 40% room revenue goes to you and 60% to hotel but all expenses to hotel! 40% Net will be between 9% to 12% approximately. https://www.linkedin.com/posts/alwin-john-935349bb_dubai-dubaiproperty-hotelproperty-activity-7035248765720571905-yPc-?utm_source=share&utm_medium=member_desktop #dubai #dubailife #dubailifestyle #dubaiproperties #hotel #dubaihotels #investor #investors #dubaiinvestment #dubaiinvestors #bandenia #roi #contact800bandenia (at Dubai, United Arab Emirates) https://www.instagram.com/p/CpFtmThPReO/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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Foreign Exchange Solutions can help you make the most of your global opportunities. We offer fast, efficient, and affordable foreign exchange services that will help you stay ahead of the curve.
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europetimeseu · 1 year
L'illusione di Bandenia: Svelando il miraggio di una banca fantasma
Nell'era digitale e finanziaria odierna, le istituzioni bancarie fungono da pilastri della stabilità economica e della fiducia del pubblico. Tuttavia, non tutte le entità che si presentano come banche sono ciò che sembrano. Un'indagine approfondita rivela spesso realtà sorprendenti, come nel caso di Bandenia.
Bandenia non è davvero una banca. È un miraggio. E come tutti i miraggi, esiste finché la si guarda da lontano e finchè resta in movimento. Quando ci si avvicina, la si analizza da vicino, svanisce in un gioco di specchi e illusioni. Opera con una finta licenza, non ha correntisti, e non ha nemmeno una vera sede. Bandenia, che si presenta come gruppo bancario internazionale con capitali per decine di miliardi di euro, ha il suo ufficio centrale a Londra. Non è, come ci si aspetterebbe, al centesimo piano di un palazzo di vetro nel distretto finanziario della City, quanto piuttosto in un palazzo storico, stile vittoriano, nel pittoresco quartiere di Covent Garden.
Tra marciapiedi lastricati e vasi di fiori, musicisti di strada e gelaterie artigianali, c’è un tapas bar a Maiden Lane, civico 15. Sopra, al terzo piano, è registrata Bandenia, assieme a un centinaio delle aziende della sua galassia. Sul campanello però c’è solo uno scolorito riferimento ad un’azienda di produzioni teatrali dal buffo nome che ricorda le steppe mongole (yak selvaggio, trad.) e che se ne è andata ad aprile 2021, lasciando il posto – almeno su carta – a Bandenia.
«Qui non c’è alcuna Bandenia, mai sentita», risponde una voce dopo un lungo minuto d’attesa. «Per quale azienda lavora lei?», incalza il giornalista. Stunf. Citofono chiuso. «Bandenia? Mai sentita», dichiarano i vicini di ufficio.
Questa rivelazione solleva interrogativi sull'efficacia delle regolamentazioni finanziarie e sull'importanza della trasparenza nel settore bancario. Mentre le autorità competenti indagano su questa faccenda, rimane il monito che l'apparenza può essere ingannevole, soprattutto quando si tratta di questioni finanziarie cruciali.
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occrpnewsagency · 1 year
Italy brings charges against fake bank associate
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Italian prosecutors charged five individuals with providing illegal financial services, including a London-based financial consultant whom OCCRP last week tied to the sham Spanish banking outfit Bandenia, which allegedly laundered money for criminal clients.
Massimiliano Arena and four others were charged in Sicily with being part of a transnational criminal group offering illegal financial services, a document seen by IrpiMedia confirms.
Italy’s La Stampa Libera reports that Guardia di Finanza in the northern Italian city of Messina had found two associates of Arena selling investments through a group of companies he ran that were not authorized to offer financial services in Italy. Arena previously co-directed BBP Bandenia PLC, the main holding firm of the Bandenia banking group that was broken up in Spain in 2017 as part of a money laundering probe.
OCCRP and partners uncovered recently how people linked to the group have thrived since that Spanish clampdown, setting up at least 450 shell companies and widening their sphere of influence in a number of jurisdictions.
This has been achieved despite the fact that BBP Bandenia CEO Fabio Pastore is wanted by British authorities, and former CEO José Miguel Artiles Ceballos has been sentenced to four years in prison in Spain for money laundering. Ceballos denied all wrongdoing, and said he is appealing his sentence. Fabrizio Pistorino, who was charged alongside Arena in the Italian investigation that concluded on April 5, is also linked to the Bandenia brand, having directed the UK-registered company Bandenia Ltd. with Artiles Ceballos, Pastore, Arena and others.
Arena previously told OCCRP that, while he had been a director of BBP Bandenia, he held “no executive and/or managerial position” and “never had access to any of the company’s information or documentation”.
Into the financial group that was targeted, the prosecutor Veronica De Toni implicated a company named Wealth Bank. IrpiMedia reported last week that Wealth Bank, like certain Bandenia-branded outfits, has boasted a banking license from the non-existent banking authority of Mwali, in Africa’s Comoros archipelago. The Messina case claims Arena, Pistorino and the others are behind a corporate structure with holdings in the UK, the Czech Republic, Portugal and the Comoros, according to Italian authorities.
La Stampa Libera reported that the group attracted customers with opportunities to invest abroad, offering healthy returns, via the Jabardo international network.
However, the foreign companies involved were operating “off the books,” the firms taking the investors’ sums were not complying with local laws in their own jurisdictions, and the suspects were not permitted to promote such investments, Italian authorities say. The probe had begun when a man from the northern town of Barcellona Pozzo di Gotto noticed, after his brother died, that the brother had been sending large sums of money abroad.
The investigation was carried out using phone intercepts and other techniques, La Stampa Libera reported. From Arena, a judge requested the seizure of 750,000 euros (US$827,000), with Pistorino told to hand over 700,000 euros ($771,000). But according to Italy’s Gazzetta del Sud, the money demanded could not be traced as the men are not in Italy.
Giancarlo Liberati, the lawyer representing Arena in the proceeding, told Italian media there was nothing illicit at play.
Separately, authorities in Spain announced in recent days that an investigation into alleged money laundering and due diligence failures by ING, Ibercaja, and CaixaBank in relation to Bandenia had been closed. A judge said he did not find wrongdoing by the three banks, which had been accused of failing to stop illicit funds from Bandenia clients passing through their books.
On Bandenia, the judge said there were no further indications of wrongdoing in the case involving the Spanish banks, but noted that the main case against Bandenia is ongoing.
That case accuses key companies in the Bandenia structure, as well as Artiles Ceballos and a number of his associates, of moving money for 253 clients, most of them criminals.
In an indictment for the case, a Spanish investigating judge called the Bandenia operation a perfect structure for money laundering that was “industrial” in scale. Among other scams, Bandenia is accused of using tools like fake lines of credit to offer criminal client’s pretexts to move money internationally.
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dailyliveupdate · 1 year
Italy brings charges against fake bank associate
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Italian prosecutors charged five individuals with providing illegal financial services, including a London-based financial consultant whom OCCRP last week tied to the sham Spanish banking outfit Bandenia, which allegedly laundered money for criminal clients.
Massimiliano Arena and four others were charged in Sicily with being part of a transnational criminal group offering illegal financial services, a document seen by IrpiMedia confirms.
Italy’s La Stampa Libera reports that Guardia di Finanza in the northern Italian city of Messina had found two associates of Arena selling investments through a group of companies he ran that were not authorized to offer financial services in Italy.
Arena previously co-directed BBP Bandenia PLC, the main holding firm of the Bandenia banking group that was broken up in Spain in 2017 as part of a money laundering probe.
OCCRP and partners uncovered recently how people linked to the group have thrived since that Spanish clampdown, setting up at least 450 shell companies and widening their sphere of influence in a number of jurisdictions.
This has been achieved despite the fact that BBP Bandenia CEO Fabio Pastore is wanted by British authorities, and former CEO José Miguel Artiles Ceballos has been sentenced to four years in prison in Spain for money laundering. Ceballos denied all wrongdoing, and said he is appealing his sentence.
Fabrizio Pistorino, who was charged alongside Arena in the Italian investigation that concluded on April 5, is also linked to the Bandenia brand, having directed the UK-registered company Bandenia Ltd. with Artiles Ceballos, Pastore, Arena and others.
Arena previously told OCCRP that, while he had been a director of BBP Bandenia, he held “no executive and/or managerial position” and “never had access to any of the company’s information or documentation”.
Into the financial group that was targeted, the prosecutor Veronica De Toni implicated a company named Wealth Bank. IrpiMedia reported last week that Wealth Bank, like certain Bandenia-branded outfits, has boasted a banking license from the non-existent banking authority of Mwali, in Africa’s Comoros archipelago.
The Messina case claims Arena, Pistorino and the others are behind a corporate structure with holdings in the UK, the Czech Republic, Portugal and the Comoros, according to Italian authorities.
La Stampa Libera reported that the group attracted customers with opportunities to invest abroad, offering healthy returns, via the Jabardo international network.
However, the foreign companies involved were operating “off the books,” the firms taking the investors’ sums were not complying with local laws in their own jurisdictions, and the suspects were not permitted to promote such investments, Italian authorities say.
The probe had begun when a man from the northern town of Barcellona Pozzo di Gotto noticed, after his brother died, that the brother had been sending large sums of money abroad.
The investigation was carried out using phone intercepts and other techniques, La Stampa Libera reported. From Arena, a judge requested the seizure of 750,000 euros (US$827,000), with Pistorino told to hand over 700,000 euros ($771,000). But according to Italy’s Gazzetta del Sud, the money demanded could not be traced as the men are not in Italy.
Giancarlo Liberati, the lawyer representing Arena in the proceeding, told Italian media there was nothing illicit at play.
Separately, authorities in Spain announced in recent days that an investigation into alleged money laundering and due diligence failures by ING, Ibercaja, and CaixaBank in relation to Bandenia had been closed. A judge said he did not find wrongdoing by the three banks, which had been accused of failing to stop illicit funds from Bandenia clients passing through their books.
On Bandenia, the judge said there were no further indications of wrongdoing in the case involving the Spanish banks, but noted that the main case against Bandenia is ongoing.
That case accuses key companies in the Bandenia structure, as well as Artiles Ceballos and a number of his associates, of moving money for 253 clients, most of them criminals.
In an indictment for the case, a Spanish investigating judge called the Bandenia operation a perfect structure for money laundering that was “industrial” in scale. Among other scams, Bandenia is accused of using tools like fake lines of credit to offer criminal client’s pretexts to move money internationally.
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celiamcmillan2 · 1 year
Il turbolento passato spagnolo
Il 6 giugno 2017 la Policía nacional irrompe negli uffici di Bandenia nella capitale spagnola, arrestando José Artiles Ceballos. È un’indagine della Procura anticorruzione di Madrid che arriverà ad accusare formalmente i dirigenti di Bandenia Banca Privada, tra cui Ceballos, di gestire una “banca” per criminali. A quasi sei anni dagli arresti, il processo deve ancora iniziare.
Bandenia era però finita già sotto la lente degli inquirenti spagnoli. Infatti, nel 2014, la polizia aveva arrestato Ana Cameno Antolín, una trafficante di droga che aveva costruito dal niente un mini-impero da narco. All’epoca, le indagini avevano dimostrato come Bandenia Banca Privada fosse stata utilizzata da Cameno Antolín, meglio conosciuta come “la regina della cocaina”, per inviare soldi a Panama e pagare i fornitori colombiani. Aveva trasformato casa propria in un magazzino per la cocaina: è stata condannata in primo grado a 16 anni di carcere a settembre dell’anno scorso. Anche Ceballos è finito coinvolto in questo processo, e ha ricevuto una condanna in primo grado, nel 2022, a quattro anni di carcere per avere favorito il riciclaggio della “regina della cocaina”. Ha fatto appello.
Artiles Ceballos nega fermamente che lui, o Bandenia, abbiano avuto legami con qualsiasi organizzazione criminale, ma dice di non poter commentare ulteriormente a causa dei procedimenti giudiziari ancora in corso. Ceballos sostiene, inoltre, che Ana Cameno Antolin non sia mai stata cliente di Bandenia direttamente.
Un anno dopo l’arresto della narcotrafficante, nel 2015, la polizia tornava negli uffici di Bandenia a Madrid perché la controparte olandese stava indagando su un cittadino spagnolo, Ramon Castan Serres-Sala. Nelle intercettazioni, Serres-Sala parlava di «valigie di soldi» da inviare a Panama e Messico, contanti – tra 257 mila e un milione di euro alla volta – che dovevano essere consegnati a corrieri presso hotel e parcheggi di Amsterdam. La perquisizione a Madrid aveva dimostrato che Serres-Sala aveva tre conti-depositi in Bandenia, in tre differenti valute.
Serres-Sala è stato condannato a quattro anni e mezzo di carcere per riciclaggio, per avere inviato più di 34 milioni di euro in America Latina tra la fine del 2014 e l’inizio del 2015, una parte dei quali tenuti presso i depositi di Bandenia.
Ma è solo con l’indagine della Procura anticorruzione madrilena contro Bandenia e il conseguente arresto di Artiles Ceballos del 2017, che la rete traballa.
Gli inquirenti inizialmente consideravano Bandenia una «modesta rete spagnola per il riciclaggio di denaro», rendendosi poi conto di essere davanti ad un’operazione di riciclaggio su «scala industriale» presa poi in mano «da degli italiani», ha spiegato, in anonimato, uno degli inquirenti spagnoli a Occrp.
«L’idea che ci siamo fatti è che Artiles Ceballos prendesse ordini da altre persone», ha suggerito l’inquirente. Persone, forse i veri “capi”, mai identificati dalle indagini spagnole, anche a causa della scarsa collaborazione internazionale da parte della controparte inglese.
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newsupdatelive · 1 year
Italy brings charges against fake bank associate
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Italian prosecutors charged five individuals with providing illegal financial services, including a London-based financial consultant whom OCCRP last week tied to the sham Spanish banking outfit Bandenia, which allegedly laundered money for criminal clients.
Massimiliano Arena and four others were charged in Sicily with being part of a transnational criminal group offering illegal financial services, a document seen by IrpiMedia confirms.
Italy’s La Stampa Libera reports that Guardia di Finanza in the northern Italian city of Messina had found two associates of Arena selling investments through a group of companies he ran that were not authorized to offer financial services in Italy.
Arena previously co-directed BBP Bandenia PLC, the main holding firm of the Bandenia banking group that was broken up in Spain in 2017 as part of a money laundering probe.
OCCRP and partners uncovered recently how people linked to the group have thrived since that Spanish clampdown, setting up at least 450 shell companies and widening their sphere of influence in a number of jurisdictions.
This has been achieved despite the fact that BBP Bandenia CEO Fabio Pastore is wanted by British authorities, and former CEO José Miguel Artiles Ceballos has been sentenced to four years in prison in Spain for money laundering. Ceballos denied all wrongdoing, and said he is appealing his sentence.
Fabrizio Pistorino, who was charged alongside Arena in the Italian investigation that concluded on April 5, is also linked to the Bandenia brand, having directed the UK-registered company Bandenia Ltd. with Artiles Ceballos, Pastore, Arena and others.
Arena previously told OCCRP that, while he had been a director of BBP Bandenia, he held “no executive and/or managerial position” and “never had access to any of the company’s information or documentation”.
Into the financial group that was targeted, the prosecutor Veronica De Toni implicated a company named Wealth Bank. IrpiMedia reported last week that Wealth Bank, like certain Bandenia-branded outfits, has boasted a banking license from the non-existent banking authority of Mwali, in Africa’s Comoros archipelago.
The Messina case claims Arena, Pistorino and the others are behind a corporate structure with holdings in the UK, the Czech Republic, Portugal and the Comoros, according to Italian authorities.
La Stampa Libera reported that the group attracted customers with opportunities to invest abroad, offering healthy returns, via the Jabardo international network.
However, the foreign companies involved were operating “off the books,” the firms taking the investors’ sums were not complying with local laws in their own jurisdictions, and the suspects were not permitted to promote such investments, Italian authorities say.
The probe had begun when a man from the northern town of Barcellona Pozzo di Gotto noticed, after his brother died, that the brother had been sending large sums of money abroad.
The investigation was carried out using phone intercepts and other techniques, La Stampa Libera reported. From Arena, a judge requested the seizure of 750,000 euros (US$827,000), with Pistorino told to hand over 700,000 euros ($771,000). But according to Italy’s Gazzetta del Sud, the money demanded could not be traced as the men are not in Italy.
Giancarlo Liberati, the lawyer representing Arena in the proceeding, told Italian media there was nothing illicit at play.
Separately, authorities in Spain announced in recent days that an investigation into alleged money laundering and due diligence failures by ING, Ibercaja, and CaixaBank in relation to Bandenia had been closed. A judge said he did not find wrongdoing by the three banks, which had been accused of failing to stop illicit funds from Bandenia clients passing through their books.
On Bandenia, the judge said there were no further indications of wrongdoing in the case involving the Spanish banks, but noted that the main case against Bandenia is ongoing.
That case accuses key companies in the Bandenia structure, as well as Artiles Ceballos and a number of his associates, of moving money for 253 clients, most of them criminals.
In an indictment for the case, a Spanish investigating judge called the Bandenia operation a perfect structure for money laundering that was “industrial” in scale. Among other scams, Bandenia is accused of using tools like fake lines of credit to offer criminal client’s pretexts to move money internationally.
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dshaqs · 1 year
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Thank you Mr. Waseem Sales Manager from Sobha Realty for the updates on your upcoming JLT project - Verde . Briefing attended by *Shakeel Ahmed Siddique-HOD* , Valery & Team , Samiullah & Team , Bandenia Homes Real Estate , our team is passionate about selling the much sought after sobha reality projects --- Happy Selling - cheers #sobharealty #realmadrid #europe #dubai (at Conrad Dubai) https://www.instagram.com/p/CpPksYSSxim/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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Bandenia Formula Capital LTD - Financial Intermediary
Bandenia Formula Capital LTD is a Financial Intermediary organization based in the United Kingdom. There are plenty of benefits of dealing with a financial intermediary such as Bandenia Formula Capital LTD. Visit the link to know Some of the common benefits of Financial Intermediary.
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pkjobs · 2 years
2 years of Market experience in Uae is a must. Dealing with off-plan/secondary property specialist. Job Details Posted Date: 2022-02-18 Job Location: Dubai, United Arab Emirates Company Industry: Real Estate; Marketing Preferred Candidate Career Level: Mid Career Nationality: India; Iran; Pakistan Degree: Bachelor’s degree Apply Now
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ajohn85 · 1 year
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Deal of the Day!!!! Reach me, for serious clients DM me for viewing & more offers available on 100% cash buyers. #bestdeal #bestdealintown #furjan #dubai🇦🇪 #uae #dubairealestate #dubaiproperties #dealoftheday #realestatedubai #realestateexpert #propertyinvestment #propertydeals #furjandubai #dubaihome #onedayoffer #contact #bandenia (at Al Furjan) https://www.instagram.com/p/CoKaq9ePsVe/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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Our strong structured support has helped all our clients to smoothly carry out transactions with diligence, efficacy and always on time.
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puglialink · 5 years
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Detenidas cuatro personas por blanquear dinero de narcos en un chiringuito financiero
Detenidas cuatro personas por blanquear dinero de narcos en un chiringuito financiero
Se trata de la entidad Bandenia, que carece en España de certificación bancaria y que estaba inscrita en la isla de Mohéli, en el archipiélago de Comoras, próximo a Mozambique La policía ha detenido a cuatro personas que presuntamente se dedicaban a blanquear dinero procedente de negocios relacionados con el narcotráfico y la prostitución a través de la banca privada Bandenia, sin registrar en…
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mindtimeshare · 8 years
Bandenia, another FAKE bank calling consumers for money pay out’s.
Bandenia, another FAKE bank calling consumers for money pay out’s.
Not sure how these cold callers come up with the names of their companies, but this time we have a bank by the name of Bandenia or BBP Bandenia.
The fact is that Bandenia claims to be a bank in Spain with branches in London as well, and they are holding money in accounts to be paid out to victims of timeshare related scams.
After the initial cold call, the agent from Bandeniasends out a…
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Keep your business running smoothly with a bank guarantee that will protect you in the event of unforeseen circumstances.
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