#besides turning radioactive she also has minor antigravity powers and doesn’t need to eat. basically somewhat immortal lol
puppyeared · 11 months
How'd Augusta end up being radioactive? :o
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A second chance.
// suicidal themes below
Augusta originally worked as a part time astronaut at a Star Depot, which collected star Fragments and sent them back to earth to be used as fuel similar to nuclear power.
Augusta wasn’t really in a good place at the time while working there. She never had any kind of big ambition in life and wanted to live life peacefully, but knew that “getting by” isn’t enough for her to survive. People around her kept expecting so much of her that she didn’t know what to tell them.
Working as an astronaut helps take her mind off things at first, but then she starts to feel worse. She doesn’t get invited out to things, but she doesn’t really make any effort to try, and relatives are asking how she’s doing and she doesn’t know what to tell them without it turning into a lecture. and over time it piles up
First she starts asking for more shifts handling and shipping the stars. Then she asks to do overtime. And finally one day she finds a tiny Fragment on the floor.
The thing about Fragments is that they change your body and can make you very sick if youre near them for too long.
Tomorrow would be a holiday and the building would be closed. The Shift manager, who promised to close up, left early for drinks with coworkers. So she was the only employee working.
So she picks up the star and swallows it expecting to die. But instead her hair turns pink and the dust around her floats, and when she breathes no air comes out. The Star fused to her body and latched to her heart.
Basically, her suicide attempt gave her her own way to live and pink hair as a bonus lol
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Here’s what her hair looked like before and after The Incident <3
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