#buddhagaya trip
tripcounselors · 3 months
Buddhist Pilgrimage
Bodhgaya is one of the most important and highly respected Buddhist pilgrimage places on the planet. Here, under the banyan tree known as the Bodhi Tree, Gautama became enlightened and became the Buddha. At Kushinagar, which is 55 kilometers from Gorakhpur, the Lord Buddha spoke his final words, "Look now, brethren, I urge you, saying, decay is inherent in all component things!" He then said, "With diligence, work out your salvation," and left for heaven. The solemn dying is seen by the Mahaparinirvana temple, which is dedicated to the event. One among the numerous stupas in Kushinagar is the Rambhar Stupa, which is supposedly the location of Lord Buddha's cremation. You should look into it.
Please Visit our Website Trip Counselors for more information.
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Anuradhapura Tour in Sri Lanka
Anuradhapura is a city in Sri Lanka's North Central Province, in the Anuradhapura District. Sanghamitta, the founder of a Buddhist nuns' order, carried a cutting from the 'tree of enlightenment,' the Buddha's fig tree, to this hallowed city in the third century B.C. After an invasion in 993, Anuradhapura, a Ceylonese political and religious capital that existed for 1,300 years, was abandoned. The magnificent site, with its palaces, monasteries, and monuments, has been hidden for many years in an impenetrable jungle and is now open to the public.If tourists like to travel Sri Lanka Trips they can visit the historical city in Sri Lanka.
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The Sacred Bo tree, also known as the Jaya Sri Maha Bodhiya of Anuradhapura, Sri Lanka, is the world's oldest living tree. It's a sapling from the historic Bodhi tree, where Buddha attained enlightenment. It is the world's oldest living human-planted tree with a known planting date, having been planted in 288 BCF. Ven. Sanghamitta Therini, a sister of Arhant Mahinda, who delivered the Buddha's Teachings to Sri Lanka, carried it from Buddhagaya, India. The region surrounding the Sri Maha Bodhi, the Brazen Palace, and the Ruwanweliseya Dagoba was most likely previously part of the Great Temple.Do like Travels Sri Lanka so definitely you want to travel Anuradhapura. 
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tripcounselors · 1 year
Bodhgaya Tour, Bihar
Bodhgaya is widely regarded as one of the most significant and holy destinations for Buddhists to visit anywhere in the world. It was here under a banyan tree known as the Bodhi Tree that Gautama attained the highest knowledge necessary to become Buddha, also known as the Enlightened One. The Mahabodhi Temple Complex at Bodh Gaya may be found around 115 kilometers south of Patna, the capital city of the Indian state of Bihar, and approximately 16 kilometers from Gaya, the location of the district headquarters. It is considered to be one of the four sacred locations associated with the life of the Lord Buddha, and more specifically with the accomplishment of Enlightenment. The location that is currently known as Bodh Gaya went by a number of different names in the past, including Uruvela, Sambodhi (Complete Enlightenment), Vajrasana, and Mahabodhi. Around the time of the 18th century, the city was given the name Bodh Gaya for the first time. Even what is now known as the Mahabodhi Temple was formerly called the Bodhimanda-Vihara. According to Buddhist legend, the Bodhi tree, also known as the Bo tree, is the unique sacred fig (Ficus religiosa) that the Buddha sat beneath when he reached Enlightenment (Bodhi) at Bodh Gaya in Bihar, India. Bodh Gaya is located in the Indian state of Bihar.
If you have any concerns regarding the informative and reasonably priced Bodhgaya tours we provide, please don't hesitate to get in touch with one of our helpful Trip Counselors.
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