#btw idc if they sing along to other songs as well I only care about this one
heaveniowa · 11 months
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my new favorite thing is watching the fall out boys sing along to headfirst slide
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nc7dr3am · 3 years
“hello my loves!! let’s chat~~”
TAGLIST (lmk if u wanna join! it’s for all of my lily verse content, even the other oc blogs): @aqueenieme​ @moonbeamsung​​ @atinygracie @jinsoulorbitzen12​ @btshook
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“how are you tonight? could we have a tmi?”
i am very sleepy. i’ll be going to bed soon, actually.. for the tmi... i’ve had three coffees today
“lily!! read any good books lately?”
YES!! i am reading ‘to live’ by yu hua and it’s very .. thought-provoking, i suppose. i’m reading it in chinese, as well, to practice. mila and evie help me occasionally if i need it. please read it!!
“nct siren!!! i’m so excited- can you tell us about hyeyoung and evie?”
i’m excited too~~!! hyeyoungie unnie is very talented at dance and singing. she is a kind and caring unnie, and she calls me her baby. she is one of my very best friends, and i rely on her a lot. evie is also extremely talented, and her voice is very unique. she is a really cool unnie and plays with me a lot. she is also one of my best friends. i love them so much🥺
i know you all will love them- support them, okay? they deserves the world.
“how is the dorm these days? honey and mr. darcy are PRECIOUS... but isn’t jeno allergic?”
yes, jeno is allergic, but you all know that won’t stop him from cuddling them .. dummie. but at least mr. darcy is hypoallergenic! honey sheds quite a bit, though .. also, i’ve actually recently moved out of the dream dorms
LMAOO I NEEDED THIS BABE HAH jimin na is too much of a lil wimp for the streets. but! i live with my nct siren members now! i love it!! it was hard to say goodbye to my dreamies, but i literally see them constantly anyway
“have you been resting enough? i love your solo and your promotions but i hope you’re eating and sleeping well :((“
thank you for caring, babe!! don’t worry though, i’m okay. i appreciate your kindness more than you know.
“lily babe what smells do you associate with the dreamies? and siren?”
*answered on ten different instagram story posts, one for each member*
oh my god there’s so many of them .. mila is definitely oranges and green tea. she uses green tea lotion, but the smells just remind me of her as a person since this is what we’re basing it on
i know we’re not really doing LITERAL scents, but hyeyoung unnie uses this givenchy perfume, l’interdit. it smells floral, but with spice. she reminds me of clean laundry and roses.
evie unnie is like paint. she’s an artist, so when i smell paint, i think of her. and champagne!! floral scents remind me of her as well, but bright floral scents, not the soft ones like hyeyoung. and rain. mixed bag
jaemin oppa reminds me of clean but slightly floral smells. i think if i had to pick a smell for him, it’d be this one aloe and rose toning spray i have. lavender is also a good one for him. calming smells
jeno oppa is like a soap? yknow just the regular body soap with no added scent? it still smells good and it’s just nice and familiar. also, like when something is baking in the oven on an early morning.
fullsun is like if you’re walking somewhere nice and catch a scent of some nearby flowers and freshy cut grass. the way summer days smelled when i was a child. i also would choose honeysuckle for him
renjun oppa is like a forest? he also reminds me of the smell of books, or paper. i’d also pick a beach, but on a cloudy day and there aren’t many people around and the air. he’s like nature
jisung reminds me of the summer nights smell where you have a bonfire. do you all know what i mean? i dunno, it just fits him! and he’s like a nice fresh smell. maybe like when the air smells colder.
chenle reminds me of a pool and i don’t know how to explain that. on another note, mint. he always has a bit of a minty smell in person, too, so that’s probably why. also cologne because he has a lot of it
mark oppa really reminds me of just... that comfortable home smell? and candles? i think amber and cashmere too... those warm, comfy scents. laundry and clean hair. nice smells. he doesn’t wear cologne btw but he always smells nice
“if you can’t talk right now and are doing hot girl shit, what are you doing?”
deadass just rewatching the twilight saga
“should i get a sugar daddy”
i feel like i will get in trouble for answering this
“me love you long tim”
who’s long tim
“do you also still use l’interdit for your perfume?”
OKAY so i use it every now and then!! it’s hyeyoung’s signature smell, and i liked it so sometimes i switch it up and use that. my regular perfume is amazing grace bu philosophy. i’ve used it every day for years
“do you watch crack videos? ily”
ily too!! +yes and i ENJOY THEM it’s very much my sense of humor. johnny irritated me when he only laughed a little. i also watch edits you all make of me >:) i see a lot of czennies posts.
and yes that should scare you
“do the kitties get along with beetle? and are there any other pets in the siren dorms?”
our pets get along pretty well. honey was very hostile at first, but she got used to mr. darcy pretty quickly and they’re best friends. the cats are indifferent to beetle but sometimes they cuddle. and there’s not anymore pets yet!! well, mila has a goldfish too- she just got him and his name is bird.
“bestie i would drink your spit”
i KNOW you didn’t think i would see/respond but i’m built different
“jimin my love what should i do if my ex is trying to get back with me? he kinda broke my heart nd cheated but i still have feelings :(”
um babe he is a FLOP for breaking your heart nd a FLOP for cheating. please don’t get back with his bum ass. idc if it’s harsh- no excuse for cheating. if you trust someone with your heart and they cheat, you know they’re not to be trusted with them again. stay strong bub- i believe in you!
“lily babe your solo was beautiful shskdhs can we expect more solo/lily-written things soon?”
okay i. cannot maybe should not say anything but uh .. LOL
“jimin may i please have your hand in marriage”
okay so i definitely scrolled your account, i definitely think you are beautiful, and i am definitely in love now. also i accidentally liked an old photo gosh i seem creepy i am so sorry
but basically she said yes
“who have you texted most recently?”
*the photo for this story is the cats*
i feel like you wanted to hear a member or one of my friends but i was texting in a group chat with me and my parents. i sent them this picture of my cats, and i also told them i miss them
“ma’am what are your favorite shows”
favorite show of all time is euphoria! i also love the end of the fucking world, joe pera talks with you, the office, seinfeld, i’m now very into steven universe!!!”
“cat girl?”
maid costume is better
“what did u get johnny and jisung for their birthdays!!?”
OO yes!! he loves hats a lot so i got him a balenciaga cap. he really loved it. i also made a decorated corkboard with pictures of our members having fun. i put string lights around the frame and put pretty things on it with evie’s help
johhny is hard to get presents for because he buys whatever he wants. i ended up getting him a pair of vetements slides and a bottle of wine i know he likes. 
also!! i got seulgi unnie and i matching bracelets <3
“why is no one talking about the fact that her favorite show is euphoria oh my GOD”
hhhhhh it’s literally art. the best show i have ever seen in my entire life. a few of the other members have watched it, as well, but evie is also really into it. it made hyeyoung cry the whole time.
“favorite food and song right now? i love you you’re so precious”
i love you more, darling!! food is gyoza, but i really love all dumplings right now. my favorite song at the moment is lovely day by bill withers
“STEVEN UNIVERSE OMG tag siren as the crystal gems”
OKAY hyeyoung is def pearl, shes our mom. mila is garnet, for obvious reasons. i’m steven :D
and evie is amethyst but my mind also is saying greg universe so do with that what you will
“answer 100% honestly there’s a gun to your head who is your favorite member”
“will you flirt with me queen”
no problem baby :) your recent is fine as hell i’ll be in your dm’s waiting
“are you in love”
how can i not be when i am living on the same planet as you
“girl don’t be shy send us hand pics”
“do you have any western artists you’d like to collab with?”
it’s britney, bitch
“i really hope the dating rumors with renjun didn’t but strain on your friendship :(”
okay i actually really wanna address this because a lot of y’all have been saying this stuff, but it didn’t mess up anything. we’re adults now, we’ve known each other for years, and none of us are stupid- including the other guys. we know there will be rumors about us, it’s fairly obvious, but nothing will ever change the fact that we are all best friends, and nothing more. i’m so, so grateful for all of you that were kind, and believed me us when we told the truth. renjun and i, once again, for the people in my dm’s and asks, are not, and never were, dating. our friendship is as strong as ever, babes. 
it’s time for me to goooo, i’m sleepy! goodnight, petals! see you soon~~
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abbyfreemansmind · 4 years
Let’s talk about Hazbin Hotel
So, I finally sat down and watched Hazbin Hotel. I’d heard so much about it and felt the need to launch myself headfirst into having my own opinions about it instead of just listening to other people talking about it. This is gonna be a long post, so I’m gonna put it behind a neat little read more. Please note that this is coming from someone who genuinely enjoys adult humour and edgy humour and themes. I’ve got no problem with something that’s all swearing and raunchy jokes. It just needs to be done right.
Point 1 - The Plot The plot is describes as the Princess of Hell trying to open a new hotel to rehabilitate sinners so they don’t get exterminated during the yearly heavenly extermination to deal with Hell’s overpopulation problems. This plot is quickly undone through a few things that anyone can notice during the first viewing. 1 - Overpopulation? WHAT population? The scenery is most often noticeably devoid of any signs of life, outside of when background characters are called for. The scene where Charlie’s doing her news presentation is the most notable example of background characters. After this scene, we see almost nobody outside of the main cast and those weird little egg things. There are a few throwaway demons but outside of that, the streets are devoid of people. There aren’t even the corpses we had just seen during that opening scene. 2 - Charlie may as well be a total nobody what with all the power being the Princess of Hell holds. Just look at how the other characters treat her. You’d think the Princess of Hell would have some kind of benefit that would sway people towards agreeing with this whole idea. Instead, she gets mocked by just about everyone for reasons I can only guess involve winning her sympathy points from the audience. 3 - At no point does she give any proof that redemption would work. She basically says, “Hey guys! I hate seeing you all die, so I have this idea that has no backing evidence, that may or may not work, to try and get you guys into Heaven! Let me sing a song about it where I insult you all!”
Point 2 - Presentation I applaud the animators. Must’ve been hard, especially for Charlie’s overly fast song that really didn’t need to be nightcored, or literally any time Angel Dust was on-screen. Frame by frame. No rigs. All those stripes. All those colours that blend if you stare at them too hard or squint even slightly while watching. All that unnecessarily constant movement. It’s no wonder the thing took four bloody years to animate. Outside of animation, there are too many unneeded details and not enough needed details. Seriously. 1 - The turf war. We didn’t need this. We didn’t need this at all. If you take out the entire opening to it and the entire actual fight scene here, the episode still flows smoothly and we get the same amount of information and worldbuilding. In a pilot/first episode, you should only give the audience necessary details. Leave them wanting more, yes, but make sure they actually know what they’re getting into from the first episode. Make every scene count. Make it mean something. Don’t just shove every detail you can think of together and call it a day, especially if you don’t actually give the audience much information from it. 2 - Why is Hell overpopulated? Why isn’t Heaven? Why can angels go from Heaven to Hell, but demons can’t go from Hell to Heaven? Why does nobody care about being redeemed if Hell is so overpopulated that Angels annually come down and kill people because of it? Why does everyone treat the Princess of Hell like she’s worthless? Why doesn’t Angel Dust know about Alastor if they got into hell within 10 years of each other? Where is this supposed overpopulation problem? Would redemption even work in the first place? Why should I care about most of these characters (who are mostly complete jerks with no redeeming qualities other than “PROTAGONIST”, especially when two of the fan favourites repeatedly sexually assault other characters and, in one case, is both sexist and racist at one point)? Why are there turf wars? I should not be having to ask these questions. Don’t hold the audience’s hand, but don’t leave every single question you present in the show unanswered. Some of the questions presented make absolute sense to leave unanswered. Why does Alastor want to help with the hotel? Why are characters like Vaggie and Niffty, who do nothing all that bad, in Hell? These are questions that make total sense to leave unanswered for now. 3 - What crime is too terrible to be redeemed for? Charlie seems to think that literally everyone can be redeemed. That means murderers, rapists, abusers, tormentors... Certainly her song holds some kind of key to figuring it out! “Inside of every creepy hatchet-wielding maniac” Hmm... Okay... “All of you cretins, sluts and losers, sexual deviants and boozers” Uh... “So, all your cartoon porn addictions, vegan rants, psychic predictions Ancient Roman crucifixions end right here All you monsters, thieves and crazies, cannibals and crying babies" Oh... Also, did she imply that mental illness, alcoholism, drug dependency, plant-based diets/lifestyles, rabies and enjoyment of sex were sins in that song?
Point 3 - Edgy for the sake of edgy Hazbin Hotel tries to be an adult cartoon, but comes off as something a mentally disturbed teenager wrote during their emo/scene phase. 1 - The swearing and sex jokes. Oh boy. I’ve worked with children under the age of 15 who swear and crack sex jokes better than the adults in this show. The swearing and sex jokes are the only reasons this show couldn’t be aired as a Cartoon Network show aimed at edgy teenagers. It’s so poorly done that it in and of itself takes away from the quality of the show itself. Also, we have a character who’s name is an actual sex joke itself. Vaggie, full name Vagatha - a lesbian sex worker, of course. Fun fact for those who don’t know, but all of her previous character drafts had her name as some form of joke on the word vagina. This isn’t an accident, this is blatant and intentional. Also, here’s a pro tip for you! You can make an adult-oriented show without having swearing, slurs and sex jokes taking up a solid third or more of your script. 2 - The... “Representation”. Yes, Hazbin Hotel has LGBT+ characters! Yes, it has biracial and Latina characters! Charlie is bi, Vaggie is a Latina lesbian, Angel Dust is a gay man, Alastor is ace and biracial, Husk is pan, Niffty is Japanese (YIKES). Except none of it actually matters. No, really. Vivziepop was all like, “btw you can ship w/e, idc! also, i rlly like the fanon version of human alastor (who is whiter than marshmallow fluff even though he’s supposed to be half black)! :)” and threw all that out the window because... Who knows at this point. Now, if you look at the connected series, Helluva Boss, you get Moxie and Millie - an extremely obvious and loving couple. In Hazbin Hotel, you get Charlie and Vaggie who you probably couldn’t tell were a couple without somebody telling you that in the first place, what with all the loveydovey-ness going on with them. In fact, the biggest hint we even get is literally one line. “Life ain’t a musical, hun.” But then again, I’d be more apt to believe Charlie and Vaggie are friends, or Vaggie is pining after Charlie. Also, Charlie is a really bad girlfriend! She lets Vaggie get abused by practically the entire cast without so much as a single word in her defense and ignores everything Vaggie says. It came as no surprise when I remembered hearing about how the only reason these two are a couple is because one of the people on the team thought they were during storyboarding and Vivziepop just went with it. Also, fun fact, Vaggie fits both the angry lesbian and fiery Latina stereotypes. Charlie fits the stereotype for the bisexual cheater, what with how she seems to actually like Alastor more than her own bloody girlfriend. Alastor is canonically ace because he’s too full of himself to be with anyone else. Speaking as somebody who’s ace... WHAT?! As much as I don’t like Charlastor, it’s partially more popular than Chaggie because Vivziepop actually made them act like a couple for an entire musical number. Also, he’s annoying. He not only kept telling Vaggie to smile (heck you dude), he also smacked her butt, which is a form of sexual assault, people. This was all played for laughs, along with Vaggie’s (actually very reasonable) anger. Niffty is Japanese. A yellow-skinned demon who’s boy crazy and obsessed with cleaning... Big yikes. Finally, Angel Dust. The kinky gay man porn star/drag queen/drug addict/prostitute who verbally sexually assaulted two guys. Where do I begin. When it came to this guy, Vivziepop must’ve been like, “Imma throw every stereotype for gay men on this guy and call it a character!” If you look a Helluva Boss again, you get Stolas, who verbally sexually assaults Blitzo over the phone and also cheated on his wife with him in the first place, so this isn’t a one-off. Also, he was originally AFAB, so that whole line about “Why are you all women?” is more than a little heinous and in extremely poor taste.
In conclusion, this show is terrible. Everything about it. It needs some serious reworking, because as it stands, it’s really truly not that great of a creation.
tl;dr: Needs a lot of work and “ThEy’Re In HeLl!!1!!one!!!eleven!!!11″ isn’t even remotely an excuse for the genuine problems in it. Remember, at least one actual human being on Earth, not in Hell, wrote this garbage fire. Also, the animators deserve a higher wage than whatever they’re getting to deal with these designs. I shudder just thinking about animating them, with or without a rig.
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rinnnyxr · 3 years
Unpopular opinions you agree with
**Pineapple belongs on pizza **
Oreos in milk are overrated
New Disney is better than old Disney
K-pop isn’t good 
Riverdale is overrated
Being childish isn’t a bad thing
Tarantulas are cute
Books are better than movies 
Beards on men are ugly 
Snapchat isn’t that cool 
Taylor Swift’s albums are overrated
Cooked vegetables are better than fruit 
“The Kissing Booth” movie isn’t that good 
“Money can’t buy happiness” isn’t real
Black coffee is better than all other coffee
Converses are uncomfortable 
“The Incredibles 2″ is overhyped
Soccer isn’t fun sport to watch
**Ketchup is nasty **
Donuts are gross
Cats better than dogs  
Beyoncé is overrated 
Android is better than Apple 
Sprite is better than Pepsi or Coke
Trump is a good president
Peanut butter is disgusting 
Soda tastes terrible
Tacos are gross 
**Teens use their phone too much **
Vanilla is better than chocolate
Yeezys are ugly 
Pizza is gross
School is fun
Sardines are delicious
Despacito was not a good song at all 
Croptops are ugly
Honey is disgusting
**Metal music is amazing **
Showering at night is better than showering in the morning 
It’s annoying when people say “bless you” after you sneeze and they should mind their own business
Cake is not that good
Waking up early rules
Staying friends with your exes is fine and healthy 
Concerts are not fun 
Watching a movie at home is better than watching a movie in theaters
Anything fewer than four “ha”s in a “hahahaha” text is rude
Cats just seem more human than dogs
Getting presents is more stressful than it’s worth
Strawberries get more credit than they deserve
Taking a nap is usually a bad idea
**It’s better to be hot than cold **
Vegetables are better than dessert
Christmas is not the best holiday, not by a long shot 
^Thanksgiving is the best holiday 
Karaoke is only fun if you are a good singer and love attention. It’s horrifying for the rest of us 
There’s no reason to send cards in 2020. It’s a waste of trees
**Talking on the phone is easier and better than texting **
** **
** **
Texting Slang I Use
ily | idk | wtf | ttyl | stfu | cuz | rn | kms |** lol | wth** | oml | tmr | brb | lmao | ty | smh | np |** ikr | nvm** | idgaf |** ur | btw | idc** | bc
Parties Hosted before Friends make me go Prom Only eats the food Sings along Doesn’t talk to anyone Family parties Goes at least 1 a year Went with bf/gf Made new friend(s) Never drank Hooked up with someone Sitting the whole time Dances Prefers to stay at home School dances Stayed up all night Goes with friends Invited but does not go Drank mysterious liquid Got drunk Social with everyone DJ-ed a party
My Crush boy glasses older than me stylish long hair brunette short techie smart shy girl braces blue eyes freckles red hair younger than me rich short hair popular tall book worm plays a sport brown eyes blonde
Different Types of Virgo 1, The CEOs sensitive but doesn’t show it rolling their eyes for your drama wears black clothes a lot “my time is precious” lets failures define their self-worth doesn’t give up easily 4/6 2, The Beauty Queen discounted clothes are the absolute best not gonna be anyone’s side hoe insecure with their looks perfectionist mentality congenial, tires to be kind not ashamed of their sexuality 6/6 3, The Motherly Type holds grudges makes sure you eat well underappreciated to the core tries to help you in any way possible patient but easily irritated gets excited when you ask them about something they’re a pro at 5/6 4, The Chill Intellectual thrifts clothing 4/20 friendly watched documentaries about topics has so many conspiracy theories doesn’t give a fuck, just wants to have some peace good grades without trying 2/6
When a Virgo Is Sad “I’ll joke about my pain haha” “Fuck I’m lonely” Stressing out for no reason Tries hard not to cry Still tryna be there for people “Wow, I’ve been made the bad guy again..nice” “No one appreciates me” In need of romance or just comfort?
Inside The Mind of a Virgo
**“Bruh” **| resilience | being smart af | y’all are gonna miss me when I’m gone” | being good at listening | checking up on friends because you care | not realizing how beautiful you are | :( | boss ass bitch that’s goofy | not apologizing for speaking the truth | “fuck you but fuck me” | bravery | empathy | cackling over the fact that their friends ended up hurt after they didn’t take the advice the gave | a whole Pinterest board of cute outfits | cute baby animals | hating group projects with dumb people
You as a Friend Spamming memes Giving your friends life-changing advices You’re witty Trying your best to make time for friends So nice to everyone else but hard on yourself The biggest crackhead Would literally lock friends up if they try to text their exes
Five Things That Annoy You Always feeling like you’re self-inviting yourself to an event Being behind slow walkers in busy areas Deadlines on important tasks Ignorant people who think they’re smart “Just get over it, look on the brighter side”
Things You’ve Google Searched Before What do my dream mean? Pornhub Good sleep tips WebMD am I dying? Heartbreak music People falling over
Random Lush for cash Needing therapy Masking pain Being called the “office bitch” Being the mom friend Comfort food Laughing at who your exes downgraded to Overanalyzing everything people say to you You’re helpful People have called you cute before You can’t tolerate dumb people You can either be really friendly or would put a gun to people’s heads “Existence is pain” Just wanting to get shit done You have great problem-solving skills You’re passionate and hard-working You feel uncomfortable when people are too giving with you You’re anxious You’re friendly but skeptical Expecting the worst Very frequent mood changes You’re romantic lowkey Ghosting toxic people You take good photos You’re open to constructive criticism You’d do anything for family You like to get shit done asap Sad over childhood nostalgia Being a ride or die friend Personality over looks Wanting to be a kid again highkey Wanting to be in control Kinda patient You have to deal with idiots on a regular “Why the fuck aren’t the dishes arranged in alphabetical order?” “I literally did not ask for your opinion” Stressing out over nothing important “Gosh I should’ve stayed home today”
Rate how important you think each of these is in a partner from 1-10 (1= not important/don’t care, 10=very important)
Speaking the same language   1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10
Living in the same city   1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10
Living in the same country   1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10
Not swearing   **1 **| 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10
Good hygiene   1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10
Similar interests as you   1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10
Them not living with their parents   1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10
Being employed/having a good job   1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10
The amount of money they have   **1 **| 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10
Being good in bed   1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | **5 **| 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10
Being good with kids   1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10
Playfulness   1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10
Height   1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 |** 8** | 9 | 10
Going to the same school/work   1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10
How popular they are   1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10
Their body/built   1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10
Having good hair   1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10
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