#borrower OC
stunkers · 5 months
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Borrowers are in a straight up survival horror every day of their life
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+ some more funnies Barney Calhoun would be so stupid with little guys sometimes. I tink
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cherrizsideoftiny · 4 months
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she's just a little guy :,)
i'm fairly new to g/t and definitely new to posting abt it. but there's just something about it and i cannot stop thinking about it, so i was forced (completely of my own doing and free will) to make an oc. she's a borrower and she loves shiny things (discarded foil and expensive jewelry alike)
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monsterrous-arts · 1 month
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Idk what to caption this as. It was better in my head and idk if it's cause I haven't slept all night or what but I kind of hate how this turned out lol But I'm not starting this again (I've tried to draw this damn thing 3 times already.)
N-e-ways this was inspired by this post here :D
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entomolog-t · 11 months
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Especially Sal
Another G/t July entry in the books!! Fire! 
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pixie-dust-bunnies · 4 months
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Skittle was so excited for Valentine's Day that she got a gift together before sadly realizing she didn't have a valentine. Yea...she doesn't always think everything through. Any lonely giants out there?
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t3a-tan · 1 year
This is the second time Oliver has approached James specifically to request assistance. After he approached the police man and saw him perform an arrest the first time, he came to the conclusion that James is a human who would be good to have as backup just in case... James is confused, but the tiny man who keeps asking him for help always ends up leading him to people who are in need of help, so he goes along with it.
But of course, they become friends. And Oliver, as per usual, takes things too literally.
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James offered his pocket, but Oliver prefers being mobile and unrestrained when possible. Having the borrower standing on his shoulder is slightly nerve wracking though...
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gt-pina · 6 months
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dreamerart7 · 10 months
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Oh nu, the human caught her.
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rainydaygt · 5 months
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I present;
A weird hybrid of mine and studio ghibli’s art styles!
(the big OAF is my good friend @/just1gnome)
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kiln-art · 6 months
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My contribution to @gt-jar ‘s giant/tiny secret santa holiday exchange! These are characters Vincent and K, belonging to @betrayerofyourownkind. I'm only newly acquainted with these characters, but it seems likely to me that K must have some quiet and peaceful moments... if only when he's sleeping!
Hope you enjoy, Eris! Happy holidays!
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stunkers · 11 months
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My freaks and weirdos
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cherrizsideoftiny · 4 months
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can y'all tell that i hate backgrounds?? 😭
this is based on my banner photo actually! when i was a girl i had an obsession with thumbelina, and i thought the illustration was so sweet, and Asha is a seamstress! i know it's messy but i was never going to finish the background and i have to accept that abt myself :')
also thank y'all sm for being so sweet and welcoming genuinely i was so surprised how warm and sweet this community was 🥹💕
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marzipanrose · 2 years
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Okay okay so.. fun story Idea that Ive been bouncing around in my head for a while you're away from home on vacay. You decide for shits and giggles to vist one of those like historic house museums. While your there you find yourself lagging behind the admittedly kinda large tour group you were lumped in with. You're reading a plaque or something when you suddenly notice that your shrinking!down and down you go until eventually you and your clothes end up at about 5 inches tall. You're confused and dazed , you cant think of any reason what so ever for your strange transformation and are about to walk up to the next tour group when a pair of tiny arms grabs you from behind and drags you behind a book saying " are you mental kid?? Didn't your parents ever tell you not to show yourself to humans?! " Turns out this old house has Borrowers..well actually one borrower. One rather surly older middle aged borrower who doesn't quite believe you when you say that your a shrunken human because "that's just not possible." Still he does his best over the next couple of weeks to teach ya the ins and outs of borrowing. How to scale chairs and like fight off rats using letter opener swords ect ect. You two eventually are getting along pretty well and even if he thinks your kinda kookoo he likes ya well enough. you're like a niece/nephew. Eventually you figure out what caused ya to shrink in the first place and find a way to reverse it. When you do reverse it tho Oldman Borrower is accidentally caught in the "magic" or whatever and now its your turn to try and teach Oldman borrower about how human society works.
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entomolog-t · 11 months
Finding Strength
Finally finished a G/t July Prompt; Impulsive! I’ve been planning this story for a little while based off of this post, and I’m so happy for an excuse to start posting it! 
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Next Chapter: Chapter 2
Word count: 2715
CW: Adult language
Life was good, thought Tamius, and he needed it to stay that way. The tiny man slipped out from the small hole he’d made behind the fridge, with more than just a little skip to his step. He found himself dancing as he trotted out from beneath the appliance, some peculiar human song stuck in his head as he strutted out in the open. Like clockwork, at 4:01 pm he had heard the human clamor down the stairs, apparently giving up the hunt for some misplaced bottle of perfume, followed by the thud of the door as she darted out of the house. A near identical scene would play out almost every other day; Always in a rush. 
This human's apparent lack of time management leading up to whatever it was humans did when they left their homes was the greatest blessing he could ask for. That titanic fool would pick up her phone, notice the time and barrel out of the house, hastily leaving whatever it was she had been doing unattended. Most days this was usually in the form of food left on the table, alongside whatever they had been doing on their laptop. 
He quickened his pace to a jog, the air around him filled with the scent of something absolutely divine awaiting him on the kitchen table. His parents had been so worried about him going out to find a place of his own- but man, they were worried for absolutely nothing. All that fretting and bothersome nagging about safety protocols and potential dangers had nearly had him question if he was ready to go out on his own- but this was so easy! He’d somehow managed to stumble across the easiest human imaginable; The epitome of obliviousness. This colossal oaf a woman was scattered, unorganized, and inattentive; the perfect combination in his mind. Scavenging was always plentiful, and even better yet, she never noticed a single thing he took. 
A total ditz, he thought. 
His luck hadn’t stopped there either. Even with her chaotic nature, this perfect mess of a human was somehow still wonderfully predictable; Out of the house by 4:00pm nearly everyday, back by 7:00pm, in bed by 10:00pm.
But the best part? That enormous twit was the least intimidating human he’d ever seen. He had watched them countless times, almost pitying them as they struggled with each step up the stairs. Their movements were perpetually stiff and sluggish, as if they were perpetually exhausted… The only time he’d seen any sort of energy from them was when they’d dart out of the house. 
He tossed his hook upwards, a smirk playing across his face as it caught the edge of the table on the first try. Oh yeah, this borrowing stuff is a cakewalk. Hand over hand, he scaled the length of kitchen twine he’d swiped a few weeks back, loving how its rough texture provided him extra grip as he climbed.
Heaving himself up, he surveyed his score. He could have kissed that bumbling idiot. There it was, a half finished stack of banana pancakes, complete with chocolate chips and maple syrup. His mouth watered. He walked up to the plate, hands perched on his hips. He had brought a wad of cling wrap to take back food in his bag… but…
Fuck it. 
She wouldn’t be home until 7:00, why not enjoy a meal at the table?
Tamius continued to hum that strangely catchy human song, reveling in the freedom of being out in the open. He found himself bouncing along to the rhythm, anticipation building for the oh-so-sweet bounty before him. Nimbly, he danced around the plate, his skillful movements filled with lighthearted vigor, as he avoided stepping in the pools of syrup. He ripped off a large and syrup soaked chunk of pancake, and proceeded to stuff his face. Thank God for dumb huma- 
His thought was interrupted by the slam of a door and a myriad of expletives. He felt his body go rigid.
“Fuck, fuck, fuck, I’m going to be late.”
Fuck was right. 
Deep breath. He hastily scanned his surroundings. Kleenex box on the table. Cup to his right. Bag on the chair- Bingo. 
He dove. 
Tamius landed in the open bag with a soft thud, rolling into a stand. 
He felt a familiar cocksure grin creep back onto his face. Too easy. This human could throw no curveball that could catch hi-
For the second time in the span of less than a minute, his thoughts were interrupted. His world lurched and he was flung back, narrowly stifling a yelp.
Oh- oh no.  
She had come back for the bag. 
It was his turn to curse; a torrent of expletives slipped from his lips, whispered fiercely through gritted teeth. Where the fuck was he supposed to hide?? He was trapped. Unknowingly caught. No. This couldn’t be happening. His heart pounded in his ears, nearly drowning out the thunderous steps taking him further and further away from his home. He felt his throat tighten. Fuck. He ran trembling hands through his hair, pulling at firstfulls as if should he pull hard enough he’d rip an idea straight from his scalp. The booming slam of the car door pulled him from his spiraling thoughts. 
He needed a plan, and he needed one now. 
Breathe. Scan. Asses. Decide. He inhaled deeply, and tried desperately to ignore how his breath quivered in his chest. He was fine. Not scared at all. This human was an absolute ditz. The epitome of human idiocy. He just needed to figure out how to keep out of that colossal ditz’ line of sight. The car engine roared to life and Tamius felt as his every muscle stiffened. They were leaving.  He steeled his nerves. 
Think. Don’t focus on the car. You need a plan. 
His legs seemed to move on their own, as if trying to keep pace with his frantic thoughts.
Okay, so I’m trapped. We are driving away from the house. If I stay in the bag, the bag will get brought back to the house around 7:00…
He chewed his lip. Three hours was a long time to lay in wait in the stupid confined space of the bag, but what other option did he have?? He could try to escape while that big oaf was driving, but then he’d still need to get back in the bag to get back into the house… The house that was growing farther and farther away by the second. 
What if he had to abandon the bag? He had no idea where he was. Even if he did, the distance to get back would be insurmountable. His heart hammered in his chest. Leaving the bag was not an option. There was no way in Hell he was leaving this easy life behind. He would figure something out… He had to. 
Tamius scanned his surroundings. The bag hadn’t been zipped all the way, and there was just enough light pouring through the opening that he could aptly assess his situation. He sat atop a towel, a pair of shoes to his left, haphazardly thrown in. There was a water bottle beneath him, along with various articles of clothing and a mishmash of smaller items scattered about; pens, deodorant, a granola bar, lip chap, perfume... He let a small smile creep on his face. This human was a mess, and he would not let himself be unintentionally found by someone incapable of intentionally finding their own belongings. If this idiot would just put things in the proper pocket, she’d have no- 
Thats it!
He took the small knife he’d fashioned from a discarded razor from his hip. That massive idiot never used the proper pockets! Carefully, he crawled towards the front of the bag. Closing his eyes, he tried to visualize how the pockets were oriented on the bag. In his mind's eye, he saw it; the pouch that sat at the lower half of the front of the bag. Yes! This would work! Opening his eyes, he cautiously judged the distance to right and left. He was dead center. Perfect. 
Taking his knife, he sliced methodically, keeping the incision as small as he could manage, lest his handiwork be noticed before returning home. Gingerly, he cut his way into the front pocket, clambering inside. He breathed a sigh of relief;  it was completely empty. She had no reason to peek in this pocket. He was safe. 
Tamius barely managed to finish his sigh of relief when he felt himself lurch forward as the car came to a halt. He clenched his teeth. Everything is fine. There’s nothing to worry about. The dumb human was just going to do dumb human things for a few hours and then he’d be back home, safe and sound. He just needed to wait it out. 
His world was jostled as the bag was haphazardly lifted up and slung around the human’s shoulder. He gripped onto the internal fabric of the bag’s front pocket to avoid getting sent flying around. His stomach felt as if it dropped farther and farther with each step, and he swore he could taste the sweetness of the banana pancakes rising up in his throat. Tamius swallowed hard. 
Enough of that. This was pathetic. He’d found a safe spot. All he had to do was wait around for what? Like 2 hours and change? A total cakewalk. Baby Food. An absolute nothing. This was fine and he was fine. 
He listened intently, trying to gather any information he could about his location and surroundings. The sound of a door closing shut... Foot falls echoing… Voices… Voices with a particular resonance. He grimaced. Wherever he was, it sounded like a large open space. As he continued to listen, his scowl deepened. He counted the voices; one, two.. Three… four, five, six… seven… 
He stopped after he reached 10. Suffice to say there were too many humans. 
The feeling of dread was overwhelming. He couldn’t see a damned thing, and though he doubted he wanted to see his predicament, the lack of sight gave him a creeping feeling of being vulnerable. The booming voices resonating in an open room so far above him… he felt so small. 
Not felt. 
He was so small. 
Of course he knew he was small. He’d never stood taller than a coffee mug for the entirety of his life… and yet… he never truly felt small. Not like this. This was overwhelming. The mental barrier he'd work so hard to wedge between his conscious mind and the primal fear that lurked just beneath the surface shook under the realization of his own insignificance. Just the presence of beings so astronomically larger than himself made his stomach churn. His head fell into his hands as he struggled to keep himself from shaking. God, he felt pathetic. Just a few hours. He could manage. He would manage. 
The booming chatter died down as the sound of human music filled the room. A strange rhythmic thundering coincided with the change in ambiance. He could feel the floor shake beneath him. As strange as the surrounding noise was, he welcomed the sound of human music. 
You could never know what it's like
Your blood, like winter, freezes just like ice
And there's a cold, lonely light that shines from you
You’ll wind up like the wreck you hide behind that mask you use
He found his voice joining in, shaky and soft,
"And did you think this fool could never win?
Well, look at me I’m coming back again, 
I got a taste of love in a simple way, 
And if you need to know while I’m still standing, you just fade away,”
As he sang along softly he felt his anxiety melt away, slowly but surely. The minutes dragged on, punctuated by changes in songs, and occasional muffled shouting, indistinguishable from the surrounding noise. Tamius tried to calculate how long he had left by adding up the approximate time of each song… two minutes here, four minutes there - 
A tremor far more impactful than all those preceding it shook him from his thoughts. He heard a distinct grunt, and then, again, another thundering sound of impact, like something colossal crashing down. The noise was far greater than any foot falls he’d ever heard. 
He heard a human speaking somewhere above him. Though muffled, he recognized it as his enormous dolt of a human. She had muttered something about needing to use more.. hip?? Surely he couldn’t have heard that right. 
“Better, but like, I feel like I’m not getting any pop, you know?” What??
Another voice muttered something in apparent agreement. 
“You mind if I try one more time?” 
This piqued his interest. Carefully he gripped the rear of the zipper, opening the front pocket just a fraction. Just enough to see what could be causing such a commotion… and what it could possibly have to do with hips and popping??
As he laid his gaze on the pair of humans the fear he felt was instantaneous and palpable (tasting strangely like banana pancakes). He knew no amount of quiet singing would quell the rising panic from what he’d seen. For a moment, it was as if his brain refused to register the scene before him, as he stood unmoving, mouth agape. He saw his human, but it was as if he was truly seeing her for the first time. 
Her messy hair, slick and soaked in sweat, and tied back revealing sharp and focused eyes. Her figure, no longer drowning in her typical oversized clothing, was not at all what he had expected. Her broad frame had always seemed to suggest she was heavier, and he'd assumed they had just been soft, or chubby… Looking now, she was certainly broad, but the size she carried was overwhelmingly muscular. Each thundering step caused her legs to tense and relax, giving Tamius flashes of muscular definition. He swallowed numbly. Awe and horror swirled in his mind. He wanted to look away… pretend he'd never seen the sheer power that had been sitting underneath her lazy attire, but he couldn't. This couldn’t be her. 
She was smiling; saying something to another human towering above him. He hated how familiar it was; her smile, her laugh… it was undeniably her, yet it was as if he could barely recognize the behemoth standing before him. He stared up at the pair, mind somehow both racing and numb simultaneously… And then they moved. 
He felt like the wind had been sucked out of him. 
Humans were supposed to be slow. His human especially. But the reality he had become so accustomed to seemed to crumble around him. The other human reached towards her, but with uncanny precision, she redirected the incoming arm before it could touch her, her body moving with obscene fluidity. Tamius found the ease of her movements disturbing, as he watched her clear past the oncoming arm, stepping in flush to the other human's side. Her free hand reached around their body, with her trailing hand snapping around the opposite side, locking her grip tightly around the other human's body. 
Before Tamius’ brain could catch up to what was happening, the human was airborne. 
His whole world seemed to shake. Both physically and metaphorically. 
No. No. No. 
He felt bile creep up his throat. This… this couldn’t be her. She's a mess. An idiot. A ditz. Not.. not this!  She fucking threw another human with such well practiced ease as slinging a bag over her shoulder. His knees trembled for a brief moment before giving out entirely. He fell back into her bag, tension rising as reality set in around him. 
That human was a threat. 
He looked down at his hands. They trembled. Stop.... Stop. Stop! STOP! FUCKING STOP! It felt as though he was pleading with his body, begging it to submit to him. His hands never stopped shaking. Hiding was all he had, wasn't it? Not strength, not speed, not agility… The only thing keeping him safe was the fact he was too small to be noticed.
And he needed it to stay that way. 
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pixie-dust-bunnies · 4 months
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Hi everybody, just realized I never posted my borrower oc on here. I absolutely love designing the little outfits, so expect to see more 😄 let me know what you think
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t3a-tan · 10 months
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Oliver sometimes ends up stumbling upon James after the human has had a particularly troubling day... Maybe one day James will open up to Oliver about his troubles rather than waiting until he's alone, but for now Oliver is content to quietly watch him be at peace.
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