#bullied. it's scary and a part of his story yes undoubtedly but it is not The High Point. and mike has always been crazy for will but
bylertruther · 2 years
me when season five airs and The Big Reveals are mike's sexuality and will's love for mike bc mike has always known he's loved will but he hasn't always been comfortable with his sexuality and will has always known what he is but he didn't always know that what he felt for mike was that kind of love until it was already too late and thus the source of his pain has been jealousy + unrequited love
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#mike said 'it's not my fault you don't like girls' and 'did you think /i/ would never get a girlfriend?' and joyce said she was so proud of#will's rainbow rocket ship and jonathan told will he'd always love him no matter what and to please talk to him if he needs to and the#party has always heard what people call will and loved him anyway no matter what and will has generally always had people in his corner#to support him that have literally endangered themselves and almost died for him and some people STILLLLLL think that HIS plot is abt#/focused on coming out n being generally accepted for being gay. like we didn't see that his entire s4 plot was abt his feelings for mike#specifically not his feelings for men in general.#UNLIKE MIKE who was fiercely devoted to will from the get-go but suddenly pushed him away n projected his internalized homophobia#and shame bestowed upon him by society onto will who wasn't even fucking talking about THAT thank u very much and who has been#battling being a freak loser (aka himself) vs conforming to what everyone else wants him to be (wearing mommy's clothes; impressing#other people by getting not just a girlfriend but a SUPERHERO girlfriend) and who in the season where he says he doesn't want to be#popular and where the person he looks up to talks abt nonconformity and mentions sodomy in relation 2 dnd etc etc they make HIS plot#focus on how he CAN'T SAY I LOVE YOU TO HIS GIRLFRIEND IN A ROMANTIC CONTEXT until HIS BEST FRIEND confesses his feelings#and it moves him enough to then make him say it to el when his bestie tells him to. like. literally how much more clear does it need 2 be#MIKE is the one that has BEEENNNNN vying for acceptance and self-worth and battling shame#WILL has been the one that has Known what he is and suffered bc he thought mike was that too n obviously felt hurt by mike replacing him#with el n ignoring him altogether aka 'you're destroying everything and for what? so you can swap spit with some stupid girl?'#like am i the weird one or does mike's 3984093 weird projecting statements after s2 vs will being jealous of el not make this super clear#will HAS ALWAYS HAD ppl to accept him n love him for who he is. the party + his family are right there for him to go home to after being#bullied. it's scary and a part of his story yes undoubtedly but it is not The High Point. and mike has always been crazy for will but#that doesn't mean he's accepted it or thinks others will accept it.#but anyway. im normal i did not write an entire essay in the tags bc i am normal
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annieleonhardt · 7 years
Aruani Week day 2- High School
I've been saying forever that Juno would make for a perfect aruani au, so I figured I could totally get away with doing a very loose Juno au for Day 2. Might do one or more with this. I probably should, since this ends hanging lmao. Anyway, hope you enjoy! <3
Even short stories have to start somewhere.
If Annie had to pick a place for their story to begin, she could easily go back to kindergarten; The day she met Armin Arlert on the playground. Him in his little suspenders and tucked in white shirt, trying to catch a woolly bear caterpillar that inched across a tree branch.
As he noticed her and motioned for her to join him, Annie turned around and instead played on the swings. A fateful meeting that was as mundane as they come. Yet, through the years things changed. Year by year she would listen to him, and instead come over and join in his weird bug collecting hobbies and little one-person book clubs.
Unlike Armin, Annie never could be described as a social kid. The presence of others could be both overwhelming and troublesome. She preferred her own company, thank you very much. Surely, giving in and getting to know someone during recess didn’t mean a thing. Even as she somehow melted into his little 3-person friend group. Eren and Mikasa were tolerable, she supposed. Especially as both were more than willing to share their lunches with her, including large double stuffed oreos that her father would never buy her.
Elementary school turned to middle school, and childlike curiosity turned into adolescent hormones. Month by month, year by year, their classmates changed and grew. She very clearly remembered the day Eren and Jean both came in, showing off their singular chest hairs. The jarring crack of their voices dashed any bravado the two tried to bring. Reiner grew fast, becoming increasingly broad shouldered as his closest friend, Bertholdt, seemed to grow taller without stopping. By the end of 8th grade the two were almost comically enormous. Connie, conversely, seemed to go through every change puberty entailed except for the part about growing tall.
Armin wasn’t so fast. It wasn’t until 8th grade that the shy, introverted bookworm began to grow and change. Their classmates noticed, too. As their friends joined JV sports, he remained on the sidelines. Somehow, Annie prefered it. Though athletic outside school, climbing the ranks in girls MMA, team sports didn’t come easily to her and never had. What did, however, was talking to him. So there they’d sit after school, watching Mikasa and Eren practice their respective sports. Armin had a way of making the wait pass fast for Annie. She liked his conversations about books, and comics, and fantasy, and science. She liked how into his favorite stories he got, and how passionate he seemed to be of things no one else cared about. And she liked how weirdly cynical he could be through his bright smiles. It matched her own increasingly dry wit.
What she didn’t like was how he never seemed to shoot back at unkind words. Being so small, and undoubtedly nerdy, Armin had his fair share of bullies. Other kids who would tease him behind his back in class, as if getting an answer right was somehow something to mock. There were times when books were flung right out of his hands, and he certainly didn’t have the strength to do it right back. The classic locker shove was far from foreign to him, and Annie could recall at least one occasion when when his nose would have been broken if he didn’t dodge a kid in time.
Yet, he never fought back. Even after Eren and Mikasa prodded him to.
“They’d be winning if I did. They’re only doing this because they know I’m right.” He explained, as Annie helped him pick his books up off the ground. “Besides, there’s gonna be a time in their life when they’ll look back on this and see how terrible and immature they’re being. I’ll never have a moment like that!”
He looked up at her beaming, and Annie felt her heart jump.
There was something to be said about his inner strength, and the will it took for him to smile so bright at her after being pushed around. Impressive, perhaps. She liked that about him.
She liked a lot of things about him. Annie didn’t mind admitting that at all.
She also didn’t mind giving his tormentors some retribution behind his back. Armin could hardly hold it against her, if ever he did find out.
Finally came high school, and Annie had been through a freshman and sophomore year of revelations.
1.) When Armin finally came into his own, he was far more handsome than even she could have guessed. 2.) Cross Country was a good sport for him. Perhaps she’d have to thank Eren later for twisting his arm. 3.) She liked him a lot more than she originally thought.
It was Reiner who first brought the topic up. On one of those days she stayed after school, waiting for Armin to get done with his cross country practice. Reiner and Bertholdt, by then a couple (to the surprise of no one), sat beside her on the grass. When the words rolled out of his mouth, she could barely process it.
“When are you going to tell him you love him, Ann?”
It all seemed so matter of fact. Even Bertholdt barely looked moved by his words. As if, she realized, there were only two people in school that didn’t seem to realize the unspoken thing going on between her and Armin since middle school. It was no mystery who those two people were. Spoiler alert: It wasn’t Eren and Mikasa.
“Wait, you didn’t know?!” Eren exclaimed, practically falling off the bench. “Mikasa and I have been betting on who would confess fi- OW!”
Had Mikasa not pinched his arm, Annie would have gladly done it herself.
“What he means is,” Mikasa began, pushing black hair off of her sweat-trenched forehead. “Most people could guess you like him, Annie.”
“What, have been walking around with heart eyes for years and not noticed?”
“A little bit.”
It was hard to act normal around Armin after that. Not for lack of trying, of course. Something was different, and she knew exactly what; she did love him. And she felt like an absolute idiot for not having realized it herself earlier.
“I don’t get it myself, Annie. He’s a little too scrawny for me.” Hitch snickered on the phone one day. “You should tell him, though. Catch that fish while you’re the only one on the lake. And, no offence, your bluntness and scary face may not be to your advantage.”
Ridiculous ways of putting it aside, Hitch had a point. And Annie could only try her best to work up the nerve. When she finally did, it all seemed so simple.
They sat like it was any other weekend. Junior year had begun, and their AP homework was already piling up. However, she certainly wasn’t there to do homework. More important matters were at hand.
As it stood, hers was only inches away from his. Armin sat beside her on the floor of his bedroom. Whatever the movie was, she wasn’t paying attention. It was impossible; Armin was so close, and somehow the gap was closing. The early autumn air was still heavy, and in the air conditioned chill of his room, she could feel sweat pooling on her brow. Annie hadn't realized how hard she was staring until he was staring back, blue eyes wide.
“Annie…?” He asked, his voice barely above a whisper.
“Hey.” The air only seemed to thicken. As her cheeks flared red, she swallowed back whatever was beginning to climb back up her throat. Stray blonde bangs fell into her eyes, but she didn’t get a chance to push them away. Armin was already on it. His fingers brushed gently against the apples of her cheeks, causing goosebumps to form on her arm.
Perhaps the heat clouded her head, because she could only remember the smallest of details. The gap was closed, and his lips were so soft against hers. He was sweet, slow, and gentle. Never making a move unless he knew, somehow, that she approved. After everything, there was a lot she was ready to approve of.
It all seemed to happen so fast. Hands locked tight, and Annie found herself slipping onto his lap. Tongues tangled as either could only beg to go further. No one was home.
Not that it would have mattered. A stray shirt here, a hoodie there. There was no telling how long it took before there was nothing between them. At some point, the floor turned into his cushioned desk chair, and she didn’t care. She didn’t care that they weren’t surrounded by rose petals and champagne. She didn’t care that they were sweating, inexperienced, and letting years of tension explode in his bedroom, surrounded by Star Wars posters and half-finished k’nex models. She didn’t care that they threw caution to the wind in a moment of passion and desperation. On his goddamn desk chair.
All she cared about was that it was him, it was real. It was so very, very real.
And it could only get more real from there. As she thought about it, that’s where all of this really began.
Annie and Armin, and a goddamn desk chair.
“Does Armin even know?”
“Uh. I’m planning on telling him later. Probably.”
Hitch went completely slack jawed. She sat on Annie’s bed, somehow even less composed than Annie herself. Yet, she couldn’t help but hold back a laugh. Something about the situation came across to her as almost awkwardly hilarious. Armin Arlert, of all people. Annie Leonhardt, of all people.
“Holy shiiiiit…” She brought her hand up to her mouth. Annie simply glowered at the floor. “How are you not, like, flipping out right now? I know you’re supposed to be all stoic and all, but this is-”
“Don’t let my face fool you. I’m actually freaking the fuck out.” Annie collapsed on her bed, covering her face with her hands. “Oh my god I’m about to puke.”
“Is it because of-”
“Yes.” She sprung up to a sitting position, and tugged at the collar of her hoodie. It seemed to get tighter and tighter as the moment passed. “I don’t know what to do. I already tried that option, and I just...I couldn’t. It wasn’t for me. No shame to it, I just...I don’t know.” Annie contemplated pulling her hood over her head, pulling the drawstrings, and staying there forever. It seemed like the best course of action.
“You need to tell your dad.”
“You’re insane.”
“No no, hear me out.” Hitch stood up, and the two could just barely hear the sound of Annie’s father downstairs. Home from work, whistling a tune, wondering where his only daughter was off to. “Get that out of the way first. Your dad’s not that bad, Annie. Sure, he’s tactless, a little abrasive, but it’s not like he’ll be mad at you.” She grabbed her friend's hand, and slowly dragged her off the bed. “Come clean, free your mind. Clear your conscience. Tell papa Leonhardt the truth, and then go over to Armin’s. If your dad hulks out, comfort will be right around the corner. Literally. He lives like a block away.”
“Ohh my god.” Despite herself, Annie had to agree. The desperate nature of the situation made anything seem sane, of course.
By the time they were downstairs, her father rested on the couch. The paper in front of him just barely obfuscated his face from view, giving Annie a moment to breathe. Her fingers fumbled with the sleeves of her hoodie. Behind her, Hitch sat on a nearby table.
“Just go for it! That’s for the best” She prodded, getting Annie’s father's attention immediately.
“Ann!” He shouted, the smile spreading across his face. “I was wondering where you disappeared to- oh hey, Annie’s friend.”
“Hitch, sir! You’ve known me for years.”
“If you say so. What’s up, Ann? Why are your eyes so red?” He put his paper down, leaning forward in a way that somehow made Annie feel worse. Their relationship could be rocky, but the fear of his disappointment in her rest at the pit of her stomach. “You wanna spar the pain away? That always helps.”
“Uhh…” Her voice failed her. It was as if the room began to close in around her. Annie sucked in a deep breath, closing her eyes for a moment before finally, and boy did it feel final, going for it.
“Uh. I’m pregnant.”
One burden lifted up, only for another to rest on her shoulder. Her father looked past the point of stunned. His face fell flat, with the exception of his dropped jaw. Slowly, eyebrows moved inwards. As the silence dragged on, Annie began to panic.
“I really didn’t mean for- listen, I’m probably just gonna give it up for adoption, it’ll have a nice home I’m sure, and in a few months we can pretend this never happened and I didn’t totally fuck up what could be my entire life, yeah?” Barely a breath in between.
“You’re...you’re pregnant?” It almost stung more that his voice wasn’t in any way elevated. The kind of tone that said he wasn’t mad, just very disappointed. Oh, it stung good.
“...I’m sorry.” She pushed blonde bangs out of her eyes, more out of nerves than a real need. “I’m feeling the pain, if it’s any consolation. Crazy heartburn, migraine…”
“You...you’re sexually active?”
“Oh my god.”
It was almost a relief to see her father become a bit more animated.
“Annie Francesca Leonhardt, I...who is the kid?”
“The baby? I mean I don’t know, it kind of looks like a lizard though.” His real questioned dawned on her, and she wanted to smack herself more and more.
“No, fuck, Annie I mean, who’s the father?”
Another deep breath.
“Armin Arlert.”
“...Armin Arlert?” His snicker was beyond unexpected.
“What’s so funny?”
“Nothing, it’s just…I didn’t think he had it in him.”
“HA, I know, right?” Hitch barely blocked Annie’s hand coming her way.
Though it was at the expense of the boy she loved, she did appreciate the lightening atmosphere. It didn’t last too long, though. Her father’s gaze rested hard on her.
“Ann, what the hell are you going to do?” There it was. The clear look of disappointment she was dreading. Annie bit her lips, eyes drifting down to the carpet as her cheeks went red. In the long run, she had no idea. In the short term, she wanted desperately for that conversation to end. More importantly, she wanted desperately to talk to him. Armin’s voice was a phone call away, but she prefered something more intimate.
The conversation with her father could only go so far. The moment he let her go, Annie found herself running out of the house and onto her bike. How Armin would react: She had absolutely no idea.
At least, she knew, he would be comforting. If a little shocked. More than a little shocked.
Ah, hell. Annie would be shocked if he didn’t pass out right there. She was feeling about ready to, as well.
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f0restpunk · 5 years
André Øvredal’s adaptation of Alvin Schwarz‘s children’s classics Scary Stories to Tell In The Dark is a PG-13 horror movie with bite. 
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Stories hurt,
Stories heal.
If we repeat them often enough,
And they become real.
  These words run throughout André Øvredal‘s adaptation of the morbidly popular children’s anthologies Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark. That’s certainly true of the tales contained in this series of books, for spooky children of a certain age group at least. Kids growing up in the ’80s and ’90s cut their fangs on Alvin Schwarz’s short, almost fairy-tale like horror stories. That’s a big part of the challenge of adapting beloved and well-known source material like Scary Stories. Characters like the woman missing her big toe or the haunted scarecrow have crawled, scraped, bled, and groaned throughout the nightmares and imaginations of a whole generation. Will the film adaptation live up to the horrors we’ve conjured in our own minds?
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“Will the film adaptation live up to the horrors we’ve conjured in our own minds?”
In the case of Øvredal’s Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark the answer is yes. Well, sort of. In their own way. First of all, the FX are top-notch. CGI has evolved to such a state that the creatures, like The Big Toe Lady or The Woman With Black Eyes and Long Black Hair are suitably terrifying. It also adds onto the original material, connecting the stories together into one cohesive narrative via a clever connecting story.  
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Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark begins on Halloween Night in the town of Mill Valley, Pennsylvania. The year is 1968. We meet Stella (Zoe Colletti), Auggie (Gabriel Rush), and Chuck (Austin Zajur). They’re you’re usual batch of misfits, the perennial horror underdogs, who decide to go out for one last Halloween, “in the last year of their childhoods,” as a voiceover intones at the beginning of a film. Enter Tommy (Austin Abrams), your classic horror movie bully. The misfits decide to fight back, throwing a flaming bag of human feces into Tommy’s car. He and his henchmen are understandably upset, chasing the trio into a drive-in movie theater. 
Here they meet Ramon (Michael Garza), a seemingly itinerant Mexican “not from around there,” as is pointed out multiple times throughout the film, most often by Police Chief Turner (Gil Bellows), who’s convinced that Ramon has something to do with the rash of disappearances that are about to begin. 
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Ramon saves Zoe, Auggie, and Chuck from Tommy and they all decide to go to a haunted house to nightcap the evening. They break into the old Bellows’ estate, long abandoned, where the ghost of poor Sarah Bellows is still supposed to dwell, after hanging herself with her own hair.
The now-quartet quickly discover a secret – a hidden room. This was where Sarah lived. It was said, back in the day, that kids would creep into the house and whisper, “Sarah, tell me a story,” and she would, whispering creepy manifestations of her twisted imagination, warped from years in the dark. This was where she told them those stories. 
Zoe, the resident horror writer and obsessive, discovers Sarah’s book of stories amongst her things. Meanwhile, Chuck gets separated and locked in a closet, where he is given a glimpse of a distant time, when the house was still in repair; an old woman and an obsidian-black obsidian simply staring at him, ominously. 
All four are quickly realizing that something’s not right, that there’s something going on. They begin to notice the book is changing. New stories appear and begin to come true. 
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  “There’s something wrong with that book.”
  From here, Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark is a non-stop coal mine ride, ramping up and up and up, like plunging into an inky black void. It’s a ghoulishly good time! For one thing, as i mentioned above, the special FX are really something special, if perhaps a bit Mike Flanagan-esque. We’ve gotten to a point where computer-generated spooks and spectres can legitimately disturb, and they do, in Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark. Characters like The Lady With The Black Eyes and Long Black Hair and the Me Tie Dough-Ty Walker stand to enter the annals of classic horror characters, similar to The Bent-Neck Lady or The Floating Man from Mike Flanagan’s The Haunting of Hill House. 
This is also good news for a whole new generation of young horror lovers, towards whom Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark is aimed. It’s PG-13 rating is one of the best things it has going for it. It means that Young Adults and teenagers will get to experience its dread. Its perhaps even a bit scarier for it. I personally find PG-13 horror to be a bit more effective, at times, as directors are forced to get creative rather than just relying on shock and gore. 
There are some moments that are legitimately terrifying in Scary Stories. I had the good fortune to see this film on opening night at the undoubtedly haunted popcorn palace The Laurelhurst Theater on 28th and Burnside in Portland. There were several moments of loud gasps from the crowd throughout the film, followed by nervous laughter. I could hear people whispering to each other, “This is scary,” and we were all 12 again, together, collectively. 
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Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark is reminiscent of the recent Goosebumps movies, both visually and in terms of pacing, as well as a similar amount of comic relief. It’s much scarier than Goosebumps, however, so keep that in mind when showing to your spooky kids. It’s truly got something for horror lovers of all ages, almost guaranteed to become a new horror staple and addition to the canon, to be beloved during the dark, creeping times of year for years to come. 
Scary Stories To Tell In The Dark is in theaters now.
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Scary Stories To Tell In The Dark (2019) horror movie review André Øvredal's adaptation of Alvin Schwarz's children's classics Scary Stories to Tell In The Dark…
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azworkingdogs · 7 years
The Top 5 Reasons Your Dog is Aggressive
The puppy in the video below is 4 weeks…YES, 4 weeks…old! This is much too serious a behavior for such a tiny puppy!
Dog aggression seems to be of epic proportions lately!
Sometimes I wonder if it is because I am a dog trainer and the majority of dogs that I see have some kind of behavior problem.
But, as of late, I think the majority of the problems I deal with are aggression.
It used to be simple lack of appropriate behavior, like jumping or barking or pulling on a leash…
Now, it seems it is a large combination of lack of appropriate behavior AND aggression.
And, for the most part, I can usually narrow down the reason for the surge in aggression issues, so I thought I would share those with you so you can avoid some of these pitfalls with your dog or puppy (in order of the most important complications, in my opinion).
Here Are The Top 5 Reasons Your Dog Is Aggressive:
5. Lack of Socialization
Puppies need socialization!
They need to see clear, concise and happy pictures of what life will look like when they are older.
They need to see people of all color, gender, and size.
They need to have positive experiences with children.
And, we must be especially careful with them while they are in their fear imprint impact periods.
From the age of 8 weeks to 11 weeks is their first fear impact period.
Learning at this stage is PERMANENT, yes, permanent, meaning if there is a traumatic experience it can be difficult, if not impossible, to completely change.
The second fear impact period happens when the dog is from 6 months to 14 months old.
It is critical at this time to NOT reinforce bad behavior or condition the dog by cooing to him. When he is scared, saying “it’s okay, it’s okay” will often condition or teach the dog to be scared in many situations. Eventually just these words, “it’s okay”, can create fear because you are using them when the dog is in a negative emotional state.
Just like your words can create excitement or happiness: “Go for a walk” means you are taking him for a walk, “It’s okay” will teach him that something scary is about to happen! Don’t do it!
Instead, teach him through training to be confident and encourage confident behavior!
4. Inappropriate Socialization
This seems to happen so often in our society today.
People think that “socialization” means placing the puppy in a stressful environment and letting him work through it.
Want to “socialize” him with kids?  Find a pack of kids and let him go.
Want to “socialize” him with dogs?  Take him to the dog park.
The truth is that this is completely WRONG!
Heck, I don’t even really like puppy socialization classes that allow the pups to play with reckless abandon! It seems that there are always one or two puppies that run around bullying the other puppies in the class… and that is not fun.
Imagine taking your toddler to “class” and allowing him to play with bigger toddlers with sharp ice picks that they are using to poke some of the smaller, more scared, toddlers.
Because, let’s face it, these puppies chase down the smaller, more scared, puppies, corner them and then bite them… not fun!
Appropriate socialization means controlling the environment.
Find a dog that you know is great with puppies and let your puppy play with that dog.
Find ONE child at a time that you know is kind and who will quietly sit on the floor with your puppy or give treats.
I’ve shared this story before, but I feel it appropriate to share again. I had a friend who had a small Jack Russell puppy and the kids in the neighborhood wanted to play with him and hold him.
She was happy to be able to socialize him.
However, one of the kids dropped him.
He NEVER liked kids again. He was scared and defensive whenever children came around.
It is easier to say NO to a group of kids and then wait until you can control the child or children and the environment.
I’d rather hurt a few kids’ feelings than have to deal with a dog that is afraid of and hates kids for the next 15 years.
3. No Leash Manners
I know that sounds trite and like it is coming from a dog obedience trainer… and IT IS, because I know what happens if your dog is training himself.
Dogs that are in charge of their own leash training easily become reactive.
They see a dog, or person (or cat, scooter, kid) and begin pulling toward them.
The owner becomes agitated because their shoulder is getting pulled, so the owner tightens the leash.
The dog struggles more.
The human shortens the leash, yells and I have even seen owners whack their dog on top of the head…
This all becomes a negative experience and will undoubtedly bleed over to the next time the same person or object is seen.
Time and time again, the dog has a negative experience and begins to be “reactive” or defensive when they see this thing or person.
The dog and owner have conditioned each other that whatever the distraction is, it’s a bad thing!
And, because there were no leash manners to begin with, the dog’s behavior gets worse and worse until often the owner simply gives up and leaves the dog at home.
Leash manners and teaching your dog to ignore distractions and “heel” is one of the most important skills that you will ever teach him.
Click here to download your FREE copy of “The Look-A-Way” Game to help teach your dog to ignore distractions and pay attention to you.
By teaching him where to be next to your body and conditioning him to walk with a loose leash, you are preventing him from becoming reactive or aggressive in the first place.
There is no pull-and-pull-back.
There is no frustration from either source.
Instead, there is an obedient dog that knows exactly what to do and where to be.
Doesn’t that sound nice?
2. No Training
This one sounds a lot like the former example, and it is true, they are similar.
Leash manners and obedience go hand in hand.
Allowing an aggressive dog to lunge and spit and twirl on the end of the leash is the last thing you want to do!
You want to give an aggressive dog, or a potentially aggressive dog, something else to do with his mind.
When left to his own devices, he locks on to whatever is making him aggressive and he is working himself up into the red zone and the point of no return. Once he has reached this level, there is literally almost nothing you can do to change his mindset except pull him away from the situation as quickly as you can.
Instead, you need to be able to give him commands that he can adhere to, so that his mindset changes.
Instead of “I’m going to kill that other dog”.
I want to notice the subtle changes in my dog (just as he notices the other dog and before he locks on) and give him a command that he can be successful at achieving.
I want to say “heel” or “sit” or “look” or “watch”.
Thank you to fortunate K9 for the picture
I might even turn him around and get him to give me push ups.
So instead of “I’m going to kill that other dog”, the dog thinks “OHHHHH, I CAN DO THAT”.
It totally changes his emotions and allows him to do something positive.
And, it gives you a chance to change directions (if needed) and diffuse the situation!
A dog with aggression issues should have the best obedience possible, because you both need it in times of stress.
Yes, I think all dogs should go through dog obedience.
But aggressive dogs should have impeccable obedience.
These skills will also help you to feel more secure in stressful situations.
For example, I have a dog that isn’t fond of people or other dogs, but his obedience is ON POINT.
If I see either a dog or another person that may get too close, I ask him to go into heel position and give me eye contact as we pass.
Ironically, now, even if he sees the distraction first (he saw a person running with a double baby stroller once and was a little freaked out), he goes into heel position on his own and gives me focus.
You see, the focus allows him to accomplish something that calms him. He can look away from whatever is causing him stress and allow me to take over.
It is actually relaxing to him for me to be in charge and allow him to let go of situations, knowing I will confidently protect him.
This allows him to be more confident in his environment. He will never be expected to do battle alone. He has ME!
1. Genetics
Genetics are often the #1 cause of aggression.
You know that old “it’s how you raise them” spiel? It actually, really, isn’t true!
Remember that 4 week old puppy?
Genetics play a HUGE role in behavior!!!
Whereas “nurture” and socialization and training are crucial components and even more crucial at controlling aggression, genetics plays the largest role.
I know… you are angry right now.
You don’t want to believe that 4 or 6 week old aggressive puppies exist and will likely lead a life of aggression.
You want to blame the human in the video for “tormenting him while he ate”, when actually they were simply trying to depict how serious the puppy was when he stiffened and growled.
They are trying to show us how young a puppy can be and have severe aggression issues.
I mean, he isn’t likely to leave much of a mark at 4 weeks (which is why many people would ignore it) but at 6 months old, this dog will likely be dangerous if he is not worked with appropriately (which I am sure he will be since this video was to educate us and the humans recognize that this is a problem).
You want to be able to blame some human who “didn’t raise him right”.
Truthfully, in a lot of cases you can blame the breeder.
Sure, aggressive puppies can be born to mothers and fathers that are not aggressive, but most likely the aggression is passed down from mom and dad.
And, a female dog that has aggression and/or fear issues will not only pass that genetic information along to the puppies, she will teach her puppies through behavior and imprinting when they are young.
The most important thing when breeding dogs is NOT what they look like.
It isn’t the perfect top line, or the perfect shaped eyes. It isn’t tail carriage or straight hocks.
Friendly dogs tend to breed friendly puppies and aggressive and fearful dogs tend to breed aggressive, fearful puppies!
It is sad.
Because people are under the impression that all young puppies are a clean, empty slate that can and will become everything they want or train them to accomplish.
Those of us who compete in certain venues and sports know that this isn’t true.
We value genetics FIRST and then add the “nurture” and training foundation.
I know, I know, you are still mad.
And, you are doubting all this wordiness!
So here, check out this video of a 6 week old Border Collie herding sheep.
Now, try and tell me that this isn’t “genetics or instincts”, that this is purely training and nurture from the farmer.
I mean, it is ridiculous when you think of it in those terms.
It is clear that this dog was genetically bred and manufactured to herd sheep with precision.
Mom and dad were likely fantastic herders.
Yet, somehow, we think that 4 week old aggressive puppy had some kind of “trauma” that we can fix with just enough love.
That is simply not the case.
I will tell you that through training and the things we talked about earlier in this article, that, for the most part, you can learn to control and teach the dog to control his/her aggression.
It doesn’t even take YEARS of training. It just takes consistency, willingness, and perhaps an hour of work (several sessions broken up during the day) to see a distinct change.
But, the next time you lay judgement at the feet of the owner of an aggressive dog, who is legitimately trying to work with the dog and give it a better quality of life through obedience and determination, please remember this adorable little Border Collie puppy and remember that a lot of personality and instincts are also related to genetics.
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