#bianca and yoko are forever suffering under Wenclair Shenanigans(tm)
tequiilasunriise · 2 years
Wenclair’s dynamic is so silly because they’re BOTH little freaks in their own ways like:
Wednesday, on the ground and bleeding out: Enid… Enid, stop your useless crying. My torso is already bleeding enough, no need for my ears to j-join in
Enid, holding her close: SHUT UP WILLA YOURE DYING
Bianca, being the rational one: What’s your blood type, Addams?
Wednesday: B negative
Enid, cradling Wednesday’s body even closer to her: IM TRYING NOT TO WEDNESDAY WAHHH DW I’LL AVENGE YOU!! THIS KITTY WILL SHRED EM UP WAAAHHH-!!!
Yoko, trying to keep Enid awake: C’mon mutt, stay with me! Quick, what’s your type?
Enid, delirious from blood loss: Fuck, uh… dark hair, beautifully piercing eyes, a dry sense of humor with a thousand sharp knives-
Yoko, furiously shaking Enid’s limp body: NO YOU GAYASS! YOUR BLOOD TYPE!
Enid: O-oh… *glances down at all of her cuts* uh… red?
Yoko, stepping away from Enid: Yep, you’re dead now-
Wednesday, BUSTING in with arms full of medical supplies and blood bags: And you people told me memorizing everyone’s records was a bad idea
Yoko: Because it IS- you know what? Fuck it, just save your girlfriend already
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