#beybaldes answers !!
beybaldes · 5 months
✨mr krabs i have ideas✨
festus with tanners mentor!girlfriend makes my brain tingle because there’s so much there
arachne and her being so happy they get to work together because they both got the 10s. controversially i am an arachne lover so childhood bestie!arachne is everything to me. they could never make me hate her. 😔
festus and her being there when arachne dies at the zoo and (according to book canon) walking home with clemmie and coryo after she’s taken by medics. festus proposes they all go to his apartment but when they get there he bursts into tears and mentor!girlfriend has to send clemmie and coryo on their way and ushers festus inside and stays with him.
later trying to convince festus to create an alliance between coral and tanner and festus teasingly telling her that he could think of a few ways she could convince him
her and festus being together at the arena but went their seperate ways to talk to other mentors and gather information. bombs go off and chaos ensues as they try to find each other
i have so many festus thoughts but im just going to leave this here and not be annoying
SpongeBob! You popped the fuck off with this one! (Also not annoying at all pls send me all your festus thoughts) also also sorry this took so long I finished uni for Christmas and have been in every day since oops, I really enjoyed writing this though. More festus to come ⁎⁺˳✧༚
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- you and Arachne are basically siblings the way you grew up together
- I’m talking inseparable : born within two weeks of each-other and grew up as next door neighbours, walked into the academy on your first day together holding hands, sat next to each other at lunch every day, had joint birthday parties every year, etc
- no one could tear the two of you apart
- well, except a pretty determined festus creed, who laid eyes on you the second you walked into that classroom at 6 years old and knew he wanted to be your best friend instead
- Arachne, ever the social butterfly, was quick to attract a large group of friends around the two of you, which gave festus the perfect chance to get to know you better
- as the years went by you and Arachne stayed best friends, but if anyone asked you to name your closest friends, festus creed would also be on that list
- he was ever so charming, and a good listener (though only when it came to you) and when everyone seemed to move at Arachne’s beck and call, he would wait for yours to do anything
- it was sweet, in its own way, and it’s one of the things that drives the two of you to end up together
- like, obviously, festus has had a crush on you since he was a boy
- but you finally start to realise you like him back when all these little things start adding up
- he looks at you for your reaction whenever someone says something, he sits or walks or stands next to you at every chance he gets, he brings you the homework when you’re sick, he carries your bag around for you, he pulls your chair out for you in the canteen
- honestly the list goes on and on
- but the thing that finally gets the two of you together is when you and Arachne have a fight
- it had only been something stupid, but because everyone was Archane’s friend before they were yours, they take her side
you’d been sat on the steps outside the academy, eating your lunch alone in the sunshine while everyone else had gathered at your usual table. Though you knew you were still welcome there, you didn’t want to have to deal with the silent treatment from Arachne (and therefore everyone else) while she built up the courage to admit she was wrong like she always eventually did when it came to you. It was peaceful away from the noise of the canteen, and you found you didn’t mind being alone - at least, alone until the sound of someone running down the steps and right towards you, reached your ears.
Festus Creed took a seat right beside you, his lunch tray in hand and his backpack in the other. “You didn’t show up to lunch. I was worried sick.”
“Me and Arachne had a fight, a squabble really. It was literally over what we thought one of the answers were on the history of Panem homework.” Festus laughed as you did, swapping half of his orange with half of your apple slices. “She’s upset with me though, so I figured everyone would be upset with me.”
“Well, if it makes you fell any better, I think she’s upset with me now as well.” You looked at him confused; your confusion only growing as a smile curled on his lips. “I don’t think she’s too fond of the fact that I am oh so fond of you.”
you lean in and kiss him before his words can truly settle inside of you. but hours later, when they fully do, all you can think about is how you can’t wait to kiss him again sometime.
- when the reaping finally roles around, you and all your friends having to take on the role of mentors for the tributes, you and Arachne get the boy and the girl from 10 and it couldn’t be more perfect
- well, it’d be more perfect if you didn’t have to be mentors at all but, you know what I mean
- the two of you basically plan for your tributes to team up to fight against the other tributes because obviously 🙄 but all that goes awry when Arachne’s tribute kills her
your first reaction is complete stillness and silence. from the moment Arachne’s girl reaches through the bars of the zoo and stabs her right in the throat you have been completely silent. you couldn’t move, you couldn’t think, you couldn’t breath, you couldn’t scream. Total nothingness. you could only watch as Coriolanus ran forward, bravely pressing his hands against the wound in an effort to save your best friend. You didn’t even manage to get the words out to thank sweet Sejanus plinth, who dragged you to the floor and pressed you under him as peacekeepers rain bullets at the rouge tribute. Even when the gunfire stops and Arachne lies too still for a living person, even when Festus takes you from Sejanus and thanks him on your behalf, even on the walk home sandwiched between festus and Coryo, who’s hands are still covered in the thick of Arachne’s blood, you can’t seem to find the words. It’s only on the doorstep of festus’s apartment - the smell familiar and warm and welcoming - when things seem to catch up to you.
before he can even unlock the door to let you, Coriolanus, and Clemensia inside you’ve burst into hysterical tears: sobbing, gasping, wretching at the thought of what you’ve lost tonight. Festus sends Coryo and Clemmie on their way and ushers your inside, through the house and right to his bedroom, where he guides you to sit on the edge of the bed and kneels before you, hands cradling your face. “You’re okay, you’re okay sweet thing, just breathe.” His grip on your face tightens ever so slightly when you don’t seem to calm down, but it only helps to ground your more. “Breathe with me okay? You’re gonna be okay, sweet thing, it’s all gonna be okay.”
- you sit front row of her funeral beside Coriolanus and selfishly wish you had festus at your side instead
- when festus makes his way to his seat, which he finds is right behind yours, he reaches his hand between the gaps in the chairs and connects it with yours
- he holds your hand the whole way through the funeral and after, until the two of you end up in bed that night and he finally lets go to hold you fully, pressed against his chest as he cradled you to him
- when he wakes up the following morning however, it’s like he’s with an entirely different version of you
- it’s still you, but you’re cold, refusing to cry or grieve or do anything but focus on the games - all you want now is to get things over and done with
- winning doesn’t matter and you don’t really care what happens to your tribute, you just want to go home (which was concerning to you because physically, you were home)
“you need to convince Coral to partner up with Tanner.” you’re sitting at your dressing table as you to speak to Festus, him in his uniform on your bed as he waited for you to get ready to go and bond further with your tributes for the day. “He doesn’t stand a chance alone, he needs the help. Coral does, hell, I wouldn’t be surprised if they won.”
Festus only wiggled his eyebrows at you, meeting your gaze in the reflection of your mirror. “Well, sweet thing, I’m sure I could be convinced…” Festus is quickly quietened by your hairbrush smacking against his chest. “I was only saying!”
When he sees you try and smother the smile that tries to form on your face he stands from the bed, crossing the room, and wrapping his arms around your shoulders, speaking to your reflection. “Everything is going to be okay sweet thing. Trust me. In a week from now all this will be behind us and we can get on with the rest of our lives. You and me, a house somewhere in the upper city, two university degrees, other things. Whatever you want will be ours.” Your hands reached up to hold into his arms that wrapped around you, squeezing them lovingly as your stoic composure quickly dissolved. “But if what will soothe your roaring mind right now is an alliance between our tributes, then an alliance you shall have, sweet thing.”
You lean into his hold, titling your head to press a kiss to his clothed arm. “I love you, festus.” It didn’t matter that you knew he wouldn’t say it back just yet, he had always had a hard time verbalising his feelings, because you knew that he loved you, you could feel it right in this moment more then ever before.
- and then, only hours later, the trip to the arena came, and with it, the attack from the rebels
- festus had left your side for approximately 5 seconds, going to drag coral away from Tanner and the boy from 7 (who you hoped were all planning an alliance) when the first bomb went off
your ears ring with a shrill noise that only further disoriented you, your view blurry as you looked up from the rubbed floor of the arena and into the flames. the blast of the bomb from behind you had sent you flying forward, yet, you couldn’t see festus anywhere. smoke filled the room and rubble littered the floors, pieces of the ceiling and walls falling into the centre of the arena in the aftershocks.
you try and stand but your legs fail you and your arms shake with the effort you used to try and push yourself off of the floor. Rubble is falling closer and closer to you with each second, you can’t hear or see anything to anyone, let alone festus, and you’re sure that this is how you’re going to die.
just as you’re about it close your eyes and accept your fate, a shadow emerges from the ashes, running in your direction and yelling what you think is your name. it’s only when they grab you by the arms and hoist you up that you begin to see and hear properly again. “Coral.” You whisper, reaching out and caressing their face.
they seem unfazed, wrapping your arm around their shoulder and holding it against their collar bone while the other wraps tightly around your waist. “your leg is injured, so I’m going to have to drag you, okay? It might hurt.” your barley feel the pain in your leg and if you were any more conscious you might be worried about that, but right now all you can think about is how they came and saved you from the rubble. Coral could’ve ran, for freedom, to leave you for dead, for whatever. but they hadn’t, and a part of you didn’t really understand.
“you saved me.” you whispered, only loud enough for them to hear as they continued to drag you through the arena and to the exit. “what about you’re friends?”
“they’re fine.” they answered, helping you through the barricade and ever closer to safety. “so’s your little boyfriend. they all got dragged out by peacekeepers pretty quickly. we were too far in the destruction to be found as fast.”
you hear him before you see him. festus creed is calling your name in a wretched cry, sobs accentuating everything that came from his mouth. and when you catch sight of his frame, he’s being restrained by two peacekeepers, who seem to be insisting that he can’t go back in there, that’s they’ll find you but he needs to wait out here. before you can call out to him, Coral does so for you. “they need help! their leg!”
all eyes turn to you. you and the tribute from four gripping tightly onto each other, covered in ash and scrapes, hand gripping hand. it’s something festus never thought he’d see and it has him questioning everything he’s ever known. maybe the people from the districts were just like you and him. maybe everything he’d been told was wrong and it was silly to punish children, like himself, for the crimes of their fathers.
what he does know for certain is that he’s never run so fast in his life. he reaches you before the peacekeepers can and tears you from Corals hold, thanking them profusely even as peacekeepers drag them away to go with the rest of the tributes who made it out alive. he grips you with a strength you didn’t know he had, a hand cupping the back of your head and holding you tight against him. “I thought I lost you, God, I thought I lost you. I though you were…” he can’t say it, can’t bring himself to speak it out loud less he makes it come true. “All the rubble and the smoke and the fires, and when I tried to search for you they dragged me out. They told me I couldn’t go back in for you: I would’ve gone back in. I never should’ve left your side, what if you’d-“
He shakes his head, pulling you out of the safety of his hold so he can cup your face, thumbs runnings cross your tear-stained cheeks as he looks at you. “Never leave me. Not like that, not ever. Please. Promise me.”
He’s never sounded so pleading, so desperate, and he’s never wanted for anything more in his life. “I won’t, I’m sorry, I’m okay, I’m okay, I’m okay.” You’re a blubbering mess in festus’s arms, gripping to the back of his red blazer like your life depends on it. Your cries only worsen as the ringing in your ears starts to fade and you start to feel a throbbing pain in your leg. “I’m sorry. I love you, I love you.”
“I love you too, I love you too, I love you too.”
- festus follows you to the hospital and everywhere else after that
- but like seriously
- he already knew he wanted to spend the rest of his life with you and the attack in the arena only solidified that idea
- the hunger games are over and Lucy grey is crowned their winner within the week
- festus proposes the following morning
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chaoticlad · 4 months
What's a razor balls???
I honestly have no idea.
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alwritey-aphrodite · 6 months
An arranged marriage au sick fic inspired by the lovely and talented @beybaldes (as always)
After you didn’t show up at the academy for a whole day, Sejanus was a little worried. When you didn’t show up for the rest of the week, he was downright terrified. None of your other peers seemed to share the same anxiety, waving away your absence as if it was a regular occurrence, as if you haven’t had perfect attendance for your entire life up until this point.
At the end of the week, instead of walking straight back to his house after classes were finished, Sejanus turned in the opposite direction and headed towards your estate, far too restless to wait and see if anyone knew if you were ok. At any rate, he didn’t think he’d be able to sleep if he didn’t see you with his own eyes, having spent the last few nights tossing and turning and getting less and less sleep the longer you were gone.
Knocking on your front door, Sejanus was a ball of nerves, suddenly worried he’s overstepping or intruding, but before he can turn and run, your mother is opening the door. He doesn’t even need to ask before she’s settling her face into a gentle sort of smile, the way someone would look at an injured child or an orphaned puppy.
“She’s up in her room, if you’d like to see her,” your mother steps back to give him room to enter the house, “she’s been sicker than ever but seems to be on the mend, so I’d still recommend keeping a bit of distance.” She winks like she knows Sejanus will do the opposite of following her advice, and it takes all of his willpower not to sprint up the stairs to reach your room.
He knocks before he enters, more gentle than downstairs, but he doesn’t wait for your answer before creeping inside. It’s dark, the window shades cracked slightly to let in a little sunlight, and the air is heavy and a little stale. Still, Sejanus has never been happy to enter a room in his entire life.
“Come to visit me on my deathbed,” you croak out, doing your best to prop yourself up onto the mountain of pillows taking up a majority of your bed.
“I was worried,” he tells you, still feeling worried at the sickly sight of you. If this is you looking and feeling better, Sejanus’s heart aches to wonder how you were doing before. He hesitates only slightly before sitting on the edge of the bed next to you, waiting for a scolding from you that never comes.
Using the back of his hand, he presses against your forehead, feeling the tacky warmth and nodding to himself. Your fever is all but nonexistent at this point, but the stuffiness of your room definitely isn’t helping you recover.
“Do you mind if I crack the window?” He asks, poised to move but willing to stay if that’s what you want. When you nod, turning your head away from him as you clear your throat, he rushes over to open the windows as quickly as he can, making sure to open the curtains as well, knowing you’ve been laying in the dark for the past few days.
When he sits back down, he can’t help but trace the curve of your jaw with his fingertips, needing to touch you after so long apart, needing to remind himself that you’re alright after being consumed with worry all week long. He knows it’s really none of his business, but he wishes you would have told him, would have let him come over and take care of you. He wouldn’t mind getting sick, not if it meant spending time with you.
“Has everything fallen to shambles in my absence?” You ask, a teasing tilt to your voice that makes Sejanus’s heart flutter. Your skin is shiny with sweat and still a slightly sickly color, but he could still swear he’s never seen anyone as beautiful as you. He catches you up on everything that happened at the academy while you were gone, omitting the complete lack of concern from your peers at your week long absence.
“Your hair is getting longer,” you reach out to gently tug on one of the curls by his neck, completely unprompted, once he’s finished with his recap of the week, “it looks nice.” It makes him feel a little sick, the fact that you might look at him, admire him, the same way he does to you. You let your hand trail down his neck and the slope of his shoulder, tracing the length of his arm until you can intertwine your fingers together. He’s lucky that it’s still a little dark in your room, so you can’t see the fact that he’s starting to look a little feverish from all your attention.
“I’m sorry if I get you sick,” you tell him, making no move to drop his hand. The both of you know that your illness has run its course and that just holding his hand won’t transfer it to him, but it seems like the right thing to say, even though he went out of his way to see you, knowing that he very well could get sick.
“It doesn’t matter to me,” he tells you as sincerely as possible, squeezing your hand like it’s your own secret language, a way to say things you can’t possibly put into words, “it would be worth it.”
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wildlifeshipping · 2 years
hi!!! sorry i couldn't answer your ask for some reason😭 anyways beyblade burst is really good!! my favourite is beyblade burst surge solely because one character finally went through character development 😭 i feel like i should watch the older beybalde generations because all i have is this vauge memory of seeing metal fusion on TV when i was younger - rosedreamslove
THATS OKAY AND YEAH SO IVE HEARD burst was my childhood honestly i remember being a big fan of free and akira djdjdjdj
and ohh that's nice to hear !! we love character development yes
I RECCOMEND THEM SO MUCH ‼️‼️ every series is so different n has their own charms but they're all united through the silly spinny tops yes
i also started the metal saga because of this exact reason !! forever thankful to my younger brother for getting me into it
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beybaldes · 11 months
please never ever stop making the ted lasso twitterverse posts bc they are the funniest things ive ever read
Into the twitter verse part 3 !!
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beybaldes · 6 months
i didn’t have any specific ideas in mind for festus however i do feel like there’s certain types of people he would enjoy being around right?
like either way he would have to have known them since childhood as all capitol children do so cute dynamics
either a kind person to reel him in when he’s being too mean or an equally witted person he can bounce off.
oh for sure
- festus would have had to know them since birth basically (even though that’s how everyone knows everyone in the Capitol) but they’d have to have been friends since being babies for it to work out
- most untrusting mf on the planet, like, assumes you’re lying 24/7 to a degree it’s almost comical
‘how was your lunch break, sweet thing?’ he asked, chin pressed into your shoulder as he wrapped his arms around you from behind.
‘good, me and clemmie went to this cute little place near the academy.’
he pulls away from you, turning you to face him with a genuine look of disbelief on his face. ‘suuuuure you did, sweet thing.’
- low-key an idiot, like, he’s never thought before he’s spoke IN HIS LIFE, takes everything people say as the gospel truth, doesn’t question anything for himself, just the type to nod his head along with a blank stare (which can be very endearing at times but sometimes is plain infuriating)
- ‘yeah, uh huh, okay, hmm.’ wants to listen to what you have to say but gets so distracted by you he never does. ‘no, I was sweet thing, carry on with your story.’
- I just know he’s fussy as fuck which makes it ten times more unbelievable that he’s managed to find his perfect match, like, not only do you match his wit and sarcasm at times, but you totally real him in.
‘sejanus, I’m surprised to see you made it to the reaping.’
Sejanus doesn’t get the chance to respond to his snark because you’re smacking an open palm against his chest. ‘rude, apologise.’
festus’s face flushes and he ducks his head. Arachne, Coriolanus and the rest of the group you’d gathered were all staring at him which only intensified his embarrassment, for for you, he’d do almost anything. ‘sorry, sejanus, it’s nice to have you here.’
- hasn’t used your actual name in like 5 years because he once called you ‘sweet thing’ and literally got addicted
‘sweet thing, you gonna come over and help me study?’
‘c’mon sweet thing, you know you want to come over this weekend.’
‘so, you gonna be my date for the winter formal or what, sweet thing?’
- will only have heart to hearts in bed late at night when it’s the two of you alone, and they’re always some of your favourite moments
‘you know, I really do love you sweet thing, even if I have trouble saying it sometimes.’
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beybaldes · 7 months
Sejanus is so pookie bear, I’m so obsessed with him - do you happen to have any more fics planned for him?
yes!! I’m halfway through another one as a third/final part of ‘one single threat of gold tied me to you’ and ‘I swam a lake of fire, I’d have walked across the floor of any sea.’ That will hopefully be out by Saturday or Sunday night and then I plan to write a cute lil think about being in the arena when it gets attacked by the rebels?? Maybe
Open to writing like a fix-it fic where he doesn’t die if anyone wants to see what I think would’ve happened/gone down in the world where reader is there?? Let me know <33
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beybaldes · 9 months
— beybaldes masterpost !!
the official masterpost: telling you where to go and what's going on since 2023 :D
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caitlin. 19. scorpio. british. she/they. tv show lover. rugby player. apple juice drinker. nightmind enthusiast.
most recent post here !!
most recent request here !!
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masterlist !!
summer sleepover masterlist !!
prompt lists masterlist
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requests closed atm while I work through the remainder of the summer sleepover requests, but will be reopening soon for halloween prompts!!
requests working on atm : 21
— rules for requesting !!
if you don’t specify pronouns or gender for reader, I will just use they/them, but feel free to request for any. (hello my he/him readers, I see you, I hear you, I love you - drop a request ♡).
otherwise, this is just a list of things i will NOT write, including :
- anything involving physical abuse
- non-consensual situations / assault
-self-harm / suicide
-eating disorders
other than that, feel free to send me a request / prompt request when they are open!!
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— tags !!
# get to know beybaldes !! — I answer tag games, your questions, or make anecdotes to my personal life.
# beybaldes wrote a fic !! — original fics that aren’t related to a prompt event or request.
# beybaldes hc !! — headcannons and cute little blurbs rather then whole fics, usually based on reader submissions.
# beybaldes answers !! — I answer asks or tags about anything, from reminders to drink my water to fic requests.
# beybaldes writing tips and tricks !! — I reblog posts that I, and you, may find useful for when it comes to writing fics.
# beybaldes reblogs !! — for when I reblog a post , everything from gif sets to some of my favourite fics.
— fic related tags !!
# beybaldes summer sleepover !! - summer prompt request fics, mainly featuring ted lasso boys.
# beybaldes sweet nothings !! - valentines prompt request fics, coming next February.
# fave fics — some of my favourite fics on this app
# fic recs — fics I would highly recommend you read for yourself, usually hand in hand with my fave fics
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— emoji anons / anons <3
will kitman anon !!
SpongeBob anon !!
feel free to claim any emoji as your own and slide into my ask box with ideas or questions anytime!! ♡
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© beybaldes — all work owned by me. please do not copy, translate or transfer my work to any other blogs, apps, or websites, or claim as your own work! ♡
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beybaldes · 6 months
pls god im begging more festus you're the only person on tumblr who's done it and im starving i'll take literally anything 🙏🙏🙏
unrelated but ive been scrolling through your stuff since i found that one festus hcs list and your mind? unmatched. brilliant work.
AHHH omg thank you so much!!! <333
I’m more then happy to write more festus but please slide into my ask box with even a crumb of a suggestion because my head is empty 🙏🏼🙏🏼 I will write whatever 🙏🏼🙏🏼
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beybaldes · 6 months
please write sejanus as a boyfriend!!! (if you’re still procrastinating of course) <3
Sejanus as boyfriend out now!!!!!
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beybaldes · 6 months
Sejanus as your oblivious boyfriend i sooo want that if you can write it :)))
AHHHH I did it!!!! New part out here <3333
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beybaldes · 6 months
since your reqs are closed, do you have anything currently in the works for festus?
yes!! I got a few asks about if I would write for him so I said I would as long as people sent me ideas - so 3 or 4 festus fics coming soon!! <3
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beybaldes · 10 months
Me, sending you my love just because 🩷
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🥲🥲🥲🥲 this is the sweetest thing
literally love you bae <333 im your biggest fan 🫶🏻
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beybaldes · 6 months
would you ever write for festus creed? i know hes a background character but he’s so boyfriend
no cause anon…. You’re so right….
idk what I’d write but I’m deffo not against it,, mmmmm could see a Sejanus x reader where he things they’re with festus because the two of them act like they’re together in the future??? If you’ve got any specific Festus ideas lmk x
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beybaldes · 6 months
Sejanus truly is the babiest of all babygirls and the pookiest of all pookie bears
real you understand me
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beybaldes · 6 months
heya!! Love your writing!! Can you please write more for Sejanus?! I loved your previous work!!
Also, can you put me in your taglist?! 💜💜
hi!! I’m so glad you love it!! I have added you and tagged you in my most recent Sejanus fic <33
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