#bonus points if varadha smokes because he wants to remember the way deva tasted
magicaldragons · 4 months
deva & varadha
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headcanon edition
smoking doesn't do much for varadha; it doesn't give him that hit of relaxation that others get from it. sometimes though, just sometimes, during the seven years they spend apart, varadha smokes to remember deva and feel closer to him.
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similarly, deva does not prefer drinking, especially because his fatal flaw is needing to feel the pain he thinks he deserves
more importantly, the only way to hold onto varadha now is through the pain of his absence; numbing that pain would be like numbing the part of him that belongs to varadha.
basically very: 'what is grief, if not love persevering?' coded
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when varadha came to find him, after twenty five years, deva truly wasn't sure of the reason. he didn't ask though, because it was varadha: all varadha ever had to do was call and deva would be there. deva thought at first that varadha had wanted him by his side because he wanted to feel safe, and that was okay, because deva wanted to be the person varadha relied on
but THEN he found out that varadha actually had no expectation of even staying alive and that he'd called deva for baachi's sake – and that broke deva for sure.
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baachi definitely freaked out when varadha started opening up and saying "you never asked why i called you," to deva because he thought varadha was gonna say something really vulnerable while he was drunk (possibly reveal some feelings, who knows) o.O
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when varadha's squad first meets deva during the ceasefire, they refer to him as 'the tall guy,' especially because he's so quiet and reserved around them.
they end up teasing varadha about it for a WHILE afterwards, because every time varadha used to talk about him in stories he would describe young deva as shorter than himself, but now deva's grown, and even varadha's a bit surprised.
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