#big BIG thank you to Jen for reading through this and helping me refine it and make it way better
I just think it's special that Rooster and Hangman have kind of equal and parallel journeys in terms of character + flying development over the course of the film. What I mean is that their big individual triumphant moments in the narrative use their piloting choices to reflect emotional development. The film shows us from the start that they each have a Big Flaw--and the finale shows them overcoming these flaws.
Not only that, but the narrative uses their dynamic to introduce these individual shortcomings to us, the audience. Their first on screen conversation with each other is how we learn about their Big Flaws in the first place. Because of their relationship and the way they interact, we know how Rooster and Hangman are going to fly before we ever see them in the air.
For Rooster, it's "snug on that perch, waiting for just the right moment...that never comes.” We hear this over and over again, from both Hangman and Maverick–"Now you got it, don't think, just do." "Rooster, you got him, drop down and take the shot!" "Too late, had your chance.” "...same old Rooster." "You're not. flying. fast enough. You don't have a second to waste." This is Rooster’s Big Flaw–he doesn’t trust himself. He flies too slow, and he’s too careful, too hesitant in moments when he needs to believe in his abilities and let instinct take over. This is what Maverick and Hangman are trying to pound into his head the whoooole time. 
And then he’s on the mission, and Fanboy’s laser doesn’t work. And instead of waiting, well: "There's no time, I'm dropping blind." "Bullseye bullseye bullseye!"
This moment is HUGE for him. Fanboy is literally telling him to wait so he can line it up, and maybe a prior Rooster would have done that, but this Rooster has finally learned that he gets one chance and he has to take the shot that's in front of him. [Cue Hangman cheering.] The decision he makes as a pilot in this moment shows that he's learned what Maverick and Hangman were trying to teach him and that he's grown emotionally. He's more sure of himself now–he was always capable of taking the shot, but now he actually trusts himself to do it.
And then we have Hangman, Bagman, Mr. "Where's he going?" "That's why we call him Hangman, he'll always hang you out to dry." "Leaving your wingman, there's a strategy I haven't seen in a while." He's not a good team player; he flies solo both literally and metaphorically. We hear this over and over again, especially from Rooster–"Watch your back, Phoenix." "You put your team in danger and your wingman's dead." Hangman’s response? “They couldn't keep up." (And I can't stop thinking about "Hangman, the only place you'll lead anyone is an early grave." There's so much history there, and so much belief from Rooster that Hangman is Not a person to depend on in a moment of crisis.)
But then, Hangman’s ultimate moment of triumph is that he refuses to leave Maverick and Rooster hanging, that he is the one person who has their backs in a moment of crisis. We see exactly how concerned he is while waiting on the carrier, and we see him ASK to go engage in the fight to fly cover for his squad when the bandits aren’t even attacking anyone yet!! Like I could seriously cry about "Dagger spare, request permission to launch and fly air cover." Because he is specifically asking so that Rooster can go back and get Mav, something that we know is completely at odds with his Big Flaw. And then we see him presumably disobey orders to show up and save Maverick and Rooster's lives anyway. He learned from Maverick and Rooster–he's part of a team now, those are his wingmen out there, and he's not leaving them behind. 
So the film uses their big triumphant moments in the air to show Rooster and Hangman overcoming their respective flaws. It’s part of what makes the action of the finale so fucking good, because while yes, it is very satisfying action on its own, it’s also rooted in their character development. We’re not just happy that Rooster made the shot, we’re happy because Rooster making the shot means something about him. We’re happy that Hangman is the one to come through for Rooster and Mav because that means something about him and his growth.
The most iconic part is that the traits they each needed to adopt belonged to the other. Rooster is set up from the start as the pilot who won’t leave his wingman, even when it’s gonna cost him–“Should be us down there.” “But it’s not. And now you know a little something about Rooster.” This is the exact thing Hangman struggles with, and it’s what he overcomes to have his moment of triumph. Meanwhile Hangman is set up as the one who flies by instinct–”Yeah, you’re good, I’ll give you that.” He flies fast, he doesn’t overthink, and above all, he trusts himself as a pilot. This is the exact thing Rooster struggles with, and it’s what he has to overcome to have his moment of triumph. 
The fact that the two of them have parallel arcs like this? The fact that they both learn to be better, more complete pilots by adopting the strength that comes naturally to the other?
I just think that's beautiful.
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xxbyimm · 4 years
A tale as old as time - Bard the bowman x OC - Chapter 2
Check out my Masterlist! Or new to this journey? Here’s chapter 1.
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A tale as old as Time - Bard x OC - Chapter 2: A boat full of gravy
Summary:  Brea encounters more gravy than she bargained for... 
Warnings: ALFRID EW!
Taglist: @soradragon​ @pistachiozombie​ @legolaslovely​ @tomisbaeholland​ @saviorsong​ @swoopswishsward​ @fizzyxcustard​ @deepestfirefun​ @ruthoakenshield​ @mariannetora​ @goldrun​ @marvel-ous-hobbit​ @humongousgalaxycoffee​ If you don’t wish to be tagged anymore, please let me know! Or if you’re not on the list and want to be tagged: check out my lists and I’d like to hear which list you want in on!
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When Jenessa prodded her big sister’s waist for the third time to help regain attentiveness to the conversations around the dinner table, Brea knew she was doing it again. After everything that had happened, she had sworn never to become a victim of excessive daydreams and complete lack of focus again. But here she was… Going down the drain already.
Unfortunately, Brea knew exactly what was going to happen. Soon her usual calmness and practical view of life would be thrown out of the window and she would start dedicating her time by trying to catch a glimpse of the object of her affections. She could only hope that this time her feelings were not reciprocated. Because if this was going to be anything like last time, she had a problem.
And problems like that, as the case of Ruthron had taught her, should be avoided like the plague…
It all started last spring, just over a year ago. On a particularly dreary morning, Mîrhel had dragged her eldest daughter to a gathering in the city hall. Brea didn’t care for politics, nor did the latest fashions of court interest her in the slightest, but her mother had been quite adamant. So Mîrhel’s eldest did what any obedient daughter would do.
As the noble ladies chatted away about unimportant matters, Brea’s mind had travelled to the interesting material she had read in her father’s study earlier this morning. The consequences would be dire if father ever found out she had been reading in the surgical handbook he had bought for his ever growing collection, but that didn’t frighten her. After all, she had just turned twenty-four.
According to Mîrhel, Brea was already past the proper age of procuring a suitable match, but Brea did not wish to marry- at least not yet. She was eager to learn more about the real world she lived in, not the ever boring topics the noble, married women confined themselves to. The purpose of life should be to enlighten oneself, not waste time talking about… embroideries.
So while her mind was considering the texts she had read, her gaze had travelled through the room and stopped at a handsome palace guard in the nearest corner. He possessed the most beautiful eyes she’d ever seen and she could not help but stare at him for a few seconds, maybe even wondering who he was.
That answer came sooner than she would have guessed, in the form of mister handsome guard’s future wife. Apparently, the most ignorant girl in the room also turned out to be his betrothed. She could not stop bragging about her impending union with her Ruthron, the son of the head of the Citadel. Brea thought the girl was a brat and decided if that was the guard’s type -no matter how handsome his looks-, she should stay far away from him.
Ruthron later had told Brea he never cared for his future wife and he always desperately was seeking for ways to avoid her. They had been betrothed by a special agreement, made by their parents when they were mere infants. Ruthron had lost count how many times he had argued with his dad about this ridiculous contract, but no matter how much he tried, his father could not be swayed. Ruthron would have to marry Margery.
But love knows no bounderies. And when Ruthron first laid his eyes on Brenion’s eldest daughter on that rainy morning, he knew.
Convincing Brea to give him a chance hadn’t been easy, but before they both knew it they were falling hard. In hindsight, Brea believed that falling in love with Ruthron was as easy as falling asleep, how could someone not? He was an handsome guy, proud of his heritage and loyal to the ones he loved. He could be mischievous at times and made her laugh even when she was in a foul mood. They shared interests like medicine (a profession Ruthron’s father hadn’t allowed his son to pursue) and could talk for hours. But more importantly- he didn’t see her as the daughter of a wealthy merchant, but just as Brea. When she was with him, she felt alive. When he held her, the world shrunk unto the two of them. She was sure she’d never experience a love like this again, which was why she was to prepared to gamble with her life, her reputation, to risk it all for a chance to be together.
But in the end, not even her purest intentions were able to save her lover from his ultimate fate...
‘Brea!’ Mîrhel insisted with a hiss, alarming her eldest daughter. ‘The master asked you a question!’ ‘Oh!’ She murmured, quickly raising her gaze and meeting the master’s unpleasant stare. Ruthron’s handsome face disappeared and Brea was back at the stuffy dining room in the town’s hall again. ‘Forgive me, uncle. I was appreciating the rich flavours of the meal you so kindly provided tonight…’ She smiled innocently. ‘I simply lost track of all else…’
There was a short silence, in which the whole room seemed to hold their breath while waiting for the master’s reaction. Brea smiled even brighter and relief washed over her body when her uncle started to laugh. ‘You’re forgiven, my child.’ He boomed. ‘I’m glad you and I have the same, refined taste, my dear.’
Ugh. Hardly. Brea eyed the fat, greasy red-haired man as he happily devoured another piece of meat before looking down at her own plate. She then shot a glance at her mother (‘Please, don’t make me eat this!’) and finally settled for the inevitable. Just a few more bites…
The remnants of the meat pie on her plate didn’t smell anything like the apple pie she had enjoyed yesterday. It had been the best pastry she had tasted in all her life and since she originated from the big city of Minas Tirith, that truly said something. The Bardlings had been too kind, allowing her and Jen to stay for over an hour. The family had kept a lively discussion going about various topics and as Sigrid and Jen tried to outsmart each other, Brea more than once caught the bargeman’s gaze. There had been this soft, sweet expression in his eyes that caused more reaction inside her than she’d like to admit…
Brea suppressed a shiver as she picked up a piece of meat with her fork. She didn’t know what part of a poor animal this was, but since her uncle had a rather unsavoury preference for bollocks, she really did not like to find out anyway. Careful to spill none of it on her favourite light blue dress, she opened her mouth and caught the food between her teeth. When she saw her father looking rather sternly at her, she started chewing. There was far too much gravy in this pie. Who even came up with this horrid thing?
‘Would you like some gravy with that, miss?’ Alfrid lisped in her ear. Brea couldn’t help herself and jerked to the side, almost ending up on Jen’s lap. The master’s deputy was hovering over her, holding a stained gravy boat in his right hand. She smiled faintly, but then shook her head before swallowing the big lump of meat. Of course. Alfrid. Who else in this wretched town?
‘You’re too kind, but I’m all set.’ She ensured him. ‘Thank you.’ Alfrid bowed deeply, not aware that he was making her uncomfortable. He smelled of sweat, fish and gravy. Brea held her breath and fixated her eyes on her plate. She had managed her way through most of the disgusting filling and now was left with the crust, which was both doughy and tough. A quick estimate told her she had to suffer three more bites, that is if their host hadn’t prepared something for dessert.
If she had been paying attention to Alfrid instead of the sad content on her plate, she would have noticed that his eyes were on the soft swelling of her breasts beneath the low neckline of her dress, not on what was in his hands. His grip on the sauceboat loosened.
As it tilted, all the gravy fell in one big lump over the edge, splashing on its poor victim below.
‘Oh!’ Brea cried out, absolutely horrified by the thick fluid running over her shoulder. It dribbled over her dress before most of it disappeared beneath her bodice. ‘Oh, miss- miss Brea!’ Alfrid stammered. ‘My sincerest apologies. Let me help you-’
Before Brea knew it, total chaos developed around her. Alfrid tried to get the gravy boat out of harm’s way, but managed to swing the last of its contents on the floor and then quickly exited the room while shouting for the town’s hall poor servant. Jen and her mom simultaneously rushed from their seats to help out their kin, as Brea was already dabbing the most tainted places with her napkin.
In her haste to aid her daughter, Mîrhel did not notice the puddle of gravy on the floor and stepped on it. Though the fluid could not possibly be as slippery as Alfrid, it did manage to take its victim down. With a loud cry, Mîrhel slipped and fell backwards, her head barely missing the edge of the table. Brenion cursed and shot up to help his wife. He moved more careful, but still had to steady himself against the dining table in order not to trip. Brea got up too, suddenly forgetting about the state she was in, and crouched down to check on her mother.
‘Mother! Are you alright?’ Mîrhel smiled sourly, leaning on her husband while he helped her up into her chair. ‘Yes, Brea. I am. Just a fright, that’s all.’
From the head of the table, the master of Laketown had been watching the whole scene enveloping before his eyes, yet he still hadn’t said or done anything to comfort his guests. As Brenion was fussing over Mîrhel, Brea looked up at the man and a gulf of hatred resonated through her. He was a spiteful, vile man and she couldn’t believe that her father had let himself persuaded by this despicable person to move to Laketown…
‘What a waste of all that gravy!’ the master suddenly boomed. Brenion and his family stared at him. Next to her older sister, Jen shuffled with her napkin in an attempt to hide her silly grin. Brea heaved a sigh and shot her little sister a glance. Leave it up to Jen to find humour in a rather peculiar situation…
‘Agreed, brother.’ Brenion finally said, though hesitantly. ‘It is. But who would have thought that a gravy boat could lead to such an amusing order of events!’
Both men started to laugh and then resumed their conversation. Brea caught her mother’s gaze, the latter barely capable of hiding her emotions of pure shock. They listened in silence as the clattering noises in the hallway grew louder.
Alfrid returned, with the town’s hall female servant in tow. Her arms were filled with rags and somehow she also managed to carry a bucket filled with water. ‘Clean this up.’ Alfrid said nastily to the servant while roughly shoving her out of his way. The woman staggered, fighting hard to keep her balance. Brea opened her mouth to say something about his absolute rudeness, but below the table her mom kicked her daughter’s shins.
‘We will sort this out in a second, miss Brea.’ Alfrid chatted on, grabbing a rag and drenching it with water. He then moved towards her. ‘I have just the-’ ‘That will not be necessary!’ Brea hissed furiously, while grabbing his wrist and keeping his filthy fingers and wet cloth away from her. ‘But there’s still-’ the master’s deputy began. ‘I can see that, I have eyes.’ Brea cut him off rather haughtily. ‘I fear this dress needs to be washed entirely to get all the stains out.’
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The next morning, Brea left with Jen to walk across town. Though Mîrhel still wasn’t too happy with her daughters strolling through Laketown without a proper chaperone (especially after coming home way past teatime only two days ago), the events of last night had exhausted all of them. When Brenion resumed the evening like nothing had happened, Mîrhel had stepped up and asked her brother-in-law if she and her daughters could be excused for the rest of the night. Begrudgingly, the master of Laketown had allowed them to go.
Alfrid had been watching them leave and Brea had felt nasty glare burning in her back until she had reached the safety of their home.
But all was over now and the sisters were safely wandering over the docks. Brea watched a few boatmen heaving cargo from their ships and enjoyed the soft breeze on her face, as Jen was having an animated conversation with one of the boatmen’s wives.
‘How was it?’ A soft voice suddenly behind Brea inquired. ‘Please tell me it was as bad as it sounded.’ Brea giggled and swirled around. Her grey eyes met with Bard’s hazelnut ones. ‘It’s good to see you alive and well.’ Bard said. ‘When I spoke Hilda-Bianca, she made it sound like you were devoured by the man himself.’ ‘Oh, there was gravy everywhere.’ Brea informed him, not surprised by now the whole town knew of last night’s events. ‘After rushing home, I took two baths and another one this morning, but it’s still there. As is the smell of Alfrid. My sincerest apologies.’ He sniffed before sending her a reassuring smile. ‘No, I think you’re fine.’ Brea pressed her lips together and narrowed her eyes. ‘That’s because you’re not close enough to me.’ The bargeman furrowed his brows together and took a step closer, until the distance between them was hardly ten centimetres. It was impossible not to notice the rancid flavour she bore with her, so she was surprised he still was by her side. His scent was far more pleasant anyway… it was light and heavy at the same time, somehow reminding her of a long, lovely walk in the woods. Brea’s heart jumped and she licked her lips. ‘Still nothing.’ Bard spoke softly. ‘I’d say you rather smell of flowers than a boatful of gravy.’ ‘You are lying, master Bard!’ He smiled faintly before leaning in. His whisper tickled her ear. ‘No, I am not.’
Her heart was racing inside her chest now. Brea watched his gorgeous features and briefly wondered why she hadn’t seen his wife yet. And how had he not been claimed by another lady if the children’s mother wasn’t around anymore…
Bard’s reassuring smile suddenly turned into a scowl and he reached for her neck. ‘What’s that?’ he murmured. ‘Is that…?’ ‘What?’ she gulped, panic assembling in her throat.
Oh goodness! Did she forget to scrub someplace? Or worse: did he somehow hear her shameful thoughts?
The bargeman smirked, his fingers ghosting over the skin behind her ear. Brea suppressed a shiver. ‘Just kidding, miss…’ he said with a small smile. They were still standing inappropriately close to each other, but neither showed the inclination to move away. Brea’s skin was still burning on the places where he had touched her and she found it particularly difficult to breathe. ‘So.’ She murmured softly. ‘You’re relishing in my misfortune. How ungentlemanlike.’ He chuckled lowly. ‘Well, maybe Alfrid was right about me and my family…’ ‘Really?’ Brea inquired. ‘At least you haven’t poured gravy down my neck, master Bard.’ ‘Not yet, miss Brea. Not yet.’ He mused with a sly smile, earning a giggle from her.
Somewhere in the distance, Brea heard Jenessa laughing. Rather annoyed by the disturbance, she glanced over at her sister. Jen now was charming one of the younger lads working at the docks. Brea heaved a weary sigh before turning to Bard.
‘I’m sorry. I have to go save my sister, before she ruins her reputation.’ ‘By merely conversing with that poor lad?’ Bard frowned. ‘I know him, he’s from a decent family.’ Brea groaned. ‘Oh, that’s not the problem. You don’t know Jen.’ ‘She seems like a passionate, kind young woman.’ He said. ‘Someone who knows what she wants.’ ‘That’s true.’ Brea replied. ‘But she’s a dreamer too. And that often leads her to forgetting there’s such a thing as etiquette and a fragile woman’s reputation. She just follows her instincts and let those guide her.’ ‘So she lives her life without regret.’ Bard concluded. ‘Has she learned that from you?’ Brea shook her head. ‘I tried that once. It did not work out.’
‘Ah! There you are!’ A nasty voice called out over the docks. ‘Miss Brea!’ They turned around and much to her shock, Alfrid was making his way towards them. Bard smiled politely, but his eyes flashed with a much darker emotion. Brea grabbed a hold of the bargeman’s sleeve, making him turn to her in surprise. ‘Do not leave me alone with that horrible man.’ She begged. ‘I’m fairly sure he’ll want to make amends with me and I’m not inclined to accept anything he has to offer.’ ‘You could just tell him that, miss.’ Bard declared. ‘The trick is not to be subtle.’ She shook her head. ‘I can’t, the master of this town is-’
‘Well well…’ Alfrid said maliciously while forcing himself into their conversation. ‘Who do we have here? If it isn’t Bard, our bargeman. Don’t you have work to do?’ ‘Always a delight to see you, Alfrid.’ Bard replied coldly. ‘I could ask the same of you.’ ‘I’m tending to the master’s business, which is none of yours anyway.’ The master’s deputy retorted. ‘I came her in search of miss Brea. I need to speak to her.’ ‘What for? I believe already told you that I don’t need another apology.’ Brea said. ‘It’s alright, it was an accident and I’m over it.’ Alfrid inclined his head. ‘You’re too kind, miss. But I came here to inform you I’ve ordered the tailor to make you a new dress. It’s the least I can do after ruining your last one.’
For a moment, Brea stared at him. But Alfrid merely peered back at her. He did not start to cackle, nor did he explain to her it was a joke. He just seemed deadly serious. She shuffled on her feet. Though she did not want to accept this outrageous apology, she knew she had no choice. ‘No, you’re the one who is too kind.’ She conceded. ’I’m glad to accept your offer.’ Alfrid grinned and bowed shortly before turning his attention to Bard again. ‘Get to work, bargeman.’ He sneered. ‘Don’t you have mouths to feed?’ Bard narrowed his eyes. His jaw was clenched and Brea watched him as his gaze bore through the master’s deputy. There was a short silence, before Alfrid gave in and stalked off. ‘Be sure to give the tailor your measurements, miss Brea.’ He shouted at her before disappearing in the busy streets again.
Brea turned to the bargeman, who still looked like he was ready to punch a certain someone in the face. ‘Hey.’ She said softly and without thinking her fingers reached out to his arm once more. ‘He’s not worth it.’ Bard relaxed under her touch and smiled gently. ‘Well, at least he won’t order a dress for me. Didn’t you just say you weren’t inclined to accept anything?’ ‘I wasn’t.’ She muttered. His body warmth under her fingers made her aware of the little pulses that had started vibrate through her hands. It was a pleasant feeling, though it completely distracted her from their conversation. ‘Then why did you?’ She peered at him through her lashes. ‘Did what?’ ‘Accept that dress.’ He mused. ‘Oh. Yes.’ She blurted out, quickly moving her hand away. ‘My father. He will have my head if I’m rude to anyone influential, even someone despicable as Alfrid.’ ’And that’s exactly why your father shouldn’t care about him.’ ‘Maybe.’ He cleared his throat. ‘Well miss, I fear I have to leave you here. As much as I dislike that horrible creature, he’s right. I do have work to do.’ She nodded shortly and took a step back. ‘Of course.’ ‘In the meantime…’ he advised. ‘Do mind any gravy boats coming your way, will you?’ Brea grinned and waved. ‘I promise, good sir.’
She watched him boarding his boat which was docked nearby. He was moving with grace and certainty, clearly knowing his way around the boat and the waters. Once all was set, he reached for the push pole that was secured at the back end of the boat. Before he set off to the lake, the bargeman turned to look at the docks once more and caught her gaze. Brea bit her lip and couldn’t help but to smile foolishly.
‘Did you know his wife died?’ Jen suddenly hummed in Brea’s ear. ‘He was so heartbroken that he never remarried.’ ‘Jenessa!’ Brea cried out indignantly, ignoring the pleasant jolt in her abdomen. ‘Why would you say such an awful thing?!’ Jen shrugged. ‘I just wanted to give you some good news after the disaster yesterday.’ ‘How is someone’s wife dying good news?!’ Brea said. ‘Who even told you that?’ Her little sister pursed her lips together. ‘Sigrid did. I asked her about her mother and she explained that their ma died eleven years ago, shortly after giving birth to Tilda.’ Brea watched Bard and his boat disappear on the lake. ‘That must have been absolutely devastating for them.’ She whispered. ‘Not to mention the burden Tilda will carry with her for the rest of her life…’ ‘Luckily she still has her da, and her big brother and sister.’ Jen commented. ‘They are all very close.’ ‘I’ve noticed.’ Brea agreed. ‘They are a beautiful family.’ Jen glanced at her sister knowingly. ‘You fancy him, don’t you?’ ‘What?’ Brea shrieked, her cheeks already burning up. ‘Why would you think that?’ ‘The way you look at him.’ Her sister explained. ‘I’ve seen that same gaze with-’ ‘Do not say his name.’ Brea hissed. ‘I warn you.’ ‘Okay!’ Jen quickly gave in, holding up her hands in surrender. ‘I’m sorry. I did not mean to hurt you.’ Brea heaved a sigh. ‘I know, Jenny. But believe me, I do not fancy Bard. Sure, I like him, but I also adore his family. I think they’re good people who deserve a lot more respect from the master.’ Jen pulled her sister into an hug. ‘It’s the fact that they’re good people, that gets them into trouble. Sigrid is worried that her dad - I mean master Bard -’ ‘You seem to share a lot of thoughts with your new friend.’ Brea teased. ‘What’s up with that?’ Jen giggled happily. ‘Yes, she has an amazing vibe to her, just like her dad. When I met her at the market, I instantly knew I would like her very much…’
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The next few weeks, Brea and Jen received more freedom. After everything that had happened in Minas Tirith (and not even taking their recent tea party in account), they both did not understand what had made their mother loosen the reigns, but they knew it was better not to ask. So instead, they enjoyed their renewed privileges.
Jen was often out and about in the town, spending time with Sigrid and Tilda. Brea enjoyed to take a daily walk in the early hours, because it meant Alfrid wasn’t there to harass her.
It also meant she would often run into Bard. Though Brea would rather die than to admit it, these daily short talks were the reason she was venturing outside anyway. He appeared in her dreams every night and if she could increase the chance of bumping into him, she’d gladly take it.
To ease her conscience (and an attempt to slam down any suspicion), Brea didn’t mind to run errands for her mother. That even sometimes meant to collect Jen from Bard’s home, which was a delight.
Brea knew she had to set her priorities straight, but she couldn’t see anything wrong with their friendship. Sure, maybe her motivations were slightly discreditable, but Bard was the representation of a perfectly honourable guy. He always was polite to her, and his kindness knew no boundaries. She also learned his mind was bright and as quick as a whip. In fact, when Bard wasn’t keeping his family safe and well-fed, he liked to pursue other interests like reading and archery.
There had been a few moments in which she had wondered if he was actually flirting with her, but each time it took her a few seconds to gather the courage to ask him what he meant and by then he already had changed the subject.
On this particular late afternoon, Brea had just collected her new dress from the tailor (that is, the dress Alfrid had picked out for her) and was making her way towards her home when she bumped into Hilda-Bianca. Ever since the dark haired woman, who was always wearing this strange ornate hat, had prevented Brea from paying too much at the market, Brea had developed a tight bond with her.
‘Hello Brea!’ Hilda-Bianca said with a gentle smile. ‘It’s strange to see you here, after what happened to your sister just an hour ago. Is she well?’ Brea felt the blood draining from her face and she almost dropped her package on the wooden docks. ‘I’ve been out all afternoon. What happened to Jen?’ ‘She tripped and fell in the water.’ Hilda-Bianca explained. ‘It happens to the best of us.’ ‘My sister can’t swim.’ Brea fretted. ‘Is she alright?’ ‘Yes, we noticed. Which is odd don’t you think?’ her friend said. ‘But not to worry, Bard just arrived in time. He dove in straight away and carried her to your home.’ Brea shook her head. ‘We grew up in Minas Tirith, so we never had the need to. I learned it only last year, from…’
She swallowed her last words. It had been Ruthron who taught her how to swim, during their secret getaways to Osgiliath…
‘No matter. Thank you, Hilda. I must go now!’ She stuck the package under her arm, gathered the seams of her dress in her hands and broke into a run.
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When she finally reached her home, she was out of breath. She rushed through the backdoor, before slamming it in its frame. She threw the package containing her new dress on the kitchen counter and was ready to run upstairs when-
In her haste, she hadn’t noticed that Bard was sitting near the hearth. He was holding a cup containing a warm beverage and seemed to be wearing some of her father’s clothing. ‘Oh!’ she gasped, her cheeks flushing. ‘I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to startle you, master Bard.’ The bargeman raised from his chair and smiled gently. ‘It’s fine, miss.’ ‘I just heard… How’s Jen? And how are you?’ Brea worried. ‘And what happened?’ Bard put his cup away and moved through the kitchen towards her. ‘Jen is fine. She’s upstairs in bed and your parents are with her.’ He assured her. ‘She told me she wasn’t watching where her feet were going and before she knew it, she was in the water.’ ‘She can’t swim.’ Brea mumbled. ‘We never learned, it seemed insignificant to do so… Until now.’ ‘Luckily I was just done for the day, which meant I was near.’ Bard continued. ‘She wasn’t in the water for long.’
Brea looked up at his handsome face and her heart fluttered. The feelings she had repressed for the past few weeks, started to pulsate in her veins, making her breaths unsteady and her mind dizzy. Upon leaving Minas Tirith, she had sworn never to love again, but this… Bard was…
Her eyes brimmed with emotion and Brea realized restraining herself was pointless. With a soft cry, she jumped into his arms. Bard gasped in surprise, but caught her anyway. With his arms wrapped safely around her and her face buried in his neck, Brea felt a sense of safety she hadn’t experienced in a long time.
‘Oh, you incredible man…’ she whispered shakily. ‘Thank you.’ ‘Really, it’s nothing.’ He breathed. ‘I only did what anyone would have…’ ‘Shut up.’ Brea said and she could almost feel his smile.
They stood there in silence. Brea listened to his heart beating in his chest and revered in his warmth. His scent enveloped her being. ‘Brea.’ He spoke and she shifted. He was watching her with a soft look in his eyes that made her heart skip a beat. ‘We should not be standing like this.’ He tried, but at the same time he did not make an attempt to move away. ‘No.’ Brea agreed, doing the same. He and his gorgeous hazelnut eyes were mesmerizing, she could not tear herself away.
‘Your eyes are more blue than anything today.’ Bard murmured. ‘But I could swear yesterday they were more of a green shade.’ ‘It’s because- I mean… the colour of my dress.’ Brea explained, but her voice was no more than a whisper. His fingers ghosted over her jawline, his calloused hands leaving a burning trail on her skin. He sent her a rather rueful smile, the one Brea had gotten quite familiar with over the past few weeks. Whenever he came closer or when they had a good time, he always looked like he was sorry for it. Almost as if he felt somehow guilty…
‘What’s wrong?’ she whispered. ‘I can’t-’ he momentarily closed his eyes and stopped. ‘I won’t.’ ‘Won’t what?’ Bard clenched his jaw before answering. ‘You are so young, Brea.’ He then said. ‘And I’m an old man. This is foolery.’ ‘Foolery, huh?!’ she purred, sounding far more brave than she felt. Her tongue darted over her lips before she reduced even the small distance that still was between them.
A loud thud from upstairs shook them up and broke their embrace. Bard almost leaped backwards and then paced towards the door. ‘Tell your father I had to leave and that I’m sorry.’ He spoke, without really looking at her face. ‘I have work to do.’ ‘But-’ Brea objected, but before she could even voice her thoughts, he was gone…
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Thank you so much for reading this chapter! Feedback is always welcome.  Did you like my work? Spread the love and reblog! :) And here’s my Masterlist.
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allenmendezsr · 4 years
Healthy Tongue Secrets Revealed.
New Post has been published on https://autotraffixpro.app/allenmendezsr/healthy-tongue-secrets-revealed/
Healthy Tongue Secrets Revealed.
 Buy Now    
Tongue problems can be very discouraging because of the way they come and go. Just when you think they might be clearing up, Bam! they’re back again.
How I Discovered the Secret of a Healthy Tongue
I am a lot like you, I once suffered from Geographic Tongue and even worse.  I hope you won’t think I’m bragging, because I’m not. I just want to explain how my unique background enabled me to discover the Secrets that can give you a Healthy tongue.
You see, many years ago, while attending a prestigious private engineering college in upstate New York, I was trained in the methods of top-notch research. Just before graduation, I was even recruited by the CIA, although I didn’t know it before I went to the interview (did you know they actually hold “covert” interviews not disclosing who they are until you get there?) and eventually I turned them down. My colleagues went on to become top researchers for companies like IBM, Kodak, Colgate and, yes, even the CIA.
But shortly after graduation, my situation took a strange turn. I developed Crohn’s disease and started wasting away. I couldn’t eat without excruciating pain. Whenever I ate anything solid the pain would be so bad that I literally rolled on the floor in agony.
It was a terrible experience. I was sure I was going to die as I slowly went from a healthy athletic 135 lbs down to a scrawny, emaciated 98 lbs with strange patches all over my tongue.
I was desperate to find a solution and frankly at the time, my tongue was the least of my worries. But with my life literally hanging in the balance, I focused my remaining strength and turned my research expertise on finding a solution.
I made a Wonderful Discovery While Struggling to find a Solution…
But a strange thing happened while I was researching what makes you healthy and the factors involved in disease. I made a rare and unique discovery so enormous, that I am excited to share it with you!
I found that certain nutrients made a difference in the condition of my tongue. And over the last twenty-five years I have refined my findings and in addition to my Crohn’s disease being a thing of the past (which the Doctors say is impossible) I have only had rare bouts with Geographic Tongue (mostly because I forget I have it!)
I have raised two wonderful kids and spent many happy and healthy years since then. I was able to return my abilities toward work and today I make my living researching and finding solutions to complex computer problems both in the U.S. and Internationally. Over the years, I have continued to hone and refine my research skills in order to find a variety of solutions in all types of circumstances.
I had to Help a Friend in Need
Then a few years ago, Allison, a friend of mine at work, began losing weight. At first it looked good on her (I thought she’d gone on a diet or something) but before long I knew there was a problem. One day while we were discussing her problems she showed me her tongue and all those painful memories of wasting away and anxiously searching for a solution to my problem came flooding back.
I knew I had to do something to help her.
It turned out that Allison had fibromyalgia which caused severe pain whenever she ate (which reminded me of my battle with Crohn’s). Naturally, she did not enjoy being in pain, so she would stop eating before she had gotten enough calories to maintain her normal weight. And somehow this resulted in geographic tongue.
Since the doctors weren’t much help, I knew I had to do something!
So I began compiling some of my old research into a report that I could give to Allison. In addition, I turned my finely honed research abilities toward finding even more information for my friend.
Allison was absolutely thrilled with the secrets I put together for her…here is what she had to say when I emailed her the information in my report.
WOW!!!!!! This looks great and exactly what I’m dealing with… and there is actually a name to it!
I really like my doctor, but it makes me wonder why he doesn’t know this!…
Sometimes I feel you are the only one who really knows what I was going through because you experienced it!–
I became Obsessed with Finding all the Pieces of the Puzzle
Even after I gave the information to Allison, I just couldn’t rest. As I found more and more pieces of the geographic tongue puzzle, the project expanded and seemed to take on a life of its own.
My report eventually became a book that covers many different tongue problems, because as I looked at them, I began to see how they all fit together like the pieces of a giant jigsaw puzzle.
As I explored the many various tongue problems I found many common denominators and that is why I tell people,
“You really need to read the whole book to understand the secret, and get the big picture on how it relates to health in general.”
Did you know Your Tongue is like a “Health Meter” for your Body?
One of the mysteries I uncovered while doing my research was that your tongue is actually kind of like a health meter for the body. It seems obvious to me that a healthy body would have a healthy tongue and a weakened body has a sick tongue.
For thousands of years doctors have been asking patients to stick out their tongue and using the signs and conditions they observe to help determine the overall state of the body, but… modern medicine has forgotten most of the reasons doctors over the ages have asked you to stick out your tongue. Now when a Doctor says, “Open wide”, he is usually not even looking at your tongue at all, but looking down your throat for signs of “strep’ instead!
If “Your Eyes are the Window to your Soul”…
Your Tongue is “the Window to your Digestive System”
Here’s a fact for you, that you may not have thought about: your tongue is actually the first organ of your digestive system. Your tongue moves the food around so your teeth can chop it up into more easily digested chunks and mixes it with saliva. Plus your tongue is the strongest muscle in your body. Being the first organ of the digestive system and being visible from the outside without fancy scopes and machinery, it is in the unique position of giving us a look at the state of your digestive system.
As I said, the tongue is sort of like the health meter or “gas gauge” for your body. When your body needs something it starts a chain reaction that results in the tongue showing the symptoms. The symptoms could be a white coating, or cracks, or even bald patches with white rings (as in Geographic Tongue). Think of your tongue like a “Gas Gauge” indicating when your body is low on something.
I can’t be out of Gas, the Gauge must be broken
Can you imagine… a crazy lunatic looking down at his gas gauge and it is reading almost empty. At this point he gets extremely upset and starts yelling and screaming and says, “There must be something wrong… I just put Gas in the car 600 miles ago! That gauge is always saying empty!” Or perhaps he says, “I must need a new gas gauge, I shouldn’t need to put gas in it again this week!” or maybe “It isn’t fair”.
No, that’s ridiculous, you understand that a logical person, would realize that the gauge isn’t the problem, you just need to go to the station and get more gas.
Right? You know that the gauge is there for your protection, so you won’t run out of gas and your first response is that the gauge is right and you just need more gas. Only after a lot of evidence to the contrary would you consider doubting the gas gauge.
The same is true for your tongue, once you know the secret of reading it, you can know what you need to do to return your whole body to health.  I’m sure you can see that just like it is no use blaming the gas gauge for an empty tank…
You shouldn’t blame your tongue for alerting you to a problem with your body!
As a matter of fact, You’re going to become as excited as I am when you discover how paying attention to your tongue can actually point you in the direction of optimal overall physical health.
Searching for Love in all the Wrong Places
Do you remember the old Waylon Jennings song “Searching for Love in all the Wrong Places“? Well, that is exactly what the medical establishment is doing in regard to Geographic Tongue. And it makes me downright angry when I hear Doctors say “Oh, Don’t Worry about it” or “It’s Benign” or the three most hated words when it comes to Geographic Tongue “No Treatment Necessary”.
There is a simple easy solution for Geographic Tongue!
As a matter of fact, it is one of the easiest things in the world for you to resolve! When you read the book you will see how the right combination of nutrients can protect your tongue and make it clear and healthy again, in a couple of short weeks!
The problem is that Doctors spend very little time studying nutrition and a lot of time studying disease. And Geographic Tongue is not a Disease! It reminds me of an old joke (even though Geographic Tongue is not funny).
One night a guy named George is walking home after dark. The street is entirely unlit  except off in the distance he sees a man crawling around under a lone lamppost. As he gets there he realizes the man is searching for something. George says, “what are you looking for?” the 2nd man says “an engagement ring I dropped”. This is terrible what was going to be a happy occasion is now a disaster, so George stops to help, and after a few minutes George asks “where exactly did you drop it?” The 2nd man replies, “oh, up the street a ways.” George is amazed and stands up and shouts, “Then why are you looking here?” To which the 2nd man replies, “Because the light is better!”…
That is the way it is, if you look for a solution for Geographic Tongue in the Disease category, you are simply looking in the wrong place! Once you know the right place to look… the solution is obvious!
Imagine yourself getting out of bed two weeks from now…
The morning starts much like any other… The alarm clock rings…You get out of Bed… you walk to the bathroom mirror and stick out your tongue… but there the similarity ends… This day is different… you stare in amazement and relief because there for the first time in a long time you see your dream come true…  a healthy new pink tongue…
No more bald patches… no more white lines…  just a beautiful pink healthy tongue.
You almost can’t believe your eyes… it is almost too wonderful… for a moment you might think that you had a “tongue transplant” in your sleep, or your eyes are playing tricks on you. But it’s true, your tongue can be so healthy you won’t even recognize it!
0 notes
allenmendezsr · 4 years
Healthy Tongue Secrets Revealed.
New Post has been published on https://autotraffixpro.app/allenmendezsr/healthy-tongue-secrets-revealed/
Healthy Tongue Secrets Revealed.
 Buy Now    
Tongue problems can be very discouraging because of the way they come and go. Just when you think they might be clearing up, Bam! they’re back again.
How I Discovered the Secret of a Healthy Tongue
I am a lot like you, I once suffered from Geographic Tongue and even worse.  I hope you won’t think I’m bragging, because I’m not. I just want to explain how my unique background enabled me to discover the Secrets that can give you a Healthy tongue.
You see, many years ago, while attending a prestigious private engineering college in upstate New York, I was trained in the methods of top-notch research. Just before graduation, I was even recruited by the CIA, although I didn’t know it before I went to the interview (did you know they actually hold “covert” interviews not disclosing who they are until you get there?) and eventually I turned them down. My colleagues went on to become top researchers for companies like IBM, Kodak, Colgate and, yes, even the CIA.
But shortly after graduation, my situation took a strange turn. I developed Crohn’s disease and started wasting away. I couldn’t eat without excruciating pain. Whenever I ate anything solid the pain would be so bad that I literally rolled on the floor in agony.
It was a terrible experience. I was sure I was going to die as I slowly went from a healthy athletic 135 lbs down to a scrawny, emaciated 98 lbs with strange patches all over my tongue.
I was desperate to find a solution and frankly at the time, my tongue was the least of my worries. But with my life literally hanging in the balance, I focused my remaining strength and turned my research expertise on finding a solution.
I made a Wonderful Discovery While Struggling to find a Solution…
But a strange thing happened while I was researching what makes you healthy and the factors involved in disease. I made a rare and unique discovery so enormous, that I am excited to share it with you!
I found that certain nutrients made a difference in the condition of my tongue. And over the last twenty-five years I have refined my findings and in addition to my Crohn’s disease being a thing of the past (which the Doctors say is impossible) I have only had rare bouts with Geographic Tongue (mostly because I forget I have it!)
I have raised two wonderful kids and spent many happy and healthy years since then. I was able to return my abilities toward work and today I make my living researching and finding solutions to complex computer problems both in the U.S. and Internationally. Over the years, I have continued to hone and refine my research skills in order to find a variety of solutions in all types of circumstances.
I had to Help a Friend in Need
Then a few years ago, Allison, a friend of mine at work, began losing weight. At first it looked good on her (I thought she’d gone on a diet or something) but before long I knew there was a problem. One day while we were discussing her problems she showed me her tongue and all those painful memories of wasting away and anxiously searching for a solution to my problem came flooding back.
I knew I had to do something to help her.
It turned out that Allison had fibromyalgia which caused severe pain whenever she ate (which reminded me of my battle with Crohn’s). Naturally, she did not enjoy being in pain, so she would stop eating before she had gotten enough calories to maintain her normal weight. And somehow this resulted in geographic tongue.
Since the doctors weren’t much help, I knew I had to do something!
So I began compiling some of my old research into a report that I could give to Allison. In addition, I turned my finely honed research abilities toward finding even more information for my friend.
Allison was absolutely thrilled with the secrets I put together for her…here is what she had to say when I emailed her the information in my report.
WOW!!!!!! This looks great and exactly what I’m dealing with… and there is actually a name to it!
I really like my doctor, but it makes me wonder why he doesn’t know this!…
Sometimes I feel you are the only one who really knows what I was going through because you experienced it!–
I became Obsessed with Finding all the Pieces of the Puzzle
Even after I gave the information to Allison, I just couldn’t rest. As I found more and more pieces of the geographic tongue puzzle, the project expanded and seemed to take on a life of its own.
My report eventually became a book that covers many different tongue problems, because as I looked at them, I began to see how they all fit together like the pieces of a giant jigsaw puzzle.
As I explored the many various tongue problems I found many common denominators and that is why I tell people,
“You really need to read the whole book to understand the secret, and get the big picture on how it relates to health in general.”
Did you know Your Tongue is like a “Health Meter” for your Body?
One of the mysteries I uncovered while doing my research was that your tongue is actually kind of like a health meter for the body. It seems obvious to me that a healthy body would have a healthy tongue and a weakened body has a sick tongue.
For thousands of years doctors have been asking patients to stick out their tongue and using the signs and conditions they observe to help determine the overall state of the body, but… modern medicine has forgotten most of the reasons doctors over the ages have asked you to stick out your tongue. Now when a Doctor says, “Open wide”, he is usually not even looking at your tongue at all, but looking down your throat for signs of “strep’ instead!
If “Your Eyes are the Window to your Soul”…
Your Tongue is “the Window to your Digestive System”
Here’s a fact for you, that you may not have thought about: your tongue is actually the first organ of your digestive system. Your tongue moves the food around so your teeth can chop it up into more easily digested chunks and mixes it with saliva. Plus your tongue is the strongest muscle in your body. Being the first organ of the digestive system and being visible from the outside without fancy scopes and machinery, it is in the unique position of giving us a look at the state of your digestive system.
As I said, the tongue is sort of like the health meter or “gas gauge” for your body. When your body needs something it starts a chain reaction that results in the tongue showing the symptoms. The symptoms could be a white coating, or cracks, or even bald patches with white rings (as in Geographic Tongue). Think of your tongue like a “Gas Gauge” indicating when your body is low on something.
I can’t be out of Gas, the Gauge must be broken
Can you imagine… a crazy lunatic looking down at his gas gauge and it is reading almost empty. At this point he gets extremely upset and starts yelling and screaming and says, “There must be something wrong… I just put Gas in the car 600 miles ago! That gauge is always saying empty!” Or perhaps he says, “I must need a new gas gauge, I shouldn’t need to put gas in it again this week!” or maybe “It isn’t fair”.
No, that’s ridiculous, you understand that a logical person, would realize that the gauge isn’t the problem, you just need to go to the station and get more gas.
Right? You know that the gauge is there for your protection, so you won’t run out of gas and your first response is that the gauge is right and you just need more gas. Only after a lot of evidence to the contrary would you consider doubting the gas gauge.
The same is true for your tongue, once you know the secret of reading it, you can know what you need to do to return your whole body to health.  I’m sure you can see that just like it is no use blaming the gas gauge for an empty tank…
You shouldn’t blame your tongue for alerting you to a problem with your body!
As a matter of fact, You’re going to become as excited as I am when you discover how paying attention to your tongue can actually point you in the direction of optimal overall physical health.
Searching for Love in all the Wrong Places
Do you remember the old Waylon Jennings song “Searching for Love in all the Wrong Places“? Well, that is exactly what the medical establishment is doing in regard to Geographic Tongue. And it makes me downright angry when I hear Doctors say “Oh, Don’t Worry about it” or “It’s Benign” or the three most hated words when it comes to Geographic Tongue “No Treatment Necessary”.
There is a simple easy solution for Geographic Tongue!
As a matter of fact, it is one of the easiest things in the world for you to resolve! When you read the book you will see how the right combination of nutrients can protect your tongue and make it clear and healthy again, in a couple of short weeks!
The problem is that Doctors spend very little time studying nutrition and a lot of time studying disease. And Geographic Tongue is not a Disease! It reminds me of an old joke (even though Geographic Tongue is not funny).
One night a guy named George is walking home after dark. The street is entirely unlit  except off in the distance he sees a man crawling around under a lone lamppost. As he gets there he realizes the man is searching for something. George says, “what are you looking for?” the 2nd man says “an engagement ring I dropped”. This is terrible what was going to be a happy occasion is now a disaster, so George stops to help, and after a few minutes George asks “where exactly did you drop it?” The 2nd man replies, “oh, up the street a ways.” George is amazed and stands up and shouts, “Then why are you looking here?” To which the 2nd man replies, “Because the light is better!”…
That is the way it is, if you look for a solution for Geographic Tongue in the Disease category, you are simply looking in the wrong place! Once you know the right place to look… the solution is obvious!
Imagine yourself getting out of bed two weeks from now…
The morning starts much like any other… The alarm clock rings…You get out of Bed… you walk to the bathroom mirror and stick out your tongue… but there the similarity ends… This day is different… you stare in amazement and relief because there for the first time in a long time you see your dream come true…  a healthy new pink tongue…
No more bald patches… no more white lines…  just a beautiful pink healthy tongue.
You almost can’t believe your eyes… it is almost too wonderful… for a moment you might think that you had a “tongue transplant” in your sleep, or your eyes are playing tricks on you. But it’s true, your tongue can be so healthy you won’t even recognize it!
0 notes
allenmendezsr · 4 years
Healthy Tongue Secrets Revealed.
New Post has been published on https://autotraffixpro.app/allenmendezsr/healthy-tongue-secrets-revealed/
Healthy Tongue Secrets Revealed.
 Buy Now    
Tongue problems can be very discouraging because of the way they come and go. Just when you think they might be clearing up, Bam! they’re back again.
How I Discovered the Secret of a Healthy Tongue
I am a lot like you, I once suffered from Geographic Tongue and even worse.  I hope you won’t think I’m bragging, because I’m not. I just want to explain how my unique background enabled me to discover the Secrets that can give you a Healthy tongue.
You see, many years ago, while attending a prestigious private engineering college in upstate New York, I was trained in the methods of top-notch research. Just before graduation, I was even recruited by the CIA, although I didn’t know it before I went to the interview (did you know they actually hold “covert” interviews not disclosing who they are until you get there?) and eventually I turned them down. My colleagues went on to become top researchers for companies like IBM, Kodak, Colgate and, yes, even the CIA.
But shortly after graduation, my situation took a strange turn. I developed Crohn’s disease and started wasting away. I couldn’t eat without excruciating pain. Whenever I ate anything solid the pain would be so bad that I literally rolled on the floor in agony.
It was a terrible experience. I was sure I was going to die as I slowly went from a healthy athletic 135 lbs down to a scrawny, emaciated 98 lbs with strange patches all over my tongue.
I was desperate to find a solution and frankly at the time, my tongue was the least of my worries. But with my life literally hanging in the balance, I focused my remaining strength and turned my research expertise on finding a solution.
I made a Wonderful Discovery While Struggling to find a Solution…
But a strange thing happened while I was researching what makes you healthy and the factors involved in disease. I made a rare and unique discovery so enormous, that I am excited to share it with you!
I found that certain nutrients made a difference in the condition of my tongue. And over the last twenty-five years I have refined my findings and in addition to my Crohn’s disease being a thing of the past (which the Doctors say is impossible) I have only had rare bouts with Geographic Tongue (mostly because I forget I have it!)
I have raised two wonderful kids and spent many happy and healthy years since then. I was able to return my abilities toward work and today I make my living researching and finding solutions to complex computer problems both in the U.S. and Internationally. Over the years, I have continued to hone and refine my research skills in order to find a variety of solutions in all types of circumstances.
I had to Help a Friend in Need
Then a few years ago, Allison, a friend of mine at work, began losing weight. At first it looked good on her (I thought she’d gone on a diet or something) but before long I knew there was a problem. One day while we were discussing her problems she showed me her tongue and all those painful memories of wasting away and anxiously searching for a solution to my problem came flooding back.
I knew I had to do something to help her.
It turned out that Allison had fibromyalgia which caused severe pain whenever she ate (which reminded me of my battle with Crohn’s). Naturally, she did not enjoy being in pain, so she would stop eating before she had gotten enough calories to maintain her normal weight. And somehow this resulted in geographic tongue.
Since the doctors weren’t much help, I knew I had to do something!
So I began compiling some of my old research into a report that I could give to Allison. In addition, I turned my finely honed research abilities toward finding even more information for my friend.
Allison was absolutely thrilled with the secrets I put together for her…here is what she had to say when I emailed her the information in my report.
WOW!!!!!! This looks great and exactly what I’m dealing with… and there is actually a name to it!
I really like my doctor, but it makes me wonder why he doesn’t know this!…
Sometimes I feel you are the only one who really knows what I was going through because you experienced it!–
I became Obsessed with Finding all the Pieces of the Puzzle
Even after I gave the information to Allison, I just couldn’t rest. As I found more and more pieces of the geographic tongue puzzle, the project expanded and seemed to take on a life of its own.
My report eventually became a book that covers many different tongue problems, because as I looked at them, I began to see how they all fit together like the pieces of a giant jigsaw puzzle.
As I explored the many various tongue problems I found many common denominators and that is why I tell people,
“You really need to read the whole book to understand the secret, and get the big picture on how it relates to health in general.”
Did you know Your Tongue is like a “Health Meter” for your Body?
One of the mysteries I uncovered while doing my research was that your tongue is actually kind of like a health meter for the body. It seems obvious to me that a healthy body would have a healthy tongue and a weakened body has a sick tongue.
For thousands of years doctors have been asking patients to stick out their tongue and using the signs and conditions they observe to help determine the overall state of the body, but… modern medicine has forgotten most of the reasons doctors over the ages have asked you to stick out your tongue. Now when a Doctor says, “Open wide”, he is usually not even looking at your tongue at all, but looking down your throat for signs of “strep’ instead!
If “Your Eyes are the Window to your Soul”…
Your Tongue is “the Window to your Digestive System”
Here’s a fact for you, that you may not have thought about: your tongue is actually the first organ of your digestive system. Your tongue moves the food around so your teeth can chop it up into more easily digested chunks and mixes it with saliva. Plus your tongue is the strongest muscle in your body. Being the first organ of the digestive system and being visible from the outside without fancy scopes and machinery, it is in the unique position of giving us a look at the state of your digestive system.
As I said, the tongue is sort of like the health meter or “gas gauge” for your body. When your body needs something it starts a chain reaction that results in the tongue showing the symptoms. The symptoms could be a white coating, or cracks, or even bald patches with white rings (as in Geographic Tongue). Think of your tongue like a “Gas Gauge” indicating when your body is low on something.
I can’t be out of Gas, the Gauge must be broken
Can you imagine… a crazy lunatic looking down at his gas gauge and it is reading almost empty. At this point he gets extremely upset and starts yelling and screaming and says, “There must be something wrong… I just put Gas in the car 600 miles ago! That gauge is always saying empty!” Or perhaps he says, “I must need a new gas gauge, I shouldn’t need to put gas in it again this week!” or maybe “It isn’t fair”.
No, that’s ridiculous, you understand that a logical person, would realize that the gauge isn’t the problem, you just need to go to the station and get more gas.
Right? You know that the gauge is there for your protection, so you won’t run out of gas and your first response is that the gauge is right and you just need more gas. Only after a lot of evidence to the contrary would you consider doubting the gas gauge.
The same is true for your tongue, once you know the secret of reading it, you can know what you need to do to return your whole body to health.  I’m sure you can see that just like it is no use blaming the gas gauge for an empty tank…
You shouldn’t blame your tongue for alerting you to a problem with your body!
As a matter of fact, You’re going to become as excited as I am when you discover how paying attention to your tongue can actually point you in the direction of optimal overall physical health.
Searching for Love in all the Wrong Places
Do you remember the old Waylon Jennings song “Searching for Love in all the Wrong Places“? Well, that is exactly what the medical establishment is doing in regard to Geographic Tongue. And it makes me downright angry when I hear Doctors say “Oh, Don’t Worry about it” or “It’s Benign” or the three most hated words when it comes to Geographic Tongue “No Treatment Necessary”.
There is a simple easy solution for Geographic Tongue!
As a matter of fact, it is one of the easiest things in the world for you to resolve! When you read the book you will see how the right combination of nutrients can protect your tongue and make it clear and healthy again, in a couple of short weeks!
The problem is that Doctors spend very little time studying nutrition and a lot of time studying disease. And Geographic Tongue is not a Disease! It reminds me of an old joke (even though Geographic Tongue is not funny).
One night a guy named George is walking home after dark. The street is entirely unlit  except off in the distance he sees a man crawling around under a lone lamppost. As he gets there he realizes the man is searching for something. George says, “what are you looking for?” the 2nd man says “an engagement ring I dropped”. This is terrible what was going to be a happy occasion is now a disaster, so George stops to help, and after a few minutes George asks “where exactly did you drop it?” The 2nd man replies, “oh, up the street a ways.” George is amazed and stands up and shouts, “Then why are you looking here?” To which the 2nd man replies, “Because the light is better!”…
That is the way it is, if you look for a solution for Geographic Tongue in the Disease category, you are simply looking in the wrong place! Once you know the right place to look… the solution is obvious!
Imagine yourself getting out of bed two weeks from now…
The morning starts much like any other… The alarm clock rings…You get out of Bed… you walk to the bathroom mirror and stick out your tongue… but there the similarity ends… This day is different… you stare in amazement and relief because there for the first time in a long time you see your dream come true…  a healthy new pink tongue…
No more bald patches… no more white lines…  just a beautiful pink healthy tongue.
You almost can’t believe your eyes… it is almost too wonderful… for a moment you might think that you had a “tongue transplant” in your sleep, or your eyes are playing tricks on you. But it’s true, your tongue can be so healthy you won’t even recognize it!
0 notes
allenmendezsr · 4 years
Healthy Tongue Secrets Revealed.
New Post has been published on https://autotraffixpro.app/allenmendezsr/healthy-tongue-secrets-revealed/
Healthy Tongue Secrets Revealed.
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Tongue problems can be very discouraging because of the way they come and go. Just when you think they might be clearing up, Bam! they’re back again.
How I Discovered the Secret of a Healthy Tongue
I am a lot like you, I once suffered from Geographic Tongue and even worse.  I hope you won’t think I’m bragging, because I’m not. I just want to explain how my unique background enabled me to discover the Secrets that can give you a Healthy tongue.
You see, many years ago, while attending a prestigious private engineering college in upstate New York, I was trained in the methods of top-notch research. Just before graduation, I was even recruited by the CIA, although I didn’t know it before I went to the interview (did you know they actually hold “covert” interviews not disclosing who they are until you get there?) and eventually I turned them down. My colleagues went on to become top researchers for companies like IBM, Kodak, Colgate and, yes, even the CIA.
But shortly after graduation, my situation took a strange turn. I developed Crohn’s disease and started wasting away. I couldn’t eat without excruciating pain. Whenever I ate anything solid the pain would be so bad that I literally rolled on the floor in agony.
It was a terrible experience. I was sure I was going to die as I slowly went from a healthy athletic 135 lbs down to a scrawny, emaciated 98 lbs with strange patches all over my tongue.
I was desperate to find a solution and frankly at the time, my tongue was the least of my worries. But with my life literally hanging in the balance, I focused my remaining strength and turned my research expertise on finding a solution.
I made a Wonderful Discovery While Struggling to find a Solution…
But a strange thing happened while I was researching what makes you healthy and the factors involved in disease. I made a rare and unique discovery so enormous, that I am excited to share it with you!
I found that certain nutrients made a difference in the condition of my tongue. And over the last twenty-five years I have refined my findings and in addition to my Crohn’s disease being a thing of the past (which the Doctors say is impossible) I have only had rare bouts with Geographic Tongue (mostly because I forget I have it!)
I have raised two wonderful kids and spent many happy and healthy years since then. I was able to return my abilities toward work and today I make my living researching and finding solutions to complex computer problems both in the U.S. and Internationally. Over the years, I have continued to hone and refine my research skills in order to find a variety of solutions in all types of circumstances.
I had to Help a Friend in Need
Then a few years ago, Allison, a friend of mine at work, began losing weight. At first it looked good on her (I thought she’d gone on a diet or something) but before long I knew there was a problem. One day while we were discussing her problems she showed me her tongue and all those painful memories of wasting away and anxiously searching for a solution to my problem came flooding back.
I knew I had to do something to help her.
It turned out that Allison had fibromyalgia which caused severe pain whenever she ate (which reminded me of my battle with Crohn’s). Naturally, she did not enjoy being in pain, so she would stop eating before she had gotten enough calories to maintain her normal weight. And somehow this resulted in geographic tongue.
Since the doctors weren’t much help, I knew I had to do something!
So I began compiling some of my old research into a report that I could give to Allison. In addition, I turned my finely honed research abilities toward finding even more information for my friend.
Allison was absolutely thrilled with the secrets I put together for her…here is what she had to say when I emailed her the information in my report.
WOW!!!!!! This looks great and exactly what I’m dealing with… and there is actually a name to it!
I really like my doctor, but it makes me wonder why he doesn’t know this!…
Sometimes I feel you are the only one who really knows what I was going through because you experienced it!–
I became Obsessed with Finding all the Pieces of the Puzzle
Even after I gave the information to Allison, I just couldn’t rest. As I found more and more pieces of the geographic tongue puzzle, the project expanded and seemed to take on a life of its own.
My report eventually became a book that covers many different tongue problems, because as I looked at them, I began to see how they all fit together like the pieces of a giant jigsaw puzzle.
As I explored the many various tongue problems I found many common denominators and that is why I tell people,
“You really need to read the whole book to understand the secret, and get the big picture on how it relates to health in general.”
Did you know Your Tongue is like a “Health Meter” for your Body?
One of the mysteries I uncovered while doing my research was that your tongue is actually kind of like a health meter for the body. It seems obvious to me that a healthy body would have a healthy tongue and a weakened body has a sick tongue.
For thousands of years doctors have been asking patients to stick out their tongue and using the signs and conditions they observe to help determine the overall state of the body, but… modern medicine has forgotten most of the reasons doctors over the ages have asked you to stick out your tongue. Now when a Doctor says, “Open wide”, he is usually not even looking at your tongue at all, but looking down your throat for signs of “strep’ instead!
If “Your Eyes are the Window to your Soul”…
Your Tongue is “the Window to your Digestive System”
Here’s a fact for you, that you may not have thought about: your tongue is actually the first organ of your digestive system. Your tongue moves the food around so your teeth can chop it up into more easily digested chunks and mixes it with saliva. Plus your tongue is the strongest muscle in your body. Being the first organ of the digestive system and being visible from the outside without fancy scopes and machinery, it is in the unique position of giving us a look at the state of your digestive system.
As I said, the tongue is sort of like the health meter or “gas gauge” for your body. When your body needs something it starts a chain reaction that results in the tongue showing the symptoms. The symptoms could be a white coating, or cracks, or even bald patches with white rings (as in Geographic Tongue). Think of your tongue like a “Gas Gauge” indicating when your body is low on something.
I can’t be out of Gas, the Gauge must be broken
Can you imagine… a crazy lunatic looking down at his gas gauge and it is reading almost empty. At this point he gets extremely upset and starts yelling and screaming and says, “There must be something wrong… I just put Gas in the car 600 miles ago! That gauge is always saying empty!” Or perhaps he says, “I must need a new gas gauge, I shouldn’t need to put gas in it again this week!” or maybe “It isn’t fair”.
No, that’s ridiculous, you understand that a logical person, would realize that the gauge isn’t the problem, you just need to go to the station and get more gas.
Right? You know that the gauge is there for your protection, so you won’t run out of gas and your first response is that the gauge is right and you just need more gas. Only after a lot of evidence to the contrary would you consider doubting the gas gauge.
The same is true for your tongue, once you know the secret of reading it, you can know what you need to do to return your whole body to health.  I’m sure you can see that just like it is no use blaming the gas gauge for an empty tank…
You shouldn’t blame your tongue for alerting you to a problem with your body!
As a matter of fact, You’re going to become as excited as I am when you discover how paying attention to your tongue can actually point you in the direction of optimal overall physical health.
Searching for Love in all the Wrong Places
Do you remember the old Waylon Jennings song “Searching for Love in all the Wrong Places“? Well, that is exactly what the medical establishment is doing in regard to Geographic Tongue. And it makes me downright angry when I hear Doctors say “Oh, Don’t Worry about it” or “It’s Benign” or the three most hated words when it comes to Geographic Tongue “No Treatment Necessary”.
There is a simple easy solution for Geographic Tongue!
As a matter of fact, it is one of the easiest things in the world for you to resolve! When you read the book you will see how the right combination of nutrients can protect your tongue and make it clear and healthy again, in a couple of short weeks!
The problem is that Doctors spend very little time studying nutrition and a lot of time studying disease. And Geographic Tongue is not a Disease! It reminds me of an old joke (even though Geographic Tongue is not funny).
One night a guy named George is walking home after dark. The street is entirely unlit  except off in the distance he sees a man crawling around under a lone lamppost. As he gets there he realizes the man is searching for something. George says, “what are you looking for?” the 2nd man says “an engagement ring I dropped”. This is terrible what was going to be a happy occasion is now a disaster, so George stops to help, and after a few minutes George asks “where exactly did you drop it?” The 2nd man replies, “oh, up the street a ways.” George is amazed and stands up and shouts, “Then why are you looking here?” To which the 2nd man replies, “Because the light is better!”…
That is the way it is, if you look for a solution for Geographic Tongue in the Disease category, you are simply looking in the wrong place! Once you know the right place to look… the solution is obvious!
Imagine yourself getting out of bed two weeks from now…
The morning starts much like any other… The alarm clock rings…You get out of Bed… you walk to the bathroom mirror and stick out your tongue… but there the similarity ends… This day is different… you stare in amazement and relief because there for the first time in a long time you see your dream come true…  a healthy new pink tongue…
No more bald patches… no more white lines…  just a beautiful pink healthy tongue.
You almost can’t believe your eyes… it is almost too wonderful… for a moment you might think that you had a “tongue transplant” in your sleep, or your eyes are playing tricks on you. But it’s true, your tongue can be so healthy you won’t even recognize it!
0 notes
allenmendezsr · 4 years
Healthy Tongue Secrets Revealed.
New Post has been published on http://autotraffixpro.app/allenmendezsr/healthy-tongue-secrets-revealed/
Healthy Tongue Secrets Revealed.
 Buy Now    
Tongue problems can be very discouraging because of the way they come and go. Just when you think they might be clearing up, Bam! they’re back again.
How I Discovered the Secret of a Healthy Tongue
I am a lot like you, I once suffered from Geographic Tongue and even worse.  I hope you won’t think I’m bragging, because I’m not. I just want to explain how my unique background enabled me to discover the Secrets that can give you a Healthy tongue.
You see, many years ago, while attending a prestigious private engineering college in upstate New York, I was trained in the methods of top-notch research. Just before graduation, I was even recruited by the CIA, although I didn’t know it before I went to the interview (did you know they actually hold “covert” interviews not disclosing who they are until you get there?) and eventually I turned them down. My colleagues went on to become top researchers for companies like IBM, Kodak, Colgate and, yes, even the CIA.
But shortly after graduation, my situation took a strange turn. I developed Crohn’s disease and started wasting away. I couldn’t eat without excruciating pain. Whenever I ate anything solid the pain would be so bad that I literally rolled on the floor in agony.
It was a terrible experience. I was sure I was going to die as I slowly went from a healthy athletic 135 lbs down to a scrawny, emaciated 98 lbs with strange patches all over my tongue.
I was desperate to find a solution and frankly at the time, my tongue was the least of my worries. But with my life literally hanging in the balance, I focused my remaining strength and turned my research expertise on finding a solution.
I made a Wonderful Discovery While Struggling to find a Solution…
But a strange thing happened while I was researching what makes you healthy and the factors involved in disease. I made a rare and unique discovery so enormous, that I am excited to share it with you!
I found that certain nutrients made a difference in the condition of my tongue. And over the last twenty-five years I have refined my findings and in addition to my Crohn’s disease being a thing of the past (which the Doctors say is impossible) I have only had rare bouts with Geographic Tongue (mostly because I forget I have it!)
I have raised two wonderful kids and spent many happy and healthy years since then. I was able to return my abilities toward work and today I make my living researching and finding solutions to complex computer problems both in the U.S. and Internationally. Over the years, I have continued to hone and refine my research skills in order to find a variety of solutions in all types of circumstances.
I had to Help a Friend in Need
Then a few years ago, Allison, a friend of mine at work, began losing weight. At first it looked good on her (I thought she’d gone on a diet or something) but before long I knew there was a problem. One day while we were discussing her problems she showed me her tongue and all those painful memories of wasting away and anxiously searching for a solution to my problem came flooding back.
I knew I had to do something to help her.
It turned out that Allison had fibromyalgia which caused severe pain whenever she ate (which reminded me of my battle with Crohn’s). Naturally, she did not enjoy being in pain, so she would stop eating before she had gotten enough calories to maintain her normal weight. And somehow this resulted in geographic tongue.
Since the doctors weren’t much help, I knew I had to do something!
So I began compiling some of my old research into a report that I could give to Allison. In addition, I turned my finely honed research abilities toward finding even more information for my friend.
Allison was absolutely thrilled with the secrets I put together for her…here is what she had to say when I emailed her the information in my report.
WOW!!!!!! This looks great and exactly what I’m dealing with… and there is actually a name to it!
I really like my doctor, but it makes me wonder why he doesn’t know this!…
Sometimes I feel you are the only one who really knows what I was going through because you experienced it!–
I became Obsessed with Finding all the Pieces of the Puzzle
Even after I gave the information to Allison, I just couldn’t rest. As I found more and more pieces of the geographic tongue puzzle, the project expanded and seemed to take on a life of its own.
My report eventually became a book that covers many different tongue problems, because as I looked at them, I began to see how they all fit together like the pieces of a giant jigsaw puzzle.
As I explored the many various tongue problems I found many common denominators and that is why I tell people,
“You really need to read the whole book to understand the secret, and get the big picture on how it relates to health in general.”
Did you know Your Tongue is like a “Health Meter” for your Body?
One of the mysteries I uncovered while doing my research was that your tongue is actually kind of like a health meter for the body. It seems obvious to me that a healthy body would have a healthy tongue and a weakened body has a sick tongue.
For thousands of years doctors have been asking patients to stick out their tongue and using the signs and conditions they observe to help determine the overall state of the body, but… modern medicine has forgotten most of the reasons doctors over the ages have asked you to stick out your tongue. Now when a Doctor says, “Open wide”, he is usually not even looking at your tongue at all, but looking down your throat for signs of “strep’ instead!
If “Your Eyes are the Window to your Soul”…
Your Tongue is “the Window to your Digestive System”
Here’s a fact for you, that you may not have thought about: your tongue is actually the first organ of your digestive system. Your tongue moves the food around so your teeth can chop it up into more easily digested chunks and mixes it with saliva. Plus your tongue is the strongest muscle in your body. Being the first organ of the digestive system and being visible from the outside without fancy scopes and machinery, it is in the unique position of giving us a look at the state of your digestive system.
As I said, the tongue is sort of like the health meter or “gas gauge” for your body. When your body needs something it starts a chain reaction that results in the tongue showing the symptoms. The symptoms could be a white coating, or cracks, or even bald patches with white rings (as in Geographic Tongue). Think of your tongue like a “Gas Gauge” indicating when your body is low on something.
I can’t be out of Gas, the Gauge must be broken
Can you imagine… a crazy lunatic looking down at his gas gauge and it is reading almost empty. At this point he gets extremely upset and starts yelling and screaming and says, “There must be something wrong… I just put Gas in the car 600 miles ago! That gauge is always saying empty!” Or perhaps he says, “I must need a new gas gauge, I shouldn’t need to put gas in it again this week!” or maybe “It isn’t fair”.
No, that’s ridiculous, you understand that a logical person, would realize that the gauge isn’t the problem, you just need to go to the station and get more gas.
Right? You know that the gauge is there for your protection, so you won’t run out of gas and your first response is that the gauge is right and you just need more gas. Only after a lot of evidence to the contrary would you consider doubting the gas gauge.
The same is true for your tongue, once you know the secret of reading it, you can know what you need to do to return your whole body to health.  I’m sure you can see that just like it is no use blaming the gas gauge for an empty tank…
You shouldn’t blame your tongue for alerting you to a problem with your body!
As a matter of fact, You’re going to become as excited as I am when you discover how paying attention to your tongue can actually point you in the direction of optimal overall physical health.
Searching for Love in all the Wrong Places
Do you remember the old Waylon Jennings song “Searching for Love in all the Wrong Places“? Well, that is exactly what the medical establishment is doing in regard to Geographic Tongue. And it makes me downright angry when I hear Doctors say “Oh, Don’t Worry about it” or “It’s Benign” or the three most hated words when it comes to Geographic Tongue “No Treatment Necessary”.
There is a simple easy solution for Geographic Tongue!
As a matter of fact, it is one of the easiest things in the world for you to resolve! When you read the book you will see how the right combination of nutrients can protect your tongue and make it clear and healthy again, in a couple of short weeks!
The problem is that Doctors spend very little time studying nutrition and a lot of time studying disease. And Geographic Tongue is not a Disease! It reminds me of an old joke (even though Geographic Tongue is not funny).
One night a guy named George is walking home after dark. The street is entirely unlit  except off in the distance he sees a man crawling around under a lone lamppost. As he gets there he realizes the man is searching for something. George says, “what are you looking for?” the 2nd man says “an engagement ring I dropped”. This is terrible what was going to be a happy occasion is now a disaster, so George stops to help, and after a few minutes George asks “where exactly did you drop it?” The 2nd man replies, “oh, up the street a ways.” George is amazed and stands up and shouts, “Then why are you looking here?” To which the 2nd man replies, “Because the light is better!”…
That is the way it is, if you look for a solution for Geographic Tongue in the Disease category, you are simply looking in the wrong place! Once you know the right place to look… the solution is obvious!
Imagine yourself getting out of bed two weeks from now…
The morning starts much like any other… The alarm clock rings…You get out of Bed… you walk to the bathroom mirror and stick out your tongue… but there the similarity ends… This day is different… you stare in amazement and relief because there for the first time in a long time you see your dream come true…  a healthy new pink tongue…
No more bald patches… no more white lines…  just a beautiful pink healthy tongue.
You almost can’t believe your eyes… it is almost too wonderful… for a moment you might think that you had a “tongue transplant” in your sleep, or your eyes are playing tricks on you. But it’s true, your tongue can be so healthy you won’t even recognize it!
0 notes
allenmendezsr · 4 years
Healthy Tongue Secrets Revealed.
New Post has been published on https://autotraffixpro.app/allenmendezsr/healthy-tongue-secrets-revealed/
Healthy Tongue Secrets Revealed.
 Buy Now    
Tongue problems can be very discouraging because of the way they come and go. Just when you think they might be clearing up, Bam! they’re back again.
How I Discovered the Secret of a Healthy Tongue
I am a lot like you, I once suffered from Geographic Tongue and even worse.  I hope you won’t think I’m bragging, because I’m not. I just want to explain how my unique background enabled me to discover the Secrets that can give you a Healthy tongue.
You see, many years ago, while attending a prestigious private engineering college in upstate New York, I was trained in the methods of top-notch research. Just before graduation, I was even recruited by the CIA, although I didn’t know it before I went to the interview (did you know they actually hold “covert” interviews not disclosing who they are until you get there?) and eventually I turned them down. My colleagues went on to become top researchers for companies like IBM, Kodak, Colgate and, yes, even the CIA.
But shortly after graduation, my situation took a strange turn. I developed Crohn’s disease and started wasting away. I couldn’t eat without excruciating pain. Whenever I ate anything solid the pain would be so bad that I literally rolled on the floor in agony.
It was a terrible experience. I was sure I was going to die as I slowly went from a healthy athletic 135 lbs down to a scrawny, emaciated 98 lbs with strange patches all over my tongue.
I was desperate to find a solution and frankly at the time, my tongue was the least of my worries. But with my life literally hanging in the balance, I focused my remaining strength and turned my research expertise on finding a solution.
I made a Wonderful Discovery While Struggling to find a Solution…
But a strange thing happened while I was researching what makes you healthy and the factors involved in disease. I made a rare and unique discovery so enormous, that I am excited to share it with you!
I found that certain nutrients made a difference in the condition of my tongue. And over the last twenty-five years I have refined my findings and in addition to my Crohn’s disease being a thing of the past (which the Doctors say is impossible) I have only had rare bouts with Geographic Tongue (mostly because I forget I have it!)
I have raised two wonderful kids and spent many happy and healthy years since then. I was able to return my abilities toward work and today I make my living researching and finding solutions to complex computer problems both in the U.S. and Internationally. Over the years, I have continued to hone and refine my research skills in order to find a variety of solutions in all types of circumstances.
I had to Help a Friend in Need
Then a few years ago, Allison, a friend of mine at work, began losing weight. At first it looked good on her (I thought she’d gone on a diet or something) but before long I knew there was a problem. One day while we were discussing her problems she showed me her tongue and all those painful memories of wasting away and anxiously searching for a solution to my problem came flooding back.
I knew I had to do something to help her.
It turned out that Allison had fibromyalgia which caused severe pain whenever she ate (which reminded me of my battle with Crohn’s). Naturally, she did not enjoy being in pain, so she would stop eating before she had gotten enough calories to maintain her normal weight. And somehow this resulted in geographic tongue.
Since the doctors weren’t much help, I knew I had to do something!
So I began compiling some of my old research into a report that I could give to Allison. In addition, I turned my finely honed research abilities toward finding even more information for my friend.
Allison was absolutely thrilled with the secrets I put together for her…here is what she had to say when I emailed her the information in my report.
WOW!!!!!! This looks great and exactly what I’m dealing with… and there is actually a name to it!
I really like my doctor, but it makes me wonder why he doesn’t know this!…
Sometimes I feel you are the only one who really knows what I was going through because you experienced it!–
I became Obsessed with Finding all the Pieces of the Puzzle
Even after I gave the information to Allison, I just couldn’t rest. As I found more and more pieces of the geographic tongue puzzle, the project expanded and seemed to take on a life of its own.
My report eventually became a book that covers many different tongue problems, because as I looked at them, I began to see how they all fit together like the pieces of a giant jigsaw puzzle.
As I explored the many various tongue problems I found many common denominators and that is why I tell people,
“You really need to read the whole book to understand the secret, and get the big picture on how it relates to health in general.”
Did you know Your Tongue is like a “Health Meter” for your Body?
One of the mysteries I uncovered while doing my research was that your tongue is actually kind of like a health meter for the body. It seems obvious to me that a healthy body would have a healthy tongue and a weakened body has a sick tongue.
For thousands of years doctors have been asking patients to stick out their tongue and using the signs and conditions they observe to help determine the overall state of the body, but… modern medicine has forgotten most of the reasons doctors over the ages have asked you to stick out your tongue. Now when a Doctor says, “Open wide”, he is usually not even looking at your tongue at all, but looking down your throat for signs of “strep’ instead!
If “Your Eyes are the Window to your Soul”…
Your Tongue is “the Window to your Digestive System”
Here’s a fact for you, that you may not have thought about: your tongue is actually the first organ of your digestive system. Your tongue moves the food around so your teeth can chop it up into more easily digested chunks and mixes it with saliva. Plus your tongue is the strongest muscle in your body. Being the first organ of the digestive system and being visible from the outside without fancy scopes and machinery, it is in the unique position of giving us a look at the state of your digestive system.
As I said, the tongue is sort of like the health meter or “gas gauge” for your body. When your body needs something it starts a chain reaction that results in the tongue showing the symptoms. The symptoms could be a white coating, or cracks, or even bald patches with white rings (as in Geographic Tongue). Think of your tongue like a “Gas Gauge” indicating when your body is low on something.
I can’t be out of Gas, the Gauge must be broken
Can you imagine… a crazy lunatic looking down at his gas gauge and it is reading almost empty. At this point he gets extremely upset and starts yelling and screaming and says, “There must be something wrong… I just put Gas in the car 600 miles ago! That gauge is always saying empty!” Or perhaps he says, “I must need a new gas gauge, I shouldn’t need to put gas in it again this week!” or maybe “It isn’t fair”.
No, that’s ridiculous, you understand that a logical person, would realize that the gauge isn’t the problem, you just need to go to the station and get more gas.
Right? You know that the gauge is there for your protection, so you won’t run out of gas and your first response is that the gauge is right and you just need more gas. Only after a lot of evidence to the contrary would you consider doubting the gas gauge.
The same is true for your tongue, once you know the secret of reading it, you can know what you need to do to return your whole body to health.  I’m sure you can see that just like it is no use blaming the gas gauge for an empty tank…
You shouldn’t blame your tongue for alerting you to a problem with your body!
As a matter of fact, You’re going to become as excited as I am when you discover how paying attention to your tongue can actually point you in the direction of optimal overall physical health.
Searching for Love in all the Wrong Places
Do you remember the old Waylon Jennings song “Searching for Love in all the Wrong Places“? Well, that is exactly what the medical establishment is doing in regard to Geographic Tongue. And it makes me downright angry when I hear Doctors say “Oh, Don’t Worry about it” or “It’s Benign” or the three most hated words when it comes to Geographic Tongue “No Treatment Necessary”.
There is a simple easy solution for Geographic Tongue!
As a matter of fact, it is one of the easiest things in the world for you to resolve! When you read the book you will see how the right combination of nutrients can protect your tongue and make it clear and healthy again, in a couple of short weeks!
The problem is that Doctors spend very little time studying nutrition and a lot of time studying disease. And Geographic Tongue is not a Disease! It reminds me of an old joke (even though Geographic Tongue is not funny).
One night a guy named George is walking home after dark. The street is entirely unlit  except off in the distance he sees a man crawling around under a lone lamppost. As he gets there he realizes the man is searching for something. George says, “what are you looking for?” the 2nd man says “an engagement ring I dropped”. This is terrible what was going to be a happy occasion is now a disaster, so George stops to help, and after a few minutes George asks “where exactly did you drop it?” The 2nd man replies, “oh, up the street a ways.” George is amazed and stands up and shouts, “Then why are you looking here?” To which the 2nd man replies, “Because the light is better!”…
That is the way it is, if you look for a solution for Geographic Tongue in the Disease category, you are simply looking in the wrong place! Once you know the right place to look… the solution is obvious!
Imagine yourself getting out of bed two weeks from now…
The morning starts much like any other… The alarm clock rings…You get out of Bed… you walk to the bathroom mirror and stick out your tongue… but there the similarity ends… This day is different… you stare in amazement and relief because there for the first time in a long time you see your dream come true…  a healthy new pink tongue…
No more bald patches… no more white lines…  just a beautiful pink healthy tongue.
You almost can’t believe your eyes… it is almost too wonderful… for a moment you might think that you had a “tongue transplant” in your sleep, or your eyes are playing tricks on you. But it’s true, your tongue can be so healthy you won’t even recognize it!
0 notes
allenmendezsr · 4 years
Healthy Tongue Secrets Revealed.
New Post has been published on https://autotraffixpro.app/allenmendezsr/healthy-tongue-secrets-revealed/
Healthy Tongue Secrets Revealed.
 Buy Now    
Tongue problems can be very discouraging because of the way they come and go. Just when you think they might be clearing up, Bam! they’re back again.
How I Discovered the Secret of a Healthy Tongue
I am a lot like you, I once suffered from Geographic Tongue and even worse.  I hope you won’t think I’m bragging, because I’m not. I just want to explain how my unique background enabled me to discover the Secrets that can give you a Healthy tongue.
You see, many years ago, while attending a prestigious private engineering college in upstate New York, I was trained in the methods of top-notch research. Just before graduation, I was even recruited by the CIA, although I didn’t know it before I went to the interview (did you know they actually hold “covert” interviews not disclosing who they are until you get there?) and eventually I turned them down. My colleagues went on to become top researchers for companies like IBM, Kodak, Colgate and, yes, even the CIA.
But shortly after graduation, my situation took a strange turn. I developed Crohn’s disease and started wasting away. I couldn’t eat without excruciating pain. Whenever I ate anything solid the pain would be so bad that I literally rolled on the floor in agony.
It was a terrible experience. I was sure I was going to die as I slowly went from a healthy athletic 135 lbs down to a scrawny, emaciated 98 lbs with strange patches all over my tongue.
I was desperate to find a solution and frankly at the time, my tongue was the least of my worries. But with my life literally hanging in the balance, I focused my remaining strength and turned my research expertise on finding a solution.
I made a Wonderful Discovery While Struggling to find a Solution…
But a strange thing happened while I was researching what makes you healthy and the factors involved in disease. I made a rare and unique discovery so enormous, that I am excited to share it with you!
I found that certain nutrients made a difference in the condition of my tongue. And over the last twenty-five years I have refined my findings and in addition to my Crohn’s disease being a thing of the past (which the Doctors say is impossible) I have only had rare bouts with Geographic Tongue (mostly because I forget I have it!)
I have raised two wonderful kids and spent many happy and healthy years since then. I was able to return my abilities toward work and today I make my living researching and finding solutions to complex computer problems both in the U.S. and Internationally. Over the years, I have continued to hone and refine my research skills in order to find a variety of solutions in all types of circumstances.
I had to Help a Friend in Need
Then a few years ago, Allison, a friend of mine at work, began losing weight. At first it looked good on her (I thought she’d gone on a diet or something) but before long I knew there was a problem. One day while we were discussing her problems she showed me her tongue and all those painful memories of wasting away and anxiously searching for a solution to my problem came flooding back.
I knew I had to do something to help her.
It turned out that Allison had fibromyalgia which caused severe pain whenever she ate (which reminded me of my battle with Crohn’s). Naturally, she did not enjoy being in pain, so she would stop eating before she had gotten enough calories to maintain her normal weight. And somehow this resulted in geographic tongue.
Since the doctors weren’t much help, I knew I had to do something!
So I began compiling some of my old research into a report that I could give to Allison. In addition, I turned my finely honed research abilities toward finding even more information for my friend.
Allison was absolutely thrilled with the secrets I put together for her…here is what she had to say when I emailed her the information in my report.
WOW!!!!!! This looks great and exactly what I’m dealing with… and there is actually a name to it!
I really like my doctor, but it makes me wonder why he doesn’t know this!…
Sometimes I feel you are the only one who really knows what I was going through because you experienced it!–
I became Obsessed with Finding all the Pieces of the Puzzle
Even after I gave the information to Allison, I just couldn’t rest. As I found more and more pieces of the geographic tongue puzzle, the project expanded and seemed to take on a life of its own.
My report eventually became a book that covers many different tongue problems, because as I looked at them, I began to see how they all fit together like the pieces of a giant jigsaw puzzle.
As I explored the many various tongue problems I found many common denominators and that is why I tell people,
“You really need to read the whole book to understand the secret, and get the big picture on how it relates to health in general.”
Did you know Your Tongue is like a “Health Meter” for your Body?
One of the mysteries I uncovered while doing my research was that your tongue is actually kind of like a health meter for the body. It seems obvious to me that a healthy body would have a healthy tongue and a weakened body has a sick tongue.
For thousands of years doctors have been asking patients to stick out their tongue and using the signs and conditions they observe to help determine the overall state of the body, but… modern medicine has forgotten most of the reasons doctors over the ages have asked you to stick out your tongue. Now when a Doctor says, “Open wide”, he is usually not even looking at your tongue at all, but looking down your throat for signs of “strep’ instead!
If “Your Eyes are the Window to your Soul”…
Your Tongue is “the Window to your Digestive System”
Here’s a fact for you, that you may not have thought about: your tongue is actually the first organ of your digestive system. Your tongue moves the food around so your teeth can chop it up into more easily digested chunks and mixes it with saliva. Plus your tongue is the strongest muscle in your body. Being the first organ of the digestive system and being visible from the outside without fancy scopes and machinery, it is in the unique position of giving us a look at the state of your digestive system.
As I said, the tongue is sort of like the health meter or “gas gauge” for your body. When your body needs something it starts a chain reaction that results in the tongue showing the symptoms. The symptoms could be a white coating, or cracks, or even bald patches with white rings (as in Geographic Tongue). Think of your tongue like a “Gas Gauge” indicating when your body is low on something.
I can’t be out of Gas, the Gauge must be broken
Can you imagine… a crazy lunatic looking down at his gas gauge and it is reading almost empty. At this point he gets extremely upset and starts yelling and screaming and says, “There must be something wrong… I just put Gas in the car 600 miles ago! That gauge is always saying empty!” Or perhaps he says, “I must need a new gas gauge, I shouldn’t need to put gas in it again this week!” or maybe “It isn’t fair”.
No, that’s ridiculous, you understand that a logical person, would realize that the gauge isn’t the problem, you just need to go to the station and get more gas.
Right? You know that the gauge is there for your protection, so you won’t run out of gas and your first response is that the gauge is right and you just need more gas. Only after a lot of evidence to the contrary would you consider doubting the gas gauge.
The same is true for your tongue, once you know the secret of reading it, you can know what you need to do to return your whole body to health.  I’m sure you can see that just like it is no use blaming the gas gauge for an empty tank…
You shouldn’t blame your tongue for alerting you to a problem with your body!
As a matter of fact, You’re going to become as excited as I am when you discover how paying attention to your tongue can actually point you in the direction of optimal overall physical health.
Searching for Love in all the Wrong Places
Do you remember the old Waylon Jennings song “Searching for Love in all the Wrong Places“? Well, that is exactly what the medical establishment is doing in regard to Geographic Tongue. And it makes me downright angry when I hear Doctors say “Oh, Don’t Worry about it” or “It’s Benign” or the three most hated words when it comes to Geographic Tongue “No Treatment Necessary”.
There is a simple easy solution for Geographic Tongue!
As a matter of fact, it is one of the easiest things in the world for you to resolve! When you read the book you will see how the right combination of nutrients can protect your tongue and make it clear and healthy again, in a couple of short weeks!
The problem is that Doctors spend very little time studying nutrition and a lot of time studying disease. And Geographic Tongue is not a Disease! It reminds me of an old joke (even though Geographic Tongue is not funny).
One night a guy named George is walking home after dark. The street is entirely unlit  except off in the distance he sees a man crawling around under a lone lamppost. As he gets there he realizes the man is searching for something. George says, “what are you looking for?” the 2nd man says “an engagement ring I dropped”. This is terrible what was going to be a happy occasion is now a disaster, so George stops to help, and after a few minutes George asks “where exactly did you drop it?” The 2nd man replies, “oh, up the street a ways.” George is amazed and stands up and shouts, “Then why are you looking here?” To which the 2nd man replies, “Because the light is better!”…
That is the way it is, if you look for a solution for Geographic Tongue in the Disease category, you are simply looking in the wrong place! Once you know the right place to look… the solution is obvious!
Imagine yourself getting out of bed two weeks from now…
The morning starts much like any other… The alarm clock rings…You get out of Bed… you walk to the bathroom mirror and stick out your tongue… but there the similarity ends… This day is different… you stare in amazement and relief because there for the first time in a long time you see your dream come true…  a healthy new pink tongue…
No more bald patches… no more white lines…  just a beautiful pink healthy tongue.
You almost can’t believe your eyes… it is almost too wonderful… for a moment you might think that you had a “tongue transplant” in your sleep, or your eyes are playing tricks on you. But it’s true, your tongue can be so healthy you won’t even recognize it!
0 notes
allenmendezsr · 4 years
Healthy Tongue Secrets Revealed.
New Post has been published on https://autotraffixpro.app/allenmendezsr/healthy-tongue-secrets-revealed/
Healthy Tongue Secrets Revealed.
 Buy Now    
Tongue problems can be very discouraging because of the way they come and go. Just when you think they might be clearing up, Bam! they’re back again.
How I Discovered the Secret of a Healthy Tongue
I am a lot like you, I once suffered from Geographic Tongue and even worse.  I hope you won’t think I’m bragging, because I’m not. I just want to explain how my unique background enabled me to discover the Secrets that can give you a Healthy tongue.
You see, many years ago, while attending a prestigious private engineering college in upstate New York, I was trained in the methods of top-notch research. Just before graduation, I was even recruited by the CIA, although I didn’t know it before I went to the interview (did you know they actually hold “covert” interviews not disclosing who they are until you get there?) and eventually I turned them down. My colleagues went on to become top researchers for companies like IBM, Kodak, Colgate and, yes, even the CIA.
But shortly after graduation, my situation took a strange turn. I developed Crohn’s disease and started wasting away. I couldn’t eat without excruciating pain. Whenever I ate anything solid the pain would be so bad that I literally rolled on the floor in agony.
It was a terrible experience. I was sure I was going to die as I slowly went from a healthy athletic 135 lbs down to a scrawny, emaciated 98 lbs with strange patches all over my tongue.
I was desperate to find a solution and frankly at the time, my tongue was the least of my worries. But with my life literally hanging in the balance, I focused my remaining strength and turned my research expertise on finding a solution.
I made a Wonderful Discovery While Struggling to find a Solution…
But a strange thing happened while I was researching what makes you healthy and the factors involved in disease. I made a rare and unique discovery so enormous, that I am excited to share it with you!
I found that certain nutrients made a difference in the condition of my tongue. And over the last twenty-five years I have refined my findings and in addition to my Crohn’s disease being a thing of the past (which the Doctors say is impossible) I have only had rare bouts with Geographic Tongue (mostly because I forget I have it!)
I have raised two wonderful kids and spent many happy and healthy years since then. I was able to return my abilities toward work and today I make my living researching and finding solutions to complex computer problems both in the U.S. and Internationally. Over the years, I have continued to hone and refine my research skills in order to find a variety of solutions in all types of circumstances.
I had to Help a Friend in Need
Then a few years ago, Allison, a friend of mine at work, began losing weight. At first it looked good on her (I thought she’d gone on a diet or something) but before long I knew there was a problem. One day while we were discussing her problems she showed me her tongue and all those painful memories of wasting away and anxiously searching for a solution to my problem came flooding back.
I knew I had to do something to help her.
It turned out that Allison had fibromyalgia which caused severe pain whenever she ate (which reminded me of my battle with Crohn’s). Naturally, she did not enjoy being in pain, so she would stop eating before she had gotten enough calories to maintain her normal weight. And somehow this resulted in geographic tongue.
Since the doctors weren’t much help, I knew I had to do something!
So I began compiling some of my old research into a report that I could give to Allison. In addition, I turned my finely honed research abilities toward finding even more information for my friend.
Allison was absolutely thrilled with the secrets I put together for her…here is what she had to say when I emailed her the information in my report.
WOW!!!!!! This looks great and exactly what I’m dealing with… and there is actually a name to it!
I really like my doctor, but it makes me wonder why he doesn’t know this!…
Sometimes I feel you are the only one who really knows what I was going through because you experienced it!–
I became Obsessed with Finding all the Pieces of the Puzzle
Even after I gave the information to Allison, I just couldn’t rest. As I found more and more pieces of the geographic tongue puzzle, the project expanded and seemed to take on a life of its own.
My report eventually became a book that covers many different tongue problems, because as I looked at them, I began to see how they all fit together like the pieces of a giant jigsaw puzzle.
As I explored the many various tongue problems I found many common denominators and that is why I tell people,
“You really need to read the whole book to understand the secret, and get the big picture on how it relates to health in general.”
Did you know Your Tongue is like a “Health Meter” for your Body?
One of the mysteries I uncovered while doing my research was that your tongue is actually kind of like a health meter for the body. It seems obvious to me that a healthy body would have a healthy tongue and a weakened body has a sick tongue.
For thousands of years doctors have been asking patients to stick out their tongue and using the signs and conditions they observe to help determine the overall state of the body, but… modern medicine has forgotten most of the reasons doctors over the ages have asked you to stick out your tongue. Now when a Doctor says, “Open wide”, he is usually not even looking at your tongue at all, but looking down your throat for signs of “strep’ instead!
If “Your Eyes are the Window to your Soul”…
Your Tongue is “the Window to your Digestive System”
Here’s a fact for you, that you may not have thought about: your tongue is actually the first organ of your digestive system. Your tongue moves the food around so your teeth can chop it up into more easily digested chunks and mixes it with saliva. Plus your tongue is the strongest muscle in your body. Being the first organ of the digestive system and being visible from the outside without fancy scopes and machinery, it is in the unique position of giving us a look at the state of your digestive system.
As I said, the tongue is sort of like the health meter or “gas gauge” for your body. When your body needs something it starts a chain reaction that results in the tongue showing the symptoms. The symptoms could be a white coating, or cracks, or even bald patches with white rings (as in Geographic Tongue). Think of your tongue like a “Gas Gauge” indicating when your body is low on something.
I can’t be out of Gas, the Gauge must be broken
Can you imagine… a crazy lunatic looking down at his gas gauge and it is reading almost empty. At this point he gets extremely upset and starts yelling and screaming and says, “There must be something wrong… I just put Gas in the car 600 miles ago! That gauge is always saying empty!” Or perhaps he says, “I must need a new gas gauge, I shouldn’t need to put gas in it again this week!” or maybe “It isn’t fair”.
No, that’s ridiculous, you understand that a logical person, would realize that the gauge isn’t the problem, you just need to go to the station and get more gas.
Right? You know that the gauge is there for your protection, so you won’t run out of gas and your first response is that the gauge is right and you just need more gas. Only after a lot of evidence to the contrary would you consider doubting the gas gauge.
The same is true for your tongue, once you know the secret of reading it, you can know what you need to do to return your whole body to health.  I’m sure you can see that just like it is no use blaming the gas gauge for an empty tank…
You shouldn’t blame your tongue for alerting you to a problem with your body!
As a matter of fact, You’re going to become as excited as I am when you discover how paying attention to your tongue can actually point you in the direction of optimal overall physical health.
Searching for Love in all the Wrong Places
Do you remember the old Waylon Jennings song “Searching for Love in all the Wrong Places“? Well, that is exactly what the medical establishment is doing in regard to Geographic Tongue. And it makes me downright angry when I hear Doctors say “Oh, Don’t Worry about it” or “It’s Benign” or the three most hated words when it comes to Geographic Tongue “No Treatment Necessary”.
There is a simple easy solution for Geographic Tongue!
As a matter of fact, it is one of the easiest things in the world for you to resolve! When you read the book you will see how the right combination of nutrients can protect your tongue and make it clear and healthy again, in a couple of short weeks!
The problem is that Doctors spend very little time studying nutrition and a lot of time studying disease. And Geographic Tongue is not a Disease! It reminds me of an old joke (even though Geographic Tongue is not funny).
One night a guy named George is walking home after dark. The street is entirely unlit  except off in the distance he sees a man crawling around under a lone lamppost. As he gets there he realizes the man is searching for something. George says, “what are you looking for?” the 2nd man says “an engagement ring I dropped”. This is terrible what was going to be a happy occasion is now a disaster, so George stops to help, and after a few minutes George asks “where exactly did you drop it?” The 2nd man replies, “oh, up the street a ways.” George is amazed and stands up and shouts, “Then why are you looking here?” To which the 2nd man replies, “Because the light is better!”…
That is the way it is, if you look for a solution for Geographic Tongue in the Disease category, you are simply looking in the wrong place! Once you know the right place to look… the solution is obvious!
Imagine yourself getting out of bed two weeks from now…
The morning starts much like any other… The alarm clock rings…You get out of Bed… you walk to the bathroom mirror and stick out your tongue… but there the similarity ends… This day is different… you stare in amazement and relief because there for the first time in a long time you see your dream come true…  a healthy new pink tongue…
No more bald patches… no more white lines…  just a beautiful pink healthy tongue.
You almost can’t believe your eyes… it is almost too wonderful… for a moment you might think that you had a “tongue transplant” in your sleep, or your eyes are playing tricks on you. But it’s true, your tongue can be so healthy you won’t even recognize it!
0 notes
allenmendezsr · 4 years
Healthy Tongue Secrets Revealed.
New Post has been published on https://autotraffixpro.app/allenmendezsr/healthy-tongue-secrets-revealed/
Healthy Tongue Secrets Revealed.
 Buy Now    
Tongue problems can be very discouraging because of the way they come and go. Just when you think they might be clearing up, Bam! they’re back again.
How I Discovered the Secret of a Healthy Tongue
I am a lot like you, I once suffered from Geographic Tongue and even worse.  I hope you won’t think I’m bragging, because I’m not. I just want to explain how my unique background enabled me to discover the Secrets that can give you a Healthy tongue.
You see, many years ago, while attending a prestigious private engineering college in upstate New York, I was trained in the methods of top-notch research. Just before graduation, I was even recruited by the CIA, although I didn’t know it before I went to the interview (did you know they actually hold “covert” interviews not disclosing who they are until you get there?) and eventually I turned them down. My colleagues went on to become top researchers for companies like IBM, Kodak, Colgate and, yes, even the CIA.
But shortly after graduation, my situation took a strange turn. I developed Crohn’s disease and started wasting away. I couldn’t eat without excruciating pain. Whenever I ate anything solid the pain would be so bad that I literally rolled on the floor in agony.
It was a terrible experience. I was sure I was going to die as I slowly went from a healthy athletic 135 lbs down to a scrawny, emaciated 98 lbs with strange patches all over my tongue.
I was desperate to find a solution and frankly at the time, my tongue was the least of my worries. But with my life literally hanging in the balance, I focused my remaining strength and turned my research expertise on finding a solution.
I made a Wonderful Discovery While Struggling to find a Solution…
But a strange thing happened while I was researching what makes you healthy and the factors involved in disease. I made a rare and unique discovery so enormous, that I am excited to share it with you!
I found that certain nutrients made a difference in the condition of my tongue. And over the last twenty-five years I have refined my findings and in addition to my Crohn’s disease being a thing of the past (which the Doctors say is impossible) I have only had rare bouts with Geographic Tongue (mostly because I forget I have it!)
I have raised two wonderful kids and spent many happy and healthy years since then. I was able to return my abilities toward work and today I make my living researching and finding solutions to complex computer problems both in the U.S. and Internationally. Over the years, I have continued to hone and refine my research skills in order to find a variety of solutions in all types of circumstances.
I had to Help a Friend in Need
Then a few years ago, Allison, a friend of mine at work, began losing weight. At first it looked good on her (I thought she’d gone on a diet or something) but before long I knew there was a problem. One day while we were discussing her problems she showed me her tongue and all those painful memories of wasting away and anxiously searching for a solution to my problem came flooding back.
I knew I had to do something to help her.
It turned out that Allison had fibromyalgia which caused severe pain whenever she ate (which reminded me of my battle with Crohn’s). Naturally, she did not enjoy being in pain, so she would stop eating before she had gotten enough calories to maintain her normal weight. And somehow this resulted in geographic tongue.
Since the doctors weren’t much help, I knew I had to do something!
So I began compiling some of my old research into a report that I could give to Allison. In addition, I turned my finely honed research abilities toward finding even more information for my friend.
Allison was absolutely thrilled with the secrets I put together for her…here is what she had to say when I emailed her the information in my report.
WOW!!!!!! This looks great and exactly what I’m dealing with… and there is actually a name to it!
I really like my doctor, but it makes me wonder why he doesn’t know this!…
Sometimes I feel you are the only one who really knows what I was going through because you experienced it!–
I became Obsessed with Finding all the Pieces of the Puzzle
Even after I gave the information to Allison, I just couldn’t rest. As I found more and more pieces of the geographic tongue puzzle, the project expanded and seemed to take on a life of its own.
My report eventually became a book that covers many different tongue problems, because as I looked at them, I began to see how they all fit together like the pieces of a giant jigsaw puzzle.
As I explored the many various tongue problems I found many common denominators and that is why I tell people,
“You really need to read the whole book to understand the secret, and get the big picture on how it relates to health in general.”
Did you know Your Tongue is like a “Health Meter” for your Body?
One of the mysteries I uncovered while doing my research was that your tongue is actually kind of like a health meter for the body. It seems obvious to me that a healthy body would have a healthy tongue and a weakened body has a sick tongue.
For thousands of years doctors have been asking patients to stick out their tongue and using the signs and conditions they observe to help determine the overall state of the body, but… modern medicine has forgotten most of the reasons doctors over the ages have asked you to stick out your tongue. Now when a Doctor says, “Open wide”, he is usually not even looking at your tongue at all, but looking down your throat for signs of “strep’ instead!
If “Your Eyes are the Window to your Soul”…
Your Tongue is “the Window to your Digestive System”
Here’s a fact for you, that you may not have thought about: your tongue is actually the first organ of your digestive system. Your tongue moves the food around so your teeth can chop it up into more easily digested chunks and mixes it with saliva. Plus your tongue is the strongest muscle in your body. Being the first organ of the digestive system and being visible from the outside without fancy scopes and machinery, it is in the unique position of giving us a look at the state of your digestive system.
As I said, the tongue is sort of like the health meter or “gas gauge” for your body. When your body needs something it starts a chain reaction that results in the tongue showing the symptoms. The symptoms could be a white coating, or cracks, or even bald patches with white rings (as in Geographic Tongue). Think of your tongue like a “Gas Gauge” indicating when your body is low on something.
I can’t be out of Gas, the Gauge must be broken
Can you imagine… a crazy lunatic looking down at his gas gauge and it is reading almost empty. At this point he gets extremely upset and starts yelling and screaming and says, “There must be something wrong… I just put Gas in the car 600 miles ago! That gauge is always saying empty!” Or perhaps he says, “I must need a new gas gauge, I shouldn’t need to put gas in it again this week!” or maybe “It isn’t fair”.
No, that’s ridiculous, you understand that a logical person, would realize that the gauge isn’t the problem, you just need to go to the station and get more gas.
Right? You know that the gauge is there for your protection, so you won’t run out of gas and your first response is that the gauge is right and you just need more gas. Only after a lot of evidence to the contrary would you consider doubting the gas gauge.
The same is true for your tongue, once you know the secret of reading it, you can know what you need to do to return your whole body to health.  I’m sure you can see that just like it is no use blaming the gas gauge for an empty tank…
You shouldn’t blame your tongue for alerting you to a problem with your body!
As a matter of fact, You’re going to become as excited as I am when you discover how paying attention to your tongue can actually point you in the direction of optimal overall physical health.
Searching for Love in all the Wrong Places
Do you remember the old Waylon Jennings song “Searching for Love in all the Wrong Places“? Well, that is exactly what the medical establishment is doing in regard to Geographic Tongue. And it makes me downright angry when I hear Doctors say “Oh, Don’t Worry about it” or “It’s Benign” or the three most hated words when it comes to Geographic Tongue “No Treatment Necessary”.
There is a simple easy solution for Geographic Tongue!
As a matter of fact, it is one of the easiest things in the world for you to resolve! When you read the book you will see how the right combination of nutrients can protect your tongue and make it clear and healthy again, in a couple of short weeks!
The problem is that Doctors spend very little time studying nutrition and a lot of time studying disease. And Geographic Tongue is not a Disease! It reminds me of an old joke (even though Geographic Tongue is not funny).
One night a guy named George is walking home after dark. The street is entirely unlit  except off in the distance he sees a man crawling around under a lone lamppost. As he gets there he realizes the man is searching for something. George says, “what are you looking for?” the 2nd man says “an engagement ring I dropped”. This is terrible what was going to be a happy occasion is now a disaster, so George stops to help, and after a few minutes George asks “where exactly did you drop it?” The 2nd man replies, “oh, up the street a ways.” George is amazed and stands up and shouts, “Then why are you looking here?” To which the 2nd man replies, “Because the light is better!”…
That is the way it is, if you look for a solution for Geographic Tongue in the Disease category, you are simply looking in the wrong place! Once you know the right place to look… the solution is obvious!
Imagine yourself getting out of bed two weeks from now…
The morning starts much like any other… The alarm clock rings…You get out of Bed… you walk to the bathroom mirror and stick out your tongue… but there the similarity ends… This day is different… you stare in amazement and relief because there for the first time in a long time you see your dream come true…  a healthy new pink tongue…
No more bald patches… no more white lines…  just a beautiful pink healthy tongue.
You almost can’t believe your eyes… it is almost too wonderful… for a moment you might think that you had a “tongue transplant” in your sleep, or your eyes are playing tricks on you. But it’s true, your tongue can be so healthy you won’t even recognize it!
0 notes
allenmendezsr · 4 years
Healthy Tongue Secrets Revealed.
New Post has been published on https://autotraffixpro.app/allenmendezsr/healthy-tongue-secrets-revealed/
Healthy Tongue Secrets Revealed.
 Buy Now    
Tongue problems can be very discouraging because of the way they come and go. Just when you think they might be clearing up, Bam! they’re back again.
How I Discovered the Secret of a Healthy Tongue
I am a lot like you, I once suffered from Geographic Tongue and even worse.  I hope you won’t think I’m bragging, because I’m not. I just want to explain how my unique background enabled me to discover the Secrets that can give you a Healthy tongue.
You see, many years ago, while attending a prestigious private engineering college in upstate New York, I was trained in the methods of top-notch research. Just before graduation, I was even recruited by the CIA, although I didn’t know it before I went to the interview (did you know they actually hold “covert” interviews not disclosing who they are until you get there?) and eventually I turned them down. My colleagues went on to become top researchers for companies like IBM, Kodak, Colgate and, yes, even the CIA.
But shortly after graduation, my situation took a strange turn. I developed Crohn’s disease and started wasting away. I couldn’t eat without excruciating pain. Whenever I ate anything solid the pain would be so bad that I literally rolled on the floor in agony.
It was a terrible experience. I was sure I was going to die as I slowly went from a healthy athletic 135 lbs down to a scrawny, emaciated 98 lbs with strange patches all over my tongue.
I was desperate to find a solution and frankly at the time, my tongue was the least of my worries. But with my life literally hanging in the balance, I focused my remaining strength and turned my research expertise on finding a solution.
I made a Wonderful Discovery While Struggling to find a Solution…
But a strange thing happened while I was researching what makes you healthy and the factors involved in disease. I made a rare and unique discovery so enormous, that I am excited to share it with you!
I found that certain nutrients made a difference in the condition of my tongue. And over the last twenty-five years I have refined my findings and in addition to my Crohn’s disease being a thing of the past (which the Doctors say is impossible) I have only had rare bouts with Geographic Tongue (mostly because I forget I have it!)
I have raised two wonderful kids and spent many happy and healthy years since then. I was able to return my abilities toward work and today I make my living researching and finding solutions to complex computer problems both in the U.S. and Internationally. Over the years, I have continued to hone and refine my research skills in order to find a variety of solutions in all types of circumstances.
I had to Help a Friend in Need
Then a few years ago, Allison, a friend of mine at work, began losing weight. At first it looked good on her (I thought she’d gone on a diet or something) but before long I knew there was a problem. One day while we were discussing her problems she showed me her tongue and all those painful memories of wasting away and anxiously searching for a solution to my problem came flooding back.
I knew I had to do something to help her.
It turned out that Allison had fibromyalgia which caused severe pain whenever she ate (which reminded me of my battle with Crohn’s). Naturally, she did not enjoy being in pain, so she would stop eating before she had gotten enough calories to maintain her normal weight. And somehow this resulted in geographic tongue.
Since the doctors weren’t much help, I knew I had to do something!
So I began compiling some of my old research into a report that I could give to Allison. In addition, I turned my finely honed research abilities toward finding even more information for my friend.
Allison was absolutely thrilled with the secrets I put together for her…here is what she had to say when I emailed her the information in my report.
WOW!!!!!! This looks great and exactly what I’m dealing with… and there is actually a name to it!
I really like my doctor, but it makes me wonder why he doesn’t know this!…
Sometimes I feel you are the only one who really knows what I was going through because you experienced it!–
I became Obsessed with Finding all the Pieces of the Puzzle
Even after I gave the information to Allison, I just couldn’t rest. As I found more and more pieces of the geographic tongue puzzle, the project expanded and seemed to take on a life of its own.
My report eventually became a book that covers many different tongue problems, because as I looked at them, I began to see how they all fit together like the pieces of a giant jigsaw puzzle.
As I explored the many various tongue problems I found many common denominators and that is why I tell people,
“You really need to read the whole book to understand the secret, and get the big picture on how it relates to health in general.”
Did you know Your Tongue is like a “Health Meter” for your Body?
One of the mysteries I uncovered while doing my research was that your tongue is actually kind of like a health meter for the body. It seems obvious to me that a healthy body would have a healthy tongue and a weakened body has a sick tongue.
For thousands of years doctors have been asking patients to stick out their tongue and using the signs and conditions they observe to help determine the overall state of the body, but… modern medicine has forgotten most of the reasons doctors over the ages have asked you to stick out your tongue. Now when a Doctor says, “Open wide”, he is usually not even looking at your tongue at all, but looking down your throat for signs of “strep’ instead!
If “Your Eyes are the Window to your Soul”…
Your Tongue is “the Window to your Digestive System”
Here’s a fact for you, that you may not have thought about: your tongue is actually the first organ of your digestive system. Your tongue moves the food around so your teeth can chop it up into more easily digested chunks and mixes it with saliva. Plus your tongue is the strongest muscle in your body. Being the first organ of the digestive system and being visible from the outside without fancy scopes and machinery, it is in the unique position of giving us a look at the state of your digestive system.
As I said, the tongue is sort of like the health meter or “gas gauge” for your body. When your body needs something it starts a chain reaction that results in the tongue showing the symptoms. The symptoms could be a white coating, or cracks, or even bald patches with white rings (as in Geographic Tongue). Think of your tongue like a “Gas Gauge” indicating when your body is low on something.
I can’t be out of Gas, the Gauge must be broken
Can you imagine… a crazy lunatic looking down at his gas gauge and it is reading almost empty. At this point he gets extremely upset and starts yelling and screaming and says, “There must be something wrong… I just put Gas in the car 600 miles ago! That gauge is always saying empty!” Or perhaps he says, “I must need a new gas gauge, I shouldn’t need to put gas in it again this week!” or maybe “It isn’t fair”.
No, that’s ridiculous, you understand that a logical person, would realize that the gauge isn’t the problem, you just need to go to the station and get more gas.
Right? You know that the gauge is there for your protection, so you won’t run out of gas and your first response is that the gauge is right and you just need more gas. Only after a lot of evidence to the contrary would you consider doubting the gas gauge.
The same is true for your tongue, once you know the secret of reading it, you can know what you need to do to return your whole body to health.  I’m sure you can see that just like it is no use blaming the gas gauge for an empty tank…
You shouldn’t blame your tongue for alerting you to a problem with your body!
As a matter of fact, You’re going to become as excited as I am when you discover how paying attention to your tongue can actually point you in the direction of optimal overall physical health.
Searching for Love in all the Wrong Places
Do you remember the old Waylon Jennings song “Searching for Love in all the Wrong Places“? Well, that is exactly what the medical establishment is doing in regard to Geographic Tongue. And it makes me downright angry when I hear Doctors say “Oh, Don’t Worry about it” or “It’s Benign” or the three most hated words when it comes to Geographic Tongue “No Treatment Necessary”.
There is a simple easy solution for Geographic Tongue!
As a matter of fact, it is one of the easiest things in the world for you to resolve! When you read the book you will see how the right combination of nutrients can protect your tongue and make it clear and healthy again, in a couple of short weeks!
The problem is that Doctors spend very little time studying nutrition and a lot of time studying disease. And Geographic Tongue is not a Disease! It reminds me of an old joke (even though Geographic Tongue is not funny).
One night a guy named George is walking home after dark. The street is entirely unlit  except off in the distance he sees a man crawling around under a lone lamppost. As he gets there he realizes the man is searching for something. George says, “what are you looking for?” the 2nd man says “an engagement ring I dropped”. This is terrible what was going to be a happy occasion is now a disaster, so George stops to help, and after a few minutes George asks “where exactly did you drop it?” The 2nd man replies, “oh, up the street a ways.” George is amazed and stands up and shouts, “Then why are you looking here?” To which the 2nd man replies, “Because the light is better!”…
That is the way it is, if you look for a solution for Geographic Tongue in the Disease category, you are simply looking in the wrong place! Once you know the right place to look… the solution is obvious!
Imagine yourself getting out of bed two weeks from now…
The morning starts much like any other… The alarm clock rings…You get out of Bed… you walk to the bathroom mirror and stick out your tongue… but there the similarity ends… This day is different… you stare in amazement and relief because there for the first time in a long time you see your dream come true…  a healthy new pink tongue…
No more bald patches… no more white lines…  just a beautiful pink healthy tongue.
You almost can’t believe your eyes… it is almost too wonderful… for a moment you might think that you had a “tongue transplant” in your sleep, or your eyes are playing tricks on you. But it’s true, your tongue can be so healthy you won’t even recognize it!
0 notes
allenmendezsr · 4 years
Healthy Tongue Secrets Revealed.
New Post has been published on https://autotraffixpro.app/allenmendezsr/healthy-tongue-secrets-revealed/
Healthy Tongue Secrets Revealed.
 Buy Now    
Tongue problems can be very discouraging because of the way they come and go. Just when you think they might be clearing up, Bam! they’re back again.
How I Discovered the Secret of a Healthy Tongue
I am a lot like you, I once suffered from Geographic Tongue and even worse.  I hope you won’t think I’m bragging, because I’m not. I just want to explain how my unique background enabled me to discover the Secrets that can give you a Healthy tongue.
You see, many years ago, while attending a prestigious private engineering college in upstate New York, I was trained in the methods of top-notch research. Just before graduation, I was even recruited by the CIA, although I didn’t know it before I went to the interview (did you know they actually hold “covert” interviews not disclosing who they are until you get there?) and eventually I turned them down. My colleagues went on to become top researchers for companies like IBM, Kodak, Colgate and, yes, even the CIA.
But shortly after graduation, my situation took a strange turn. I developed Crohn’s disease and started wasting away. I couldn’t eat without excruciating pain. Whenever I ate anything solid the pain would be so bad that I literally rolled on the floor in agony.
It was a terrible experience. I was sure I was going to die as I slowly went from a healthy athletic 135 lbs down to a scrawny, emaciated 98 lbs with strange patches all over my tongue.
I was desperate to find a solution and frankly at the time, my tongue was the least of my worries. But with my life literally hanging in the balance, I focused my remaining strength and turned my research expertise on finding a solution.
I made a Wonderful Discovery While Struggling to find a Solution…
But a strange thing happened while I was researching what makes you healthy and the factors involved in disease. I made a rare and unique discovery so enormous, that I am excited to share it with you!
I found that certain nutrients made a difference in the condition of my tongue. And over the last twenty-five years I have refined my findings and in addition to my Crohn’s disease being a thing of the past (which the Doctors say is impossible) I have only had rare bouts with Geographic Tongue (mostly because I forget I have it!)
I have raised two wonderful kids and spent many happy and healthy years since then. I was able to return my abilities toward work and today I make my living researching and finding solutions to complex computer problems both in the U.S. and Internationally. Over the years, I have continued to hone and refine my research skills in order to find a variety of solutions in all types of circumstances.
I had to Help a Friend in Need
Then a few years ago, Allison, a friend of mine at work, began losing weight. At first it looked good on her (I thought she’d gone on a diet or something) but before long I knew there was a problem. One day while we were discussing her problems she showed me her tongue and all those painful memories of wasting away and anxiously searching for a solution to my problem came flooding back.
I knew I had to do something to help her.
It turned out that Allison had fibromyalgia which caused severe pain whenever she ate (which reminded me of my battle with Crohn’s). Naturally, she did not enjoy being in pain, so she would stop eating before she had gotten enough calories to maintain her normal weight. And somehow this resulted in geographic tongue.
Since the doctors weren’t much help, I knew I had to do something!
So I began compiling some of my old research into a report that I could give to Allison. In addition, I turned my finely honed research abilities toward finding even more information for my friend.
Allison was absolutely thrilled with the secrets I put together for her…here is what she had to say when I emailed her the information in my report.
WOW!!!!!! This looks great and exactly what I’m dealing with… and there is actually a name to it!
I really like my doctor, but it makes me wonder why he doesn’t know this!…
Sometimes I feel you are the only one who really knows what I was going through because you experienced it!–
I became Obsessed with Finding all the Pieces of the Puzzle
Even after I gave the information to Allison, I just couldn’t rest. As I found more and more pieces of the geographic tongue puzzle, the project expanded and seemed to take on a life of its own.
My report eventually became a book that covers many different tongue problems, because as I looked at them, I began to see how they all fit together like the pieces of a giant jigsaw puzzle.
As I explored the many various tongue problems I found many common denominators and that is why I tell people,
“You really need to read the whole book to understand the secret, and get the big picture on how it relates to health in general.”
Did you know Your Tongue is like a “Health Meter” for your Body?
One of the mysteries I uncovered while doing my research was that your tongue is actually kind of like a health meter for the body. It seems obvious to me that a healthy body would have a healthy tongue and a weakened body has a sick tongue.
For thousands of years doctors have been asking patients to stick out their tongue and using the signs and conditions they observe to help determine the overall state of the body, but… modern medicine has forgotten most of the reasons doctors over the ages have asked you to stick out your tongue. Now when a Doctor says, “Open wide”, he is usually not even looking at your tongue at all, but looking down your throat for signs of “strep’ instead!
If “Your Eyes are the Window to your Soul”…
Your Tongue is “the Window to your Digestive System”
Here’s a fact for you, that you may not have thought about: your tongue is actually the first organ of your digestive system. Your tongue moves the food around so your teeth can chop it up into more easily digested chunks and mixes it with saliva. Plus your tongue is the strongest muscle in your body. Being the first organ of the digestive system and being visible from the outside without fancy scopes and machinery, it is in the unique position of giving us a look at the state of your digestive system.
As I said, the tongue is sort of like the health meter or “gas gauge” for your body. When your body needs something it starts a chain reaction that results in the tongue showing the symptoms. The symptoms could be a white coating, or cracks, or even bald patches with white rings (as in Geographic Tongue). Think of your tongue like a “Gas Gauge” indicating when your body is low on something.
I can’t be out of Gas, the Gauge must be broken
Can you imagine… a crazy lunatic looking down at his gas gauge and it is reading almost empty. At this point he gets extremely upset and starts yelling and screaming and says, “There must be something wrong… I just put Gas in the car 600 miles ago! That gauge is always saying empty!” Or perhaps he says, “I must need a new gas gauge, I shouldn’t need to put gas in it again this week!” or maybe “It isn’t fair”.
No, that’s ridiculous, you understand that a logical person, would realize that the gauge isn’t the problem, you just need to go to the station and get more gas.
Right? You know that the gauge is there for your protection, so you won’t run out of gas and your first response is that the gauge is right and you just need more gas. Only after a lot of evidence to the contrary would you consider doubting the gas gauge.
The same is true for your tongue, once you know the secret of reading it, you can know what you need to do to return your whole body to health.  I’m sure you can see that just like it is no use blaming the gas gauge for an empty tank…
You shouldn’t blame your tongue for alerting you to a problem with your body!
As a matter of fact, You’re going to become as excited as I am when you discover how paying attention to your tongue can actually point you in the direction of optimal overall physical health.
Searching for Love in all the Wrong Places
Do you remember the old Waylon Jennings song “Searching for Love in all the Wrong Places“? Well, that is exactly what the medical establishment is doing in regard to Geographic Tongue. And it makes me downright angry when I hear Doctors say “Oh, Don’t Worry about it” or “It’s Benign” or the three most hated words when it comes to Geographic Tongue “No Treatment Necessary”.
There is a simple easy solution for Geographic Tongue!
As a matter of fact, it is one of the easiest things in the world for you to resolve! When you read the book you will see how the right combination of nutrients can protect your tongue and make it clear and healthy again, in a couple of short weeks!
The problem is that Doctors spend very little time studying nutrition and a lot of time studying disease. And Geographic Tongue is not a Disease! It reminds me of an old joke (even though Geographic Tongue is not funny).
One night a guy named George is walking home after dark. The street is entirely unlit  except off in the distance he sees a man crawling around under a lone lamppost. As he gets there he realizes the man is searching for something. George says, “what are you looking for?” the 2nd man says “an engagement ring I dropped”. This is terrible what was going to be a happy occasion is now a disaster, so George stops to help, and after a few minutes George asks “where exactly did you drop it?” The 2nd man replies, “oh, up the street a ways.” George is amazed and stands up and shouts, “Then why are you looking here?” To which the 2nd man replies, “Because the light is better!”…
That is the way it is, if you look for a solution for Geographic Tongue in the Disease category, you are simply looking in the wrong place! Once you know the right place to look… the solution is obvious!
Imagine yourself getting out of bed two weeks from now…
The morning starts much like any other… The alarm clock rings…You get out of Bed… you walk to the bathroom mirror and stick out your tongue… but there the similarity ends… This day is different… you stare in amazement and relief because there for the first time in a long time you see your dream come true…  a healthy new pink tongue…
No more bald patches… no more white lines…  just a beautiful pink healthy tongue.
You almost can’t believe your eyes… it is almost too wonderful… for a moment you might think that you had a “tongue transplant” in your sleep, or your eyes are playing tricks on you. But it’s true, your tongue can be so healthy you won’t even recognize it!
0 notes
allenmendezsr · 4 years
Healthy Tongue Secrets Revealed.
New Post has been published on https://autotraffixpro.app/allenmendezsr/healthy-tongue-secrets-revealed/
Healthy Tongue Secrets Revealed.
 Buy Now    
Tongue problems can be very discouraging because of the way they come and go. Just when you think they might be clearing up, Bam! they’re back again.
How I Discovered the Secret of a Healthy Tongue
I am a lot like you, I once suffered from Geographic Tongue and even worse.  I hope you won’t think I’m bragging, because I’m not. I just want to explain how my unique background enabled me to discover the Secrets that can give you a Healthy tongue.
You see, many years ago, while attending a prestigious private engineering college in upstate New York, I was trained in the methods of top-notch research. Just before graduation, I was even recruited by the CIA, although I didn’t know it before I went to the interview (did you know they actually hold “covert” interviews not disclosing who they are until you get there?) and eventually I turned them down. My colleagues went on to become top researchers for companies like IBM, Kodak, Colgate and, yes, even the CIA.
But shortly after graduation, my situation took a strange turn. I developed Crohn’s disease and started wasting away. I couldn’t eat without excruciating pain. Whenever I ate anything solid the pain would be so bad that I literally rolled on the floor in agony.
It was a terrible experience. I was sure I was going to die as I slowly went from a healthy athletic 135 lbs down to a scrawny, emaciated 98 lbs with strange patches all over my tongue.
I was desperate to find a solution and frankly at the time, my tongue was the least of my worries. But with my life literally hanging in the balance, I focused my remaining strength and turned my research expertise on finding a solution.
I made a Wonderful Discovery While Struggling to find a Solution…
But a strange thing happened while I was researching what makes you healthy and the factors involved in disease. I made a rare and unique discovery so enormous, that I am excited to share it with you!
I found that certain nutrients made a difference in the condition of my tongue. And over the last twenty-five years I have refined my findings and in addition to my Crohn’s disease being a thing of the past (which the Doctors say is impossible) I have only had rare bouts with Geographic Tongue (mostly because I forget I have it!)
I have raised two wonderful kids and spent many happy and healthy years since then. I was able to return my abilities toward work and today I make my living researching and finding solutions to complex computer problems both in the U.S. and Internationally. Over the years, I have continued to hone and refine my research skills in order to find a variety of solutions in all types of circumstances.
I had to Help a Friend in Need
Then a few years ago, Allison, a friend of mine at work, began losing weight. At first it looked good on her (I thought she’d gone on a diet or something) but before long I knew there was a problem. One day while we were discussing her problems she showed me her tongue and all those painful memories of wasting away and anxiously searching for a solution to my problem came flooding back.
I knew I had to do something to help her.
It turned out that Allison had fibromyalgia which caused severe pain whenever she ate (which reminded me of my battle with Crohn’s). Naturally, she did not enjoy being in pain, so she would stop eating before she had gotten enough calories to maintain her normal weight. And somehow this resulted in geographic tongue.
Since the doctors weren’t much help, I knew I had to do something!
So I began compiling some of my old research into a report that I could give to Allison. In addition, I turned my finely honed research abilities toward finding even more information for my friend.
Allison was absolutely thrilled with the secrets I put together for her…here is what she had to say when I emailed her the information in my report.
WOW!!!!!! This looks great and exactly what I’m dealing with… and there is actually a name to it!
I really like my doctor, but it makes me wonder why he doesn’t know this!…
Sometimes I feel you are the only one who really knows what I was going through because you experienced it!–
I became Obsessed with Finding all the Pieces of the Puzzle
Even after I gave the information to Allison, I just couldn’t rest. As I found more and more pieces of the geographic tongue puzzle, the project expanded and seemed to take on a life of its own.
My report eventually became a book that covers many different tongue problems, because as I looked at them, I began to see how they all fit together like the pieces of a giant jigsaw puzzle.
As I explored the many various tongue problems I found many common denominators and that is why I tell people,
“You really need to read the whole book to understand the secret, and get the big picture on how it relates to health in general.”
Did you know Your Tongue is like a “Health Meter” for your Body?
One of the mysteries I uncovered while doing my research was that your tongue is actually kind of like a health meter for the body. It seems obvious to me that a healthy body would have a healthy tongue and a weakened body has a sick tongue.
For thousands of years doctors have been asking patients to stick out their tongue and using the signs and conditions they observe to help determine the overall state of the body, but… modern medicine has forgotten most of the reasons doctors over the ages have asked you to stick out your tongue. Now when a Doctor says, “Open wide”, he is usually not even looking at your tongue at all, but looking down your throat for signs of “strep’ instead!
If “Your Eyes are the Window to your Soul”…
Your Tongue is “the Window to your Digestive System”
Here’s a fact for you, that you may not have thought about: your tongue is actually the first organ of your digestive system. Your tongue moves the food around so your teeth can chop it up into more easily digested chunks and mixes it with saliva. Plus your tongue is the strongest muscle in your body. Being the first organ of the digestive system and being visible from the outside without fancy scopes and machinery, it is in the unique position of giving us a look at the state of your digestive system.
As I said, the tongue is sort of like the health meter or “gas gauge” for your body. When your body needs something it starts a chain reaction that results in the tongue showing the symptoms. The symptoms could be a white coating, or cracks, or even bald patches with white rings (as in Geographic Tongue). Think of your tongue like a “Gas Gauge” indicating when your body is low on something.
I can’t be out of Gas, the Gauge must be broken
Can you imagine… a crazy lunatic looking down at his gas gauge and it is reading almost empty. At this point he gets extremely upset and starts yelling and screaming and says, “There must be something wrong… I just put Gas in the car 600 miles ago! That gauge is always saying empty!” Or perhaps he says, “I must need a new gas gauge, I shouldn’t need to put gas in it again this week!” or maybe “It isn’t fair”.
No, that’s ridiculous, you understand that a logical person, would realize that the gauge isn’t the problem, you just need to go to the station and get more gas.
Right? You know that the gauge is there for your protection, so you won’t run out of gas and your first response is that the gauge is right and you just need more gas. Only after a lot of evidence to the contrary would you consider doubting the gas gauge.
The same is true for your tongue, once you know the secret of reading it, you can know what you need to do to return your whole body to health.  I’m sure you can see that just like it is no use blaming the gas gauge for an empty tank…
You shouldn’t blame your tongue for alerting you to a problem with your body!
As a matter of fact, You’re going to become as excited as I am when you discover how paying attention to your tongue can actually point you in the direction of optimal overall physical health.
Searching for Love in all the Wrong Places
Do you remember the old Waylon Jennings song “Searching for Love in all the Wrong Places“? Well, that is exactly what the medical establishment is doing in regard to Geographic Tongue. And it makes me downright angry when I hear Doctors say “Oh, Don’t Worry about it” or “It’s Benign” or the three most hated words when it comes to Geographic Tongue “No Treatment Necessary”.
There is a simple easy solution for Geographic Tongue!
As a matter of fact, it is one of the easiest things in the world for you to resolve! When you read the book you will see how the right combination of nutrients can protect your tongue and make it clear and healthy again, in a couple of short weeks!
The problem is that Doctors spend very little time studying nutrition and a lot of time studying disease. And Geographic Tongue is not a Disease! It reminds me of an old joke (even though Geographic Tongue is not funny).
One night a guy named George is walking home after dark. The street is entirely unlit  except off in the distance he sees a man crawling around under a lone lamppost. As he gets there he realizes the man is searching for something. George says, “what are you looking for?” the 2nd man says “an engagement ring I dropped”. This is terrible what was going to be a happy occasion is now a disaster, so George stops to help, and after a few minutes George asks “where exactly did you drop it?” The 2nd man replies, “oh, up the street a ways.” George is amazed and stands up and shouts, “Then why are you looking here?” To which the 2nd man replies, “Because the light is better!”…
That is the way it is, if you look for a solution for Geographic Tongue in the Disease category, you are simply looking in the wrong place! Once you know the right place to look… the solution is obvious!
Imagine yourself getting out of bed two weeks from now…
The morning starts much like any other… The alarm clock rings…You get out of Bed… you walk to the bathroom mirror and stick out your tongue… but there the similarity ends… This day is different… you stare in amazement and relief because there for the first time in a long time you see your dream come true…  a healthy new pink tongue…
No more bald patches… no more white lines…  just a beautiful pink healthy tongue.
You almost can’t believe your eyes… it is almost too wonderful… for a moment you might think that you had a “tongue transplant” in your sleep, or your eyes are playing tricks on you. But it’s true, your tongue can be so healthy you won’t even recognize it!
0 notes
allenmendezsr · 4 years
Healthy Tongue Secrets Revealed.
New Post has been published on https://autotraffixpro.app/allenmendezsr/healthy-tongue-secrets-revealed/
Healthy Tongue Secrets Revealed.
 Buy Now    
Tongue problems can be very discouraging because of the way they come and go. Just when you think they might be clearing up, Bam! they’re back again.
How I Discovered the Secret of a Healthy Tongue
I am a lot like you, I once suffered from Geographic Tongue and even worse.  I hope you won’t think I’m bragging, because I’m not. I just want to explain how my unique background enabled me to discover the Secrets that can give you a Healthy tongue.
You see, many years ago, while attending a prestigious private engineering college in upstate New York, I was trained in the methods of top-notch research. Just before graduation, I was even recruited by the CIA, although I didn’t know it before I went to the interview (did you know they actually hold “covert” interviews not disclosing who they are until you get there?) and eventually I turned them down. My colleagues went on to become top researchers for companies like IBM, Kodak, Colgate and, yes, even the CIA.
But shortly after graduation, my situation took a strange turn. I developed Crohn’s disease and started wasting away. I couldn’t eat without excruciating pain. Whenever I ate anything solid the pain would be so bad that I literally rolled on the floor in agony.
It was a terrible experience. I was sure I was going to die as I slowly went from a healthy athletic 135 lbs down to a scrawny, emaciated 98 lbs with strange patches all over my tongue.
I was desperate to find a solution and frankly at the time, my tongue was the least of my worries. But with my life literally hanging in the balance, I focused my remaining strength and turned my research expertise on finding a solution.
I made a Wonderful Discovery While Struggling to find a Solution…
But a strange thing happened while I was researching what makes you healthy and the factors involved in disease. I made a rare and unique discovery so enormous, that I am excited to share it with you!
I found that certain nutrients made a difference in the condition of my tongue. And over the last twenty-five years I have refined my findings and in addition to my Crohn’s disease being a thing of the past (which the Doctors say is impossible) I have only had rare bouts with Geographic Tongue (mostly because I forget I have it!)
I have raised two wonderful kids and spent many happy and healthy years since then. I was able to return my abilities toward work and today I make my living researching and finding solutions to complex computer problems both in the U.S. and Internationally. Over the years, I have continued to hone and refine my research skills in order to find a variety of solutions in all types of circumstances.
I had to Help a Friend in Need
Then a few years ago, Allison, a friend of mine at work, began losing weight. At first it looked good on her (I thought she’d gone on a diet or something) but before long I knew there was a problem. One day while we were discussing her problems she showed me her tongue and all those painful memories of wasting away and anxiously searching for a solution to my problem came flooding back.
I knew I had to do something to help her.
It turned out that Allison had fibromyalgia which caused severe pain whenever she ate (which reminded me of my battle with Crohn’s). Naturally, she did not enjoy being in pain, so she would stop eating before she had gotten enough calories to maintain her normal weight. And somehow this resulted in geographic tongue.
Since the doctors weren’t much help, I knew I had to do something!
So I began compiling some of my old research into a report that I could give to Allison. In addition, I turned my finely honed research abilities toward finding even more information for my friend.
Allison was absolutely thrilled with the secrets I put together for her…here is what she had to say when I emailed her the information in my report.
WOW!!!!!! This looks great and exactly what I’m dealing with… and there is actually a name to it!
I really like my doctor, but it makes me wonder why he doesn’t know this!…
Sometimes I feel you are the only one who really knows what I was going through because you experienced it!–
I became Obsessed with Finding all the Pieces of the Puzzle
Even after I gave the information to Allison, I just couldn’t rest. As I found more and more pieces of the geographic tongue puzzle, the project expanded and seemed to take on a life of its own.
My report eventually became a book that covers many different tongue problems, because as I looked at them, I began to see how they all fit together like the pieces of a giant jigsaw puzzle.
As I explored the many various tongue problems I found many common denominators and that is why I tell people,
“You really need to read the whole book to understand the secret, and get the big picture on how it relates to health in general.”
Did you know Your Tongue is like a “Health Meter” for your Body?
One of the mysteries I uncovered while doing my research was that your tongue is actually kind of like a health meter for the body. It seems obvious to me that a healthy body would have a healthy tongue and a weakened body has a sick tongue.
For thousands of years doctors have been asking patients to stick out their tongue and using the signs and conditions they observe to help determine the overall state of the body, but… modern medicine has forgotten most of the reasons doctors over the ages have asked you to stick out your tongue. Now when a Doctor says, “Open wide”, he is usually not even looking at your tongue at all, but looking down your throat for signs of “strep’ instead!
If “Your Eyes are the Window to your Soul”…
Your Tongue is “the Window to your Digestive System”
Here’s a fact for you, that you may not have thought about: your tongue is actually the first organ of your digestive system. Your tongue moves the food around so your teeth can chop it up into more easily digested chunks and mixes it with saliva. Plus your tongue is the strongest muscle in your body. Being the first organ of the digestive system and being visible from the outside without fancy scopes and machinery, it is in the unique position of giving us a look at the state of your digestive system.
As I said, the tongue is sort of like the health meter or “gas gauge” for your body. When your body needs something it starts a chain reaction that results in the tongue showing the symptoms. The symptoms could be a white coating, or cracks, or even bald patches with white rings (as in Geographic Tongue). Think of your tongue like a “Gas Gauge” indicating when your body is low on something.
I can’t be out of Gas, the Gauge must be broken
Can you imagine… a crazy lunatic looking down at his gas gauge and it is reading almost empty. At this point he gets extremely upset and starts yelling and screaming and says, “There must be something wrong… I just put Gas in the car 600 miles ago! That gauge is always saying empty!” Or perhaps he says, “I must need a new gas gauge, I shouldn’t need to put gas in it again this week!” or maybe “It isn’t fair”.
No, that’s ridiculous, you understand that a logical person, would realize that the gauge isn’t the problem, you just need to go to the station and get more gas.
Right? You know that the gauge is there for your protection, so you won’t run out of gas and your first response is that the gauge is right and you just need more gas. Only after a lot of evidence to the contrary would you consider doubting the gas gauge.
The same is true for your tongue, once you know the secret of reading it, you can know what you need to do to return your whole body to health.  I’m sure you can see that just like it is no use blaming the gas gauge for an empty tank…
You shouldn’t blame your tongue for alerting you to a problem with your body!
As a matter of fact, You’re going to become as excited as I am when you discover how paying attention to your tongue can actually point you in the direction of optimal overall physical health.
Searching for Love in all the Wrong Places
Do you remember the old Waylon Jennings song “Searching for Love in all the Wrong Places“? Well, that is exactly what the medical establishment is doing in regard to Geographic Tongue. And it makes me downright angry when I hear Doctors say “Oh, Don’t Worry about it” or “It’s Benign” or the three most hated words when it comes to Geographic Tongue “No Treatment Necessary”.
There is a simple easy solution for Geographic Tongue!
As a matter of fact, it is one of the easiest things in the world for you to resolve! When you read the book you will see how the right combination of nutrients can protect your tongue and make it clear and healthy again, in a couple of short weeks!
The problem is that Doctors spend very little time studying nutrition and a lot of time studying disease. And Geographic Tongue is not a Disease! It reminds me of an old joke (even though Geographic Tongue is not funny).
One night a guy named George is walking home after dark. The street is entirely unlit  except off in the distance he sees a man crawling around under a lone lamppost. As he gets there he realizes the man is searching for something. George says, “what are you looking for?” the 2nd man says “an engagement ring I dropped”. This is terrible what was going to be a happy occasion is now a disaster, so George stops to help, and after a few minutes George asks “where exactly did you drop it?” The 2nd man replies, “oh, up the street a ways.” George is amazed and stands up and shouts, “Then why are you looking here?” To which the 2nd man replies, “Because the light is better!”…
That is the way it is, if you look for a solution for Geographic Tongue in the Disease category, you are simply looking in the wrong place! Once you know the right place to look… the solution is obvious!
Imagine yourself getting out of bed two weeks from now…
The morning starts much like any other… The alarm clock rings…You get out of Bed… you walk to the bathroom mirror and stick out your tongue… but there the similarity ends… This day is different… you stare in amazement and relief because there for the first time in a long time you see your dream come true…  a healthy new pink tongue…
No more bald patches… no more white lines…  just a beautiful pink healthy tongue.
You almost can’t believe your eyes… it is almost too wonderful… for a moment you might think that you had a “tongue transplant” in your sleep, or your eyes are playing tricks on you. But it’s true, your tongue can be so healthy you won’t even recognize it!
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allenmendezsr · 4 years
Healthy Tongue Secrets Revealed.
New Post has been published on https://autotraffixpro.app/allenmendezsr/healthy-tongue-secrets-revealed/
Healthy Tongue Secrets Revealed.
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Tongue problems can be very discouraging because of the way they come and go. Just when you think they might be clearing up, Bam! they’re back again.
How I Discovered the Secret of a Healthy Tongue
I am a lot like you, I once suffered from Geographic Tongue and even worse.  I hope you won’t think I’m bragging, because I’m not. I just want to explain how my unique background enabled me to discover the Secrets that can give you a Healthy tongue.
You see, many years ago, while attending a prestigious private engineering college in upstate New York, I was trained in the methods of top-notch research. Just before graduation, I was even recruited by the CIA, although I didn’t know it before I went to the interview (did you know they actually hold “covert” interviews not disclosing who they are until you get there?) and eventually I turned them down. My colleagues went on to become top researchers for companies like IBM, Kodak, Colgate and, yes, even the CIA.
But shortly after graduation, my situation took a strange turn. I developed Crohn’s disease and started wasting away. I couldn’t eat without excruciating pain. Whenever I ate anything solid the pain would be so bad that I literally rolled on the floor in agony.
It was a terrible experience. I was sure I was going to die as I slowly went from a healthy athletic 135 lbs down to a scrawny, emaciated 98 lbs with strange patches all over my tongue.
I was desperate to find a solution and frankly at the time, my tongue was the least of my worries. But with my life literally hanging in the balance, I focused my remaining strength and turned my research expertise on finding a solution.
I made a Wonderful Discovery While Struggling to find a Solution…
But a strange thing happened while I was researching what makes you healthy and the factors involved in disease. I made a rare and unique discovery so enormous, that I am excited to share it with you!
I found that certain nutrients made a difference in the condition of my tongue. And over the last twenty-five years I have refined my findings and in addition to my Crohn’s disease being a thing of the past (which the Doctors say is impossible) I have only had rare bouts with Geographic Tongue (mostly because I forget I have it!)
I have raised two wonderful kids and spent many happy and healthy years since then. I was able to return my abilities toward work and today I make my living researching and finding solutions to complex computer problems both in the U.S. and Internationally. Over the years, I have continued to hone and refine my research skills in order to find a variety of solutions in all types of circumstances.
I had to Help a Friend in Need
Then a few years ago, Allison, a friend of mine at work, began losing weight. At first it looked good on her (I thought she’d gone on a diet or something) but before long I knew there was a problem. One day while we were discussing her problems she showed me her tongue and all those painful memories of wasting away and anxiously searching for a solution to my problem came flooding back.
I knew I had to do something to help her.
It turned out that Allison had fibromyalgia which caused severe pain whenever she ate (which reminded me of my battle with Crohn’s). Naturally, she did not enjoy being in pain, so she would stop eating before she had gotten enough calories to maintain her normal weight. And somehow this resulted in geographic tongue.
Since the doctors weren’t much help, I knew I had to do something!
So I began compiling some of my old research into a report that I could give to Allison. In addition, I turned my finely honed research abilities toward finding even more information for my friend.
Allison was absolutely thrilled with the secrets I put together for her…here is what she had to say when I emailed her the information in my report.
WOW!!!!!! This looks great and exactly what I’m dealing with… and there is actually a name to it!
I really like my doctor, but it makes me wonder why he doesn’t know this!…
Sometimes I feel you are the only one who really knows what I was going through because you experienced it!–
I became Obsessed with Finding all the Pieces of the Puzzle
Even after I gave the information to Allison, I just couldn’t rest. As I found more and more pieces of the geographic tongue puzzle, the project expanded and seemed to take on a life of its own.
My report eventually became a book that covers many different tongue problems, because as I looked at them, I began to see how they all fit together like the pieces of a giant jigsaw puzzle.
As I explored the many various tongue problems I found many common denominators and that is why I tell people,
“You really need to read the whole book to understand the secret, and get the big picture on how it relates to health in general.”
Did you know Your Tongue is like a “Health Meter” for your Body?
One of the mysteries I uncovered while doing my research was that your tongue is actually kind of like a health meter for the body. It seems obvious to me that a healthy body would have a healthy tongue and a weakened body has a sick tongue.
For thousands of years doctors have been asking patients to stick out their tongue and using the signs and conditions they observe to help determine the overall state of the body, but… modern medicine has forgotten most of the reasons doctors over the ages have asked you to stick out your tongue. Now when a Doctor says, “Open wide”, he is usually not even looking at your tongue at all, but looking down your throat for signs of “strep’ instead!
If “Your Eyes are the Window to your Soul”…
Your Tongue is “the Window to your Digestive System”
Here’s a fact for you, that you may not have thought about: your tongue is actually the first organ of your digestive system. Your tongue moves the food around so your teeth can chop it up into more easily digested chunks and mixes it with saliva. Plus your tongue is the strongest muscle in your body. Being the first organ of the digestive system and being visible from the outside without fancy scopes and machinery, it is in the unique position of giving us a look at the state of your digestive system.
As I said, the tongue is sort of like the health meter or “gas gauge” for your body. When your body needs something it starts a chain reaction that results in the tongue showing the symptoms. The symptoms could be a white coating, or cracks, or even bald patches with white rings (as in Geographic Tongue). Think of your tongue like a “Gas Gauge” indicating when your body is low on something.
I can’t be out of Gas, the Gauge must be broken
Can you imagine… a crazy lunatic looking down at his gas gauge and it is reading almost empty. At this point he gets extremely upset and starts yelling and screaming and says, “There must be something wrong… I just put Gas in the car 600 miles ago! That gauge is always saying empty!” Or perhaps he says, “I must need a new gas gauge, I shouldn’t need to put gas in it again this week!” or maybe “It isn’t fair”.
No, that’s ridiculous, you understand that a logical person, would realize that the gauge isn’t the problem, you just need to go to the station and get more gas.
Right? You know that the gauge is there for your protection, so you won’t run out of gas and your first response is that the gauge is right and you just need more gas. Only after a lot of evidence to the contrary would you consider doubting the gas gauge.
The same is true for your tongue, once you know the secret of reading it, you can know what you need to do to return your whole body to health.  I’m sure you can see that just like it is no use blaming the gas gauge for an empty tank…
You shouldn’t blame your tongue for alerting you to a problem with your body!
As a matter of fact, You’re going to become as excited as I am when you discover how paying attention to your tongue can actually point you in the direction of optimal overall physical health.
Searching for Love in all the Wrong Places
Do you remember the old Waylon Jennings song “Searching for Love in all the Wrong Places“? Well, that is exactly what the medical establishment is doing in regard to Geographic Tongue. And it makes me downright angry when I hear Doctors say “Oh, Don’t Worry about it” or “It’s Benign” or the three most hated words when it comes to Geographic Tongue “No Treatment Necessary”.
There is a simple easy solution for Geographic Tongue!
As a matter of fact, it is one of the easiest things in the world for you to resolve! When you read the book you will see how the right combination of nutrients can protect your tongue and make it clear and healthy again, in a couple of short weeks!
The problem is that Doctors spend very little time studying nutrition and a lot of time studying disease. And Geographic Tongue is not a Disease! It reminds me of an old joke (even though Geographic Tongue is not funny).
One night a guy named George is walking home after dark. The street is entirely unlit  except off in the distance he sees a man crawling around under a lone lamppost. As he gets there he realizes the man is searching for something. George says, “what are you looking for?” the 2nd man says “an engagement ring I dropped”. This is terrible what was going to be a happy occasion is now a disaster, so George stops to help, and after a few minutes George asks “where exactly did you drop it?” The 2nd man replies, “oh, up the street a ways.” George is amazed and stands up and shouts, “Then why are you looking here?” To which the 2nd man replies, “Because the light is better!”…
That is the way it is, if you look for a solution for Geographic Tongue in the Disease category, you are simply looking in the wrong place! Once you know the right place to look… the solution is obvious!
Imagine yourself getting out of bed two weeks from now…
The morning starts much like any other… The alarm clock rings…You get out of Bed… you walk to the bathroom mirror and stick out your tongue… but there the similarity ends… This day is different… you stare in amazement and relief because there for the first time in a long time you see your dream come true…  a healthy new pink tongue…
No more bald patches… no more white lines…  just a beautiful pink healthy tongue.
You almost can’t believe your eyes… it is almost too wonderful… for a moment you might think that you had a “tongue transplant” in your sleep, or your eyes are playing tricks on you. But it’s true, your tongue can be so healthy you won’t even recognize it!
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