#binx imagine
kphobcapt · 2 years
andhera my dear love. i need to know what advisor’s reaction was the day that obsidian shard was placed. was he angry. did he hold his tongue and offer a quiet comforting touch. did he look at this beautiful lonely deeply feeling boy with bright eyes and a kind heart and think i will help him. they don’t see him but i see him. where is advisor i gotta know.
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katsofmeer · 2 years
the dynamics at the table continue to delight me. andhera and hob's friendhip is so sweet, the fact that a prince is so excited to be hob's friend is huge, and that hob never thinks of him as pillarboy is <3
binx and rue are of a kindred spirit, and I love that rue inspired binx to reveal themselves, but so too does binx inspire rue to think about helping others and fighting the injustices that hurt them.
rue and andhera sharing that moment after rue's entrance, andhera's kindness and rue's revaluation of them.
binx and hob are fucking putting the work in, they are out there getting shit done, twin flames indeed!
rue and hob's strong parallels and tender romance, how they resonate with each other so much and still are so precious in their affections that just anticipating rejection makes them shy.
binx and andhera sharing strong parallels and possibly romance! the tide pool! they are both so genuine and the least interested/versed in social expectations and really seem ready to shake things up together.
I love that the four of them are now really, concretely connected through a common purpose and can't wait to see this little squad continue to bloom.
and then squak and chirp are in their nest being fucking maniacs I honestly have no clue if they're gonna end up helping the cause or wrecking shit but I love that the four characters who came to the bloom feeling alone have grown closer and those two (who always have each other) are complete wild cards
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ivorydragoness44 · 2 years
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Thackery Binx!cat x Reader: Lost
Word Count: ~540
Warnings: Angst, grief, crying… but they get to hug the cat and the ending is more happy or at least hopeful
Notes: This too started out as an imagine...in theory, but is now an insert reader. Also, I apologize for all of the possible misused ' thou's and such.
Summary: The Reader was a friend of Thackery Binx, but ever since the Sanderson Sisters took Emily Binx so unnaturally, no one knows what has become of Thackery. The Reader visits the witches’ house in their wanderings and finds a black cat.
~~~~ ~~~~
  Early in the morning, when sounds were scarce and even some of the farm animals were still resting peacefully, you were not. Through the long pale grass of the meadow, you walked. You only peered back toward the village once to check for any wandering eyes. Letting your legs carry you onward, your mind itself strayed.
  Could this have been the path that dear sweet Emily took when she was lured by the witch, and too, Thackery Binx? No one had a single answer as what had become of Emily’s older brother, it bothered you.
  Soon, the grassy meadow turned to woodland, and you were surrounded by trees. You walked on carefully until the house of the late Sanderson Sisters came into view as if unveiled by the trees. It was deathly still as if no creature wanted to venture near.
  It had been a few days since that fateful day, and you could not think of anything else. Thackery Binx was such a dear friend of yours and—
  The rustle of brush and the movement of something within startled you. Though you let out a breath in relief when you saw what it was.
  “Thou hast given me a fright,” you laughed at the black cat.
  He meowed up at you with the kindest eyes.
  “And what art thou doing over here all alone?” You asked, watching as he approached your legs, rubbing up against your skirt briefly. “Though, who am I to judge? Worry not, I’m not going to enter that house, and I do not think you should either.”
  Taking a seat on a nearby rock, so too did the cat, jumping up to join you.
  “Thou art a sweet one, aren’t you?” You praised, petting the top of his head gently as he nuzzled your palm. “I do not usually walk such a distance from home. Especially into the woods. But I fear that I have been troubled as of late,” you began to explain to the well attentive feline. “Elijah was the last to see my friend, Thackery. He ran off to save his sister, Emily from the three foul witches that lived here……I miss him terribly, and Emily, of course. I do not wish such a fate on anyone.” You paused, feeling the prickle of tears beginning to pool around your eyes. “Oh, I wish Thackery were here,” you sobbed. “How could he disappear? Surely the witches did not have that kind of power.”
  As the tears spilled over, the cat began to mew and nudge you with his head. Taking him up into your arms, you hugged him closely, hearing his soft sounds until your sobs subsided and you collected yourself.
  Looking the cat in the eyes, you said, “You are a great listener.”
  He held eye contact, as if he truly was.
  “How would thou like to live with me? I’ll giveth you a loving home and you can keep away any…critters. How does that sound?”
  The black cat proceeded to meow softly up at you, placing a paw atop your hand.
  “Then it is settled,” you smiled. “Now, all thou needs is a name.”
  Though the cat could not replace your heartache, he could surely comfort you through your time of grief.
~~~~ ~~~~
Thank you for reading!
Reblogs are very much appreciated
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weirdly-wise · 2 years
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Binx sketches cuz I love them
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A Picture's Worth
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You and your husband are organizing your photos. You can't help but look at them and smile at all the memories.
McGee: Do you remember this?
You: Aww I love that picture. Tony took it. I don't think you'd been at NCIS a week.
McGee: Probies together.
You: You were a probie. I was six months in.
You keep looking through the photos when McGee spots one in particular.
McGee: Guess what I found?
You: What?
McGee: The photos from when you went undercover as a pregnant woman.
You: Let me see.
McGee: You were the most beautiful fake pregnant woman I'd ever seen.
You: Aww yeah. I loved that baby bump.
McGee: You refused to take it off.
You: Everyone was so sweet to me. They all wanted to know how far along I was and if the baby was a boy or a girl.
McGee: What did you tell them?
(You and McGee have tried to get pregnant many times, but it's never happened)
You: (softly) I told them it was a boy
You start to get a little more emotional.
You: (whisper) I wish it could of been real.
He puts his arm around you, pulls you close and kisses your head.
McGee: I know. Me too.
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jackklinemybeloved · 2 years
all I’ve been thinking about since I watched episode 9 of acofaf is how the next episode is going to start. Like. I know everyone is thinking about hob’s response to rue, but in no universe does andhera not immediately tell rue and hob over the telepathic link that the person he’s closest to in the group is dying. I can’t stop thinking about the whirlwind of emotions hob and rue are both experiencing, and then before hob can react to anything andhera screams over the bond that binx is being attacked and he doesn’t know why and they need help.
aabria truly didn’t need to do this to me I was feeling angsty enough about the next episode after rue’s love confession and then binx gets POISONED jfc
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pinkwhalepjs · 2 years
And in the Darkness he touched his hands to hers, from a Court where such closeness and intimacy is near sacred, and, shaking, gave them his Heart, for they recognized the only Eyes that could see it. That heart long hidden away but recognized instantly by the Finder of Lost Things
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pomfiores · 2 years
the grief after the loss is something so foreign but at the same time not new. how do you even explain that. just Big Big grief. i have her doll - its so worn and nasty but she loved this dirty thing and i can’t throw it away. can’t even cancel appointments/make calls/drink apple juice without falling apart and losing dignity lmao i’m so fuckedddd.
#◟ ⋆ㅤㅤif my hair's a mess﹐my mind's a mess.ㅤ( ooc )#to delete *#i sit on it for a moment or even a second and the tears fall :thumbs up:#pet loss /#vent in tags /#cleaned up her kennel last night. cleaned up the bed. i have to clean the floor still. her bowl is here. just. ughhhh.#i brought in echo and idk if she even realizes.#im fine one moment then just falling apart and i get a headache for it.#ill stop lol i promise im just. still in shock. grief isnt new to me but this kind is. at the same time not#i lost a pet before but not like this. not putting them down. not sitting there for their last moments#i didnt want to but i know she'd look for me if i didnt stay just#its better for her. it was. considering the grand scheme it was so necessary#i have to clean the giant teddy bear i have bc we both used to sit on it but as things got worse#she started using the bathroom on it so thats necessary to clean but i just. can't bring myself to despite wanting to. needing to.#i know when i get her ashes im gonna break all over again thi sfucking sucks man#my brother said he respects me a lot for staying with her during those last minutes bc he couldnt with his dog- he wasnt strong enough#i dont feel strong enough i was falling apart in that office lol.#but your pets look for you when thats happening. in a room of strangers. they look for you.#cant see myself leaving any of my animals for themselves like that. itll hurt so fucking much i just know it.#this was hard i cant imagine for binx and echo.#setting yourself up for heartbreak with pets but i know ill do it again.#almost bursting into tears in public how fucking humiliating asjfha#crying in the vets office was humiliating enough but i didnt really care anymore#the vets were so kind but looking back i just cry again but idk what else to think of bc she's not here.#just traces and it sucks!!!!#edit: im probably gonna have to call work again and ask for another two days for bereavement lol#i did lose someone else too but this is my girl. i raised her. i put her down.#i cant pretend that much with a deep loss. i cried on the phone with my hr manager lmao that was fucking bad#might def cry more when i ask. im expecting them to let me bc these are my days off yesterday wasnt but#it was so abrupt.
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dilsdelights · 2 years
i like canon compliant fic so i normally wait until the end of the season but i am chomping at the bit for the ruehob and binxhera fic out there
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eupheme · 11 months
this looks like a trouble maker about to wreak havoc in alfred’s lovely garden in your one gorgeous au. i hope you are having a good week 🤍🤍🤍
oh my god this is so cute!!! 🥺💕 I can imagine it scared and slinking around while Alfred leaves out little bits of food (and eventually they become besties and it is like ! wow ✨! when Alfred sweeps them into the manor during a heavy rain)
little black cats are my fave - thank you for thinking of me, I loved this so much! And so hope your week was good too, and that you’re off to a fun and happy weekend!
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prythianpages · 4 months
Dandelions | Azriel x Witch Reader
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summary: it's your baby girl's first day of school and Azriel isn't ready to let her go.
warnings: fluff/angst; some suggestiveness at the end (bonus scene)
a/n: This is part of my ABBA x ACOTAR series (masterlist) where I dedicate a song to a character (: but also my Azriel x witch reader series. I really adore this song and this was the only series I could apply it to. This can pretty much be read as a stand alone imagine. All you have to know is that reader is a witch and is an established relationship with Az.
In the quiet hush of morning, Azriel and Melaina find themselves at the breakfast table with sleep in their eyes. The floor is cloaked in their shadows, joining one another at their feet in a vast sea of darkness.
Yet, the dance of their shadows harbor distinct meanings.
Though he tries to hide it, your keen eyes pick up on the subtle poignant unease in Azriel's demeanor. An undercurrent of melancholy taints the air, prompting you to send a reassuring tug through your bond. Azriel returns the gesture, his hand finding yours across the table. Meanwhile, Melaina quietly finishes her breakfast. Her shadows, a whirlwind of nerves and excitement, betray her impassive appearance. Today is her first day of school, the precipice of a new chapter in her life, and Azriel can't help but grapple with the realization that his little girl is growing up far too quickly.
“All done, my pretty?” You ask softly, gaze alight with admiration as her small wings flutter behind her.
She’s the mirror image of her father with her captivating hazel eyes–a perfect blend of greens and browns that remind you of the nature you��re so fond of. Two braids cascade down her shoulders and delicate bangs accentuate her sun-kissed complexion. When she was born, you had joked that you had given birth to Azriel’s carbon copy and little did you know that even her personality would match his. 
Melaina nods and you rise, taking her plate to the kitchen sink. The corner of your lips lift up into a smile when you hear Azriel ask, “Are you sure you want to go to school? You can always start next year.”
“Mel is more than ready for school,” you lightly chide Azriel, who chooses to ignore your words of consolation. 
His gaze is fixed on Melaina, a plethora of scenarios plaguing his mind. He wishes he could see what’s really on her mind–to be able to foresee any worries she may have and ease her through them. The same way he’s eased her through every milestone of her life thus far. He was there when she took her first steps, when she first got hurt from tripping over a rug that he immediately disposed of after, when she said her first word–which much to your dismay was your cat’s name, Binx. 
But now, she was ready for school. Her first time being away from home without you or him or his brothers by her side. Her first time being on her own. What if the kids in her class don’t take well to her? To her shadows? He remembers the apprehensive looks he’d receive in Windhaven when growing up and the thought of anyone doing the same to her pains him. What if they are mean to her? What if they hurt her?
The obsidian tendrils at Azriel's side stir with an eerie melody, commanding Melaina's shadows to rise. They snap to attention like disciplined soldiers heeding orders. An unspoken promise unfolds—her shadows would help guide her and protect her from any lingering stare or slightest suspicion of malintent. They return to her side as she rises to her feet, tickling her sides and causing her to giggle.
 Azriel smiles and shares her laughter, capturing every minute of it, the feeling in it.
There’s that odd melancholy feeling again as he stands in front of the school with Melaina on one side and you on the other. He can’t help the frown that settles over his face when she wiggles her tiny hand out of his grasp to run to her cousins. You’re following after her, tugging Azriel along with you to join his brothers and their mates at the front of the school.
“Good morning, Azriel jr,” Cassian greets her with a smile, playfully tugging at one of her braids. “Are you ready for your first day?”
Melaina lets out a huff. “Of course I am, Uncle Cas.”
Cassian then looks toward Azriel, who continues to brood, and chuckles. “It doesn’t look like your daddy is.”
Azriel glares at Cassian. You leave his side to hug Feyre and the frown leaves his face at the delighted squeal that comes from you, his shadows singing in response. He turns his head to see you and Feyre exchange smiles while you gush in excitement over her growing belly. Though Feyre looks at Azriel with a knowing smile, her words are directed to you.
“Rhys was the same way with Nyx,” she muses and out of the corner of his eye, Azriel catches his brother rolling his eyes. But he doesn’t deny it.
“So was Nesta,” Cassian adds, propping an elbow on Nesta’s shoulders. She shoves him off with a shrug before chiding after their twin boys, Cardan and Calian. The aftermath of the aphrodisiac you made–or rather, remade–for her after Azriel accidentally drank the first batch.
“I’m surprised you’re faring well with this,” Feyre says with a raised brow at you.
“Well, someone has to be the strong one,” you tease, side glancing at Azriel and squeezing his hand. 
Azriel lets out a small huff, similar to the one Melaina let out earlier. He knew you were also stressed and a little sad but you were surprisingly able to hide it better than him. But unbeknownst to him, just in case the obsidian necklace she wore was not enough, you had casted a protection spell over Melaina before she went to bed…and packed her bags with a variety of charged crystals.
The gathering of students at the school's entrance slowly disperses, and Azriel tenses beside you, acknowledging the imminent moment of having to say goodbye. Nyx, ever courteous, takes it upon himself to accompany Melaina to class. Azriel suspects Feyre's influence in Nyx's gesture, as if she intuited the added difficulty for him and you. He watches as Melaina walks back to you and you lean down, gently smoothing her bangs before placing a kiss on her forehead.
“Today will be a wonderful day for you,” you affirm for her with a radiant smile, making Azriel's heart melt at the sight of the two girls he loves the most.  He wishes that he could freeze the picture and save it from the funny tricks of time. 
Your hand delicately reaches for the obsidian crystal suspended from her neck, lifting it tenderly to your lips. There’s a flash of green light that engulfs the crystal and as you release the necklace, Azriel notices the new sparkle to it. “Love you, my pretty.”
Though Melaina doesn’t verbalize it back, her eyes radiate a golden glow and the soft caress of her shadows against your face feels like a tender whisper that articulates, "I love you too.” You pull her in close, hugging her smaller frame and lean down to whisper. But Azriel’s attentive senses still catch it.
“Now hug and give your daddy a kiss so he doesn’t cry.”
Azriel resists the urge to roll his eyes. Feeling a tug on his sweater, he leans down to meet his daughter at eye level. Opening his arms expectantly, a surge of warmth envelops him as she eagerly rushes into his embrace. A tender kiss graces his cheek, accompanied by the familiar caress of her shadows against his other cheek similar to the way they had done with you. He pulls away to look at her, holding her gently by the shoulders. He knows her shadows will do well to protect her and if those aren’t enough, her older cousins are just a couple of classrooms down the hall. But he needs to hear her say it.
“What will you do if someone is mean to you?”
Melaina’s eyes light up and she steps out from his hold. True to the goddess you named her after, she's a tiny vision of nightmares and madness, as she assumes a defensive position, her shadows dancing around her.
“Kick them in the face!” She exclaims as she raises her leg up with a glare directed toward her nonexistent enemy.  “I'll make my enemies bleed.”
Cardan and Calian follow after her while Nyx wisely keeps a safe distance, amused by the spectacle of his younger cousins engaging in an imaginary brawl. Cassian watches them fondly, striking punches of his own into the air but you’re shaking your head with furrowed brows. Azriel catches the pointed look you send his way and a subtle blush overtakes his cheeks as you’ve discovered his secret. He continues to read Melaina, those books you told him not to. 
“No, Mel, that’s not–”
“That’s my girl,” Azriel grins as he rises to his feet, feeling slightly better. He rustles her bangs fondly.
The sound of the school bell echoes through the park as a final warning that class should be beginning shortly. Azriel reluctantly shrugs Melaina’s backpack off his shoulder, the small bag looking ridiculous on someone of his stature. He adjusts it on her with careful consideration for her delicate wings and feels an ache in his chest as the backpack nearly engulfs her smaller frame. 
As the faint rustling, reminiscent of rocks shifting, comes from the bag, it is Azriel’s turn to send you a subtle yet pointed look in your direction. A suppressed smile tugs at his lips when you quickly avert your gaze and he realizes he wasn’t the only one keeping a secret.
“Off you go, my little shadow. See you later.”
Once the backpack is secured to her, she takes Nyx’s waiting hand and runs off to the entrance with him. Azriel almost frowns but then, at the top of the stairs, she turns around, waving goodbye with a small absent-minded smile.
He watches her go into the school with a surge of that well-known sadness. Tears prick his eyes and though he knows he’s being dramatic, he can’t help the feeling that he’s losing her forever. His sweet little girl who keeps on growing. She’s slipping through his fingers all the time.
Bonus scene
Before his family could indulge in making fun of him, Azriel grasps your hand, drawing you close as he summons his shadows. The inky tendrils swirl around you both, transporting you back to the familiar sanctuary of your home.
"If this is your reaction on her first day of school, I can only imagine what you’ll be like when she has her first crush," you say, a teasing sparkle in your eyes.
Azriel's grip on you tightens. He doesn’t want to grapple further into the inevitability of his daughter's growing independence because to him, Melaina will always be his baby girl. A subtle strain echoes in his voice as he pleads, "Don't."
Easing out of his embrace, you giggle at his dramatics, strolling toward the kitchen with a lightness in your step, intent on brewing some tea. "It's just a couple of hours, Az," you reassure him.
"A couple of hours?" Azriel echoes, a pensive note in his voice as he joins you in the kitchen.
Having taken the entire week off, he had intended to be present for every moment—dropping Melaina off and picking her up during her first week at school. He didn’t plan for much other than that and he was used to spending his days off with his little family but now Melaina was off at school, leaving the two of you alone.
The kettle placed on the stove begins to whistle, harmonizing with the new thought that brews in his mind. You’re raising your steaming cup of tea to your lips, peering over at Azriel as he walks up to you. “What? You want some?” You ask, raising your cup to him.
Azriel shakes his head with a smile. Carefully taking the cup from you, he places it onto the counter behind you. He gently but firmly holds your chin, coaxing you to meet his gaze. The faint blush on his cheeks returns, a soft hue that complements the golden brilliance in his eyes as he looks down at you with adoration because you’ve given him everything he’s ever dreamed of and more.
Still, there's an insatiable desire within him for even more moments, more shared dreams, and more of you.
“Let’s have another?”
“A baby?”
Azriel nods, attentively studying your features for any nuanced emotion. He feels relief when you smile and you voice your answer without having to say anything, flooding him with love through the bond you share. The two of you had discussed having children years ago, almost two years before having Melaina. After she was born, you mirrored each other’s desires for having more but had agreed on waiting but not too long as you wanted your children to grow up together.
“We do have a couple of hours to ourselves,” you remind him again, embracing him with arms entwined around his neck, fingers brushing through the back of his hair.
He hooks his arms under your knees, lifting you up with ease and you’re wrapping your legs around his waist. He grins when your legs tighten around him and kisses you.
“Let’s not waste another second.”
a/n: hope you enjoyed this as much as I did writing it <3 Sorry, I skipped ahead. I do want to eventually write an imagine for when Az & reader first find out they're having a baby. That might be the next imagine for this series.
tagging: @fxckmiup
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ivorydragoness44 · 2 years
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Thackery Binx Imagine
Notes: Before the events of Hocus Pocus, and me doing a less than decent job at the ‘thee’ and ‘thou’ and such. My apologies.
Summary: Thackery made a gift for the Reader.
~~~~ ~~~~
  The morning was quiet on your side of the village. Perhaps it was the thoughts in your mind that too drowned it out. You were busy tidying clothes when the soft call of your name startled you. Tossing the small folded pile of clothes onto the dresser, you turned to the open window. There, framed by the dark wood, was the cheerfully faced Thackery Binx.
  “Thackery Binx,” you put a hand to your chest, “thou hast given me a fright.”
  “Shh shh,” he put his palms up. “Do not alert the entire village. I’ve come to see thee.”
  You stepped toward the window. “And here I am.”
  “Are thou not pleased to see me?”
  “I am always happy to see thee, Thackery, but I have chores that need tending to.”
  “Then I ask thee for a moment of thine time. I have something to give thee.”
  “Will thou not tell me?” You asked, leaning against the window.
  “No,” he smiled, “but I shall show thee.”
  From behind his back, Thackery presented you with what appeared to be flowers twisting and intertwining with one another into a circle.
  “’Tis a bracelet. I know it may not last long, but it will only give me more reasons to make thee another.”
  “’Tis lovely,” you awed at the colorful petals. “I shall cherish this moment always.”
  You reached out to grab it, but he delicately took ahold of your hand and slipped the bracelet over your wrist.
  “It’s beauty cannot compare to thee.” There was such kindness that transcended his words. As he looked upon you, it was as if there were not a worry in all of existence.
  “Cometh to my window again, Thackery,” you beamed, giving his hand a squeeze, “and I will be waiting.”
  “I fear I may never leave.”
~~~~ ~~~~
Thank you for reading!
Reblogs are very much appreciated
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whorediaries-09 · 4 months
sweater weather;
pairing- roommate!sirius black x reader warning(s)- fluff, some silly banter, tad bit suggestive. (let me know if i should add more) a/n- aghhh just a brain rot 😞🤍. also this whole series is so self indulgent 🤭
masterlist of 'the seven lives;' series
the slut club
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and now, so let me hold both your hands in the holes of my sweater
he doesn’t like cats.
much to his dismay, you’re bending down and cooing at the little kitten that curls up against your ankle. it has got soft blue eyes which reflect innocence. you run your fingers through its black fur, picking the small animal up. he likes the soft smile on your face. it fills his chest with a warm fuzzy feeling he can’t explain. neither can he explain why his heart skips a few beats when he notices the twinkling in your eyes. it almost makes him drown into a frenzy of warmth.
‘can we keep her?’ you ask. there’s something in your voice that sends sparks of electricity down his spine. it’s as if he’s known you his whole life. he doesn’t want to say no, but he can’t help it. he digs the edge of his boot on the loose gravel of the path. twirling around the loops grocery packet between his fingers, he whispers, scared to let the joy in your eyes leave.
‘no,’ he tries to predict your reaction, but fails to. surely the joy in your eyes melts, but the hope doesn’t. from what he knows about you, he knows you’re a stubborn person who stands their ground. you always get your way around in some way or the other. but you’re also a people pleaser. you hate it when you’ve to truly go against somebody’s wishes to do something you want.
so, he watches as you wrap the little kitten between the folds flannel you’re wearing. there’s a mischievous glint in your eyes, a small smirk between the curve of your smile. it’s the same one you wear when you read something mildly suggestive in your books.
‘please, sirius,’ you drawl. the kitten mewls from the folds of the fabric, her eyes glinting the same mischief as yours do. he feels his breath palpitate when you move closer, putting the face of the kitten closer to his.
‘look she wants to come with us too, that’s why she’s mewing,’ you justify. he gulps slowly, his barrier of rigidity slowly breaking. he feels his thoughts melt when he stares at your lips. even though he’s never touched them before, he suddenly thinks he knows them. he feels he can carve every shape, every curve of your body with his eyes closed.
‘okay,’ he gulps. you squeal, a quiet sound from your lips.
he thinks it’s melody to his ears.
‘sirius!’ you shout across the room. your kitten, binx, is curled across your chest, purring away silently as you rub your fingers through her fur. you’re laying down, your feet thrown across the sofa, letting the nail paint on your toes dry. the mild winter allows a soft sunbeam to peek through the windows.
‘what?’ he asks, coming out of his door. he has nothing but a towel wrapped around his narrow waist. several tattoos are inked upon his porcelain skin with happy trail on his abdomen which traces down, leaving less to imagination. his hair is wet and droplets of water trace down his defined pectorals. while you’d been living with him for nearly 8 months now, you’d definitely never seen him shirtless. it makes your chest fill with a strange warmth. it makes your brain short circuit for a moment when he smiles, walking towards you.
‘like what you see?’ he teases, wiggling his eyebrow. you gulp slowly, before you regain your composure.
‘i can’t hear you over the loud music,’ you say, getting up. binx falls on your lap, and she scratches your arms with her nails.
‘hey hey, calm down little woman!’ sirius says, noticing her scratching you. he takes her into her arms, her little paws trying to scratch at a surface.
‘don’t do that to your mum,’ he says, looking into her eyes. she stops fidgeting for a bit, before she mews loudly throwing her paws on his chest and leaving a long scratch across it. it digs deep into his skin, letting out blood.
‘binx! you naughty menace!’ you scold as she scurries off, jumping from sirius’ hold.
‘asshole,’ he murmurs, grasping his wound.
‘i’ll patch it up for you,’ you say.
‘do you trust me?’ you ask, holding the cotton soaked with the antiseptic with a pair of tweezers. you’re standing in between his thighs. he’s wearing nothing but grey sweatpants, being overly dramatic for the scratch on his chest. while you think it’s adorable, you’re sure it’s just for the shits and giggles.
‘i do, but i feel like I shouldn’t?’ he answers, grinning mischievously. he likes your form between his legs he thinks. it makes him go feral, you looking down at him while you fix his wounds. it makes his imagination go wild. the idea of you touching him while he’s half naked thrills something inside his stomach.
you slap him across his shoulder. it’s a soft playful blow and he laughs. his hands suddenly grip your waist, as he pulls you closer, almost mushing his face with your breasts. he watches the breath get stuck on your throat, as you wet your lip, tongue slowly darting out over your lower lips. you’re unconsciously leaning over his face, soaking the cotton ball into his blood.
he sneers as a soft burning pain grows, and his fingers dig deeper into your waist. you unconsciously arch your hips towards him, your hands falling on shoulder. the tension grows, and the heartbeats palpitate between the both of you. there’s a look of dreaminess in your eyes he’s never seen before. he thinks it makes him weak in the knees. you trail your fingernail on a tattoo, before rubbing the antiseptic on his wound.
your breaths are ragged when you finally close his wound with a patch. your job was done, you’d move away. you should move away. but his touch burns into your soul, but it isn’t enough. it feels familiar on your skin, yet so unfamiliar. you lean closer unconsciously as if from muscle memory. you cradle his face, your noses rubbing-
a loud noise of shattering glass distracts you. you pull apart, a flustered look on your face. heat occupies your skin as you crumble into a shell of embarrassment. he lets go of your waist, and you stutter,
‘binx- the little fucking minx-‘you say, before you run off.
you’re carrying a cup of coffee in your hand, running late for your job. a piece of toast hangs from your lips, and you’re running around the house, trying to find your tie.
‘you can wear mineeeee,’ sirius drawls, closing the battered copy of ‘the picture of dorian gray’.
‘i could if you gave it to me!’ you shout, swallowing the last piece of the butter smothered bread.
‘you’ve a nice swallow game, i see,’ he muses. you groan, gulping down the last bit of your bitter coffee.
‘that’s a really bad one!’ you say, tucking your shirt into your trousers. screaming internally, you realize you can’t find your belt either. sirius enters his room, seemingly searching for his tie.
‘can you give me a belt too?’ you ask, hurrying off behind him. binx runs in front of your feet, and in an attempt to not fall on her, you fall on the floor with a thump, followed by sirius who trips on you.
his locks tickle your face, his grey eyes staring into yours with an intensity which reminds you a memory you never had. it’s a minor flash, something of a haze like dream, but you remember it so clearly. your breathing rages, hotness searing through you as his scent and warmth looms over you. there’s a glint in his eyes you can’t decipher, but your memory has it engrained. as if you’ve seen it a thousand times.
‘i like it when you’re under me,’ he whispers. it’s a low rasp, one you’ve never heard before, yet it ignites something in you.
something that excites you.
he’s fleeing when he receives your call. your voice was a timid whisper when you’d called him, laced with fear. he hated it, he hated how it sounded. but when he arrives at the bar, he finds you completely safe, surrounded by your friends. you’re chatting happily, your skin flushed with the alcohol that renders through your body. he’s perplexed, till one of your friends spot him. she bats her eyelashes at you, whistling as he walks towards you.
‘what happened?’ he asks. he holds your fingers, gripping them tight. he’s trying to read through your emotions. he’s trying to read you through the happy smile and shining eyes. but he’s too distracted by how happy you look.
‘it wasz a prankh!’ you cheer happily, your drunk state rendering your words.
‘seriously?’ he asks, rolling his eyes. he’s smiling, he can’t help it. you laugh,
‘yess!’ you try to stand up, but trip on your heels instead. he holds you closer, letting you support your weight on him.
‘you’ve had too much to drink,’ he scolds. you gaze at him happily, your hormones getting the best of you.
‘i know!’ you exclaim, feeling the collywobbles consume you as his scent tantalizes into your senses.
‘don’t you think we should leave?’ he asks.
‘should we?’
‘yes,’ he says, pulling you closer. his fingers dig into your skin, feeling your touch. it calms his nerves. still, he needs to hold you closer, to feel you, to know you’re safe.
‘okay i’ll go. will you take me home?’ you ask, an innocence provoked in your voice. he feels himself melt, scarring him and his memories.
‘i’ll do. i’ll always take you home.’
the stars are shining bright on the dark sky. you’ve his leather jacket wrapped around your form, as he holds you close. you reek of alcohol, but he doesn’t mind it. it’s infused distinctly with your perfume, and he finds his comfort in it.
‘hi,’ you say, wrapping your arm across his waist, pulling him closer. he presses a kiss on your hair, breathing you in. it’s perplexing, the burning emotions you let flee in his chest. the warmth he feels with your presence.
‘hi,’ he whispers back. there’s a glazed look in your eyes. he knows it. he remembers it. it reflects him, and he feels as if there’s no one in the world but you and him. his heart beats raggedly, and he’s afraid it’ll pop out of his chest, when you lean closer to him, pressing a soft kiss on his jaw.
‘you’re so beautiful,’ you say, snuggling against him. your heels click against the loose gravel of the path. it’s a moment of softness he wants to cherish forever.
‘but you’re hurting me…so much. i wish i could kiss you. i wish i could hold you like this forever. i wish i could keep you close with me, just for me,’ you ramble.
‘then why don’t you?’ he asks, his fingers cradling your jaw.
‘you’ll kiss me?’ he looks down at you, his eyes scanning your features. the cold air waves over your hair, and he holds your face between his hands. his fingers ghost over your lips. you lean into his hand, as he presses a soft peck on your chin.
‘i’ll do, when you’re sober,’ he promises.
taglist - @reggieisfit @siriuslycaptainofthedawntreader @jamespottergf @eternallybipanicking (if you want to be tagged please reply under this post!)
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cloudmancy · 2 years
delloso de la rue is such an interesting character to me but I don’t think it’s for any of the reasons that the rest of the fandom likes rue for. oscar played them in such a metatextual way and it’s like, does he know? does he know how complicated and selfish and thoroughly flawed character he ended up creating? ruehob is so... fascinating to me and it’s not because I like the romance of it. there’s just such a twisted rotting core to it when you compare it to chirp & her wife, or even binx & andhera (and it’s FANTASTIC. I wish people didn’t shy away from how truly miserable ruehob is because that’s what I’m into)
it's like. you are delloso de la rue. you are an owlbear, under a spell of glamour. you have chosen to serve the court of wonder and at heart, you are a romantic. this year, you are planning what they say will be the very last bloom, and you are drowning in the narrative perfection of it. 
you do not like the court of wonder. you do not like the duty you hold. you do not like that you are in this pretty, lithe form you have chosen for yourself. but here are things you do like: love, romance, and EXCITEMENT. you meet two lords of the wing and you want to bear witness to love matches so badly that you make a wager for it. you want this to be the last, best bloom. you want this so ardently and selfishly that you are willing to fall for the first person you see who will fit this narrative (star crossed monsters in courts that don't accept them, what could be more perfect?) while ignoring everything you already have - because it's not enough for you. 
you say want love but you HAVE love. you say you want acceptance - but you could have that, too. you don't want love, you want the CONCEPT of love - the kind that people read storybooks about, that little owlbears dream of at night. you want romance. you want to be swept off your feet. you don't want acceptance, because acceptance and love is duty and you are beginning to hate the concept of duty. acceptance is (as hard as a knight pledging themselves to a different court for the sake of someone they love) as easy as realizing that of all the forms that the fae can take an owlbear is nowhere NEAR the most monstrous. the queen of air and darkness isn't even corporeal, half the courtiers of hoof and claw are feral beasts - but that realization is not grand enough for you.
you meet hob and you hold his paws in yours and you tell him (with tears in your eyes, so they sparkle better in the moonlight) that you feel - not alone - for the first time in your life (because it's something someone in a sweeping romance would say) and you (forget wuvvy, who followed you from her own court and accepted everything of who you were and repackaged herself smaller, neater, tidier like you, because that's what you wanted in the court of wonder) tell him that no one will ever use him again (while you use him to satisfy that hungry selfish hole in yourself that demands not LOVE but ROMANCE) because you love (what he represents, could represent for the grand romance of the sweeping fairytale you imagine your life could be if only someone loved you) him.
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Smelly Husband
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You've been home for a few hours while you're husband/coworker is undercover as a homeless man. You're in bed half asleep when he walks in the door.
You: Why do you still smell like cat pee?
McGee: I didn't want to go back to the navy yard just to shower.
You: You're not getting in this bed until you do.
McGee: I'm going, just give me a minute.
You: Ugh I hope our shower doesn't smell after this.
He kisses you on the cheek.
You: Timothy!
McGee: It's not going to smell.
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wrenrix · 8 months
Happy belated birthday to my beloved friend @adaineabernantsfrog !! For their birthday. which may have been four days ago. shh i have been sick and down with (probably) the flu. BUT for their birthday! i gift them this Binx sketch!
Base is one of the best people I know, endlessly creative, loving and caring. Could not imagine life without them.
Without any further ado!
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(without glow after cut)
binx! in her wondrous complicated dress glory!
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