#becaus at least the Nazis are OPEN about hating me
hazel2468 · 7 months
Just saw someone refer to the literal footage of the pogrom in Southern Israel as “Zionist Propaganda” so like. Get blocked. Fuckstick.
You antisemitic monsters cannot wail for “evidence” of the atrocities committed by Hamas because you refuse to believe it happened despite the seemingly endless accounts (and yet you were willing to accept that Israel bombed a hospital without a second thought) and then refer to the video evidence TAKEN BY FUCKING HAMAS ITSELF as “Zionist Propaganda”.
At this point ANY good faith I had in you fucking antisemitic shitstains is gone. At least the Nazis are up front about the fact they see me as subhuman. You whine and wail about needing more proof and then when we have it, you claim it’s propaganda.
Just call me a kike and leave like I know you want to. Just be honest about the fact that your care for Palestinians only extends to the length that it allows you to celebrate Jewish death.
We will NEVER trust you again. Ever.
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