sunwoo-pip-blog · 8 years
Long slender fingers moved against ivory piano keys, the soft melody filling the music room. Another piece Pip had worked on for many months, eager to perfect the song each time he worked on it. He often wouldn’t allow himself to make many mistakes in his pieces, especially when the music was meant to be performed by someone else than himself. His talent was wasted this way but Pip would gladly remain in the background and allow others to take credit for his hard work. He wasn’t meant to be on stage, wasn’t meant to perform in front of an audience. 
Instead Pip opted to keep his talent to himself, only getting on stage when he really had to because of his education. After all, he had to show what he was capable of but that didn’t mean he was growing comfortable with being on a stage or in the centre of attention at all. Even when his adoptive parents had always encouraged him and gave him all the attention he didn’t even asked for, Pip often felt uncomfortable with the idea of people focusing on him, too afraid he would mess up.
Adding his voice to the melody, Pip sung out his own written lyrics in a soft tone. Soothing, always a soothing voice which was never meant to sooth others but himself. Erik had been the only exception to that and Pip gladly kept things that way. He wouldn’t feel embarrassed or nervous around the other, causing him to sing out the words to his own songs whenever the two were simply lounging at his apartment. But never before the whole thing was completely finished.
His hands moved steadily as his voice formed the words scribbled down on the paper before him. That was until he heard the door to the music room open and his hands stopped abruptly, voice cutting off mid-sentence. Whipping his head around, Pip’s expression was a mix between surprise and embarrassment when looking at the girl that had just walked in. She wore a small smile on her lips, notebooks pressed against her chest as she tucked a strand of brown hair behind her ear. 
“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to startle you!” she called out, moving across the room to fetch a pencil case that she had left on the table. Pip’s dark hues followed her actions, trying to ignore how her sweet perfume lingered as she passed by him. Instead, the boy kept quiet, frozen in the spot as the other didn’t even seem to catch on to the fact that she intruded on a crucial part in his song. “Just continue what you were doing, don’t mind me! It sounded beautiful,” she reassured him, her smile once again present. Yet this time, it caused Pip’s lips to curve into a smile as well.
He wanted to, to allow his fingers to press the keys once again and allow this girl to enjoy his voice. Maybe she would look at him the same way Erik used to whenever he played for him? Who was he kidding? The way Erik had looked at him had never been admiration but simply enjoyment. He was a fool to think his best friend would waste his time on someone as quiet as he was, Erik deserved someone better than that. But maybe, maybe this girl could look at him in the way he had wanted Erik to look at him. Adoration, admiration, just something that would make him feel more than just appreciated.
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seo-mina-blog · 8 years
Dark hues roamed her own reflection in the mirror, it was all a lie. Fake, oh so fake that Mina couldn’t tell if Sana would be real either. One way or another she was always lying, always on her toes and much too eager to be a mystery to others. An intangible concept that no one got to uncover, to be desired only to never give in.
Her fingers glided over the pearls around her neck as if she were fond of them before she unclasped them and threw them on the bed. The zipper of her dress was pulled down in a slow pace as her gaze was still focused on her own form. Numb, the smile no longer there as she couldn’t get herself to fake it to her own reflection in that moment either. Watching the pink fabric pool around her feet, the brunette was left in her underwear, exposed to her own gaze.
She felt vulnerable under her own eyes, a feeling that Mina was quite unfamiliar with. She needed to get a grip, needed to snap out of her gaze and regain her normal confidence but here she was, feeling the most like herself she had ever felt. No layers of clothing to shape her image, no make up gracing her features. Just a young woman that was trying to figure it all out. Just Mina, the way she really was, the real her and yet Mina couldn’t even recognize herself in this reflection.
Her daze didn’t last long before she shook her head and let her hand meet her own cheek. A red mark blossomed upon her skin, stinging her lightly for a brief moment. The was no time for self-pity or any of that sort. She had done this to herself, she had chosen to live her life this way, no one else had.
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msaintpost-blog · 8 years
​❧ We Were Built To Fall Apart ❧
       ➽ a pivotal moment
Madeline sat in the dark hallway listening to the muffled yelling that was coming from the room below. She could hear every word. The only problem was her stupid 13 year old brain could not process why it was happening. Even worse why it was happening every night now. They were the perfect family. At least that’s how she saw it. Every year they would go off on some holiday, just this past year they went on a cruise, the four of them. Everyone seemed happy. Mother and father got along, she hadn’t seen him smile like that in so long. And Robbie, he seemed happy most of all.
A shattering sound. It made Maddie jump to her feet. Silence. A door creaked open and there was a sigh. “Madeline, you shouldn’t be listening to their conversation.” Robbie said, not seeming to want to come out of his own room. Maddie’s only focus was on the stairs, which lead down to where the noise occurred. What was happening? She took one step forward and Robbie spoke again. “Maddie no.” He whispered, “It’s none of our business. Go back to your room.” Usually Maddie would listen to him, but not tonight. Tonight, for whatever reason, it was different.  She swallowed and continued walking, quietly making her way down the steps. There was talking now, but she could barely hear any of what was being said.
The only light was coming from the crack in the kitchen door. When she took a peek inside she was stunned. Her mother was sitting at the table, her hand to her cheek. It was evident that she had been crying. Her father stood at the counter, back to her. There was broken glass on the floor next to him. Was that the source of the shattering? “All I want,” Her father began, “Is for you to do what I fucking ask, Katherine.” Just the sound of her father’s voice, it was evident he was more than angry. Her mother’s responds was cries.
And then he erupted, more yelling. Maddie understood none of it. Everything seemed to be going in slow motion. His face was getting more red with each word. She’d never seen him this angry before. And that’s when it happened. He struck her. Maddie gasped and instantly bolted through the door, straight to her mothers side. “Mom!” She cried out. To her surprise Robbie was right behind her. “Robert, take your sister to her room.” Her father’s voice was filled with anger, but he was clearly trying to be calm, at least in front of them. Robbie stood there, looking from his mother to his father. “Mom..” Maddie whispered, “C—come upstairs.” She was practically begging. She was worried, she was scared, confused, basically every emotion. “NOW!” Her father yelled making Robbie sprint to the pair. “Madeline, come.” He said, grabbing her wrist. Her older brother was much more stronger then she and managed to break the two apart, pulling her by the arm up to his room, shutting the door behind them.
The yelling was muffled now and Maddie was sitting on her older brother’s bed, crying. Why would her father be so angry? Why would he hit mom? She asked herself over and over again. Robbie was pacing now. “I told you not to go down stairs.” He finally said. Maddie looked up at him, “I wanted to make sure—“ Robbie cut her off instantly, “It’s none of our business Madeline!”
Maddie was quiet now, thousands of thoughts going through her mind. “I hate him.” She stated, “I hate him for it. I’ll never forgive him.” That was when Robbie stopped pacing. He looked down at his younger sister, stunned by the words. Did she mean them? The only sound was coming from Maddie. She was taking shaky breaths in and out as she stared at the carpeted floor that was littered in clothing.
She hated him. With every tiny ounce in her she hated him. Madeline knew what was to come next. Her father was going to pretend it never happened. Robbie was going to try and conceal it. And her mother, they were never to speak of it. She felt her heart slow and the room seemed to be spinning. It made sense now. Random bruises would appear on her mother’s arms, and when she would ask, her mother would make up an excuse. It was all pretend. All of it was fake. Even at thirteen Madeline hoped that one day she’d find a love like her parents; but that was all pretend. Why was it like this? In her mind she pictured the glass shattering. It went in hundreds of different pieces. The family that she thought was so perfect, was no longer. Tears slid down her cheeks as she sat on her brothers bed. Thirteen years old, and her world was already falling apart and her heart was shattered, just like the glass. Madeline hated crying, let alone being angry. But this time, she couldn’t help it. So, she just let it out.
There was a knock on the door and Maddie’s eyes slowly opened, she’d fallen asleep. The door slowly opened, it was far to dark to to see who it was. The shadow walked towards her and she closed her eyes again. If she pretend to be a sleep, maybe, who ever it was, would leave her be. She then felt a kiss on her head, “I love you, my Madeline.” It was her mother’s voice. Maddie had so may questions but she felt like her voice was gone. The door shut quietly, her mother was gone now. Maddie sat up and stared at it. Was it all a dream? The yelling, the crying, her father being so angry? Maybe if she tried hard enough, she could wake up from this nightmare and everything that happened would be left behind.
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brightonhq · 9 years
TASK 003
our third task is a self-para. obviously you know your character pretty well, but we want to help you know them better – their experiences, how they think, what they think about; more than anything, how they got that way. the goal of this task is for you to write about a pivotal moment in your character’s life (given that many characters in this rp have a triggering background, make sure to tag them if you choose to include that moment).  when you’re done, please tag your task(s) with #brightontask3 and remember to tag all triggers!
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