#bhiak sulani
nursesimblr · 3 months
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"Bhiak Sulani is looking for you. I said you were out fishing and he said he'd be back later. Bhiak came to say he finally has the cave ready on the island, and he's going to invite Triki to move in with him." Days had passed since the first discussion on this topic, and the atmosphere in the paradise cave had not improved at all. "Excellent!" Said Ugg The First, not finding anything excellent. "We'll go with him to the island to check if the cave is big enough.""To check if the cave is big enough? Or to find another excuse that stops Triki from moving out?" Nimli The Woman took a deep breath. Life in paradise was easier before Triki The Midwife arrived. The woman who gave Ugg The First a healthy daughter while she lost her first child and fought daily not to lose her second, who was still too small for his age. "Since it's so hard for you to see Triki leaving our cave, maybe I'm the one who should go away." Ugg barely had time to try to fix things with the right words at the right time. As he watched Nimli walk away, he heard with great dissatisfaction another familiar voice coming from behind. "Ugg, my friend! It's always good to see you!" In the distance, Azgu The Rainbow cried for the seventh time that day. "I have news! Since our last conversation, I've been working on my cave. It's a proper cave now! I'm ready to take Triki with me." "No you're not. Come with me, I'll show you something." Ugg walked to the expanse of the cave, where the women kept the children safe. Bhiak Sulani followed closely as Ugg pointed to the simbaby in front of them. "This is Fleri The Daughter, my daughter. She is also Triki's daughter, and knowing Triki as I do, she is not going anywhere without this baby." "Oh… I'm not sure about having a baby around." "So you're not sure about having Triki around."
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nursesimblr · 3 months
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One day, just before Fleri The Daughter turned three months old, Bhiak Sulani showed Triki The Midwife heis new creation. Lately the young man has been cutting down some trees to explore wood, and in his latest exploration, he built something he called a "boat". A small artifact capable of floating underwater, large enough to fit the simbaby's small body. That same day, Triki and Fleri moved out. And they were not alone. Tag the Tiger, Duma The Cheetah, Nah The Lioness, Eda The Lioness and Rek The Cheetion decided to follow the group. (animals' family tree) Everything was fine except Triki. At another time, the young woman would think that her frequent tiredness was the fault of the trip, but she was no fool. Her tiredness was the same tiredness that affected her while Fleri was growing in her belly.
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nursesimblr · 3 months
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After a suggestion from Ugg The First, Bhiak Sulani wore the skin of the animal he had killed a few days ago. He prepared a kava drink and served it to everyone. "May the Watcher bring us good things." Bhiak said, raising the glass. "May the Watcher bring us good things!" Said the other three in unison. "You know Bhiak, Triki just like you, likes to always be moving around. She would be good company for swimming in the ocean." Said Nimli The Woman. It was at that moment that Bhiak turned all his attention to the young Triki The Midwife, and discovered in a few minutes how much the young woman liked to share deep thoughts. Ugg watched everything with dissatisfaction. He didn't like the closeness between the two at all. "…and if you swim towards the east, you will find colorful corals! They are extremely beautiful to look at." "Sounds like something unmissable!" said Nimli "Come on Triki, follow Bhiak to the corals, I'll want to know everything about them when you get back!" As Triki and Bhiak walked away towards the sea, Ugg was terribly angry. "Bhiak doesn't seem like the most responsible sim, Nimli! How could you encourage Triki to go with him?" "And what's wrong with Triki going with him? Is it really her safety you're worried about?"
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nursesimblr · 2 months
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"We both need to help mama, Fleri. She can't give you milk because she's in labor. Do you want to eat a banana? I mashed a banana, do you want to try it?" "Na na" "Banana! It must be nice to be able to eat something other than milk, don't you think?" Triki The Midwife was trying her best. The young woman certainly missed living so close to the waterfall, where a bath during labor was not an almost impossible mission. But even that couldn't leave her dissatisfied. Triki brought the new member of the Sulani' Clan into the world after 18 hours of labor
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nursesimblr · 2 months
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"It's time to sleep Fleri! You've been playing in the ocean all day, that's enough." Fleri The Daughter's crying made all the animals run away. "Maybe I can tak…" "No Bhiak! You can't. Fleri needs to learn that she won't get everything she wants just because she's crying at the top of her lungs. Put her to sleep please, I'll feed the lions." As Triki The Midwife walked away, Bhiak Sulani whispered to attentive little ears. "We're going to the ocean but we're just going to get our feet wet. Understand? And no telling your mother." "Ma ma" "No. No ma ma or she'll leave us both here outside the cave."
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nursesimblr · 2 months
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"I'm worried about Nimli." whispered Ugg The First. "She's not eating and she repeats all the time that she doesn't want to be pregnant and watch the Watcher take another one of her children… she's not well, Bhiak. She really isn't." "If she keeps not eating then really, it won't be long before this simbaby goes back to Watcher." Bhiak Sulani replied "I don't know what to do anymore… I'm scared she's so weak that the Watcher needs to take her too." "Maybe Triki can help? Make sure Nimli is in the cave and I'll make sure Triki travels here when the sun is about to go to bed." Nimli The Woman barely noticed Ugg's efforts to keep her in the cave. She also didn't realize that it was the young man who cooked that day. When the sun is almost going to sleep, Triki The Midwife arrived at the paradise clan's cave and found a terrified Ugg. "I don't think she'll listen to me Ugg, but I'll try." Triki found Nimli sitting with a bowl of onion soup in her hand. "I'm not surprised you refused to eat it…that soup stinks." The hint of a smile played on the young woman's lips. She didn't expect that seeing Triki would give her any comfort. "I won't pretend I understand your pain, but I'm here to hold your hand if you're willing to go through it."
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nursesimblr · 3 months
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"Look at you little Fleri! You're so big! You'll soon be running around the cave and swimming in the ocean!" Triki The Midwife was better suited to the routine of a mother with a baby growing in her belly. She still got tired easily, but she was able to spend time with Fleri The Daughter and swim in the ocean before the sun went down with Bhiak Sulani. "Do you know what day it is today, Fleri? It's the day your father will visit you! And finally be able to see what a big, beautiful and intelligent little girl you are." And Fleri didn't like the bath her mother gave her in the ocean shortly afterwards. She was woken up by voices and felt her body being moved from one side to the other. "…and as you can see, Fleri really is Triki's daughter, especially now. They both love to sleep!" Whispered Bhiak just before laughing. Fleri curiously observed the man in front of her who looked at her with loving eyes and a smile on his face. "Sul Sul Fleri! I'm Ugg The First, your father."
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nursesimblr · 3 months
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For Bhiak Sulani, the expectation of having an adventure buddy was becoming distant since Triki The Midwife arrived. The young mother spent most of the day sleeping on any piece of rock that would fit her body. Growing a baby inside is a tiring task, but that doesn't help Bhiak welcomes the arrival of the new simbaby. He had already lost his adventure buddy to exhaustion, what else would he lose when the simbaby was finally born?
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nursesimblr · 3 months
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Not long after moving to the island, Fleri The Daughter turned three months old. Triki The Midwife was increasingly in love with her little girl who easily lost control when she didn't immediately get what she wants. But Fleri was capable of winning hearts, including Bhiak Sulani' ones.
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nursesimblr · 3 months
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Bhiak Sulani was ready. Not to have a baby around, but to finally tell Triki The Midwife what he's been planning lately. As Ugg The First had predicted, Triki immediately began thinking of safe ways to get a newborn across the ocean. They both needed time. Bhiak to get used to the idea of caring for a simbaby, Triki to formulate a safe plan to get Fleri The Daughter to the island. As time passed, the couple was seen almost daily adventuring on the beaches of paradise. The young blonde enjoyed the young mother's company more and more, and Triki was eager to spend as much time as possible away from Nimli The Woman.
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nursesimblr · 3 months
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"Where's Triki?" was the first question Ugg The First asked upon noticing Bhiak Sulani returning alone. "I walked her back to the cave. She was worried about the babies and said Fleri was probably hungry.""How was the swimming session?" wanted to know Nimli The Woman "Are corals as beautiful up close as they are from afar?" While Bhiak and Triki The Midwife were away, Ugg and Nimli were having a difficult time. Ugg continued to think that the idea of leaving the two alone in the middle of the ocean was not a smart idea, while Nimli made plans for Triki to possibly move to live with Bhiak. "Certainly! It's easier to see the fish too." "Have you ever thought about how amazing it would be to be able to do this with Triki every day? It would be really amazing if she lived here, so you could swim to the coral every day!" "That's the stupidest idea I've ever heard." Ugg said. "Actually… it's not a stupid idea. I'll go back with you to the cave and invite Triki to live here!" "No, you won't!" Ugg could no longer control the movement in his belly and chest. He wanted to get Nimli out of there and go back to the cave, where he would find Triki and the children. "It's not your decision to make, Ugg!" Nimli said, starting to feel the same agitation in her belly. "And neither yours, Nimli. If you look around with eyes without the filter of your selfishness, you will realize that Bhiak barely has a cave! Are we going to leave Triki and Fleri here? Without having a proper place to sleep? Do I need to remind you, since you seem to have forgotten, that Triki The Midwife was the woman who helped you bring Zull into the world? Who buried our son's body when none of us could? Triki is family, Nimli. And she's staying with us."
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nursesimblr · 3 months
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"…and these last few days, I took the liberty of naming some fish too. Goldfish, Guppy, Minnow, Perch, Salmon, Tetra, Angelfish, Betta…" Triki The Midwife hugged Bhiak Sulani tightly. His excitement about paradise was impressive, but all that talk was already causing her the typical headache that Azgu The Rainbow's constant crying caused her. In an attempt to stop all that talk, Triki kissed Bhiak. And that kiss made Bhiak feel things. "Kissing Gourami!" "What?" Triki wanted to know, confused. Had she missed part of the conversation? "The last fish I caught and it didn't have a name yet! Kissing Gourami!" "Are you trying to tell me I look like a… fish?" "Can we do this again?" "Do what? Bhiak, you're so…" And this time, Bhiak kissed Triak.
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nursesimblr · 3 months
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Days later, during a warm autumn night, the sim became conscious at the top of the volcano. Confused and disoriented, he stared fascinated at the lava in front of him. The orange color was so beautiful in his eyes, he wanted to be able to touch it. "Careful Bhiak! You don't want to put your hand in there." Said the voice. Terrified, Bhiak put his hand to his chest trying to understand what it was beating so fast that it almost caused him pain. "Welcome to the paradise!" "Paradise? Where is paradise?" "Here, everything your eyes can see." "Who are you? What am I doing in paradise?" "I am the Watcher, your creator and everything around you. Your mission is to build a family, Bhiak, and help others populate this place." "Who are the others?" "The ones you'll find when you go down the volcano. Look for the cave near the waterfall. Good luck Bhiak Sulani."
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nursesimblr · 2 months
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A new family tree here!! During all this time we have known and updated the Paradise' Clan and from now on the Sulani' Clan will also be updated. Azkorv was born with a mission to win his father's heart, but will he have the time? While I don't roll Azkorv's dice, Triki finds fulfillment with the family she didn't plan for.
Meet the characters || Beginning || family tree’ update
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nursesimblr · 3 months
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Now that the babies were a little older and independent, and thanks to Bhiak Sulani's boat, the group was able to get together for a fishing expedition. Soon the women would be going through another childbirth and in addition to wanting to guarantee food for this period, everyone needed a little fun. Azgu The Rainbow was able to meet his half-sister Fleri The Daughter but their interest in each other did not last. Fleri wanted to be close to Triki The Midwife and Bhiak Sulani, watching everyone and everything while Azgu has been tired lately. Nimli The Woman didn't even want to agree to this expedition, in the last few days, just before Azgu turned three months old, things changed. The little one was always very small for his age, and at that point, everyone was already convinced that he wouldn't be the strongest sim. But there was something worrying Nimli and Ugg The First. Every time they held Azgu in their arms, they noticed that he was very warm, almost as if he had spent the day playing in the sun. They were worried. Very worried. But Ugg convinced the young mother that maybe Azgu was just tired of being inside the cave for all this time, and a day near the sea, feeling the wind on his face would be enough for everything to return to normal.
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nursesimblr · 3 months
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"I feel my heart full when I look around and see her." whispered Bhiak Sulani. "I also feel extremely happy with him." completed Triki The Midwife. When the two thought the conversation was finally over, the voice spoke again. "Do you understand that this decision has a consequence? Bhiak, do you understand that having Triki around means having everything that comes with her around? Does it mean having Fleri and the simbaby around? Triki, do you understand that feelings are built and Bhiak will need your help to learn to have feelings for Fleri and simbaby?" "Yes, Watcher." said the couple together. "And even then, you're going to choose each other?" "Yes, Watcher." repeated the couple, this time, with a smile on their faces. "That being so, you will make a commitment to each other, in my presence." Bhiak and Triki looked at each other, neither knew exactly what making a commitment meant, but they were willing to do whatever they could to be together. Bhiak took Triki's hands and placed a kiss. "Triki The Midwife, I Bhiak Sulani, in front of Watcher, I promise to love you until my last day. I promise to welcome Fleri The Daughter as part of my family and take care that she is happy in our cave. I promise to support you during this pregnancy and try my best to help you with simbaby when he finally arrives." "Bhiak Sulani, I Triki The Midwife, in front of Watcher, I promise to love you beyond my last day. I promise to show you the joy of having Fleri as part of our lives. I promise to strive to be your adventure buddy even though I am a little limited at the moment. I promise to encourage you in every way possible to be the best father you could be." No one knows who initiated that kiss that sealed the promises that were made there. All that is known is that the Watcher was proud.
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