#because it's just “putin's war”
fury176 · 7 months
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swamp-cats-den · 1 year
Expectations of westerners who believe in russian opposition: the movie about Navalny winning is a big fuck you to putin and a symbol of unity against the bloody warmongerin kremlin regime!
Reality: russian liberals on social media gloating at Ukrainians being angry that a vocally xenophobic person who supported the occupation of Crimea is heralded as a hero in the middle of a seemingly never-ending war; russian liberals mocking Ukrainians for writing that it'd be a common courtesy for Navalny's wife at least to talk about the aforementioned war and saying that Navalny family can't be expected to support Ukraine now that people are mean to them on the internet; russian liberals going 'reparations?? my family would never give a penny to 'slur for Ukrainians' 'slur for Georgians' 'slur for Chechens'...
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radioactive-cloud · 2 months
those past few days are really testing my patience with some of the takes and opinions i've seen on the internet and i'm so fucking done with all of this i just want to delete all my accounts from everywhere and live somewhere in the woods (as far away from russia as i can) and to never come in contact with another human being again
#i'm so exhausted i just have to rant even tho nobody will care#i have some trouble sleeping because i'm either waiting for another attack to happen#or reading the news about dozens of missiles flying at my country#or hiding in the bathroom while listening to explosions because it's supposed to be the safest place in our appartment#and then i open social media and see all the destruction and casualties and deaths that happened overnight#and at the same time i see people adoring and praising and defending russians and their culture and language#and creaming themselves because of their “mysterious russian soul”#and telling ukrainians that they are stupid and toxic and that what they feel about their killers and occupiers is wrong#well newsflash y'all#russian culture is nothing but blood and death#russian language is nothing but blood and death#it's not just fucking putin doing all of this shit#he wasn't there when ukrainian nation and culture and language were oppressed for literal fucking centuries#did russia invent human cloning for putin to be all those soldiers at the frontline and all those people building drones and missiles?#open your fucking eyes and think for a fucking second#i go to sleep every night fearing that i may not wake up#and then in the morning i see people admiring russians and foaming at the mouths defending them#and then also fucking michael sheen of all people sending his love to them#and i become so insanely pissed#get a fucking reality check#i'm so sick of people excusing russia and its actions#once again guess i'm a walking big bad angry ukrainian stereotype#well that's what war does to you#i won't wish for anyone to experience this but also it may be the only thing that makes some people aware of what a rotten thing russia is#i'm so done and i don't want to feel all of this and i don't want to be a human and i don't want to have thoughts#maybe it's for the best if a missile flies into my room so i won't have to be here any longer and witness all of this shit#(it's a thought i've been having lately and ngl it kinda scares me)#ukraine#russia is a terrorist state#btw i've just discovered there's a limit of 30 tags
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mmm-asbestos · 2 years
this site will never stop surprising me
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butchstalinist · 10 months
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jew-flexive · 2 years
literally why does the left not care about ukraine?
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ajarofpickledtears · 1 year
well at least we get to make fun of Putin and the Ukraine war and cultural appropriation I guess
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drakonfire12 · 2 years
Friendly reminder: if you think P*tin is okay with Ukraine existing, you are demonstrably wrong.
I went over his essay yesterday and my red pen ran out of ink. So this is my super short commentary on it (there’s a lot I will try to cram into another post). The emphasis in the quotes is added by me.
The picture he paints is of an either/or situation of how to be “Ukrainian” (which, in his mind, is to essentially be Russian) and any other option is just foreign intervention to “divide and rule” and seen as “anti-Russia”.
For example, after talking about shared history (which he distorts) he then says it should be Ukraine’s choice, but he goes on to say/threaten:
And the most despicable thing is that the Russians in Ukraine are being forced not only to deny their roots, generations of their ancestors but also to believe that Russia is their enemy. It would not be an exaggeration to say that the path of forced assimilation, the formation of an ethnically pure Ukrainian state, aggressive towards Russia, is comparable in its consequences to the use of weapons of mass destruction against us. 
So not the Ukrainians’ choice then, huh? Then come the threats:
All the subterfuges associated with the anti-Russia project are clear to us. And we will never allow our historical territories and people close to us living there to be used against Russia. And to those who will undertake such an attempt, I would like to say that this way they will destroy their own country.
Just from these 2 quotes, he says Ukraine has to side with Russia or face annihilation. 
Imagine you have a brother who mostly just harms you. You decide you need space from him for a few years to sort out your relationship. He then proceeds to threaten your life for ignoring him and not doing what he tells you. Doesn’t that just make you want to take out a restraining order against him? How else do you deal with someone who doesn’t accept anything less than you following what they dictated that you should do?
I swear to god these people will threaten nuclear annihilation and then ask “why is everyone so Russophobic”. 
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redvelvetwishtree · 2 years
People on here literally DEMAND that you conform to every single one of their views and opinions but I hope otherd don't forget to exercise some thinking for their own selves and continue to enjoy stuff they like. You don't need validation from hyper-woke snowflakes online who will force everything to be problematic. They will keep coming up with overbearing hot takes and it's just better to remove yourself from spaces like this.
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“Another fallacy in the ‘arms race’ argument is that, like so much else in the vision of anointed visionaries, it overlooks the intractable economic reality of scarcity. No country has the unlimited resources implied in the argument that an unending upward spiral of armaments will ensue. Moreover, some countries will reach their economic limits before others.
In a later era, President Ronald Reagan understood this very clearly when he explained to a horrified group of Washington Post journalists that he intended to win the arms race with the Soviet Union, because American resources greatly exceeded those of the U.S.S.R., so that Soviet leaders would ultimately be forced to the bargaining table to begin reducing their threatening nuclear arsenal and scale back their international aggressions. To the equal disbelief and disdain of many, he likewise said on more than one occasion that we were seeing the last days of the Soviet Union, which could not take the combined strains of their own counterproductive economic system and foreign military adventures. The fact that events proved him right has done absolutely nothing to rehabilitate President Reagan in the eyes of those to whom evidence has never been more important than the vision on which their own egos depend.”
Thomas Sowell, The Quest for Cosmic Justice (1999)
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tenok · 1 year
#all this 'well WE did it so why YOU can't? it's just because you secretly evil russians' makes me wanna scream#I don't even touch the thing that there's such thing as political forces besides 'people who went on protest'#and what went around Euromaidan in big politics#(not in 'it's nato job!1' way#I mean that there were actually political forces opposes current politic at that time and it wasn't like some pariah as Navalny etc#also there were oligarch who were ready to support new big guy etc#and honestly#for me personally more great looks that four years later people just peasefully voted for another man#and that man turned a great guy and politic)#but back to rithoric#it sounds so fucking victim blamy#when I see how people speak about 'oh boo hoo police beat you up well you should have fight first'#I just#sit there???#do you say this to all victims???#like#our current authority just plain illegal#they have no rights be there#thay have no rights to make desigins such as DECLARE WAR#Putin haven't legally win any of votes since like his first run#like yes it sucks to admit but we kind of victims! not in a way 'poor russians let's pity them insted of people they currently kill'#but yes we're illegally kept under rule of people who took this place illegally and made it impossible to change things legal way and#straight up killed and imprisoned people who could've try to change it illegal way#and we have no big political figurs and no oligarchs and no other countries to support anything#just this 'have you tried molotov coctail?' from people who thinks that they suuurely woyld've change things#argh
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jiabeewrites · 11 months
so this is what i've gathered from the memes and tumblr posts:
(please do not take this as 100% accurate. it's probably only like 78% accurate)
a few billionaires + a 19 year old + one other person(?) went into a "submarine" that wasn't actually a submarine
it was controlled by a VIDEO GAME CONTROLLER
and they were supposed to explore the titanic
and the submarine thingie didn't actually work and they KNEW THAT before getting on
and it imploded
and they all died
the only person anyone has sympathy for is the 19 year old bc he didn't wanna go on but wanted to make his dad happy
also celine dion is trending lmao
and fanfic is being written for the submarine (im slightly concerned)
oh and the company who made the submarine is called oceangate
this link. that's it, that's the addition.
oh yeah and @hkayakh said that a documentary is being made about this???
there's a coup
and there's basically a civil war
and the person in charge of the coup said that he's trying to topple russia's military leaders
and ukraine just took back some of their land
also the troops stopped for coffee before fighting
important addition by @chimp-prolly-not-typing-hamlet: the rogue battalion that rebelled against Putin is a private paramilitary organization called Wagner’s Group which has been linked to far-right extremism and neo-nazism
the greek coast guard capsized a boat full of hundreds of migrants, killing 80 with over 500 people still counted as missing, and the eu won't even investigate (according to @socialist-microwave-laser, please go check this post for more info)
so yeah fuck capitalism actually
logitech is NOT suing oceangate, that was a fake post
andrew tate is being charged for rape and human trafficking
and apparently elon musk challenged mark zuckerberg to a jiu jitsu cage fight
and andrew tate offered to coach elon musk
the season finale of helluva boss came out!!! (s1e8)
the season finale of helluva boss is coming out only right now because of some legal issues that vivsiepop + spindlehorse had. i think it had something to do with working with kesha and her label
yeah the world just decided to speedrun history today
(pls tell me if there's anything to add to this in the replies!!!)
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suratan-zir · 11 months
When a Westerner asks you, "so this coup happens because the rebels are against the war, right?", how do you explain that the "rebels" are just another fascist psychopaths angry that other fascist psychopaths are not good enough at killing Ukrainians? How do you explain to a sane, unexposed to the "russian world" individual that putin's "opposition" isn't against the war, but demands more effective genocide?
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soryualeksi · 2 years
So sorry that I'm doubting the totally good-faith approach of people whose MOST pressing concern about an invasion is to police how the people BEING INVADED AND HAVING THEIR HOMES DESTROYED AND THEIR FAMILIES DEPORTED TO FUCKING SIBERIA TO MAKE SPACE FOR THE OCCUPIERS AND TO ROOT OUT THEIR CULTURE. How THESE people. Fucking express their feelings about it on their fucking tumblr blog.
Fucking dogpiling them in a "you monster!!!" fashion for not being nice and friendly enough about it.
On a fucking tumblr blog.
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sayruq · 8 months
Here's more of what's been happening on the ground. (Once again I'm not an expert in war).
Palestinian fighters are still waging war on the state of Israel
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It is clear that Hamas and other groups have access to anti aircraft weaponry and long range missiles, partly from looting Israeli bases but partly from (and this is unconfirmed) from the Russia-Ukraine war. It's not unexpected for weapons to end up smuggled into other countries during a war.
On the other hand, Israel went from swearing it would invade Gaza on the ground to doing just about anything but that
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It's understandable why Israel would hesitate even with its 300,000 strong army
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IDF is made up of mostly conscripted soldiers who normally act as civilians once they've served their 2.5 year mandatory conscription. Not only that, IDF acts more like a police force than an army. Its soldiers simply don't have the training or mentality to fight militia groups in their home turf.
America itself doubts its capabilities no matter how it words it. This is a country that has yet to win against a guerilla army so it has experience when it comes to this
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Edit 2: above Hamas states the obvious
In my previous post I highlighted how disorganised the Israel military was in response to Operation Flood Al Aqsa.
This hasn't changed in the days. Israel is behaving more like a cornered animal lashing out than the so called 'strongest army in the Middle East.'
It has been dropping bombs on Syria, Lebanon and Egypt aimlessly, more out of anger than calculated strategy
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Its efforts to pushing back against the Palestinian militia isn't going well either
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in addition to naked, barbaric cruelty towards Gaza because it is not producing results elsewhere
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The tweet below is important as Russia is an Israeli ally. The Israeli right wing has been very favourable towards Putin, even willing to disagree with the US and EU policies on Russia. However Israel repeatedly bombing Syria is quickly souring Russia on the country. While Putin doesn't want to go against Israel at this point, he has become increasingly critical of the country in the past couple of days.
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Saudi went from making a half-hearted 'both sides need to stop statements to cutting ties with Israel (ties Israel and America have worked very hard to form) to outrightly condemning Israel's treatment of the people of Gaza.
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Naturally, with all of this happening, Israel has responded, not with ceasing the bombardment of Gaza, but by killing and assaulting journalists covering the genocide.
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so that it could committ war crimes without it being documented and seen by the world. War crimes such as announcing that they'd bomb a hospital in Gaza and giving doctors and nurses just hours to evacuate their patients.
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This, btw, is part of the reason they cut electricity so that Palestinians can't post their own genocide on social media. Israel brutality is costing them allies but they have no intention of stopping.
Despite all of this, there has been a great deal of support for Palestinians globally
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In short, this war is not going the way Israel thought it would. They didn't crush Hamas and the other Palestinian military groups immediately after the battle of Re'im. In fact, they're still struggling against those groups right now. They've been humiliated in front of the world after being revealed to be paper tigers and as such, they're going after Palestinian civilians in increasingly horrific ways.
The Palestinian resistance is still optimistic and they're still carrying out their plan. There's still hope for a future without apartheid.
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