#being trapped under your contract for almost 7 years bc you were excited to be finally accomplishing your dreams.
exidol · 5 months
*pulls out own personal mic* lets' talk about how warren wasn't allowed contact wtih his family for months on end because of his entertainment company's strict schedule and rules. okay , that's all.
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libra-stellium · 2 months
Tracking my transits this year!
I took notes from Saturn in transit by Erin Sullivan and Planets in transit by Robert Hand
Saturn square Jupiter (Feb 3-Mar 23 - if you have Jupiter in Sagittarius at 9° the dates are the same for you)
suddenly deflate what was once a growing proposition, creating a predicament where we must consider whether or not the current conditions have become over inflated or unrealistic
Def been in that mindset like omg what is life what am I doing and is what I’m asking for unrealistic 😂 word for word asked myself that when I put $115k in the salary request box of a job application like I’m not a fully barred attorney 💀💀💀 and then they ghosted me so I was like omg even if it’s not unreasonable THEY must think it isssss
Requires that we look at our social ambitions and how we achieve them / Evaluate goals and the methods by which we might achieve them
Def been thinking about it! I keep saying I want more friends and don’t go anywhere lol so I signed up for the alumni association from my undergrad to find out about events and go socialize lol haven’t actually been to an event yet tho 😬 and this weekend I actually said yes to going out the same day with my friend! Yesterday the 23rd my phone was so DRY I think I sent two texts the entire day and no one contacted me and I was so bored 😩 but also feeling lonely like if I was living with someone at least another human would be here you know??
Hard aspect often feel restrictive or inhibitive, depressing our innate need to continue to expand and grow beyond our immediate circumstances / Hard angles often coincide with a feeling of being trapped or feeling incapable of upward or outward mobility / Under a hard aspect if we lose a contract, job, or offer then it must be accepted as a blessing in disguise /during this transit your opportunities may be curtailed and your freedom of action may be quite limited
This has been the most felt thing for me this transit!! All of February and March so far I’ve only left my apt 7 times to go somewhere and one of those times all I did was walk over to the leasing office that’s next door 😂 I also stopped walking on my walking pad and during this time one of my friends got a job and it had me spiraling for a second bc we started looking for jobs at the same a year and a half ago and this was her second job she started and I haven’t even gotten an interview! And at the same time this intern at my job got offered an attorney position and I was like ?? I’ve been here for almost 3 years?? I also didn’t want it 😂 but still!!! And my other friend who just gave birth found another job in like 2 months and I’m like omgggg what am I doing wrong?? Low key 👀 could be bc none of the jobs I’ve seen and applied to were exciting to me 😭😬
If a genuine attempt to realize our fantasies and embody our beliefs is made saturn will assist in creating the structure necessary for the realization of those grand plans / tests how well you have our your life together especially for finances, business, and your profession / If it’s not working, let it go or it’ll be more trouble when the Saturn Jupiter opposition comes
This has been going okay for me bc I found myself being in a teacher position when it comes to finances bc I did set them up to work properly for me and was able to pass on that knowledge to fam and friends who needed some help! Another goal was to get back into cooking for myself so I started looking up recipes and buying those ingredients and I bought actual Tupperware too!
Critical reform in our attitude towards society and its strata
I’ve literally been so pissed off about the world especially living in the US and I’m no longer thinking of “lesser of two evil” bc they’re all evil and it sucks that humans can’t just be alive and it be enough
Hard angles will bring awareness to how ineffective we can be and how that might be changed / The positive result is redefining our strategy and and a good long self evaluation about loyalties
Boundaries! Going NC with my mom last year happened so sudden that I didn’t think about how I would handle her coming up in conversation with other people and I’ve had to tell them oh I’m NC I have nothing to say about that! The other day my aunt called me to order me to pray for my mother and I had to hang up on her bc I told her no and to change the topic and she continued and then texted me “that was not nice” lmao girl and yelling at me on the phone is? Tf? And the next day she acted like nothing happen which she does when she knows she was wrong. So had to think about whether I have to cut her off too bc she’s obviously chosen her narc sister 🤷🏾‍♀️
Saturn-Jupiter contacts are frequently present during important shifts in our career
Idkkkk I’m not seeing it lol unless the shift is that I should take astrology more seriously instead of law 😬 but I paid 6figs for that degree lmao I’m gonna use it!! I had a zodiacal releasing LB March 8 for lot of spirit and that same day I had nothing to do at work but I did a quick chart reading for my friend and she said it resonated lol and I was ecstatic all day!
Feelings of rebellion against the oppressor is justified but it matters more how we approach the matter / Don’t react blindly out of frustration, calmly evaluate
I don’t think this has come up bc I haven’t left my apt lol I also haven’t felt frustrated against any oppressor I mean unless you count being frustrated with the genocides but I feel like that’s more of a global thing
Curtail and eliminate unnecessary activities, assume an introspective mode until social motivations and priorities are more clearly arranged
Yep I’ve been inside thinking and thinking lol I’ve been posting a lot more on this blog too and sending my cousin podcast long voice notes of my thoughts lmao she’s a Virgo sun/Gemini rising so she loves it and reciprocates 😂 less TikTok as well but sometimes I still get stuck doomscrolling
Hard aspects can indicate to what degree we have allowed our animal nature to be subsumed by culture / The frustration that arises from within is directly proportionate to the degree to which suppression of the instinctive aspect of our nature has been effective / Hard angle has the potential to offer insight into this necessary aspect of human nature, pointing out how frustrated we might be and in the end offering options in liberating the spirit of the nature within
Haven’t felt frustration so I guess that means I’ve been in my intuitive bag! lol
Transit is unfavorable financially
Yeah bc I just spent so much money in March Lmao but it’s bc I booked a trip to Amsterdam! I think this is the most I’ve spent in so long! I also bought a piece of furniture two weeks ago lol
Activities from 7 years ago are being tested to see if they have a real importance
My entire life?!? I was literally doing everythingggggg in 2017! Graduated college, started law school, broke up with my bf after 3yrs, moved to the city I’m still in, my cousin and I got back in contact bc we were on the same flight sitting together, also met people that I’m still friends with today. I hate saying it but I really think it’s law school 🤣 working has not been exciting at all especially bc it seems all the jobs now wanna pay so low and I’d rather stay where I am!
Don’t make up your mind until this transit is over
This transit happening with my 10H Jupiter makes me think it’s the career stuff I should be making up my mind over lol I started the transit with a meeting with my mentor Feb 9 and she said she has a friend working in immigration and if I wanted to volunteer to get that experience and idk how I felt about it bc how much of a difference would it really make?? But also having this extra thing to do could be helpful so I wouldn’t get so bored when there’s nothing to do at work 😭 I haven’t said anything to her yet so still thinking about it!
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