#bastet speaks
bastetcg · 1 month
🎀 list 5 things that make you happy, then put this in the ask box for the last 10 people who liked or reblogged something from you! get to know your moots or followers <3
1. My FRIENDS!!!! Looking forward to going to the gay bar with Jo this fridayyyyyy we’re gonna get drinkies 🥰🥰🥰 and then I’m gonna hang with heinrich to talk about foamsmith/LED wiring stuff!!
2. Visits from my neices!! We see them at least twice a week but it’s always an event and they’re so funny!!!
3. My cat :3c she’s been very affectionate lately, and she purrs really loud whenever we’re in the same room together
4. Working on cosplay, I’ve been hung up on this dress I’ve been working on for like. Three weeks. But I think I FINALLY figured out what was causing the pulling at the seams, so I’m excited to get back to work on it!!
5. Planning more fandom events!! We’ve been working in the qy server to set up this year’s schedule and we’ve got sooo many ideas 😭😭 it’s gonna be hard to pick one or two!!!
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shadestar413 · 1 year
Well trust me. I will try my best.
I thought you said Bast at first
Clearly my mind is on cats still
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mynameisvernal · 2 years
My kitten peed in my bed so I did the laundry, changed the litter box, and made an offering to Bastet.
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that-ikea-alien-plush · 2 months
me: do you guys have a nickname you call me?
gods: yeah
me: can you spell it out for me?
gods: *everyone is yelling the letters at the same time*
me: this shit is just gibberish please speak one deity at the same time okay? Apollo please go first
Apollo: fcorcj
me: are u sure its even a word
Apollo: yeah just search it
me: *finds an old book after half an hour and finds the meaning*
me: decoration?
Apollo: yeah :)
me: okay? Aphrodite?
Aphrodite: c / o
me: oh this is actually adorable thank you
Aphrodite: :)
me: Dionysus its your turn
Dionysus: apdedi
me: addition?... just call me a trinket man /j
Dionysus: lmao
me: Marzanna do you have one for me too?
Marzanna: yeah:)
me: is it in polish?
Marzanna: no:)
Marzanna: amndcp
me: a cactus needle...?
Marzanna: lololol
me: be so for real do you guys see me as your cat?
gods: yeah lol
me: alright Bastet?
Bastet: hxddbe
me: is it even a real word?
Bastet: yeah but you will only find it in an old ass book lol
me: can you spell the meaning in english?
Bastet: nah :3
me: do you guys enjoy making fun of me? /j
gods: yeah <3
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ancientgoddessofegypt · 3 months
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Hey! So today is a beautiful venusian day. And every venus day I love to express gratitude to the goddess flow. I picked four from egyptian mythology and wanted to do something connected to the energy.
Alright. So lets begin :)
You are being called to higher ground. You're absorbing too much of other peoples bullshit and boundaries are needed. Peasants are trying to take your charm and your beauty as it is a priceless energy. She's connected to you through your joy and need for stability. Your energy is heighten when alone, and giving yourself time off from things that are exhausting you are important. The Emperor card comes up in the reading for you as a way to give you justice as karma is coming for the ones who tried to break you. Bastet doesn't play hard to get, she doesn't play the fool is all. She's not one to be taken lightly however, and needs you to remember who the fuck you are. Dont quit. Dont beg. And make them wait for it. Ase!
GROUP 2 - SEKHMET - Goddess of the underworld. Scary dreams brought to reality.
Those nightmares are from the unconscious realm. Your fears are wanting to have a dance with you, will you let them? You're being called into the underworld, to process the magic you carry in your psyche and bringing it to the other realities you're scared to walk away from. Your truth is connected to your sexuality, can you let yourself live for once? Secretive by nature, don't let anyone in unless they worked for it. Open books in this group this may have cost you a bit. Be more open about your day to day life, not your private one. Choose wisely. Speak wisely, and open the door for your psychic gifts to pull thru. That fear your feeling as well as that paralyzing sensation when going fast to sleep is your subconscious mind astral traveling and going into other realms of consciousness. Have a light snack or some lavender tea before bed and allow yourself to do some breathing exercises to relax your body before sleeping. This will prepare your body and mind for the astral travel. God Bless.
You are being called to dance with the great Isis. She is calling all the mothers to awaken their divine essence and grace the world with your remarkable beauty. Your guidance is needed as the world heals from the war and trauma everyone is being induced with. Women and children are needing your help and in some way or form your gifts are the catalyst to stopping the wars inside of our bodies.
ISIS is asking for you to have more boundaries around you and your space. Like your friends in group one, you're priceless beauty can be taken advantaged of if you are not careful. You guys take a lot of time into building your self up so why allow others to bring you back down? You guys have a spiky tongue, only use it when necessary. Know your boundaries as well as your opponent. If they cross them then karma is surely about to deliver. Do not worry about the aftermath, it's exactly what they had coming.
GROUP 4 - HATHOR - Covered In Chocolate. Venus. Restoring Beauty. Divine Counterpart.
There is a sweetness coming into this reading that I adore. Art, sex, and sensuality are a theme for this group. You guys love interest may be the one, and it might need some boldness on your end as well as some patience. Be ready for the ride or die acquaintance that will be coming in very soon. Hathor wants you guys to appreciate the finer things in life instead of worrying about every little detail. Enjoy the fruits of your labor and take some time to live like the divine empress that you are! Take it easy on yourself these next few months doll face. The girls are looking to you as a form of inspo so just remember you are MUVAAAAA ok? You are strength, you are the muse, you are the moment. Hathor needs you to know this and fully accept it. Ase !
Hope you all enjoyed !
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sillyfoxlady · 6 months
PAC Reading
What does your Goddess Want You To Know?
Bastet Santa Muerte
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Kali Ma Kuan Yin
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Bastet - Pile 1
Judgment ☆ 4/Cups ☆ Hanged Man
Bliss • Balance • Gateway
Bastet is speaking today about balance. You are feeling apathetic and stuck and waiting to be liberated. You are being invited to shift perspectives back into balance.
You also pulled the cards of gateway and of bliss, so I see nothing negative. It's simply a moment in time you must accept in order to grow. You will find your bliss, and you will charge through that gateway. You may partake in portal hopping. Just wait until this hanged man period is over before you do.
You are doing excellently, and Bastet is incredibly pleased with your devotion. All is well, my loves. You will come through this. You got this!
Santa Muerte - Pile 2
High Priestess ☆ Queen/Wands ☆ Chariot
Rebirth • Purity • Joy
The Holy Santa Muerta says today to spend more time with her. You are a strong and powerful priestess as well as a queen on earth, and you've been keeping a steady and progressive pace.
You are being invited to cleanse and purify your aura and your space so that you can continue being the badass you are. Joy is what is promised to you when you devote yourself to purity and embrace your rebirth.
You have amazing energy, and everything will work out, even if you're struggling at the moment. So proud of you my lovelies!
Kali Ma - Pile 3
Wheel of Fortune ☆ Ace/Swords ☆ Sun
Revelation • Eternal Light • Spectrum
The Great Kali Ma is speaking to you today about cycles and seasons. You have an intensely deep energy here. You are being offered Eternal Light through a revelation of some kind. You also have a new idea and clarity of thought, which is good because the sun is assured for you. You will succeed.
I'm being told you need to sit in not only spiritual light but also literal light. Go find some sunshine or even a bright room. Keep working your mantras and your prayers. Keep the faith is specifically coming through.
You have a wonderful and intense moody and edgy energy. You are amazingly cool and deserve good things. Keep up your prayers and go sit in some light and you are promised a revelation.
Kuan Yin - Pile 4
9/Wands ☆ 3/Wands ☆ Lovers
Isolation • Rebirth • Wisdom
The Auspicious Kuan Yin is speaking messages of rebirth and love. It seems as if your love life is going through it, but you are persevering and making progress slowly but surely. You may want to isolate or just focus on tasks to be done. However, you are being called to step into your wisdom.
You have already experienced a rebirth. Do not allow anyone to distract you from the hard work you have already achieved. Focus on your loved ones and the partnerships you have already achieved in your life. These relationships are what is going to inspire to keep going. To keep changing and to keep pushing towards your goals.
You have an amazing attitude and work ethic and I'm so proud of how hard you have been working. Kuan Yin is guiding you, so reach out and ask her for guidance and support.
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avelera · 1 year
I know that the Gaiman "word of God" on Dream of the Endless's romantic history is, "He has had many more lovers than the ones we see" with regards to Killalla, Alianora, Nada, Calliope, and Thessaly (ugh) and as someone who will absolutely incorporate word-of-god canon , it's the height of hypocrisy to just dismiss this.
And I will accept that probably Dream has had some sexual encounters outside those five canonical relationships, like the implied Lucifer and Titania flings.
But I just can't escape the sense that the whole, "Oh yeah, he's had tons of other lovers like, just loads of them, believe me, the dude is definitely not billions of years old and only had a half dozen romantic encounters all of which ended in tears, that would be crazy, right??" is just more... something a dude would say about their super cool dude character?
Because I personally like to, in this one instance, rigidly stick to canon as we see it on the page. And that canon is: Dream was deeply lonely and never even officially hit a half-dozen long-term lovers in his life and he only married once. He is a divorcee and he is sad and he is lonely and he would love to find someone to be with and be in a relationship and just continuously eluded him. And our evidence for this? The Wake.
We have some of Dream's past lovers show up at the Wake. Bastet specifically notes that they could have been lovers, probably should have been, but it never happened. Titania implies a relationship but won't say anything more and obviously it was not long-lasting romantically speaking, whatever it was.
But basically, if we take the Wake as an on-the-page canonical account of the living beings who were Dream's lovers and who had enough of a connection to actually show up, it's still a depressingly small number for so long a life, for a character who is defined by his romanticism and loneliness. Even if we say, give or take, there might have been a few more, none of those after Nada could be mortal, so we can't just say they're all dead. That means the other immortal lovers either didn't show up or didn't bother to speak. And sure, if there's other immortals in the mix, sure, we could "Doylist" say the comic just doesn't have room for them all but really, to me, the more compelling take is... there just weren't that many for Dream, and that it's deeply sad. Some of it was, yes, his own fault, probably a lot of it. But it's still sad.
And more importantly, it's a more interesting character. Anyone can say their stupidly powerful godlike character who is beautiful and magical and can craft dreams and stories and is this Byronic hero of poetry and darkness is also someone who had a bunch of romantic partners and can definitely hook up with anyone he wants, psshh, obviously but... a character who is all those things and can't get this one major part of their life together to the extent that he's demonstrated to want a loving partner which he is repeatedly shown to want, is just... it's a certain kind of unique for that character and I'm here for it.
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quakearts · 7 months
Being a witch and opening myself up to magick and the old gods has helped my mental health so much. My bad habits and mannerisms are being worked on and I'm getting better
When I'm angry I don't explode and lash out at the nearest annoyance anymore. I communicate and calm myself down
I just communicate more in general and like
Anubis is teaching me the value of life and how to really process my grief among other things
Aphrodite is teaching me to be more confident in myself and less shameful in general
Bastet is also helping me with confidence, but is also supporting me in ways I'll always appreciate
Hermes is helping me deliver messages and communicate better, as well as protecting me on long car rides when I'm tired
Athena is watching over my arts and despite not speaking to her as often as the others, I think she'll help me instill some discipline in myself (Adderall can only do so much)
I'm proud of my progress so far. I'm extremely grateful to the gods and the universe for helping me and teaching me.
Idk I just wanted to get that out
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zodiacs-web · 9 months
Bastet!Reader Headcanons
╰₊✧ Buddha x Gn!Reader
╰₊✧ What's in the web: Fluff, clingy Buddha
╰₊✧ A/n: I'm still so sad that my original post got murdered
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I believe Buddha tends to be attracted to those who are part animal. He just loves everything about you, from head to toe, he's swooning over you. Of course, he doesn't want to scare you off with his affection so he takes it slow eager to get close to you.
During the crushing phase and let me spoil it for you, it does not end. In a way he's clingy, always rushing to see you whenever you stopped working or sees you in the courtyard. He's observant, watching as you dwell in a good meal or watch as your eyes stare at a piece of clothing for a while. When he gets sick, he swears being with you cures him.
Once you start showing romantic interest in him, he swears he can just die right on the spot. He loves how nervous you get or how you stutter whenever he gets too close. Sometimes he'll even tease you when you refuse to look at him, head leaning in so close just for him to whisper: "Look at me."
Once the crushing phase is over and you enter the dating stage everything feels right. You love how he knows things about you that not even you notice. Like how he told you your tail stands up when you see him. How your ears perk up when he speaks. You also love how he's more physically affectionate with you.
Like how he holds your hand or waist whenever you go walking. Cuddling with you for hours while he draws circles into your side. Snuggling with you then stealing the blankets in a matter of minutes to get you clinging to him. Hugging you from behind and laying his head on your head. Some of those are attempts to get you to purr, no luck though.
Overall, Buddha is very close to you. Your both there for one another or actively have a good relationship. Don't lose it.
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merrypaws · 9 months
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Slightly more elborate painting than what I most often do, but it was great fun and I was really stoked to see that indeed I CAN paint without relying overmuch on outlines.
Bastet has always been my favorite egyptian goddess. At first because hey, kitty woman, but later as I read about her I was drawn to the aspects the myths painted her with as well. She is often depicted as a dual natured goddess, on one hand a fierce warrior that protects Ra and his earthly descendants, but on the other she is associated with things like music, pleasure, family and children. I find that interpretation speaks to me, the idea that you can be both fierce and soft without compromising either side of you.
Hence, I've finally decided to make this little tribute to the divinity closest to my own heart.
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three-two-six · 10 months
120 SINF facts I collected while rereading the series
Behold, my magnum opus.
Josh likes Shrek
Dee has The X-Files theme song as his ringtone
Scatty doesn’t blink. Ever.
Dee gave Mary Shelley the idea for Frankenstein
Scatty can’t enter your room if you don’t invite her in
Scatty is a vegetarian
Perry needed to teach Nicholas English at some point because he forgot it
Ghosts love bathrooms
Josh is 5 cm taller than Sophie
Dee has always been fascinated by the idea of flying
Josh hates snakes, spiders, rats, and scorpions
Scatty hates rain, and it is one of the reasons she left Ireland
Scatty is allergic to feathers and fur
Scatty easily burns in the sun
According to the Codex, apples are poisonous and frogs can turn into princes, both of which Zephaniah confirms are incorrect claims
Zephaniah tried to marry off Scatty to king Nabukodonosor when she was 15
Dee prefers living in bigger cities
Scatty gets sick from using leygates
Josh is incredibly susceptible to seasickness
Nicholas helped create the French sign language
Machiavelli desecrated Nicholas’ and Perenelle’s graves more than three centuries ago and broke their gravestone. The Flamels saw everything
Zephaniah is an Elvis Presley fan
Sophie thinks European chocolate is too bitter
Scatty hates flying
Scatty speaks 6-7 HUNDRED languages
Machiavelli is the type of guy to punch a hole in the wall when he’s angry
Francis speaks ALL languages. ALL of them.
Scatty bites her nails when she’s nervous
Vampyres don’t sweat (this includes Scatty and Aoife)
Francis is terrible at tending to plants
Nicholas pulled off the first blood transfusion in history
Joan is also a vegetarian
Dee has a habit of cutting the phone call before the other person just so that his word can be last. Machiavelli is the most prominent victim of this
Dee doesn’t like flying
The Sphynx is afraid of dark
The pyramids in Egypt were built for the Danu Talis survivors
Josh collects fossilized feces
Joan loves cooking and grows spices on her rooftop
Machiavelli has manicured nails
Dagon often has nightmares about the fall of Danu Talis
Machiavelli knows how to program in five different programming languages
Machiavelli's one of the few world experts on quantum physics
Aerop-Enap tends to sleep off large chunks of human history
Sophie can run really fast
Machiavelli is a vegetarian
Machiavelli has stamina problems
Gilgamesh doesn't have an aura
Perry's aura doesn't have a smell
William cooks when he's nervous
Bastet can tolerate iron better than most Elders
Both Josh and Mars carry swords in their left hand
Machiavelli was the brain behind Napoleon
Francis is the only known person in the SINF universe that was born with the ability to see where leygates are
Scatty was told that she'd die in an exotic place
Billy speaks French
The Flamels worked on the first atomic bomb ever
Gilgamesh once requested to have the world’s first atomic bomb be detonated right above him. The Flamels placed him in a mental institution for 10 years because of it
Sophie doesn't like onions
Francis taught Aoife how to see leygates
Machiavelli thinks about his death unusually often
Niten is the only humani who defeated Scatty in a one-on-one fight
Virginia has a very expensive taste
Virginia lives in a tent
Canonically the reason Machiavelli and Dee keep underestimating Perenelle is that they're misogynists (at least according to Virginia Dare)
Niten collects classic cars
Dee is terrible at tending to plants
Aoife once crashed a vimana and blamed it on Scatty
Odin sacrificed his eye to an Archon in exchange for eldritch knowledge
Abraham has an extra finger on each hand
Krakens are actually only about an inch large. Apparently, sailors overestimated their size a little…
The Morrigan’s tears turn into small feathers
Dee is very susceptible to seasicknes
Nereus is responsible for the Bermuda Triangle dissappearances
Scatty and Aoife were the first of the Next Generation
The Codex has twenty-one pages
Hel imprisoned Joan in her shadowrealm once
Virginia and her flute are bonded
Billy has cold hands
Virginia doesn’t speak Latin, and neither does Billy
Mars has a coal black tongue
Sophie is afraid of spiders
Aten is a history nerd
Isis is older than Osiris
Virginia Dare is a Vegetarian
Virginia didn’t know how to speak until she was ten or eleven
Billy read Machiavelli’s The Prince
Josh looks up to Billy as a legend
Black Hawk dislikes spicy food
It’s possible to summon Elders by praying to them
Virginia was besties with Albert Einstein and her tales about shadowrealms inspired his theory of relativity
Prometheus is the self-proclaimed finest vimana flier in Danu Talis
Will abhors weapons and has never fired a gun in his life
The first humani created by Prometheus all had his facial features
Perenelle hates coffee
Tsagaglalal has no fingerprints
Josh suffers from claustrophobia
Perenelle once knocked out one of Quetzalcoatl’s back molars
Prometheus hates parrots
Prometheus read Niten’s book
Mars disagrees with just about everything in Niten’s book
There are rumors that Leonardo da Vinci was immortal
Hel loves raw pork
The only place in the world Dee hasn’t been to is Denmark
Aoife considers Khutulun, a prominent immortal warrior and niece of Kublai Khan as the “daughter she always wanted”. She is currently breeding horses in Kentucky
Isis and Osiris paint their nails black
Quetzalcoatl is a loner
Quetzalcoatl is responsible for The great Northeast blackout
Billy and Black Hawk are Star Trek fans
Machiavelli is a Star Wars fan
Machiavelli actually liked Napoleon
Tor Ri in which lives Abraham has exactly 248 steps
Marethyu doesn’t breathe or have a heartbeat
Isis and Osiris have dark purple tongues
One of the reasons Elders don’t like congregating in the same place is the risk that their auras could cause a natural disaster
Zephaniah is allergic to cats
Cookie-dough ice cream gives Virginia a rash
Dee’s favorite ice cream flavor is cookie-dough
Billy loves eating crab legs
Scathach and Aoife were trained by Tsagaglalal
Prometheus doesn’t have a pulse
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songoftrillium · 4 months
You seem uniquely qualified to answer this question, how do you feel about Fera?
I think they're dumb personally (I just don't like shape shifters being non-mammalian predators) but like the narrative purpose they serve of showing how pigheaded and misguided the garou are
How about you?
I'll open this up by noting that 'dumb' is a slur referring to people with a speech impediment, and I'd like to discourage its usage.
To answer regarding the fera however:
I love the changing breeds, with some caveats. When I began Storytelling, I had to set boundaries with players because there are some incredibly good fera out there, but also ones that can straight up break the game or are extremely incompatible with the Garou or chronicle. This isn't an issue when running an exclusively all-fera game, but it's not common that I or other STs typically run an all-fera game. The second point on compatibility is where one should audit a changing breed for use in their game:
Does this changing breed demographically make sense to be here?
Does their presence serve a narrative purpose?
Do their mechanics mesh well with Garou? Can they be made to mesh well?
Do they have the agency to cooperate with the Garou and vice versa?
If the answer to all four questions is 'yes,' then the fera can absolutely work, and work well in your setting (with caveats.) W:tE features many fera such as the Balam, which on the surface wouldn't fit in the Pacific Northwest. However, there are many large Latine populations that can be found here, both in terms of those living close to cities permanently and migrant workers. Where things concern those populations, then it makes total sense for there to be the occasional two-heart among them alongside their culture, Kin and Killi alike.
For reasons like the above, you're gonna find several Fera in Werewolf: the Essentials from the get-go, forming part of the Dawn Tribes representing all of the Indigenous shapeshifters that persisted in the Americas since the Impergium:
There are some game elements I'm not fond of that are changing. For simplicity, cases of fera are gonna be represented as singular entities. There's just one kind of Gurahl, one kind of Mokolé, and the Bastet are represented singularly now. They are basically placed hierarchically as extensions of Dawn Tribe culture, in which they see each other as all spirit cousins under Gaia. Historical precedent has forced them to work with each other for the first time since the War of Rage and find themselves better protected by each other than on their own. This goes as far as to alter the game language, adopting the term 'Killi' from the Bastet book to refer to (all shapeshifters), rather than merely 'Fera', which speaks of the changing breeds as an entity separate from (or less than) the Garou.
I did away with the second War of Rage because it narratively makes very little sense (and the elements that can be considered critical can just be rolled into the first.) The handling of gifts is more generalized now through implementing spirit affinities, and grouping gifts under the spirits that teach them. This significantly reduces page count (no more than 9 different kinds of Hare's Leap.) Renown tracks are being made more fluid on the character sheet so you can play any changing breed on the same sheet, and other small world changes can be made that create a narratively compelling reason for multiple Killi to exist in the game.
In short, they can work, but it takes nuance to do well. And I encourage just that; write your chronicles with nuance. The Changing breeds, if used smartly, can add a ton of narrative color to a Chronicle and are worth exploring, particularly when representing cultural diversity in a setting.
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barbiiecams · 1 month
can i clock something real quick, why the fuck do yall entertain anonymous-nda’s bs 😭?
^nobody has really seen these posts so i’m going to bring AWARENESS to the fact this woman has serious issues.
i thought we already established that anonymous-nda girl was really just taytheactress and proved it multiple times already (hence her being stupid enough to speak about it on her personal accounts AND being in the starkey sibling’s comments)… yet yall seem to be dumb and haven’t understood that since the last time she posted that poor ass editing 😂. now she’s active again trying to come back for a pt 2… baby we dgaf.
even if it was true in the slightest, so?? that’s a grown ass man LMFAO. frankly idgaf and neither should any of y’all care about his personal views, personal life, etc. they’re kept personal for that reason. her trying to “expose him” and give him a bad name for no reason other than the fact she has nothing better to do is a serious mental illness and she needs to get help. this woman literally has a CHILD!! there’s so many posts on here that has revealed all her bs and the fact that she’s done this to many other celebrities for fun and for no reason 😭.
so please stop sending me asks asking if i believe her or not, i knew from the second she said she had her “lawyer team” involved over a bunch of shit that’s not even considered a crime she was lying 💀. she’s not “anonymous” because her lawyers advised her to, she’s anonymous because this is what DEFAMATION OF CHARACTER is. if she were to do this publicly on her accounts and get drew’s attention she’d easily be sued.
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that-ikea-alien-plush · 2 months
your deities ever use your family members or friends to give you messages?
nah cus why Bastet speaking to me through my mom rn
and why both my mom and my soulmate thought i work with Sekhmet already 😭😭😭
and then i even said "Sekhmet usually works with people in tough situations and im not in one so i feel like id waste her time"
and my mom said "no one who needs me wastes my time"
um 😭😭😭okay???
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milky-rozen · 1 month
Hi! After seeing your posts I've been wondering, do you ship anyone in Egyptian mythology. Kind of a crack question but them not as religious figures but more as ancient characters??? Sorry if this seems weird and thank you.
I do! I have lots of ships actually that I'd like to include in my comic somehow as well! Some are actually based on specific local traditions while others,,, are just very random lol
Starting off with the "somehow" canon ones, I ship Hathor and Sobek (I call this ship Sobthor bc it sounds so funny lol), Isis and Min, Nephthys and Osiris (I like, have a thing for unrequited loves but I think that overall they're very cute together), aaand last but not least, this might be a weird one but it never fails to make me laugh genuinely, is the one with Horus and Set and their lettuce romance lol
As for "canonical" ones, I especially like Thoth and Maat and Sekhmet and Ptah, because they're so different I can't help imagining their marital life like some sort of Rom Com lol
As for the random ones, I ship Anubis and Bastet bc they're so iconic that I often see them together in art and other pieces of media I couldn't help thinking how cute they could be together!
Anyways, regarding the last part of your ask, I know it can be a bit of a hard topic for some, especially when it comes to mythology, but honestly speaking, I'm glad you asked bc I like talking about ships! Actually, I would like to listen more to everyone's opinions and ships someday! I think it would be fun to share our ships together! If done respectfully, it's a lot of fun!
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mooniebunny · 3 months
Not QSMP related but i would like to introduce to people a quite new SMP although i know not many people will see it.
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FROGGSMP (FSMP) is an SMP created by the Brazilians content creators SCOTTONAUTA, UMILD, TIBA and KELLERZONS, they are friends and part of a project called FROGGTV.
Unfortunately the sever is only in Portuguese, there's no translation for other languages but it can be a good one for people who speaks portuguese and are looking for something to watch, people who are learning Portuguese or just people who wanna watch something new.
The server is quite new so there's not many lore yet but at the same time they already had many events and a lot going on.
The server at the moment has only 19 members: Akino, Ameizim, Áries (fehdubs), Bastet, Carrasquera, Dreasbro, Febatista, Jinkiwinkki, Kaaory, Kellerzons, Kojj, LJoga, Mynzinha, Oflopi, Raflyer, Scottonauta, Tiba, Umild, Yumithra.
Febastista, Bastet, Scottonauta, Tiba, Jinkiwinkki and LJoga might be know also for being part of the QSMP Purgatory 2 event.
On the link below you can find the FSMP wiki and know more about lore, events and about each one of the characters:
Here is the official FSMP site, where you can find everything from VODs, lore, which CC is live and also the multifrogg site where you can watch all the CC's:
I hope more people can see this and give a chance and watch this amazing SMP 💚
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