bloodembers ยท 9 days
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#BLOODEMBERS โ”€โ”€ PRIVATE & SEMI-ACTIVE POTRAYAL OF SERAPHINE DiANGELO, part of a long-standing family of exorcists and demon slayers who are loyal to the Catholic Church.
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ooc: Expect some violence, strong language, blood, religious themes, death, and torture in this blog. I'm always evolving, so I'll update my PROMO regularly. A Carrd might come later, but if not, just ask if you want to know anything. I'm open for plots right now! (eng/ger)
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stonefell ยท 7 years
Story Recap: A Fever You Canโ€™t Sweat Out, Week 1:
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(pictured: notes by @rottenology / Arcas and @samoyedghost / Jhomas of events from the session)
phew, four months of writing, planning, prepping, expecting the worst and being pleasantly surprised with how things turned out and here we are! Post might be long, so itโ€™s going under a read more :0
Things are off to a good start! at least, I think so. If youโ€™re wondering about the Arc title, just...expect a lot more music references in the future.ย 
So, our adventuring party met in the middle of the woods after each of them received a letter explaining that the thing they value the most had been taken from them, along with an ornate bronze coin bearing an insignia. All of the players were given maps leading to an otherwise unmarked area in the woods east of Stonefell, although the trails and paths leading to the destination were all different. Included on the back of the letter they received, each of the players had a certain action detailed that they were warned not to perform, to as of now unknown consequences.
The players also arrived at different times. First to arrive was Johnny Bard (we rolled initiative to see what order they would arrive, and Johnny got a nat 20!) who was joined by ever-cheery Jhomas, his samoyed Buddy, and the more reserved Eloise. The three hit it off well, enjoying Bardโ€™s didgeridoo performance. Things began to get hectic when Bob the Fighter arrived on the scene, assuming Johnny was being assaulted by Jhomas and Eloise. Following that train of thought, he attempted to grapple Jhomas, a feat that he would fail, partially because of a shitty athletics check from Bob but also because Jhomas is like 350 lbs with armor on.ย 
Once Bob realized these two were in the same boat as him and his walking paycheck client, he calmed down, only to get riled up again when the rest of the party noticed a fifth figure standing in the woods. Bob panicked and fired his crossbow, landing a hit.
The figure introduced herself as Theory Hayes, a wizard with no intention of hurting them, but the damage was done. Well, the damage was done to her book, at least. Bobโ€™s bolt had torn through Theoryโ€™s spell-book, creating a whole that went through the book and had altered the Burning Handsย spell that was copied into it. According to her arcana check, the spell is still functional, although side effects may occur if she attempts to cast it.ย 
Of course, this made Theory upset enough to launch a counter attack, firing a Witch Bolt at missing completely (beating 18 AC at level 1 is a challenge for any wizard!) and zapping a tree. Emerging from behind that tree was the fifth and final member of A Fever You Canโ€™t Sweat Outโ€™s main cast, the stoic Arcas Bloodember, whose sudden appearance broke up the fight.ย 
(I should mention that while this PvP was occurring, Johnny rolled a nat 1 on trying to do a razor scooter trick and took one damage from hitting his ankle.)
As soon as all the players had arrived, a mysterious stone elevator appeared from the forest ground, leading to some subterranean complex. A door with 6 small grooves indicated that the players needed to insert their coins to enter, which all of them complied to, with the exception of Johnny, who had his coin snatched by Eloise because he refused to put it in. Luckily, the rest of the party was able to convince him to join them.
The 6 (7 if you count Buddy the dog) piled into the elevator and shot downwards until they reached a strange carpeted lobby with metal walls and a door leading to a claustrophobic hallway.ย 
Sitting in a fold able chair next to a coffee table was a young half-elf who addressed the players as Tyson Killjoy, the number one Card Blaster (Card Blasters is an in game TCG akin to M:TG or Yugioh) in Stonefell. Tyson explained to the players that he had been brought to the complex because he too had something taken from him, in this case his prized possession, the ultra-rare card known as Imperius, The Jade Doombringer.
Card Blasters was no joke to Johnny, who took his TCGs very seriously, which caused him to challenge Killjoy to a game. Johnny technically lost to Killjoy, but considered it a victory after he killed Tyson in a moment of rage (there goes my first NPC...), looting not only his sick jacket and boots but his Card Blaster deck too.
While this intense card game was occurring, Eloise and Theory investigated the hallway only to find that it had some kind of sound-cancelling magical effects permeating it (Theory was able to copy the Silenceย spell from runes on the heavy door.).
Once the murder of Killjoy was resolved, the party moved on to the hallway, with Jhomas having the idea to use the coffee table to prop the door open to negate the silence effect. ย Under the coffee table was the code 6-1-3-2 scrawled in Draconic (which only Arcas can read).
The party found 4 doors, 2 on either side, in the hallway. From what they could see just by peering into the door windows, there was some kind of magic lab with a giant crystal fist set on the table, a recently used kitchen, some kind of wardrobe/dressing room with a rotating conveyor belt of outfits and a room filled with magical darkness.
The party split into two groups, with Theory, Jhomas and Arcas (and Buddy) inspecting the lab while Bob, Eloise and Johnny checked the kitchen.
The group in the lab soon learned that being in the lab removed their sense of touch. Theory was able to swipe some valuable spell components from the shelves, and Arcasโ€™ inspection of the table revealed the Draconic number 2 on the underside of the table.ย 
Chaos erupted after a few minutes inspecting the lab, as the crystal fist(al?) became animated and flew at Jhomasโ€™ head. Luckily, The fist failed a dex save v. Jhomasโ€™ Burning Hands and was quickly dispatched, leaving only the strange giant ring base it was set into.
Meanwhile, the kitchen team came to the realization that the kitchen stole the sense of taste, as Eloise attempted to eat some sugar from the pantry and tasted nothing. Bob pocketed a dinky butter knife with the aspiration to use it as a weapon at some point in the future.ย 
Our session ended on a cliffhanger when Eloise opened up a giant cupboard, only to find a strange robed figure chained to a pipe!
...This is gonna be an interesting campaign.
EDIT: totally forgot to mention this, but Jhomas gave the fallen Tyson Killjoy an excellent eulogyย ๐Ÿ™ and earned himself an inspiration point that will most likely end up being really important later on!
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(pictured: my concept art of Jhomas B. Gemeater)
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vaporhqs ยท 2 years
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due to not posting in character content & not communicating with the main please UNFOLLOW ;
noneย โ™ก
this means the following characters are open for immediate applications: noneย  โ™ก
in the events you feel you have received this notice in error , please feel free to message the main and we can discuss further.
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due to inactivity on specific character(s) & not communicating with the main please DO NOT UNFOLLOW but take note of;
@unlevshed - has twenty-four hours to meet our minimum activity requirement for rebekah mikaelson.
@bloodembers - has twenty-four hours to meet our minimum activity requirement for katherine perice.
in the events you feel you have received this notice in error , please feel free to message the main and we can discuss further.
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due to inactivity & not communicating with the main , the following accounts have TWENTY-FOUR hours to meet our minimum activity requirements or their roles will be reopened.
in the events you feel you have received this notice in error , please feel free to message the main and we can discuss further.
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the following people are on some sort of hiatus / mentioned they are busy but still interested and will not be affected by this activity check:
@cfclaws / @cfoathsx / @ruthlcssleadย 
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last of note : i did not need to edit any pages , however expect some changes in regards to activity + our rules in the next following days. anyone who needs a hiatus or an extension of time to meet our requirements please message me on discord or reach out to the main. i hope everyone is having a lovely day and iโ€™m so excited that there wasnโ€™t a need to unfollow anyone !
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